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(Verbal active)
(+) I shall read a book
Present Future
S + shall/will +V1 (-) I shall not read a book
Tense (?) Shall I read a book?
(+) They will be singing today
Present Future S + shall/will be
(-) They will not be singing today
Continuous +V-ing
(?) Will They be singing today?
(+) You will have sat in front of me
Present Future S + shall/will +
(-) You will not have sat in front of me
Perfect have +V3
(?)Will you have sat in front of me?
Present Future S + shall/will (+) She will have been visiting us
Perfect have + been + V- (-) She will not have been visiting us
Continuous ing (?) Will she have been visiting us?
(Verbal passive)
(+) The TV will be watched by her
Present Future S + shall/will be
(-) The TV will not be watched by her
Tense +V3 (?) will the TV be watched by her?
(+) The dishes will be being washed by Cilla
Present Future S + shall/will be
(-) The dishes will not be being washed by Cilla
Continuous + being + V3 (?) Will the dishes be being washed by Cilla?
(+) Many books will have been brought by him
Present Future S + shall/will +
(-) Many books will not have been brought by him
Perfect have been + V3 (?) Will many books have been brought by him?
(+) This lecture will have been being studied by
S + shall/will + them
Present Future
(-) This lecture will not have been being studied by
Perfect have been being
Continuous + V3 (?) Will this lecture have been being studied by
(non verbal)
(+) I will be in Tokyo
Present Future S + shall/will be
(-) I will not be in Tokyo
Tense +M
(?) Will I be in Tokyo?
(+) She will be being a doctor
Present Future S + shall/will be
(-) She will be being a doctor
Continuous + being + M
(?) Will she be being a doctor?
(+) They will have been exam
Present Future S + shall/will +
(-) They will have been exam
Perfect have been + M
(?) Will they have been exam ?
Present Future S + shall/will + (+) I will have been a prosecutor
Perfect have been + (-) I will have been a prosecutor
Continuous being + M (?) Will I have been a prosecutor?
Nama : Nia Oktafiana
NIM : P17120016069

(1) It is April and I'm 1. present tense non
1) Ini adalah April dan aku
going on a trip next verbal, present akan melakukan perjalanan
summer. continous verbal musim panas mendatang
(2) I want to have a great active
holiday with my friends and 2. present tense 2) Saya ingin memiliki liburan
boyfriend, so I need prepare verbal active, yang menyenangkan
a perfect plan. present tense dengan teman-teman dan
(3)We are going to go to Bali verbal active pacar saya, jadi saya perlu
island for three days by 3. present tense non menyiapkan rencana yang
motorbike and boat. verbal sempurna
(4)Our trip will start from 4. present future 3) Kami akan pergi ke pulau
Surabaya to verbal active Bali selama tiga hari
Ketapang, about 250 5. present future dengan sepeda motor dan
kilometer by motobike, and verbal active, perahu
from Ketapang to present future
Bali island by boat. verbal active 4) Perjalanan kami akan
(5)After, we will reserve 6. present future dimulai dari Surabaya ke
a room in a hotel and have verbal active Ketapang, sekitar 250
lunch in a restaurant 7. present future kilometer dengan sepeda
near the hotel with verbal active, motor, dan dari Ketapang
seafoods, such as shrimp, present future ke pulau Bali dengan
bib and so on. verbal active perahu.
(6)After lunch, we'll walk 8. present future 5) Setelah itu, kami akan
around places near there. verbal active, memesan kamar di hotel
(7)On the second days, we'll present future dan makan siang di sebuah
go watch the sunrise in the verbal active restoran dekat hotel dengan
morning after 9. present future seafoods, seperti udang, bib
hiring a motorbike on the verbal active, dan lain sebagainya.
island to visit natural places present tense
there, especially the verbal active, 6) Setelah makan siang, kita
lighthouse. present tense non akan berjalan di sekitar
(8)Next, we'll take a bath, verbal tempat di dekat sana
sunbathe, and look at sunset 10. present future 7) Pada hari kedua, kami akan
together. verbal active, pergi melihat matahari
(9)On the third days, we'll go present tense terbit di pagi hari setelah
to market in the morning to verbal active menyewa sepeda motor di
buy things, that are only pulau untuk mengunjungi
available here. tempat-tempat alami di
(10) Finally, we'll sana, terutama mercusuar
prepare our luggage to
return to Surabaya. 8) Selanjutnya, kita akan
mandi, berjemur, dan
melihat sunset bersama-
9) Pada hari ketiga, kami akan
pergi ke pasar di pagi hari
untuk membeli hal-hal,
yang hanya tersedia di sini.
10) Akhirnya, kami akan
mempersiapkan barang-
barang kami untuk kembali
ke Surabaya.

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