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Parte Práctica:

1.-LISTENING: Listen to Jok Church: A circle of caring.

1.1.- Answer the following questions:

1.-Wha is an epiphany?

2.-How did a teacher save the life of the speaker?

3.-What did Mrs. Posten tell the speaker when she phoned him?

4.-What happened after he and his partner help his old teacher?

1.2.- Complete the following gaps:

About three or four years ago, I got a _____________ in the middle of the night from that teacher, Mrs. Posten,who
said, "I need to see you. I'm disappointed that we never _________________ each other as adults. Could you please
come to _________, and please bring that man that I know you have found by now. And I should mention that I have
pancreatic cancer, and I'd like you to please be quick about this."

Well, the next day we were in Cleveland. We took a look at her, we laughed, we __________, and we knew that she
needed to be in a hospice. We found her one, we got her there, and we took care of her and watched over her
family, because it was necessary. It's something we knew how to do. And just as the woman who wanted to know me as
an adult got to know me, she turned into a _________________ and was placed in my hands. And what had
happened was the circle ___________________ it had become a circle — and that epiphany I talked about presented
itself. The epiphany is that _______________ is a part of _________________. She saved my life; I and my partner saved
hers. And you know, that part of life needs everything that the rest of life does. It needs truth and
_________________, and I'm so happy it's been mentioned so much here today. It also needs — it needs
_______________, love and _________________, and it's our job to hand those things out.
2.-READING: 2.1.-Complete the gaps with the following words:

silently - in other words - struck – factory - ambitions - board - copy down - among - keep
up with – interior – contrast - mean – take -

The traditional classroom and the pupils within it.

The classrooms we observed were traditional classrooms. By this we _______ that the teacher presented the lesson by
writing English grammar rules and vocabulary on the ___________ for children to __________ into their exercise books.
The teacher then read out what they had written and asked children to chorus in repetition. Occasionally the teacher
asked a question to everyone and would select one pupil to answer the question aloud. The pupils therefore mainly sat
______________, listened and copied work down into their books. Despite the seemingly passive nature of these
lessons, pupils seemed to______________ the responsibility on themselves to _______________________ the lesson.
When we interviewed pupils, we found that these children had very high _____________ for their futures and for the
future of their country. For example, in order of popularity, the following careers were aspired to: doctor (n=10),
engineer (n=6), footballer (n=3); teacher (n=3) and ______________ designer (n=2). Police officer, vet, military nurse,
translator, architect, military pilot, computer scientist, actor and tourist-guide were also nominated. These aspirations
were spread quite equally across the three schools. Favourite subjects included English, maths and science, followed by
Arabic and Quran, ___________ others. We were very _______________ by the children’s high ambitions, in particular
because they did not reflect their

own parents’ jobs. For example, ten pupils told us that their mothers were housewives but not a single girl pupil
suggested that she would become a housewife. In _____________, there were no parents described as doctors, vets,
footballers or interior designers and only two as engineers. Parents’ semi-routine or routine work included
____________ worker, taxi driver and hotel worker. What we noticed, ______________, was that these pupils were
seeking social mobility and to improve their future careers over those of their parents. Learning English featured in their
responses as one way to make this move.

2.2.-Find synonyms in the text for the following words:






2.3.-Summarize the main idea of the text in three lines:

3.-Bullying at primary level: Discuss behaviour characteristics, common mistakes and propose possible solutions
according to the current legal framework.

4.-Mention and explain some of the techniques that can be used with the Reading skill.
5.-Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. DO NOT
CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

1. My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. RECOLLECTION

My grandfather didn’t _____________________________________ phoning me last night.
2. If Marc hadn’t taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. NAME
If Marc hadn’t taken up politics, he might have ______________________ himself as an art historian.
3. The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees. COUNT
The company’s employees shouldn’t ____________________ allocated a car-parking space.
4. Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. PUT
‘I’m not willing _________________________ from my colleagues any longer,’ said Delia.
5. This holiday is within our price range, provided we don’t go to the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.
We ________________________ as we avoid the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.
6. It’s very unlikely that Martin will win the 100 metres, as he’s out of training. CHANCE
Martin has almost ____________________________ the 100 metres, as he’s out of training.
7. Nadia’s friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. POINT
Nadia was just _______________________________ the restaurant when her friend arrived.
8. Paul wasn’t able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. IMPOSSIBLE
The terrible weather ________________________________ Paul to leave the house all day.

6.-Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap.

Enjoy the benefits of stress! Are you looking forward to another busy week? You should be according (0) to some
experts. They argue that the stress encountered in (1) ____________ daily lives is not only good for us, but essential to
survival. They say that the response to stress, which creates a chemical called adrenalin, helps the mind and body to act
quickly (2) ____________ emergencies. Animals and human beings use it to meet the hostile conditions (3)
____________ exist on the planet. Whilst nobody denies the pressures of everyday life, what is surprising is that we are
yet to develop successful ways of dealing with them. (4) ____________ the experts consider the current strategies to (5)
____________ inadequate and often dangerous. They believe that (6)____________ of trying to manage our response
to stress with drugs or relaxation techniques, we must exploit it. Apparently, research shows that people (7)
____________ create conditions of stress for (8) ____________ by doing exciting and risky sports or looking for
challenges, cope much better with life’s problems. Activities of this type (9) ____________ been shown to create a lot of
emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely uncomfortable. But there is a point (10)____________ which they
realise they have succeeded and know that it was a positive experience. This is because we learn through challenge and
difficulty. That’s (11) ____________ we get our wisdom. Few of (12) ____________, unfortunately, understand (13)
____________ fact. For example, many people believe they suffer from stress at work, and take time off
(14)____________ a result. Yet it has been found in some companies that by far (15) ____________ healthiest people
are those with the most responsibility. So next time you’re in a stressful situation, just remember that it will be a
positive learning experience and could also benefit your health!

Parte Teórica:

Tema 17: La canción como vehículo poético y como creación literaria en la clase de inglés. Tipología de canciones.
Técnicas del uso de la canción para el aprendizaje fonético, lexical y cultural.

Tema 13: Historia de La evolución de la didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras: de los métodos de gramática-traducción a
los enfoques actuales.

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