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The competitor of Rantin (Ranitidin HCl) are

1) Ranticid (ranitidinin) 3) Ulceranin (ranitidinin)
2) Resapin (reserpin) 4) Ramicin (rifampisin)
a. 1, 2, 3 d. 1,3
b. 1,2,3,4 e. 1,4
c. 3,4

2. Diazepam needed in the medical prescription above are

a. 7.5 tab of diazepam 2 mg
b. 3 tab of valium 5 mg
c. 1 tab of valium 10 mg dan 1 tab diazepam 5 mg
d. 3 tab of diazepam 5 mg
e. 3 tab of diazepam 2 mg

Penjelasan : Penggunaan diazepam 2-10 mg per hari. Valium merupakan trade

name diazepam. Opsi a, b, c, d melebihi dosis penggunaan diazepam sehari.

3. The trade name of metoklopramid antara lain adalah:

1) Primadol 5) Vilapon (metoklopramid)
(paracetamol+metoklopramid) a. 1,2,3
2) Primperan (metoklopramid) b. 2,3,4
3) Primadex c. 2,4,5
(sulfametoksazol+trimetropin) d. 3,4,5
4) Metolon (metoklopramid) e. 1,3,5

4. Competitor of mefinal (mefenamic acid) are

1) Ponstel (mefenamic acid) a. 1,2,3
2) Ponstan (mefenamic acid) b. 2,3,4
3) Pondex (mefenamic acid) c. 1,3,4
4) Mefanat d. 1,3,5
5) Ponsan e. 1,2,5

5. The indication of methampiron are, except

a. Antipyretic
b. Antiflogistic (anti peradangan)
c. Analgetic
d. Antiinflamation
e. All wrong

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 1
Penjelasan : Methampyron/ antalgin analgetik, antiinflamasi dan antipiretik.
Biasa digunakan pada pengobatan sakit kepala, nyeri otot, dll

6. Contradiincation of mefinal (mefenamic acid) are

1) Woman a. 1,2,3
2) Baby and children under 8 b. 2,3,4
years old c. 1,3,4
3) Asthma bronchial d. 1,3,5
4) Renal failure e. 1,2,5
5) Open fracture

7. Competitor of Panadol (paracetamol) are:

1) Dolo neurobion (Na 3) Sanmol (paracetamol)
diklofenak, vit B1, B6, B12) 4) Prodol (paracetamol)
2) Dumin (paracetamol)
a. 1,2 d. 1,4
b. 2,3 e. 2,4
c. 3,4

8. Prednisone needed is 50 mg. Prednisone should be taken is:

a. 5 tab of 10 mg = 50 mg
b. 5 tab of 20 mg = 100 mg
c. 10 tab of 50 mg = 500 mg
d. 5 tab of 50 mg = 250 mg
e. 10 tab of 50 mg = 500 mg

9. The drug contain of codein are :

1) Codiprol b. 2,3
2) Coditam (Pct + kodein) c. 3,4
3) Constan d. 1,2,3,4
4) Corsona (deksametason) e. Not any either
a. 1,2

10. The trade name of drug product that containing of INH+ VIT B6 available in the
1) Inadoxin (INH+vit B6) 4) Amikin (amikacin)
2) Inoxin (INH+vit B6) 5) Dumoxin (doksisiklin)
3) Amosme a. 1,2

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 2
b. 2,3 d. 1,4
c. 3,4 e. 2,4

11. Side effect of INH in longterm therapy is:

1) Neuritis perifer
2) Neuropati diabetic
3) Pyridoxine deficiency
4) Moon face
5) Hyper emesis
The right statement are:
a. 1,2 d. 1,3
b. 2,3 e. 1,5
c. 3,4
Penjelasan: efek samping dari penggunaan lama neuritis perifer (kesemutan) dan
defisiensi vit B6 (piridoksin) sehingga biasanya INH dikombinasikan dengan vit B6.

12. Antacid DOEN tab can reduce gastric acid because of Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2 can
neutralize HCl in the stomatch:
a. The statement is right and related
b. The statement is right but no relation
c. The statement is not right
d. Al(OH)3 can neutralize gastric acid because of its acidic characteristics
e. Mg(OH)2 can neutralize gastric acid because of its metali characteristics

Penjelasan: Antasid dapat mengurangi asam lambung karena Al(OH)3 dan

Mg(OH)2 yang bersifat basa dapat menetralkan HCl.

13. The reaction of Al(OH)3 gastric acid will form of:

a. AlCl2 & MgCl2
b. AlCl2 & MgCl
c. AlCl3 & MgCl3
d. AlCl3 & MgCl2
e. AlCl3 & MgCl

Penjelasan: Al(OH)3 + HCl  AlCl3

Mg(OH)2 + HCl  MgCl2

14. Antacid can be used for antiflatulen because of:

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 3
a. Al(OH)3
b. Mg(OH)2
c. Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2
d. Simeticon and Al(OH)3
e. No one

15. The administration of Rifampicin (600 mg/hari dalam perut kosong):

a. Ssdd tab 1 ac (signa semel de die tab 1 ante coenam/ satu kali sehari satu
tablet sebelum makan)
b. Sbdd tab 1 pc (signa semel de die tab 1 post coenam/ satu kali sehari satu
tablet sesudah makan)
c. Stdd tab 1(signa semel de die tab 1 / satu kali sehari satu tablet)
d. B.i.d (bibe, bibatur/minum ; biduum/waktu dua hari)
e. Ssdd tab ½ 1 h ac (signa semel de die tab ½ hora ante coenam/tandailah
satu kali sehari setengah tablet satu jam sebelum makan)

16. Using of INH for the fast acetylator patient:

1) Faster excretion
2) Faster the INH clearance
3) The plasma concentration of INH is lower
4) t1/2 elimination is shorter
5) Lower effect
The right statement are:
a. 1,3,5 d. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,2,3 e. 1,2,3,4,5
c. 2,3,4

17. The solve the problem above is:

a. Reduce the dose
b. Fix dose and extend the interval
c. Decrease the dose
d. Fix dose and decrease frequency
e. Increase the dose

18. Pc is tand for:

1) Post coenam
2) Post coitus
3) Post cibum
4) Post combutio

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 4
a. 1,2 d. 1,3
b. 2,3 e. 1,4
c. 3,4
Penjelasan: PC stand for:
- Post coenam
- Post cibus
- Post cibo
- Post cibum

19. The trade name of rifampicin are:

1) Rifabiotic (rifampisin) a. 1,2
2) Riboquine b. 2,3
3) Rimactane (rifampisin) c. 3,4
4) Rif (rifampisin) d. 4,5
5) Ribocain e. 1,3,4

20. Several potency of tablet ranitidine available in the market are:

1) 100 mg a. 1,3,5
2) 125 mg b. 1,2,3
3) 150 mg c. 2,3,4,5
4) 250 mg d. 1,2,3,4
5) 300 mg e. 3,5

21. Rifampicin 200 mg for 60 doses. Rifampicin cap/tab needed is:

a. 26 caplet of 600 mg
b. 26 1/3 cap rifampicin 450 mg
c. 26 2/3 cap rifampicin 450 mg
d. 26 cap rifampicin 450 mg + 1 tab rifampicin 300 mg
e. 5 cap rifampisin 600 mg dan 20 kapsul rifampicin 450 mg

Penjelasan: 200mg x 60 = 12000 mg.

22. Competitor neurodex (vitamin B1, B6, B12) are:

1) Dolo Neurobion (Na 3) Neuromin (Mecobalamin)
diklofenak, vitamin B1, B6, B12) 4) Xepaneuron (vitamin B1, B6,
2) Neurosanbe plus (metamphiron, B12)
vitamin B1, B6, B12) a. 1,2

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 5
b. 2,3 d. 1,3
c. 3,4 e. 1,4

23. Trade name of metformin are:

1) Glucophage (metformin) a. 1,2,3
2) Euglucon (glibenkamid) b. 2,3
3) Gludepatic (metformin) c. 3,5
4) Daonil (glibenklamid) d. 4,5
5) Gluconin (glibenklamid) e. 1,3

24. Competitor aspilets (aspirin) are:

1) Ascolent a. 1,2
2) Astifen (ketotifen) b. 2,3
3) Ascardia (aspirin) c. 3,4
4) Asthetin d. 1,4
5) Cardio Aspirin e. 3,5

25. The administration of aspilet:

a. 1 h pc (1 hora post coenam/ satu jam setelah makan)
b. Ac (ante coenam/sebelum makan)
c. ½ 1 h pc (1,5 hora post coenam/ 1,5 jam setelah makan)
d. ½ 1 h ac (1,5 hora ante coenam/ 1,5 jam sebelum makan)
e. Pc (post coenam/ setelah makan)

26. The indication of aspirin 80 mg:

1) Decrease fever b. 2,3
2) Reduce myocardial infark c. 3,4
3) Pain killer d. 2,4
4) Avoid thrombosis e. 1,3
a. 1,2

27. The mechanism of metformin are:

1) Inhibition of glycolysis in peripheral tissue
2) Reduce glukonegenesis in the liver
3) Slower absorption of glucose in GIT

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 6
4) Increasing of plasma concentration of glucagon
5) Increasing of insulin binding on insulin receptor
a. All of true d. 2,3,5
b. No any either e. 1,2,4
c. 1,2,3
Penjelasan: Mechanism of metformin Decreases blood glucose by decreasing
hepatic glucose production. May also decrease intestinal absorption of glucose
and increase response to insulin.

28. The drug can increase of peripheral neuritis  INH are:

1) Isonicotine zuur hydrazine b. 2,3
2) Cycloserin c. 1,3,4
3) Hydralazine d. All right
4) Penicillin e. No one either
a. 1,2,3

29. Interaction between aminophylin with luminal in long term therapy are:
1) Decrease the metabolism of aminophylin
2) Increase the excretion of aminophylin
3) Faster the clearance of aminophylin
4) Decreasing the broncodilator effect
a. 1,2,3 d. 1,2,3,4
b. 2,3,4 e. 3,4
c. 1,3,4
Penjelasan: Luminal dapat mengurangi efek aminofilin. Aminofilin merupakan
prodrug(akan lebih aktif setelah dimetabolisme di hati) theofilin luminal
menurunkan metabolisme aminpfilin  sedikit dalam bentuk aktif  penurunan

30. For the heavy smoker patient, the dose of aminophylin should be increased
because of:
1) Faster the clearance of aminophylin
2) Increasing of the metabolism of teophylin
3) Reduce the clearance of aminophylin
4) Decreasing the plasma concentration of aminophylin
a. 1,2,4 d. 1,2,3,4
b. 2,3,4 e. 2,4
c. 1,3,4

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 7
31. Absorption of ciprofloxacin can be reduced by the following medication:
1) Promag a. 1,2,3,4
2) Neurobion b. 1,3,4,5
3) Sangobion c. 1,2,3,4,5
4) Polycrol d. 2,3,4,5
5) CDR e. 1,5

32. The medicines for asthma bronchial that can be delivered without medical
prescription are:
1) Neonapacin 4) Asmadex (theofilin+efedrin
(theofilin+efedrin HCl) HCl)
2) Neoreumacyl 5) Bricasma (terbutalin sulfat)
(ibuprofen+pct+vitamin a. 1,2,3
neurotopik) b. 2,3,4
3) Asmasolon c. 1,3,4
(theofilin+efedrin HCl) d. 1,2,3,4
e. 3,4

33. The trade name of ambroxol available in market are:

1) Mucera a. 1,2
2) Mucopect b. 2,3
3) Mucohexin (bromheksin) c. 3,4
4) Mucos d. 1,2,4
5) Musculus e. 1,2,3

34. R/ Ambroxol 5 mg m.f pulv dtd no. XXX, ambroxol (30 mg) tablet needed is:
a. 4 tab
b. 5 tab
c. 6 tab
d. 7,5 tab
e. 8 tab

Penjelasan: 5 x 30 = 150 mg

150 : 30 = 5 tab

35. R/ Salbutamol 1,2 mg m.f pulv dtd No. XXX, salbutamol (2 dan 4 mg) needed is:

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 8
a. 18 tab
b. 9 tab
c. 6 tab
d. 36 tab
e. 8 tab

Penjelasan: 1,2 mg x 30 = 36.

36 : 2 = 18 TAB atau 36 : 4 = 9 tab

36. R/ CTM 0,5 mg m.f Pulv dtd No. XL. The amount of CTM (4 mg) needed is:
a. 2 tab
b. 3 tab
c. 4 tab
d. 5 tab
e. 7,5 tab

Penjelasan: 0,5 mg x 40 = 20 mg. 1 tab CTM 4 mg. Jadi, 20 : 4 = 5 tab

37. R/ Codein 2 mg m.f pulv dtd No. LX. The amount of codein (10 mg) tab needed
a. 12 tab 10 mg

Penjelasan : 2 mg x 60 = 120 mg. 1 tab mengandung 10 mg codein. Jadi, 120

mg : 10 mg = 12

38. The contraindication of prednisone are:

1) Peptic ulcer a. 1,2,3
2) Tuberculosis b. 2,3,4
3) Liver failure c. 3,4,5
4) Infection d. 1,2,3,4
5) Inflammation e. 1,2,3,4,5

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 9
39. The trade name of prednisone available in market are:
1) Lexahist (Siproheptadin HCl) a. 1,2,3
2) Lexacort (prednison) b. 2,3,4
3) Pehacort (prednison) c. 3,4,5
4) Prednicap (prednison) d. 1,2,3,4
5) Urbasone (metilprednisolon) e. 1,2,3,4,5

40. R/ Prednisone 2,5 mg m.f pulv dtd No. XXX. Prednisone tab needed is:
a. 15 tab
b. 5 tab
c. 10 tab
d. 7,5 tab
e. 30 tab

Penjelasan: 2,5 mg x 30 = 75 mg. 1 tab mengandung 5 mg prednison. Jadi, 75 : 5

= 15 tab

41. Qs stand for

1) Quattuor semel a. 1,2,3
2) Quantum satis b. 2,3,4
3) Quantum sulficid c. 2,3,5
4) Quantum semel d. 3,4,5
5) Secukupnya e. 1,3,5

42. M.f pulv dtd No.XXX (misce fac pulvis nomero tridecem) is:
a. Misce fac pulveres nomero tertier
b. Misce fac pulvis numero tricedem
c. Misce fac pulveres numero tridecem
d. Misce fac pulveres numero terdedie
e. Misce fac pulvis tridecem

43. The indication of Apialys (vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, nikotinamid, lisin,
pantotenol) syrup is:
1) Vitamin deficiency
2) Apetite stimulant
3) Hematinic
4) Anti emetic
5) Anti dotum

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 10
a. 1,2
b. 3,4
c. 2,3
d. 3,4,5
e. 1,3,5

44. R/ pulv cefadroxyl 125 mg No. XII. Cefadroxyl (500 mg) cap needed is:
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6

Penjelasan : 125 mg x 12 = 1500 mg. 1 cap mengandung 500 mg cefadroxyl.

Jadi, 1500 mg: 500 mg = 3 cap

45. Sbdd cth ½ is:

a. Signa bi de die cochlear thea una
b. Signa bis de die cochlear thea dimidio
c. Signatura be de die cochlear thea
d. Signa bis de die cochlear duo
e. Signature bis de die cochlear thea dimidio

46. The trade name of cefadroxyl available in market are:

1) Cefat (cefadroxyl)
2) Bidicef (cefadroxyl)
3) Ethicef (cefadroxyl)
4) Duricef (cefadroxyl)
5) Become (vitamin B kompleks)
a. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 3,4,5
d. 1,2,3,4
e. 1,2,3,4,5

47. Stdd tab I: signa ter de die tablet 1

48. The trade name of amlodipine maleat that available in market are:
1) Sinral (flunarizine)

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 11
2) Norvask (amlodipine 5) Tensipas (metildopa)
maleat) a. 1,2,3
3) Tensivask (amlodipine b. 2,3,4
maleat) c. 3,4,5
4) Amdixal (amlodipine d. 1,2,3,4
maleat) e. 1,2,3,4,5

49. The trade name of omeprazole that available in market are:

1) OMZ a. 1,2,3
2) Ozid b. 2,3,4
3) Losec c. 3,4,5
4) Lodiar d. 1,2,3,4
5) Lovium e. 1,2,3,4,5

50. The trade name of metformin are:

1) Glucophage
2) Gludepatic
3) Glicos
4) Glucotica
5) Benoformin
a. 1,2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 3,4,5
d. 1,2,3,4
e. 1,2,3,4,5

51. The active ingredient of neurogen (vitamin neutotropik) are:

1) Antalgin a. 1,2,3
2) Metampiron b. 2,3,4
3) Chlordiazepoxide c. 3,4,5
4) Thiamin HCl d. 1,2,3,4
5) Aneurin HCl e. 1,2,3,4,5

52. The trade name of furosemide that available in market are:

1) Lasix a. 1,2,3
2) Afrosic b. 2,3,4
3) Diurefo c. 3,4,5
4) Farsix d. 1,2,3,4
5) Diuresix (torasemid) e. 1,2,3,4,5

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 12
53. The trade name of digoxin are:
1) Fargoxin a. 1,2
2) Lanoxin b. 2,3,4
3) Afrosix (furosemid) c. 3,4,5
4) Diurefo (furosemid) d. 1,2,3,4
5) Diuresix (torasemid) e. 1,2,3,4,5

54. The trade of alprazolam are:

1) Apazol a. 1,2,3,4
2) Atarax (hydroxyzin) b. 2,3,4
3) Xanax c. 3,4,5
4) Afrosix (furosemid) d. 2,3
5) Apiset (dietilpropion, e. 1,2,3,5
vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6)

55. The trade name of sinral (flunarizin) that available in market are:
1) Valium (diazepam) a. 1,2,3,4
2) Bartolium b. 2,3,4
3) Xepalium c. 3,4,5
4) Cefadil (cephapirin) d. 1,2,3
5) Librium (klordiazepoksid) e. 1,2,3,5

56. The trade name of ciprofloxacin that available in market are:

1) Interflox
2) Lapiflox
3) Corsacin
4) Kinox
5) Siflox, etacin
a. 1, 2,3
b. 2,3,4
c. 3,4,5
d. 1,2,3,4
e. 1,2,3,4,5

57. The indication of piridoxin HCl (vitamin B6) are:

1) Deficiency of vit b6
2) Neuritis perifer of long term therapy with INH
3) Antitusive

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 13
4) Can be used in emetic condition (off-label)
5) Antiflogistic

For the text number:

The indication or pharmacological effect of the following medicines is:

a. Anxietas
b. Antihypertension b. gastric ulcer
c. Diuretic
d. Asthma bronchial
e. Vertigo

58. Salbutamol A. B. C. D. E. 65. Neurogen (vitamin neurotopik) A.

B. C. D. E.
59. Spironolakton A. B. C. D. E.
66. Lasix (furosemid) A. B. C. D. E.

60. Amdixal (amilodipin) A. B. C. D. E.

67. Spirola (spironolakton) A. B. C. D.
61. Furosemide A. B. C. D. E.
68. Farmoten (lisinopril) A. B. C. D. E.
62. Prednisone A. B. C. D. E.

69. Bisoprolol A. B. C. D. E
63. Propranolol A. B. C. D. E. .
70. Sinral (flunarizin) A. B. C. D. E.
64. Xanax (diazepam) A. B. C. D. E.
71. Noperten (captopril) A. B. C. D. E.

For the next question related:

A. Statement 1 is right, statement 2 is right and related

B. Statement 1 is right, statement 2 is right but no related
C. Statement 1 is right, statement 2 is not right
D. Statement 1 is not right, statement 2 is right
E. Statement 1 and 2 is not right

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 14
72. The toxicity of digoxin can be increased by concurrently using with furosemide
because of hypokalemia effect of digoxin (F) A. B. C. D. E.

73. Tranquilizer drugs can be increased sedative effect of flunarizin (R)

because of inhibiton of flunarizin metabolism. A. B. C. D. E

74. Using aspilet concurrently with clopidogrel can increase of bloody risk in
moderate severity level (R)
because of similarity in pharmacologically effect drugs (antiplatelet) (R) A. B. C. D.

Best regards, Sherly, Desi, Wella, Rizki and Wiza | APOTEKER III TAHUN 2015 Page 15

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