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YEAR 2017

Erny Elviany Sabaruddin, Yossi Fitria Damayanti, Daniah

Mitra RIA Husada Institute of Health Science


UNICEF and WHO made a recommendation for a mother to exclusively breastfeed her baby for 6 months. After 6 months, Breastfeeding Companion (MP-ASI) can
be given to the baby and the mother should keep giving breast milk to the baby until she or he reaches 2 years old. 1
The research conducted in the United States, Canada, Europa and other developed countries on most of the middle-class population gave a strong evidence
that breastfeeding may decrease the incidence of diarrhea, lower the respiratory infection, otitis media, bacteremia, bacterial meningitis, and urinary tract infections.
Other studies have shown that breastfeeding may lower the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, allergic diseases and
other chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, breastfeeding may also improve the cognitive development.2
The results of the SDKI 2012 show that bottle feeding is common in Indonesia. Even children under the age of two still use the bottle with the pacifier. Nearly
half (46%) of 20-23 months old babies were given bottled milk, which was higher (37%) than in the IDHS 2007 results. 3
Too early weaning also has a risk such as causing the incidence of infectious disease especially increased diarrhea and malnutrition in the baby. The factor
causing problem is a large amount of weaning practice (before the age of 2 years). 4
There are several factors influencing the weaning of baby who is less than 2 years old namely the readiness of the child to be weaned, a lot of food and milk
consumption, decreased supply of breast milk, working mother condition, mother’s condition that does not allow her to give breast milk such as a certain diseases.5
The result of the preliminary study conducted at Posyandu Mulya I, Balekambang Sub-District, Jakarta Timur about the mother’s behavior in less than 2 years
weaning in 2017 shows, Based on the interview results from 10 mothers who have babies aged 24-60 months, 3 mothers weaned their babies at the age of 2, 1
mother weaned her baby at the age 22 months, 2 mothers said that they weaned their babies at the age of 18 months, 1 mother weaned her baby at the age 12
months, 2 mothers weaned their babies at the age of 6 months, and 1 mother weaned her baby at the age of 5 days. It can be said that as many as 7 from 10
mothers who have babies aged 24-60 months have weaned their babies at the age of fewer than 2 years.
This study aims to explain the difference of mother’s behavior in weaning the baby based on age, education, occupation and economic status of the
family in Posyandu Mulya I Balekambang Sub-District, Jakarta Timur.

The type of research is quantitative with analytic design and cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were mothers of babies aged 24-60
months in Posyandu Mulya I Balekambang Sub-District Kramat Jati District Jakarta Timur with a sample amounted to 56 people. Data were collected in
April-June 2017 using questionnaire and analyzed by analytic descriptive. Bivariate analysis was carried out using the chi-square test to see the
relationship between independent variable and dependent variable.
Univariate analysis
Distribution of Frequency of Mother’s Characteristic and Behavior in Weaning of the baby in Posyandu Mulya I
Balekambang, Jakarta Timur

70 64,3
60 53,6 the characteristics of mothers in Posyandu Mulya I
Balekambang Sub-District Jakarta Timur in 2017. As many as 36
Amount (%)

50 mothers (64.3%) weaned their babies in less than 2 years. The

table shows that those who weaned with not-ideal age amounted to
30 people (53.6%), highly educated amounted to 40 people
30 (71.4%), working amounted to 34 people (60.7), with a low-income
family amounted to 38 people (67.9%).
Modher's Not Ideal Highly Working Low
behavior age Education Mothers Income
in Family
<2 years
Bivariate Analysis
Table 1. Bivariate Analysis on the Differences of Mother’s behavior in Weaning in Posyandu Mulya I
Balekambang Sub-District Jakarta Timur in 2017
Perilaku penyapihan • Based on Table 2, from a total of 30 mothers with not-ideal age, as
many as 20 mothers (66.7%) weaned in less than 2 years, as many as
Variables < 2 tahun ≥ 2 tahun Total OR
p-value 10 mothers (33.3%) weaned in ≥ 2 years. The result of the statistical
( 95% CI ) test shows that there is no significant difference between maternal age
n % n % n %
and mother's behavior in child weaning (p-value = 0.783 > 0.05)
Age • From a total of 40 mothers with higher education, 23 mothers (57.5%)
- Not-ideal age 20 66.7 10 33.3 30 100 1.250 weaned less than 2 years and as many as 17 (42.5%) mothers
0.783 weaned in ≥ 2. The result of statistical test shows that there is no
- Ideal age 16 61.5 10 38.5 26 100 (0.418-3.739)
significant difference between maternal education and mother’s
behavior in weaning baby (p-value 0.127> 0.05), where a higher
Education educational background mother group has the opportunity to wean in
- Higher 23 57.5 17 42.5 40 100 0.312 in less than 2 years as many as 0.312 times greater than the low
0.127 educational background mother group.
- low 13 81,2 3 18,8 16 100 (0.077-1.270)
• From a total of 34 working mothers, as many as 29 mothers (85.3%)
weaned in less than 2 years and as many as 5 mothers (14.7%)
Working mother weaned in ≥ 2 years. The result of the statistical test shows that there
- working 29 85.3 5 14.7 34 100 12.429 is a significant difference between mother's occupation and mother's
0.000 behavior in weaning (p-value 0.000 <0.05), where the working mother
- unemployed 7 31.8 15 68.2 22 100 (3.367-45.879) group has the opportunity to wean in less than 2 years as many as
12.429 times greater than unemployed mother group.
Family Economic • From a total of 38 mothers with high income, as many as 31 mothers
- High income 31 81.6 7 18.4 38 100 11.514 (81.6%) weaned in less than 2 years and as many as 7 mothers
(18.6%) weaned in ≥ 2. The result of statistical test shows that there is
- Low income 5 27.8 13 72.2 18 100 (3.083-43.006) a significant difference between the family economy and the mother's
behavior in weaning the baby of under five years old (p-value 0.000
<0.05), where the mother group with high income has the opportunity
to wean less in than 2 years as many as 11.514 times greater than the
group mothers with low incomes.
Mother’s behavior in the weaning of the baby

• UNICEF recommends that baby aged 12-24 months should be breastfed as often as possible other than providing balanced nutrition and immunization. There must
be the strong reason why these mothers are recommended to breastfeed their babies until the baby’s second age. The benefits are: Breast milk in the second year
has increased immunity factor, the administration of breast milk after the baby turns 6 months old can prevent the risk of allergy and asthma, breast milk decreases
the risk of being ill for baby aged 16-30 months, breast milk in the second year has richer nutrient, breast milk in the second year has irreplaceable fat source and
vitamin A.7

• Based on the research conducted by Hastoety, the prominence opportunity of the age for weaning of the baby under two years in Indonesia from 7929 respondents
obtained 4579 babies (57.8%) were weaned before the age of 24 months. On the other hand, a baby under two years old who got breast milk after the age of 24
months as many as 3350 babies (42.2%). By using survival analysis, it is obtained the information that as many as 50% of babies under two years old in Indonesia
are weaned at the age of 19 months.8

• There are various reasons occurred due to the various factors such as the mother who works, insufficient support and information on the benefits of providing breast
milk to the baby until the age of 2 years make the slow achievement in providing the breast milk until 2 years. Actually, this can be prevented by giving a good
opportunity and support in the working environment or home. This can be done by giving information on the important of providing breast milk until 2 years, not only
for breastfeeding mother but also family members as well as the people in the mother’s social life.
Differences in mother's behavior in weaning by age

• The mother’s age determines the maternal health because it is related to the condition of the pregnancy, labor, and childbed as well as how to take care and
breastfeed the baby. A mother aged less than 20 years old is not mature enough and not ready physically and socially in facing pregnancy, labor, and taking care of
the baby. Meanwhile, a mother aged 20-35 years old, according to Horlock is called “adult period” and reproduction period. In this period, it is expected that someone
is able to solve problems he or she is facing in a calm emotional way, especially in facing pregnancy, labor, and childbed as well as taking care of the baby in the
future. A mother aged more than 35 years is considered to be dangerous to have a baby because of both of her declining reproductive organs and physic.10
• These research results are in line with the research results conducted by I Wayan Ambartana (2011). In his research, as many as 97 mothers weaned their babies in a
good category. Most of them (53.6) was done by the mother at the age ≤30 years old and the result of statistic test shows no significant difference between the mother
age and mother’s behavior in the weaning of the baby (p-value 0.783> 0.05).11

• The author assumes that the ideal or not-ideal age does not affect the occurrence of weaning in a baby of less than <2 years old. The old age of the mother can be
the reason of providing breast milk in a large or small amount. The old age of the mother who does not have heavy activity and plenty of time to breastfeed her baby.
However, a working mother will most likely to prioritize her work
Differences in mother's behavior in weaning based on education

• Based on several research results, the relationship between education and weaning show no significant difference between the mother’s educational background and mother’s
behavior in the weaning of the baby. 12,13 According to Law No.20 of 2003, education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of studying and learning process so
that the learner actively develops his or her potential to possess spiritual power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills needed by himself or
herself, society, nation and state.10
• This study is consistent with the research results conducted by Maya Puspita Rini. Based on the influence of education with early weaning in babies, it is found that more than half
of primary educated respondents (SD-SMP) did early weaning on babies as many as 18 respondents (54.5%) and a small percentage of medium educated respondents (SMA) as
many as 7 respondents (21.2%) did not do early weaning. The result of multiple regression tests with the significant level of 0.05 with the p-value = 0.319> 0.05.8
• The higher and lower education does not affect the occurrence of weaning in less than <2 years old baby. The mothers with higher levels of education may be more aware of the
benefits of breastfeeding because many of them have read the literature. Thus, most of them will be motivated to breastfeed. However, the mothers with higher education level can
also be easier to receive the information. Their higher lifestyle also increases the desire to adapt to modern life influenced by the substitute advertising milk. Thus, they are more
willing to replace breast milk with formula milk.
Differences in mother’s behavior in weaning based on work

• Working is generally a time-consuming activity. Work has an influence on the family life, especially socioeconomic issues.9 The theory that a busy working mother who
may have an effect on the lack of time in breastfeeding is likely to wean early.14
• These research results are in line with the research conducted by Maya Puspita Rini. Based on the influence of occupation with early weaning in babies, it is found
that less than half of the working respondents (36.3%) did early weaning. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an influence of work with early weaning to the baby in
BPS Ny. "M", Amd.Keb Kalirejo Village Sumbermalang District.8 This research is also in line with the research conducted by Esti Nugraheny. It is also known that there
is an effect of occupation with weaning time on the baby under two years old Gumulan Hamlet, Caturharjo Village, Pandak Sub-district, Bantul Regency, Special
Region of Yogyakarta, with a significant value of p = 0.010 <0.05. 15
• The researcher assumes that the heavy activity of the working mother, the lack of supportive opportunity for breastfeeding in the workplace such as “Ruang Pojok
ASI”, as well as the lack of motivation and the embarrassment of mothers to breastfeed in public greatly affect the occurrence of higher opportunities for weaning the
baby in less than 2 years old
Differences in mother's behavior in weaning based on family economy

• The economic status is the position of a person or family in the community based on the per-month income. The economic status can be seen from the income that is
adjusted to the price of staple goods.8 The theory stating that mothers with low economic level tend to work outdoors in order to earn the additional income due to
economic pressure. The occupation of the most mothers who do weaning is not appropriate in time. The reason is that these mothers mostly spend their time to work.12
• The result of Rank Spearman correlation test in the study conducted by Djuwita Andini shows that there is an unreal positive relationship between family income and the
pattern of formula milk administration. The higher the family income then the better the pattern of formula milk administration.
• the family’s economy is a determining factor in the breastfeeding pattern to switch from breast milk to formula milk. The reason is that the higher the family’s economy
the higher the purchasing power of formula milk as a substitute for breast milk. The mothers who work and have a higher family economy status will prefer formula as a
substitute for breast milk. They feel like this is more practical.
1. Most of the mothers (64.3%) in Posyandu Mulya I Balekambang Jakarta Timur in 2017 did the weaning in less than 2 years.
2. There is no difference in maternal behavior in weaning based on age and education, but there are significant differences based on employment status
and family economy in Posyandu Mulya I Balekambang Jakarta Timur.
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