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Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99

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Planetary Boundary Layer height over the Indian subcontinent during

extreme monsoon years
M.N. Patil n, S.D. Patil, R.T. Waghmare, T. Dharmaraj
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune-411008, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) plays an important role in the regional monsoon circulation by
Received 13 February 2012 exchanging heat and moisture between the earth surface and free atmosphere. However, PBL
Received in revised form climatology over the Indian sub-continent in the context of extreme monsoon conditions is not
27 August 2012
available for its use in the regional climate models. In this study, a large-scale seasonal feature of PBL
Accepted 9 October 2012
Available online 9 November 2012
height over the Indian sub-continent is explored with 40 years (1961–2000) ERA-40 reanalysis data.
The variations in the PBL height associated with excess and deficient monsoons over India are
Keywords: examined. The seasonal climatology showed higher PBL height during pre-monsoon (spring) and
Planetary Boundary Layer monsoon seasons as compared to post-monsoon and winter. For the extreme monsoon situations, PBL
Indian summer monsoon
over the north-west (NW) India has greatly reciprocated. Over the NW India, during deficient monsoon
Extreme monsoon years
years, composite anomalies of the PBL are observed to be negative indicating large reduction in PBL.
Low level jet Whereas during excess monsoon years, observed positive anomalies suggest increase in the PBL. During
excess (deficient) monsoon years, the convection and the LLJ are found to be stronger (weaker)
associated with the higher (lower) PBL height.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with the relative frequency of climate extremes (Wolter et al., 1999)
and deficient/excess Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) respec-
The Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) located in the lower part of tively. However, with the changing atmospheric general circulation
troposphere, forms as a consequence of interactions between the pattern across the globe, decreasing influence of El Niño (Krishna
atmosphere and the underlying surface (land or water) over time Kumar et al., 1999; Annamalai et al., 2007; Turner et al., 2007) and
scale of a few hours to about a day (Garratt, 1992; Arya, 1988; increasing influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Behera et al.,
Stull, 1988). The PBL disperses (horizontally and vertically) heat 1999; Ashok et al., 2001) on the ISMR have been reported. The
and moisture from surface, effectively air-conditioning the bio- response of the ISMR to the tropical Pacific SST anomaly pattern is
sphere and providing a conduit for energy to power the weather more sensitive (Keshavamurthy, 1982; Krishna Kumar et al., 2006;
system on all scales. Thus, the turbulent nature of the PBL is one of Kim et al., 2009).
its most conspicuous features and can be considered as the Most of the PBL studies mentioned above are based on small
circulatory system of the biosphere in many aspects. The large- period data particularly over the Indian monsoon trough region,
scale monsoon over India is characterized by the intra-seasonal Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, but its large-scale feature as well
oscillations (Sikka and Gadgil, 1980) associated with PBL. During as dynamics and thermodynamics with extreme Indian summer
weak and active phases of the monsoon, the PBL over Indian sub- monsoons are not yet studied due to unavailability of PBL height
continent showed different characteristics (Parasnis and Morwal, dataset. In this study, we analyzed the ERA-40 reanalysis data to
1991; Parasnis, 1991; Kusuma et al., 1991). During active monsoon bring out the anomalous feature of PBL height in the excess and
conditions, the surface wind speed, sensible and latent heat fluxes deficient monsoon years. Its interaction with the convection and
were increased over the Arabian Sea (Holt and Sethuraman, 1987) the low level jet (LLJ) stream is explored. Also, the long-term 40
and Bay of Bengal (Sivaramakrishnan et al., 1996). years (1961–2000) means seasonal PBL height climatology over
El Niño and La Niña are well known to be associated with the Indian sub-continent is brought out.
significant monthly/seasonal climate anomalies at many places
around the globe. El Niño/La Niña events have significant relationship
2. Data and analysis

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 20 25904370; fax: þ 91 20 2586 5142. European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
E-mail address: (M.N. Patil). has produced an ERA-40 re-analysis data set from meteorological

1364-6826/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.N. Patil et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99 95

Table 1
All-India summer monsoon rainfall (AISMR) in mm for excess and deficient monsoon years during the period 1961–2000
(Parthasarathy et al., 1994).

Excess monsoon rainfall Deficient monsoon rainfall

Year AISMR (mm) % departure from normal Year AISMR (mm) % departure from normal

1961 1020.3 20.1 1965 709.4  16.5

1970 939.8 10.6 1966 739.9  12.9
1975 962.9 13.3 1968 754.6  11.2
1983 955.7 12.5 1972 652.9  23.1
1988 961.5 13.2 1974 748.2  12.0
1994 952.1 12.1 1979 707.8  16.7
1982 735.4  13.5
1987 697.3  17.9

observations accumulated from many sources. The ‘second-genera- is seen over the Arabian Sea and the Head Bay of Bengal in the
tion’ ERA-40 re-analysis would provide better products than those monsoon season.
from the first-generation ERA-15 and NCEP-NCAR re-analysis The experimental observations over the Bay of Bengal showed PBL
(Uppala et al., 2005). Further, it has been suggested that ERA-40 height in the range of 400–1200 m in pre-monsoon (Allappattu and
provided higher horizontal and vertical resolution in the PBL than Kunhikrishnan, 2010), 100–900 m in the monsoon (Bhat, 2003) and
the ones provided by the earlier re-analyses ERA-15. The ERA-40 50–900 m in the post-monsoon season (Bhat et al., 2000). The PBL
re-analysis fields showed good agreement with the PBL heights height over the Arabian Sea was observed in the range of 375–
derived from radiosonde data (Von Engeln et al., 2003) over ten 1200 m in the pre-monsoon (Allappattu and Kunhikrishnan, 2010)
stations spread in the latitudinal and longitudinal domain of and 300–800 m in the winter season (Ramana et al., 2004). Over the
321630 N to 37180 S and 771530 E to 221950 W respectively. Long-term continental region of NW India, over Delhi (281360 N. 771120 E), the PBL
re-analysis runs such as ERA-40 reanalysis dataset are still the best maxima are observed nearly 3000, 5000, 2000 and 1000 m in pre-
source of global climatological information for many variables monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter seasons respectively
(Simmons and Gibson, 2000; Simmons et al., 2006–07) and hence (Gamo et al., 1994). Over the station Anand (221350 N, 721550 E) in NW
are widely used by numerous researchers across the globe. India, Nagar et al. ( 2001) observed the PBL height in the range of
In the present analysis, we considered the monthly mean PBL 1500–3000 m in the month of May 1997 (pre-monsoon). Over the
height dataset ( station Kharagpur (221300 N, 871200 E), the maximum PBL height was
for 40 years (1961–2000) with 2.5  2.51 latitude/longitude grid observed to be nearly 900 m (Parasnis and Morwal, 1994). These
resolution during winter (December, January and February), pre- observed PBL heights over continental as well as oceanic stations of
monsoon (March, April and May), summer monsoon (June, July, India are consistent with the mean climatology of PBL height shown
August and September) and post-monsoon (October and Novem- in Fig. 1. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is extending
ber) seasons over the Indian sub-continent. The monthly Out- towards NW India in the pre-monsoon and shifts maximum north-
going Longwave Radiation (OLR) and 850 hPa level zonal wind ward in the monsoon season (Sikka and Gadgil, 1980). During the
data for the period of 1961–2000 have been considered from pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons, Zeng et al. (2004) found large
NCEP/NCAR re-analysis (Kalnay et al., 1996). Excess as well as PBL height in the ITCZ region corroborating our findings.
deficient ISMR, which is part of the natural inter-annual varia- In the monsoon season, NW Indian region is the seat of
bility, tends to have an adverse impact on Indian economy and relatively low pressure and it is more or less persistent throughout
social life. If ISMR during the year exceeds the long-term mean by the monsoon. Also, it is a heat low region. The warm water of Bay
more than one standard deviation, then the year is defined as an of Bengal acts as a heat and moisture source and transfers it
excess rainfall year, and if it is less than the long-term mean by towards the north-west Indian region with monsoon winds. There-
one standard deviation, then the year is considered as a deficient fore, PBL height is increasing from the Bay of Bengal towards the
rainfall year (Parthasarathy et al., 1994). With these criteria, NW region (Rajasthan) of India in the monsoon season. Over the
among the 40 years (1961–2000) dataset, we extracted 6 excess Bay of Bengal, PBL height is found to be less with more cloudiness,
and 8 deficient monsoon rainfall years as shown in Table 1. whereas over the NW region (Rajasthan), PBL height is higher with
less cloudiness. Sikka and Narasimha (1995) have also reported
that NW region of India has less moisture whereas the Bay of
3. Spatial pattern of PBL height over Indian sub-continent Bengal region has more moisture, which leads to the deep convec-
tion (more cloudiness) over Bay of Bengal and dry convection (less
The PBL height depends upon the convection available at the cloudiness) over NW India (Rajasthan). Thus, we found greater PBL
earth surface, synoptic weather pattern and existing land surface height in the region of dry convection and less cloudiness.
conditions, which vary from place to place. Fig. 1 shows the
climatological feature of 40 years (1961–2000) mean PBL height
over the Indian sub-continent for the different seasons of India i.e. 4. PBL height during excess and deficient monsoon years
(a) pre-monsoon, (b) summer monsoon, (c) post-monsoon and
(d) winter. It is seen that the PBL height is greater over the region During deficient and excess monsoon years (see Table 1), the
of NW India in monsoon season and over the Tibetan plateau in composite anomalies for PBL height computed from the 40 years
winter season. Otherwise, in the pre-monsoon season, most parts (1961–2000) mean in monsoon season are shown in Fig. 2. It can be
of Indian sub-continent are covered with large PBL height seen that during deficient years, the negative anomalies of PBL
(  1800 m) mainly because of intense solar heating in this season. height have prevailed over the Indian subcontinent, which indicated
Also, interestingly, it is seen that PBL height is gradually increas- reduction in the PBL height. Otherwise during the excess monsoon
ing from south to north and the highest PBL height is confined years (Fig. 2b), there were positive anomalies that show increase in
over the NW India in monsoon season. The minimum PBL height PBL height. In the monsoon season, we observed the deeper PBL
96 M.N. Patil et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99

Fig. 1. Seasonal mean of PBL height (m) over the Indian subcontinent derived from 40 years (1961–2000) for (a) pre-monsoon, (b) monsoon, (c) post-monsoon
and (d) winter seasons.

( 1800 m) in the NW India and it gradually decreased towards the studies (Holt and Sethuraman, 1987; Sivaramakrishnan et al., 1996)
south-east part where PBL height is in the range of  600–1000 m also showed the high convection with greater heat fluxes in the
(see Fig. 1b). The PBL height over the NW India (Rajasthan) and Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal during active monsoon conditions.
neighborhood is reduced by 240–270 m (Fig. 2a) and increased by The deep convection is found over the Bay of Bengal during deficient
150–180 m (Fig. 2b) in the deficient and excess monsoon years years composites though it is low over the continental region. In
respectively. In the deficient monsoon years, reduction in PBL height contrast, during excess years, it extends over to the land region and
has gradually decreased towards the Indian mainland but only in even to the Arabian Sea.
the excess monsoon rainfall years (see Fig. 2b), the PBL height has The spatial pattern of the 850 hPa wind vector in monsoon
increased more significantly in the region of NW India. season showed that the LLJ in Arabian Sea is stronger (14–
Observations over the station Jodhpur (261180 N,631040 E) in NW 18 ms  1) during excess monsoon and weaker (10–14 ms  1)
India, during Monsoon Experiment (MONEX-79) in the year of during deficient monsoon conditions (see Fig. 3c and d). But, over
1979, which is a deficient monsoon year, showed mean PBL height NW India (Rajasthan), it is observed that the winds at 850 hPa
of nearly 1600 m in the month of August (Kusuma et al.,1991). were strong (4–6 ms  1) and weak (2–4 ms  1) in deficient and
Similarly, in the year of 1997, which is a normal monsoon year, the excess monsoon years respectively. Swapna and Ramesh Kumar
Land Surface Procresses Experiment (LASPEX) observations over (2002) clearly brought out the importance of low level flow into
the station Anand (221350 N, 721550 E) in NW India showed PBL the Indian sub-continent (Equatorial Indian Ocean) during the
height in the range of 2600 m in the monsoon season (Murthy and excess and deficient monsoon years and reported that the
Parasnis, 2002). Unfortunately, the PBL observations over the west strength of the low level flow into the Indian sub-continent
India in excess monsoon years are not available due to unavail- (Equatorial Indian Ocean region) was significantly high during
ability of high resolution radiosonde/remote sensing observations. break and weak monsoon conditions. Active periods of rainfall
Thus, the observations collected during the above special experi- were characterized by stronger low level flow directed to Indian
ments supported the hypothesis of deeper PBL in the excess sub-continent transporting more moisture in to the Indian sub-
monsoon years and shallow PBL during deficient monsoon years. continent. Ramesh Kumar et al. (2009) showed the low level wind
In the deficient monsoon years (Fig. 3a), the strong and deep flow at 850 hPa was substantially more (less) and directed
convection (OLR¼190–210 Wm  2) prevails in the Bay of Bengal towards the Indian sub-continent (equatorial region) during the
and NE-India, but during the excess monsoon years (Fig. 3b), it is monsoon years that experienced a rainfall excess (deficit). The
extended towards the south and south-east India (lower the OLR weaker LLJ in the Arabian Sea during deficient years leads to
more the convection). During both the extreme monsoon condi- lowering the PBL height but it will not shift more towards the
tions, the convection is low in the region of NW India (Rajasthan) north. Also, comparatively strong winds at 850 hPa over NE India
and increases towards the Indian mainland, Arabian Sea and Bay of lead to increase the PBL height in that region. The reduction of
Bengal. This deep convection releases more latent heat contributing PBL height in excess monsoon years is attributed to the weak
to the formation of monsoon systems in the Bay of Bengal. Earlier wind at 850 hPa over NW region due to weak convection in
M.N. Patil et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99 97

Fig. 2. The monsoon season PBL height (m) anomalies for (a) deficient ISMR years and (b) excess ISMR years.

Arabian Sea and southward shift of weak LLJ’s core compared to decade or so is on the land surface parameterizations (Avissar and
the situations in excess monsoon years. Pielke, 1989; Li and Avissar, 1994; Oleson et al., 1997; Liang and Guo,
2003; Kahan et al., 2006; Han et al., 2008). By using the General
Circulation Model (GCM), Charney et al. (1977) tested albedo drought
5. Interaction of PBL and land surface parameters with hypothesis (Charney, 1975) and showed the importance of the
extreme monsoon turbulent fluxes on precipitation. In the excess monsoon year, the
soil moisture will be higher compared to that of deficient monsoon
It is well known that the land surface processes influence the years. High soil moisture conditions will decrease the surface albedo
monsoon (Sud and Smith, 1985; Xue et al., 2004, 2006). The surface and hence the net solar radiation at the surface will be increased.
energy balance is sensitive to the surface albedo, evaporation, surface Increase of net radiation at the surface tends to increase the total heat
roughness, surface heat capacity, etc. For instance, modification of fluxes (sensible and latent) from the earth surface into the PBL.
vegetation cover can change the solar energy absorption by the The higher heat fluxes will give greater PBL height. The land surface
surface, as well as its redistribution in the atmosphere as latent and processes interactions with the excess and deficient monsoon condi-
sensible heat. Therefore, the main focus of the research in the last tions are illustrated in Fig. 4.
98 M.N. Patil et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99

Fig. 3. The mean Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) in Wm  2 for (a) deficient ISMR years, (b) excess ISMR years; mean wind vector at 850 hPa, (c) deficient ISMR years
and (d) excess ISMR years.

Fig. 4. Interaction of PBL with extreme monsoon conditions.

6. Summary and conclusions anomalies of the PBL height during excess and deficient monsoon
years showed interesting contrast feature. The negative anomalies
The mean PBL height has found to be higher during pre- have been observed over the north and NW India during deficient
monsoon season covering almost all mainland region whereas years composite indicating the reduction in PBL height whereas
during the monsoon season, the region of high PBL has shifted during excess monsoon years composite, there were positive
towards north i.e. PBL has gradually increases from south to north anomalies which lead to the higher PBL height over the same
and the higher PBL is confined over the NW India. The composite region. During excess (deficient) monsoon years, the convection
M.N. Patil et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 92 (2013) 94–99 99

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