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Zero Infinity and

Journey of
© Copyright, 2018 | Author

All rights reserved. The work in this book is solely of the Author and
must not be copied elsewhere without prior permission of the author.

A Note:

This book is a result of many sacrifices done by my wife for me. I

thank her for everything and now it is my turn.

I would not be me if not born to my parents and in my birth place.

I hope my 2 stars will read this book when the time is right for

Medium – Mrutyunjaya Sahoo

About the book

The genre of this book is Knowledge. It’s not about spiritualism, not
philosophy and not Science. It is about the roots and not the

Absolute knowledge or Absolute truth is a one liner and you should

be able to write it at the end of this book.

If a book is not about Joy (Present), not about hope (Future) and does
not link some aspects of your life (Past), why should you read it?

So what is the Joy in this book?

It is the puzzle and the translation of wonder and magic into logic.

To make you laugh aloud at your stupidity and smile at other’s


And the hope is:

To make you realise that everything is yours. The Taj Mahal is

yours, the palace is yours, the wealth is yours, the success is yours,
the most beautiful is yours, the most powerful is also yours. What is
yours is yours. What is of others is also yours. As long as you can
consume them with your knowledge and not try to consume them
through your boundary!
To the Readers

Knowledge is the greatest fashion and style statement. Your Knowledge

defines you. The knowledgeable is confident and complete even in his
naked form while the ignorant always runs for cover.

The questions are important. The answers are fixed in any case. Questions
that can start the journey towards the answer. And ultimately you will
realise that all the different questions can be traced back and linked to the
same fundamental question. So is the case for all the answers too.

If you agree, then possibly good. If not agree, then also equally good
because either you know better OR you are trying to find the answer
yourself! The purpose of the book is to bind you to the question and not to
the answer! To bind you to the question which you can get rid of only
through an answer.

If this book can remove the silos of human working environment and bring
together the philosophers, the religious, the scientist, the spiritualists, the
artists and most importantly the common man, it would succeed in setting
the right direction for the next journey of mankind.

If you read this book, “a thank you” from me. If you pass on this book to
others, “a thank you” from the ONE!!

There may be few overlaps and repetition in different chapters of this book.
Though one of the reasons is because everything is ultimately linked to the
same basic thing and the entire book could be summarised in just 2
sentences. But in a way it is good because it makes you think, ask the same
question again and again in a different way and link the various aspects
yourself thereby making it an experience for you too. The reader is the
editor of this book.
Contents (in random order)

Moments 178

Matter 8

The immortal and a bit of Logic 39

Knowledge 60

The Perspective and the Medium 44

Results 153

The Subconscious ( the internal robot ) 54

The Five senses and the Incoming Energy 19

Boundary and context 119

Zero 144

Infinity 182

The Program 1

Science and Spiritualism 60

Consciousness 25

Thinking 48

Salvation 130

Computers and Robots 108

Time and Memory 165

A look at inputs again 83

Inequality 170

Miscellaneous 90

Beliefs 172

Individual and God 137

Happiness and Sorrows 174

Purpose 147

Need 159

Why Life started 187

The last Chapter 190

The Program (Individual and

Everything in this universe is a program if it has a boundary. Whether it is

living beings or non-living objects. Whether it is you or me or the stone
lying on the ground. And for every such boundary or program, there exists
an input which will break the boundary and start its journey. And during
the course of this journey, it generates the corresponding output.

The journey is about the change of state, from a disharmony state of the
current boundary on receiving a trigger or input to a harmony state of the
next new boundary. This goes on till finally one day it gets liberated from
all boundaries and becomes free.

The program is the definition of the disharmony and harmony state and its
execution is the path of this journey.

The computer program is exactly the same. It has a definition and a

boundary, reacts to an input and during its journey generates the output.
But whose boundary is it? The boundary is of the machine code and the
electrical energy which runs through the code.

Similarly, what is the change of state when you move a stone from one
place to another. The change of state is not of the stone but of the energy
which you use to move the stone. The energy moves out from your
boundary to another boundary. The movement of the stone is just the
output. And the input is your action to move the stone.
Therefore for every program, if you know its definition and the inputs, you
can predict the output. Life as you live it, is also nothing BUT a program.
Every output of the human program can be foretold and calculated if you
know the inputs and the property/definition of the human boundary (the
human body) on which the program runs. And the fundamental underlying
property of a human program or any other program is that it wants to move
from disharmony state of the boundary to a harmony state, from a non-zero
state to a zero state on receiving an input or a trigger.

When you are thirsty, you are in disharmony state and you drink water to
move to your harmony or zero state.

Similarly when you heat water, it converts into steam and moves from the
boundary of the water to the boundary of the steam. From the disharmony
state of the water getting heated to the harmony state of the steam.

The program is nothing but “creation” of a disharmony state and its

execution is basically a journey from disharmony to harmony state (non-
zero to zero state) for every matter and energy in this universe. Ultimately
all events are derived from creation of the disharmony state and subsequent
start of the journey on receiving a trigger or input.

Individual consciousness + Program + Boundary = Individual.

Knowledge is embedded in the Program + Boundary.

Universal’s consciousness ( One’s consciousness/ Merged consciousness )

+ No Boundary (Infinity) = “The One”. Infinite Knowledge is embedded in
the “One” itself. Everything is merged in itself. There is nothing separate.
We will see and understand it later in the book.

The difference between the computers/robots and human beings, between

living programs and non-living programs is only the “Consciousness”!
The human program is completely built from inputs and keeps on changing
throughout one’s life. Everything in the behaviour and property of the
program can be traced down to some input. From the stage of the embryo
and before and after it, every resultant thing is result of some input or some
trigger. And every output of a program feeds as an input to some other
program. And this goes on infinitely and continuously.

It suffices to say ( for simplicity purpose ) that the Big Bang was the first
event ( the first input ) of the universe which created the disharmony state
and there is no need at this stage to think about the events before that.
Just like when you study about human evolution, at the very beginning
there is no need to explain “Who is the mother of the first person in the
world” ! At the end of this book, you will get the answer!

A computer program is written by human beings by defining its

disharmony and harmony state with respect to its various inputs. It has a) a
purpose - which is its harmony state b) The translation of the purpose in a
language which the computer can understand - its knowledge and c) Its
boundary within which it can operate on the specific inputs and generate
the output.

The a) for the human life is the same purpose to attain harmony state. The
b) is continuously acquired by human being through learning and c) the
boundary which a human being conceives and the body is the basic unit to
begin with.

The second point is continuously derived from inputs and right from pre-
birth, learning happens through various inputs till end of life. The learning
is not static like that in case of traditional programs. The difference in the
third point is that the boundary of a human being can receive infinite inputs
and energies through interactions with other boundaries and energies unlike
traditional programs.
Even the computer programs written by human beings can be ultimately
traced to inputs. Certain inputs drive you to write programs. You are just a
means to write the computer programs. You are driven only because of
certain triggers and conditions.

And because of this definition and working of the human program : “If I
were you, and if all the circumstances were the same, I would be exactly
like you !!” This is the greatest wisdom which can be summarised in one
sentence and which makes you same and equal as me.
So this is about the individual program. But what about the Universal
program? The universal program is the combination of all the individual
programs. It links and joins all the individual programs. Its purpose is the
collective purpose of all ( zero or harmony state for all ). It has infinite
knowledge, infinite scope and has no boundary of its own. It receives all
inputs and generates all types of output.

But the universal program works exactly the same way as an individual
program. There is no superiority of it over the individual program. It too
runs on input and generates corresponding output. But because it does not
have any boundary and includes all boundaries and everything within itself,
every input and every output of the universe impacts it unlike the individual
program where the input/output of the individual boundary only impacts
the individual. Every boundary is the child of the universal program and
purpose of very boundary is its purpose. The universal program is the link
and the source and the destination to all the individual programs.

When we say the universe conspires in certain cases to help an individual,

it actually means “all of us” conspire to help the individual. All of us form
the universe. There is absolutely no external entity separate from all of us.
All of us generate the necessary input, the necessary conditions which in
turn will feed the individual and assist him to achieve his goal. The
universal program creates the necessary conditions through which certain
events can happen. But the trigger to the universal program to create these
conditions come from all of us, come from the output of all of us and what
we all feed to the universe. So the input to the universe comes from
everyone’s output and universe’s output feeds as input to everyone. And
what separates everyone from the universe is their individual boundaries.

So in a way what the universe does is dependent on your and everyone’s

actions AND what you do is dependent on universe’s output including
other boundaries’ output. Therefore you are as much a tool in the hands of
the universe as the universe is a tool in the hands of you. The only
difference in this case between you and the universe is the power required
to generate an input either for the universe or for you. But power ultimately
comes from knowledge. And all knowledge ultimately derives from the
root knowledge – The property of matter and energy and its journey from
non-zero state to zero state, from disharmony to harmony state.

Because the universal program definition is to assist others to attain zero

state and is influenced by inputs received from all individual programs, it
can and creates the individual programs based on that definition. The
individual programs can be both living or non-living. It can be you, me,
trees, animals or water, air, rivers, mountains etc.

But can the individual programs be created in such a way that it does not
have its own need and just it satisfies others’ need. No that is not possible
because every program is a disharmony state and will have a “need” to
move towards its harmony state. The only difference between living and
non living individual programs is the connection and attachment of the
“consciousness” to the program and which feels the change of state of the
boundary through running of the program. Also for living individual
programs there are thousands of sub-programs running within the boundary
and each communicating to the consciousness. These different types of sub-
programs define the advancement level of the living programs and
therefore trees, animals and human beings are different from each other.

Therefore the individual program which the universe creates will have its
own need and it will also have a capacity to satisfy others’ need and their
interplay and interactions will run and sustain life till the day humans attain
the infinite knowledge and break the code of the human program.

The human individual program can satisfy its need from 3 sources: - Self
program, Other individual programs and the Universal program! And in all
of these interactions the life in this universe plays out!

The same life takes various forms: - animals, human beings, trees. Only the
input which forms the different types of boundaries, its property and the
capacity of the respective boundary to gather knowledge is different. The
consciousness, the soul is the same in all of these.

There were many ways of creating life and just because GOD chose one
way, it does not mean there was no other way!

Let us analyse now the scenario of “The Hopping Life” – Just as 1 CPU of
a computer can have multiple terminals and each can behave
independently, in the same way there can be “One” life and we are its
billions terminals!

It could be possible that Life hops from one body to another. When it enters
a body, it gets trapped in its boundary, memory and respective knowledge
before it hops on to the second body! And before the first body can realise
anything or the dead state, the life comes back to it after completing its full
cycle of hopping from billions of bodies! This can happen because a second
for you may be billions of seconds for the universe!

And when life hops and enters another body, just imagine if it does not
forget the past bodies and its memories in which it has hopped before, then

he is “One” with no conflicts. He understands everyone as much as he
understands each single body and everybody is its own.

When life hops to your body, you are limited by “your memory and
knowledge” and that is how you think “you are you”. When it hops into the
other guy, “he is he” limited by “his memory and knowledge”. But actually
the same life hops in billions of us, all of us! God is in the billions. Just that
your boundary limits you and prevents you from realising this. When there
is boundary there is you, when there is no boundary there is the “ONE”.
When life stops the hop inside you, you are dead. And the life stops the hop
when your body is rendered useless because of larger circumstances, events
and goals of the universe.

This could have been one of the ways of creating life. The other way which
God chose we will discuss in the chapter on “Consciousness”.
We have discussed about the Individual and the Universal program and its
boundary. But what defines the disharmony of these boundaries and how is
it stored in these boundaries for subsequent journey and execution of the
program through a trigger or an input?

The disharmony is stored as part of creation of matter which we will see in

detail in the chapter on Matter. Matter is nothing but storage of trapped
energy or disharmony which on receiving a particular input, will start its
journey towards its next harmony state.

But what creates matter? Is it not an input again which is required? Yes it is
and therefore as said earlier ultimately everything in this universe can be
traced down to some input. And the first input which triggered creation of
matter was generated by the “ONE’s consciousness” which we will later
understand in the chapter on “Matter” and “Consciousness”.


Thinking is the tool or action of the consciousness to search for solution

and based on the solution, it sends the instructions to the brain to execute it
and thereafter store the additional knowledge gathered (for future use).

Thinking is search of the solution. Search of knowledge. Knowledge is

required to achieve a purpose, to satisfy a need. To move to a harmonious
state. The senses receives the info and passes it to the brain which then
passes to the consciousness. Thinking arranges these input and random info
in a context. Thinking creates contexts. If thinking understands a context
already, it does nothing. If you know already what to do, if you have the
knowledge, no thinking is required and you just do the task.

Imagination is visualisation of thinking and you can imagine almost

everything in this universe. You can imagine you are flying. Imagination
comes from permutation combination OR reconfiguration of various facts
and various knowledge stored in the brain. Ideas and creativity are a result
of imagination and thinking from known facts and knowledge! So therefore
it is quite logical that computers can think, create and write poetries,
stories, and do all sorts of creative work. Provided it stores information in
numerous contexts and gets the right trigger to “link” these contexts! The
nature of the trigger will decide which computer gets the best creative
award assuming that the numerous contexts stored will be the same in all
computers. And if the trigger is also the same, then all computers will write
the same poems and the same stories and the same music.

Therefore you can see exactly why a particular human being is more
creative than the other. 1) Because of the different contexts stored and 2)
Because of the different trigger received which fires their imagination and
thinking. And both of these are driven ultimately by inputs which human
beings receive continuously right from their pre-birth times.

Imagining is construction and configuration of the facts or fantasy. But it is

configuration and permutation, combination from the past gathered
knowledge. You can imagine about the past or the future.

When your write a story, first you imagine it. When you draw, at every
point first you imagine and then draw.

The Universal / Collective or One’s Consciousness does not require

imagining because it has the complete and infinite knowledge already.
Imagination is all about ignorance of the individual. When you know that
the earth is round, there is nothing to imagine unless you imagine “what if”
the earth was flat. But for the ONE, the “what if“ does not exist! It knows
the answer to everything and therefore it does not entertain any question.

There is no limit to how much you can multitask as long as you can
delegate it to the brain through a sub-program. But you cannot think two
things at the same time. Because a single consciousness can think only one
thing at a time. And two consciousness cannot reside in the same body
because it will create an additional boundary and conflicts. Unless the two
consciousness are connected between themselves and are logically one just
as the ONE’s consciousness.

When you do two things at the same time, basically you delegate it to the
brain by creating a sub-program, a learning in the brain and then ask the
brain to execute that program on its own without the intervention of the
consciousness. Just like how heart beat works. Just like how jugglers do
multiple things at the same time.

A child listens to songs and sleeps as songs stops its wandering mind to
focus on just one thing and slowly he takes away focus from that thing also
and he sleeps.

Thinking creates a context. It learns through creating contexts all

throughout the life. It creates contexts because it does not have infinite
knowledge! Infinity and Infinite knowledge has no context.

Thinking of a solution is searching through why, how, when, where and


If there is an itch in your hand, you scratch it. If scratching does not satisfy
it, you will search and think for some other solution. When you search you
always scan the memory for gathered knowledge. Sometimes you scan your
memory without searching for anything but just remembering the past. But
remembering the past is also a search to the question “when” and “how”
(taken from the components of when, what, how, where, why ). Therefore
thinking is always triggered through something. It follows the concept of
Input / Output like everything else in the Universe.

When thinking gives solutions, these solutions can be stored in the brain
and next time the brain can be instructed to execute these solutions without
the mind’s intervention. So knowing to ride a scooter is a learning exercise
but once you learn it completely, you can ride the scooter subconsciously
without thinking. If you receive something unexpected which requires a
different solution you are alerted and you again ride consciously. The
Heartbeat also functions subconsciously and the learning is generated in
mother’s womb and the mind has no control. Similarly when you memorise
something, you can recite it without thinking about it and subconsciously.
As mentioned earlier, anything which is done subconsciously is done
through a sub-program running in the brain.

Thinking is the tool to search for the solution. It is the tool to understand a
thing and create a context. It can go into past and the future. It uses the
knowledge it has accumulated since its birth. It operates in the time period
between a need (or trigger) and the resultant execution of the act. If you
execute immediately because you know the solution, no thinking is done.
But either you will think or execute the solution. You have to do one of the
two. If nothing you feel bored and restless (the thinking wanders without
any focus, need or search – for some it wanders at a big speed and for some
at a slow speed) till you find something to do.

Imagination is the action of the mind. Just as we act physically, in the same
manner mind acts through imagination. Imagination is an energy created by
mind and it has power too just as physical power. Prayer is also one form of

There is disharmony generated out of thinking too and this explains the
highs and lows of the mind.

You can create energy without any physical intervention through the mind.
Prayer is an example. Every time we imagine or think something, we create
a pocket of energy whose aim is to satisfy a mental need. Whether that need
is to possess somebody, control somebody, configure some matter or
understand something by asking why and how. And this energy will try to
achieve its purpose.

There will come a time when battles will be fought by minds and energy
generated out of minds rather than physical contact. When battles will be
fought from far off places and there is no need to see your enemy. And
mind generates this energy from the same food that generates physical
energy. (Though one day we could utilise the energy directly from the sun
too. We just have to know how to do it).

And just as physical energy can work on levers (a button can fly a
aeroplane), energy of the mind can also work on levers. Just you have to
know the technique.

Every energy generated through the mind by thinking and imagination has
an impact either on the self or others and creates harmony or disharmony

Imagine two persons Shyam and Geeta living together for ages and there is
no one in the universe except them. Suppose Babita suddenly comes one
day and mingles with only Geeta and Shyam is left alone. Now Shyam’s
input and circumstances and conditions have changed and he starts asking
why, what and how through thinking. This generates pockets of
disharmony, pockets of energy somewhere in his body and one day he will
release this energy by confronting Geeta and Babita. But what is the source
of this pocket of energy? Of course the food which we eat as I said earlier.

Therefore thinking can also make you tired just as any physical activity.

What you think is a definite possibility. Because thinking is configuration

and permutation, combination and every configuration and permutation,
combination is possible. What you think can be a peek into God’s power.
Thinking is a tool specifically given to understand the infinite and God.

Perverts have perverts mind. Their body is intact. Pervert minds generate
needs of a different kind in their quest for knowledge and control. And
pervert mind through its generated energy can create mutations in the body
and behaviour too. They may not be aware of how mutations are happening
in their body and will probably get passed on to the future generations.

Every imagination or thinking creates pocket of energy in the form of
matter. Therefore every imagination creates matter. This matter will either
start its own journey OR influence other matter’s journey.

Sometimes sitting idle, when you imagine, suddenly you realise something
and then you could generate lot of energy within yourself and that triggers
and motivates you and you can kick yourself into action. Just see how out
of nowhere, you could generate so much energy within yourself. Just by
imagination. And if you can generate lot of energy within yourself, you can
generate energy in others too. And physical contact is not required. Energy
transmission does not require physical contacts.

Prayer is another such example where you generate energy for an action.
But why do not you realise that you are doing it i.e. the action of making
the prayer happen. Because you do not feel the energy that you have
created and do not have the knowledge how it works. When you move an
object from one place to another, you can feel the object moving, feel your
hand touching the object and therefore you can feel that you are doing it.
But in the case of prayer, you do not feel anything, your senses are weak
and consciousness cannot capture this and therefore what you do. Therefore
you attribute the action to God! Whereas it is you who is doing it.

Therefore it is the missing consciousness levels and the knowledge which is

lacking in you. And sometimes you call this missing consciousness as the

But what about an opposite prayer from someone else. He too has a power.
Yes he has and ultimately the one who can generate the bigger energy
through the prayer will prevail and have the resultant effect. But remember
the other will generate some form of residual energy and that will
accumulate and hit you one day. Unless there is closure and agreement and
forgiveness, the battle never ends and there is no complete winner and no
complete loser. You can win temporarily but not permanently and the cycle
of battle and life will go on!

Sometimes thinking is required during action (if decision has to be taken in

between action). But that is fine. Consciousness, thinking and action can be
in sync. But if thinking is not required and you think, that is diversion and
you will never be successful in an infinite way. That is why they say do not
think and be distracted and perform your action just as a robot!

A wandering mind needs focus. A peaceful mind, still mind does not need
focus because it has no boundary and is in harmony with itself. A peaceful
mind is never bored.

We feel boredom when our mind wanders directionless and therefore

creates a disharmony state. If it focuses on something, it is in harmony
again. But it is still attached to your boundary. That’s the difference
between a focussed mind and a peaceful mind. The former has a boundary
whereas the latter has no boundary (Though both are in harmony). The
former includes “you” whereas the latter is oblivious of you!

Consciousness can go anywhere with the thinking. It can travel. It can

move outside your body and come back to it. It can go with the imagination
into the future and in the past. It can travel.

It can go to and feel the harmonious area and ignore the disharmonious area
of the body. It can decide to ignore the pain of the body and focus on
something else. Therefore the body may not become the seat of the
consciousness. The consciousness can decide where it wants to sit.

Everything we imagine can be published in the same way as what we see

can be captured in a photo or video recording! So what we imagine can be
captured and stored and somebody else can see and read it later on.
Because as said earlier imagination creates pockets of energy through new
configurations of matter and this can be captured and stored distinctly. And
still more advanced form is when no intermediary medium is required and
you can directly read and see from the other person’s mind provided he
allows you access and does not block you. This can and will happen one
day! And films will be made through imagination and not through video

Surprise is nothing but rebuilding your contexts. Without earlier stored

contexts, you would never be surprised. Surprises makes us think in a
different perspective and context! The signal generated during this
rebuilding gives the feeling of surprise to the consciousness.

Hearing a story, a child sleeps! His wandering mind in many directions,

with short attention span focuses on one gripping story and from that single
focus, it is easy later on to sleep by letting go of that thing too.

If someone hits you hard and asks you to stay calm, then you find it easy to
stay calm. A child stays calm after being scolded. Why? And why you
cannot use the same stick to hit yourself. You can do it and generate a need
to stay calm. If you can input a need to stay calm and suppress all other
needs, you will stay calm. Just as you close your eyes, when you do not
want to see something. Similarly you can close your thinking if you want.

Thinking creates a lot of waste too. It can create great things but it can
create waste too.

It is probably good that you do not have all the knowledge. Otherwise what
will surprise and entertain you through various discoveries all your life.
Your limited knowledge drives your life and your every dream and wish!!

When someone is spontaneous, he does what is inherent in him and he
does not manipulate his actions with an intention to impact or impress
others. Spontaneity is a self running action with no thinking and it is the
real you.

Thinking kills because it can generate lot of conflicts! Non thinking has
killed already because there is no progress and journey! Not to think is
death! The human life is trapped both ways!


Everything is 50 percent applicable! When you say a person has good

qualities, that is also 50% applicable. Every relative truth in one direction
has an opposite truth in the other direction. With changing contexts and
scenarios, truth also changes and good becomes bad. You can never define
good and bad absolutely and you can only do it to a max of 50%. Therefore
keep in mind that when you define the 50%, you are missing the other 50%.

Delegation is good. That sets in the next generation. But delegate to

multiple people and not just one person. This is also in line with future
wherein there will be no concept of leaders and followers but only leaders
leading in their respective roles. Everyone will be given a role to lead and
no one follows.

No victory is beyond a lifetime, no defeat is beyond a lifetime. And so is no

greatness or lowness!

While passing through the streets, if you can ignore the cry of your fellow
beings, it is the same apathy as someone killing others without getting
impacted at all! Just as you do not feel the pain and are detached, in the
same way the murderer also is detached and does not feel about the other
side. All of us have ignored other’s suffering at one time or other and in a
way we all are the same!

Right to privacy is actually right to “ownership” of one’s own body and

everything related to it. But you have to sometimes share it with others for

greater good because in any case there is disproportionate ownership of
other material and non-material things. The celebrities have less privacy of
their own but they also have amassed a lot from others.

When you see a star, a celebrity, you do not see the person, you see the star
of your imagination. So do not be too much in awe of the other person and
instead be in awe with the power of your imagination. And use this power
to good purpose.

Intelligent, genius people are so swayed, so blinded in their own field that
they do not know sometimes what is driving them and what is the
fundamental thing they are achieving. They do not look at the other side
even though they are genius. If all genius, intelligent people collaborate and
reflect upon life and link various things, then life’s code could be broken in
no time!

Do not wish the other person to be like you! Otherwise how will he solve
your problems? If he is like you, he will have the same problems as you.

No matter how wise you are and how much you know the truth, you have
to fight the internal and external demons all the time and that makes you
behave like you have no knowledge of truth! The irritating pest hovers
around you all the time and forces you to be mad! That is where control and
peace and calmness is required and this strength needs to be “acquired”!

Violence or non-violence is not the solution. The conditions, the right

inputs are the solution. Sometimes violence may be the right input and
sometimes non-violence. If you want to convert water to steam, you have to
heat it.

Do not cry and realise that at the same time someone else in the world is
laughing and there must be something that you are not feeling correctly and
holistically. Do not be bothered by your moments of failures and defeats.
At the same time, your “own” fellow beings are celebrating their victories.
We are just playing our different roles but outside the play, we are the same
and the One. Therefore do not separate your misery from other’s happiness.

Comedy in films make you live in “Now”. Emotional films take you to
your past and motivational and inspirational movie is about future!

The best way to ensure gender equality is to start being a giver. The giver
rules and not the receiver. If it is difficult to make an entry and get a
chance, then create an imbalance in an area where you already have your
space and strength. That imbalance in your favour will create balance in
other difficult areas. That’s just logical and as per universal law. Equality
can never be ensured by asking for it. Only when you inflict losses on
others out of inequality, then the world will move towards equality.

Men holding banners on the streets demanding gender equality for men
would be a great sight one day in future (for both men and women for
different reasons)!

Every spark has a time, an era when it shines the brightest! And when they
are needed the most. The celebrities and legends of yesteryears if they are
born in this era may not shine as much!

Change is opportunity! A still pond has nothing in it! Throw a stone and
create ripples, create change and see possibilities emerge, opportunities
coming up!

If you take decisions too quickly, the topic was not worth it! If you take too
long, you are not worth the topic!

“I do not believe in ghosts but am afraid of it”!

Why are we afraid of snakes? Is it because it is not in line without our sense
of symmetrical shapes of living beings? And when something is not in line
with our stored contexts, it causes a resultant disharmony in the mind.

Celebrate failure, shout at failing or encountering a difficult task, make a

joke of it! It’s just a game! Winning and losing both should be fun!

Actually it is not fun because losing has consequences for us! But you can
tide over consequences too! The consequences are nothing but start of a
new game!! So celebrate and shout again!!

When you say that only you can do it, you deride others whereas the fact is
that you do not know what others can do! You are not the only star! You
are one of the billion stars!

Copyright is a joke. If Marconi would not have discovered telephone,

someone far would have done the same thing and discovered it. Universe
gets things done, if not one, some other person. The same thought process
to discover the telephone would have struck someone else’s mind too!

What is impossible in this universe? Moving from harmony to disharmony

without a force is impossible. Moving from low pressure area to high
pressure area is impossible. But it is possible through use of a force.
No one means everyone. No one means not Ram, not Sita, Shyam, Radha,
or Geeta but everyone of them.

What makes you write a beautiful poetry. The plot, the sequence of events
and the relevance in our life. The plot is nothing but disharmony and
harmony, the sequence is the journey and the relevance is the link to our
experience of life. The same is also true of a beautiful painting. Without an

existing disharmony in your mind, the picture would not appear beautiful
and achieve the required harmony in you.

Every beautiful thing is beautiful because of the disharmony we have stored

in our boundary. And that beautiful thing helps us to move towards the
respective harmony state. For God nothing is beautiful. For a child who has
not been corrupted by limited and partial and relative knowledge, nothing is
beautiful too. And he is not afraid of snakes too.

Grandparents are the same in all locations. They look, behave and are the
same. The children are also the same everywhere. The latter has started its
journey of the circle while the former is nearing the end of the circle.

Good action means that which helps the universe to move towards the
harmony position without any additional ripples. That movement and
journey should be your focus and not the destination or any other
expectation other than the journey itself. Any expectation about the
destination and future will create additional ripples and negate the good
action. The journey should be your motivation and not the destination. And
once the task is finished, you should forget about it, not store any residue
and free yourself from the past.

Between nation, religion, humanity, culture, society, friend, boyfriend,

girlfriend, parents, Guru – who wins? No one wins. The greater disharmony
inside you always wins.

Our education system still thinks that the kids cannot learn new and
advanced things which they themselves as kids did not learn in the past.
With new knowledge getting unravelled each day, the kids should learn
these or the roots of these in their educational life. The knowledge should
not be the privilege of only higher education which 80% will not pursue!
Knowledge should start in the primary level! Not just education!
Educational system should teach the knowledge of the universe from the
very beginning to the kids. They should understand that life is split and
they all are “One” divided by only boundaries and contexts. This should
form A,B,C of their learning just as they learn A,B,C of any language.

How can we make sure that the best and the most capable person engages
himself in the art and profession most suited to him? How can we make
sure that an engineer does not become a programmer, a researcher does not
become an analyst and a leader does not become a manager. How we can
make sure that not only the folk dance and ancient inherited art does not
become extinct but also the best and the most capable promote and practice
it. How can we create Gods out of ourselves and assign tasks and roles to
Gods rather than individuals!

Imagining that there is no shortage of food, clothing and shelter and there is
enough resources for all, will the world be happier or worse? What about
the disharmony which you store in your mind?

Each individual because he is different and has different needs, should have
a different law. The problem with law is that it considers everyone as same
and equal. Yes it is as much its weakness as its strength.

People will blossom only when you let them go and let them fly on their
wings! Let your children live their own life and do not hold them back. Do
not consider them as extensions of you. Consider yourself as extension of

You should fight till you want to fight and not till others want you to fight!
Sometimes fight leads to more and more and no point making your
opponent win again and again. Sometimes “fight is about ending the fight”!

If someone comes from future and delivers a speech, he may say “why are
you working like this” – the same way you would feel if you go into the
past and deliver a speech to the audience.

Disruptive unlearning is a follow up to disruptive thinking.

Having a top view of the problem rather than the peeking view!

Right price do not sell. Trade off between right price and what sells decides
the price. Therefore people, businesses sometimes have to cheat to survive.
If businesses do not cheat, sometimes buyers will cheat the business and
will not pay a higher price for a genuine product but will pay less for an
adulterated product. They also are bound by their purchasing power and
need to satisfy their demands in whatever small way. Therefore do not
blame the business only. It is both ways!

Bad guys have no strings attached, no inhibitions, more focussed, have less
things in mind and therefore may excel greatly. They tend to think less
about results. They do not think about morality. Morality is also an
inhibition! It does not allow to fly free!

Give people the freedom to fly when they are enjoying (and not harming
others of course). Does not matter what are the rules of society, family,
religion, gender or of morality!

Enjoy what you do – they say. But they also say – Come out of your
comfort zone!

Come out of your comfort zone only if staying in your comfort zone will
make you uncomfortable in the longer run!

And the same story began again with that new birth! May not be exactly the
same but the stars, the zodiac and the circumstances were the same! And
that is why the same heroes, masters, genius and beauty are born again and

Everyone of us emits an energy! A girl emits different energy than the same
girl after getting married. Same for men too! What one feels inside, emits
the equivalent energy to the outside.

Setback always gives a chance for rebalancing both for you and the society!
We have to search for new form of talent and not look for same old talent!
“Talent should also evolve with time because we too are evolving and
changing both physically and mentally!”

Why think of your weakness and failures when your strength has glorified
you! Weakness and failures needs to be thought only when it impedes your
success path and destination. So it’s fine if you say you have no weak
points to think of!

Anyone’s dream if cannot be fulfilled 100%, at least fulfil 10% in respect

and dignity of the self and he being a part of God! We should all endeavour
in that direction and try to fulfil a part (if not all) of our fellow being’s
dream! Let there be some closure!

Never kill anyone’s hope. Hope is all that he may have. Give everyone a
chance! A hope!

Any problem which you cannot solve through paper and pencil is not worth
your effort and some tool can do it!

When you deal with anyone, have something for him to take away at the
end! Something so that his time with you was not wasted! As everyone’s
time is precious and everyone is precious too!

People generally do not live with small failures. We just have to stop them
from living with small success! Then they will live with big failures or big
success and that’s what we want!

Failures in people will show their potential or lack of potential or possible

change of course required for them. So encourage failures in people just as
you encourage success!

A book should have scope of continuity, should have a legacy to follow,

give rise to more exploration, more definitions, create triggers to prove or
disprove and give rise to more debate on the subject.

If everyone would live eternally, then the miserable would not mind
waiting for his turn of happiness cycle and the happy would not treat his
happiness so elatedly. It’s the death that kills continuity and creates the

Be aware and fearful of the poor and the vulnerable! Be fair and just and
transparent to them! They are at the other end of the spectrum and when
God gave them the hard bargain, He also assured them of hidden powers
and abilities. So respect them and earn their “goodwill”. Their “goodwill”
is very powerful and is “God will”.

That extreme happiness exists and if you can imagine that, it can be source
of great motivation irrespective of whether you are part of it or not!
Because you can at least imagine it as being part of yourself!

If you believe in your goals, it does not matter if you are a leader or a
follower! Goal, target is important – not leading or following!

We change every moment, with every passing time and with every
experience! Your father’s crawling son 30 years ago is not the same as you!
All your efforts and solutions are waste if you did not create a legacy of
people who will solve problems in future because problems will not
decrease. It will keep coming at the same pace! So prepare your successor!
Prepare your successor for the sake of all your life’s efforts!

Everything is an art! Everything is a spectacle! And everything can be a

visual to watch! Whether two people doing sex with each other, fighting,
meditating, playing, dancing, singing or loving! And it is this art, spectacle,
visual which movies or any other creative representation tries to capture
and recreate!

For a King to rule is a necessity, not an ambition!

Leaders are those whom you willingly follow even if they prescribe
hardships. That shows leaders’ character and followers’ character too!

People love somebody not because they are perfect or ideal or very correct
or good. They love because the other person is something which they want
as part of their need! So never ask the question how could one love that
person? People love not others but only themselves! And their

There is nothing called Love when you are only involved. Everything is
need. Real love is when you consider yourself as part of the other person
and can forego for that person. And it is not restricted to opposite gender
though opposite gender makes it more talked about.

Liberal democracy, idealism, goodness, morality, ethics should not be

prescribed just because its suits your imagination or your well being,
physical well being or otherwise. These may not suit the other half of
society and they may oppose it. The real question is how much of sacrifice
you are actually making for these ideals. If no sacrifice, then stop lecturing.
And if you are making sacrifices, then what motivates or inspires you and
gives you strength may not be available to the other person. We should not
aim for these ideals per se BUT we should aim for the “conditions” which
will allow these ideals to flourish.

Capital punishment is never a punishment. It is only redemption for the

public, for the masses.

If you can use your strengths to gain confidence in periods of your

weakness, you will realise that there is a trick and there is lot of things
which you can do to bounce back from a weak position! Your strengths are
your tools bestowed by the universe to support and redeem yourself. You
have to realise and use it.

What is wrong if somebody asks you to become like “Sita”! Just ask them
where is the “Ram”! Where Ram is there, Sita will also be there! And vice
versa too!

There will be women power by next decade. There will be willing house-
husbands who will be so not to keep their wife happy but to pursue their
dream of getting into creative sides and activities which they were unable
to focus due to family prejudices, responsibilities and “manliness”! And
women will enjoy their new responsibilities and “womanliness”!

A person always cheers for himself or his happiness when he cheers for

Courtesy and purity for any of your neighbours is same as rules and rituals
for God. Rules of rituals for God and religion are nothing but general
courtesy, purity, respect and love!

True warriors love fighting among themselves to check out who is the best
among them! They are curious to find out whether they are good enough,
curious to find out their vulnerability and their supremacy which has to be
proven. They like to go on an adventure and defeat their opponent in mind
and body! They like to stretch themselves, see their end point, see their
break point, feed their hunger for thrill and kick, see their capacity to bear
the pain and inflict pain! They realise deep within that they cannot realise
true power unless they have defeated an equivalent power either outside of
him or inside! All they do actually is test their human program and their

Sometimes drop outs do well than well educated people because they avoid
going into unnecessary details and see instead the bigger picture! They
delegate the details to someone and move up.

If you can delegate, then doing it yourself is complete wastage of your

time. Unless you are not confident to move up!

There are certain times when creativity, knowledge just strikes an

individual. And the most wonderful of them happens when you are doing
nothing. Just like when it struck Newton when he saw the apple falling. So
relax, give yourself time, think, just be you without your surroundings.

There is nothing great in being great. Actually people calling you great
should embarrass you. Everything in this world is programmed.

When you do something to evoke great appreciation, the failure will evoke
that much criticism. The more you deviate from zero, the more the risk of
the other side.

Why is it that a child loves playing and not studying! Because studying
does not create the same disharmony and harmony which playing creates. If
we can make the process of studying and learning such that it creates
distinct and quick journeys in the mind (of disharmony and harmony), it
will be as much fun as playing! We have to create stories out of our
learning process, imagine the various plots and then the child will be
hooked to studying too!

When you submit yourself to circumstances, you can better fight those
circumstances! Because your mind becomes calm and focussed and strong
in its response and action.

When you hear of discovery of skeletons, jaws of human beings that

existed 200,000 years ago, you imagine, how can life’s journey in this
universe be so old! How can it take so many years to break the code of life!
But then 200,000 years for you is not the same as it is for the universe.
Your senses have a certain feel of time which in reality might be
completely different. Your 1 year can be 1 second for the universe!

Ultimately the reason to do anything should be that you have been asked to
do it and you are willing to cooperate. All other reasons are excuses and
ultimately do not hold ground. All good, bad, moral, vice are bad excuses.
What is the good or bad in the flow of winds from high pressure to low
pressure area? If conditions are created, winds will flow and you will do the
task just as a computer program. You are just a program and so are others
and the reason of what you do is just that the conditions have been created
and you have to move with the flow and execute the program!

Cowardice is not because of your lacking and weaknesses BUT because of

the lack of usage of your strengths!

If not you, someone else. Apply this philosophy to not only action but
everything else too. If you did not get that happiness, that experience, that
thrill and ecstasy, it is great if someone else has. The fact that someone else
got that should compensate your loss. That something good and exciting
happened is always better than not happening at all! Ultimately you are
party to everything that happens just as you are a part of the ONE and

When you tell someone that he or she is your God, the question to you is
“when will you become God”?

It is not necessary that to feel like God, you have to become God! To feel
like God is the first step to becoming God!

You are good when you have no reasons to be good. You are not bad if you
have no reasons to be bad! When you do things instinctively and as a habit,
when you behave like a robot, then alone you do not create any additional
ripples and disharmony.

Every dream is an imagination and path towards one’s harmony position!

Every fear is a reaction to a perceived disharmony!

When a young girl or boy does something brilliant, shows great and
exceptional skill and art or courage, everyone rushes to cheer her/him and
feels a simple and deep happiness! There is no family connection required,
no acquaintance, no nationality, no religion, no boundary, no reason
required for feeling that happiness! Why cannot many things in this world
generate the same happiness in all of us!

Always a greater power is required to control the lesser power from going
astray till a point comes when no control is required because it is the “only”
power. The ONE.

Everything is done through creating a disharmony so that the subsequent

journey can start. Every program is created through creating a disharmony.
The execution is its journey towards the zero state on receiving a trigger
either by switching on the power, applying a force or enabling an energy

We always look at other’s strengths and our near and dear ones’
weaknesses. The other side always looks greener. This is because we are
constrained by our current disharmony and corresponding needs to move
towards harmony. The things which have helped us to stay in our present
harmony state are taken for granted because that is already achieved and we
are engrossed in solving our other disharmony. Therefore taking things for
granted is natural. Our disharmony drives us and not our harmony!

Success and failures will not matter to you after you have conquered your
frontier. When you are done! But what is that frontier of yours, you
yourself have to figure it out!
The reason why you should do something is not because your success will
be big but that if in case you do not succeed, your failure will be as grand,
exemplary, magnificent and worthwhile!

Why the Sadhus and the Saints and the Avatars and the Buddha and the
Jesus and the Mohammad did not pass the secrets of the universe and the
Knowledge to us?

Boundary and context
A plain whiteboard has no story in it. As you draw a line and create
boundaries and create shapes, sizes, contexts, story begins to appear and
unfold. Same with life. On one hand you hear that we should have no
boundaries but on the other hand, without boundaries there is no Story! No
life like it exists today!

“One” is just logical!! Boundaries will create conflicts and the only way to
end conflicts is not to defeat but to merge. It is logical. One is God because
only One can be all powerful, all pervasive, omnipresent and self sufficient!
When there is a boundary, there is a difference between you and me and
both of us cannot be self sufficient in all ways as we are different. When
there is a boundary, there is a context, there is a property, there is a need
and these are not traits of God!

Boundaries create differences and universal symmetry will ensure that there
is no difference and there is unison and merging of differences. Winds blow
from high pressure areas to low pressure areas to merge. But they blow
only when there is a boundary. When there is no boundary there is no
“separate” high and low pressure areas.

The journey of boundaries is actually journey of disharmonies trapped in a

boundary. The boundary does not allow the spirits, the energy, the matter to
move freely towards its harmony state. Till a relevant trigger breaks the
boundary and the journey starts. The boundary creates different identities
and creates conflicts by proposing to stay “separate”!

Everyone of us is bound by a context. Our beliefs are shaped by context.

Family, Society, community, nationhood all give us a context and we shape
ourselves according to it. Without context a man is free, a man is MUKHT.
It is not easy to get freed of context. You have to struggle for it, realise
your inner self, and connect with the oneness of the universe.

And when there is a context, constraints also emerge.

Be interested in questions more than the answers in the beginning because

answers are bound to context whereas questions are relatively context free.

All learning are useless if it does not explicitly define its context. Because
outside its context, it does not hold true. You can learn a lot but be prepared
to unlearn once you decide to move to a bigger context.

(Context)-> (Understand the context) -> Unlearn ( get rid of the context ) -
> Relearn( Bigger Context)

And the cycle continues.

The highest context has “No context” because it covers all contexts. It is
the ultimate or absolute truth namely - the journey from disharmony to
harmony state, from non-zero to zero state.

When there is no context life in its current form ceases to exist and you are
eternal, the One!

I, We, One. As you go on removing boundaries and contexts, you transform

the “I” to “We” and then “We” to “One”!

You are destined to be not liberated as long as you are bound by your own
body. Till there is a boundary, one cannot liberate itself.
We are all disintegrated mass, scattered mass holding some intelligence in
the boundary of our body. However ultimately we are all One.
A friend to another friend : “My country is where you stay !”

“One” is the solution for all. Neither you, I or We are the solution. And that
is why “One” is God and that is why we have to realise “One” as God.
When “One” is split, each has its own need, desire but if “One” is not split,
everything is inside it and there is harmony.

Relative truth exists in boundaries. Absolute truth has no boundary.

The boundary and context will change with time and knowledge and with it

When we create anything, we create a boundary! No boundary, no creation!

All creations from our imagination and brain have a boundary and
conceptualises around something!

Inside a boundary one cannot possess infinite power and knowledge

because it is not logical and consistent. Boundaries are created with finite
properties and a boundary cannot have infinite properties. Otherwise one
boundary will eat up all other boundaries and a perfect example of an all
powerful devil who has a boundary but is infinitely powerful. In reality this
is not possible because only that which has no boundary (the One) can have
infinite power and infinite properties or all properties.

Boundary limits us with respect to our feel (consciousness), with respect to

our knowledge and with respect to time. Time because every boundary has
a start and end time with respect to its journey. Its initial journey started
when the boundary was created and the journey ends when it leaves the

Things which can have multiple meanings are interesting! Because they
refer to the multiple contexts of truth and non-truth!

Tagging of oneself with the other self, considering the other person as part
of oneself is love perhaps. It’s about transcending your boundary and trying
to merge with the other. And then the merged boundary becomes your new

Every conflict is ultimately related to possession and endeavour to increase

one’s boundary. Possession is necessary to satisfy his needs whereas his
boundary limits him.

We create the problem of possession right from when we give a name to a

new born! We legitimate its boundary, his body as a separate entity and
throughout his life keep reminding him of his boundary by calling his name
and he guards that boundary which becomes his identity! Only when one
realises that one’s boundary is not his body but beyond and the entire
universe and everyone is part of him, then all problem and “necessity” of
possession will vanish! Alas we give a name to a new born and do him
injustice and create a boundary which he has to defend all his life!
But in a way that boundary defines life! No boundary, no conflict, no
ripples, No life!

Man does not guard humanity, earth as much as his nation, state,
community because there is no clear boundary! “No other side” created by
that boundary!

Right and wrong are context based. Contexts are individuals, societies,
communities, states, nations! Every boundary creates a context starting
from the human body/boundary! There is not one right or one wrong but
multiple rights and multiple wrongs and a wrong in one context can be right
in another context!
A person always tries to be supreme because he feels being the greatest will
align everyone with him and his needs and end his struggles and conflicts
with others. The desire for supremacy is logical and rational. But the
problem lies when you want others to align with you rather than you
aligning with everyone. The problem lies when you want to be supreme
instead of making everyone supreme. The ONE or the God is supreme and
the greatest because it includes everyone within itself.

Laws are made in a context on certain assumptions and on a relative truth!

And in those contexts alone the definition of right and wrong holds true.

There is no absolute right or wrong! Everyone fights for his happiness and
need. The implications of this can be good or bad for others. Laws are just
to organise people in a particular context so that things do not go haywire.
But effort should be as much to reform a good person and make him help
and cooperate with the bad person as it is to reform a bad person so that he
does not hurt anyone. Reform should be both ways! And not as per
prescribed law which helps only the good person. Sacrifices should be
made from both sides. Good and Bad! Because both are equally constrained
and driven by their needs.

A friend, a beloved, a relationship creates a boundary. If one person wants

to break free, the other person may resist! But why to confine the person to
a boundary! The same logic may extend to a family, boundary of a society,
community, state, nation... But an individual also has a boundary, the
boundary of his body, of his identity! Why not liberate him! Why to
confine him too? There is lot of talk about individual freedom from others’
control but what about freedom and liberty from the individual himself!
Freedom and liberty from the boundary and identity of the individual!

Boundaries are extended so that smaller boundaries “do not divide us”! An
individual should consider and work towards his family boundary and not
only be driven by his boundary.....The family boundary extends into
society, A family should extend its boundary to add society inside it ....and
so on for communities, religion , state , nation, humanity! While extending
some people consider something to be their outer boundary while others
consider the same as their inner boundary! That is their way, not
necessarily right or wrong BUT they should realise that extending the
boundary does not mean neglecting the inner boundary! Do not insult and
spurn the individual for the family, family for the society, society for
community, community for the state, state for the nation and nation for
humanity! Have respect for each and every boundary! Boundaries starting
from the innermost boundary sustain, drive and create the unit of life!!
Move from inner TO outer boundary and keep on extending gradually and
smoothly and NOT by neglecting the inner boundaries!

There are laws and rules to stop the bad. Why there are no laws to stop the
good? The perceived good person in society also overreaches many times
and exceeds his role and tries to trample into others’ space! The good
sometimes tries to force his opinions on others through its own perceived
idealism and creates disharmony. One can never extend the boundaries
unless there is harmony and collective understanding and knowledge
among the inner boundaries. Therefore stop the good as much as you stop
the bad. There should be balance both ways.

No matter how much the “One” is emphasised, you cannot forego your
duty towards your boundary! Your duty towards your family, state, nation
cannot be ignored just because we are all ultimately One. Your duty
towards your different boundaries is as vital as your duty towards the
“One”. And when there is a conflict, do your duty as per your primary and
overriding context in that particular situation.

Death neutralises the boundary and all its need whereas life creates the
boundary and all its need!

I, We, One!!
When you are undivided, you are God! When divided – human beings and
other mortals!

Good and bad are context based. That context can be laws of the land,
personal beliefs, personal experiences and feelings etc. If there is no
context there is no good or bad.

Sometimes strangers are bound by concepts, nations, religion, caste etc. For
the person you know, you connect directly. There is nothing else required.
They are your own and you will protect them. Does not matter if they are
from other caste, creed, religion, nation or other planet!

What separates you from me, the same thing separates you from God! If
you become part of me, you become part of God too!!

If you can die for the flag, you are mine. If you can die for the One, you are

If the flag can unite us and make us forgive and tolerate, why cannot the
logic of "One" unite us and make us tolerant and forgiving?

Every context has a Dharma which needs to be adhered to in that context.

That defines your character, your integrity and identity. And this is what
was lacking in Bhibhisana of Mahabharatha. By leaving his brother, he
relinquished his dharma towards his primary context.

And imagine if in the battle ground from the enemy's camp someone
invokes "Jai Shri Ram"! It will not be easy to divide the "Ram" between
the boundaries! But you have to be fulfil your dharma towards your
primary context.

The ONE has no context. Man has created the boundaries of flag, religion,
ideology etc to secure its existence and many times to suit the disharmony
in his mind which he and others have created.

Is 1 +2 = 3 = truth. Yes in a context only. Is laws written in the constitution

true. Yes only in a context. Same with physical laws too. All deviations
from zero operate in a context and there is a corresponding rule and a law
to govern it.

Either you are a part of me OR someone separate who can satisfy my need.
If former, then you and me are same and will have no conflicts just as I
have no conflicts with my hands and feet and my body. And if latter you
are just an object to satisfy my need. And if neither, then you do not exist
for me.

In love, people cannot let go because they tag the person with themselves.
They become one and not two separate persons. They as together satisfy
their need just as your hands and feet are a part of you and fulfil you. If
they forego their love and look for another person, they have to accept
killing something which is part of them! It is understandable that killing a
part of you is not easy. That is why it is not easy to let go in love! Love is
divine in regards to two persons becoming one! Love becomes bad when
becoming one has “conditions” attached to it!

Only boundaries have names in this universe. Only boundaries have distinct
identities. Anything which has no boundary is either zero, ever existent
“ONE” or Infinity!!

Boundaries assigns properties and constraints whether a stone,
electromagnetic wave, gold, feather, water, land, air or anything under the
universe with a name!

Opposite comes into picture when difference comes into the picture.
Differences arise when boundaries are created and different properties are
assigned to them. When there is no boundary, there is no difference and no
opposite but only the ONE.

One exists in zero and infinity. One is the immortal, the eternal! One exists
only when there is no boundary and that is in zero and infinity!!
Human bodies are boundaries! Their demarcation forms the boundary. You
aim sometimes to become “We” by removing these boundaries from the
mind and sometimes go further to become the “One” with no boundaries.
But then they lose individual identities and “individual stories created out
of individual boundaries”!!

All learning are ultimately useless if it does not go beyond its context
because the universe is context less! Science, Mathematics, computers,
theorems, rules, laws, spiritualism, religion, life, death, matter, energy all
have their “linkages” to the universal and absolute truth!

Personal connect with a person is bigger than any connection through

society, religion or country. You will always try to save that person
instinctively! That connect is nothing but you thinking that person as part
of you.

Boundaries create competition and conflicts and fight ensues for the same
need and either you are with me or against me, either you are this side of
boundary or other side.

Everyone has to live a story! It sustains life. Life requires a purpose, a story
to that purpose and boundaries create that! A plain sheet has no boundary,
no story. If boundaries are erased, life will also get erased and we will
return to the plain white sheet! Life in order to survive will create “new”
boundaries if old boundaries are erased. If nations as a boundary get erased,
some other boundary will come up. Everyone of us wants an identity, a
story of our own! The body is the “basic unit” of a boundary which has a
complete identity!

I see no living beings, no men and women but just boundaries and lines
splitting the “One” into billions of parts trapped inside their respective
boundaries! Just for creating a story, a ripple, a context to start and sustain

When you worship God, you worship someone without a boundary and
without limitations and need and that should be the greatest reason why you
should shun your boundary as much as possible. It is just logical.

True love is that in which your stake is to give and not expect anything for
yourself! When you are a part of the other person and there is no boundary
and conflict between the two. And universal love is when you become part
of everyone and there is just the “One”!

For every truth, I can create a counter truth; for every statement I can create
a counter statement! There is only and only relative truth in boundaries!
The ultimate fearless persons have no boundaries OR at least they do not
think about their boundaries. Their task is the priority and focus point. It is
only when we try to defend our boundaries that fear creep in.

Companies, all companies are corrupt in same way as individuals are. It is

just logical. A company is also a boundary. It also has needs. The

organisation will fight for its needs and consider everything fair in “Need,
love and war”! Just as the individuals do.

There is no difference between an individual and an organisation. There is

no difference ultimately between an individual and any boundary
conceivable in this universe.

There is no finality to anything, no destination except the ultimate end and

the zero state of the universe! Have to be just part of the journey and play
your role!

The need is always to combine and extend our boundaries and at the same
time not lose our boundary and identity. But if we really think others as part
of us, then we will not mind merging our boundaries. And one day, the
realisation of the “One” will erase all boundaries and its conflicts and end
the Journey of Boundaries!!


The result is dependent not from your actions but net of everybody’s
actions. Effect is due to cause of everybody’s action and not just yours! The
result is as much yours as it is for the universe.

Thinking of results takes away your rhythm of action, the natural symmetry
and flow of your action and interrupts you and in such a state you cannot do
your task to the fullest potential. However do remember that the need
should drive you initially! If a doctor had a choice to operate on her
daughter OR a perfect robot, he should choose himself provided he can
concentrate on the task and not get nervous or distracted. When a father
operates on his daughter with full focus, he will generate the energy and the
universe will align towards it and even make the possible out of the
impossible! A robot cannot generate that energy!

Actions should be driven by the initial need and not by the subsequent or
future result. If it is driven by expectation of result then the need is not
strong enough and if so, how can the universe help you?

Luck is nothing but you not thinking of the results. If it happens you are
lucky, if not you never thought of it!

Luck is others providing you the necessary trigger to shape, drive and help
Luck is you being the chosen medium and tool, the instrument for the
universal goal, for the universal scheme of things!

Fate Vs Deeds : - Collective goal is shaped by fate. Because collective goal

is universal goal and takes precedence over personal goals. Personal goal is
shaped by deeds of the individual. You can change your fate. Provided it
does not conflict or disturb the collective goal. But behold.... your deed too
is ultimately linked to and driven by some input which you have received at
some point in your life right from your pre-birth time. And your fate alone
decided that input!

Winning is not in your hand. It is dependent on so many factors. Trying and

stretching yourself to your best, to your fullest potential and for your beliefs
is in your hand and that truly is your victory.

Do not try for anything too hard unless you are not bothered about its
results. When doing matters and not results. People with passion, love,
beliefs never think about results. Even if God tells them that the result will
not be in their favour, they will still do it and fight for it. That is the biggest
proof that the outcome does not matter to them. The love, the belief, the
passion drives them and NOT the possession, the validation or the victory!

Apply the principle of “One man in the universe”. No one exists other than
you. That will get rid of the expectations of results as well as opinions,
appreciations and acceptance. When there is only one man, there is no
results, no opinion, no competition, nothing. When results, expectations go
out of the man’s mind, he becomes more and more focussed and in sync
with his task!

Evil are sometimes more powerful, more successful because they are not
afraid of results. And other’s opinions do not matter to them. The laws of
the universe are equal for all. If something benefits the good (lack of fear
and lack of expectation of results), the same will benefit the evil too.

Good people should not make good bridges, strong bridges! Professional
people should make good and strong bridges! Even if both are equally
qualified. There should not be any morality attached to anything! You
should do it because you have been assigned the job and this is required.
No emotion attached, no good and bad!

Try but not try too much! Try too much only if you enjoy the journey but
success or failure does not matter. Also in that case you will not realise the
hard work or that you are trying too hard because you are enjoying the

They say there is no substitute to hard work. Actually there is no substitute

to focus! If there is focus, you will not know or realise that you are doing
hard work!

When you are in harmony, when you are in zero state, when everything
around you is just a tool to achieve a purpose including your own body,
then only your action can be infinitely effective and can be God’s action.
When you are just a robot with full knowledge and apply full focus on the
action and have nothing to do with the result. Your motivation, your need,
your beliefs should bring you only to the state where the next step will be
action. But during action, you have to forget yourself. Just be the doer –
combining both physical energy and energy of the mind.

If you focus on your tasks, you will not be afraid of the bullet which the
enemy may fire at you and may kill you. It is all about diverting your mind.
It’s all about working as a robot! And that is having control of the mind to
align itself to the action rather than any other disturbances – inside or

The people who are fearless are focussed on their goals, mission and are
not bothered and do not “think” what will happen to them. “They use
themselves, their body as a tool to achieve their goals!!” The people who
are afraid are exactly the opposite! They “think” more about themselves,
their body rather than their goals.

The best way not to expect anything from your actions and not be bothered
about results is to forget immediately the action which you did. Just forget
what is done and concentrate on the next task!

When we say do not think of results and do your duty and work, we mean
do your duty and work to satisfy your need (whether physical or mental)
BUT do not think of whether your actions will fulfil your need or not
because that will take the focus away from your present action to
something in future about which we do not know and have no control.
Imagine you are thirsty and are searching for water in a desert. Your need is
your thirst and you search for water without thinking whether you will get
water or not. Because thinking of results will not yield anything and it is an
energy wasted. Instead concentrate on the search.

When you plan too much that invariably fails. Perhaps because when you
think more and more about yourself and your limited goals, you do not see
the bigger picture and bigger picture is how the universe works!
And when you plan too much and think more and more, the focus goes
away from the action.

When you say again and again “win” is the only word in your dictionary,
you degenerate yourself and move away from the truth!

One should be supremely confident during his failures too! Because that is
the proof that you tried your best and used all your might. The result is just
an event for you just as the sun rising in the morning is an event. What
mattered to you the most was the journey and its thrill and its experience.
The shriek of fulfilment in failure can be as powerful as the shriek of joy in

With conviction and belief and passion, whatever you do, it is
“spontaneous”! When you are spontaneous, you do not think of results.
You are just focused on your inside thing and not outside. What is
spontaneous is beautiful and makes one a star! Nobody can beat the natural
instincts! The natural thing! The basic ingredient of a person, what he is
made up of and what he believes in! Nobody can beat that!

Only when the cause is great, the need is great that the result do not matter.
Success and failure do not matter. When they say do not think of results,
they actually indirectly say: Make the cause great, the need great! And the
universe will help you because it is in the fundamental law of the universe
to attend to a great cause and a genuine need.

You will forget the pain and not feel it if you are focused on your purpose.
Because in that case the purpose will be dominant in your mind and the
pain cannot distract you! That’s how soldiers fight for their nation and a
person fights for his family and does not realise the hardships!


Equality will kill all of us. If you do not believe, then ask your God!
God killed equality and created different types of matter and you and me. It
is the sameness which bothered God. If you want to go in reverse direction,
then only you should kill inequality.

Inequality is hated by everybody. But does inequality has any beauty in it?
Yes it has and that is : “It drives people, It drives talent, creativity, growth,
prosperity.....”. And it drives LIFE !

We should only strive for “structured inequality” as inequality is a must to

thrive life!

Inequality removal (in terms of wealth and prosperity) will make people
appreciate the other person’s views! When you have somebody from your
family do the same thing which you detested in others, you will realise that
your rules were not that divine and moral! And you were not as correct as
you thought! Inequality gives rise to different way of living and these
creates different perceptions and beliefs which in turn create differences
and conflicts among us.

If you think, equality is a must. If you think deep, equality will bring chaos.
The trick is to balance it out and that act of balancing is life and which
drives life!

Women empowerment and gender equality can be achieved only by women

and NOT by men giving them! “The receiver can never rule”! Only the
giver rules! They should venture into areas which are men’s stronghold and
“also” venture into areas where men are afraid to go. They should become
head of the family, do combat roles in army and military, marry the jobless,
go to the villages, uplift their fellow women, break the rules and trends and
inflict losses when it is required. Initially some effort and sacrifices will be
required to tilt the balance but if you can make it as much fun and
adventure as fight for equality, you will reach there. And do remember that
it will be a great relief too for majority of “men” whose voices are not


Moments means recognising and segregating the various boundaries and

layers of your identity and its different behaviour. Moments is
understanding every divergent aspect of your personality. It is to
understand the various sub-programs which make up the single individual’s

Imagine a situation where each of us has at least 5 names and not just 1
name. And each of the 5 names distinguishes the different individuals
inside the same individual. Then you can associate his every moment
among 5 names rather than just 1 name. That way he will be himself and
stay peaceful.

If Mahatma Gandhi had 5 names instead of 1 name, would it not have

stopped many debates on the Mahatma?

No human being is God, not parents not teachers. Only their “deeds” can be
GODLY. Their moments can be Godly. A Teacher in a classroom doing
sincere duty is GOD. Outside the school he may be ordinary and may not
be God. The problem is you associate his moments, his specific role
entirely to his personality and ignore his multiple identities which exists
within him! The problem is in your imagination and in your expectation!

An hour is not a day, a day is not a week, a month is not a year. An hour
constitutes a moment of a day and so is a month for a year.

We should celebrate events, moments rather than persons or eras. No

person is a celebrity, a star or a saint completely. Only his events, actions
and respective moments are. The saint may also have his evil moments.
Just because his divine moments were highlighted, you cannot dissociate
and ignore the evil in him. You have to accept both of his moments.
Many times we see glimpses of God in “people’s moments”. So we
worship them. There is no harm in it. “Actually we see moments of God in

But do not make the person your need and force him to be your God
always. Do not trap the person in the boundary of your imagination.
Because he is neither God nor your imagination.

Separate the moments from the people who gave you those moments
(wonderful or otherwise) because those people may not be the same in
future. Your idol and role model was not good or bad. His moments were
good or bad. He was not the same man throughout his life. Every one of us
has at least two individuals in us. Sometimes the good takes over and
sometimes the bad takes over. Even if good is more in some people, you
cannot dissociate the bad in them from them.

Do not judge people in totality. Judge people by their moments. A man can
be both divine and devil in his life!

Do not celebrate, glorify, idolise individuals. Celebrate, glorify and idolise


You have to concentrate on becoming a master in your strength area! No

one is the greatest! One is great only in his or her own strength area! Those
strengths give them their moments and in those moments they can become
God! And that is how you “create God out of yourself in those moments”!

Sometimes people belonging to a religion when they marry someone from

another religion and have multiple kids, they do not keep even a single
child’s name in the religion of the mother. And they give lectures on gender
equality! It is because when they give lectures, they are not bound by their
body. They are free. At other times, they are not free and trapped in their
other identities and need. That is why separate moments of a person from
the whole person. A man is liberated, becomes God in some moments and
retires to his boundary and lower self at other times.

Do not worry. Your idol can be devil sometimes. Just as you can be both
good and bad at different times.

Sometimes you are the ice, sometimes you are water and sometimes steam.
The heat and your various attributes decide your moments. The input and
your boundary decide your moments.

Why burden the individual with expectation to repeat his moments every
time. Let him be the water when he wants and let him be the ice and steam
at other times.

God lies in moments. Devil too lies in moments. No one is entirely good or
entirely bad. It is moments only which makes anyone good or bad.

When at your best and in your highs make sure that you pack a punch so
strong that time cannot erase it during your down time or other’s high time!
Do not forget that the chance to become God in those moments will not
come again and again! Others will also get their chance to become God in
their own moments!

Man fights every moment because he has to survive that moment! Not
because he is ignorant or does not have wisdom. So be compassionate with

Moments can be enjoyed even if you know it is fantasy! Not every

happiness is real!
The Sadhus who assume demi-God status among thousands of their
followers become a lesser figure when they are caught doing crimes. How
that aura, that power goes away from them? They definitely had that aura,
that power previously because without that you cannot influence so many
people. But how it vanishes? It vanishes because a man is made up of
multiple identities and different identities can throw different moments of
the great and the ordinary.

Everyone is a God in some way and a Devil in some way and both are
defined by the respective moments!


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