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dependent of the cost of the ingredients and thus does not vary has opened the door for honoring copies under certain circum-
from one prescription to another. Some pharmacists use a vari- stances. The FDA does not object to the exchange of prescrip-
able or sliding professional-fee method, whereby the magnitude tion copies between pharmacies for the purpose of renewal, pro-
of the fee is varied somewhat on the cost of the ingredients. vided that certain safeguards are taken: (1) the original order is
voided and marked to indicate that a copy has been issued, the
In practice, the professional fee may vary widely between phar-
individual to whom it has been issued, and the date of issuance;
macies, depending on the cost and types of pharmaceutical ser-
(2) the copy should be so marked and the location and number
vices rendered (eg, family record systems, delivery service, home
of original noted; (3) the copy shows the date of original dis-
health-care needs, cognitive services) and the professional de-
pensing, the date of the last renewal, and the number of re-
sires of the pharmacist. Pharmacies using the professional fee
newals remaining.8
commonly make adjustments for prescriptions requiring com-
This procedure does not apply to Schedule II controlled drugs
pounding to compensate for the extra time, materials, and equip-
or if individual states prohibit such a procedure. In instances in
ment. Some pharmacies may charge their patients an annual fee
which copies of prescriptions are provided by the pharmacist
for professional services. This fee then might entitle the patient
and in which the copy may not be refilled legally, the pharma-
to the following: routine professional service each time a pre-
cist supplying the copy should write Copy—Not to be Dispensed
scription is filled, a yearly record of prescriptions, regular blood
or a similar designation across the top. A copy should be made
pressure checks, plus a yearly one-on-one consultation.
exactly like the original, including all pertinent information
Governmental units, such as state human services agencies
that a pharmacist might require in dispensing the medication as
and most insurance companies and prescription card services,
originally provided. The copy preferably should be written or
have adopted the professional-fee method for the reimburse-
typed on a preprinted form identifying the pharmacy.
ment of pharmacists in filling prescriptions covered under their
The DEA amended the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
programs. Such third-party payers negotiate the professional
in 1981 to permit the transfer of prescription orders between
fee to be used with pharmacists interested in participating in
two pharmacies for controlled-substance prescriptions that
the programs. This practice has resulted in lower fees being
may be renewed lawfully. The amendment allows for the
paid to many pharmacists as large-volume pharmacies attempt
transfer of an original prescription order for controlled sub-
to maintain profits by increasing prescription volume. Most of
stances listed in Schedules III, IV, or V between pharmacies
these programs have a copayment provision that requires the
on a one-time basis only.
patient to pay a portion of the charge for each prescription
To comply with these regulations, pharmacists first must as-
he/she has filled. As the cost of prescription drugs has in-
certain if the transfer of a prescription order for renewal dis-
creased, most prescription drug plans have implemented a
pensing purposes is permissible under state or other applicable
tiered copayment system where the percentage the patient
law. When a prescription order is transferred, it must be com-
must pay is reduced if generic drug or preferred formulary
municated directly between two licensed pharmacists, and the
products are prescribed and dispensed.
transferring pharmacist must record the following information:
PRESCRIPTION REFILLING—Instructions for refilling
a prescription are provided by the prescriber, on the original Write VOID on the face of the invalidated prescription order.
prescription or by verbal communication. Although prescrip- On the back of the invalidated prescription order, the name, the ad-
tions for noncontrolled substances have no limitation according dress, and the DEA registration number of the pharmacy it was
to federal law as to the number of refills permitted or the date transferred to and the name of the pharmacist who received the in-
of expiration, state laws may impose such limits. Many states formation.
limit refills to 1 year after the prescription was written. Refill- The date of transfer and the transferring pharmacist’s name.
ing prescriptions for controlled substances is limited as de- The pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription order
scribed in Chapter 111. must reduce to writing the following:
Physicians and pharmacists should work together so that
prescriptions are renewed only with the frequency consistent The word transfer on the face of the transferred prescription order.
with directions for use, and the pharmacist should check with All information required on a controlled-substance prescription order as
it appears on the original prescription order.
the prescriber after a reasonable time to assure himself/herself
The date of issuance of original prescription order.
that his/her intent is being met. No prescription should be re- The original number of renewals authorized on the original prescription
newed indefinitely without the patient being reevaluated by order.
the prescriber to assure that the medication as originally pre- The date of the original prescription order.
scribed remains the medication of choice. The number of valid renewals remaining and the date of the last re-
Renewals should be noted on the reverse side of the pre- newal.
scription order or in the prescription computer with the date, The pharmacy’s name, address, DEA registration number and the orig-
the quantity dispensed if different from the original, and the inal prescription number for which the prescription order was trans-
name or initials of the pharmacist dispensing the medication. If ferred.
The name of the transferring pharmacist.
verbal authorization has been obtained from the prescriber,
this should be recorded. The DEA requires that the original and the transferred pre-
The maintenance of accurate records of renewals is impor- scription orders must be maintained for 2 years from the date
tant for following federal and state laws and for providing in- of the last renewal. Most states now allow the transfer of pre-
formation on the patient’s medication history. scriptions via computers within their states, whereas some al-
COPIES AND TRANSFERS OF PRESCRIPTION low computer transfers from other states. Pharmacies electron-
ORDERS—Occasionally, these are requested by the patient or ically accessing the same prescription record must satisfy all
a pharmacist on behalf of the patient. In some instances, the in- information requirements of a manual mode for prescription
tention is to provide information, and in other instances, the pa- transferral.
tient is desirous of having the copy refilled at another pharmacy.
Patients who change residences either temporarily or perma-
nently may request their prescriptions be transferred to another
pharmacy. Chain pharmacies that have centralized computer PATIENT COMPLIANCE WITH
systems can access a patient’s prescription records from any of PRESCRIBED MEDICATION
their pharmacies throughout the US and can easily transfer any
remaining refills on the original prescription order. When a prescriber writes a prescription, it is with the intent
Although the FDA maintains that a copy of a prescription that the patient fills the prescription promptly and begins
order has no legal status and should not be honored, the agency using the medication according to directions. Patient adher-

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