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Pulmonary edema in infants and children

Hugh O’Brodovich

Purpose of review Introduction

To provide an overview of the pathogenesis of pulmonary Much study has occurred over many decades on the path-
edema and describe recent discoveries related to the ogenic mechanisms producing pulmonary edema. In con-
clearance of airspace fluid and potential new therapies for trast, only recently has it been recognized that it is equally
this life-threatening disorder. important to determine the mechanisms responsible for
Recent findings the clearance of alveolar pulmonary edema. If the lungs
It is clinically important to determine the mechanisms cannot clear the airspace fluid there will be an unaccept-
responsible for the clearance of fluid from the airspaces. At ably low oxygen level in the blood, pulmonary vascular re-
birth inadequate clearance of fetal lung liquid is one of the sistance will remain elevated, and there will continue to
two mechanisms leading to respiratory distress syndrome be an increased work of breathing. This airspace fluid
in the premature infant. Adults with heart failure or adult clearance is important to the patient as it has been shown
respiratory distress syndrome survive when they had active that adults with congestive heart failure (CHF) or acute
absorption of airspace fluid, yet have greater morbidity respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) survive when they
or die when they show no evidence of active fluid have active absorption of airspace fluid, yet die when they
clearance. Humans who are susceptible to high-altitude show no evidence of active fluid clearance. If we can find
pulmonary edema have less ability to actively transport discover an approach that would reliably and safely aug-
fluid across their respiratory epithelium. ment the rate of fluid clearance from the lung’s airspaces,
Summary we could have a significant impact on the many lung dis-
New approaches to increase the active clearance of eases that are characterized by increased lung water
fluid from the airspaces, combined with further content.
improvements in the intensive care and monitoring of
patients with serious illnesses, will lead to improved care
Anatomic considerations
for patients with lung diseases characterized by
In contrast to the systemic circulation, where the vast ma-
increased lung water content.
jority of fluid moves out of the circulation within the capil-
laries, fluid exchange occurs across the lung’s pulmonary
arterioles, capillaries, and venules. Under normal condi-
pulmonary edema, epithelial active Na+ transport,
tions fluid leaves these microvessels, enters the intersti-
high-altitude pulmonary edema, respiratory distress
tial space, and then is cleared by the lymphatics. In
syndrome, acute respiratory distress syndrome
a significant portion of the alveolus, the basement mem-
branes of the capillary endothelium and the alveolar epi-
—384. ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Curr Opin Pediatr 17:381—
thelium are fused together with no additional space
Department of Paediatrics and Lung Biology Programme at The Hospital for Sick between them; this helps preserve gas exchange even
Children and the Departments of Paediatrics and Physiology at the University of when there is increased movement of fluid out of the lung
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
microvasculature with resultant interstitial pulmonary
Correspondence to Hugh O’Brodovich, MD, FRCP(C), Hospital for Sick Children, edema. Only when the alveoli themselves are filled with
555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G-1X8 fluid is there a significant impairment of oxygen uptake
Tel: 416 813 6122; fax: 416 813 7479; e-mail:
and carbon dioxide excretion.
Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2005, 17:381—
The alveolar epithelial membrane contains much tighter
intercellular junctions than does the capillary endothelial
AFC alveolar fluid clearance
ALI acute lung injury
membrane; their effective molecular radii are approxi-
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome mately 4 and 40 Å, respectively. This is a very important
CHF congestive heart failure
V/Q ventilation to perfusion ratio
difference as it results in small ions being osmotically ac-
tive across the epithelial, but not endothelial, membrane
ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
whereas only the very much larger proteins are osmotically
1040-8703 active across the endothelial membranes. Thus total os-
motic pressure is important when discussing transepithe-
lial fluid movement but it is only the protein-derived
osmotic pressure, or oncotic pressure, that acts across
the endothelium.
382 Pulmonology

The lung has two main compartments that can accommo- Table 1. Mechanisms of pulmonary edema
date excess fluid. The adult lung can hold a few hundred Increased
milliliters in its interstitial compartment whereas the al- transvascular Increased
veolar space can accommodate several liters of fluid. This ana- pressure permeability
tomic difference, in part, explains why interstitial edema Cardiogenic pulmonary edema ++++
may resolve quickly whereas alveolar edema takes signif- Reexpansion pulmonary edema ++++ ++
Neonatal respiratory
icantly longer periods. distress syndrome ++ ++++
Neurogenic pulmonary edema ++++ ++++
Juxtacapillary receptors are distributed throughout the High-altitude pulmonary ++++ ++
lung’s interstitium and are stimulated by the presence of Acute lung injury/acute
edema. They induce an increase in respiratory rate and respiratory distress
their continued activation is responsible, in large part, for syndrome ++++
the continued tachypneoa seen in pulmonary edema even
though hypoxaemia has been corrected through the use of
supplemental oxygen and positive airway pressure.
patients have CHF-induced or ARDS-induced pulmonary
Pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to edema [2,3]. Alveolar fluid clearance (AFC) arises from
pulmonary edema the lung’s distal lung epithelia actively transporting
Lung edema, defined as an increase in lung water content, Na+ with Clÿ and water following. Humans [4] have
occurs when the rate of fluid movement out of the lung’s AFC rates of ;25%/h [2]. To transport Na+ with Clÿ
microvasculature exceeds the capacity of the lymphatics and water following, cells must have Na+ permeant ion
to clear the fluid from the lung’s interstitium. channels on the apical membrane, Na+/K+ ATPase in
the basolateral membrane, and intercellular tight junc-
Although many diseases cause pulmonary edema, they do tions. Under normal conditions, the activity of Na+ per-
so by only one of two processes, or a combination of these meant ion channels on the apical membrane represents
two processes. Most frequently there is an increase in fluid the rate-limiting step in lung epithelial Na+ transport.
movement out of the microvasculature from an increase in However, under some circumstances when active Na+
transvascular pressure gradients. Two examples are CHF, transport is increased there is also a commensurate in-
in which there is an abnormally high intravascular pressure crease in Na+/K+ ATPase activity [5,6].
with fluid being squeezed out of the vessels, and reexpan-
sion pulmonary edema, in which markedly negative inter- Inadequate or abnormal active Na+ transport by the respi-
stitial pressures ‘suck’ the fluid out of the blood vessels. ratory epithelium has been shown to play a pathogenic role
The second process, which occurs much less frequently, in the initiation of two lung disorders characterized by
involves the lung’s blood vessels becoming abnormally airspace edema.
leaky, i.e., a high permeability to water and solutes, and
intravascular fluid easily permeates into the lung’s inter- The lungs of the newborn are filled with a protein-poor
stitium and airspaces. The clinical correlate is the acute fluid that had been actively secreted into the developing
lung injury (ALI) – ‘adult’ respiratory distress syndrome lungs’ airspaces, part of the essential processes involved
(ARDS) – that can occur at any age. in normal fetal lung development. Although this fluid is
not, strictly speaking, pulmonary edema, this airspace fluid
There are many different disorders associated with pul- must be cleared by the epithelia’s active transepithelial
monary edema, only some of which are listed in Table 1. Na+ transport. As discussed elsewhere [7•], infants who
Some are predominately, if not exclusively, due to one of are born prematurely frequently have immature epithelial
the above processes (indicated in Table 1 by ++++) Na+ transport, and the resultant impairment of the clear-
whereas others are associated with a contribution from ance of this fetal lung liquid, combined with immaturity of
the other process (indicated in Table 1 by ++) that can the surfactant system, are the two factors that initiate the
lead to edema formation. The underlying mechanisms are neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
discussed in greater detail elsewhere [1].
High-altitude pulmonary edema is initiated by an exces-
Clearance mechanisms for sive increase in pulmonary microvasculature pressure, al-
pulmonary edema though it is debated whether there is an unequal
It is important to study mechanisms involved in airspace pulmonary vasoconstriction with resultant overperfusion
fluid clearance in patients with pulmonary edema. Indeed, of remaining lung microvessels or an abnormal vasocon-
the lung’s ability to clear this pulmonary edema correlates striction of the pulmonary venules. This initial noninflam-
with patient survival and clinical parameters, such as matory leakage of fluid across the alveolar–capillary
length of ventilation and O2 requirements, whether the membrane is followed by a secondary inflammatory
Pulmonary edema O’Brodovich 383

reaction promoting an increase in permeability. Recently, in the patient’s status is usually seen within a few minutes
it has been observed that human respiratory epithelial of administering the diuretic and hence prior to the diure-
Na+ transport decreases in response to the decreased sis. Adding to this argument is the fact that furosemide is
PO2 at high altitude [8,9]. In addition it has been shown helpful even in anuric patients.
that salmeterol, which both alters vascular tone and
increases Na+ transport, diminishes the frequency of In high-permeability pulmonary edema, our goal is to re-
high-altitude pulmonary edema [10]. Taken together store the permeability of the alveolar – capillary mem-
these observations provide the rationale for the hypothesis brane to normal levels. Regrettably, there is no proven
that abnormal or defective lung epithelial Na+ transport way to modulate alveolar – capillary membrane permeabil-
may be involved in the pathogenesis of high-altitude ity, although low-dose corticosteroids [11] or activated
pulmonary edema. protein C in the subset of ARDS patients with sepsis
[12] have been beneficial to some degree in altering
Therapy for pulmonary edema the course of the overall disease.
Therapeutic strategies for pulmonary edema can be sim-
plified to four core principles, regardless of the disease Minimization of treated-related lung damage
that is responsible for the increased lung water content. The third step is to prevent or minimize treatment-related
damage to the lung, whether this occurs through the in-
Reversal of hypoxaemia halation of excessively high concentrations of oxygen or
The first step is to reverse the hypoxaemia. If the pul- the suboptimal use of mechanical ventilation and overdis-
monary edema is mild and predominately interstitial in tension of the lung, which induces damage to the lung’s
nature, then increasing the FIO2 will be effective in cor- epithelium and endothelium. Attention to treatment of
recting the low ventilation to perfusion (V/Q) ratios the underlying condition combined with excellent sup-
(0 < V/Q < 1) arising from airway dysfunction secondary portive care using lung-protective ventilatory strategies
to excess fluid within the bronchovascular sheaths and re- to minimize treatment-related lung damage have contrib-
flex vagal stimulation. Most patients in acute pulmonary uted to successful clinical outcomes [13].
edema, however, have significant airspace pulmonary ede-
ma and the hypoxaemia occurs secondary to shunt, which Augment the rate of clearance of airspace fluid
by definition is V/Q = 0. In this case one must increase The lung’s ability to actively clear this pulmonary edema
transpulmonary pressures to hold the lung at a higher vol- correlates with patient survival and clinical parameters,
ume and recruit lung units and thus decrease the amount such as length of ventilation and O2 requirements, whether
of shunt. the patient has CHF-induced or ARDS-induced pulmo-
nary edema [2,3]. Only 75% of patients with CHF have
Reduction of the rate of fluid filtration demonstrable AFC and only ;40% achieve maximal
The second step is to reduce the rate of fluid filtration in- AFC rates [2]. It is more severe for patients with ARDS,
to the lung. Treating the disorder that is responsible for as fewer than 15% of these patients achieve maximal AFC
the pulmonary edema is the first priority. In CHF, for ex- rates [3]. AFC is impaired more often in men and during
ample, we would improve cardiac contractility; reduce sepsis [3]. It is unknown why some patients cannot clear
preload; relieve anxiety (e.g., morphine), which will re- edema fluid nor how to increase the AFC in a patient.
duce both preload and afterload; decrease plasma volumes Although animal studies show that exogenous catechol-
and left atrial pressure and increase plasma colloid osmotic amines augment AFC [5,14], patient studies have not
pressures (e.g., administration of diuretics); decrease sys- shown a correlation between the levels of circulating cat-
temic or pulmonary vascular pressures or both using vaso- echolamines and AFC [2,3]. Other agents (e.g., growth
dilators; and reduce excessive salt and water intake. Such factors, cytokines, and steroids) increase AFC in the nor-
measures are helpful in reducing the microvascular pres- mal lung [5] but their effect on AFC in patients is un-
sures in the lung regardless of whether the cause of the known. To the best of my knowledge there are no
edema is haemodynamic or altered vascular permeability. therapeutic agents that have been proven in clinical trials
to enhance the AFC in patients with pulmonary edema.
Diuretics, such as furosemide, are beneficial in pulmonary
edema because of their vascular effect of increasing sys- Conclusion
temic venous capacitance and not because of the induced Our laboratory has recently discovered [6] that pulmonary
diuresis. Since the lung represents only 1% of the total edema fluid induces Na+ and fluid absorption by distal
body weight, even a 3-L diuresis would only remove lung epithelium. The effect of the edema fluid is both
30 mL from the lungs, with the remaining fluid coming time dependent and dose dependent and the causative
from the remainder of the body. This 30 mL is trivial com- factors within the edema fluid are either proteins or re-
pared with the liters of fluid present in the airspaces of quire intact proteins to exert their effect. As a result of
adult patients with florid alveolar edema. Improvement the past several years of work involving a whole animal,
384 Pulmonology

cellular, molecular, and genetic approach we have now 5 Matthay MA, Folkesson HG, Clerici C. Lung epithelial fluid transport and the
resolution of pulmonary edema. Physiol Rev 2002; 82:569— —600.
discovered a protein complex that is responsible, at least
6 Rafii B, Gillie DJ, Sulowski C, et al. Pulmonary oedema fluid induces non-a-
in part, for this effect. This work, now submitted for pub- ENaC-dependent Na+ transport and fluid absorption in the distal lung. J Phys-
lication, offers the possibility of a new therapy for pulmo- iol 2002; 544:537— —548.
nary edema and other disorders with fluid-filled airspaces 7 O’Brodovich H. Deficient Na + channel expression in newborn respira-
• tory distress syndrome. Pediatr Pulmonol 2004; 26(supplement):141— —
such as the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. If the 142.
effect can be blocked, this finding has implications for This paper provides a review of the evidence indicating that immature (inadequate)
alveolar epithelial Na+ transport is one of the two factors, the other being relative
other diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and systemic hyper- surfactant deficiency, that causes the respiratory distress syndrome in prematurely
tension, which are characterized by abnormally increased born infants.
epithelial Na+ transport. 8 Mason NP, Petersen M, Melot C, et al. Serial changes in nasal potential dif-
ference and lung electrical impedance tomography at high altitude. J Appl
Physiol 2003; 94:2043— —2050.

References and recommended reading 9 Mairbaurl H, Schwobel F, Hoschele S, et al. Altered ion transporter ex-
pression in bronchial epithelium in mountaineers with high-altitude pulmonary
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
edema. J Appl Physiol 2003; 95:1843— —1850.
been highlighted as:
• of special interest 10 Sartori C, Allemann Y, Duplain H, et al. Salmeterol for the prevention of high-
•• of outstanding interest altitude pulmonary edema. N Engl J Med 2002; 346:1631— —1636.
11 Annane D, Sebille V, Charpentier C, et al. Effect of treatment with low doses
1 O’Brodovich H. Pulmonary edema. Chapter 49. In: Chernick V, Boat TJ, Wil- of hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone on mortality in patients with septic
mott R and Bush A, editors. Kendig’s disorders of the respiratory tract in chil- shock. JAMA 2002; 288:862— —871.
dren, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science; in press.
12 Bernard GR, Vincent JL, Laterre PF, et al. Efficacy and safety of recombinant
2 Verghese GM, Ware LB, Matthay BA, Matthay MA. Alveolar epithelial fluid human activated protein C for severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 2001; 344:
transport and the resolution of clinically severe hydrostatic pulmonary edema. 699—
J Appl Physiol 1999; 87:1301— —1312.
13 The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network. Ventilation with lower
3 Ware LB, Matthay MA. Alveolar fluid clearance is impaired in the majority of tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury
patients with acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163:1383. 1301— —1308.
4 Matthay MA, Wiener-Kronish JP. Intact epithelial barrier function is critical for 14 Campbell AR, Folkesson HG, Berthiaume Y, et al. Alveolar epithelial fluid
the resolution of alveolar edema in man. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990; 142: clearance persists in the presence of moderate left atrial hypertension in
1250——1257. sheep. J Appl Physiol 1999; 86:139——151.

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