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Project Proposal

Project Title:​​ ​GAFE (Google Apps for Educators)

Project Description:
Our project will focus on providing K-12 educators with insight about the various features
and opportunities within two Google Apps for Educators: Google Slides and Google Forms.
A Google Site webpage will be designed to host differentiated content and instruction that
allows users to engage in a self-paced learning experience according to their needs and


● Jessica Higdon

● Hannah Johnson
● Kelly Myrick
● Rachel Thrun
● Alyssa Wachsman
● Kelley Wittenborn

Division of Labor / Timeline:

Name(s) Component Due Task Breakdown

Kelly M Project N/A ● Posts or submits work on team’s behalf

● Check in with the team members not meeting expectations
Manager ● Contact the professor and note any situations in the final reflection

All Project 10/7 ● Project Title

Proposal ● Project Description
● Member Names & Responsibilities
● Team Contract

Alyssa I-A. Broad 10/15 Describe the big ideas for your learning system and write high-level goals that
serve as guidelines for your learning system. These should be compatible with
Jessica Goals and your learning objectives and task analysis.
Big Ideas

Alyssa I-B. 10/15 Behavioral objectives for your learners that are consistent with the broad goals,
learner analysis, and task analysis. These objectives should be written with all
Rachel Learning four components.
Jessica Objectives

Hannah I-C. Needs 11/1 Design a systematic needs assessment procedure for your given learning
system and audience. Develop all the instruments you need to carry out the
Rachel Assessment needs assessment and place them in Appendix A.
Rachel I-D. Task 11/1 Describe the task analysis procedures you would use for specifying your
content and/or teaching procedural skills. Your task analysis should fit your
Jessica Analysis project needs; you may do a topic analysis or a procedural analysis or a
Kelley W combination. Complete two examples; you do not need to do your complete
product or training program. Since these may be long, place the materials for
your task analyses in Appendix A.

Kelly M II-A. 11/27 Design your formative evaluation procedures and develop your instruments or
procedures to carry it out. You should identify questions to be answered related
Formative to development and learner satisfaction. Be sure to describe who will be
Evaluation involved and at what points during your development you will collect this
information. Develop all the instruments you need to carry out formative
evaluation and place them in Appendix A.

Hannah II-B. 11/27 Design your summative evaluation procedures and develop your instruments
or procedures to carry it out. Your plan should gather data consistent with the
Alyssa Summative goals and objectives for your learning system. Be sure to describe who will be
Kelley W Evaluation involved, when, and how you will collect your summative evaluation data.
Develop all the instruments you need to carry out summative evaluation and
place them in Appendix A.

Rachel III-A. 11/27 List the learner variables you need to consider in planning your offering.
Describe your data collection procedures for gathering this information. Then
Jessica Learner tell what assumptions you are making for the design of learning
Analysis experiences (III-C and III-D).

Kelley W III-B. 11/27 List the contextual variables you need to consider in planning your offering.
Describe your data collection procedures for gathering this information. Then
Contextual tell what assumptions you are making for the design of learning experiences
Analysis (III-C and III-D).

Alyssa III-C. Types 11/27 Provide an overview of the types of learning experiences and/or instruction
you will provide in the learning system. Describe its organization using
Hannah of Learning appropriate methods, such as outlines, flowcharts, or other graphic organizers.
Experiences This section provides the conceptual organization of the planned learning
and/or experiences and/or instruction.

Kelly M III-D. 11/27 Briefly describe the materials you will use and develop a sample of your
materials to implement your learning system. These may include actual
Alyssa Materials hand-outs, PowerPoints, materials to go on the website, the top level of your
for Training website, etc. If you are developing a software program, you could submit the
Program or storyboards and technical development information.

Kelly M III-E. 11/27 Describe the nuts-and-bolts of your implementation plan, including the actual
schedule. Your implementation plan should be take into consideration variables
Hannah Implementa identified in your contextual analysis. Describe facilities, equipment, materials,
tion Plan, supports, logistics, etc.

Kelley W References 11/27 You do not need to include general instructional design references provided in
the course. However, if you used additional materials or references for
development of your ideas, instruments, and materials, give credit
appropriately in the narrative, and include in your references.

Kelly M Appendices 11/27 You need to organize the materials in your appendix in order of the project
outline and include them in your table of contents. Pages should be numbered
so it is clear which forms/instruments go with which component. This is where
your evaluation forms, interview protocols, sample instructional materials,
overview of website, etc. would go.

Team Contract

Our team plans to check communications on a daily basis during the work week and at
least once each weekend. Our primary method of communication will be email and our
secondary method will be through the comment feature in our team Google Document.
Also, we agree to post or share a draft of our assigned section on the Wednesday before it is
due. That way, team members will be able to offer feedback, suggestions, and align their
own sections. ​A Google Site will be used to display final project.

We will encourage teammates to ask each other for support if one is falling behind on her
work. If an individual’s work is not completed on time, our Project Manager will check in
with the team member to see how best to support her. If someone still fails to follow
through, other team members will step up to complete the tasks. Additionally, the Project
Manager will contact the professor and note the situation in the final reflection.

Team Leader
Our team held a vote and chose Kelly ​Myrick as our Project Manager. She will provide
oversight of the project and be responsible for checking in with team members. ​The Project
Manager will also post and submit the work on behalf of the team. ​For consistency
purposes, she will remain the Project Manager for the life of the project.

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