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HIS0010.1177/1178632917691270Health Services InsightsAbbas et al

Perioperative Care of Patients With Liver Cirrhosis: Health Services Insights


A Review © The Author(s) 2017

Reprints and permissions:
Naeem Abbas1, Jasbir Makker2, Hafsa Abbas3 and Bhavna Balar2,4 DOI: 10.1177/1178632917691270

1Divisionsof Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Bronx-Lebanon

Hospital Center, Bronx, NY, USA. 2Division of Gastroenterology, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center,
Bronx, NY, USA. 3Department of Internal Medicine, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY,
USA. 4Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.

ABSTRACT: The incidence of cirrhosis is rising, and identification of these patients prior to undergoing any surgical procedure is crucial. The
preoperative risk stratification using validated scores, such as Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) and Model for End-Stage Liver Disease, perioperative
optimization of hemodynamics and metabolic derangements, and postoperative monitoring to minimize the risk of hepatic decompensation and
complications are essential components of medical management. The advanced stage of cirrhosis, emergency surgery, open surgeries, old
age, and coexistence of medical comorbidities are main factors influencing the clinical outcome of these patients. Perioperative management
of patients with cirrhosis warrants special attention to nutritional status, fluid and electrolyte balance, control of ascites, excluding preexisting
infections, correction of coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia, and avoidance of nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic medications. Transjugular
intrahepatic portosystemic shunt may improve the CTP class, and semielective surgeries may be feasible. Emergency surgery, whenever
possible, should be avoided.

Keywords: perioperative management, liver cirrhosis, decompensated liver cirrhosis, surgery in cirrhosis

RECEIVED: July 31, 2016. ACCEPTED: November 29, 2016. Declaration of conflicting interests: The author(s) declared no potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Peer review: Four peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ article.
reports totaled 1450 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor.
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Naeem Abbas, Divisions of Gastroenterology and
Type: Review Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, 1650 Selwyn Ave,
Suite 10C, Bronx, NY 10457, USA. Email:
Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

Liver cirrhosis is the 8th most common cause of death in thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, fluid and electrolyte balance,
United States and the 13th most common cause of mortality ascites, hepatic encephalopathy (HE), and renal, cardiac, and
worldwide.1 In 2010, liver cirrhosis was estimated to contribute pulmonary functions. Specific precautions pertaining to differ-
31 million or 1.2% of global disability-adjusted life years ent types of surgical procedures are also highlighted with rec-
(DALYs). Globally, liver cirrhosis was ranked 23rd leading ommendations from recent studies. This knowledge could help
cause of disease burden. Global liver cirrhosis deaths increased in better selection of patients and type of surgery they should
from 1.54% of global deaths in 1980 to 1.95% in 2010.2,3 be recommended to minimize the morbidity and mortality.
Epidemic of obesity and growing incidence of chronic viral Patients with history of risk factors for liver disease, such as
hepatitis have led to increasing worldwide prevalence of cir- chronic alcohol use, blood transfusion, substance use, tattooing,
rhosis. In a recent population-based study, prevalence of cir- or family history of liver disease, should be evaluated for
rhosis in United States was found to be 0.27%. This prevalence chronic liver disease prior to surgery. Suspicion for chronic liver
rate when applied to 2010 US census data estimated about 633 disease should rise in any patient who is obese or has clinical
323 adults with cirrhosis in the United States. In this study, features of cirrhosis, such as palmer erythema, spider nevi,
70% of patients reported not being aware of their cirrhosis ascites, splenomegaly, leg edema, gynecomastia, testicular atro-
diagnosis, highlighting a huge number of underdiagnosed phy, temporal wasting, parotid gland enlargement, or jaundice.
patients.4 Such patients may require surgery and any surgical Routine evaluation of liver function tests prior to surgery, in
intervention in undiagnosed cirrhotic patients may have cata- patients without known liver disease, is not recommended.
strophic consequences. When abnormal liver function tests are noted, detailed review
This review article summarizes the current literature about of patient’s medications, including prescribed as well as over-
the perioperative management of patients with cirrhosis who the-counter and herbal medications, should also be done to
are undergoing surgery. After a brief introduction of cirrhosis exclude possible drug-induced liver disease.
and its natural history, utility of different scoring systems to Advanced liver disease affects every organ system and is
assess the perioperative risk is discussed. The pathophysiology associated with potential life-threatening complications.
of cirrhosis is reviewed, and the use of different anesthetic Preoperative risk stratification of patients with liver cirrhosis,
medications with their pharmacokinetics is discussed. Particular requiring abdominal and nonabdominal surgery, is challenging.
attention has been given to various perioperative key compo- It is well known that patients with cirrhosis have increased risk
nents in patients with cirrhosis, such as nutritional status, of morbidity and mortality when they require emergent surgery.

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2 Health Services Insights 

Table 1.  CTP score calculation.

Laboratory or clinical parameter 1 point 2 points 3 points

Albumin, g/dL >3.5 2.8–3.5 <2.8

Bilirubin, mg/dL <2 2–3 >3

Prothrombin time, seconds prolonged <4 4–6 >6

Or INR <1.7 1.7–2.3 >2.3

Hepatic encephalopathy None Grades 1–2 Grades 3–4

Ascites None Mild and moderate Severe

Abbreviation: CTP, Child-Turcotte-Pugh; INR, international normalized ratio.

CTP score is obtained by adding the score for each parameter. CTP class: A = 5 to 6 points, B = 7 to 9 points, and C = 10 to 15 points.

Careful selection of patients with liver cirrhosis requiring sur- was later modified by Pugh in 1973 and is currently used to
gery depends on many factors, including stage of cirrhosis, type assess the severity of cirrhosis, prognosis, and management
of surgery, timing of surgery (emergent or elective), and associ- plan. The CTP score has 5 measures, and each measure is given
ated comorbid clinical conditions.5 a score from 1 to 3, with 3 reflecting the most severe derange-
Cirrhosis can occur as a result of various causes and has 2 ment of the respective clinical or laboratory parameter8,9 (Table
distinct phases: compensated and decompensated. The pres- 1). Child-Turcotte-Pugh score, though widely used in clinical
ence of complications of cirrhosis, namely, ascites, spontaneous practice, has not been validated.
bacterial peritonitis (SBP), variceal bleeding, HE, hepatocel- The CTP scoring system has its inherent problem with its
lular cancer, hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS), and hepatore- reproducibility as it relies on observer’s assessment in evaluat-
nal syndrome, characterizes the decompensated state of the ing the presence and severity of HE and ascites. The other
cirrhosis. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis have a median major problem with CTP scoring system is its arbitrary selec-
survival of less than 2 years. Their 1-year mortality rate is 20% tion of cutoff values for its parameters, such as albumin, biliru-
in the presence of ascites, and it rises to 57% if the clinical bin, and prothrombin time (PT). Hence, any elevation in
course is complicated with variceal bleeding. Lack of any of bilirubin level above 3.5 mg/dL contributes to the same score
these features represents the compensated phase, which has a in the calculation of the CTP class (ceiling effect).
median survival of more than 12 years.6 The other severe com- The MELD was initially developed to predict mortality
plications, including acute liver decompensation and clinical within 3 months of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
course, may also be complicated by severe coagulopathy, portal shunt (TIPS) procedure,10 and later it was found to be useful in
vein thrombosis, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, acute renal assessing the prognosis of liver cirrhosis and prioritization of
failure, and sepsis. Other determinants of adverse outcome candidates for liver transplantation.11 The MELD score uses
include emergency surgery, advanced age, and concomitant the patient’s bilirubin, serum creatinine, and international nor-
cardiovascular disease. malized ratio (INR). Any value less than 1 is given a value of 1,
Optimal preparation with attention toward cirrhosis com- and if the dialysis occurred twice in the last 1 week, the factor
plications during perioperative period may decrease the risk of for serum creatinine value is 4.0: MELD = 3.78 × ln[serum
complications or death following surgery. Preparation should bilirubin (mg/dL)] + 11.2 × ln[INR] + 9.57 × ln[serum creati-
include correction of coagulopathy, treating preexisting nine (mg/dL)] + 6.43.11
encephalopathy, controlling ascites, preventing sepsis, and opti- In comparison with CTP, MELD score calculation is based
mizing renal function.7 Although traditionally discouraged, on objective parameters and hence is reproducible. The MELD
with the advancements in perioperative care, increasing num- score has been validated in many studies and is used extensively.
ber of patients with cirrhosis are undergoing surgery. We aim Model for End-Stage Liver Disease scores of <10, 10 to 14,
to provide an updated review of comprehensive perioperative and >14 are comparable to CTP classes A, B, and C, respec-
care for patients with cirrhosis who are undergoing surgery. tively. The advanced cirrhosis, defined by CTP class C, and
higher MELD score of 14 and above have been consistently
Scoring System and the Preoperative Risk Evaluation noted to presage the higher morbidity and mortality. Previous
The 2 most widely used scoring systems to help predict the studies by Garrison et  al12 and Mansour et  al,13 conducted
morbidity and mortality of patients with cirrhosis undergoing more than a decade apart, have shown comparable mortality
various types of surgeries are Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) and rates among patients with liver disease undergoing abdominal
Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score. surgery.12,13 Garrison et al identified the mortality rates of 10%,
Child-Turcotte-Pugh was originally developed by Child 31%, and 76%, whereas Mansour et  al showed rates of 10%,
and Turcotte in 1964 to predict the mortality during surgery. It 30%, and 82% in patients with CTP classes A, B, and C,
Abbas et al 3

respectively. A more recent study in 2010 by Telem et  al,14 family history of liver disease, travel history, review of pre-
however, has shown significantly lower mortality rates of 2%, scribed and over-the-counter medication use, and symptoms
12%, and 12% in CTP classes A, B, and C, respectively, in suggestive of liver decompensation, should be obtained.
patients with cirrhosis undergoing abdominal surgery.11,14 Physical examination should be performed with focus on the
In the past decade, a number of studies have evaluated the clinical signs of chronic liver disease and features of portal
utility of MELD score to predict mortality in patients with hypertension. Laboratory tests should include complete blood
cirrhosis undergoing surgery (hepatic and nonhepatic). Study count, liver function tests, PT, partial thromboplastin time,
by Perkins et al15 demonstrated higher postoperative morbidity INR, renal function, and electrolytes.
in patients with MELD score >8; similar study by Befeler Incidental finding of low platelets, elevated PT, elevated
et al16 showed higher postoperative morbidity and mortality in bilirubin, low albumin, or elevated liver enzymes may suggest
patients with MELD score >14. Northup and colleagues found the presence of chronic liver disease and would warrant a thor-
a 1% increase in mortality for each MELD point until 20 and ough assessment to evaluate the severity of liver disease prior to
a 2% increase in mortality with each MELD point after 20. A elective surgery.20
MELD score of 5 to 15 had mortality of 5% to 11%, as com- In patients with known liver disease, preoperative manage-
pared with mortality of 26%, 50%, and 67% when the MELD ment aims at identifying the cause, and optimizing the liver
reaches the value of 25, 35, and 45, respectively.17 function by improving the nutritional status, correction of coag-
The MELD score was found to be superior to CTP class in ulopathy with blood products, and treating subtle or overt HE,
predicting the outcomes of intra-abdominal surgery. D’Amico portal hypertension, and ascites, is of paramount importance. 20
et al,6 in a systemic review of 118 studies, suggested that CTP Abdominal ultrasonography should be obtained to deter-
classification may be better in quantifying the risk in compen- mine the texture and size of liver, size of spleen, and the pres-
sated cirrhosis, whereas MELD is better predictor in decom- ence or absence of ascites. Assessment for presence of cirrhosis
pensated cirrhotic state. The prognostic variables in the in patients with chronic liver disease is important due to its
compensated cirrhosis are different from the variables in the serious clinical implications in perioperative period. Liver
decompensated cirrhosis. Serum creatinine can be used as a sur- biopsy, the best reference test available, is invasive. Noninvasive
rogate marker of decline in circulatory status which is often seen methods, such as FibroTest, which is a combination of serum
in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. The MELD score, biochemical markers, and elastography, have been increas-
which uses serum creatinine, hence, may serve as a better pre- ingly used. Elastography techniques include transient elas-
dictor of mortality in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.6 tography, ultrasound elastography, and magnetic resonance
Nevertheless, both scoring systems are comparable in pre- elastography. Elastography, an alternative to liver biopsy,
dicting the short-term outcomes.18 measures liver stiffness but has its limitations, such as limited
depth of penetration and unreliable results in individuals who
Pathophysiology are obese or have ascites.21
Several studies have confirmed that the degree of decompen-
sated liver disease, assessed by CTP classification and MELD Preoperative Care
score, is the most important factor that determines the periop- Preoperative anesthesia care
erative outcomes.12-14,16,18,19 Due to impaired liver functions,
these patients have increased cardiac output, systemic vasodila- General anesthesia reduces the arterial blood flow to liver and
tation with decreased systemic vascular resistance, diastolic predisposes to ischemic injury. This reduction in hepatic blood is
dysfunction, and inappropriate response to surgical stress. augmented by surgical traction on the liver, rising intra-abdomi-
Several hemodynamic changes occur during surgery, which nal pressure either from laparoscopic surgery or positive pressure
include the reflex systemic hypotension resulting from traction ventilation, hypocapnia, and use of α-adrenoceptor agonists.
of abdominal viscera during abdominal surgery, hemorrhage, Hence, extra caution and meticulous monitoring are required.
vasodilatation, and reduced blood supply to the liver and result- With use of isoflurane, slight elevation in live enzymes
ant ischemic injury to remaining functioning hepatocytes without clinical consequences was noted.22 Isoflurane is con-
which increases the chance of acute decompensation. General sidered safe as long as the systemic blood pressure is not
anesthesia itself causes reduced hepatic arterial blood flow. reduced by 30%.23 The use of inhalation agents (isoflurane,
desflurane, or sevoflurane), alone or in combination with small
Preoperative Optimization of Liver Disease doses of fentanyl, can be used with reasonable safety profile.24
Preoperative management should focus on patients with Desflurane, due to its ability to preserve the hepatic blood flow
known cirrhosis and the ones with undiagnosed liver disease. It and cardiac output, is considered the safest anesthetic agent in
is important to identify the risk factors for liver disease. patients with cirrhosis. It undergoes minimal hepatic metabo-
A detailed history with focus on the risk factors for liver lism and is rapidly excreted from the body.25
disease, such as personal history of blood transfusion, intrave- Among the opiate analgesics, remifentanil is the safest agent
nous drug use, tattoos, high-risk sexual behavior, alcoholism, as it is metabolized by the red cell esterase, rather than the
4 Health Services Insights 

hepatocytes. Elimination of other opiates such as morphine, nutritional state and postsurgical outcomes in these patients,
fentanyl, and alfentanil is reduced. In cases of advanced liver and perioperative nutritional support leads to better out-
cirrhosis, the dose of intravenous anesthetic agent thiopental comes.36,37 A preoperative nutritional consultation is of para-
should be decreased. Etomidate can be used safely. Cirrhosis mount importance to optimize the nutritional status of the
does not significantly affect the elimination half-life of propo- patient, and nutritional supplementation should be continued
fol, suggesting its safety in such patients.26 Benzodiazepines in the postoperative period. In patients with a history of heavy
should generally be avoided. Comparison of midazolam with alcohol use, a period of abstinence before undergoing any elec-
propofol in patients with cirrhosis has consistently shown tive surgery is advised to prevent the development of with-
propofol to be safer due to its faster elimination.27 Owing to drawal symptoms and delirium tremens.38
lack of hepatic excretion, atracurium and cisatracurium are safe If HE is present, diet to halt its progression should include
neuromuscular blocking agents. However, vecuronium has high carbohydrate and high lipid.7 Milk-based and vegetable-
been shown to prolong the duration of action of the neuromus- derived proteins are preferred. Branched-chain amino acid for-
cular blockade and also the time to recovery in patients with mula may also be used as a source of protein in patients with
cirrhosis undergoing surgery.28 HE, but it is rarely used due to high cost and poor palatability.
Spinal or epidural anesthesia may reduce the mean arterial Nasogastric tube feeding should be considered in patients who
pressure, which is of concern in patients with cirrhosis who are unable to take oral intake. Fat-soluble vitamin deficiency is
already have hyperdynamic circulation due to peripheral vasodil- often noted in patients with liver disease. Trace elements and
atation. When coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia is present, vitamins, such as zinc, magnesium, copper, folate, and vitamin
these routes are not preferred due to increased risk of bleeding. B12, also are noted to be low in patients with cirrhosis. These
deficiencies should be corrected as they delay the wound heal-
Perioperative Care ing and increase risk of infectious complications.
Following factors need specific attention in patients with
cirrhosis. Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia
Changes in hemostasis in patients with cirrhosis are complex.
Cirrhosis affects levels of both procoagulants and anticoagu-
Malnutrition among patients with cirrhosis is very common, lants.39 Nonavailability of routine tests to measure the effect
and more than 80% of patients suffer from malnutrition.29,30 of cirrhosis on the levels of anticoagulants further compli-
Accurate assessment of nutrition is challenging. Several factors cates the matters. Thus, measuring the effect on procoagu-
contribute to malnutrition, such as reduced food intake due to lants only and demonstrating elevated INR in a patient with
anorexia and ascites, impaired absorption of nutrients, and cirrhosis are not equivalent to elevated bleeding risk in these
increased catabolism. Malnutrition is an independent predictor patients. However, in the absence of an ideal test to measure
of mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis.31 the changes in hemostasis in patients with cirrhosis, use of
The parameters suggested to assess malnutrition should INR continues to be a common practice.
include the assessment of lean body mass and muscle func- Elevated INR is also included in the commonly used
tion, in addition to serum albumin and anthropometric models, such as CTP and MELD score, for the severity of
parameters that are not affected by the excess fluid retention liver cirrhosis. With the understanding that coagulopathy
in patients with cirrhosis, such as triceps skin fold and mid- due to liver synthetic impairment cannot be corrected with
arm muscle circumference.32 vitamin K supplements, in an elective surgery, vitamin K
Hypoalbuminemia, a hallmark of liver disease and malnu- administration should still be tried in case malabsorption
trition, leads to reduced oncotic pressure and intravascular had contributed to coagulopathy.
hypovolemia, impaired wound healing, sepsis, delay in recov- Thromboelastography, a novel technique, assesses all the
ery, impaired mobility, and respiratory muscle dysfunction phases of clot formation and lysis. It measures the viscoelastic
resulting from muscle wasting. Hypoalbuminemia is a predic- properties of blood clotting and should be used where available.
tor of mortality in patients with cirrhosis undergoing surgery. It can precisely identify the deficiency of various components
A low serum albumin level of 2.1 g/dL when compared with involved in the formation of blood clot and thus guide on what
serum albumin level of 4.6 g/dL was associated with higher blood product to be used.40 It has been shown to reduce the
mortality of 29% vs 1%, as well as higher morbidity of 65% vs procedure-related unnecessary transfusions and its related
10%, respectively.33 Postoperatively, serum albumin level can complications without increasing bleeding complications.41
be low due to stress of surgery, injury, illness, and infection. When thromboelastography is not available, fresh frozen
Intravenous albumin infusion has no effect on mortality, and plasma (FFP) is often used to correct elevated INR. The effect
routine use is not justified.34,35 of FFP transfusion is negligible in correction of coagulopathy
Perioperative nutritional supplementation may reduce the if INR is less than 1.7.42 Whenever FFP is being used, one
short-term complications. There is an association between should keep in mind the short half-life of certain clotting
Abbas et al 5

factors, such as von Willebrand (VWB) (2-5 hours), factor VII Hypokalemia, through increased synthesis of ammonia in
(5-7 hours), and factor VIII (8-12 hours).43 the proximal tubules, can precipitate and worsen the HE and
It carries the potential risk of fluid overload and pulmonary should be corrected promptly.51
congestion, and hence, central venous pressure monitoring is
recommended.4,7 Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia are not Hepatic encephalopathy
contraindications for placing a central venous line. Central line
placement under ultrasonogram guidance is safe and further Careful assessment of the mental status should be performed
reduces the risk of complications.44 to identify subtle signs of low-grade (covert) HE. It may
If coagulopathy is not corrected with FFP, cryoprecipitate or require psychometric or neuropsychological tests to diagnose
desmopressin can be used to correct clotting abnormalities. low-grade HE.52
Viscoelastic test–guided management would help reduce the Failure to identify low-grade HE may result in worsening of
use of FFP and guide the use of coagulation factors such pro- the condition to overt HE. It may lead to aggressive and unco-
thrombin complex and fibrinogen concentrate.45 In patients operative patient behavior interfering with delivery of impor-
with fluid overload, cryoprecipitate is preferred over FFP as it tant treatment measures and nursing care, immobility with its
contains a large amount of fibrinogen and VWB factor. The complications, aspiration pneumonia, and myriads of unneces-
other useful pharmacologic agents with promising results sary investigations for the evaluation of acute delirium.20
include lysine analogs, such as epsilon aminocaproic acid or Malnutrition worsens the HE and needs special attention.32
tranexamic acid, and serine protease inhibitor, such as apro- Diet should include protein intake of 1.0 to 1.5 g/kg daily
tinin.46 Use of these agents does carry the risk of thrombotic with sodium restriction to 2 g in those with ascites. Certain
complications. None of these pharmacologic agents has shown medications, such as benzodiazepines, opiates, antidepres-
any benefit in control of variceal bleeding.47 sants, and antipsychotics, may specifically worsen or precipi-
Thrombocytopenia is common in a patient with cirrhosis, tate the HE and should be avoided. Other common precipitants
and, along with splenomegaly, it is considered a surrogate include renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, con-
marker of portal hypertension. The proposed mechanisms stipation, and diuretics-induced hypokalemia and alkalosis
include impaired synthesis of thrombopoietin, which is a stim- that help in the conversion of ammonium ion (NH4+) to
ulant of bone marrow for production of platelets, and increased ammonia (NH3). Hyponatremia increases the permeability of
destruction through hypersplenism. Prophylactic platelet blood-brain barrier, which can potentiate the effects of hyper-
transfusion is recommended before surgery if platelet count is ammonemia, and fluid restriction may be needed. Lactulose,
<50 000/mm3. The required level of correction of coagulopathy when used to treat HE, should be administered with the target
and thrombocytopenia also depends on the type of surgery. of 2 to 3 soft bowel movements each day.
Although peripheral vascular procedures including epidural Zinc deficiency, resulting from decreased protein intake,
anesthesia can be safely done with platelet count >50 000/mm3, increased binding with albumin, and increased excretion, is
any eye surgery or neurosurgical procedure48 would require a common in patients with cirrhosis. Being an important cofac-
minimum platelet count of 100 000/mm3. tor, its deficiency deregulates the urea cycle and generates
ammonia that ultimately worsens the HE. The replacement of
zinc cannot be overemphasized.53
Fluid and electrolytes
Fluid and electrolytes should be monitored closely and cor-
rected as needed. Hyponatremia in liver cirrhosis is considered
an ominous sign as it represents the fluid overload resulting Diet low in sodium should be continued to prevent reaccu-
from reduced solute-free water clearance. It can lead to severe mulation of ascites. Diuretics at appropriate doses should be
ascites, HE, renal impairment, and increased hospital stay. Oral started, with close monitoring of electrolytes and renal func-
fluid restriction is required when the serum Na is less than 125 tions. Medical management of ascites may improve the
mmol/L. Postoperative ascites can be prevented from accumu- CTP class, and surgery may become feasible in some patients
lating by restricting sodium and minimizing intravenous fluid if it was contraindicated due to ascites. Refractory ascites
administration.49 may need TIPS as a rescue measure prior to surgery if abso-
Correction of hypokalemia also helps to restore the sodium lutely necessary. Optimal management of ascites may reduce
level. certain postoperative complications such as recurrence of
Vasopressin receptor antagonists increase the risk of variceal umbilical hernia.
bleeding and mortality,hence are contraindicated.Demeclocycline,
because of nephrotoxic potential, is best avoided.
Renal function
Hypovolemic hyponatremia, in the context of decreased oral
intake and excess diuretics, is a separate entity, requiring prompt Decrease in lean body mass in liver cirrhosis can overestimate
identification and appropriate management.50 the renal function measured by serum creatinine despite the
6 Health Services Insights 

low glomerular filtration rate. Fluid and electrolyte balance Esophageal varices
need to be meticulously monitored. Nephrotoxic medications
Undergoing a surgery does not put a patient with cirrhosis
should be avoided. If therapeutic ascitic tap is performed,
and varices at risk of variceal bleeding, but fluid overload with
then albumin infusion at a rate of 6 to 8 g for every liter in
consequent worsening of portal hypertension should be
excess of 4 L of ascitic fluid should be given. If there is evi-
avoided. Patients with small esophageal varices, in conjunc-
dence of SBP with a serum creatinine >1 mg/dL, blood urea
tion with CTP class B or C cirrhosis or large varices irrespec-
nitrogen >30 mg/dL, or total bilirubin >4 mg/dL, patient
tive of CTP class, require prophylaxis with nonselective
should receive albumin infusion at a rate of 1.5 g/kg of body
β-blockers. If the bleeding from esophageal varices is not
weight within 6 hours of detection and 1.0 g/kg of body
controlled with endoscopic variceal ligation, or bleeding
weight on 3rd day.49
recurs despite pharmacologic and endoscopic treatment,
TIPS should be performed to reduce portal hypertension, an
Pulmonary functions underlying pathologic mechanism.60
Pleural effusion associated with ascites is common and can
rarely result in respiratory distress and hypoxia. Hypoxia is Postoperative Care
usually not severe and does not necessitate pleural drainage. Postoperative pain relief
The development of HPS or portopulmonary hypertension
Pain management in patients with cirrhosis is a unique chal-
is portentous, and any surgical intervention becomes very
lenge. Morphine has a prolonged duration of action and
decreased clearance in this group of patients.61 In patients with
Hepatopulmonary syndrome, a triad of hypoxemia associ-
CTP class A, morphine and fentanyl are well tolerated.
ated with intrapulmonary vascular abnormalities and liver cir-
However, the dose and frequency of opiates should be reduced
rhosis, has no effective treatment other than liver transplant
in patients with cirrhosis due to increased half-life and bioa-
which has higher mortality when compared with patients
vailability. These patients should be carefully monitored for
without HPS.55 Intravenous infusion of epoprostenol, prosta-
signs of sedation and encephalopathy, and opioid-induced con-
glandin I2, may improve pulmonary hemodynamics and help
stipation should be avoided with the use of laxatives.61 Regional
facilitate the liver transplant, but postoperatively, pulmonary
analgesia in the form of local infiltration or transverse
hypertension may continue to worsen.56 Pulse oximetry with
abdominis plane block is an alternative in patients who are
exercise can be used to assess the pulmonary function in the
intolerant to opiates because of advanced disease and have high
patients suspected to have HPS. Baseline arterial blood gas can
risk of HE.
be obtained in patients with cirrhosis as a part of preoperative
Epidural analgesia should be considered only after the cor-
assessment.57 Patients with Pao2 <80% should be evaluated for
rection of coagulopathy with INR <1.5 and thrombocytopenia
HPS with contrast echocardiography. If patients with HPS
with target platelet count >100 000/mm3.25
need any surgery other than liver transplant, they should be
The use of acetaminophen is not contraindicated, but it
informed about high risk of impaired oxygen exchange and
should be used with caution, and recommended dose is 2 to 3
pulmonary complications and embolic brain stroke due to
g/day. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided
dilated intrapulmonary vessels and if possible managed with
because of their potential nephrotoxicity, gastrointestinal
nonsurgical intervention.57
bleeding, and platelet dysfunction.61

Specific Precautions for Different Types of Surgery
Preoperative evaluation should focus on preexisting infections In addition to the severity of cirrhosis, American Society of
and appropriate treatment as undiagnosed, and untreated Anesthesiologists physical status classification, reflecting the
infections in patients with cirrhosis have increased morbidity presence and severity of comorbid conditions, is also expected
and mortality compared with their noncirrhotic counterparts to influence the survival after major surgeries in patients with
undergoing the same surgery. The prophylactic antibiotic cirrhosis.62 Emergency surgical procedures had unacceptably
choice remains the same as for noncirrhotic patients.58 high mortality of 57% compared with 10% in elective
Patients with cirrhosis have impaired immunity that makes surgeries.5
them prone to infections, with higher incidence of multidrug- Certain surgical procedures, such as cardiac surgeries or
resistant organisms. Currently, prophylactic antibiotics are rec- open abdominal surgery, are associated with higher mortality
ommended in the setting of low-protein ascites (<1.5 g/dL) and morbidity. Open abdominal surgical procedures were
and advanced cirrhosis (primary prophylaxis), prior history of particularly noted to have higher mortality, such as 17% with
SBP (secondary prophylaxis), and gastrointestinal hemor- open cholecystectomy, 24% with colectomy, and 54% with
rhage.59 In patients with SBP, albumin infusion at recom- gastric resection, in addition to unacceptably high rates of
mended doses improves the risk of mortality. morbidity, as high as 48% with colectomy and 78% with
Abbas et al 7

gastric resection. Laparoscopic approach has significantly Azoulay et al75 studied the use of TIPS to reduce portal hyper-
reduced postoperative mortality in these patients who have tension prior to elective major abdominal surgery, with favora-
poor functional hepatic reserve. ble results. Optimization of medical care with adequate
The study by Befeler et al16 found anemia to be an independ- nutrition, antibiotics, and nonocclusive dressing, along with
ent factor that contributes to poor outcome and suggested pre- ascites management, should be continued, prior to surgical
operative blood transfusion to target hemoglobin of 10 g/dL. repair without mesh.72
If the patient with cirrhosis has umbilical hernia with
Cholecystectomy obstructive symptoms such as intermittent incarceration or
trophic skin changes, surgical repair should be considered.76
Gallstone disease, mostly secondary to pigment stones, is not Medical optimization should be achieved before the elective
uncommon. Compared with cholesterol gallstones in general operative intervention of the hernia. Emergency repair of the
population without cirrhosis, pigment stones in cirrhosis hernia should be avoided as the mortality in emergency surgery
occur at an older age and involve men more commonly or in remains unacceptably high.77 A recent retrospective study of
equal proportion to women.63 Prior to advent of laparoscopic liver disease patients with umbilical hernia found a mortality of
approach for cholecystectomy, mortality with open cholecys- 11.1% in patients with MELD score of 15 or higher compared
tectomy was reported to be as high as 87%.64 Subsequently, with 1.3% in patients with MELD score <15. The study
several meta-analysis and reviews have demonstrated the authors suggested to avoid elective repair of umbilical hernia in
safety of laparoscopic approach. It has led to significant patients older than 65 years, with MELD score of 15 or more,
decline in postoperative mortality, other complications, and preoperative sepsis, and serum albumin <3.0 g/dL.78
overall hospital stay.65-69 In patients with CTP class C, chol-
ecystectomy should be avoided, and instead, conservative
Bariatric surgery
management with antibiotics and cholecystostomy tube
placement or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra- Because of the rising obesity epidemic, many obese patients
phy with sphincterotomy should be performed. are undergoing bariatric surgery. Obesity-related nonalco-
holic fatty liver disease in these patients puts them at higher
Hernia risk of complications from the surgical procedures. As indi-
cated in studies by Weingarten et al79 and Brolin et al,80 about
Owing to raised intra-abdominal pressure due to ascites and 1% to 2% of patients were found to have cirrhosis as an unex-
muscle weakness from decreased muscle mass and malnutrition, pected finding on the surgical table. Patients with compen-
umbilical and inguinal hernia incidence is higher in patients sated cirrhosis undergoing bariatric surgery had 2-fold
with cirrhosis. Interestingly, umbilical hernias can also be present increase in mortality compared with patients without cirrho-
in a patient with cirrhosis without refractory ascites.70 Hypothesis sis and it climbed to 20-fold with decompensated cirrhosis.
purported behind this finding is probable transmission of portal Mortality further climbed to 41% in decompensated liver cir-
pressure from recanalized umbilical vein to umbilicus.71 rhosis exclusively treated at smaller centers performing fewer
Acute rupture of umbilical hernia in patients with liver cir- than 50 bariatric surgeries per year.81
rhosis carries high mortality.72 Elective surgery of umbilical More recently, in compensated cirrhosis, bariatric surgery
hernia, through the laparoscopic approach, with use of intra- has been performed without any additional postoperative
peritoneal mesh insertion, should be performed in selected complications. Bariatric surgery in such patients, in addition
patients. The improved surgical techniques and improved peri- to weight loss, results in improvement in metabolic profile
operative care have resulted in reduced morbidity and mortal- and reversal of hepatic steatosis.82 If possible, laparoscopic
ity.73 Emergency surgical repair of hernia was invariably related procedures such as laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,
to higher complication rate, including recurrence of hernia laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, or laparoscopic adjustable
(22%), surgical site edema (17%), HE (5%), and variceal hem- gastric banding should be performed as it is associated with
orrhage (5%). The high recurrence rate can be ameliorated fewer complications, lower mortality, and similar reduction
through optimization of medical care for ascites such as salt in weight and its attendant benefits of improvement in meta-
and fluid restriction, appropriate dose of diuretics, and even bolic profile.83
evaluation for TIPS.74 If there is absolute contraindication for
hernia repair, TIPS should be considered for control of ascites
Colorectal surgery
and to prevent the progression of hernia and its complications.
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt can also be con- Colorectal surgery in a patient with cirrhosis is associated with
sidered, even in the absence of ascites, in the management of 26% mortality. Postoperative complications such as stoma
recurrent umbilical hernia in patients with cirrhosis, as TIPS complications and anastomotic leaks are unique to this group.
helps to mitigate the portal hypertension that is a major con- Not surprisingly, a higher MELD score of 15 or more is an
tributing factor for the development of umbilical hernia.70 independent predictor of mortality.84 Colorectal surgeries in
8 Health Services Insights 

patients with CTP class A are safe; however, patients with Cardiothoracic surgery
CTP classes B and C had higher morbidity and mortality
Cirrhosis of liver is a well-recognized predictor of mortality
especially if emergency surgery was needed.85
in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. This high mortality is
related to inherent problems related to hemodynamic
Gastric surgery changes associated with liver disease rather than cardiac sur-
Peptic ulcer disease is common in patients with liver disease. gery itself.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy to evaluate for peptic ulcer dis- Diastolic dysfunction, a common finding in patients with
ease and treatment with proton pump inhibitor is the mainstay cirrhosis, is not related to increased mortality or postoperative
of treatment. complications.92
If surgical repair is needed, laparoscopic approach should be A review by Hayashida suggested that in patients with
preferred. The mortality of 9% to 10% has been noted in CTP class A, cardiac surgery even with cardiopulmonary
patients with cirrhosis undergoing gastric surgery.86,87 bypass may be performed safely, but with advanced cirrhosis,
the risk of complications and mortality is too high. Mortality
ranging between 50% and 80% with CTP class B and 100%
Hepatic surgery
with CTP class C were recorded with cardiopulmonary
Patients undergoing liver surgery should be evaluated for the bypass.93 However, others have reported significant mortality
presence of portal hypertension. Definite measures such as across all CTP classes of cirrhosis patients. Systemic review
measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient or the pres- of 30-day mortality after cardiac surgery by Jacob et al showed
ence of gastroesophageal varices should be used rather than the 9%, 37%, and 52% mortality in class A, B, and C cirrhosis
surrogate markers such as splenomegaly and thrombocytope- patients, respectively.
nia, as the mere absence of splenomegaly and presence of nor- In open-heart surgery, higher morbidity was noted in
mal platelet count do not rule out the possibility of portal patients with advanced CTP class, use of cardiopulmonary
hypertension. Clinically significant portal hypertension dou- bypass, and higher crossclamp times, whereas high MELD
bles the mortality and increases the complication rate 3 times scores and low serum cholinesterase levels predicted higher
compared with patients without it.88 mortality.94
Certain clinical issues are very unique to liver cirrhosis. If cirrhosis is compensated, thoracic surgery has been per-
Elevated lactate level portends poor prognosis, and non-lac- formed for lung cancer without any added risk of mortality or
tate–containing solutions should be used. postoperative complications, compared with patients with no
Hypophosphatemia is particularly dangerous, with its asso- cirrhosis. Surgical approaches ranged from explorative thora-
ciated complications such as neuromuscular dysfunction, res- cotomy, wedge resections, segmentectomies, lobectomies, and
piratory muscle weakness, impairment in energy production pneumonectomies.95
with resultant cellular dysfunction, and hemolytic anemia.89
Supplementation of branched-chain amino acids after hepatic
resection has been found to be associated with feeling of well-
Gynecologic surgery
being and improved quality of life. Hyperglycemia is a com- Literature on gynecological surgeries in patients with cirrhosis
mon phenomenon, associated with higher morbidity and is scarce. In a study by Nielsen et al,96 high 30-day postopera-
mortality and merits special attention. Postoperative coagu- tive mortality was noticed among patients with cirrhosis com-
lopathy typically worsens on days 2 to 5, with elevation in INR pared with controls (7.6% vs 0.6%) who underwent
and decline in platelet count and fibrinogen level. Judicious use hysterectomy. In another retrospective analysis among patient
of analgesics is advised, including removal of epidural catheter with cirrhosis undergoing surgery for gynecological cancer, sig-
before the coagulopathy is expected to get worse. Synbiotic nificantly higher complication rate was observed.97
treatment, a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, through
enteral nutrition will help preserve the intestinal mucosal
Orthopedic and spine surgery
integrity and prevent infectious complications.90 In the post-
operative period after hepatic surgery, thromboembolism hap- Even though the knee or hip replacement surgeries are elective,
pens less frequently compared with other abdominal surgeries. the presence of cirrhosis causes unfavorable systemic reactions
But nevertheless, patients with cirrhosis are in hypercoagulable leading to more complications.98
state, stemming from the deranged balance from the impaired Patients with any stage of cirrhosis, undergoing elective
synthesis of both anticoagulants and procoagulants. The rate of knee or hip replacement for severe osteoarthritis, had similar
venous thromboembolism decreases with chemical prophy- intraoperative complications compared with noncirrhotic
laxis, without any additional bleeding episode requiring blood patients, but they were more likely to be transferred to inten-
transfusion.91 Colloids are preferred intravenous solution in sive care unit or medical unit, had higher risk of deep prosthetic
patients undergoing liver surgery. infection (2.5-fold higher), 30-day mortality, and need of
Table 2.  Summary of perioperative evaluation and management in patients with cirrhosis.
Abbas et al

Clinical areas Pathophysiological Potential complications Evaluation Perioperative management

to be addressed changes

Nutrition and Protein calorie malnutrition Muscle wasting, impaired mobility, Serum albumin Diet with high carbohydrate, high lipid content, and
metabolism Depletion of glycogen storage increased need for postoperative Anthropometric low in amino acid
ventilation, impaired wound healing, measurement Protein intake of 1.0 to 1.5 g/kg daily
sepsis, and delay in recovery Monitoring for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
Vitamin B1 in alcoholics

Portal hypertension Portal hypertension Decreased quality of life, spontaneous Clinical evaluation Salt and water restriction, Diuretics
and ascites bacterial peritonitis, increased risk of Ultrasonography Ascitic fluid analysis
abdominal wound dehiscence, SBP treatment and prophylaxis
recurrence of abdominal wall hernia, Large-volume paracentesis for uncontrolled ascites
and respiratory compromise with albumin
TIPS for refractory ascites

Renal Low renal blood flow and low Acute kidney injury Serum creatinine, GFR, Fluid and electrolyte balance
glomerular filtration rate Hepatorenal syndrome and urine analysis Avoid nephrotoxic drugs including contrast agents
Raised aldosterone Combination of albumin and terlipressin or octrotide
with midodrine in HRS

Cerebral Glial edema Hepatic encephalopathy Clinical assessment Use of lactulose, metronidazole, and neomycin

  Increased permeability of Serum ammonia level Rifaximin and branched-chain amino acids
blood-brain barrier Treat infections, avoid diuretics, and constipation
Increased sensitivity to opioids Correct electrolyte abnormalities

Pulmonary Pleural effusion Hypoxemia Chest imaging Optimize pulmonary functions

Hepatopulmonary syndrome Respiratory compromise Bubble ECHO for HPS Incentive spirometry
Portopulmonary hypertension Pulmonary function tests Intravenous prostacyclin in selective cases

Cardiac Increased cardiac output, Cardiomyopathy Dobutamine stress ECHO Optimization of fluid status
Systemic vasodilation ACC and AHA guidelines for noncardiac surgery104
β-blockers in perioperative period (need reference)

Electrolytes and Hyponatremia (fluid overload) Electrolyte disorders Check the serum Monitor and correct hyponatremia and hypokalemia
Metabolism Hypoglycemia (depletion of electrolytes Blood sugar monitoring
glycogen stores)

Hematology Thrombocytopenia, Anemia, bleeding, thrombocytopenia Complete blood count, Maintain Hb >10 g/dL
hypocoagulability, and coagulation profile, INR correction with intravenous vitamin K, FFP, and
hypercoagulability thromboelastography cryoprecipitate. May need DDAVP, recombinant
Bone marrow suppression factor VIIa, aprotinin, and tranexamic acid
Prophylactic platelets transfusion for platelets <50 000

Abbreviations: ACC, American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; DDAVP, desmopressin; ECHO, echocardiography; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HPS, hepatopulmonary
syndrome; HRS, hepatorenal syndrome; INR, international normalized ratio; SBP, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
10 Health Services Insights 

revision surgery. Infection recurrence in reimplanted prosthesis Author Contributions

is about 30%, with hepatic dysfunction being the most impor- NA, HA, and JM wrote the first draft of the manuscript. BB
tant risk factor for development of infection related to prosthe- made critical revisions and approved final version. All authors
sis.99 There was also a high readmission rate mainly due to reviewed and approved of the final manuscript.
infection, liver, or renal failure.100 Similarly, higher periopera-
tive complication rate of up to 41% was noted in incremental Disclosures and Ethics
fashion in advancing cirrhosis, especially in association with As a requirement of publication author(s) has provided to the
low albumin or ascites.101 publisher signed confirmation of compliance with legal and
ethical obligations including, but not limited to, the following:
Neurosurgical procedures authorship and contributorship, conflicts of interest, privacy
and confidentiality, and (where applicable) protection of human
Patients with cirrhosis may have spontaneous intracranial and animal research subjects. The authors have read and con-
hemorrhage or traumatic brain injury for which they may firmed their agreement with the ICMJE authorship and con-
require neurosurgical intervention. A retrospective review by flict of interest criteria. The authors have also confirmed that
Chen et  al102 showed a high complication rate of 54% and this article is unique and not under consideration or published
mortality rate of 24% in these patients. Liao et  al103 have in any other publication. There are no disclosures.
reported higher rates of blood loss, hospitalization days, and
complications in patients with cirrhosis undergoing lumbar
spine surgery. Higher CTP class of cirrhosis has been shown References
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