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Your indifference Look at some extracts from otherwhatl'mreally thinking articles.

bears no retation
Match them to the jobs in the list. What do they imply that the
to my hours of
preparation. The people (sometimes) feel about their jobs?
university asks
you to comment,
anonymousty, on
the quatity of mY
beauty countemunug", [-l dentist
lTsupportworterE pizzadetiveryrnunE taxidriverE
E driving instructor f l

teaching. I woutd 1 ,E! $hatl do is painfut, and I'm not a sadist'

tike the chance to Wfs*ryZ .q.É-

comment on the qua[itY 2 I don't expect to chat, but sometimes my cab becomes a mobite
of your listening. When You bonfessionat.
are rea[[y disengaged and disconnected,
I see hands reach for phones in bags. You 3 Men are risk-takers. They go too fast and don't tike being totd
connect, but it's usuatl"y to someone outside this what to do.
room. Sometimes you even pass notes, giggte,
and whisper. 4 ,.**eiespect - peopte who answer the door white they're on the
find the money.
Yet I atso see you when you taugh at my jokes.
,ffine';éaltybug me ai do the ones who take ages to
I,rlhen you are concentrating hard, I can atmost S .lt:.§éetiEhér¡ut rHave you turned it on and off again?' is the first
hearyour minds working. Some ofyou take notes ..i¡*ng.t¡at,eo*es to my mind every singte time someone catts'
so intensivety, fighting to keep up with my words,
as if it's tife or death if you miss something. 6 ,.Í:w6ik'i¿á¡.m¿Ustrv tnat convinces peopl.e to part with their cash in
I see your faces tight up when you want to say does not exist. I am betraying my sisterhood.
.$ú*ilk*Xnerfeetion that
something, the eagerness to comment, to take
part. You are retaxed, smiting, enjoying the Of all the jobs mentioned in the articles and extracts, which
moment of understanding. We connect. Now I see one(s)...?
you and you see me.
. would you never do under any circumstances
Ci THEgggOPERATOR . might you consider doing if you desperately needed the money
The hardest part of my job is atso the simptest -
. wouldyou actually quite like to do
qetting the address. Often when someone ca[ts,
they go bl.ank. Or in the case of a road accident,
they don't know exactty where they are. But the 2 VOCABULARY work
most important etement is the address, because
a Look at three sentences from the articles and complete the
that's what brings the ambutance. I have to ask
for it twice, which infuriates peopte. missing words.

It surprises me to hear my voice during

stiLl. I The work isn't that intellectually d-
a catt. It changes, becoming deeper, atmost 2 ...neither I nor my c-are stupid, and people have no right to
authoritative. I have to take control of the look down on us.
situation. I suppose that's why I wear a uniform. 3 But the momenr I call them time-wasters is the moment I should
I have a script, but I refuse to be a robot; hearing
peopte at their most vutnerabte makes me add to
iL When the catter is hystericat, tetting them, 'I'm
going to hetp you' and-'I know you're frightened' ) p.161 VocabularY Bank Wark.
ámi ttl", down. But it breaks my heart when Complete sentences 1-5 with words or phrases from the list'
the/re in pain or their loved one is dying; I have
Then write five sentences for your partner to complete with the
btake a 'stress break' after harrowing catts.
other five words.
Although it is not my ptace to iudge, I get
frustrated sometimes. The man who rang appty for be fired be taid off ctock off
because his toothPaste was perks quit rewarding skitts tedious unpaid
burning his mouth; the
mother whose baby was Can we leave whenever we like or do we have to a
afraid of a fly. Don't certain time?
they reatize they're Nursing is often described as a job, even though it may be
taking up precious -at
badly paid.
time when a [ife-or-
death situation may The company has decided that around 2O/" of its workforce will
have to
until the economic situation improves'
be needing hetP? But
the moment I catl The only _ required for this post are a good level of English
them time-wasters is and the ability to drive.
the moment I shoutd -
Ifyou are prepared to do _ work, there are several voluntary
quit my job.
organizations that are looking for people.


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