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Summary Operations Management 2010 Edition, Heizer, J. &

Render lectures

Operations Management (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

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Operations Management

Chapter A
Operations and Productivity
Operations management – definition and history
Operations management (often referred to as just “operations”)is the set of activities that
relate to the creation of goods and services through the transformation of inputs to
outputs. Although this process is not always obvious, like in many service industries, it
takes place in all organizations.

10 areas of operations management

Operations management process has a standard management process as its base, which is
planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling in order to achieve objectives.
Particularly, operations managers deal with
- design of goods and services
- managing quality
- process strategy
- location strategy
- layout strategy
- human resources
- supply-chain management
- inventory management
- scheduling
- maintenance

Main functions within organization

For any organization three functions are necessary:
1. Marketing – generates and controls demand
2. Production/Operations – produces the good or delivering service
3. Finance/Accounting – tracks the performance and, pays and collects money

New developments in operations management

As a result of different influences, such as globalization and development of electronic
communications, new directions are being taken in operations management:
- global focus
- just-in-time performance
- supply-chain partnering
- rapid product development
- mass customization
- employee empowering

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Production and productivity: definitions

Production is the total of goods and services produced. High production does not
necessarily mean high productivity.
Productivity is the ratio of outputs to one or more inputs.
Improving productivity means improving efficiency; two ways are either reduce inputs
with outputs held constant, or increase output with inputs held constant. Standard of
living can only be advanced through improvement in productivity.

Production and productivity: measuring

Productivity = Units produced / Input used

Single-factor productivity = Units produced / Labor-hours used

Multifactor productivity = Output / (Labor+Material+Energy+Capital+Other)

In order to make calculations for multifactor (or total factor) productivity easier, the
individual inputs are expressed in dollars.

There are three main problems with measuring productivity:

1. Quality changes even if amounts of inputs and outputs remain constant.
2. External elements influence productivity in an incontrollable way.
3. Precision of units of measurement can be insufficient.

Productivity variables
Productivity increases depend on three variables
1. Labor gives about 10% of annual increase in productivity. It has key points for
improving labor productivity are:
a. Basic education appropriate for an effective work force
b. Health of the labor force
c. Social factors making labor available (such as transport and sanitation)
d. Maintaining and enhancing the skills of workforce
e. More effective allocation of jobs and stronger commitment

2. Capital – provides tools for work. The cost of capital, as well as trade-off between
capital and labor are important issues.
3. Management – ensures the effective use of technology, education and knowledge in
order to increase productivity. Monitor the effective utilization of capital as opposed
to increase in investment of additional capital.

Chapter C
Operations in a Global Environment
Reasons why a domestic company would decide to get involved in any form of
international operation are numerous. The most important of them are mentioned below
in an order from tangible to intangible.

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1. Reduce costs
Can be achieved by means of
- lower wages in foreign countries
- less strict government regulations
- trade agreements cut the cost of taxes and tariffs
- Examples:
- NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement) – Canada, Mexico and the US.
- APEC – the Pacific rim countries
- SEATO – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, New Guinea,
and Chile
- MERCOSUR – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
- other organizations assisting free trade
- maquiladoras ( free trade zones) located along US-Mexican border;
- WTO (World Trade Organization) - international organization helping to promote
world trade by lowering barriers to the free flow of goods across the borders
- shifting low-skilled jobs to other countries
▪ reducing costs
▪ freeing higher cost workers for more valuable tasks
▪ reducing wage costs allows to invest savings in improved products and
facilities at home location

2. Improve the supply chain

Choosing location of facilities in countries where unique resources (expertise, labor, raw
material) are available.

3. Provide better goods and services

Customizing products and services to meet unique cultural needs in foreign markets.
Being at a foreign location, meaning near to the customer, improves firm’s
responsiveness to customers’ needs and service requirements.

4. Attract new markets

Knowledge of foreign markets permits to diversify customer bases and smooth the
business cycle. Another reason to enter foreign markets is to expand product’s life cycle,
because products in their “maturity “ stage in developed countries may represent state-of-
the-art products in less developed countries.

5. Learn to improve operations

Because learning does not take place in isolation, it is important to be open to free flow of

6. Attract and retain global talent

Offering more employment opportunities and providing adequate incentives help
attracting and retaining talented employees.

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Achieving global operations

Four considerations concerning the transition from domestic to global should be taken
into account.

1. Global product design.

Social and cultural differences should be considered when designing products for
overseas markets. Although packaging and marketing can make foreign products seem
domestic, small differences in product itself can be crucial for success.

2. Global process design and technology.

Because the cost of communication has dropped dramatically in recent years, there is a
lot of opportunities for companies to manage a globally scattered operations. Examples
are teleconferencing, e-mail, fax, phone, Internet etc.

3. Global facility location analysis

One of the approaches of determining a country for new factory or service facility is
analyzing critical success factors (CSF’s) with respect to possible country choice. One
procedure for applying CSF’s to the country selection is to use a rating scale with
assigning each country a score on each necessary CSF’s and then summing up the ratings.

4. Impact of culture and ethics

Reconciling differences in social, cultural and ethical differences can prove to be a
difficult managerial task. Issues acceptable in one country may not be in another.
Examples are punctuality, long lunch hours, bribing etc.

Global service operations

Globalization is as important for services as for manufacturing.
International service provider – a firm that transforms resources into a service-creating
utility for its global customers ( examples: Arthur Andersen, IBM, Air France).
Procedures for setting up global service operations typically consist of four steps:
1. Find out if sufficient people or facilities are present to maintain the service.
2. Choose foreign markets that are open, that is not protected by foreign legislation.
3. Determine services most needed and demanded by foreign customers.
4. Decide the ways to reach global customers.

A different prospective might have to be taken in case of (partly) moving operations
- Capacity planning can be challenging if a new and unique service is introduced in a
foreign country.
- Location planning. Local issues such as attitude to commuting and housing may
influence location decisions.

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- Facility design and layout is frequently devised carefully in order to look domestic
or blend with a local culture.
- Scheduling operations must meet customers’ needs ( for example, flying times of
planes so that people still have a part of working day free for working).

Global operations strategies

International firm – a firm that engages in cross-border transactions.
Multinational corporation – a firm that has extensive involvement in international
business, owning or controlling facilities in more than one country.
Both above mentioned types of firms use one four strategies to approach global markets:

1. International strategy penetrates global markets using exporting and licensing.

- little change in existing operations
- leaving much of the risk to licensees
- little cost reduction
- low local responsiveness

2. Multidomestic strategy has decentralized operating decisions in each country to

enhance local responsiveness. For that they use existing domestic model globally or
create franchises, joint ventures and subsidiaries.
- maximizing local responsiveness
- little cost advantage

3. Global strategy centralize operating decisions and headquarters coordinate the

standardization and learning between facilities, thus generating economies of scale.
- cost reduction
- similar processes
- maximizing leaning between plants
- low local responsiveness
4. Transnational strategy exploits economies of scale as well as responsiveness by
recognizing that core competence can reside anywhere in the organization.
- potential to pursue all three operations strategies
- enhances learning

The examples of the companies using those strategies can be found in a chart below.


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Global Strategy
Transnational strategy
(Texas Instruments,
( Coca-Cola, Nestle)
Caterpillar, Otis Elevator)
Cost Reduction

International strategy Multidomestic strategy

( U.S. Steel, Harley (Heinz, McDonald's, The
Davidson) Body Shop)

Low Low High

Local Responsiveness

Chapter D
Learning curves
Learning curves - the premise that people and organizations get better at their tasks as
the tasks are repeated; also called experience curves.

Major learning curve properties

- A learning curve graph shows labor-hours versus the number of units produced.

- The time needed to produce a unit decreases as the number of units increases, thus
following a negative exponential curve.

- The time savings in completing each subsequent unit decreases.

- It is based on doubling of productivity. For example, for a learning curve with an 80%
rate, the second unit takes 80% of the time of the first unit, the fourth unit takes 80%
of the time of the second unit etc.

- The formula is
T*Ln = time required for the nth unit,
Where T= unit cost or unit time of the first unit
L = learning curve rate
n = number of times T is doubled.
- Traditionally, learning curves are defined in terms of the complements of their
improvement rates; for example, a 70% learning curve implies a 30% decrease in
time each time the number of unit produced is doubled, this is 30% rate of

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Areas of application
Learning curves are applied in both services and industry, specifically for:
- Internal labor forecasting, scheduling, establishing costs and budgets
- External purchasing and subcontracting
- Strategic evaluation of company and industry performance, including costs and

Failure to consider the effects of learning can lead to overestimating labor needs and
underestimating of material needs.

Approaches for calculating the learning curve

In order to figure out the time it takes to produce certain unit, mathematical relationships
are used. There are three approaches.

1. Arithmetic approach
Knowing the time it takes to produce first unit ( for example, 100 hours) and a rate of a
learning curve (e.g. 80%), we calculate each subsequent doubled element. The shortage
of this approach is that we can only calculate doubled values.

Hours for Nth unit

Nth unit produced
1 100
2 80.0 = ( 0.8 x 100)
4 64.0 = (0.8 x 80)

2. Logarithmic approach
For any unit, TN,
TN = T1 ( Nb),

TN = time for the Nth unit
T1 = hours to produce first unit
b = (log of the learning rate)/(log2) = slope of the learning curve

3.Learning-cure coefficient approach

This technique is simpler than the logarithmic approach. The following equation
characterizes it:

TN = T1C

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TN = number of labor-hours required to produce the Nth unit
T1 = number of labor-hours required to produce the first unit
C = learning curve coefficient found in special tables (Table E.3 in the book), and which
depends on both the learning rate and the unit of Interest.

Normally tables also show cumulative values, which allow us to calculate accumulated
number of hours needed to complete a specified number of units. The only difference in
computation is that we take not the ‘unit time’, but the ‘total time’ from the table into

Strategic considerations using the learning curves

To drive the costs down, the company should create the strategy that would pursue a
curve steeper than the industry average. The ways to do it are:
- To follow an aggressive price strategy
- To focus on continuing cost reduction and productivity improvement.
- To make extensive use of shared experience
- To keep capacity growing ahead of demand
Note that although the costs drop down when the learning curve is pursued, the volume
must increase. Developing the strategy based on the steep learning curves, competition’s
strategy also should be taken into account.

When using learning curves, keep in mind that

- Learning curves differ for different companies, hence develop estimates for particular
organization rather than using industry average or other company’s curve
- Times to complete early units should be measured extremely accurately
- Changes in personnel, design or procedure disrupt learning curve; therefore it is not
continuing and permanent
- Curve may oscillate, but it has the long-run direction
- Culture of the workplace, resource availability and changes in process may alter
learning curves

Chapter E
Inventory management
Low-cost strategy implies good inventory management, which is a balance between
inventory investment and customer service.

Functions of inventory
1. To decouple different parts of production process.

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2. To provide stock of goods necessary for customer satisfaction in terms of selection

and speed.
3. To take advantage of the quantity discounts
4. To hedge against inflation and increasing prices

Types of inventory
Four types of inventory ensure the fulfillment of inventory functions:
Raw material inventory are materials that are purchased but not yet processed.
Work-in-process (WIP) inventory is incomplete products or product components that are
no longer considered raw material but have yet to become finished goods.
Maintenance/repair/operating (MRO) are supplies necessary to keep machinery and
processes productive.
Finished goods inventory is completed product waiting to be shipped.

Inventory management

ABC analysis
ABC analysis is a method for dividing on-hand inventory into three classifications based
on annual dollar volume. The concept allow the firm to concentrate on the few critical
inventory parts and instead of many less important ones.
Annual dollar volume = annual demand * cost per unit.
Normally, inventory items are classified as follows:
Class Percentage of total inventory Percentage of annual dollar volume
A 15% 70-80%
B 30% 15-25%
C 55% 5%

However, other factors than annual dollar volume ( e.g. expected engineering changes,
delivery problems, quality problems, high unit cost) can determine classification and lead
to up- or downgrading the item.

Policies based on ABC analysis may include:

1. Allocating higher purchasing resources on A rather than C items
2. Tighter physical control and more accurate records for A items
3. More careful forecasts for A items

Record accuracy
If inventory is not accurately recorded, there is no point in good inventory policies. To
ensure record accuracy:
1. Both incoming and outgoing records should be adequate
2. Ensure stockroom security
3. Limited access to stockroom
4. Accurate labeling in the storage space

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Cycle counting
To record inventory accurately, records must be checked through continuing inventory
audit. Cycle counting is a continuing reconciliation of inventory with inventory records.
On the basis of ABC analysis, firm creates a cycle counting policy for each inventory
class (e.g., 20 days for A, 60 days for B etc. ), and determines number of items counted
per day by dividing the quantity of the class items by the amount of days in cycle
counting policy.

Advantages of cycle counting:

1. Elimination of interruption of production for annual physical inventories
2. Elimination of annual adjustments of inventory
3. Accuracy of inventory ensured through trained personnel
4. Possibility of finding and tracing cause of errors
5. Accuracy of records

Control of service inventories

In some services, for instance food-service, wholesale and retail operations, inventory
management is crucial. Shrinkage – retail inventory that is unaccounted between receipt
and sale, and pilferage ( a small amount of inventory theft) occur quite often. To avoid it,
possible options are:
- Good personnel policies ( selection, training, discipline)
- Strict control of incoming shipments (often done through bar codes, when each item
has its own SKU , “stock keeping unit”)
- Effective control of outgoing inventory ( bar codes, magnetic stripes, direct
observation, one-way mirrors, video surveillance)

Issues in inventory models

Inventory control models make an assumption that a demand for a good is either
independent or dependent on the demand for other goods. Inventory management
concepts below are developed for goods with independent demand.

Lead time – time between placement and receipt of order

Different costs are associated with carrying inventory.

Holding cost – the cost to keep or carry inventory in stock. Include related costs as
obsolescence, insurance, extra staffing, interest payments. failure to include these related
costs often leads to underestimation of holding costs.

Ordering cost – the cost of ordering process. Includes cost of supplies, order processing,
clerical support etc.


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Setup cost – the cost to prepare machine or process for production. In many cases setup
cost is heavily dependent on setup time, which is the time required to prepare a machine
or process for production.

Inventory models for independent demand

Inventory models deal with two crucial questions – when to order and how much to

1.Basic economic order quantity (EOQ) model

It is one of the oldest and most known inventory models.
- demand is known, constant and independent
- lead time is known and constant
- inventory is received instantaneously and completely
- quantity discounts are not possible
- variable costs are setup/ordering cost and holding cost
- stockouts can be completely avoided if orders are placed at the right time

The objective is to minimize costs. Thus, having the cost of inventory constant,
minimizing setup/ordering and holding costs would minimize total cost. As quantity
ordered increases, setup/ordering cost decreases, and holding cost increases. Note that
reduction in either holding or setup cost reduces the total cost, thus reducing the optimal
order quantity (lot size). Smaller lot sizes also positively influence quality and production

The optimal quantity Q* minimizes total cost. In the EOQ model, Q* occurs when total
setup costs equal total holding cost.

Q – number of pieces per order

Q* - optimal number of pieces per order in EOQ
D – annual demand in units for the inventory item
d - demand per day
S – setup or ordering cost for each order
H – holding cost per unit per year
T – expected time between orders
N – expected number of orders
P – price of material purchased
L – lead time

Q* = 2 DS / H

N = D/Q*

T = Number of working days per year/N


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Total annual cost = setup cost + holding cost =

TC = DS/Q + QH/2

Total annual cost including cost of material purchased would be

TC = DS/Q + QH/2+PD

EOQ model is considered to be robust, which is giving satisfactory results even with
substantial variation in its parameters. It is very convenient because demand and cost
forecasts are never perfectly accurate.

Although the EOQ model is based on the assumption that firm reorders when inventory
level for an items becomes zero and receives the order instantaneously, this is not the
case in practice. Due to the presence of a lead time, we must calculate the reorder point (
ROP) – amount of inventory reached when the reorder should be placed.

ROP = d*L

This equation is valid under the assumption that demand during lead time and lead time
itself are constant. In case it is not, a safety stock ( extra stock to allow for unexpected
demand) should be added into calculation.

2. Production order quantity model

Production order quantity model does not assume instantaneous receipt and is used in two
cases: (1) when inventory continuously builds up after an order has been placed; (2) when
units are produced and sold at the same time. This is especially suitable for production
The difference from the EOQ model is that the equation for holding costs.

Q - number of units per order

H – holding costs per unit per year
p – daily production rate
d – daily demand rate
t – length of the production run in days

Setup cost = (D/Q)/S

Holding cost = ½ HQ [1-(d/p)]

2 DS
Qp* = ,
H [1 − (d / p )]
where Qp* is the optimum order or production quantity when inventory is consumed at
the same time it is produced.

When we have annual data, the formula for Qp* is


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2 DS
Qp*= ,
H (1 −
where da is annual demand rate;pa is annual production rate

3. Quantity discount models

This model assumes a quantity discount – a reduced price for an item purchased in large
quantities. With an objective to minimize total cost, we should keep in mind that when
discount quantity rises, the product cost goes down but holding cost increases. Normally,
firms have discount schedules which gives higher discounts for larger orders.

The algorithm of determining optimal quantity is:

1.For each discount find out Qp* as
2 DS

Note that holding cost (I) is expressed of unit price (P) instead of a constant holding cost

2. For any discount, if the order quantity is too low to qualify for the discount, adjust the
order quantity upward to the lowest quantity that will be possible for discount ( this
adjustments has to do with the total cost curves).
3. Compute the total cost for every Q* found in steps 1 and 2.
TC = DS/Q + QH/2 + PD

4. Select the Q* with the lowest total cost.

Probabilistic models with constant lead time

Probabilistic model is a statistical model used when product demand or any other
variable is only specified by a probability distribution.

Uncertain demand makes management put standards on service level. Service level is the
complement of the probability of the stockout. To reduce stockouts, we use safety stock
(ss) and include it in the reorder point calculation:

ROP = d*L + ss

Amount of safety stock depends on the stockout cost as opposed to extra inventory
holding cost.


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Annual stockout cost = sum of the units short * probability*stockout cost per unit*
number of orders per year

In case it is not possible to determine the stockout cost, we might assume a policy of
keeping safety stock on hand. Supposing that demand during the reorder period follows a
normal curve, we only need mean and standard deviation to determine the inventory
requirements for any given service level.

ROP = expected demand during lead time +Zσ,

where Z = number of standard deviations
σ = standard deviation of the lead time demand

Fixed-period systems
All inventory models mentioned before are fixed-quantity systems. In contrast, fixed-
period system assume reorder at the end of specific period rather than when a certain
inventory level is reached.
- physical inventory counting only when the new order arrives
- administratively convenient procedure
- Disadvantages:
- possibility of stockout during the review period

Chapter F
Process Strategy and Capacity Planning
Process strategy – organization’s approach to transform resources into goods and
services. The objective is to find a way of production such that meet the customer
requirements and product specifications within cost and management constraints.

There is four types of process strategies:

1. Process focus (“job shop”) - a production facility organized around processes to
facilitate low-volume, high-variety production.
- Very flexible.
- Production process – intermittent (product undergoes different, frequently changed
- Utilization of facilities – low.
- Variable costs – high.
Examples: restaurants, hospitals, machine shops

2.Repetitive focus (assembly line) – a product-oriented process that uses modules.

Modules – parts or components previously prepared.
- More structured and less flexible than process focus.
- Modules allow to produce quasi-customized products.


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Examples: automobiles, household appliances

3.Product focus – a facility organized around products, with high-volume, low –variety
- Process – continuous because of long production runs.
- Standardization and quality control
- Fixed cost – high (thus profitable only in case of high facility utilization)
- Variable cost – low
Examples: glass, paper, light bulbs, beer

4.Mass customization focus – rapid, low-cost production that caters to constantly

changing unique customer desires.
- high-variety, high-volume, which leads to low cost
- reliance on modular design
- very effective scheduling and rapid throughput are crucial
Examples: automobiles, breakfast cereals, Dell computers, radio stations

Comparison of process features is represented in table below:

Feature Process focus Repetitive Product focus Mass

focus customization
Product Small quantity Modules used
Large quantity Large quantity
and large and small and large variety
variety variety
Equipment General- Special Special-purpose Flexible, with
purpose equipment rapid
helps on changeover
assembly line
Operators Broadly skilled Modestly Broadly skilled Flexible, trained
trained for necessary
Job instructions Many because Modest Few and Many because
and training the job changes standardized of custom orders
Raw material High relative to Just-in-time Low relative to Low relative to
inventory product’s value approach product’s value product’s value
Work-in- High relative to Just-in-time Low relative to Low relative to
process output approach output output
Unit movement Slow Days/hours Rapid Rapid
through the
Finished goods Made to order Made to Made to Made to order
forecasts forecasts and


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Scheduling Complex, Based on Simple, Sophisticated
orders trade-off building concerned with
between various models rate of output to
inventory from modules meet forecasts
capacity and
Fixed costs Low Dependent on High High
Variable costs High Dependent on Low Low (dynamic)
Cost estimates Prior to the job, Known due to Dependent on challenging
actual cost experience capacity
known after utilization

Every process, if matched to the volume and variety, can produce low cost advantage.
Equipment utilization, especially in industries with tendency to low utilization, should
also be taken into account.
Change in process strategy may mean the transformation for an extended period of time,
and therefore is a critical decision.

Process analysis and design

The process should be set up so that:
- competitive advantage ( differentiation/response/low cost) is achieved
- steps not adding value are eliminated
- customer value as perceived by a customer is maximized
- orders are won

1.Flow diagrams – a drawing used to analyze movement of people or materials. Allows
to see the large view of the entire picture.
2.Time-function mapping – a flow diagram with time added on horizontal axis. This is
more rigorous tool than flow diagrams since it takes time into account.
3. Process charts – charts using symbols to analyze movement of people or materials.
Allow to see the more detailed picture of the process with elements like delay, distance,
storage etc. and to determine the percent of value-adding activities.
4. Service blueprinting - a technique focusing on customer and the provider’s
interaction with the customer.


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Service process design

Interaction with the customer can often affect the service process adversely, but
successful management of it leads to an extreme efficiency of the process.
Different combinations of customer interaction and related customization are shown in a
table below.

Degree of customization
High Low High
(e.g. Professional
commercial service
banking, (e.g. general-
personal purpose law
Degree banking, firms)
of labour retailing,
intensity boutiques
Service shop
(e.g. hospitals,

1. In quadrants where labor intensity is high and the service is very personalized, human
resources are a crucial issue
2. In quadrants with low customization it is possible to standardize, restrict, automate or
remove some features of the service. Because customer response is relatively low,
operations must have strict quality control.
3. In quadrants with low labor intensity it may be successful to introduce innovations in
process technology and scheduling

Another aspects that offer opportunities for service process improvement are:
- Layout is an integral part of any service process, but especially important in retailing,
dining and banking
- Human resources is an important issue not only in a labor-intensive service process,
but also in cases when flexible and cross-trained personnel for part-time replacement
is needed.
- Technology helps through automation, specialized software, enhanced computer
control systems etc.


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Choosing the correct process – considerations

1.Process reengineering - the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of the
business processes to bring about dramatic improvements in performance.
At this stage it is necessary to reevaluate the basic process and its purpose, only then
reengineering is sensible.
Another focus of process reengineering is cross functional activities. It helps to involve
neglected parts of the process, leading to improvements in cost, time and customer value.

2. Environmental friendliness
Production processes have a lot of opportunities for reducing negative impact on the
environment, from socially responsible to legally required activities. Taking these
opportunities does not reduce the possibility to achieve competitive advantage.

3. Equipment and technology selection

Almost all operations functions offer alternative methods of productions, there for there
should be specific criteria for choosing the best fit. These are cost, quality, size, tolerance,
capacity, and maintenance requirements. Specialized equipment can also offer
competitive advantage in many cases. Flexibility , which is ability to respond with little
penalty in time, cost or customer value, is a very important attribute to look for in new

The decision about the facility capacity is critical because (1) it affects a large part of
fixed costs; (2) determines if demand will be met or facilities will be underutilized.

Design capacity is maximum theoretical output of a system in a given period, normally

expressed as a rate. However, most organization operate below the design capacity
because they may find it operationally more efficient if their resources are not stretched
to the limit. This is the concept of effective capacity, which is the capacity a firm expects
to achieve given the operational constraints.

Measures of system performance:

Utilization – percent of design capacity actually achieved.
Utilization = Actual output/ Design capacity

Efficiency – percent o effective capacity actually achieved

Efficiency = Actual output / Effective capacity

Improving efficiency often implies in solving quality problems, effective training,

scheduling and maintenance.

Anticipated production = Design capacity * Effective capacity * Efficiency

Steps for forecasting capacity requirements:

1. Forecast future demand


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2. Use forecast to determine capacity requirements

3. Determine incremental size of each addition to capacity
Ways of capacity expansion:
A. Capacity leads demand with an incremental expansion
B. Capacity leads demand with an one-step expansion
C. Capacity lags demand with an incremental expansion
D. Average capacity with incremental expansion

Choice of alternative may be relatively easy and be based on the lowest cost among
alternatives. However, there are some factors which are hard to quantify and therefore,
measure. These are (1) technological options; (2) competitor strategies; (3) building
restrictions; (4) cost of capital; (5) human resource options; (6) laws and regulations.

When there is a considerable uncertainty in capacity requirements, probabilistic models

can be used. One of them is a decision tree. Assigning probabilities for each possible
outcome, we can make the decisions that maximize the expected value of the alternatives.

Sometimes there is a mismatch between the actual demand and available capacity:
1. If demand exceeds capacity , a firm can drive demand down by raising prices,
scheduling long lead times and discouraging marginally profitable business.
However, the long-term solution is to increase capacity not to lose the demand.
2. If capacity exceeds demand, firm can stimulate demand by cutting prices, aggressive
marketing or product changes.
3. If demand is seasonal or cyclical , a firm might introduce products with
complementary demand patterns.
Tactics for matching capacity to demand are:
- Staffing changes
- Adjustment of equipment and processes
- Improvement of methods to increase throughput
- Product redesign for throughput facilitation

The tactics are used to adjust the demand; however, the strategy is to choose the right
facility size.

Break even-analysis
Break-even analysis is a mean to find the point, in dollars or units , at which costs equal
Fixed costs are costs that continue even if no output is produced.
Variable costs are costs that vary with volume of units produced.
Contribution – difference between selling price and variable cost.
Revenue function – function that increases by the selling price of each unit.

Break-even point (BEP) can be found using both graphic and algebraic approach.
Graphically, costs and revenue functions are plotted on the axis, and the point at which
total cost and total revenue intersect is the BEP.


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Thus ,
BEP in units = Total fixed cost/ ( Price – Variable cost)
BEP in dollars = Total fixed cost/ (1 – Variable cost/Selling price)

A crossover chart is a chart of costs at the possible volumes for more than one process.
At any given volume, only one process will have the lowest cost.

The aforementioned formulas are fro single product case. For multiproduct firm, when
each product has different price and variable cost we must reflect the proportion of sales
for each product. The formula then is:

BEP in dollars =
 Vi  
∑ 1 − Pi  x(Wi )
 
where V = variable cost per unit
P = price per unit
F = fixed cost
W = percent each product if of total dollar sales
i= each product

Strategy-driven investments
In order to build competitive advantage, not only the financial returns should be looked at
when making investment decisions, but also strategic considerations as:
- Choose investment as a part of the strategic plan
- Choose investments yielding the competitive advantage
- Consider product life cycles
- Include different operating factors in the financial return analysis
- Look at the investments from the point of view of several revenue projections

Analysis of process alternatives include six major factors: (1) cost; (2) volume; (3) human
resource constraints; (4) technology; (5) quality; ( 6) reliability. The analysis should also
show the capital investment, variable costs, cash flows and net present value for each

Net present value (NPV) is a means of determining the discounted value as a series of
future cash receipts. In general,

P= ,
(1 − i ) N
where F – future value
P – present value
i – interest rate
N – number of years of investment


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Interest-rate tables of present value facilitate the calculation reducing the formula till P =
FX, where X = 1/(1+i)N

The procedure for selecting the investment is to compute NPV of each investment and to
choose the investment with the highest NPV.
The limitations of the net present value approach are:
- Investments with the same NPV may have different projected lives and salvage
- Investments with the same NPV may have different cash flows.
- Knowledge of future interest rates is only assumed.
- Payments are made at the end of the period, which is not always the case.

Chapter G
Layout strategy
Layout can help organization to achieve competitive advantage. The objective is to
develop a layout that will meet firm’s competitive requirements.
Layout design is set to achieve:
- Higher utilization of space, equipment and people
- Better flow of information, materials and people
- Improved employee morale and safe working conditions
- Better customer/client interaction
- Flexibility

Types of layout
1.Fixed-position layout
2.Process-oriented layout
3.Office layout
4. Retail layout
5.Warehouse layout
6.Product-oriented layout

To design a layout, the following must be determined:

1. Material handling equipment
2. Capacity and space requirements
3. Environment and aesthetics
4. Flows of information
5. Cost of moving between different work areas

Fixed-position layout
In a fixed-position layout, which is meant for large and bulky projects, the project
remains in one place and workers and equipment come to that one work area(e.g. ships,


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Three factors complicate the fixed-position layout design:

1. Limited space at almost all sites
2. At different stages of process different materials are needed
3. Volume of material needed changes

Possible solutions:
- “meeting of trades” to assign space for different time periods
- completion of as many parts as possible off-site

Process-oriented layout
A process-oriented layout deals with low-volume, high-variety products; machines and
equipment are grouped according to the product (e.g. hospital, college, library).This is a
classic way for product differentiation strategy.
- flexibility in equipment and labor assignment
- good for handling job lots – groups or batches of parts processed together
- allows production in variety of sizes and forms

- general purpose equipment
- difficult scheduling
- changing setups
- unique material handling
- high labor skills
- high work-in-process inventory

Most common tactics in designing a process layout is arranging work centers so that costs
are minimized. Material handling costs depend on (1) number of loads ( or people) to be
moved between work centers; (2) distance-related costs of moving loads (people)
between work centers. We can use graphical tools such as interdepartmental flow graphs
to solve the problems. However, for complicated decisions, special software has been
ALDEP, COFAD). There are also expert systems (e.g. FADES) which develops designs
for unstructured situations and includes the element of human judgment together with
mathematical expertise.

Special case of process-oriented layout are work cells. Work cell is a temporary product-
oriented arrangement of machines and personnel in normally process-oriented facility.
Thus, it reorganizes people and equipment which would normally be in different
departments and arranges them in a group to work on particular product. Advantages are:
- reduced work-in-process inventory
- less floor space
- reduced raw material and finished goods inventory
- reduced direct labor cost
- increased sense of employee participation
- increased use of equipment and machinery


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- reduced investment in machinery and equipment

U-shaped work cells have even more advantages:

- immediate inspection
- fewer workers
- more work area reachable for one worker
- work area more efficiently balanced
- enhanced communication

Requirements for work cells production:

- identification of families and groups of products
- high employee flexibility and training level
- staff support or creative employees to establish work cells

In case a firm has a family of similar products with stable demand, it may organized a
focused work center, which is a permanent or semi-permanent product-oriented
arrangement of machines and personnel.

A focused factory is a separate facility designed to produce similar products or

components. The term may also refer to facilities that are focused in ways other than by
product line or layout.

Office layout
Office layout is grouping of workers, their equipment, and spaces/offices to provide for
comfort, safety and movement of information.
A useful tool or analysis of communication patterns, separation needs and other
conditions affecting employee effectiveness is a relationship chart. There are two trends
influencing office layout: (1) technology increases flexibility by electronic movement of
information; (2) virtual companies create less need for employees on-site.

Retail layout
Retail layout addresses flow, allocates space , and responds to customer behavior. Studies
show that greater rate of customer exposure to products lead to higher sales and return on
Helpful ideas for overall management of stores are:
- locate the high-draw items on the periphery of the store
- use prominent locations for high-impulse and high-margin products
- Place “power items” on both sides of an aisle and disperse them to increase viewing
of other products
- End-aisle locations have very high exposure rate
- Convey the mission of the store by positioning the leading products.

The main objective of retail store is to maximize profitability per square foot of floor
space. However, services cape – the physical surroundings in which a service takes place,


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and how they affect customers and employees – should also be taken into account. In
order to provide good service, the firm has to look at:
- Ambient conditions
- Spatial layout and functionality
- Sighs, symbols and artifacts

Warehousing and storage layout

Warehouse layout is a design attempting to minimize total cost by addressing trade-offs
between space and material handling.
Material handling costs are those related to incoming/outgoing transport and storage.
Relationship between receiving/unloading and shipping/loading area is also very
important. Sometimes they can be bi-functional, thus receiving in one part of the day and
shipping in the other.
Cross-docking – avoiding the placing of materials or supplies in storage by processing
then as they are received for shipment. This leads to 100% percent of cost saving since
activities between receiving and shipping are totally eliminated.

Variety of items stored and number of items “picked” have influence on warehouse
layout. The more items are stored, the less warehouse’s density. In modern warehouses
there are automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS).

Random stocking is used in warehousing to locate stock wherever there is an open

location. This technique means that space does not need to be allocated to particular items
and space can be more fully utilized and labor cost is decreased.

Customizing is using warehousing to add value to the product through component

modification, repair, labeling, and packaging.

Repetitive and product-oriented layout

Product-oriented layout is organized around products or families of similar high-volume,
low-variety products. The assumptions are:
- Volume is adequate for high equipment utilization
- Product demand is stable to justify equipment investment
- Product is standardized or in a life cycle when specialized investment equipment is
- Supplies of raw materials and components are adequate and uniform

Advantages of product-oriented layout:

- Low cost per unit with high-volume standardized product
- Low material handling costs
- Reduced work-in-process inventories
- Easier training and supervision
- Rapid throughput



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- High volume required to justify investment

- Work delay at any point delays the whole process
- Lack of flexibility

Types of product-oriented layout:

1. Fabrication line – a machine-paced, product-oriented facility for building
components. Require mechanical and engineering changes to facilitate balancing.
2. Assembly line - an approach that puts fabricated parts together at a series of
workstations and is used in repetitive process. They are balanced by moving tasks
between employees.

Assembly-line balancing – obtaining output at each workstation on the production line so

that delays are minimized. The steps are:
1. Determine cycle time – the maximum time that the product is available at each
Cycle time = (Production time available per day)*(Units required per day)
2. Calculate minimum number of workstations
Minimum number of workstations=( ∑
i =1
Time for task i)/ Cycle time

where n is the number of assembly tasks

3. Balance the line by assigning specific assembly tasks to each workstation

The efficiency then is (sum of task times)/ ((actual number of workstations)*(assigned

cycle time))

Two computer programs – COMSOAL and ASYBL – are used in assembly-line

balancing in cases when there is more than 100 individual work activities.

Chapter H
Waiting-Line Models

Queuing theory – a body of the knowledge about the waiting lines.

Waiting line (queue) – items of people in the line awaiting service.

Characteristics of a waiting line system

1. Arrival characteristics

1.1. Size of arrival population

Unlimited (infinite) population – a queue in which the number of customers or
arrivals on hand at any given moment is a very small portion of potential arrivals (e.g.
cars at the carwash).


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Limited (finite) population – a queue in which there are only a limited number of
potential users of the service (e.g. copying shop with 7 copiers).

1.2. Pattern of arrivals in the system

Customers can arrive according to a known schedule, or randomly.
Random arrivals are those that are independent of one another and their occurrence
cannot be predicted precisely. Often arrivals are estimated using Poisson probability
distribution, where for any given period the probability of certain number of
customers arriving will be

e − λ λx
P( x) =
where P(x) – probability of x arrivals
x – number of arrivals per unit of time
λ – average arrival rate
e = 2.7183

Random arrivals may follow other distributions than Poisson, and should, therefore,
be carefully examined.

1.3. Behavior of arrivals

There are three types of behavior:
1) customers stay in line;
2) customers balk ( i.e. refuse to join the line because it is too long);
3) customers renege (i.e. enter the queue but then leave it).

2. Waiting-line characteristics

2.1. Length
Limited queue is the one that cannot increase to infinity due to physical restrictions
(e.g. barber shop with limited number of waiting chairs).
Unlimited queue has an unrestricted size (e.g. cars arriving at tollbooth).

2.2. Queue discipline

Queue discipline if a rule by which customers are served.
Most use first-in, first-out (FIFO) rule, meaning that the first customer in line
receives the first service. However, customer can also be prioritized differently or
other priorities may pre-empt FIFO.

3. Service characteristics

3.1. Design
3.1.1. By number of channels
Single-channel queuing system – a service system with one line and one server
(e.g. drive-in bank with one teller)


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Multi-channel queuing system – a service system with one line and several
servers (e.g. post office)

3.1.2. By phase
Single-phase system – a system in which customer receives the service from only
on station and then leaves the system.
Multi-phase system – a system in which customer receives services from several
stations and then leaves the system.

3.2. Distribution of service times

Service times can be constant (the same amount of time for each customer) or
random. In many cases it is assumed that random service is distributed by the
negative exponential probability distribution.

Main queue’s performance measures

1. Average time spent in a queue

2. Average queue length
3. Average time spent in the system (waiting+being served)
4. Average number of customers in the system
5. Probability of service facility being idle
6. System’s utilization factor
7. Probability of specific number of items in the system
Queuing costs

There is a trade-off between cost of providing good service and a cost of waiting time (
which means lost productivity or sales). One way to evaluate it is to look at the total
expected cost, which is a sum of expected service and waiting costs. Service costs
increase with attempts to raise level of service, and waiting line costs decrease in the
same time. Sometimes it is possible to vary capacity by extra personnel or equipment,
thereby not keeping waiting line too long, and consequently, waiting cost too high.

Queuing models
The four most commonly used models are introduced below. All of them assume
unlimited queue length. All of them assume
- Poisson distribution of arrivals
- FIFO discipline
- A single-service phase
- Arrival and service rate are stable during analysis

1. Simple system (M/M/1)

M/M/1 is a single-channel, single-server waiting line. All above mentioned conditions
apply. Also
- Service times are distributed negative exponentially
- Service rate is faster than arrival rate


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Following formulas apply:

λ – mean number of arrivals per time period
µ – mean number of people or items served per time period
Ls – average number of units or people in the system
Ws – average time spent in the system
Lq – average number of units or people in the queue
Wq – average time spent in the queue
ρ – system’s utilization factor
P0 – probability of 0 units in the system’
Pn>k – probability of more than k units in the system ( n – number of units in the system)

λ2 λ
Lq = Wq =
µ (µ − λ ) µ (µ − λ )

λ 1
Ls = Ws =
µ −λ µ −λ
k +1
λ λ λ
ρ= P0 = 1 − Pn > k =  
µ µ µ
Once we know the characteristics of the queue, and if we know the waiting costs, we can
perform an analysis of economic impact of the queue.

2. Multichannel model (M/M/S)

In this model customers form a single line, and then proceed to the first available server
of several present (e.g. banks). All assumptions listed for the earlier for the single model
apply. Notation is the same as well.

M – number of channels open

λ – average arrival rate
µ – average service rate at each channel

λ 1 Lq
Lq = Ls − Wq = W s − =
µ µ λ

λµ (λ / µ ) M λ µ (λ / µ ) M 1 L
Ls = P + Ws = P + = s
( M − 1)!( Mµ − λ ) 2 0
µ ( M − 1)!( Mµ − λ ) 2 0
µ λ

P0 = for Mµ > λ
 M −1 1  λ  n  1  λ  M Mµ
 ∑    +   28
 n=0 n!  µ   M !  µ  Mµ − λ

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3. Constant service time model (M/D/1)

This model has constant service time (e.g. automatic car wash). Because of that, the
values for Lq, Wq, Ls, and Ws are always less than in (M/M/1) model, which has variable
service rates.

λ2 λ
Lq = Wq =
2µ ( µ − λ ) 2µ ( µ − λ )

λ 1
L s = Lq + W s = Wq +
µ µ
4. Limited population model
Since this model has a limited arrival population, there is a dependent relationship
between the length of the queue and the arrival rate. As the waiting line increases, the
arrival rate drops.
Note that different notation is used in formulae for this model.
D - probability that a unit will have to wait in a queue
F – efficiency factor
H – average number of units being served
J – average number of units not in a queue or in service bay
L – average number of units waiting for the service
M – number of service channels
N – number of potential customers
T – average service time
U – average time between unit service requirements
W – average time a unit waits in line
X – service factor

T L(T + U ) T (1 − F )
X = L = N (1 − F ) W = =
T +U N −L XF

J = NF (1 − X ) H = FNX N = J +L+H

For simpler calculations, tables for D and F have been established. We first need to find
X, find it in the table, then look up the value for M, and note the corresponding F and D.


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These are 4 basic models of waiting lines. Other models have been developed to deal
with more complex situations. For example, service times distributed as normal
probability rather than exponential; preemptive priority queue discipline instead of FIFO;
multi-phase systems etc.

Chapter I
Just-In-Time Systems
Just-In-Time (JIT) – a philosophy of continuous and forced problem solving that drives
out waste.

Characteristics of JIT:

1. Waste reduction
Anything that does not add value ( including products stored, inspected, delayed,
waiting in queues and defective) is considered 100% waste. By eliminating non-
adding value activities, JIT reduces waste.

2. Variability reduction
Variability – any deviation from the optimum process that delivers perfect product on
time, every time. Variability is caused by:
- producing units not according to standards, late, or poor quality
- inaccurate specifications
- producing before specifications are complete
- demand unknown
Variability is unseen when inventory exists. With JIT, it can be noticed and

3. Pull versus push

Pull system – a JIT concept resulting in material being produced only when requested
and moved to where it is needed just as it is needed. In this way inventory cushion is
removed, and problems related to it become evident. Also the inventory itself and
manufacturing cycle time (time between arrival of raw materials and shipping of
finished products) is reduced.
Push system – a system that pushes materials into downstream workstations
regardless of their timeliness or availability of resources to perform work.

JIT requirements

JIT contributes to competitive advantage creation in various ways.

1. Suppliers


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JIT partnerships - partnerships of suppliers and purchasers that remove waste of

holding the inventory, and drive down costs for mutual benefits.
Goals of JIT partnerships :
a. eliminate unnecessary activities
b. eliminate in-plant inventory
c. eliminate in-transit inventory
(This is sometimes achieved using consignment inventory – an arrangement in
which the supplier maintains title to inventory until it is used.)
d. elimination of poor quality suppliers

Concerns of suppliers
1. desire for diversification of buyers
2. poor customer scheduling
3. engineering changes
4. quality assurance
5. small lot sizes
6. proximity

2. JIT layout

The JIT layout reduces the waste caused by movement of material. The reduced
distance saves space and gets rid of potential areas for inventory.

Layout tactics are:

a. building work cells for product families
b. minimizing distance
(the major contributions to this are work cells, work centres and focused
c. allowing little space for inventory, forcing it to be in small lots
d. improving employee communication (feedback on product on each
subsequent stage)
e. using poka-yoke devices
f. building flexible and movable equipment (also concerning office
g. cross-training of workers to increase flexibility

3. Inventory

Just-in-time inventory – the minimum inventory necessary to keep a perfect system

running. It is the opposite of the traditional “just in case” inventory.

JIT inventory tactics are:

a. pull system for inventory movement
b. reduced lot size (reduces inventory and inventory costs)
c. developing JIT delivery systems with suppliers
d. delivering directly to point of use


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e. performing to schedule
f. reducing setup time, which reduces setup costs ( also important in offices)
g. using group technology

Eliminating inventory means reducing variability hidden in production system.

4. Scheduling

Effective scheduling supports JIT, improves the ability to meet orders, reduces
inventory by using smaller lot sizes, and drives down work-in-process.

JIT scheduling tactics

a. communicating schedules to suppliers
b. making level schedules
c. freezing part of the schedule
d. performing to schedule
e. seeking one-piece-make and one-piece-move
f. eliminating waste
g. producing in small lots
h. using kanbans
i. making each operation produce a perfect part

Two techniques mentioned above are especially important.

Level schedules (also called “jelly bean” scheduling) – process frequent small batches
rather than a few large batches, so each day’s production meets the demand for that day.
Sometimes freezing (not allowing changes) the part of the schedule closest o the due date
allows the schedule to be met.

Kanban system moves parts through production via a “pull” from a signal ( comes from
a Japanese word for “card”). The card is an authorization for the next container of
material to be produced.

Demand during lead time + Safety stock

Number of kanbans (containers) =
Size of container

Advantages of kanban are:

- meeting schedules
- reducing setup time and cost
- economical material handling
- limited amount of defect material
- puts pressure on negative aspects of inventory such as poor quality,
obsolescence, damage, occupied space, committed assets, insurance, material
handling, increased accidents

5. Quality


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Ways JIT and quality are related:

- JIT cuts cost of obtaining good quality
- JIT improves quality by limiting the number of potential sources of error
- JIT allows to eliminate all costs related to inventory

JIT quality tactics:

a. using statistical process control

b. empowering employees
c. building fail-safe methods (e.g.poka-yoke, checklists)
d. providing immediate feedback

6. Employee empowerment

“No one knows the job better than those who do it” is the motto of JIT in terms of
employee policy. Cross-training, training and job enrichment engage mental and physical
capacities of employees to improve workplace.

Lean production

Often firms focused on JIT are lean producers.

Lean production – philosophy emphasizing the minimization of all resources.
Lean producers’ attributes are:
- using JIT techniques
- building systems that help produce perfect parts
- reducing space requirements
- developing close relationship with suppliers
- educating suppliers
- eliminating all non-value-adding activities
- developing the workforce
- making jobs more challenging
- reducing number of job classes

JIT in services

All the JIT techniques are also used in services:

- suppliers: e.g. restaurant
- layouts: e.g. restaurant kitchens
- inventory: e.g. stockbroker
- scheduling: e.g. airline ticket counters ( scheduling personnel)


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Chapter J
Aggregate Planning

Aggregate planning (aggregate scheduling) is an approach which determines the

quantity and timing of production for intermediate future mostly form 3 to 18 months
ahead. The objective is to minimize cost over the planning period. Sometimes other
objectives, like smooth employment level, reducing inventory or providing high level of
service, can be more important than low cost.
Manufacturers create aggregate planning schedules for production, service companies –
for workforce.

Prerequisites of aggregate planning:

- logical unit of measurement of output
- demand forecast for the period in question
- method for determining the related costs
- model combining forecasts and costs to make scheduling decisions

The planning process

Time range Issues Performed by

Long-range - strategic and policy Top management
- capacity
- facility location and
- equipment procurement
- new product
- research funding
- investment for several
Medium-range - facility utilization Operations manager
- scheduling decisions
- building an aggregate
production plan
- production budgeting
- defining employment,


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subcontracting levels
Short-range - “disaggregate” Operations personnel
production plan
- loading
- sequencing
- expediting
- dispatching

Scheduling decisions – making plans that match production to changes in demand.

The features of aggregate planning

‘Aggregate’ implies combining appropriate resources into general terms. Aggregate plans
are made in terms of families of products rather than individual products. The output rate
for facility is selected given
- demand forecasts
- facility capacity
- inventory level
- workforce size
- related inputs

Disaggregation – the process of breaking aggregate plan into greater detail.

It results in master production schedule – a timetable indicating what and when has to be

Aggregate planning strategies

1. Capacity options
This type of strategies does not try to change the demand, but to absorb its

1.1. Changing inventory levels

- increasing inventory during low demand periods to meet high demand in
- holding costs increase (-)
- no lost sales due to shortage (+)
1.2. Varying workforce size by hiring or layoffs
- hiring or laying off workers to match production rates
- need of training for new employees → drop in average productivity (-)
- lowering employee morale (-)
1.3. Varying production rates through overtime or idle time
- cutting back hours when demand is low and using overtime when
demand is high


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- limit on realistic overtime (-)

- overtime is more expensive (-)
- workers worn out → productivity drops (-)
- increased facility overhead (-)
- difficult to absorb idle time (-)
1.4. Subcontracting
- acquiring temporary capacity by subcontracting during peak period
- costly (-)
- risk of losing clients to competitors (-)
- hard to find perfect subcontract supplier
1.5. Using part-time workers
- to fill unskilled labour needs

2. Demand options
By these strategies firms try to smooth out changes in the demand during the planning

2.1. Influencing demand

- advertising
- promotion
- personal selling
- price cuts
- beware of balancing demand with production capacity
2.2. Back ordering during high demand periods
- accepting orders for goods but being unable to fulfil them at the moment
- approach if widely spread, but often results in lost sales (-)
- negative inventory – a firm owes units to the customer
2.3. Counterseasonal product and service mixing
- risk to enter the products or services beyond the level of expertise or
beyond target market

Some combinations of above mentioned options provide better results than individual
ones. Manufacturers may assume that demand options are already built into demand
forecast. Operations managers than set up aggregate plan using capacity options at hand.
There are two distinctive strategies in this case:
a. Chase strategy – achieving output rates equal to production demand.
Widely used in service organizations
b. Level scheduling – maintaining constant output rate, production rate, or
workforce level over the planning horizon. Finished good inventory
fluctuates, and alternative work for employees is found. This strategy is
good when demand is reasonably stable.

Methods for aggregate planning


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When firms pursue a mixed strategy – a planning strategy that uses two or more
controllable variables to set a feasible production plan, it often must investigate a
combination of eight options for a minimum cost. Several techniques are:
1. Graphical and charting methods – aggregate planning techniques that work with few
variables at a time to allow planners compare projected capacity with existing
capacity. Steps are:
- determine demand in each period
- determine capacity for regular time, overtime, and subcontracting for
each period
- find labor, hiring, layoff, and inventory holding costs
- consider company policy applying to workers or stock levels
- develop alternative plans and examine their total costs

These techniques only evaluate strategies, not generate them. Their advantages are
simplicity of understanding and use. However, they offer many solutions and one
chosen is not necessarily optimal.

2. Mathematical approaches to planning

Systematic approaches considering all costs and generating strategy by producing
effective solution.
2.1. The transportation method of linear programming (1965) – produces optimal
plan for optimizing costs. Deals with allocating capacity to meet forecasted
demand. It works well analyzing effects of holding inventories, using overtime
and subcontracting, but it does not take into account nonlinear and negative
factors involved.
2.2. Management coefficients model – a formal planning model built around
manager’s expertise and performance. The heuristic technique uses regression
analysis of past production decisions made by managers.
2.3. Linear decision rule (LDR) – specifies an optimum production rate and
workforce level over specific period. Minimizes costs through series of quadratic
2.4. Scheduling by simulation – computer model using a search procedure to look for
the minimum-cost combinations of values for workforce size and production rate.

Aggregate planning in services

Some service organizations use aggregate planning as well. Especially crucial is the
controlling of labor costs, which involves:
- close scheduling of labor-hours
- on-call labor resource for unexpected demand
- labour’s flexibility of skills for reallocation of available labor
- labour’s output rate flexibility to meet expanded demand

Approaches to aggregate planning differ by type of service. Examples are:

a. Restaurants (high volume product output)


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Such business has to deal with

- smoothing production rate
- finding size of workforce to be employed
Solution is to build very modest inventory levels during slack periods and depleting it
during peak periods, but using labor for greatest part of change in demand.

b. Miscellaneous services (high-volume intangible output)

Mainly deal with
- planning for human resource requirements
- managing demand
Goal is to level demand peaks and fully utilize labor during low-demand periods.

c. National chains of small service firms

Question of aggregate planning versus independent planning.
- output and purchasing planned centrally
- demand influenced through promotions

d. Airline industry
Concerns are:
- number of flights in and out of each hub
- number of flights on all routes
- number of passengers on all flights
- number of air and ground personnel in each hub and airport
Planning complicated by large number of sites.
Yield management – capacity decisions that determine the allocation of classes of
resources in order to maximize profits (e.g. number of seats with various fare classes).

e. Hotel industry
Also use yield management

f. Hospitals
Problems allocating money, staff, supplies.

Chapter K
Material requirements planning (MRP)
Benefits of MRP

1. Improved response to customer orders resulting from better following of schedules

2. Faster response to market changes
3. Improved utilization of facilities and labor
4. Reduced inventory

Dependent inventory scheduling system – system whereby demand for every component
is related to the demand of another component. For any item which can be scheduled,
dependent demand techniques should be used.


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Material requirements planning (MRP) is the dependent technique used in production


However, MRP is not only applied in production, but also in services, because the
demand for many service items is classified as dependent.

Dependent inventory model requirements

1. Master production schedule – a timetable specifying what and when is to be made. It

has to be in accordance with a production plan, which sets upper and lower bounds of
the master production schedule. Aggregate production plan is made in terms of
families of products, while master production schedule – in terms of individual
products. It is a statement of what is to be produced, not a forecast of demand. Often
there is a fixed (“firm”, “frozen”) near-time portion of the schedule which cannot be
changed. Master schedule can be expressed in:
- customer order ( job shop)
- modules ( repetitive process)
- end item ( continuous process)

2. Bill of Material (BOM) – list of quantities of components, ingredients and materials

required to make a product.
BOM’s are used to calculate costs or as a list of items for production or assembly (in
this case BOM is called pick list).
Engineering change notice (ECN) – a change or correction I the
engineering drawing or BOM.

Types of BOM
a. Modular bills – BOM organized by major subassemblies or product options.
Production scheduling is often facilitated by organizing around few modules
rather than a lot of final assemblies.
b. Planning bills – a material grouping created in order to assign an artificial
parent to the bill of material. It is used in two cases: (1) when subassemblies
have to be grouped to reduce the number of items for scheduling; (2) when
“kits” for the production department need to be issued (in this case planning
bill can be called kitted material or kit).
c. Phantom BOM – BOM for components (usually subassemblies) that exist
only temporarily. These parts go directly to another assembly and are not
inventoried; consequently, their lead time is zero and they are treated as part
of their parent item.

BOM define the product by presenting a product structure, which is leveled. Items
above any level are parents, items below any level are children, or components.
Low-level coding – item is coded at the lowest level it occurs. It ensures that an
item is at the lowest level of usage and allows computing requirements for the
item easily.


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3. Accuracy of inventory records

4. Data about outstanding purchase orders
5. Component lead times
Time-phased product structure – BOM with lead times for each component

MRP structure

Having all the above mentioned data on hand, first step is to construct the gross material
requirements plan, which is a schedule showing total demand for an item (before
subtraction of on-hand inventory and scheduled receipts) and telling when it should be
ordered from suppliers and when production must be started in order to meet the demand
on a particular date.

If we have an inventory on-hand, we define net material requirement plan, which

includes gross requirements, on-hand inventory, net requirements, planned order receipt,
and planned order release for each item.
Net requirements = [(gross requirements) + (allocations)] – [(inventory on-hand)]
+ (scheduled receipts)]

Planned order receipt – the quantity planned to be received in the future.

Planned order release – the scheduled date for an order to be released.
Allocated items – items that have been assigned to the specific future production but not
yet used.

MRP management

When master production plan is altered, material requirements change. The replanning
capability of MRP allows us to take those changes into account. However, frequent
altering causes system nervousness – havoc in production and purchasing departments
when changes in MRP schedules are implemented. Tools to reduce system nervousness
1. Time fences – a way of allowing a segment of master schedule to be designated as
“not to be rescheduled”.
2. Pegging – tracing upward in the BOM from component to parent item in order to
determine the cause of requirement for a component.

It is common nowadays to use a combination of MRP and JIT. The complication may
occur because in MRP schedules lead times are fixed, unlike JIT. However, this
combination provides good master schedule, accurate view of requirements, and reduced
work-in process inventory. There are two approaches for MRP and JIT integration:
1. Small bucket approach
Bucket – time unit in MRP system.


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Bucketless system – time-phased data are referenced using dated records rather than
defined time periods.
This technique is useful in the job shop environment, where schedules are mostly
driven by work orders.
Steps are:
- reduce time buckets to daily or hourly
- planned receipts are used to sequence production
- inventory moved on JIT basis
- completed products moved to inventory in a normal way
- use of back flushing – system to reduce inventory balances by using BOM for
deducting component quantities upon completion of the unit

2. Balanced flow approach

For repetitive processes, this technique offers planning part by MRP, and execution
by JIT. Thus, a carefully balanced flow of material through the plant with small lot
sizes is achieved.

Lot-sizing techniques

Lot-sizing decision – the process of determining how much to order.

Techniques are:

1. Lot-for-lot – generates exactly what was required to meet the plan.

It is consistent with the objective of dependent demand, so there is no safety stock
and no anticipated future orders.
Useful when:
- frequent orders are economical
- JIT implemented
Not recommended when:
- high setup costs
- no JIT

2. Economic order quantity – statistical technique using averages to determine demand.

Useful when:
- relatively constant independent demand
Not recommended when:
- demand is known, not anticipated

3. Part Period Balancing (PPB) – balances setup and holding costs by changing lot size
to reflect requirements of the next lot size in the future.
Economic part period (EPP) – ratio of setup costs to holding costs. PPB adds
requirements until the number of part periods approximates EPP.

4. Wagner – Whitin algorithm – technique assuming finite time horizon beyond which
there are no additional net requirements.


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In general, because of system nervousness, frequent changes in MRP are not made, and
all lot sizes are wrong. However, the guidelines for lot-sizing decisions are:
- using lot-for-lot whenever economical
- modification of lot sizes ( e.g. for scrap allowances, process constraints or
raw material purchase lots) should be made carefully because it may
cause distortion of actual requirements at lower levels of MRP
- PPB, Wagner-Whitin, and EOQ provide good results when demand is
smooth and setup costs are significant

Extensions of MRP

1. Closed-loop MRP – a system providing feedback to the capacity plan, master

production schedule, and production plan so planning can be kept valid at all times.
2. Capacity planning
Load reports show the resource requirements in a work center for all work currently
assigned to the work center, all work planned, and expected orders. These reports
allow seeing where the capacity is under- or overutilized, and smooth it. Techniques
for smoothing capacity are:
- Overlapping. Reduces lead time, sends items to second operation before
the entire lot is completed on the first operation
- Operations splitting. Sends the lot to 2 different machines for the same
- Lot splitting. Runs part of the order ahead of schedule

If work load considerably exceeds capacity, it is worth to add capacity.

3. Material requirement planning II ( MRP II) – a system that allows, with MRP in
place, inventory data to be augmented by other resource variables; MRP becomes
material resource planning. Other resource variables include labor-hours, machine-
hours and accounts payable.

A further extension of MRP and MRP II is enterprise resource planning (ERP) – an

MRP II system that ties customer orders to enterprise-wide resources and ultimately to
suppliers. For these purposes it uses electronic data interchange (EDI) and advanced
shipping notice (ASN).

Distribution resource planning (DRP)

When dependent techniques are used in distribution environments, it is called DRP. DRP
is a time-phased stock replenishment plan for all levels of a distribution network.
Requirements of DRP are:
1. Gross requirements
2. Minimum inventory level
3. Accurate lead time


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4. Defined distribution structure

The goal of DRP is small and frequent replenishment within ordering and shipping costs.

Traditional DRP pulls inventory through the system, initiated by the top (retail) level
ordering more stock. Problems with pull system are:
- pulls are distorted at subsequent levels
- each ordering location ignores replenishment requirements are other
- ordering locations ignore stock status at supplying location
Alternative DRP adds allocations to the systems. It combines information from both
using and supplying locations.

Chapter L
Short-term scheduling

Short-term scheduling as a competitive advantage

Strategic issues of short-term scheduling:

1. Lower cost through more effective use of assets and greater capacity
2. Faster delivery (through added capacity and flexibility) contributes to customer
3. Dependable delivery

Scheduling as part of planning

Capacity planning

Aggregate planning

Master schedule

Short-term scheduling

Short-term scheduling deals with

- job sequences
- specific assignments of personnel, machinery, materials


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Types of scheduling

Because jobs compete simultaneously for the same resources, there are two types of
planning jobs:

1. Forward scheduling - a schedule that begins as soon as the requirements are

- often met in facilities performing jobs to customer order (hospitals,
- often causes the build-up of work-in-process inventory (-)
2. Backward scheduling – scheduling that begins with the due date and
schedules the final operation first and the other job steps in reverse order.
- used in manufacturing as well as services (catering, surgery)
- resources needed may not exist (-)

Complications for scheduling:

- machinery breakdowns
- absenteeism
- quality problems
- resource shortage

Scheduling criteria

1. Minimize completion time

- determine average completion time per job
2. Maximize utilization
- determine the percent of time facility is utilized
3. Minimize work-in-process inventory
- determine average number of jobs in system (the higher, the higher WIP)
4. Minimize customer waiting time
- determine average number of late days

The objective of scheduling is to optimize the resources so that production objectives are

Right scheduling method depends on:

- volume of orders
- nature of operations
- overall complexity of jobs
- importance of each criteria

Scheduling process-focused work centres


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Process-focused facilities make to order. Therefore, items produce differ in

- materials used
- processing order
- processing requirements
- processing time
- setup requirements

These differences lead to complex scheduling. The scheduling system should:

- schedule incoming orders according to capacity of work centres
- check availability of needed tools and materials
- establish due dates and check progress
- check work in progress
- give feedback on plant and production activities
- supply efficiency statistics
- monitor employees’ times for payroll

Production database should include:

1. Planning files
a. Item master file contains information about each component produced
or purchased
b. Routing file indicates each component’s flow through the shop
c. Work-centre master file provides information about capacity and

2. Control files track progress against the plan for each work order.

Loading jobs in work centres

Loading – assigning jobs to processing centres. There are two types: one is oriented to
capacity (point 1), another deals with assigning specific jobs to work centres (points 2
and 3).

1. Input-output control - a system that allows managing facility work flows by tracking
work added to a work centre and its work completed.
Options to manage facility work flow:
1.1. correcting performance
1.2. increasing capacity
1.3. increasing or reducing input by
1.3.1. routing work to or from other centres
1.3.2. increasing/decreasing subcontracting
1.3.3. producing less/more
(Producing less has its advantages: (1) improved customer service; (2)
improved efficiency due to less WIP and lower overhead costs; (3) improved
quality due to less WIP hiding fewer problems.)


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2. Gantt charts – planning charts used to schedule resources and allocate time.
2.1. Gantt load charts show the loading and idle times of several departments,
machines or facilities. Seeing the relative workloads in the system, the manager
can adjust wok flow more efficiently. However, it does not take into account
unexpected breakdowns or human errors, so it has to be updated regularly to
reflect new jobs and revised time estimates.
2.2. Gantt schedule charts monitor jobs in progress. Indicates which jobs are on,
ahead or behind schedule.

3. Assignment method – a special class of linear programming models involving

assigning tasks or jobs to resources. Note: only one job is assigned to one machine.
The method involves adding and subtracting appropriate number in the table of jobs
and resources in order to find the lowest opportunity cost for each job.
Opportunity cost – profits foregone or not obtained.
If a problem entails maximizing profits, effectiveness or payoff, we convert it into a
minimizing problem by converting every number in the table into opportunity loss.

Sequencing jobs in work centres

Sequencing - indicates the order in which jobs should be done in each centre.

1. Priority rules – rules that are used to determine the sequence of jobs in process-
oriented facilities. Most popular are:
FCFS – first come, first served
SPT – shortest processing time
EDD – earliest due date
LPT – longest processing time

Measures for applying the scheduling criteria are:

Sum of total flow time

Average completion time =
Number of jobs

Total job work (processing) time

Utilization =
Sum of total flow time

Sum of total flow time

Average number of jobs in the system =
Total job work (processing) time

Total late days

Average job lateness =
Number of jobs


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SPT procedure is often the most efficient for minimizing job flow and average
number of jobs in the system. However, long-duration jobs are constantly pushed
back, which can result in lower customer satisfaction.
FCFS system is not the most efficient, but it appears “fair” to customers, therefore is
important in service sector.

2. Critical ratio – a sequencing rule that gives priority to the jobs that must be done to
keep shipping on schedule.

Time remaining Due date - Today' s date

CR = =
Workdays remaining Work ( lead) time remaining

CR>1 job is ahead of schedule

CR = 0 job is on schedule
CR<1 job is behind the schedule

CR – rule helps to
- find out status of a specific job
- find relative priority among jobs
- relate stock and make-to-order jobs
- adjust priorities for changed in demand and job progress
- track job progress

3. Johnson’s rule (N/2 problem) – an approach that minimizes processing time for
sequencing a group of jobs through two work centres while minimizing total idle time
in the work centres. Practically, job with the shortest activity time on the first
machine is scheduled first, if it is the second machine – the last.

Limitations of rule-based dispatching systems

1. Rules need to be revised and adjusted because scheduling is dynamic.
2. Rules do not recognize bottleneck and idle resources.
3. Rules do not look at the importance of an order beyond the due dates.

Finite scheduling- computerized short-term scheduling that overcomes the disadvantage

of rule-based system by providing the user with graphical interactive computing. It is able
to take into account the latest information updates and handles order, labour or machine
changes. It can also combine an “expert system”, allowing the scheduler to assign costs to
various options.

Theory of constraints
Theory of constraints (TOC) – body of knowledge that deals with the factors that limit
organization’s ability to achieve its goals. Constraints can be physical ( process or
personnel availability, raw materials, supplies) or non-physical (procedures, training,
morale). Five steps lay the base to the TOC:


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1. Identify the constraints

2. Devise the plan to overcome them
3. Focus resources on overcoming the constraints
4. Reduce the effect of constraints by off-loading or expanding capacity
5. Once these constraints are overcome, go back to step 1.

Bottleneck work centres

Bottleneck is an operation that limits output in a production sequence because of smaller

They occur due to changing products, product mixes and volumes. Methods to deal with
them are:
1. Increasing capacity of the constraint
2. Rerouting work
3. Changing lot size
4. Changing work sequence
5. Accepting idleness of other workstations
6. Moving inspection positions just before the bottleneck

Scheduling in repetitive manufacturing

Repetitive producers often use level material-use – the use of frequent, high-quality,
small lot sizes that contribute to just-in-time production. The advantages of it are:
- lower inventory level → released capital
- shorter lead times
- improved quality
- reduced floor-space requirements
- improved employee communication
- smoother production process

To develop the lot size for the level material-use we analyse process, transportation time
and containers used for transport. Then the POQ production order quantity model can be
used to determine the desired setup time:

2 DS
Q* =
H [1 − (d / p )]

Where D = annual demand

S = setup cost
H = holding cost
d = daily demand
p = daily production

Changes for this type of material flow:


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- radical reduction in setup times

- improve material handling
Scheduling for services

Differences between scheduling for services and manufacturing:

- manufacturing emphasize materials, services – staffing levels
- service systems rarely store inventories
- services are labour-intensive, and demand for labour is highly variable

Some approaches to match changing demand with capability to meet it are:

- appointment system
- first-come, first-served rule
- reservations system


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