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Introduction to 8085 Instructions

The 8085 Instructions

– Since the 8085 is an 8-bit device it can have up to 28
(256) instructions.
• However, the 8085 only uses 246 combinations that represent a
total of 74 instructions.
– Most of the instructions have more than one format.

– These instructions can be grouped into five different

• Data Transfer Operations
• Arithmetic Operations
• Logic Operations
• Branch Operations
• Machine Control Operations
Instruction and Data Formats
• Each instruction has two parts.
– The first part is the task or operation to be
• This part is called the “opcode” (operation code).

– The second part is the data to be operated on

• Called the “operand”.
Data Transfer Operations
– These operations simply COPY the data from the
source to the destination.
– MOV, MVI, LDA, and STA

– They transfer:
• Data between registers.
• Data Byte to a register or memory location.
• Data between a memory location and a register.
• Data between an I\O Device and the accumulator.

– The data in the source is not changed.

The LXI instruction
• The 8085 provides an instruction to place
the 16-bit data into the register pair in one
• LXI Rp, <16-bit address> (Load eXtended Immediate)

– The instruction LXI B 4000H will place the

16-bit number 4000 into the register pair B, C.
• The upper two digits are placed in the 1st register of
the pair and the lower two digits in the 2nd .

LXI B 40 00H B 40 00 C
The Memory “Register”
• Most of the instructions of the 8085 can use a
memory location in place of a register.
– The memory location will become the “memory” register M.
– copy the data from register B into a memory location.
– Which memory location?

• The memory location is identified by the contents

of the HL register pair.
– The 16-bit contents of the HL register pair are treated
as a 16-bit address and used to identify the memory
Using the Other Register Pairs
– There is also an instruction for moving data from
memory to the accumulator without disturbing the
contents of the H and L register.

• LDAX Rp (LoaD Accumulator eXtended)

– Copy the 8-bit contents of the memory location identified by the

Rp register pair into the Accumulator.
– This instruction only uses the BC or DE pair.
– It does not accept the HL pair.
Indirect Addressing Mode
• Using data in memory directly (without loading
first into a Microprocessor’s register) is called
Indirect Addressing.

• Indirect addressing uses the data in a register pair

as a 16-bit address to identify the memory location
being accessed.
– The HL register pair is always used in conjunction with
the memory register “M”.
– The BC and DE register pairs can be used to load data
into the Accumultor using indirect addressing.
Arithmetic Operations
– Addition (ADD, ADI):
– Any 8-bit number.
– The contents of a register.
– The contents of a memory location.
• Can be added to the contents of the accumulator and the result
is stored in the accumulator.

– Subtraction (SUB, SUI):

– Any 8-bit number
– The contents of a register
– The contents of a memory location
• Can be subtracted from the contents of the accumulator. The
result is stored in the accumulator.
Arithmetic Operations Related to
• These instructions perform an arithmetic operation
using the contents of a memory location while
they are still in memory.
• Add the contents of M to the Accumulator
• Sub the contents of M from the Accumulator
• Increment/decrement the contents of the memory location in

– All of these use the contents of the HL register pair to

identify the memory location being used.
Arithmetic Operations
– Increment (INR) and Decrement (DCR):
• The 8-bit contents of any memory location or any
register can be directly incremented or decremented
by 1.
• No need to disturb the contents of the accumulator.
Manipulating Addresses
• Now that we have a 16-bit address in a register
pair, how do we manipulate it?
– It is possible to manipulate a 16-bit address stored in a
register pair as one entity using some special
• INX Rp (Increment the 16-bit number in the register pair)
• DCX Rp (Decrement the 16-bit number in the register pair)

– The register pair is incremented or decremented as one

entity. No need to worry about a carry from the lower
8-bits to the upper. It is taken care of automatically.
Logic Operations
• These instructions perform logic operations on the
contents of the accumulator.
• Source: Accumulator and
– An 8-bit number
– The contents of a register
– The contents of a memory location
• Destination: Accumulator
ANA R/M AND Accumulator With Reg/Mem
ANI # AND Accumulator With an 8-bit number

ORA R/M OR Accumulator With Reg/Mem

ORI # OR Accumulator With an 8-bit number

XRA R/M XOR Accumulator With Reg/Mem

XRI # XOR Accumulator With an 8-bit number
Logic Operations
– Complement:
• 1’s complement of the contents of the accumulator.
CMA No operand
Additional Logic Operations
• Rotate
– Rotate the contents of the accumulator one
position to the left or right.
– RLC Rotate the accumulator left.
Bit 7 goes to bit 0 AND the Carry flag.
– RAL Rotate the accumulator left through the carry.
Bit 7 goes to the carry and carry goes to bit 0.
– RRC Rotate the accumulator right.
Bit 0 goes to bit 7 AND the Carry flag.
– RAR Rotate the accumulator right through the carry.
Bit 0 goes to the carry and carry goes to bit 7.
Carry Flag

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Carry Flag

• RAL 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Logical Operations
• Compare
• Compare the contents of a register or memory location with the
contents of the accumulator.
– CMP R/M Compare the contents of the register
or memory location to the contents of
the accumulator.
– CPI # Compare the 8-bit number to the
contents of the accumulator.
• The compare instruction sets the flags (Z, Cy, and S).

• The compare is done using an internal subtraction that does not

change the contents of the accumulator.
A – (R / M / #)
Branch Operations
• Two types:
– Unconditional branch.
• Go to a new location no matter what.
– Conditional branch.
• Go to a new location if the condition is true.
Unconditional Branch
– JMP Address
• Jump to the address specified (Go to).

– CALL Address
• Jump to the address specified but treat it as a subroutine.

• Return from a subroutine.

– The addresses supplied to all branch operations must be

Conditional Branch
– Go to new location if a specified condition is met.
• JZ Address (Jump on Zero)
– Go to address specified if the Zero flag is set.
• JNZ Address (Jump on NOT Zero)
– Go to address specified if the Zero flag is not set.
• JC Address (Jump on Carry)
– Go to the address specified if the Carry flag is set.
• JNC Address (Jump on No Carry)
– Go to the address specified if the Carry flag is not set.
• JP Address (Jump on Plus)
– Go to the address specified if the Sign flag is not set
• JM Address (Jump on Minus)
– Go to the address specified if the Sign flag is set.
Machine Control
• Stop executing the program.
• No operation
• Exactly as it says, do nothing.
• Usually used for delay or to replace instructions
during debugging.
Operand Types
• There are different ways for specifying the
– There may not be an operand (implied operand)
– The operand may be an 8-bit number (immediate data)
– The operand may be an internal register (register)
– The operand may be a 16-bit address (memory address)
• LDA 4000H
Instruction Size
• Depending on the operand type, the instruction
may have different sizes. It will occupy a different
number of memory bytes.
– Typically, all instructions occupy one byte only.
– The exception is any instruction that contains
immediate data or a memory address.
• Instructions that include immediate data use two bytes.
– One for the opcode and the other for the 8-bit data.
• Instructions that include a memory address occupy three bytes.
– One for the opcode, and the other two for the 16-bit address.
Instruction with Immediate Date
• Operation: Load an 8-bit number into the

– MVI A, 32
• Operation: MVI A
• Operand: The number 32
• Binary Code:
0011 1110 3E 1st byte.
0011 0010 32 2nd byte.
Instruction with a Memory
• Operation: go to address 2085.

– Instruction: JMP 2085

• Opcode: JMP
• Operand: 2085
• Binary code:
1100 0011 C3 1st byte.
1000 0101 85 2nd byte
0010 0000 20 3rd byte
Addressing Modes
• The microprocessor has different ways of
specifying the data for the instruction. These are
called “addressing modes”.

• The 8085 has four addressing modes:

– Implied CMA
– Immediate MVI B, 45
– Direct LDA 4000
– Indirect LDAX B
• Load the accumulator with the contents of the memory location
whose address is stored in the register pair BC).
Data Formats
• In an 8-bit microprocessor, data can be
represented in one of four formats:
• Signed Integer
• Unsigned Integer.

– It is important to recognize that the microprocessor

deals with 0’s and 1’s.
• It deals with values as strings of bits.
• It is the job of the user to add a meaning to these strings.
Data Formats
• Assume the accumulator contains the following
value: 0100 0001.
– There are four ways of reading this value:
• It is an unsigned integer expressed in binary, the equivalent
decimal number would be 65.
• It is a number expressed in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
format. That would make it, 41.
• It is an ASCII representation of a letter. That would make it the
letter A.
• It is a string of 0’s and 1’s where the 0th and the 6th bits are set
to 1 while all other bits are set to 0.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Counters & Time Delays
• A loop counter is set up by loading a register with
a certain value
• Then using the DCR (to decrement) and INR (to
increment) the contents of the register are updated.
• A loop is set up with a conditional jump
instruction that loops back or not depending on
whether the count has reached the termination
• The operation of a loop counter can be
described using the following flowchart.


Body of loop

Update the count

No Is this

Sample ALP for implementing a loop
Using DCR instruction
MVI C, 15H
Using a Register Pair as a Loop
• Using a single register, one can repeat a loop for a
maximum count of 255 times.

• It is possible to increase this count by using a

register pair for the loop counter instead of the
single register.
– A minor problem arises in how to test for the final
count since DCX and INX do not modify the flags.
– However, if the loop is looking for when the count
becomes zero, we can use a small trick by ORing the
two registers in the pair and then checking the zero flag.
Using a Register Pair as a Loop
• The following is an example of a loop set
up with a register pair as the loop counter.

LXI B, 1000H
• It was shown in Chapter 2 that each instruction
passes through different combinations of Fetch,
Memory Read, and Memory Write cycles.
• Knowing the combinations of cycles, one can
calculate how long such an instruction would
require to complete.
• The table in Appendix F of the book contains a
column with the title B/M/T.
– B for Number of Bytes
– M for Number of Machine Cycles
– T for Number of T-State.
• Knowing how many T-States an instruction
requires, and keeping in mind that a T-State is one
clock cycle long, we can calculate the time using
the following formula:

Delay = No. of T-States / Frequency

• For example a “MVI” instruction uses 7 T-States.

Therefore, if the Microprocessor is running at 2
MHz, the instruction would require 3.5 Seconds
to complete.
Delay loops
• We can use a loop to produce a certain
amount of time delay in a program.

• The following is an example of a delay

MVI C, FFH 7 T-States
LOOP DCR C 4 T-States
JNZ LOOP 10 T-States

• The first instruction initializes the loop counter and is

executed only once requiring only 7 T-States.
• The following two instructions form a loop that
requires 14 T-States to execute and is repeated 255
times until C becomes 0.
Delay Loops (Contd.)
• We need to keep in mind though that in the last
iteration of the loop, the JNZ instruction will fail and
require only 7 T-States rather than the 10.
• Therefore, we must deduct 3 T-States from the total
delay to get an accurate delay calculation.
• To calculate the delay, we use the following formula:
Tdelay = TO + TL
– Tdelay = total delay
– TO = delay outside the loop
– TL = delay of the loop

• TO is the sum of all delays outside the loop.

Delay Loops (Contd.)
• Using these formulas, we can calculate the
time delay for the previous example:

• TO = 7 T-States
– Delay of the MVI instruction

• TL = (14 X 255) - 3 = 3567 T-States

– 14 T-States for the 2 instructions repeated 255 times
(FF16 = 25510) reduced by the 3 T-States for the final

( )
Using a Register Pair as a Loop
• Using a single register, one can repeat a loop for a
maximum count of 255 times.

• It is possible to increase this count by using a

register pair for the loop counter instead of the
single register.
– A minor problem arises in how to test for the final
count since DCX and INX do not modify the flags.
– However, if the loop is looking for when the count
becomes zero, we can use a small trick by ORing the
two registers in the pair and then checking the zero flag.
Using a Register Pair as a Loop
• The following is an example of a delay loop
set up with a register pair as the loop

LXI B, 1000H 10 T-States

LOOP DCX B 6 T-States
MOV A, C 4 T-States
ORA B 4 T-States
JNZ LOOP 10 T-States
Using a Register Pair as a Loop
• Using the same formula from before, we can

• TO = 10 T-States
– The delay for the LXI instruction

• TL = (24 X 4096) - 3 = 98301 T- States

– 24 T-States for the 4 instructions in the loop repeated
4096 times (100016 = 409610) reduced by the 3 T-
States for the JNZ in the last iteration.

( )
Nested Loops Initialize loop 2

Body of loop 2

• Nested loops can be Initialize loop 1

easily setup in Body of loop 1

Assembly language by Update the count1

using two registers for

Is this
the two loop counters No
and updating the right Yes
register in the right Update the count 2

loop. Is this
– In the figure, the body of Final
loop2 can be before or
after loop1.
Nested Loops for Delay
• Instead (or in conjunction with) Register Pairs, a
nested loop structure can be used to increase the
total delay produced.

MVI B, 10H 7 T-States

LOOP2 MVI C, FFH 7 T-States
LOOP1 DCR C 4 T-States
JNZ LOOP1 10 T-States
DCR B 4 T-States
JNZ LOOP2 10 T-States
Delay Calculation of Nested
• The calculation remains the same except
that it the formula must be applied
recursively to each loop.
– Start with the inner loop, then plug that delay in
the calculation of the outer loop.

• Delay of inner loop

– TO1 = 7 T-States
• MVI C, FFH instruction
– TL1 = (255 X 14) - 3 = 3567 T-States
• 14 T-States for the DCR C and JNZ instructions repeated 255
times (FF16 = 25510) minus 3 for the final JNZ
Delay Calculation of Nested
• Delay of outer loop
– TO2 = 7 T-States
• MVI B, 10H instruction
– TL1 = (16 X (14 + 3574)) - 3 = 57405 T-States
• 14 T-States for the DCR B and JNZ instructions and 3574
T-States for loop1 repeated 16 times (1016 = 1610) minus 3 for the
final JNZ.
– TDelay = 7 + 57405 = 57412 T-States

• Total Delay
– TDelay = 57412 X 0.5 Sec = 28.706 mSec
Increasing the delay
• The delay can be further increased by using
register pairs for each of the loop counters
in the nested loops setup.
• It can also be increased by adding dummy
instructions (like NOP) in the body of the

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