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Group Members :

1. Wiwid Nuradhiani (165110501111043

2. Eva Nurul Cahyani (165110501111035)
3. M Aditya Kusuma D (165110507111030)

The Importance of Education

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet” quoted by Aristotle. By this quotation we can conclude that the result of education

is so wonderful. Talking about education, education in definition by Merriam-Webster is the knowledge and development resulting from an

educational process, so education is lead someone to get a knowledge. Then in this globalization era, we need education to certify or to prove that

we are able in some cases like a certificate to get a job. In Indonesia which is a development country, education is much more important to build

a noble future. While others people believe to get an education is expensive and it is not beneficial for career that practice is more important than

theory. But education is the one and only best way to get a better future. From education our mind can set with the knowledge and it can lead us

to get a better life. So education should be encouraged especially for a development country like Indonesia.

In Indonesia, education is the most important thing that people must have because it makes people have more

knowledge and also maybe have wide connection with other people. It means, when we get an education in

elementary school until high school so we will meet many people in our class or in our school. Although education

is important, some people have reason that they think education is not important. They usually disagree because

education is expensive. They said like that, because in Indonesia itself, education must spend 12 years from

elementary school until high school. The parents also said that rather than spending a lot of money on education,

preferring to buy something useful. Another reason why education is not important is take more theory than practice.

In parent’s opinion, practice is more important than theory because when one person have one skill or more, it can

make he or she easier to find a job. The parents also said theory usually disturb people to improve their skill. For

example one person mastered one theory but he or she is very slow to practice it because he or she has to find the

theory first to provide it. Although some people disagree about that, but many people agree with some reasons.

The first reason is many people decide to focus on work than to go to school because they think that school has no effect on career.

However, Albert Einstein said, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know". That statement can serve as inspiration to people

who want to get more out of their careers and life. There is little argument that a college degree is critical to getting ahead when you are beginning

your career. Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to have a higher lifetime earnings, and the courses you take can have an

impact on your Marketability in the eyes of future employers.

The second reason is when it comes to education, money is still the limiting factor for

most people in Indonesia. The data from statistics Indonesia (March, 2013) stated that 28,07

millions people are still live below the poverty live. However this economic issue can’t be an

excuse to not get education. Undang-Undang no. 20 in 2003 about national education system

explain that regulation of obligatory study from 9 years had changed become 12 years. So

education in Indonesia is guaranteed by the government from Elementary School until Senior

High School. It also gives the fund to pay the education (BOS) which stated in UUD 1945 pasal

31 ayat 2 that every citizen of Indonesia must to get a basic education and the government had

to pay for it. So economic issue is not a problem to get education, education is not expensive.

We should not worry about the cost of education because government convince to help us.
In conclusion, education is the most important thing for us because education can build up our noble future. Education also can increase

our knowledge. In our opinion, education is the one and only best way to get a better future and also maybe a better life. With us as educated

people, we certainly filter our friends because friends is one of factor that can also determine our future. Reach for high education, it will help you

at a later time.


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