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Posted: 25 May, 2006
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T his artic le teac hes you, the reader, how to c onfigure a G N U /L inux bas ed s erver with three of the mos t important s ervic es
that mus t be provided in a c ompany, at home, a lab or anywhere els e, both for c lients and internal us age: web, databas e,

So it will be assumed that the idea is to host websites that use certain technologies such as a scripting language and a database (for dynamic sites),
and also to act as a mailing tool, for sending and receiving email.

Consider that this article only shows some of the basic features for configuring these services, each program has much more in depth options. Entire
books have been written just about Apache or MySQL. So, don't just stay with what you learn here, play around, read, learn; system administration
is all about security and performance, so there's a lot more to discover.

I have also decided to show some optimization (tuning) techniques for a better performance. We will use only free/open source software in this
article, thus,it is not necessary to buy commercial licenses. The software we will use is Debian GNU/Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Postfix. The
first three are what is called LAMP, where the P can stand for various server side scripting languages such as PHP, Perl and Python. In general, it
represents the open source web platform (both for developing and using it). I have been using LAMP and Postfix for years and must say that, after
trying lots of other programs of the same sort, it is the wisest choice if you want a powerful, easy to use/configure/maintain and secure server

Why use Debian? I have always liked this distribution because it's easy to manage packages (programs) and system services. It is also very secure
and stable, making it perfect for servers and any system that must run 24/7. It's huge package repository (over 15490) is more than enough to get
the best use out of any computer system.

Why use Apache? Simple - it's currently the best, most secure and most used HTTP server. It also supports a huge amount of modules and
extensions. Here are some specific benefits of Apache: support, efficiency, portability and customizability.

Why use MySQL? It's logo says it all: The world's most popular open source database. This DBMS is reliable, powerful and easy to manage and use.
Also, we will use it with Postfix for better integration and performance.

Why use Postfix? If you ask any systems administrator why he/she uses Postfix as a Mail Transport Agent (MTA) the answer will be it's easy and
fast. Another great feature is it's security and the wide amount of operating systems it can run on (BSD, Linux, AIX, Solaris, OSX, etc.)

Installing and Configuring Apache

We will use Apache 2 because it has been rewritten for better performance and security. It brings more out of the box optimizations for scalability
and throughput, as opposed to version 1.3 (which is not even being maintained anymore). So let's get to it, we first download and install the
essential software:

apt-get install apache2

This will also install the following packages: apache2, apache2-common,apache2-mpm-worker and apache2-utils. Now, try connecting to

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Setting Up a Server Linux article

localhost:80 and you should see a page saying that Apache as been configured correctly. If not,you might have something wrong with the network
settings, but that's a whole different ball game. By default, when installing services in Debian it leaves them configured to start when you boot
GNU/Linux so you don't have to worry about further system configuration. For controlling the daemon we have apache2clt or we can use Debian's
init utilities:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload
apacheclt start|stop|restart|...

Apache2's configuration files, by default, are in /etc/apache2/. Whenever a configuration is modified, the server must be restarted. Here is a
description of some of the more important files and directories:

apache2.conf is where the main configuration is, it used to be httpd.conf, so don't be fooled.
mods-available/ is the directory with all the modules that are available. The .load contain the Apache directives that are needed to load the
modules. And the .conf are the configuration directives for each module.
mods-enabled/ is the directory that contains the symbolic links to the modules that we want to enable from mod-available/. At least the
.load file must be there, so we will have: /etc/apache2/mod-enabled/modulex.load -> /etc/apache2/mod-available/modulex.load

Let's take this to practice, say we want to enable user directories:

( First uncomment the following in apache2.conf:

Next, we create the symbolic links for this module and restart the server:

cd /etc/apache2
ln -s mods-available/userdir.* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
/etc/init.d/apache restart

This works for all the modules you want to load. Now let's try some optimization methods. Apache uses a great deal of resources, specially RAM,
because it accumulates whatever is necessary to accommodate what it's serving and this process never decreases until it is complete. This takes up
as much RAM as the largest dynamic script.

To help reduce this problem, edit apache2.conf and enable KeepAlive (increases time) and set a low value for KeepAliveTimout (this will reduce the
time the process waits without doing anything). Also, set the value for MaxRequestsPerChild around 20, depending on the amount of dynamic sites
the server is hosting. The idea behind this is that when the process ends, it makes it start over again, but with lower RAM usage. However, by
doing this, you might have to increase MaxClients around 50%.

Installing and Configuring MySQL

MySQL 5 introduces a number of new features, compared to older versions, such as new data types, precision math, better performance for
storage, faster queries and better handling of certain types. The list goes on, so I recommend checking out the official documentation to see how
you can take advantage of the latest version. To get it:

apt-get install mysql-server-5.0

libdbd-mysql-perl, libmysqlclient15off, mysql-client-5.0 and mysql-common will also be installed. Debian will also make sure MySQL starts at boot
time. To control the daemon, I use the init script and voila!:

/etc/init.d/mysql start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status

To first start working with this database, the root password must be set. The word root does not apply to the system's root, but to the database
administrator, however, it can be the same person. So let's set it and log in:

mysqladmin -u root password 'thepassword'

mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10 to server version: 5.0.20a-Debian_1-log

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.


If you don't like using the command line system (lazy sysadmins), there a couple graphical user interfaces for MySQL, such as MySQLCC (QT),
gMySQLCC (GTK+), etc. Since everything is running fine (or should be) it's time to optimize. MySQL uses algorithms that let you run it with little
memory, but you can give it options to increase the memory usage if you have more, and therefore increase performance. To lower the amount of
time MySQL sits waiting, edit the configuration file: /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add/change the following (values may vary depending on your specific


Installing and Configuring PHP

Now that we have our httpd server up and running we can setup PHP. Debian includes PHP5 in the official package repository, not too long ago only
up to version 4 was supported. So let's get it:

apt-get install php5

Just like for Apache and MySQL, extra packages will have to be install as well: apache2-mpm-prefork, libapache2-mod-php5 and php5-common.

Now, add support for MySQL:

apt-get install php5-mysql

I also like to add some more packages for PHP, such as CLI, Pear, LDAP, IMAP, GD, mhash, ODBC and PostScript:

apt-get install php5-cli php-pear php5-ldap php5-imap php5-gd

php5-mhash php5-odbc php5-ps

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Setting Up a Server Linux article

The configuration file for PHP is located in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, every time you modify it, Apache must be restarted. So let's see if everything
is working. First let's create a simple script, called information.php, in Apache's DocumentRoot, that is /var/www/information.php and inside it
should go:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Now, fireup a browser and open You should see a page with information about the PHP version that is
installed. Also it provides some details about Apache, and all the PHP modules. Last, but not least, let's make sure MySQL and PHP are working well
together. First, log in to MySQL and create a new database:

mysql> create database test;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit


Create a new file, db.php, in the same directory and write:

if(mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "rootpassword"))
echo("connection success");

Check your browser and you should see: connection success. Now for a little optimization. Usually compiling PHP scripts on the fly uses a lot of
memory, so if your hosting several big web sites and have lots of users visiting, you might want to do something about this resource abuse. The
solution is to use a program that keeps the scripts precompiled. The most popular include Zend Accelerator, Turck MMCache and PHP Accelerator.
Performance can increase up to 200%.

Finally LAMP is up, running and optimized. You can also provide further services, such as more databases (PosgreSQL, Oracle, Informix, etc) and
more server side languages (Perl, JSP, Python, etc).

Installing and Configuring Postfix

Postfix was originally written as an alternative to Sendmail, which is used in most mail servers around the world. Unfortunately, Sendmail is hard to
use (and manage) and very bug prone, therefore securing it can be quite a task. This is why Postfix is a fantastic option. Just like with the rest of
the software, we download and install it, with support with MySQL:

apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql

Leave the values dpkg suggests when configuring. The default configuration files are in /etc/postfix, we will only use Once done, we create
the postfix user for MySQL and the database for the emails:

mysql -A -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.20a-Debian_2-log

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use mysql;

Database changed
mysql> insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'postfix', password('thepostfixpass'));
Query OK, 1 row affected, 3 warnings (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into db (host, db, user, select_priv) values ('localhost', 'mail', 'postfix', 'Y');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create database mail;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

Afterward, MySQL must be restarted to use the new user and database. If everything worked correctly, then there shouldn't be any problem logging
in as postfix using the mail database. So now we create our tables, as root:

mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 5.0.20a-Debian_2-log

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use mail;

Database changed
mysql> create table transport (
-> domain varchar(255) primary key,
-> transport char(8),
-> access varchar(2)
-> default 'OK');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> create table aliases (

-> id int(6),
-> alias varchar(255) primary key,
-> maildir varchar(255) not null,
-> access varchar(2)
-> default 'OK');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table remote_alias (

-> alias varchar(255) primary key,
-> rcpt varchar(255) not null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

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Setting Up a Server Linux article

mysql> create table domain1 (

-> user varchar(255) primary key,
-> pass varchar(255) not null,
-> maildir varchar(255) not null,
-> active int(8)
-> default 1);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

The next step is configuring Postfix to support MySQL, so edit the configuration file and add:


Since we are specifying files that don't exist, we must create them. In write:

password=thepostfixpass # the password used in MySQL

password=thepostfixpass # the password used in MySQL


password=thepostfixpass # the password used in MySQL

And for the final file,

password=thepostfixpass # the password used in MySQL

Lets now create the information for the domain1 example in MySQL:

mysql -A -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8 to server version: 5.0.20a-Debian_2-log

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use mail;

Database changed
mysql> insert into transport(domain, transport) values ('', 'virtual:');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

To add users to that domain, simply insert into the aliases table the data (you can get postfix's userid from /etc/passwd, for example:

mysql>insert into aliases values

(postfix_uid,'','domain1/user', 'OK');

Finally everything should be working smoothly. Make sure you constantly check the logs (/var/log/mail.log), even if everything is normal, because
the first place you might detect an attack is there.

Rate This Article: poor excellent Rate it!

Comments about t his article

Tutorial isn't complete rep ly to arfarf

writen by: arfarf on 2006-05-25 17:21:43
You're missing something in the 'Configure Apache' section! This part just doesn't make sense. What's missing? [quote]Let's take this to
practice, say we want to enable user directories: ( First uncomment the following in apache2.conf: Next,
we create the symbolic links for this module and restart the server: [/quote]

A distribution Idea rep ly to Trent Arms

writen by: Trent Arms on 2006-05-27 02:05:42
Since you like Debian, I would definitely recommend to you the Gentoo ditribution for severs. Unlike apt, the Portage tree isn't terribly out
of date and the ability to use hardened sources for extra security really makes it shine in this arena. If you don't like the idea of compiling
from source, portage can get binary packages in most cases. I've been really impressed with Gentoo's security and wouldn't hesitate to

4 of 8 30/09/10 21:39
Setting Up a Server Linux article

recommend it to a veteran Linux user.

more clear debian linux server set up rep ly to ro g er

writen by: roger on 2006-05-27 03:55:53
i love this debian linu server setup guide this really having more easy steps [url=]Debian
Linux Server Setup[/url]

def initely not complete tutorial rep ly to sri

writen by: sri on 2006-05-27 05:17:29
this is not definitely not complete tutorial but mostly i like the link provided for debian linux server setup guide great like that one.

Gentoo solves what? rep ly to Alan Tam

writen by: Alan Tam on 2006-05-27 14:04:59
If you don't like Debian stable, which is terribly out of date, you can use either: * Debian testing * Ubuntu release I don't see how
Debian's and Ubuntu's security are not as good as (or better than) Gentoo's.

A pache section rep ly to M arius

writen by: Marius on 2006-06-02 07:33:07
The apache section can be impoved a lot... ;-) 1. you are installing apache2-mpm-worker but later you will install PHP... this will not
work... you need the prefork package installed for PHP. 2. userdir doesn't need to be enabled because it is enabled by default. 3. if this is
targeted towards beginners (or so I hope), then why do you scare them with creating links for enabling modules? When Debian has such a
simple way to do this: a2enmod module_name a2dismod module_name (you can check my blog post about managing apache modules,
the debian way: Managing Apache2 modules the Debian way

Help rep ly to Francis

writen by: Francis on 2006-06-08 10:27:03
Please help me to set up a wide area netork with a linux as my server discussing about Vpn, File sharing, and printing and securities in
place. Counting on your cooperation Thank you

mySQL? rep ly to b ro knd o d g e

writen by: brokndodge on 2006-06-09 12:58:38
Doesn't mySQL have a license restriction saying that it can only be used by .orgs and home users on the free license? I use postgreSQL due
to this restriction. Anyway it bothered me that the writer claimed: [quote]We will use only free/open source software in this article, thus,it
is not necessary to buy commercial licenses.[/quote] then used mySQL.

Re: mySQL? rep ly to D avid lo hr Bueso

writen by: Davidlohr Bueso on 2006-06-10 18:18:10
This is true, however, MySQL is still distrubuted under the GPL license. This means that it is free software. For more information:

Tutorial helpf ul or not rep ly to M atias @ NZ

writen by: Matias @ NZ on 2006-06-10 18:46:16
Why tutorials exists? The goal of tutorial is to give some tips, guidelines, step-by-step directions in order to reach your goals, which in this
case is implementing a email server with apache and mysql support. This particular Document, I found it so clear and easy to follow
without any deep specific technical knowledge. Also, it explains benefit of packages chosen and Linux Debian distribution, however I see
some people wrote how to improve it: All technical proyects and final products could be improve them. The question is: Did tutorial and
guideliness help to that implementation? And the end of the process software was working? In conclusion I really like this tutorial. Regards,
Matias Monteverde ProgressDB DBA Linux system Consultant #410688 ------------------------

Setting Up Server rep ly to Tim

writen by: Tim on 2006-07-06 13:31:47
I think that for every article written on this subject, there is another that compliments it. I can take some information from this article and
use information from other articles and get a better understanding of how this whole thing comes together. Nice article.

Do I need a server? rep ly to fing al

writen by: fingal on 2006-11-23 07:55:59
... maybe I should have asked, 'Do I want a server!' I'm not sure. I'm very curious about servers and running my own, but I'm not sure
what I would do with it. Maybe I could host my own website, use it to log into remotely to save work on etc ... This section looks
promising though.

Holy Crap rep ly to Bad hat

writen by: Badhat on 2006-12-03 21:20:52
Geez man before anyone recommends Gentoo you better think about it especially if you just adopted it. 1) Gentoo's portage tree is
bleeding edge. 2) You must not have been around for the Apache/httpd.conf snafu. If you were around for #2 you would probably not
even think twice about 'not' using Gentoo in an environment that needs to be able to update and not worry about breaking everything. As
stated in this how-to Debian is ok and so is Slack. It just all depends on peoples preferences. I personally wouldn't change Linux OS's to be
able to install some of this software. Also, I don't recommend using the 'Straight off the CD' installs for a server either. Commonly the
straight off the CD method leaves you with the most insecure and outdated system any administrator would pass out over.

postf ix

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Setting Up a Server Linux article

rep ly to co o lal2
writen by: coolal2 on 2006-12-31 11:01:57
Hi there, I'm currently runnig postfix on an old powermac g4 using postfixenabler, and it's very easy to add domains and users. I'm
thinking about moving to ubuntu on the i386 platform and after doing some research I found that all the posted examples of postfix setup
only deal with one domain. None of these linux experts ever bother to think that maybe this reader may want to add domains. I may be
wrong but can aybody point me to a tutorial that actually shows how to add domains to postfix (Ubuntu). Thanks in advance for the help.

Retired rep ly to D ave D artnall

writen by: Dave Dartnall on 2007-02-27 02:11:07
Ubuntu edgy: The most helpful tutorial yet - apache installed and displays the default page. Mysql installed with 'root' and mysql user
passwords is accessible. Suggested php script information.php and phpmyadmin (which was the reason for installing apache) in
/var/www/, however, don't display. Edgy calls up gedit.. frustrating! What have I done wrong?

setup the linux web server rep ly to Ad itya Kapo o r

writen by: Aditya Kapoor on 2007-03-08 22:31:19
HI, I want to set up Linux as web server .. I m new to linux till now i got to knw tht I hv to install apache to configure as web server but
dnt no hw to install and configure apache. found smthng in setting up the server but wht is apt-get install apache2 but whr to type this up
???? I tried to type tht at konsole teminal but its says tht bash not found. I also went to and they direct me to mirrors but there
are lots of files out there so whch one to pick up and install and how to install.

re: new to linux rep ly to jarg o man

writen by: jargoman on 2007-05-26 04:18:48

Herr rep ly to Xaleand r

writen by: Xaleandr on 2007-06-28 17:11:03
Hello, this is not a problem to set up Apache on local machine. The most complicated point is how to configure the (local) network, so that
the machine would be visible from outside !

Dysf unction erectile pills rep ly to Erectile

writen by: Erectile on 2007-07-07 20:49:14
LOS ANGELES, July 5 Pomegranate juice may help counter erectile dysfunction, according to findings by the University of Southern
California. Dr. Harin Padma-Nathan, of the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, conducted a randomized,
placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover pilot study to examine the efficacy of pomegranate juice versus placebo in improving erections
in 61 male subjects.

postf ix mail server rep ly to M o hammed Waheed Shareef

writen by: Mohammed Waheed Shareef on 2007-08-01 06:16:46
i have some porb with my postfix mail server if any body can help me for thisssss please anyuser if send a new mail its going to outbox
and after 5 min its going, after 5 mins aslo if not going out mail then i ahve to start some services cdetcpostfix postmap access postamp
virtualdomain postmap realydomain postfix start potfix stop if i run this command then mail will go fast for some time after one hour again
same porb can you help me in this pls

apache server rep ly to himanshu

writen by: himanshu on 2007-10-17 13:17:53

Try XA MP rep ly to Latheesan

writen by: Latheesan on 2007-10-18 22:03:08
Why don't you just install linux version of XAMPP - ?

Dual license rep ly to linuxamp

writen by: linuxamp on 2007-11-12 07:11:31

Linux in computer shop rep ly to ad rian

writen by: adrian on 2007-11-18 21:16:54

web developer student rep ly to M aria Cro sb y

writen by: Maria Crosby on 2007-12-05 09:10:28
I am running Suse 10.2 Linux, and had all of LAMP successfully installed. How can I add SSL and serve web pages? Any thoughts how it
would be any easier to use TomCat Apache instead?

web developer student rep ly to maria_cro sb y

writen by: maria_crosby on 2007-12-05 09:16:17
I was also trying to install Suse 10.2 on an old iMac G4 800 mhz, not sure though if it has a PPC, anyway, the install (type "C") on boot
command wouldn't work, I tried option C but still the same. Should I create partition in Utilities? i would like to wipe out the OSX 10.3 on
it... any thoughts? Thanks, Maria

Good tourorial

6 of 8 30/09/10 21:39
Setting Up a Server Linux article

rep ly to Jaso n
writen by: Jason on 2008-01-03 20:35:49
I vote yes. I've seen a lot of other tutorials out their that don't help at all. The first thing I suggest to a neub is to not use a cd install. You
will be stuck somewhere in the process and realize that you don't get what it is asking you. Starting with a desktop then a server gives
you a chance to research what you don't know before you screw up you server.

SERVER! rep ly to p eter parker

writen by: peter parker on 2008-01-26 10:37:08
What would be the most economical server to buy in order run a social network with the above programs? (new to this) Can I use the PS3
as a server since linux can be runned through it? Would it be wise? -Thanks

samba rep ly to anatak

writen by: anatak on 2008-02-01 01:42:54
Good tutorial, I missed Samba. I would have thought that setting up a file server would be more important for most networks than setting
up a mailserver. anyway, I will experiment with this tutorial as a guideline. thank you for writing and publishing this tutorial and I hope
that there will be others following. firewall, VPN, Samba would be my main interests. anatak

altering the def ault nice values rep ly to M anish

writen by: Manish on 2008-02-28 17:48:25
Hi If I want all processes by a certain user to be run with a configurable nice value, e.g. nice value +3, then how can I implement this.

Linux A s Remote Boot Server rep ly to d avid

writen by: david on 2008-04-09 03:51:43
installing lINUX As Remote Boot Server.

what about opening ports¿¿ rep ly to Jaime

writen by: Jaime on 2008-04-23 16:17:06

retired rep ly to Ro land Lato ur

writen by: Roland Latour on 2008-05-11 11:11:21

Mr. rep ly to M asterChief038

writen by: MasterChief038 on 2008-05-15 10:50:05
I'm just in the finishing stages of setting up Ubuntu Server via the BIOS of my PC. My Server Username: MasterChief My Server PC Name
: MasterChiefServer It asks for a username and password, which is not a problem. I enter them but then it says
"MasterChief@MasterChiefServer:~$" (while in the BIOS) what do i enter here???? Help Please?? MasterChief038

QUESTION rep ly to sharath

writen by: sharath on 2008-06-24 01:03:53
Hello, I have to configure 1)TOM CAT SERVER 2)JAVA JRE JDK 3)MYSQL. in my system . So, can u send me the needful command and
step to configure them . Thanks, Sharath

Setting Up A Server rep ly to Jo e M iner

writen by: Joe Miner on 2008-07-07 08:59:31

There is a typo rep ly to way k

writen by: way k on 2008-08-17 17:48:12
Instead of apacheclt start|stop|restart|... it should be apachectl start|stop|restart|... and apache2clt should be apache2ctl That is if no one
has written on it above.

wow cheap gold world rep ly to b uycheap wo wg o ld

writen by: buycheapwowgold on 2008-12-03 23:38:21

rep ly to Chris
writen by: Chris on 2008-12-11 22:15:54
I'm very new to setting up a server and have a few quick questions if any one could help. The school I go to has a network but does not
use a local server for any thing. I was wondering, how would I find out the address to use to access web pages once the server is up.
Sounds like a noob question but I not familiar with that aspect of servers. I am pretty sure I could handle setting up all the software but
when it comes to actual connectivity and setting up something like Active Directory I am completely lost Thanks for any help in advanced,

rep ly to Ano nymo us

writen by: Anonymous on 2009-01-05 06:51:13

7 of 8 30/09/10 21:39
Setting Up a Server Linux article

rep ly to Frip p era

writen by: Frippera on 2009-01-06 03:51:30

did it ok now rep ly to Wo W Go ud

writen by: WoW Goud on 2009-01-16 07:06:31

server setup rep ly to tch647

writen by: tch647 on 2009-03-10 09:10:53
New to linux, followed your example but have a error when I run " insert into aliases values
(postfix_uid,'','domain1/user', 'OK');". I get the following error "ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'postfix_uid' in
'field list' ". where does the "postfix_uid" go in mysql? Thank you in advance.

Yes! rep ly to D aniel Gro ves

writen by: Daniel Groves on 2009-03-28 12:36:48

A mazing rep ly to b usinessstart

writen by: businessstart on 2010-09-14 11:27:14
Your article very interesting, I have introduced a lot of friends look at this article, the content of the articles there will be a lot of attractive
people to appreciate, I have to thank you such an article.

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