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Vian Tenkiller News

that Cherokee citizen
school adopt or amend on page 3
2018 students be allowed to

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Preparing For Holidays; Free Dental Clinic
Amie Remer Richard and Jack- Richard said last
Editor ie Tyler of the center week, the center was
said they are excited presented a $1,000 VIE
The Vian Peace Cen- about the progress on Grant check by Michelle
ter is making progress the building and their Traw.
on their building and al- newly painted commu- “We’re going to use
ready looking toward the
nity room, along with the money to spon-
holiday season to contin-
the children’s library, an VRU ÀYH FKLOGUHQ IRU WKH
ue helping members of
industrial-sized kitchen, backpack program and
the community who are
bathrooms and upcom- See CENTER
in need. on page 3
ing scheduled events.

Proprietàdi OPS News Tracker e membri di Oklahoma Press Association.

Vian Tenkiller News

CENTER continued from front

purchase GED training “I was really pleas- an industrial-sized stove canned corn and green
literature software,” he antly surprised when I and oven, and a huge hot EHDQVDQGER[HGVWXIÀQJ
said. “And thanks to the walked into the facility,” water tank that are all mix.
Oct money presented to us Holder said. “I’d seen KLJKHIÀFLHQF\ “Those are some items
17 by the Cherokee Nation, the back where they dis- “These help us cut the we never have enough
we were able to purchase tributed food but never cost of utilities,” he said. of,” he said.
tables, chairs and shelv- the rooms inside. I just “Our electric is about Jackie said they are
2018 ing from a school district thought it was awesome, $400 or more a month also still taking dona-
in Arkansas.” and then I thought this and we’re working on tions of children’s books,
Jackie, a literacy buff, would be a great place getting a large sink in- posters, pictures and
Page said the biggest room in for me to meet my stu- stalled as well.” movies for the library.
the center is known as dents. It’s quiet, clean Jackie said they have Richard said anoth-
0003 the community room and and has a good environ- already let others use the er project in the works
Clip they are hoping more ment with C/H/A; they kitchen space for funer- will be removing the old
resized people will utilize it. even trust me to lock up als and fundraisers. gas tanks and pumps
42% 7KH FRXSOH MXVW ÀQLVKHG when I leave.” Richard said his par- through a state fund.
SDLQWLQJ WKH ÀUVW FRDW RI Holder said she meets ents, Emmett and Dixie “We are going to leave
From a blue ocean color, which with the students on Tyler have done a won- the awning up and put
added a pop of color Mondays or Tuesdays derful job with the cen- some benches outside
0001 to the room and Roger for ‘Interventions,’ where ter’s Backpack Program for people to sit on,” he
Brooks donated his time they work on grade level and deliver the back- said.
ÀQLVKLQJWKHWULP standards and she moni- packs to the school. Free Mobile
“It’s open for teach- tors their work. “We have 40 kids in our Dental Clinic
ing classes or just about “The students also Backpack Program this “Melissa Stacey, com-
anything you can think do journal writings and year and it costs $125 a munity dental health
of,” she said. “I teach check out books from year per kid to sponsor,” coordinator for Stigler
some classes here and it me,” she said. “Their he said. “If anyone is in- Health and Wellness
also holds our tables and parents can come and terested in contributing Center said they will be
chairs, bookshelves and sit with them or they can to the program, they are offering a free mobile
books, and six comput- drop them off. Epic pro- encouraged to do so. We dental clinic in Vian at
ers. We will also be in- YLGHVWKH:LÀDQGDFRP- don’t want any kid to go the center on Thursday,
VWDOOLQJ :LÀ VRRQ 6RPH puter for them to use.” home hungry.” Nov. 29, to anyone who
kids may just want to Holder said she also “The kids are what doesn’t have dental in-
use the computers for likes the fact that kids make all of this worth it,” surance,” he said.
homework assignments. can come in and check he said. “One child came Eligibility require-
We just want people to out a book from the li- up to me the other day ments state the patient
know it is here and avail- brary. and told me thanks for reside in Sequoyah,
able.” “It’s going to take a lot giving us a safe place be- Haskell, Latimer or Le-
Richard said their ul- of work but once they get cause they felt safe here, ÁRUH &RXQW\ DQG OLYH
timate goal is providing a a system in place and get and we want them to. It outside of Sallisaw or
safe environment for the others to help, it’s going literally had me in tears.” Poteau. The patient can
community’s children to be a great thing for our Last year, the center be of any age as long as
where they can play, community. I would love distributed 1.3 million they have no dental in-
hang out and learn. to have a corner look like pounds of food through surance, including Soon-
Epic Charter a school classroom,” she their food pantry. ercare.
School Classes said. “Our community In addition to the Stacey encourages ev-
“We have a group that needs to get behind this Backpack Program they eryone to call ahead to
is already doing testing undertaking, giving them are currently feeding 38 check for eligibility re-
here because the only the opportunity to have shut-ins and 75 families quirement and to sched-
other place they had technology and a pro- twice a month. ule appointments in ad-
open in town to use was gram. It would be nice Holidays
Subway,” Richard said. if someone could donate For Halloween on Oc-
Susan Holder, a re- them a globe or a big U.S. tober 31, they will be According to informa-
tired educator who Map, those would be re- hosting a Camp Hallow- tion supplied by Stacey,
worked in both Oklaho- ally helpful tools when een. “We will see patients
ma and Arkansas said teaching. Also, packages “The kids will be able from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
she’s stepped out and of play money and school to dress up, sit around a and encourage them to
decided to try something needed items to practice FDPSÀUHDQGWHOOVWRULHV call for appointments
different. She is current- skills.” and we’ll have snacks but we’ll also try to take
ly seeing 13 students “Using the center is and candy,” Jackie said. walk-ins.”
a week in the center’s great because it’s a good “Everyone is welcome.” Services offered will
community room. Holder ÀW IRU WKH NLGV WR KDYH The Tylers are already include cleaning, x-rays,
works with Epic Charter class in,” she said. “We’re looking ahead, too, for
patient education, ex-
Schools, a fully accred- never going to turn any the upcoming holidays.
ited virtual online pub- kids away and are still Their annual Commu- ams, simple extractions,
lic school for students taking more students.” nity Thanksgiving Din- VLPSOH ÀOOLQJV DQG GH-
in grades Pre-K through Holder said students ner is held each year in bridement.
12th. can sign up or learn more memory of the late Pas- Stacey said they also
The school is provided by visiting their website, tor Jean Campbell. offer discounted den-
in partnership with the “At last year’s commu- tal services year round,
Oklahoma State Board Other Rooms, nity Thanksgiving din- based on income and
of Virtual Education for Backpack Program ner, we fed 124 people household size.
parents/students seek- Richard said renova- and made 60 plates to go To schedule an ap-
ing a non-traditional tions are almost complet- for people that were un- pointment or for fur-
educational setting uti- ed on the two bathrooms able to get out and eat on ther information, call
lizing internet-based, - each has a two-person Thanksgiving,” Richard 918-773-7041, Monday
individualized self-paced shower, two commodes said.
through Thursday from
instruction provided in and two sinks, and are They said they need
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or call
nearly any location, ac- handicapped accessible. donations for the up-
cording to their website. The kitchen now has coming dinner, such as 918-967-3368.

Proprietàdi OPS News Tracker e membri di Oklahoma Press Association.

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