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Properties of Water and Steam

Authored by Bernhard Spang, The Mining Company


Copyright 1997 by Bernhard Spang. All rights reserved.

May be redistributed for free, but may not be changed or sold without the author's explicit permission.
Provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

This workbook contains Visual Basic functions for calculating properties of water and steam.
Functions for the following properties are available:
boiling point as a function of pressure, vapor pressure, specific volume or density, specific enthalpy,
heat capacity, viscosity, and thermal conductivity.

See Usage for an explanation of how to access the functions from within your spreadsheets.
See Reference for a list of available functions with syntax, arguments, units, and examples of use.

Note that the explanations given in this workbook relate to the use of the functions with source module sheet waterprop.
For an explanation of how to use the functions with the Add-In file water.xla see the Readme file which accompanies water

Source of equations:
Properties of Water and Steam in SI-Units,
2nd Revised and Updated Printing, Springer 1979, pp. 175 ff.

Seite 1

fic enthalpy,

source module sheet waterprop.

adme file which accompanies water.xla.

Seite 2


Property data are available by calling the appropriate property function using the syntax


where functionname is the name of the function (see Reference)

and parameterlist is the list of arguments for this function

If the Visual Basic module waterprop is copied from water.xls to the Excel workbook
where property data are needed the simplified syntax is


Seite 3
P= 5.5 bar P 5.5 Bar
Ts = #VALUE! K =boilp(B2) Ts ### K
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C =B3-273.15 Vs ###
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub1(B3,B2) (uap)
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B5 P
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub2(B3,B2)
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B7
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub1(B3,B2)
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub2(B3,B2)
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B9-B2*B5*100000/1000
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B10-B2*B7*100
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B5)*0.000001
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B7)*0.000001
5.5 Bar


Available functions:

1. Boiling point as a function of pressure

a) Usage: waterprop.BOILP(P)

b) Argument(s): P pressure in bar

c) Unit: boiling point in K

d) Range of validity: 0.01 bar < p < 220 bar

e) Example: Boiling point of water at 1 bar in °C

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.BOILP(1)-273.15
And the result is: #MACRO? °C

2. Vapor pressure

a) Usage: waterprop.VAPP(T)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K

c) Unit: vapor pressure in bar

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623 K

e) Example: Vapor pressure of water at 100 °C

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.VAPP(373.15)
And the result is: #MACRO? bar

3. Specific volume (or density) of liquid water

a) Usage: waterprop.VSUB1(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific volume in m3/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623.15 K

vapor pressure < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Density of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =1/waterprop.VSUB1(293.15; 1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kg/m3

4. Specific volume (or density) of steam

a) Usage: waterprop.VSUB2(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

Seite 6

c) Unit: specific volume in m3/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < vapor pressure

e) Example: Specific volume of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Note the use of BOILP for determining the boiling point
Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.VSUB2(waterprop.BOILP(5);5)
And the result is: #MACRO? m3/kg

5. Specific enthalpy of liquid water

a) Usage: waterprop.HSUB1(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623.15 K

vapor pressure < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Enthalpy of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HSUB1(293.15; 1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/kg

6. Specific enthalpy of steam

a) Usage: waterprop.HSUB2(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < vapor pressure

e) Example: Enthalpy of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Note the use of BOILP for determining the boiling point
Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HSUB2(waterprop.BOILP(5);5)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/kg

7. Heat capacity

a) Usage: waterprop.HCAP(T; P; IAG)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar
IAG state: 1 for liquid water, 2 for steam

c) Unit: heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)

Seite 7

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Heat capacity of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HCAP(293.15;1;1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/(kg K)

8. Dynamic viscosity

a) Usage: waterprop.ETAF(T; V)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
V specific volume in m3/kg

c) Unit: dynamic viscosity in 10-6 Pa s

d) Range of validity: 0 °C < T < 800 °C

p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Viscosity of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.ETAF(293.15; waterprop.VSUB1(29
And the result is: #MACRO? Pa s

9. Thermal conductivity

a) Usage: waterprop.TCON(T; V)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
V specific volume in m3/kg

c) Unit: thermal conductivity W /(K m)

d) Range of validity: 0 °C < T < 1500 °C

p < 3000 bar

e) Example: Thermal conductivity of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.TCON(BOILP(5); waterprop.VSUB2
And the result is: #VALUE! W/(K m)

Seite 8


VSUB1(293.15; 1)

Seite 9


SUB1(293.15; 1)


Seite 10


TAF(293.15; waterprop.VSUB1(293.15;1))

CON(BOILP(5); waterprop.VSUB2(BOILP(5);5))

Seite 11

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