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Adinda Nabila Herdani

Geofisika 2015
Manajemen Proyek Geofisika

Assignment 2

1. Bill, a recently graduated engineer, decided to invest some of his money in a “Quick
Shop” grocery store. The store emphasizes quick service, a limited assortment of grocery
items, and rather high prices. Bill wants to study the business to see if the store hours
(currently 06.00 to 01.00) can be changed to make the store more profitable. Bill
assembled the following information:

Daily Sales in
Time Period The Time Period

06.00 - 07.00 20
07.00 - 08.00 40
08.00 - 09.00 60
09.00 - 12.00 200
12.00 - 15.00 180
15.00 - 18.00 300
18.00 - 21.00 400
21.00 -22.00 100
22.00 - 23.00 30
23.00 - 24.00 60
24.00 - 01.00 20

The cost of the groceries sold averages 70% of sales. The incremental cost to keep the
store open, including the clerk’s wage and other incremental operating costs, is $10 per
hour. To maximize profit, when should the store be opened, and when should it be closed?

Time Period Interval Profit Operational cost Final Profit
06.00-07.00 1 20 6 10 -4
07.00-08.00 1 40 12 10 2
08.00-09.00 1 60 18 10 8
09.00-12.00 3 200 60 30 30
12.00-15.00 3 180 54 30 24
15.00-18.00 3 300 90 30 60
Adinda Nabila Herdani
Geofisika 2015
Manajemen Proyek Geofisika

18.00-21.00 3 400 120 30 90

21.00-22.00 1 100 30 10 20
22.00-23.00 1 30 9 10 -1
23.00-24.00 1 60 18 10 8
24.00-01.00 1 20 6 10 -4

Penyelesaian Solusi:
 Dilakukan perhitungan interval waktu
 Dilakukan besarnya keuntungan (30%) dari penjualan
 Profit dihitung dari pemasukan dikurangi besarnya modal dengan pemasukan
 Maka untuk memaksimalkan profit saya akan memilih untuk membuka toko dari jam
07.00 – 22.00 dan membuka kembali pukul 23.00 – 24.00 karena pada jam-jam
tersebut toko bisa mendapatkan keuntungan-keuntungan terbesar.
Adinda Nabila Herdani
Geofisika 2015
Manajemen Proyek Geofisika

2. Jim, a motel owner, noticed that just down the street the “Motel 36” advertises their $36-
per-night room rental rate on their sign. As a result, they rent all of their eighty rooms
every day by late afternoon. Jim, on the other hand, does not advertise his rate, which is
$54 per night, and averages only a 68% occupancy of his fifty rooms.
There are a lot of other motels nearby and, except for Motel 36, none of the others
advertises their rate on their sign (their rates vary from $48 to $80 per night). Jim
estimates that his actual incremental cost per night for each room rented, rather than
remaining vacant, is $12. This $12 pays for all the cleaning, laundering, maintenance,
utilities, and so on. Jim believes his eight alternatives are:

Advertise and charge
36 100
42 94
48 80
54 66
Do not advertise and
charge ($/night)
48 70
54 68
62 66
68 56

What should Jim do? Show how you reached your conclusion.

Penyelesaian Solusi:

Advertise and charge
occupancy Occupancy Income Outcome Profit
36 100 50 1800 600 1200
42 94 47 1974 564 1410
48 80 40 1920 480 1440
54 66 33 1782 396 1386
Do not advertise and
charge ($/night)
48 70 35 1680 420 1260
Adinda Nabila Herdani
Geofisika 2015
Manajemen Proyek Geofisika

54 68 34 1836 408 1428

62 66 33 2046 396 1650
68 56 28 1904 336 1568

 Dilakukan perhitungan berapa kamar yang akan terisi dari total kamar (50)
pada setiap pilihan alternatif (kolom 3)
 Dilakukan perhitungan income pada setiap alternatif dengan cara: banyaknya
jumlah kamar yang akan terisi dikali dengan biaya sewa per kamar.
 Dilakukan perhitungan outcome pada setiap alternatif dengan cara: banyaknya
jumlah kamar yang akan terisi dikali dengan biaya untuk operational per kamar
per malam ($12)
 Dilakukan perhitungan profit dengan cara mengurangi income dan outcome
 Profit terbesar yang didapatkan adalah jika memiliki opsi do not advertise dan
dengan charge $62 dengan resulting occupancy rate 66% atau 33 kamar yang
 Karena profit paling besar akan didapatkan jika memilih opsi tersebut maka
saya akan menyarankan Jim opsi tersebut.

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