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Developments of the Quarter: Comment and Chronology

Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Summer, 1956), pp. 269-299
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 02/05/2014 10:40

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Tunisia and Independence the grain to feed themselves. Open fighting
against the French broke out in the south
During the last three months, Tunisia, as among the Berber tribes of the Matmata
a newly independent state, has survived and mountains, and French troops were rushed
grown stronger, overcoming several crises in to put down this largely unpublicized
that challenged its early existence. France rebellion in the south. Violence continued
officially recognized the independence of there up to the moment of the national
Tunisia on March 17th, thus making it the elections.
pilot state in the North African movement The Neo-Destour party, strongly backed
for independence. Interdependence with by the new Tunisian Muslim labor union,
France remained to some degree a practical won the national election by a large ma-
necessity. jority. The National Front platform called
The days before the official recognition for a constitutional monarchy along western
and release of Tunisia from the hand of the lines: Emphasis was placed on democratic
French Protectorate were stormy. The institutions and social reforms, with plannedl
French colons, intensely anti-nationalist, practical efforts to meet the great unem-
fearing for their privileged position, feeling ployment problem, provide land for land-
abandoned by France, demonstrated vio- less farmers, and the need for industrial de-
lently, attacked newspaper offices, and dam- velopment.
aged the U. S. Consulate and the U. S. Habib Bourguiba, leader of the Neo-
Information Library in protest against sup- Destour party who had been long in exile,
posed American anti-colonial views. Reas- returned to Tunisia, greatly welcomed by
sured that their political and economic his followers, and demonstrated against by
rights would be respected, and that their followers of his rival ben Youssef. At the
lands would not be taken from under them, first session of the new Tunisian Assembly,
the colons finally subsided into tense and Bourguiba was elected president of the As-
uneasy waiting. A certain number sold sembly by acclaim, and the Bey of Tunis
their properties and left the country. The requested that he become the first Premier
self-exiled nationalist leader Salah ben of the new Government. This Cabinet was
Youssef, from Cairo, opposed all coopera- formally invested by the Bey on April i5th.
tion with France, and encouraged his Tuni- The Bourguiba government turned im-
sian supporters in terrorist activities against mediately from politics to practical social
the French through his secret terrorist or- reforms, some of which have taken more
ganization "The Black Sword", which deals moral courage than fighting the French.
in arson and assassination. In the south, Since Independence a good deal has been
where ben Youssef has a strong following accomplished. A Constitution is being writ-
among the nomadic tribes, dissidence and ten. The administration has been simplified,
complete anarchy prevailed for a time. Des- for, instead of 30 caids, there are now only 14
perate and hungry after seven years of regional governors. The waqf lands have
drought, locust plagues, and poor crops, been nationalized, to benefit the landless,
the tribes, moving north on their annual with no open opposition, though a great
migration, occupied the fields of ripening deal of covert opposition comes from con-
wheat, whether French or Moslem, and took servative elements. With the release of waqf

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funds and collection of war damages, the Tunisia, trying to seal off the arms traffic
Tunisian budget has been balanced for the to Algeria. The Tunisians protest. Bour-
first time in many decades. The Bey's pay guiba constantly asserts to the French the
has been reduced considerably, though Tunisian sympathy for and sense of brother-
Bourguiba pointed out, when the monarch hood with the Algerians in their efforts to
objected, that it was still higher than that gain independence. He maintains that the
of the President of the French Republic. activities of 40,ooo French troops in the
The Bey's family has been deprived of their country are inconsistent with independence.
legal immunity and exemptions from taxes. The French have requested that they retain
All literate Tunisian women have been the naval base of Bizerte and the surround-
given the vote. Five embassies have been set ing zone. Tunisians do not want any Tu-
up, those of France, Morocco, Libya, Egypt nisian land at all under French control.
and Saudi Arabia. An American embassy Tensions and arguments are arising.
will be set up soon. A start has been made The situation is now in a state of near
toward building up a Tunisian army. crisis. The French Advisory Chamber voted
While Bourguiba is firmly in the saddle, down the proposal of a 47 million dollar
and has no opposition within his cabinet, or aid to Tunisia. The French Assembly can
in the majority of his party, other elements over-rule this action if it chooses. French
do stand in the sidelines. The old aristoc- Foreign Minister Pineau has stated firmly
racy, the religious leaders deprived of the that French forces intend to remain in
waqf foundations, the Bey's family, who Tunisia to cut off help to the Algerian
number at least 2oo men of influence, and rebels. The Tunisian delegation in France
the conservative Muslims of wealth are negotiating for a treaty of alliance has
some of these factors. At stake are their broken off negotiations. Premier Bourguiba
influence and prestige and many of them has asserted that all further negotiations
resent a westernized Tunisia. Bourguiba, would be refused while France persists in
looks to the western world and the U.N. for maintaining occupation of a part of Tu-
help, but is willing to cooperate now with nisian territory, and threatened that Tu-
nisia would resume fighting for its inde-
the French, if necessary. He is meeting with
pendence unless France removed her troops
difficulties emanating from several sides.
from the country at once.
Egypt, and quite possibly Russia, also is
backing his rival Salah ben Youssef, who
moves between Italy, Cairo, and Libya, buy- The SecretaryGeneral's Missions
ing arms and smuggling them into Tunisia A new visit by U.N. Secretary General
and Algeria, and stirring the nomad tribes Hammarskjold in July to the countries in-
in the south to rebellion. volved in the Palestine Armistice followed
But Bourguiba is an astute leader whose
up the limited success of his spring visit.
westernization has not led him to forget
The Secretary General was able to obtain
the value of the traditional symbols of lead-
then from the participants what he con-
ership and patterns of rule among his tribes-
sidered an unconditional cease-fire, even if
men. He mastered the situation in the south
the parties, as seemed later, had other in-
by making a journey to talk to the dissi-
terpretations. But, as in previous similar
dent shaykhs. He took their hospitality,
went to feasts and explained his plans to attempts at peace-making, the tempo of
build the future of the country on hope and incidents and accompanying inflammatory
help. Mounted on a white stallion, in Mus- declarations, began to rise as time passed.
lim dress, and waving a sabre, he won over The end of the long tenure of Moshe
the shouting crowds and received their as- Sharett as Foreign Minister of Israel and
surances of allegiance. the appointment to the post of Mrs. Golda
The French army is still in southern Myerson, considered as more "activist" than

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the former, was equated by many, as the loss in general EOKA actions remained a nui-
of a moderate element, with the dismissal sance to the British and a bogey to the
of General Sir John Glubb of Jordan in the people.
spring. The words "preventive war" began As was the case in Palestine, where the
to be heard again, but Prime Minister Ben Stern and Irgun gangs used terrorism for
Gurion denied in vigorous terms on succes- wider political purposes, the EOKA ter-
sive occasions that any such policy was in rorists were able by virtue of their acts not
the offing. only to exasperate the British but to draw
How successful Mr. Hammarskjold might condemnation on them from other quarters.
be in his second round of attempts to allevi- The killing of an American vice-consul in
ate, rather than solve, the problem was cer- Nicosia, for example, was apologized for in
tainly all conjecture. It has been a constant EOKA leaflets as a mistake. Nevertheless
in this difficult business that "approaches" the State Department was sufficiently an-
are used up very quickly indeed. A new gered to cry "A plague on both your
method or a new personality injected into houses!" to Cypriotes and British as well.
the situation has often brought promise for The latest step in Cyprus' relations with
a time of real assuagement only, later, to be the political world was taken by Turkey.
swept aside by events. The Secretary Gen- After months of refraining from public
eral has the not inconsiderable advantages utterances on the ultimate disposition of
that accrue from working quietly, promis- the island, the Turkish Government pub-
ing little and combining zeal with patience, licly stated, categorically, that it would not
professional skill and a genius for non-in- contenance eventual self-determination, in
volvement-qualities which his more un- any form, for Cyprus. The statement came
fortunate predecessor did not always have. on the heels of a reported British plan to
offer Cyprus self-determination in ten years.
Communal strife between Turks and Greeks,
Cyprus Impasse and pressure exerted by the head of the
The optimism of British authorities on Turkish community, Dr. Fazil Kuifik, on
Cyprus that deportation of Archbishop his visit to Ankara, apparently spurred
Makarios would enable them to deal with Turkey to clarify its stand. One recognizes
Greek Cypriote moderates towards a solu- the dead hand of the Lausanne Treaty in
tion of the Cyprus issue, and eliminate the Turkish attitude; having surrendered
terrorism more easily, was not borne out by all claims to Cyprus to Britain, in accord-
events. Bishop Anthimos, acting head of ance with her post-World War I determina-
the Ethnarchy, proved easier to deal with tion to hold only her original territory,
than had "Black Mack" (or "Old Malaria"), Turkey now considers herself to have the
as the British troopers labelled Makarios, a priori right to possession of Cypriote real
but Anthimos showed singular inability to estate should the owner depart. Thus the
bend other Greek Cypriotes to his views. impasse is complete.
Seventeen members of the "hard core" of
EOKA were captured, and the British were
so close to Col. George Grivas, reputed
Iraqi Development
leader of the terrorist organization, at one Much is talked and written about devel-
point that they captured his hat and bin- opment plans in the Middle East and all
oculars. The collective fines levied on Fama- the projects that might be usefully carried
gusta and Limassol, although their legal out add up to impressive goals in the search
basis was challenged in court by Cypriote of peoples for more of what are now ac-
residents of the two towns, was a slight de- cepted everywhere as the good things of
terrent to public support of terrorism. But life. But it is somewhat surprising that

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news of what has been and is being accom- bridges, were also inaugurated. Work on
plished in one Middle Eastern country, the Darband-i-Khan Dam on the Diyala
Iraq, has been only summarily treated in river goes forward. T'he diversion canal will
this country and elsewhere. In the welter of be complete before next year's flood. Any-
political speculation, solid accomplishment one who has seen recent photographs of
has been almost ignored. Baghdad would find it difficult to recognize
Within the first week of April a number a city he had known a few years ago. New
of vital developments, talked about for bridges, public buildings and housing de-
generations and planned since Sir William velopments to rid the city of the sarifa slums
Willcocks made his report on Mesopotamia have transformed it dramatically. And not
in 19 1 1, were inaugurated. Principal among only in the capital has this transformation
these were the flood control works on the gone on. New installations bring industry
Tigris and Euphrates, at Samarra and to Sulaimaniyyah, in the Kurdish North.
Ramadi, respectively. The Samarra works Kirkuk is a startling example of how oil
consist of a barrage across the river and a wealth brings change to a provincial town.
56 kilometer canal behind it, to divert For the years 1956-1960, plans are even
spring flood waters into the Wadi Tharthar vaster in the expectation of increased in-
depression below sea-level to the west and come. Flood control and irrigation works
off the plains of Baghdad. The barrage and are budgeted at $430,000,000. Various in-
canal were completed this year at the cost dustrial, mining and electrification installa-
of $40,ooo,ooo, the first large works begun tions are to cost some $190,000,000. The
and finished under the auspices of the Iraq new road system, possible now that floods
Development Board. Their beneficence was will not wipe out hard work is an $i8o,-
well demonstrated a few days after King ooo,ooo item; bridges, $65,ooo,ooo. New
Faysal II had inaugurated them on April 2. public buildings will be erected at a cost
The barrage was closed and the canal of $9o,ooo,ooo; a public housing program,
opened to reduce the level of the Tigris and to furnish part of the 5oo,ooo units deemed
save Baghdad from threat of flooding. At necessary in the next ten years, will amount
maximum capacity, these works can divert to $70,ooo,ooo. Hospitals and sanitation
some 9,ooo cubic meters of water per second, facilities will cost more than $8o,ooo,ooo.
or more than two-thirds of the greatest re- T'here are dozens of smaller items.
corded Tigris flood. In addition, the bar- Lord Salter, British economic adviser to
rage was designed so as to permit installa- the Iraqi government, has estimated that
tion of ioo,ooo kilowatt capacity turbines the income of Iraqis will be doubled in a
later, when needed. generation; others are even more op)timistic.
Three days later, the Ramadi Barrage
was also inaugurated by the King. To serve
the same purpose on the Euphrates as does
India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
the other on the Tigris, this installation T'he normal course of events since the
includes as well a complex of two reservoirs, Partition of India and the decision of Af-
Habbaniyyah and Abu Dhibbis, and the ghanistan to abandon her traditional isola-
channels and regulators necessary at various tion, should have been toward closer links
levels. The entire system has been under between India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
construction since 1939, but the greater Karachi is the sea outlet for Afghan goods.
part of the work has been done under the Pakistan's chief sources of water originate
Five Year Development Plan. in Indian territory. But logical interdepend-
During the same week important new ence continues to be blocked by two politi-
segments of Iraq's growing transportation cal issues.
network, in the form of new roads and Kashmir and Pushtoonistan are the two

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issues causing this quarrel of the subconti- Pushtoonistan is equally emotional. The
nent, and have been artificially sustained Durand Line, demarcated in 1893, estab-
since, to the real detriment of political and lished the Indian-Afghanistan border, and
economic relations. divided the Pathans inhabiting the border
Soviet Party leader Khruschev's statement area roughly in half. Pakistan, claiming to
that Kashmir belonged unconditionally to be the heir to British rights under interna-
India encouraged Nehru to make two pro- tional law, has gradually consolidated the
nouncements. The first was the complete Muslim tribesmen of the Northwest Fron-
rejection of a plebiscite, since US military tier Province and Tribal Territory under
aid to Pakistan and constitutional develop- a unified West Pakistan state. With the sub-
ment in Kashmir had completely altered stitution of a Muslim for an infidel central
the basis of the dispute. The second was his authority, the area has become quite peace-
willingness to negotiate a partition of Kash- ful.
mir along the present ceasefire line; this The ruling element in Afghanistan is
would give Jammu, Ladakh, and the Vale Pathan (or Afghan), and the Afghans de-
of Kashmir itself to India. Nehru's confi- fend their more than cousinly interest on
dence in the loyalty of Bakshi Ghulam grounds that the tribesmen are nomads who
Mohammed's government in Srinagar be- do not observe political boundaries. The
came more apparent in the announcement Afghans want a plebiscite for Pushtoonistan,
that Shaikh Abdullah, the "Lion of Kash- to allow the Pathans (or Pushtoons) to de-
mir" and former Prime Minister put under cide whether they want independence from
detention in 1953 because he seemed to be Pakistan or autonomy. They say that their
playing for an independent Kashmir, would two previous acceptances of the validity of
be released in time to participate in the the Durand Line were made with the Brit-
fall elections. ish, not the Pakistanis, and doesn't count.
Pakistan continued to accuse India of The tragic consequence of these two
intransigence on Kashmir and to press for issues is economic. Afghanistan recently ad-
a plebiscite, which would "prove" the de- mitted that Pakistan's blockade of her tran-
sire of the province to accede to Pakistan. sit route through Karachi forced her to
In point of fact Pakistan's demands over- route her foreign trade through the Soviet
look the religious and racial differentiations Union. Though the route is now open, the
of the province; Buddhist Ladakh and Afghans say that deliberate slowdown tac-
Hindu Jammu have as little in common tics have kept their imports far below the
with Pakistan as Muslim Gilgit and Chitral usual amounts. The Russians have been
have with India. Only the 1,200,000 Mus- helpful in other ways. Their $ioo,ooo,ooo
lims of the Vale are "misplaced". What credit of last December (repayable in 30
their preferences for accession are has not years at 2%) was followed in April and
become a matter of public record, since May by "impact" gifts-paving of Kabul's
India has said that their government is duly streets, a grain elevator, a bakery, and a
elected and a plebiscite would merely prove ioo-bed hospital. American aid to Afghani-
an obvious fact. India's legalistic attitude stan, which must be increased if the country
toward Kashmir, ironically, is the same as is not to be tied completely to the Soviet
that held by the Portuguese on Goa. economy, remains at about half the Soviet
Pakistan's quarrel with Afghanistan over contribution.

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March i-May 31, 1956
plans for dealing with the Arab-Israeli dispute
General over the Jordan River. Topics discussed were i)
what to do if Israel decides to go ahead with her
Mar. 2: Jordan's ouster of Lt. Gen. John Bagot own plan for using the river; 2) plans for back-
Glubb as commander of the Arab Legion was ing Syria if she takes the dispute before the UN;
hailed in Cairo as a victory for Premier Nasir
3) the Arab position on the modified Jordan plan
and a blow to British and Western prestige in proposed by the West for the mutual benefit of
the Middle East. Arabs and Israelis.
Mar. 5: After three meetings with Indian Prime Mar. 24: French Premier Mollet declared that some
Minister Nehru and other leaders, British Foreign kind of arms embargo must be established in the
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd said that there was not Middle East.
much point to India's argument that the Baghdad Mar. 25: The British Foreign Office challenged a
Pact tended to split Arab unity. statement by Premier Nasir of Egypt that he was
Mar. 6: British Ambassadorto France Sir Gladwyn not opposed to British interests in the Middle
Jebb praised French policy in North Africa in a East. Officials declared that anti-British propa-
report to Associated Regional Newspapers in ganda by Egypt contradicted this statement.
Paris. Mar. 3o: French Foreign Minister Pineau protested
Mar. 7: The leaders of the Arab "Big Three"- to the Ambassadors of Syria and Lebanon in Paris
Premier Nasir of Egypt, President al-Quwwatli about the wording of an Arab League resolution
of Syria, and King Sa'ud of Saudi Arabia-began supporting Algerians in rebellion against French
discussions on coordination of their plans for rule.
both war and peace in the Middle East.
Mar. 3I: Easter services were held in Jerusalem
Mar. 9: Sir Anthony Eden declared that his Gov-
(Jordanian sector) with fewer pilgrims than usual
ernment's position in regard to Jordan and the
in attendance due to the threat of war.
rest of the Middle East would continue to be one
Apr. 3: U. S. Secretary of State Dulles said that
of watching and waiting, despite increasing oppo-
U. S. forces might be sent into action in the Mid-
sition in Parliament.
Mar. Io: King Husayn of Jordan declined an invita- dle East without CongTessional authority in the
tion to join the conference of the Arab "Big event of an emergency. But he added that he was
Three" and indicated that he would continue his unaware of any emergency that would require
such an action.
middle-of-the-road position which would not
antagonize the West but remain on friendly terms The USSR charged in the UN Security Council
with all Arab countries. He emphasized that the that certain Western nations were planning armed
dismissal of Gen. Glubb was a personal matter intervention in the Middle East. Soviet repre-
and would not alter Jordan's relations with the sentative Sobolev asserted the situation in the
British. area had become worse following conversations of
Mar. 15: Antony Head, British Secretary of State the Western powers in Washington.
for War, arrived in Suez to inspect the final stage Apr. 5: The Arab League Council met in Cairo for
of withdrawal of British forces. the second time.
Mar. I7: Secretary for War Head told a press con- Apr. 7: 'Abd al-Krim, leader of the Riff warriors,
ference in Cairo that the last British soldier would appeared before the Arab League Political Com-
be out of the Suez Canal Zone before June i8, the mittee to demand an Arab boycott of France in
final date for evacuation. support of North African nationalist aims. He
Mar. 20: American Ambassador C. Douglas Dillon urged boycott in all fields, economic, political,
said in Paris that the U. S. fully supported France and cultural.
in her attempts to find a liberal solution to her Apr. 9: The U. S. pledged itself to oppose Middle
North African problems. The speech made a dis- East aggression within constitutional means and
tinction between Morocco and Tunisia, as pro- to assist the victims of aggression, in a statement
tectorates, and Algeria, which the Ambassador issued by U. S. Press Secretary Hagerty.
called "French territory". Apr. io: The Economic Council of the Baghdad
Mar. 23: Intensive conferences were held between Pact met for the first time in Tehran. It issued a
Syrian Premier Sa'id Ghazzi and new Lebanese statement that Britain was prepared to offer
Premier 'Abdallah al-Yafi during the week end- ?250,000 annually for technical help to the other
ing Mar. 23 for the working out of unified Arab Pact countries. This was in addition to the sums

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already earmarked for an atomic energy center Mar. 23: The Government published a new wage
in Baghdad. scale, as follows: young persons 3s. 6d. a day;
Apr. I3: The U. S. Navy announced it was sending unskilled workers 5s.; skilled workers 5s. 6d.
a division of destroyers (4 ships) to the Mediter- Violence erupted in the wake of the continuing
ranean. It denied the move was in connection with Little Aden refinery strike. Workers burned a sec-
increased tension in the Middle East. tion of a Levies' camp. One man was killed by
Sir Winston Churchill said in a speech that British troops.
Britain's honor required her to go to the assist- Mar. 28: The Government announced the raising
ance of Israel if the latter were attacked by of salaries. Those below ?366 per annum were
Egypt. He predicted that Britain and the U. S. increased ?18; those between ?366 and ?546 were
would halt any aggression. increased ?12.
Apr. I5: The chiefs of the Baghdad Pact delegations Apr. 6: Two thousand dock workers struck for a
met in Tehran to draft the agenda for the open- 30% pay increase. The employers offered a 20%
ing session of the Ministerial Council. increase.
Apr. 17: The Ministerial Council of the Pact ap- Apr. 23: British governor Sir Tom Hickinbotham
proved a proposal to take collective action against withdrew his ultimatum to Yemen to withdraw
subversion in the territories of the member states, its troops from the Western Protectorate, because
and to pool their police resources and informa- Yemen had proposed a meeting at Beihan to
tion on subversive groups. settle the problem.
Apr. I8: The U. S. became a full member of the Apr. 25: All but 0ooo of the striking dock workers
Economic Committee of the Baghdad Pact. in Aden returned to work and agreed to refer
Apr. 19: The U. S. agreed to establish a military their dispute to arbitration.
liaison office at the permanent headquarters of Apr. 29: Sayyid Hassun 'Ali Bayyumi, president of
the Pact organization. It also joined the committee the Aden Association, sent a note to Governor
formed to resist subversion in the member coun- Hickinbotham demanding self-government. The
tries. note urged election of a majority of the members
Apr. 2i: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen signed a of the Legislative Council, not simply a propor-
5-year military alliance. tion, the election of municipal council, and the
Apr. 23: Italy's Foreign Minister Gaetano Martino giving of senior posts to Aden natives instead of
stated that Italy would not be excluded from any recruiting these from the U.K. It also requested
international agreements affecting the Mediter- the issuance of scholarships for study in the U. K.
ranean and the Middle East. to the extent of ?20,000, and recognition of Arabic
May 25: Algerian nationalist representatives ad- as the second official language.
dressed a meeting of Asian and African delegates May 2: British jet fighters fired on Arab tribesmen
to the UN and charged France with greatly in- who attacked Khaura Fort in Upper Aulaqi Sul-
creased repressive measures against Algerian tanate. No casualties were reported.
rebels. The UN delegates then decided to ask the
May 12: The British Government granted ?26,ooo
Security Council to take up the Algerian question.
to relieve famine among bedouin tribes in the
May 30: The Policy Committee of the World Vet-
north of eastern Aden Protectorate, primarily to
erans Federation unanimously approved a resolu-
buy 220 tons of grain to replenish central stocks
tion to support the principles of human freedom
and build up the reserve fund maintained by
in the cases of Cyprus and the Arab-Israeli con-
local protectorate rulers.
May 3I: The French National Assembly opened de- May I4: A delegation of 6 Adenis explained their
bate on Premier Mollet's North African policy. demands for self-government within the British
He was attacked by both moderate, conservative Commonwealth to British Foreign Secretary Lloyd
in Aden. In addition to the requests made Apr.
groups and extreme radicals.
29 to Governor Hickinbotham, they asked for for-
mation of a militia and stiffer immigration laws.
Aden May 20: British jets forced 130 armed tribesmen
coming across the Eastern Aden Desert from
(See also Yemen)
1956 Saudi Arabia to surrender to local security forces.
Mar. 2I: Five thousand workers at the Little Aden May 2i: The British reported the tribesmen seized
oil refinery went on strike for higher wages, rec- on May 20 were from Najran, Saudi Arabia.
ognition of public holidays, union hours, and May 27: Salih bin Ghalib al-Qu'aiti, Sultan of Shihr
rent controls. They set fire to a building in the and Mukalla and Premier of Eastern Aden Pro-
Levantine camp at the refinery. tectorate, died in Aden at the age of 78.
Mar. 22: Transport workers, who had joined the May 28: Leaflets were distributed in several parts of
strike of oil refinery workers, returned to work in the Aden Protectorate calling on the people to
Aden Colony. revolt against their rulers.

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Mar. io: In Paris, officials studying the surprise

Afghanistan strike and demonstration by Algerian workers on
(See also Pakistan) Mar. 9 declared that the workers were under
1956 orders from a clandestine nationalist organization
Mar. I: A technical assistance agreement was signed headed by Hadj Messali, who was now under
between the USSR and Afghanistan. Projects to French control at Angoulbme.
be developed under the agreement were 2 hydro- Mar. iI: Mohammed Kabir, acting as head of the
electric power plants, a motor repair shop, a Algerian rebel chieftains, made an urgent appeal
motor road through the Hindu Kush, and con- for arms to the heads of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and
struction of air fields and irrigation reservoirs. Syria as they met in Cairo. He said France was
Mar. 8: The Afghan Embassy in New Delhi said preparing a spring offensive to crush the na-
that any decisions taken by the Manila Powers tionalist movement.
on Afghanistan's dispute with Pakistan would be Mar. i6: Algiers was placed under curfew in the
considered worthless. wake of terrorist raids the night of Mar. 15. The
Mar. 2I: Afghanistan protested formally to the raids were carried out against a garage, a cork
SEATO powers regarding their decision to uphold factory, and the Algiers bus depot.
the present Afghan-Pakistani frontier. French troops killed 107 rebels and seized a
Mar. 26: The International Cooperation Adminis- supply of arms and ammunition in the hills near
tration announced a grant of $997,000 to Teach- La Fayette, between Setif and Bougie.
ers' College of Columbia University towards the Mar. I9: New decrees were issued limiting travel
formation of an English-language program in by Algerians living in France. Special authoriza-
Afghan secondary schools, including the training tion was required for internal travel. Other de-
of Afghan teachers of English. crees made military courts competent to deal
Afghanistan and the USSR signed an agreement with terrorist offenses, and made it possible to
to establish an air service. ban all public and private gatherings if deemed
Mar. 3I: A shipment of 15 autobuses, spare parts, controversial. A second series of decrees raised
and equipment for a loo-bed hospital was pre- agricultural wages from the equivalent of $1.20 to
sented to the Kabul Municipality by the USSR. $1.50 a day, and set the maximum age for Mus-
Apr. 8: A party of Pakhtuns raided a Pakistan mili- lims wishing to sit for competitive exams leading
tary camp at Spinwam. to civil service careers at 5 years higher, 35 in-
Apr. 20: The Afghan military mission visiting stead of 30.
Prague indicated it would recommend purchase Twelve out of 58 Muslim delegates to the As-
of a large quantity of Czech arms for Afghanis- sembly defied Algerian rebels by taking their seats
tan. A member of the mission stated that Afghan- in plenary session, despite threats of death.
istan needed arms because Pakistan and Iraq had A meeting of the Sixty-One, a group of mod-
arms. erate Algerian politicians, produced a manifesto
May I9: An Austrian trade mission arrived in Kabul calling for immediate abolition of the Assembly
to explore the possibilities of investment in and of all other local elected bodies. Only 12
Afghanistan. members attended.
May 27: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Mar. 22: Troop reinforcements brought in by heli-
it approved of Indian Prime Minister Nehru's copter enabled Algerian French auxiliaries to
proposal for ending the Algerian revolution. beat off a rebel attack at Souk-el-Arba.
Mar. 23: The French Cabinet voted a series of eco-
nomic decrees in Algeria at the request of Minis-
Algeria ter Resident Lacoste. Two important measures
were: i) modification of the sharecropping sys-
(See also India, Iraq, Morocco) tem to require landlords to share with their ten-
1956 ants on a so/5o basis; 2) increased employment of
Mar. 3: French troops smashed 2 rebel encampments Muslims in the Administration and Government-
in Algeria, killing 22 rebels and capturing 26. financed enterprises.
Mar. 8: Robert Lacoste, French Minister Residing Mar. 26: A French fuel depot was set on fire in
in Algeria, told the French National Assembly Tlemcen, but was brought under control without
that a major military, economic, and social effort extensive damage by troops fresh from Germany.
was necessary to check the tide of rebellion in the Mar. 3o: An 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew was placed on
protectorate. He blamed French neglect and fail- Tlemcen.
ure to keep promises as largely responsible for the Mar. 3I: Algerian nationalists appealed to the UN
situation. He cited the fact that only 8 of 864 for help and charged that France was conducting
major administrative posts were held by Muslims, a colonial war of reconquest.
although the 1947 statute declared Algeria to be Claude Bourdet, a prominent newspaper critic
an integral part of France. of the French Government's policy in North Africa,

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was jailed in Paris and charged with working to prevent young reservists from leaving for service
demoralize the French army. in Algeria.
U. S. Consul General Lewis Clark formally Apr. 2I: French troops in helicopters attacked rebel
visited a $5o,ooo,ooo French municipal housing hideouts in Constantine Department, and reported
project, called the "Bidonville project" in Algiers. killing 141 rebels.
His visit underscored the new U. S. policy of Algerian nationalists massacred more than ioo
firmly backing France's attempts to stay in North villagers in 12 villages in the Soummam valley of
Africa through liberal reforms. the Kabylia Mtns., after the villagers had re-
Apr. i: A train carrying 6oo French troops was de- quested French protection.
railed between Tlemcen and Turenne, but there Apr. 23: Exiled leaders of the Algerian rebellion
were no casualties. The Easter weekend death toIl said in Cairo that 4 of their colleagues had aban-
was 231 rebels killed, 12 French Muslims killed. doned their moderate position and left Algeria to
French troop casualties were not announced. Al- join the National Liberation Front in exile.
gerian workers at Lille, France, demonstrated Apr. 25: Ferhat Abbas, leader of the moderate Dem-
against French military measures in Algeria. ocratic Union of Algerian Manifesto group, said
Apr. 2: Algerians demonstrated at Metz, Thionville, that his group had joined forces with the Na-
and Maubegue, France. Six hundred were jailed tional Liberation Front in an all-out war for
at Maubegue. About iooo new French troops freedom from French rule.
landed at Bone, Algeria. Apr. 27: French Minister Residing in Algeria La-
Apr. 3: The death toll in Algerian clashes was 127 coste said that France would not consider nego-
rebels, io civilians, and 9 French soldiers during tiating with the nationalist rebels. He empha-
the 24-hour period. sized the "indissoluble ties" between France and
Apr. 5: French Resident Minister Lacoste won ap- Algeria.
proval from the Cabinet on his plan to send May I: Paris police arrested 2500 Algerians parad-
ioo,ooo more French troops to Algeria. ing to demonstrate in favor of a free Algeria and
Iraq protested to France against what she called supporting the rebellion.
France's "massacre and imperialism policy" in Benoit Frachon, Communist chief of the Gen-
Algeria. eral Confederation of Labor in France, called for
Apr. 6: A French force operating in eastern Algeria united labor opposition to French military tactics
suffered heavy casualties in a battle with rebels, in Algeria.
with 17 French reported killed. French police clashed with 4000 Algerians in
Apr. 7: About 228 rebels and 32 French soldiers Algiers. One Algerian was killed and g injured.
were killed in clashes throughout Algeria, in May 2: French security forces killed 5o rebels in 4
some of the bloodiest fighting of the revolt. major actions at Duvivier, Khenchela, El Milia,
Apr. iI: Twenty French Legionnaires were killed in and Azazga. Two native villages in the Soummam
ambush near Nedromah. valley put themselves under French protection.
Apr. 13: French Premier Mollet offered to negotiate May 3: Dr. Tedjini Haddam, a well-known Con-
a ceasefire with Algerian rebels, but refused to stantine physician, was accused of being the
consider discussions with rebel leaders on Al- leader of the rebel organization in that area, and
geria's future status. It was the first indication a warrant issued for his arrest.
that the French considered negotiating with lead- May 7: Attacks by nationalists in western Algeria
ers of the National Liberation Front as repre- resulted in the deaths of 20 Europeans and 5
sentatives of the Algerian people. However, the Arabs. Telephone communications between Al-
discussions offered pertained to purely local mat- geria and Morocco were cut. About 40 farms were
ters in connexion with a ceasefire. attacked and burned. A section of French Sene-
Apr. 15: A statement attributed to rebels and pub- galese troops was captured near Karia Ba Mo-
lished in the Tunis weekly newspaper Action, hammed.
(organ of the Neo-Destour Party), said that an May 8: Irving Brown, chief European representa-
Algerian ceasefire was contingent on French rec- tive of the AFL-CIO, was banned from Algeria
ognition of Algeria's independence. The state- by the French Government for anti-French ac-
ment blamed the French for the fighting and said tivity.
that the National Liberation Front was pledged Europeans in Algiers celebrating V-E Day
to complete destruction of the structure of the greeted French Minister Lacoste and Mayor
"colonialist army". Chevallier with flying tomatoes and told them to
Apr. i6: About 250 French and Algerians were resign.
killed in weekend battles. In one battle at Grarem May 9: French Minister Lacoste said that Algerian
northwest of Constantine 112 were killed. rebels hope to oust the French from North Africa
Apr. i9: French citizens demonstrated at Vauvert through foreign intervention and pressure. He
and Aigues-Mortes in southern France to try to said that his reason for banning Irving Brown

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from Algeria was that Brown had encouraged the storage depot in Algiers, and wounded 2 in a
labor forces in Algeria seeking separation. grenade-throwing at a synagogue in Batna.
Rebels smashed 46 villages in eastern Algeria May 27: The Casbah in Algiers was cordoned off
with automatic weapons and killed at least 14 and a police dragnet instituted by French troops;
persons. 6ooo Algerians were seized for questioning. A
May io: The eastern third of Algeria was placed considerable quantity of propaganda material and
under martial law. arms was discovered. A French Communist, Desire
May Il: French police impounded the Communist Dubau, was arrested and found to be in the
newspaper L'Humanite for circulation of an ar- possession of a miniature arsenal.
ticle by its Algerian correspondent, Robert Lam- May 28: French troops killed 35 rebels in 2 skir-
botte, describing alleged eyewitness reports of mishes in Algeria.
French reprisals against Muslims. Several thousand Communist-led workers rioted
May I2: Nationalists staged a raid in Constantine, in St. Nazaire against the Government recall of
killing 13 pro-French Arabs and wounding 9 reservists for service in Algeria.
others by a bomb thrown into a Jewish cafe. May 29: French Minister Lacoste said that the prob-
French reports claimed 175 rebels killed in battles lem of Algeria was an internal one and would
in eastern Algeria. never be settled "in an international setting."
May 13: More violence in Constantine caused 6 May 31: Seven villages in the Bordjbou-Arreridj
Arab deaths, 4 injured. area, between Algiers and Constantine, placed
themselves under French protection after French
May 14: French forces cordoned off the Jewish quar-
ter of Constantine. troops had defeated a rebel band in the area,
killing 6o and capturing 15.
May I5: French troops trapped 250 rebels near Ta-
guine, on the Libyan border, killing 31. In Al-
giers, 2000 European university students asked
Minister Lacoste to waive their national service Cyprus
postponement so they could be mobilized for 1956
service in Algeria.
Mar. i: British Colonial Secretary Lennox-Boyd
May I9: A joint communique signed by Soviet lead-
and Archbishop Makarios failed to reach agree-
ers and French Ministers Mollet and Pineau re-
ment on a political settlement in Cyprus in a
flected Soviet doubt on France's ability to find a
night meeting.
solution in Algeria. Mar. 2: Archbishop Makarios blamed Britain for
May 20: Five Algerian rebel political leaders, in- the breakdown in negotiations. He said that al-
cluding Ferhat Abbas, left Tripoli for Europe in though he could not condone violence, as a re-
a search for more foreign support. ligious leader, Britain's stubbornness had cre-
May 2i: Nationalists raided a village near Philippe- ated a climate in which terrorism was likely to
ville and killed 17 Muslims, apparently in retalia- continue. He stated the refusal of the British to
tion for the village's request for French protec- accept the Cypriote request to make membership
tion. in the proposed Legislative Assembly propor-
May 23: Former Premier Mendes-France resigned tionate was the key to the deadlock.
from the French Cabinet. He expressed his belief A British police superintendent, Philip Atfield,
that the Government's failure to accompany mili- killed himself in Nicosia.
tary with political action in Algeria designed to Mar. 3: Archbishop Makarios issued a statement say-
restore Muslim confidence in French intentions ing he would make no move to reopen negotia-
would lead to the loss of Algeria. tions for Cypriote autonomy.
Three hundred French reservists recalled to Mar. 5: The British broke off negotiations with
duty in Algeria demonstrated to show their pro- Makarios, and said they would stamp out terror-
tests, and tried to stop a troop train. ism before any further discussions with Cypriote
A force of 3000 French soldiers attacked rebel leaders over the future of the island. They said
bands in the Mt. Boui Zegza area and reported 17 Makarios refused to accept a compromise conces-
rebels killed. sion on amnesty and on the control of internal
May 25: The French Army began to close off the security, and to work out the future of the com-
Algerian-Moroccan frontier with a barbed-wire position of the assembly with due regard for
fence. When completed, the barrier would be minority representation.
ioo miles long and run from Port Saya south to Mar. 6: A night ban was imposed on motorcycles
El Aricha on the edge of the Sahara. and bicycles in Nicosia, between 6:30 p.m. and
May 26: Algerian rebels cut the throats of 12 French 4 a.m.
civilians in a raid on a construction company Britain began jamming the Athens radio as a
camp in eastern Algeria. Terrorists dynamited the safety measure in retaliation for Greek inflamma-
Idimadden Dam near Boghni, set fire to a grain tory broadcasts to Cyprus.

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Mar. 7: Six Cypriote youths were sentenced to life joint Greek-British-Turkishappeal for an end to
imprisonmentfor having carriedweapons and ex- violence; (3) a guarantee to Makariosthat his ex-
plosives in Cyprus against British rule. ile would end when order was restored and nego-
Greek Premier Karamanlis said that Britain tiations with him resumed upon completion of
had "failed to grasp" the significance of the the draft constitution.
Cyprus question." Mar. I6: Field MarshalSir John Harding approved
Mar. 9: The British authorities on Cyprusdeported a decree forcing lo Greek families to leave their
Archbishop Makarios, Bishop Kyprianos of Ky- homes and 20 shopkeepersto close their stores in
renia, extreme right-wing church leader, and two Nicosia, for failure to collaborate with British
others, to the SeychellesIslands. Governor Hard- security forces.
ing said in a statement that the Archbishop was Martial law was placed on Limassol, Cyprus'
so far committed to the use of violence for po- largest port city.
litical ends that his presence on the island made A four-hour protest strike was held in Greece
it impossible to deal with Greek Cypriotes in an over the deportation.
orderly fashion. Mar. I7: Cypriote guerillas wounded 5 British com-
U. S. officialsin Washington predicted that the mandos in an ambush near Khandris, in the
deportation of Makarios might lead to further Troodos Mountains.
weakening of the Balkan Alliance, and was a The CyprioteEthnarchysent a messageto U. S.
mistake. Consul General Courtney charging the British
Mar. Io: A general strike in protest against the Governmentwith bad faith in the breakdownof
Makarios deportation completely paralyzed Cy- negotiations between Governor Harding and
prus. In Athens, and Salonika, demonstrations Archbishop Makarios.
against the British injured at least go persons. Mar. I8: Governor Harding said that six months
A mob sackedthe British Consulatesin Heraklion, might be necessaryto crush terrorismin Cyprus.
Greece, and Candia, Crete. He said there would be no British move to re-
The liberal press in England attacked Prime open negotiations until that time.
Minister Eden over the deportation. Newspapers Mar. I9: A Greekmob attackedthe Turkish quarter
called it "too drastic" and "a blunder." of Vasilia village and wounded a number of
Mar. il: Greece announced she would permit pro- Turkish women and children. The town of
test rallies on the issue of Cyprus throughout Lapithos, nearby, was fined ?7,000 for disorders
the nation on Mar. 12. culminating in the bombing of a British truck.
The British sought new evidence linking Arch- AMar.20: Turkish Cypriote mobs attacked Greek
bishop Makarioswith the EOKA terrorists.They shops in Nicosia in return for the Greek stonings
searchedhis palace, and reported they had found of Turks in Vasilia.
an "important cache" of EOKA documents, in- Mar. 2I: An unexploded time bomb was discovered
cluding several signed "Dighenis," the presumed in Governor Harding's bed. A faulty mechanism
leader of the EOKA terrorists. kept it from exploding.
Mar. I3: The Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus Mar. 22: Governor Harding dismissed his entire
appealed to President Eisenhower to use his in- staff of Greek Cypriote servantsas a result of the
fluence to end the exile of Archbishop Makarios. time bomb incident.
Britain demanded a U. S. explanation for the A British Commissionerheld a public inquiry
statement of AmbassadorCannon in Athens ex- at Vasilia over Greek-Turkishcommunal clashes
pressing sympathy over recent developments in on March 19 in that village.
Cyprus. The U. S. offered to help Britain and Mar. 23: Greececharged in the United Nations that
Greece reach a "just solution" to the island's Britain had made Cyprus into an immense con-
problems. Greece asked the United Nations to centration camp.
debate the Cyprus issue, and charged the British Three leaders of the opposition were briefed
administration of the island with arbitrarymeas- in Athens by Premier Karamanlison the Cyprus
ures, culminating in the Makariosdeportation. situation and the Government'sview.
Mar. I4: A British constable was killed in Nicosia. Mar. 25: GovernorHarding imposed a curfew over
Curfews were placed on Nicosia and Larnaca, most of Cyprus to prevent celebrations on the
where a 7-year old boy was shot by a British anniversaryof Greek independence. Both Turk-
soldier. Larnaca's inhabitants were put under ish and Greek Cypriotes were affected. Internal
virtual house arrest. trunk phone calls were also banned, and Cypriotes
Mar. i 5: The Archbishop of Canterburycriticized kept under virtual house arrest.
the deportation of Archbishop Makariosas sacri- Mar. 26: The 24-hour curfew imposed on Cyprus
lege. He suggested a 3-point plan for solving the was called a success.Expected opposition did not
Cyprus problem consisting of (1) a constitution materialize. There were fewer than 6oo arrests,
drafted along the lines indicated by the negotia- mostly in Limassol: all arrested were released on
tions, with a timetable for its implementation, (2) bail.

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Mar. 27: Three members of the British security Apr. 9: Security authorities in Nicosia revealed the
forces were killed in an ambush at Phrenaros, contents of a letter signed "Dighenis" (the sup-
near Famagusta. Earlier, a Greek customs official posed EOKA leader) authorizing the setting of
was killed by terrorists at Limassol, after the dis- time bombs at the Nicosia international airport.
covery of a shipment of ammunition concealed The revelation followed the killing of an airport
in a package supposedly containing books. employee by 3 masked men.
Governor Harding delivered the annual budget Apr. Io: The Royal Air Force took over the opera-
message to the Cyprus executive Council. He esti- tion of Nicosia airport.
mated the 1956 revenue at ?l2,775,ooo and ex- Apr. II: A British Army sergeant was killed in an
penditures at ?12,ooo,i82, including ?2,283,875 for ambush in Kalopsidha, west of Famagusta.
combating terrorism. He stated that despite this Apr. i2: Masked gunmen killed a Greek Cypriote in
cost there would be no increase in taxes for 1956. Akanthou, on the North coast.
Mar. 3o: The 14 AKEL (Greek Communist Party of Apr. 13: Kalopsidha was fined ?2,8oo as the result
Cyprus) members arrested December 14 were of the murder of a British sergeant in ambush on
freed. April ii. The villagers also were ordered to paint
The fine of ?1,500 imposed on Phrenaros vil- over all EOKA signs on the walls of the village.
lage after the killing of two British soldiers on Apr. I7: Following the murder of Nicosia Assistant
March 27 was lifted. Police Chief Aristotelou on April 15, Governor
Apr. I: Limassol and Nicosia were placed under a Harding imposed a week-long curfew as "a mark
curfew, on this the first anniversary of the out- of public abhorrence." All coffeehouses and places
break of organized terroristic activities by EOKA. of entertainment owned by Greek Cypriotes were
A British civilian was killed in Limassol-the to be closed until April 24, and no permits issued
first Briton killed who was not a member of the for sports events. Establishments owned by British
military or security forces. or Turkish Cypriotes were exempt from the ban.
Apr. 2: British authorities closed two schools in Two time-bombs exploded on the U. S.-owned
Paphos and imposed a curfew on the business Cyprus Mines Corporation at Xeros. There was
district of Limassol for the second time in 2 days. no damage.
A large terrorist arms cache was discovered in Sir Anthony Eden said in London that there
Polis. would be no further negotiations over Cyprus
In Athens, King Paul of Greece predicted in until the restoration of law and order.
the Speech from the Throne that "the cause of Apr. I9: Three gunmen murdered a Greek Cypriote
freedom and democracy in Cyprus would event- in Limassol.
ually triumph." An editorial in the newspaper Ethnos, by Vias
The Association of Building and Shipbuilding Markides, a leading member of the Ethnarchy
Draughtsmen suggested at its Margate conference Council, demanded that Greek Foreign Minister
that the Government withdraw all troops from Spyros Theotokis be removed from the Athens
Cyprus. Cabinet.
Apr. 3: The British Foreign Office announced in Apr. 20: New restrictions were clamped on Limassol.
London that broadcasts to Cyprus from the Sa- All public places managed by Greek Cypriotes
lonika radio station operated by the U. S. In- were put under a curfew.
formation Agency had ceased following British Ezekias Papaionnou, leader of the Reformed
complaints to the U. S. that the station was re- Workers Party, the Communist Party of Cyprus,
laying inflammatory propaganda to Cyprus. escaped from Nicosia General Hospital.
Two British intelligence officers went on trial at Apr. 2I: British forces launched a major offensive
Kykko military camp, near Nicosia, in a court against rebels hiding in the mountainous north
martial, charged with assaulting prisoners and coast of Cyprus.
conspiracy in trying to threaten and bribe prison- Apr. 22: Three British soldiers were wounded in an
ers to change testimony. The chief witness against ambush near Limassol.
them was Christos Constantinou, described by Apr. 23: Two Turkish Cypriotes, one a policeman,
defense counsel as the head of EOKA in the were killed by terrorists and several Greek Cy-
village of Lefka. priotes were wounded in Nicosia.
Apr. 5: British Governor Sir John Harding said that Apr. 24: The Greek Cabinet gave solid support to
any plan for drawing up a peace conference Foreign Minister Spyros Theotokis against the
would have to wait until the hard core of terror- Greek Orthodox Clergy's demand that he resign
ism in the mountains had been cleaned out. over the Cyprus issue.
Apr. 7: The two British officers on trial for as- Apr. 25: Two Cypriotes were wounded when a
saulting prisoners were sentenced by a court- homemade bomb was thrown at a British army
martial to be discharged from the Army. vehicle.
A Greek Cypriote was killed by a masked ter- Apr. 26: The Greek mayor of Nicosia, Themistocles
rorist in Platanistassa. Dervis, demanded that Britain take action against

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"anarchistic Turkish elements" which had done ment in 1951 had refused Greek Cypriote de-
considerable damage to Greek Cypriote shops in mands for enosis.
Nicosia in two days rioting. The British director of Cyprus Airways was
Apr. 27: A Cyprus Airways Dakota passenger plane killed near Monarga, i6 miles north of Fama-
was bumed out following an explosion in the gusta. One Cypriote was killed at Polis during a
line's maintenance hangar. The hangar, near the routine check by British security forces.
Nicosia civil airport, was not included in the area May iS: Leaflets distributed in Nicosia and signed
taken over by the Royal Air Force as a security "Dighenis"called upon Communiststo leave the
precaution. party and join EOKA. The leaflets told members
May 3: British authorities on Cyprus offered a re- of AKEL that time would prove AKEL as serving
ward equalling $28,ooo for information leading to the interests of Satan and not the Cypriote
the arrest of Colonel George Grivas, presumed people.
leader of EOKA. A Royal Air Force corporal was shot at Nicosia
May 4: Operations by security forces in the Lefkara airport. Three Cyprioteswere seized.
area of Larnaca district resulted in the arrest of May I7: One British soldier was killed and another
23 Cypriotes and the seizure of an arms cache. wounded in a bomb attack on a patrol vehicle in
May 5: Exiled Archbishop Makarios sent a message Famagusta.It was the 31st killing since the start
to be read in all Cypriote Orthodox churches on of the 14-monthold terrorismcampaign.
May 6. The West Germanand Greek Foreign Ministers
May 8: British Governor Harding announced he issued a joint communiquestating that the Cyprus
would not reprieve 2 Greek Cypriotes sentenced issue and the unification of Germanywere ques-
to death for political murders. tions on which both countries were in mutual
May 9: Riots in Athens expressing sympathy for 2 agreement. Foreign Minister Brentano and Presi-
Cypriotes sentenced to death caused 3 deaths. One dent Heuss of West Germanywere on a state visit
hundred twenty-four persons were injured and to Greece.
windows smashed in the U. S. Information Service May I8: British authorities banned all shipping in
offices. territorial waters between Latzi and Karavostasi,
May io: Greek Cypriotes Michael Karaolis and
as a precautionarymeasure to prevent smuggling
Andreas Demetrious, condemned to death for po-
of men and arms into the northwest mountains.
litical crimes, were hanged at 3 a.m. Karaolis was
The only exceptions allowed were ore ships load-
ing at the American-ownedCyprus Mines Corpo-
convicted of the murder of a Greek Cypriote po-
liceman in November, 1955, Demetrious for the
ration's Xeros depot and the CyprusSulphur and
attempted murder of a British civilian.
Copper Mine Company loading terminal at
Greeks throughout Cyprus went on strike in
Bishop Anthimos, acting head of the Cyprus
Ethnarcy, replied favorably to the British pro-
U. S. State Department press spokesman Lin-
coln White confirmed that Secretary of State
posal to register all priests and monks, but said
his responsibility would end once he had given
Dulles had personally asked British Foreign Sec-
the British his diocese list.
retary Selwyn Lloyd to delay the execution of the
British troops detained for questioning Andreas
two Cypriotes.
Savides, nephew of Colonel George Grivas, re-
May iI: Leaflets scattered in Nicosia, purportedly
puted head of EOKA.
by EOKA members, claimed that 2 British soldiers
May 20: The British closed and padlocked the
missing from their units were hanged by EOKA
building housing the Paphos bishopric after dis-
in reprisal for the hanging of 2 Greek Cypriotes
covery of an arms cache there. It was the first
on May io. The 2 soldiers were Corporals Ronnie
actual seizure of Church property under emer-
Shilton and Gordon Hill.
gency regulations.
Mlay I2: The Cretan newspaper Kirix suggested that May 2I: News of a hunger strike by Archbishop
the U. S. Sixth Fleet cancel a scheduled visit to Makarios and three other Cypriotes detained in
Suda Bay because of bitterness over the British the Seychelles Islands was disclosed by British
execution of 2 Cypriotes on May 1o. authorities in London after publication of a letter
EOKA leaflets distributed in Nicosia urged in the East African Standard, a native newspaper
Cypriotes to assassinate Governor Harding. In in Nairobi, Kenya, listing such complaints by the
Athens, U. S. Sixth fleet units were reported to exiles as non-receipt of mail and lack of oppor-
have canceled a projected visit to Crete at the tunity to refute criticisms of them. The strike
request of Greek Premier Karamanlis. took place two weeks previous to the announce-
May 14: A Labor Party motion to condemn British ment and was cleared up "in a day or two" after
Government policy in Cyprus as "sterile" was de- conversations between Makarios and Governor
feated, 314 to 236, after Foreign Secretary Lennox- Sir William Addis concerning the treatment of
Boyd had pointed out that the Labor Govern- the exiles.

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A group of 200 Cypriote schoolgirls routed Brit- priote threw a bomb into a truck returning from
ish teen-age conscripts in a demonstration in a dress rehearsal of Queen Elizabeth's birthday
Nicosia. celebration at Famagusta. Twenty others were
Foreign Secretary Lloyd reaffirmed the British injured.
Government's policy of force if necessary to re- May 3I: British military and cvil security forces
tain Cyprus. He called the island vital to Britain. celebrated the Queen's birthday despite threats of
May 23: New regulations required individuals in 73 assassination of Governor Harding.
mountain villages in the Troodos Mountains to
register and all over 12 years of age to carry
identity cards. Prison terms were announced for
all those failing to register or giving false infor-
mation. Another decree called for the removal of (See also General, Israel, Libya, Palestine
all slogans praising either EOKA or AKEL from Problem, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen)
public and private buildings. I956
May 24-25: Clashes on two successive days took Mar. i: British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd ar-
place between Turkish and Greek Cypriote fac- rived in Cairo for talks with Premier Nasir on
tions. A Turkish Cypriote policeman was killed future Anglo-Egyptian relations.
in Polis and seven Turks and six Greeks wounded Egypt signed a contract with Communist China
in Lornaca. to import 5000 tons of cottonseed oil.
The British Cunard liner Caronia was rerouted Mar. 4: An Egyptian trade delegation headed by
to stop at Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, instead of Hasan Ibrahim, Minister of National Production,
Athens, on May 26. arrived in Prague to visit Czech industries.
The Greek Parliament rejected an Opposition Mar. 7: British Prime Minister Eden warned Egypt
motion for censuring its Cyprus policy by a vote in the House of Commons that she could not
of 162 to 126. combine pretenses of friendship with hostile at-
May 27: A fourth Turkish Cypriote policeman was tacks and still remain on good terms with the
killed at Paphos in a bombing, but strict curfews West.
prevented further outbreaks of communal strife. Alar. 9: Egypt concluded a trade transaction with
In Nicosia, 150 persons were removed from their North Vietnam for the exchange of up to $5,-
homes and stores and the buildings boarded up ooo,ooo in Egyptian cotton for Vietnamese coal
in penalty for the triple bombing of May 21 which and cement in unspecified amounts. The agree-
killed a British soldier and wounded 12 other ment was reached between representatives of both
persons. countries at the Leipzig Fair, East Germany.
May 28: Permanent wire barriers were placed down Mar. iI: A consignment of 7500 tons of Russian
Hermes Street in Nicosia, which divides the Greek wheat arrived in Alexandria.
and Turkish sections. British District Commis- Mar. I4: The Cabinet announced it would float a
sioner Clemens informed Dr. Fazil KibOk, new production loan of LE 25,0o0,000, divided
leader of the Turkish community, that he was into a 5-year loan of LE 5,ooo,ooo at 2i/2% and a
considering a collective fine on the Turks for 15-yearloan of LE 20,000,000 at 31%.
damage amounting to ?4,500 done to Greek shops. France and Egypt began talks in Cairo on
A collective fine of ?6,ooo was also levied on the Egyptian support of nationalist rebels in North
villages of Kato Zodhia and Pano Zodhia in north- Africa. France accused Egypt of supplying arms
west Cyprus, for attacks on security forces. to the rebels. Foreign Minister Pineau repre-
Greece accused Britain before the Council of sented France in the talks.
Europe's Commission on Human Rights of violat- Mar. 17: Egypt signed a trade agreement with
ing its convention in the Cyprus issue. Former Bulgaria.
Minister of Agriculture Evangelos Averoff became Mar. 20: Egypt signed an agreement with Afghani-
Foreign Minister in place of Spyros Theotokis, stan providing for cultural exchanges between the
who resigned on May 27. He stated he would con- two countries.
tinue to use all appropriate means to achieve Mar. 24: Egypt admitted that some of her army
freedom for the Cypriote people. officers were receiving training in Poland. She
May 30: Scotland Yard officials extended their search did not specify the type of training.
for 2 Cypriote gunmen reported to have slipped Mar. 27: The appointment was announced of
into England with orders to attack government Kamal Ramzi Estino, a Copt, as Minister of
leaders and members of the royal family. Supply in the Cabinet.
The Colonial Office denied published reports of Mar. 3I: The last major British military units left
an international plot to rescue Archbishop Maka- Port Said.
rios which stated that the rescue ship had been Apr. i: Premier Nasir said he had not rejected a
wrecked off Madasgascar. Soviet offer of aid on the High Aswan Dam
Two British soldiers were killed when a Cy- project. He added that he had become worried

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by reports that British M.P.'s were urging Britain milk company to supply ioo tons of milk daily
to renounce its offer of aid toward construction to Cairo schools, hospitals, etc.
of the Dam in retaliation for Egypt's increasingly May 6: A joint Egyptian-Jordanian communique
anti-British policy. announced agreement on plans to coordinate and
Apr. 3: Hungary offered to participate in the High unify the armies of the two states. The new agree-
Dam project to the extent of supplying machinery ment was described as differing from the one be-
and building roads. tween Egypt and Syria in that it did not provide
Apr. 9: Col. Anwar Sadat, Egyptian Minister of for a unified command or full military coopera-
War, writing in the Government-controlled news- tion.
paper Al-Gumhuriyyah blamed the Western Big May 9: Sudanese Minister of Communications
Three for the recent increase in tension in the Sayyid Hammad Tawfiq ended a visit to Cairo
Middle East. He accused them of wanting only with the statement that relations between Egypt
to take revenge on Premier Nasir. and the Sudan were entering a new phase of
Apr. I4: Abu Sueir, last British-controlled Suez mutual cooperation. He said that the progress of
base, was vacated by Britain. talks between Sudanese delegations and Egypt
Apr. 15: Egypt signed a cultural treaty with Com- on the questions of currency and the Nile waters
munist China. heralded favorable settlements in both cases. (Ed.
Apr. 17: The Greek Government granted permis- note: The Sudan wishes to free its currency from
sion to an undisclosed number of French and dependence on the Egyptian pound, to which it
Czech fighter aircraft with Egyptian markings to is presently tied.)
fly over Greece and refuel if necessary while en May I6: Egypt announced recognition of Com-
route to Egypt. munist China, on the basis that the Communist
Apr. I9: The Egyptian Navy received 19 Czech Government truly represented 6oo million Chi-
motor torpedo boats. nese, including 50 million Muslims, that it had
Apr. 22: The pilot of a U. S. military transport joined the Bandoeng Conference of 1954 and
plane forced down by Egyptian jet fighters subscribed to the intentions of that Conference,
denied that the plane was flying over a prohibited and that 23 other nations had already recognized
military area at the time. The plane was carry- Communist China.
ing members of the U. S. military mission to May I9: Ibrahim 'Izzat, an Egyptian reporter, com-
Iran on a tourist flight to Cairo. pleted a 5-day tour of Israel under the guise of a
Apr. 25: Britain rejected the demands of Opposi- Brazilian journalist. He reported to Premier Nasir
tion members of Parliament that it withhold that Israeli Premier Ben Gurion, Foreign Minister
financial aid for the High Aswan Dam project Sharett, and Labor Minister Myerson had separ-
until Egypt dropped her anti-British policy en- ately expressed willingness to meet Nasir "any-
tirely. where, anytime" to discuss Arab-Israeli frictions.
A 5-year program costing $8,ooo,ooo for the May 22: U. S. Secretary of State Dulles called
Productivity and Vocational Training Center was Egyptian recognition of Communist China "a
described by Dr. 'Aziz Sidqi, Director of the regrettable action." He said it was unlikely that
Center. He said the program would set up voca- the U. S. would help Egypt on the High Aswan
tional training centers in the major industrial Dam if the USSR had a share in the project.
cities to train skilled workers, graduating 30,ooo The Soviet Ambassador to Egypt presented
foremen within 4 years to meet the needs of Premier Nasir with an Ilyushin-14 aircraft as "a
local factories. token of Soviet-Egyptian friendship".
Apr. 28: Alexandria dock workers who struck for May 23: Iran complained about what it called the
higher pay on Apr. 27 returned to work after unfriendly attitude of the Egyptian press in re-
receiving an increase of 71/2 piastres a day to a porting an alleged coup d'etat in Iran.
total of 40 piastres a day (about $1.12). May 26: Premier Nasir conferred with British
An undisclosed number of Soviet minesweepers Ambassador Trevelyan for the first tiune since
were delivered to Egypt. Mar. i6, in an apparent effort to restore good
Foreign Minister Mahmud Fawzi signed the relations.
Arab Broadcasts Agreement, aiming at a coordi- The British tanker Verenia was blacklisted in
nated policy for Arab broadcasts to strengthen Alexandria after a report that she had taken oil
Arab ties and inform listeners of the Arab view- to Israel,
point. Mlay 27: An Egyptian health delegation arrived in
Mal) 2: An agreement was reached between Egypt East Berlin to tour hospitals and medical in-
and the Suez Canal Company whereby the Com- stallations in East Germany.
pany would invest $6o,ooo,ooo of its reserves in AMay28: Egypt said the Arab states would accept
Egyptian development projects. any resolution adopted by the UN Security Coun-
A contract was signed to form a pasteurized cil regarding the Palestine ceasefire so long as it

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did not contradict the terms of the Arab-Israeli ment brought forward by a SEATO resolutiotn,
armistice agreement. in the Indian Parliament.
May 29: A Rumanian economic delegation arrived Mar. i9: Indian and Pakistani forces clashed on the
in Cairo to discuss economic relations and nego- Punjab border. One Indian soldier was killed and
tiate the exchange of Egyptian cotton for oil. 12 wounded.
Communist-led strikers in the textile industry
fought with police in a battle that left 40 in-
Ethiopia Mar. 20: Nehru denounced the West's system of
(See also Sudan) military alliances as a threat to peace.
1956 Mar. 23: Indian and Pakistani leaders joined in
New Delhi in a celebration of the birth of the
Mar. 5: Italy agreed to pay Ethiopia $16,300,000 in
Pakistan Republic.
reparations for damages during the Italian oc-
Mar. 24: The Punjab Assembly approved the
cupation of the country. Italy agreed to build a
States Reorganization Bill.
hydroelectric power station southeast of Addis
Mar. 26: Soviet Minister of Trade Anastas Miko-
Ababa, return historical objects, and provide ad-
yan arrived in New Delhi coincident with Holi,
ditional reparations in the form of ships, marine
the Indian festival welcoming spring.
equipments, cotton textile factories, and public
Apr. r: British reports in London said that India
May S: Emperor Haile Selassie received the head had placed a multimillion dollar order for
British jets, bombers, tanks, and other weapons,
of a Chinese Communist cultural delegation tour-
after rejecting a cut-price offer of Soviet arms.
ing Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa. The head of the
Apr. 2: Nehru rejected the idea of a Kashmir
delegation presented gifts to the Emperor on
plebiscite to determine the future of the province
behalf of Mao Tse-tung.
on grounds that U. S. military aid to Pakistan and
constitutional developments in India and Kash-
mir had made the basis of the dispute entirely
India different.
(See also General, Algeria, Iran, Pakistan) Apr. 3: Poland and India signed an agreement to
exchange technical missions and provide training
I956 facilities.
Mar. i: A survey team of Russian mining and Apr. 7: After 9 days of debate, the Bombay State
technical education experts completed their legislature approved by 148 to 25 the Govern-
minerals survey begun in November, 1955. ment's states reorganization plan. The bill would
Mar. 2: About io Portuguese troops were killed in cut Bombay State into 2 linguistic states, Ma-
clashes with Goan nationalists over the previous harashtra and Gujarati, and put Bombay City
three-week period. under central Government administration. 72
Mar. 3: British Foreign Secretary Lloyd arrived in Maharashtrian deputies abstained.
New Delhi for talks with Prime Minister Nehru. India announced a 2-year ban on foreign plane
He said that both the Baghdad Pact and SEATO flights over Indian territory to Goa direct or to
were alliances consistent with the UN Charter. other Portuguese possessions.
India rejected Pakistan's claim to Chhad Bet, Apr. 9: The Indian Government announced it
a strip of marshy land in the Rann of Cutch, would nationalize the mining of diamonds, in
on the Arabian Sea. hopes of raising the diamond output by 30-40%.
Mar. 5: Prime Minister Nehru said in Nizambad Apr. ii: India and Poland signed a 3-year trade
that the Government had decided in principle agreement. India agreed to buy 300,000 tons of
on the merger of Telengana and Andhra in one iron and steel products and ioo,ooo tons of ce-
state. ment from Poland, and to supply Poland with
Mar. IO: U. S. Secretary of State Dulles assured 300,000 tons of iron ore.
India she would get U. S. aid in the event of a Indian engineers began work on a $28,ooo,ooo
Pakistani attack. He stressed the fact that U. S. bridge across the Ganges at Mokameh, Bihar
military aid to Pakistan was not intended as a State.
threat to India but was stipulated solely for de- Apr. I2: The Press (Objectionable Matter) Law
fensive purposes. adopted by the Government in 1951 to empower
Mar. i6: The Indian Government sent its pro- prosecution of newspapers publishing material
posed legislation for redrawing state boundaries regarded as "objectionable", and thus limiting
to the state legislatures. The legislation suggested freedom of the press through confiscation and
the formation of regional councils to look after heavy fines, was allowed to lapse.
the interests of the Sikhs. Apr. 13: Prime Minister Nehru announced his
Nehru agreed to debate the Kashmir settle- willingness to consider the partition of Kashmir

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along the basis of the present ceasefire line. He ing on private incomes of $5ooo a year in rupees,
said that Kashmir constituted a part of India, and $4500 a year in rupees for Government work-
and that he had told Pakistan her troops had ers, was withdrawn after a speech by Prime
no right to occupy part of that state. He de- Minister Nehru in which he said that ceilings
clared that his plan represented the farthest would upset the machinery of national produc-
possible limit to which he would go to end the tion at a time when increased national produc-
Kashmir dispute. tion was India's prime need.
Apr. I4: Walter Reuther, visiting India at the in- The Indian Communist Party issued a state-
vitation of the Indian National Trade union ment supporting India's second 5-year plan, but
Congress, supported India's economic policies calling it too soft on private enterprise.
and disagreed with U. S. foreign policy on Goa, May 22: Nehru called for a ceasefire in Algeria
in various speeches. based on 5 suggestions: i) formal declarations by
Apr. 20: India became the 2oth member of the both sides of the necessity for ending violence;
International Finance Corporation of the IBRD. 2) French recognition of the national entity of
Apr. 2I: A 4-day strike by 3000 dock workers at Algeria; 3) recognition of the equality of all
the naval dockyards in Bombay was called off peoples in Algeria; 4) guarantees that Algeria
by the Dockyard Employees after a government be considered the homeland of all the people
appeal for arbitration of grievances. there, and that they be granted equal shares in
Apr. 24: Police arrested 15 Maharashtrians demon- the benefits of national freedom; 5) that direct
strating outside of Parliament House in New negotiations be begun on the basis of the first
Delhi to demand the inclusion of Bombay City 4 ideas and under the principles of the UN
in the proposed Maharashtrian State. Charter.
Apr. 26: India's first newsprint factory opened in May 23: The Government denounced a series of
Madhya Pradesh state. strikes on India's state-controlled railways.
Apr. 27: A 41,400 kw power station on the Sarda May 25: India announced she would seek loans
Canal was opened at Khatima, Naini Tal District, from private European investors to finance her
Uttar Pradesh state. second 5-year program.
Apr. 28: Canada and India signed an agreement May 26: Striking workers wrecked a train at
by which Canada would build a $14,000,000 Kharagpur; 55 were injured.
atomic reactor at Trombay, near Bombay. The May 28: France relinquished sovereignty over her
agreement was the result of a year's negotia- Indian possessions of Pondicherry, Karikal, Mah6
tions. Canada agreed to contribute $7,500,000, and Yanam in a treaty with India supplementing
while India would bear construction costs the agreement of 1954 transferring them to In-
amounting in rupees to about $6,500,ooo. dian control.
Apr. 29: The Indian Communist Party ended its AMay29: Four railroad workers were killed in a
fourth congress with adoption of a policy of sup- demonstration at Kalka.
port for the Nehru government, while striving May 3I: The Government blamed the Communists
to build up a united front with all other opposi- for the railroad riots.
tion groups. Ajoy Ghosh was reelected party
Apr. 30: Prime Minister Nehru announced a policy
of increasing government control of industry. He
indicated 3 categories of industries, one com- (See also Turkey)
pletely state-owned, another "progressively state- 1956
owned", and a third left entirely to private en- Mar. 4: Soviet Charge d'Affaires Lazarov was given
terprise. Examples of the 3 types of industries a note stipulating that Military Attache Major
he gave were arms, atomic energy, mining (first), Kuznetsov depart from Iran within a week.
machine tools, drugs, transport (second). Mar. 5: The Shah sent a telegram to the Premier
May 4: Nehru said he favored the U. S. proposal ordering implementation of the 7-year plan,
to establish an atomic research center in the which has already been passed by both Houses.
Philippines. Mar. 8: Soviet Assistant Military Attache Kuznetsov,
The lower house of Parliament approved a bill accused by Iran of spying for the USSR, left
giving newspapers freedom to publish any de- the country.
famatory speeches made in either house. Mar. I7: U. S. narcotics agents working with
May 8: Talks began in New Delhi between Indian Iranian police seized a secret heroin laboratory
and Pakistani officials on financial issues outstand- in Tehran.
ing since the 1947 partition. Mar. 13: A Turkish economic delegation visited
May i6: A cholera outbreak was reported in Cal- Tehran to discuss barter agreements.
cutta, causing 6 deaths. Mar. 14: More than 25 members of the outlawed
Maay I8: A Parliament resolution calling for a ceil- Tudeh (Communist) Party were announced as

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having been apprehended by the Iran Military Pact countries at their April meeting in Tehran
Government. urging early settlement of the dispute.
Mar. rg: Dr. Shayegan, a Minister in the Mossa- May 29: The Shah returned from a state visit to
degh Cabinet, and 50 members of the Tudeh Turkey.
Party were pardoned by the Shah. May 3I: The Shah opened the Majlis (Parliament)
Mar. 26: Development and Resources Corporation, with a speech emphasizing 3 national obligations,
an American firm headed by David Lilienthal a strengthening of the armed forces, rapid execu-
and Gordon Clapp, signed a 5-year agreement tion of the economic rehibilitation program, and
with the Iranian Plan Organization to develop increased oil revenue. He outlined the Govern-
the resources of Khuzistan Province in southern ment's legislative program for the next two years.
Apr. 8: Iran announced she intended to press her
claim to Bahrayn Island by "amicable and direct Iraq
negotiation with Britain." (See also Algeria, Jordan)
Apr. I4: The U. S. General Accounting Office sent
a report to Congress describing irregularities in Mar 4: King Faysal pardoned Muhammad Ali 'Isa,
the administration of U. S. aid to Iran. The an Egyptian Embassy messenger in Baghdad ac-
report was actually filed Mar. 15 but not re- cused of spying and imprisoned.
leased at that time. Among deficiencies cited, Mar. 8: A Turkish parliamentary mission led by
the report listed a water treatment plant built the speaker of the Grand National Assembly ar-
in Tehran which could not be used because the rived in Iraq.
city's water distribution system used open gut- Mar. 31: Parliament ratified legislation for the
ters. first state university in Iraq.
Apr. i6: The report of misuse of U. S. aid funds Apr. 2: King Faysal inaugurated the Wadi Tharthar
to Iran was characterized as misleading by ICA Dam and flood-control complex on the Tigris
officers in Tehran. They said the report covered River at Samarra.
4 fiscal years of operation during the period of Apr. 3: Sa'id Qazzaz, Minister of Interior, said
"crash" or emergency operations designed to that Communist penetration of Iraq seemed to
save Iran from Communist domination after the be directed from Syria.
shutdown of oil operations, and that this massive Apr. 7: Iraq Minister of Development Dhia Ja'far
aid program inevitably bred mistakes. The Teh- said that Iraq would increase her oil-financed
ran water system report was branded incorrect. public works program from 304,ooo,ooo dinars to
Apr. 20: The director of ICA's mission to Iran 416,ooo,ooo dinars (about $i,i65,000). Greater
said that the Iranian government would take over emphasis would be put on "impact" projects-
the direction of the U. S. foreign aid program those which would bring immediate benefits to
there and that the transfer would be completed the Iraqis. During the previous week, called
by June, 1956. "Public Works Week", King Faysal dedicated a
Apr. 22: U. S. and Iranian medical authorities second flood control dam, over the Euphrates at
began a campaign to wipe out smallpox by Ramadi, and 2 highway bridges over the Eu-
wholesale vaccination of nomadic tribes. The cam- phrates at Hindiya and Kufa below Baghdad.
paign was directed chiefly at the Bakhtiari and Royal Air Force units moved out of Habbaniya
Qashqai tribes. and Shu 'aiba, former British bases in Iraq, in
Apr. 26: Premier Ala denied reports he would re- accordance with the Iraqi-British agreement of
sign, but said he would continue in office until April 4, 1955.
the beginning of the igth legislative term, at Apr. I3: The Wadi Tharthar flood control scheme
which time the Government would resign and to protect Baghdad from spring floods was de-
the Shah designate a new Premier. scribed by Minister of Agriculture Shalabi as
Apr. 29: Iran received 2 jets from the U. S., the having saved the city.
first jet planes received by the Iranian Air May 2: King Faysal opened Baghdad's television
Force. station, first in the Middle East.
Announcement of a 7-year development pro- May I8: King Faysal arrived in Madrid for a state
gram costing $i billion was made by Abol Hasan visit to Spain.
Ebtehaj, head of the 7-year plan organization. May 23: Parliament approved the second phase of
It was described as a revision of a plan made in the $1,400,000,000 development plan for Iraq.
1948, and would be financed through oil revenues. May 26: Dr. Nadhim al-Pachachi, Minister of
May 23: Iran told India in a memorandum that Economy, said that Iraq's oil royalties in 1956
the Baghdad Pact powers had a right to discuss would amount to 80,ooo,ooo dinars.
anything about the Kashmir question which May 27: King Faysal paid an official visit to Sultan
might violate international peace. The memor- Mohammed V of Morocco, then flew to Paris.
andum was in reply to an Indian protest of May 30: The Chamber of Deputies passed the
Apr. 27 against a statement made by the Baghdad new income-tax bill.

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ing of the extreme right-wing Herut party para-
Israel lyzed the World Zionist Congress meeting in
(See also Palestine Problem) Jerusalem.
May 2: Israel released a KLM (Royal Dutch Air-
Mar. 4: Rabbi Yehuda Halberstam, the "wonder lines) plane intercepted on May i and allowed
Rabbi" of Klausenburg, Hungary and a leader of it to proceed to Cairo. The plane, used for
the mystic Hasidim sect in Judaism, arrived in aerial mapping, was flying under charter to the
Israel to begin construction of a new home for Egyptian Government.
his 20,000-30,000 followers at Natanya. May 3: UN Secretary General Hammarskjold
Mar. 5: Protest meetings were held in Haifa and cautioned Israel against resuming the Jordan
Tel Aviv against the visits of American ships to River irrigation project. He said resumption
Israeli ports. would not be compatible with the 1953 Security
Mar. 6: The Israeli Government received a vote of Council resolution telling Israel to suspend the
confidence from the Knesset after Premier Ben- work.
Gurion told the members that Israel would not May 6: The World Zionist Congress was deadlocked
start a war with the Arabs. on whether to praise or denounce the USSR.
Mar. 8: Oil drillers in the Negev struck a second May 7: The World Zionist Congress adopted a
layer of oil in the Heletz area. closing series of resolutions condemning the
Mar. I6: Canada approved the shipment of 3 right-wing faction in Israel for favoring war
categories of arms-shells, electronic equipment, with the Arab states, and denouncing the Arab
and spare parts for Sherman tanks-to Israel. economic boycott of Israel as a violation of the
Mar. i8: Premier Ben-Gurion forecast an attack on principles of the UN.
Israel by the Arab states within the next few A plan was announced in Burma whereby one
months. He said this would be almost certain million acres of land in Burma would be put
unless Israel could obtain sufficient arms in the under wheat cultivation for Israel.
immediate future. May 8: Israel asked the Export-Import Bank for
Mar. 2o: Israel and Finland signed a trade agree- a loan of $75,000,000.
May II: The Mayor of Haifa announced the clos-
Mar. 22: The Knesset approved the budget for the
ing of the industrial exhibition there on Satur-
fiscal year beginning April i. The amount ap-
day, May i2, as a result of strong religious pres-
proved was 769,300,000 Israeli pounds ($307,720,-
sure by Jews as being a desecration of the Sab-
Mar. 24: The first test operation of the new
May I2: Czechoslovakia released Mordecai Oren,
Haifa ammonia plant was a success.
an Israeli citizen and leader of the Mapam (Left
Mar. 29: A 42-mile rail link from Beersheba in
Socialist) Party, who was convicted as a spy in
the Negev to the rest of the Israel rail system was
1952 after testifying at the trial of Rudolf Slan-
formally inaugurated.
sky. He had been visiting Prague as a guest of
Apr. 4: Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett dis-
Czech trade unions. He was sentenced to 15
cussed Israel's security position vis-a-vis the Arab
years imprisonment. The announcement said he
countries with U. S. Ambassador Lawson at Tel
would be expelled at once.
Aviv, and expressed dismay over President Eisen-
hower's continued refusal to send arms to Israel. France said it would deliver 12 Mystere jets
Apr. I I: Israel charged several European govern- to Israel as a last delivery under a contract pre-
ments with an economic boycott against her, but viously agreed upon.
did not identify them. She claimed that European May i8: The U. S. State Department disclosed that
firms doing business in Israel were advised by a shipment of Army surplus half-track vehicles
their governments to submit to illegal practices ordered by Israel had been barred from ship-
designed to hurt Israel's economy. ment after customs authorities discovered they
Apr. I4: Israel received 8 Mystere jet fighter planes were completely assembled, while the export li-
from France. cense had been for half-track spare parts.
Apr. I6: The annual Independence Day parade May 19: Israel said she would not protest the
in Israel emphasized soldiers over weapons, al- U. S. ban on shipment of the half-tracks, but
though French Ouragan jet planes were displayed. would reorder spare parts worth $150,000 from
The display of weapons was smaller than in the dealer.
previous years. May 2I: Premier Ben-Gurion confirmed the state-
Apr. 20: Premier Ben-Gurion told UN Secretary ment made by Egyptian reporter Ibrahim 'Izzat
General Hammarskjold that Israel intended to that he was ready to meet Premier Nasir "any-
resume at her discretion work on the Jordan time, anyplace". He added, however, that no
Valley irrigation project. more Egyptian journalists would be invited to
Apr. 25: A bitter dispute between right and left visit Israel unless Israeli journalists were per-
wing extremists over the expulsion or disciplin- mitted to visit Cairo.

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May 29: The Israeli ship Yurushalaym arrived in Apr. 9: King Husayn arrived in Damascus for
Haifa with iooo immigrants. political discussionswith Syrian president Shukri
Apr. I6: Negotiations between Britain and Jordan
on the future status of the Arab Legion's British
Jordan officers ended with the agreement that Britain
(See also General, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine would continue to lend officersfor training and
Problem, Syria) technical duties until Jordanian officers were
I956 available to replace them.
AMar.I: Trade talks between Jordan and Yugoslavia Apr. 24: King Husayn said in an interview that the
ended with an agreement by Yugoslavia to im- Palestine question was Jordan's main problem
port olive oil, tobacco, phosphates, and other and "a matter of life and death."
Jordanian agricultural and industrial products. Apr. 25: The Jordan Press and Publicity Bureau
The agreement replaced one concluded in 1954. denied published reports from Nablus that Jor-
Mar. 2: King Husayn issued a royal decree reliev- danian authorities had closed the town and vil-
ing Lt. Gen. John Bagot Glubb of his command lage planning officeson the western bank of the
of the Arab Legion. The decree also terminated Jordan. It said that the civil service department
the services of 3 other high-ranking British offi- was studying the requirementsof these officesin
cers of the Legion. It named Brig. Gen. Radi terms of the new budget.
Innab as the new commanderof the Legion. Apr. 26: Jordan announced the arrest of 6 officers
Demonstratorsparaded in Amman denouncing of the Arab Legion "on personal grounds". No
all British influence. charges were disclosed for the arrest.
Mar. 3: Jordan said she would respect the 1948 Apr. 3o: The Jordan Governmentdecided to carry
treaty with Britain. Public explanation of Glubb's out the Dead Sea potash scheme alone, since the
ouster was that he had defied a royal demand to other Arab states had expressed no interest.
reorganize the Legion to meet the danger of an May I: A governmentdecree required that imports
Israeli attack. from Poland, Czechoslovakia, East and West
Mar. 5: Amman quieted down after 3 days of dem- Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France,
onstrations of joy over the ouster of Gen. Glubb. come through the Jordan port of Aqaba in order
Jordanian Premier Samir al-Rifa'i defended the to be licensed.
King's ouster of Glubb as a purely internal May 20: Premier Samir al-Rifa'i and his Cabinet
matter. resigned.
Mar. 8: The new Chief of Staff of the Arab Legion, May 2I: Sa'id al-Mufti was named Premier of Jor-
Maj. Gen. Radi Innab, denied reports of dis- dan and began forming a new cabinet.
agreement among Arab officersof the Legion. May 22: The new Jordan Cabinet was formed as
Mar. I3: King Husayn said his country had no follows:
aggressive intentions toward Israel. He said he Sa'id al-Mufti-Prime Minister
planned no change in his present foreign policy. Fawzi al-Mufti-Vice-Prime Minister, Minister
Mar. I5: The Jordanian Cabinet dissolved the of Education, Foreign Minister
municipal council of Ramallah, and replaced it 'Awni 'Abd al-Hadi-Minister of Health and
with a new council presided over by the district Social Affairs
officer. Muhammad 'Ali al-Ajlani-Minister of De-
Ifar. i6: Nearly $1,ooo,ooo (300,000 dinars) was fense and Interior
collected during the week in voluntary contribu- Bishara Ghasib-Minister of Finance
tions for funds for the National Guard militia, a 'Ali Hasra-Minister of Justice, Acting Min-
force organized to supplement the Arab Legion ister of Agriculture
in the event of war. Sa'id Ala' al-Din-Minister of National Econ-
iMar. 24: An agreement was reported between Jor- omy
dan and Syria uniting the frontiers of the 2 'Ali al-Hindawi-Minister of Public Works
countries. Sam'an Da'ud-Minister of Reconstructionand
Apr. 3: Changes were announced in Cabinet Min- Development
istry posts. Samir al-Rifa'i became Prime Min- Salih al-Majali-Minister of Communications
ister only. Falah Madadha was made Defense and
Interior Minister. The Department of Customs Rashad al-Khatib declined at the last minute to
was attached to the Ministry of Finance. The join the Cabinet. The National Socialist Party
Press and Publicity Bureau and State Tourism did not participate in the Cabinet.
Department were attached to the Foreign Min- New Prime Minister Sa'id al-Mufti said he
istry under Husayn Khalidi. would ask a revision of the defense treaty with
Mar. 31: A Nationalist Chinese trade delegation Britain.
visited Jordan. The leader said Nationalist China May 24: Lt. Col. Ali Abu Nuwar, an enemy of
was ready to buy Jordanian phosphate. former Arab Legion commanderGen John Bagot

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Glubb, was named commander of the Legion. He Sa'ib Salam-Minister without Portfolio
emphasized that Jordan wanted to retain her Muhammad Sabra-Minister of Information,
close ties with Britain and dismissed any sug- Telegraph, Postal, and Telephone
gestion that Jordan would abrogate the defense Mar. 29: Premier al-Yafi won a vote of confidence
treaty. in the Chamber of Deputies. The vote was 24 to
May 26: Under a new program revealed by De- 14, with 2 abstentions.
fense Minister Muhammad 'Ali al-Ajlani, the Apr. I6: Lebanese leaders pledged UN Secretary
Arab Legion would be merged with the Jordanian General Hammarskj6ld that they would accept
National Guard under the title of the Jordanian all proposals to reduce tension in the Middle
Army, and would lose its colorful uniforms and East, providing such proposals would not preju-
badges of rank. dice a just Palestine settlement, violate any Arab
May 27: Former Premier Samir al-Rifa'i accused sovereignty, and be within the scope of Arab-
King Husayn of leading Jordan on the road to Israeli armistice agreements.
solutions of problems by force, when moderation Apr. i9: Premier al-Yafi called the Soviet statement
was needed. supporting UN efforts to obtain peace in the
May 3I: Jordan and Syria announced a military Middle East a victory for American diplomacy.
agreement providing for a permanent body for May 4: The April 30 edition of the New York
military consultation and joint effort in case of Times was removed from newsstands by the po-
war. The agreement came at the end of a 4-day lice. No reason was given for the removal.
visit to Jordan by Syrian president Shukri al- May 5: The USSR offered Lebanon the free serv-
Quwwatli. Other agreements signed during the ices of engineers to rebuild the villages destroyed
visit provided for citizens of each country to travel by the earthquakes of Mar. i6.
to the other without a passport, although they May 8: Business was paralyzed in Beirut because of
were required to carry official identity cards. A a sympathy strike against French policy in
third agreement granted freedom of transit for North Africa. There was no violence.
truck from Lebanon across Syria to Jordan. Syria May I5: King Husayn of Jordan ended a visit to
also agreed to contribute 62,5oo Jordanian dinars Lebanon described as a holiday visit.
(about $175,000) to Jordan's project to produce May 2i: Lebanon and Jordan agreed to coordinate
potash from the Dead Sea. their defense plans and unite their forces in the
event of war. A Jordanian military mission left
Lebanon and returned to Jordan after talks lead-
Lebanon ing to this agreement. The agreement was de-
(See also General, Jordan, Syria) scribed as not involving either country in com-
1956 mitments to the other except in case of an
Mar. II: Salim Lahhud, Minister of Foreign Affairs, emergency.
said that Lebanon was supporting Jordan in her Charles Malik, a leading Lebanese statesman,
efforts to organize a conference of the heads of said that the Western powers must find a sounid
the Arab states to settle their differences. policy toward the Arab countries or see them
Mar. I6: Three earth tremors said to be the most throw in their lot with the USSR.
serious in a quarter-century hit Beirut and May 25: Lebanon began trade talks with National-
nearby areas in Lebanon. ist China.
Afar. I8: The Government announced 132 persons May 31: Premier al-Yafi's government won a vote
dead, 500 injured, and nearly io,ooo homeless, in of confidence by 14 to 6, with 7 abstentions. The
the earthquakes of Mar. i6. Damage was esti- government had asked for the vote after a mo-
mated at $4,500,000. tion by the opposition National Bloc censuring
Afar. 20: Premier 'Abdallah al-Yafi formed a new the government-controlled electricity company
cabinet after 3 days of political maneuvering fol- had been approved by the Chamber of Deputies.
lowing the resignation of the previous cabinet
on Mar. 15. Its members were: Libya
'Abdallah al-Yafi-Premier, Minister of Interior 1956
Emile al-Bustani-Minister of Public Works Mar. I4: British Foreign Secretary Lloyd arrived in
Salim Lahhud-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tripoli for a brief talk with Premier bin Halim
Justice before flying on to Rome.
Majid Arslan-Minister of Defense Mar. 2I: Libya assured Egypt she would not permit
George Karam-Minister of Finance the U. S. and Britain to use military bases for an
Nazih al-Bizri-Minister of Health and Social attack on the Arab states in the event of a war
Affairs with Israel.
Joseph Skaf-Minister of Agriculture Mar. 26: A new government was formed as follows:
George Hakim-Minister of Economy and Ed- Mustafa bin Halim-Premier, Foreign Affairs
ucation Khalil al-Qallal-Minister of State

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'Abd al-Rahman Qalhud-Education welcome in Rabat upon his return from Paris
'Ali al-Sahili-Justice after having secured Morocco's independence.
Salim al-Qadi-Communications Mar. 6: Clashes between Moroccans and Spanish
Muhammad bin 'Uthman-Health troops in the Spanish Zone over the 2 previous
Muhyi al-din Fikini-State days resulted in 32 Moroccans dead and over ioo
Isma'il bin al-Amin-Finance hurt.
Muftah Urayqib-Economy Mar. 7: Sultan ben Youssef broadcast criticisms of
'Ali Jawdah-Defense Spanish troops for their "brutality" in breaking
Mar. 3o: Parliament supported the rejection made up demonstrating Moroccans on Mar. 4-5.
by Premier bin Halim on Mar. 29 of Soviet offers Mar. 8: Lieut. Gen. Rafael Garcia Vallino, High
of economic and technical aid. Commissioner of Spanish Morocco, was called to
Apr. 4: About 5000 Tripoli high school students, Madrid for a meeting with Generalissimo Franco.
protesting French actions in Ageria and the sale Spanish authorities in Tangier and Tetuan
of French jets to Israel, clashed with police. censored the text of the speech broadcast by
Apr. 6: King Idris called for President Eisenhower's Sultan ben Youssef on Mar. 7.
active intervention in North Africa, in a note to Mar. IO: Moulay Hassan ben al-Mahdi, the Sultan's
AmbassadorTappin. chief representative in Spanish Morocco, said that
Police broke up anti-French demonstrationsin his country was capable of unity and independ-
Tripoli. ence and would resist any action endangering
Apr. 7: The government announced that the U. S. these.
would give Libya $s,ooo,0oo in aid before June Mar. 17: Abrahib Bouabid, a member of the Istiqlal
30, an increase of $2,ooo,ooo. executive committee, said on his return to Casa-
Apr. 9: Premier bin Halim attended the meeting of blanca from Paris that a satisfactory solution to
the Arab League in Cairo. the Riff question had been reached.
May 22: A shipment of U. S. military equipment Mar. i8: Alal al-Fasi, head of the Istiqlal Party,
arrived in Tripoli for the Libyan Army. It was said that the Moroccan Government was deter-
the first of 3 shipments promised to Libya as mined to respect foreign interests in Tangier and
part of a joint British-Americanarms grant to the rest of Morocco. He insisted, however, that
Libya totalling $i,ooo,ooo. no part of Morocco remain under foreign con-
May 23: Premier bin Halim said that 2 principal trol. He promised equal protection to European
issues which could cause friction between Libya and Jewish minorities.
and Britain and the U. S. were the present West- Mar. 22: Sultan ben Youssef took over responsibility
ern attitudes toward Israel and Algeria. for the enforcement of law and order in Morocco.
May 26: Libya and Egypt signed new trade and He took the title of Supreme Commander of the
payments agreements.The agreementswould pro- Royal Armed Forces. Prince Moulay Hassan, his
vide for easier methods of payment for exports, son and heir apparent, was designated chief of
and exchange Egyptian foodstuffs for Libyan the general staff. Ahmad Reda Guedira, Minister
cattle. It would also establish a joint Chamber of State, was named head of the Ministry of Na-
of Commerce in both countries to strengthen tional Defense.
trade relations. Mar. 24: Sultan ben Youssef told U. S. Ambassador
to France Douglas Dillon that he supported the
Algerian drive for independence.
Mar. 30: Thirty chiefs of the Moroccan "Army of
Morocco Liberation" from the Riff swore fealty to Sultan
(See also Iraq) ben Youssef in a ceremony at Rabat.
1956 Apr. 4: Spain formally declared the end of Spanish
Mar. z: Ahmad Balafrej, secretarygeneral of the rule in Morocco and recognized Moroccan inde-
Istiqlal Party, said that between a week and io pendence and unity.
days would be needed before a ceasefire order Apr. 7: At the conclusion of talks between Sultan
sent to nationalists fighting the French in the ben Youssef and Generalissimo Franco, Spain and
Riff and northeastern Morocco reached all of Morocco issued a joint declaration setting the
them and stopped hostilities. basis for liquidation of the Spanish protectorate
Mar. 2: France ended her protectorate over Mo- in Morocco. Unlike the Franco-Moroccan agree-
rocco. A joint declaration issued by the French ment of Mar. 2, the Spanish-Moroccan agreement
Government and Moroccan Sultan ben Youssef recognized only the need for "free collaboration"
said that the protectorate of 1912 could not gov- between Spain and Morocco, whereas the French
ern French-Moroccan relations any longer. A agreement recognized the need for "interdepend-
protocol signed simultaneously made the French ence". Morocco agreed to Spanish retention of
Resident Minister a High Commissioner and armed forces in Morocco during the transfer of
limited his powers. powers, and to Spanish assistance in foreign re-
Mar. 5: Sultan ben Youssef received a tumultuous lations and defense. Moroccan Sultan Mohammed

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V was granted immediate legislative powers. May 5: Moroccan Foreign Minister Balafrej left for
Apr. 8: Moroccan workers at U. S. air bases in Paris for consultations on Morocco's future re-
Morocco scheduled a wage strike demanding lations with other countries.
wage increases averaging 17% for Apr. 9. The 4 more Moroccans were murdered in revenge
Union of American Air Base Workers sponsored slayings among followers of the late Pasha Thami
the strike. The most important of 14 demands al Glaoui of Marrakech.
submitted to U. S. representatives by the union May I5: Moroccan guerillas released 6 French
was for a flat wage increase of 5000 francs to the Senegalese soldiers captured May 7 and presented
lowest paid category of workers. them to Sultan Mohammed V.
Apr. 9: Sultan Mohammed V visited Tetuan. It May I9: Morocco and France signed a diplomatic
was the first time in 67 years that a Sultan had agreement permitting Morocco to extend diplo-
visited the city. matic recognition to a number of countries.
Apr. I2: The strike of workers at U. S. military May 26: The Moroccan national anthem was played
bases in Morocco ended with the understanding at the beginning of the Moroccan Radio's regular
that negotiations would begin at once to estab- broadcast, replacing the Marseillaise, for the first
lish a new wage scale. time in a6 years.
Apr. I5: About ioo Europeans demonstrated in May 28: France and Morocco signed a treaty bring-
Casablanca against French Radical leader ing their foreign policies into alignment. Article
Mend6s-France, who had come to Morocco to 2 of the treaty stated that Morocco would assume
attend a meeting of the Moroccan branch of the the obligations contracted in her name by France
party. in international treaties. The Franco-American
Apr. i7: Two French residents of Morocco were ar- treaty of 1950 permitting establishment of U. S.
rested in the garden of the French High Com- air bases in Morocco was specifically exempted
missioner in Rabat and charged with attempting from the treaty.
to murder Radical leader Mendes-France. May 30: The irregular Army of Liberation which
Apr. I8: A riot between members of the Istiqlal carried on guerilla warfare with the French prior
party and the governor of the Larache region of to Moroccan independence issued a communique
Spanish Morocco, Pasha Raissouni, and his sup- accusing French troops still in Morocco of provo-
porters, resulted in 6 killed and 15 wounded. cations, and demanded their immobilization.
Apr. 22: An explosion at Oujda, French Morocco,
killed 5 persons.
Apr. 26: Sultan Mohammed V named Ahmad Bala- Pakistan
frej, secretary general of the Istiqlal Party, For- (See also Afghanistan, India)
eign Minister. The appointment gave the Istiqlal 1956
a majority of one in the Moroccan Cabinet. Mar. I: An agreement reached between the British
A French colonel commanding a French motor- Admiralty and the Pakistan Navy provided for
ized infantry unit was kidnapped by North Afri- Britain to sell Pakistan 4 destroyers and i cruiser.
cans near Oujda, eastern Morocco. Mar. 2: The U. S. announced it would ship at least
Apr. 30: All 9 Moroccan members of the Tangier i65,000 tons of rice to Pakistan to help avert a
International Legislative Assembly walked out food shortage there. 6o,ooo tons of the rice were
on a procedural question, after a Moroccan dele- to be a gift from the American people; the re-
gate introduced a surprise motion tending to mainder was to be sold under an agriculture com-
limit the Assembly's legislative powers which was modity agreement providing for payment in
then ruled out of order by William Bird of the Pakistani currency.
U. S., vice-president of the Assembly. Bird Pakistan became officially an Islamic Republic;
claimed the Assembly had no power to amend subsequently the Constituent Assembly passed a
the Tangier Statute. The walkout left the As- resolution approving membership in the British
sembly with a membership of 20. Commonwealth.
May 2: Riots in Marrakech between nationalists Mar. 3: Pakistani protests against his past role as
and supporters of the late Pasha Thami al Glaoui Viceroy of India apparently caused British Lord
left 15 dead. Mountbatten to cancel his trip to SEATO meet-
Foreign Minister Balafrej visited Tangier and ings in Karachi.
said that the non-Moroccan delegates to the As- Mar. 9: Representatives of the SEATO countries,
sembly had indicated full agreement to the prin- meeting in Karachi, promised to support Pakistan
ciple of Tangerine unification into a unified in her dispute with Afghanistan over the Pathans
Morocco. in her Northwest Frontier Province. The confer-
May 3: i8 more supporters of al Glaoui were killed ence also reaffirmed SEATO support for UN
in riots in Morocco. resolutions calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir.
Mlay 4: Kaid Lahcen, Moroccan Minister of Inter- Pakistan said that the Soviet loan to Afghanistan
ior, resigned following 3 days of disorders be- was a smokescreen for supplying Communist
tween nationalists and supporters of al Glaoui. arms to the Afghan army.

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Mar. 15: The 1956-57 budget was adopted. exchange. He added that the chief bottleneck in
Mar. I7: Foreign Minister Hamidul Huq Choud- executing the plan was the dearth of skilled man-
hury charged India with 6 border violations be- power and of technical talent.
tween Feb. 17 and Mar. 14. May 22: The provincial government of East Paki-
Mar. 24: Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan, stan fell after a ruling by Speaker Abdul Hakim
who led a 40-man Soviet delegation to Pakistan that the provincial cabinet headed by Governor
Republic Day ceremonies, made a definite offer Abu Husayn Sarkar was not competent to pre-
of economic assistance to Pakistan, no strings sent the annual budget.
attached. May 24: The USSR announced it would contribute
Mar. 25: President Iskander Mirza addressed the 20,000 tons of wheat and the same amount of rice
first session of the National Assembly, and warned to alleviate a famine in East Pakistan.
India against repeated border violations, which An agreement was signed between Pakistan
he said could lead to suicidal war between the and Shell Oil, by which an operating company,
two countries. Pakistan Shell Oil Ltd. would be formed to
Mar. 26: Pakistan said she would decline offers of search for oil over io,ooo square miles in West
Soviet aid. Pakistan and 0o,ooo in East Pakistan.
Mar. 30: A severe wheat shortage was reported in May 3i: A Soviet trade mission arrived in Karachi.
West Pakistan. Mir Waiz Mohammed Yusuf Shah was named
Mar. 3I: Prime Minister Mohammed Ali declared president of the caretaker government of Azad
that the Kashmir dispute was a threat to inter- Kashmir, at the conclusion of unity talks between
national peace. He said that Indian intransi- the various groups of the Jammu and Kashmir
geance was entirely responsible for the deadlock Moslem Conference.
on Kashmir's disposition. The WBestPakistan Assembly passed the budget
Apr. 6: Prime Minister Mohammed Ali said that for the 1956 fiscal year.
the Kashmir dispute would be returned to the
UN Secturity Council.
Apr. 9: Thirty supporters of Opposition parties in
Parliament were arrested following demonstra-
Palestine Problem
tions against Parliament's refusal to invalidate (See also Egypt, Libya, Syria)
laws tinder which persons suspected of political 1956
activities disloyal to the state can be detained in- Mar. 3: An exchange of fire was reported along the
definitely without trial. Gaza strip. No casualties were listed.
The Government signed an agreement with Mar. 4: Two Israeli policemen were killed in a
the Hunt International Oil Co. of Texas to begin clash with Syrian coastal positions on the north-
oil exploration along 20,000 square miles along east corner of the Sea of Galilee.
the Arabian Sea coast. Mar. 5: Syrian machinegunners shot down an
Completion of the first General Motors car on Israeli plane on the northeast frontier. The pilot
Pakistan's GM assembly line was announced. was wounded but brought the plane down safely.
Apr. 22: An ambush of a Pakistan Army patrol An Israeli patrol clashed with Egyptian scouts
near Fort Sandeman by s5o Afghan tribesmen re- in the area of Hatzerim, west of Beersheba. One
sulted in 8 killed and 5 wounded from the patrol. Egyptian was killed and two captured.
Apr. 29: Pir Ziauddin Indarabi, Health and Re- Mar. 9: Jordanians raided the Jerusalem corridor
habilitation Minister of Azad Kashmir, an- village of Naham at night, killing one villager.
nounced the formation of a new political party, One Jordanian was killed.
the Jammu and Kashmir Freedom League. Mar. 15: A UN commission condemned both Jor-
Apr. 30: The West Pakistan Cabinet was expanded dan and Israel for a battle in the village of
by the swearing in of 2 new ministers. Barta'a on March 12. A Jordanian woman and
Dr. M. L. A. Khan Sahib, Chief Minister of an Israeli policeman were killed, and 2 Jordan-
West Pakistan Province, announced that his new ians wounded, in that clash.
opposition party, the Republican Party, had the Mar. I7: Israel reported driving three groups of
support of 12 additional Moslem League mem- Egyptian infiltrators back into the Gaza strip.
bers in the national parliament. He reported that Egypt accused Israel of an attack on an Arab
on Apr. 29 io of the 35 Moslem League members refugee camp in the strip.
of the parliament had resigned from the League Mar. i9: In a letter to Israeli President Izhak Ben-
and joined his party. Zvi, President Eisenhower assured Israel that the
May 13: Pakistan issued her first 5-year plan for U. S. Government is actively seeking a peaceful
economic development. The plan envisaged a solution of the Arab Israel dispute.
total outlay of $2,200,000,000. Prime Minister Israel reported an attack by the Arab Legion
Mohammed Ali said that a gap of $700,000,000 on an Israeli force near Beersheba, in the first
existed between the total and the amount of border incident in that area since 1954.
funds available, due to Pakistan's lack of foreign In Baghdad, Premier Nuri al-Sa'id of Iraq said

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that Iraq would give help to any Arab state at- truce chief Burns that Israel would not retaliate
tacked by Israel. against Egypt for the series of Arab attacks of
Mar. 24: The UNRWA in Palestine issued a state- April 7, within 48 hours. He added, however, that
ment requesting UN headquarters to review the unless unequivocal assurances were obtained
question of continuing its work in Syria, after from Egypt that Israel must reserve freedom of
Syrian Minister of Health Dr. Badri Abbad, had action.
charged that the agency was deliberately extermi- UN Secretary General Hammarskjold cut short
nating Arab refugees. his visit to Rome and prepared to leave for the
Mar. 29: Israel and Syria exchanged prisoners at Middle East earlier than intended, due to mount-
Bnot-Yaakov. Five Israelis and 41 Syrians were ing tension there.
freed. Apr. Io: A 5-man fedayeen band that penetrated to
Mar. 3I: Syrians freed by Israel as war prisoners told within 15 miles of Tel Aviv was surrounded and
reporters they had been tortured in an Israel killed by Israeli border police near Nir Galim.
attempt to wrest military secrets from them. Other fedayeen bands killed three Israelis and
Apr. I: A Jordanian attack on an Israeli military blew up an irrigation pipeline at Bayt Rayim on
team with UN observers investigating another the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Foreign Ministry is-
attack in the Samarian hills was reported on the sued a statement declaring that Egypt's failure to
eve of Easter. comply with the UN ceasefire terms within 48
Apr. 4: The UN Security Council unanimously re- hours left Israel no choice but to reserve to her-
quested Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold self freedom of action. A UN spokesman said the
to go to the Middle East to work out improved period was "the most dangerous since the armis-
armistice relations between the Arab States and tice."
Israel. The resolution asked the Secretary Gen- Syrian patrols fired on an Israeli patrol that
eral to make a month's survey of present com- crossed the armistice line into Syrian territory
pliance with armistice agreements, and to arrange near Ein Gev, in the Zawiah area.
any measures which would reduce tension among Apr. Il: Hammarskjold was reported to have of-
both sides. fered concrete proposals previously approved by
Representatives of the Baghdad Pact met in the Security Council to Egyptian Premier Nasir.
Teheran to discuss Communist subversion in the Apr. I2: Arab assassination squads killed 4 Israelis
area covered by the Pact. and wounded 5 in an attack on an evening prayer
Apr. S: Dag Hammarskjold said at a news confer- service at Habaad, southeast of Tel Aviv. A
ence that he did not expect his mission to the Yemenite couple was wounded at Ahiezer, nearby,
Middle East to accomplish miracles. by fedayeen grenades.
A ceasefire arranged by UN officials halted a An air battle between Egyptian and Israeli jet
ten-hour battle in the Gaza strip. Egypt reported fighters over the Negev resulted in the shooting
42 killed and more than ioo wounded, but a later down of one Egyptian jet.
Cairo report to the UN Security Council put the Both Israel and Egypt promised Hammarskjold
figure at 33 civilians killed and 92 wounded. to refrain from warlike acts along their borders.
Israel reported 6 wounded. However, each nation reserved to itself the right
Apr. 6: Two breaches of the ceasefire were re- of self-defense in the event of future incidents.
ported in the Gaza strip. UN truce chief Major Hammarskjold sent a message to Israeli Premier
General Burns postponed his trip to Rome to Ben-Gurion urging him for assurances that Is-
confer with UN Secretary General Hammarskj6ld rael's troops would abstain from acts of war along
due to his fear of a breakdown in ceasefire ar- the Egyptian frontier.
rangements and for the safety of UN personnel Apr. I4: Hammarskjold toured the Gaza area and
in Gaza. UN observers reported 55 civilians killed then held an informal conference with Israeli
in the April 5 artillery duel between Israeli artil- officials at Lydda.
lery and Egyptian forces in Gaza. Five Israeli soldiers were wounded by a land
UN Secretary Hammarskjold left for the mine in the Gaza area.
Middle East. He said he was counting on the full Apr. 17: Israeli forces fired on Egyptian positions
cooperation of all parties in the Arab-Israeli three times. There were no casualties.
dispute to being a peace settlement. The USSR offered to support a UN settlement
Apr. 7: Arab suicide squads, called fedayeen, staged of the Arab-Israeli conflict and called for meas-
reprisal raids on Nizamin near Beersheba, Faluja, ures to ease tension in the Middle East without
and Shoval, a kibbutz north of Beersheba. A external intervention.
pumping station was blown up at Ascalon, and Apr. I9: Hammarskjold announced that Egypt and
several civilians wounded. Israel had agreed to carry out a ceasefire as of
Egypt accused Israel of breaking the truce first 6 p.m. April i8. Israel agreed to permit more
on April 5, by firing shots from the Damra area freedom of movement for UN truce observers
northwest of Gaza. along the demarcation line and for the creation
Apr. 8: Israeli Premier Ben-Gurion promised UN of fixed observer posts along the Gaza strip.

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Apr. 23: Syrian fire forced a fleet of 15 Israeli fish- She claimed occupation of El Auja was necessary
ing craft from the controversial northeast corner for her security, but agreed to hold meetings at a
of the Sea of Galilee. third neutral site to discuss arrangements for
Hammarskjold flew to Damascus for talks with implementation of the Palestine ceasefire.
Syrian officials. May I7: Israeli troops surrounded the Arab village
Apr. 24: Four Israelis were ambushed and killed in of Zalafa and put it under curfew, following an
the Negev Desert in a revival of Arab raids across ambush of two Israelis on a motorcycle in the
the Jordanian frontier. The Israelis were sur- Wadi Arab Pass near the village on May 15. The
veyors working in the Wadi Aravah. village was suspected of harboring sympathizers
Apr. 26: Egypt accepted all the principles and most who had aided the alleged infiltrators who caused
of the specific items in Hainmarskjold's plan for the incident. Several arrests were made.
ending Arab-Israeli tensions. The only reported May 2i: Arab infiltrators ambushed an Israeli pa-
deadlock was the question of how far their troops trol near the Lebanese border and wounded one
were to be withdrawn from the demarcation line member.
agreed upon. May 23: Israel expressed readiness to discuss meas-
Apr. 28: Hammarskjold returned to Cairo to make ures to improve the truce supervision along the
physical arrangements for a permanent guarantee Gaza strip. She agreed to set up 6 observation
of the Egyptian-Israeli ceasefire. posts along her side of the truce line to corres-
Apr. 29: Israel reported a breach of the ceasefire pond with 6 Egyptian ones already agreed upon.
agreement near Gaza with 2 Israelis killed and May 24: UN truce chief Burns announced that
two wounded. An Israeli settler was dragged Israel had refused to sanction meetings of the
across the truce line and mutilated while at- Mixed Armistice Commission at El Auja, on
tempting to thwart Arab infiltrators. grounds that the demilitarized area was Israeli
Apr. 30: Hammarskjold opened final truce talks territory. He also censured Jordan for an attack
with Premier Ben-Gurion. on Israeli forces on Mt. Scopus, where an Israeli
May i: Syria's demands that Israel not attempt to policeman was wounded.
divert Jordan waters for irrigation purposes May 28: Britain proposed that Hammarskjold be
stalled acceptance of a Syrian ceasefire. asked to continue his efforts toward reducing
May 3: Hammarskjold reported positive results tension in the Middle East.
from his Middle East trip, including uncondi- May 3I: Arab UN delegates attacked the British-
tional guarantees of a ceasefire. sponsored resolution to ask Hammarskjold to
May 5: Jordan Defense Minister Falah Madadha continue his efforts toward a peace settlement
said Jordan had not yet issued her ceasefire order. on the Middle East on 2 points. One was the
He said she was waiting for a firm Israeli pledge failure to state the exact authority to be granted
to Syria not to proceed with diversion of the River to Hammarskjold; the other was the endorse-
Jordan. ment of a peace settlement "on a mutually agree-
May 7: A border clash was reported near the vil- able basis." Syrian delegate Shuqairi rejected the
lage of Khan Yunis. Israeli troops placed the Arab resolution completely and called it "poison". He
village of Taibeh, near the Jordan border, under said that to obtain a settlement with Israel it
a curfew, and searched for Arab commandos. would be necessary to write off every UN resolu-
May 8: Israel blamed the U. S. Chairman of the tion on Palestine since the 1947 partition.
Mixed Armistice Commission, Commander Elmer
Terrill, for refusing to find Jordan guilty of a
breach in the ceasefire.
May io: Hammarskjold reported to the Security
Persian Gulf
Council that a will to peace existed in the Middle (See also Syria)
East, and urged encouragement of this feeling. Mar. 8: The 6 members recently appointed to the
He called for a waiting period while the results new Education Council to complement the
of his peace mission developed. elected members were asked to resign by the
May i I: Hammarskjold rebuked Israel for an in- higher executive committee of the Government
correct version of the Nirim incident of May 7, of Bahrayn because of non-cooperation.
claiming the Egyptians had staged the incident. Mar. I i: A general strike of refinery workers on
May I2: Egyptian Premier Nasir paid a surprise Bahrayn began.
visit to the Egyptian-held Gaza strip. He de- Mar. 17: Workers in Bahrayn ended their strike
clared that his Government considered the Strip and returned to work after an announcement
a part of Egypt. that the British Government was ready to lend
May I5: Israel rejected a suggestion by UN truce support to the ruling shaykh, Sir Salman ibn
chief Burns that the Mixed Armistice Commis- Hamad al-Khalifah, to maintain law and order.
sion resume meetings in the El Auja (Nitsana) The strike was reported aimed at securing a
demilitarized zone, now occupied by Israeli forces. larger voice in their affairs for the people, and

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against the influence of the Shaykh's British
advisor, Sir Charles Belgrave.
Mar. 24: The shaykh of Kuwait authorized the (See also Egypt)
Iraq Petroleum Company to survey a route for 1956
a pipeline across Kuwait territory from Basra Mar. 15: The Sudan Government completed an
oilfields to the Kuwait coast between Kuwait agreement with the Soviet delegation visiting the
town and Mina al-Ahmadi. Sudan to set up a Soviet embassy in Khartoum.
Apr. 6: A Kuwait oil tanker company was formed Mar. 2I: The Sudan was designated officially "The
under the auspices of the shaykh of Kuwait with Republic of the Sudan."
a nominal capital of ?3,700,000. Mar. 24: The Government earmarked LE ig,ooo as
May 17: Sir Charles Belgrave, advisor to the ruler compensation to the families of the farmers who
of Bahrayn, announced that press censorship died at Kosti.
would end in Bahrayn on May 21 for the 3 Mar. 3i: President Eisenhower named Lowell C.
Arabic biweekly newspapers in the shaykhdom. Pinkerton as first U. S. Ambassador to the Sudan.
May 27: Between 20 and 30 persons were arrested Apr. 2: Premier Sayyid Isma'il al-Azhari stated that
in Kuwait for alleged Communist activities in a the Sudan considered itself at war with Israel
series of raids; a large quantity of Communist since joining the Arab League.
literature was found. Apr. I5: Premier al-Azhari said that negotiations
were continuing with a Czech military mission
visiting the Sudan. He disclosed that the USSR
had offered economic and technical aid to the
Saudi Arabia Sudan. He said his country opposed any foreign
(See also General, Egypt, Yemen) alliances, and supported Egypt on the question
I1956 of Israel and would support any Arab countries
Mar. 3: Saudi Arabia received 2 fighter planes attacked by Israel. He said he was sure Egypt
from Egypt. and the Sudan would reach agreement on the
Mar. 6: King Sa'ud arrived in Cairo for talks with sharing of the Nile waters.
Premier Nasir and Syrian president al-Quwwatli Three members of the opposition Umma party
on Arab defense alighnments. were released from jail. They were serving sen-
Mar. I5: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaykh tences of 5 to 14 years for disorders during the
Yusuf Yasin said that Saudi Arabia was nego- opening of Parliament in March, 1954.
tiating with Britain for a peaceful settlement of Apr. i8: The Sudan decided to accept an Egyptian
the Buraimi Oasis dispute. offer of military equipment, including tanks and
The Saudi Arabian Government gave Jordan armored cars.
1oo,ooo dinars as a first instalment of the assist- Apr. 22: Sudanese Foreign Undersecretary Sayyid
ance Saudi Arabia had decided to give to the Muhammad 'Uthman Yasmin left for Addis
Jordanian National Guard. Ababa at the head of a delegation to discuss set-
Mar. 28: The i8 Walker Bulldog tanks ordered from tlement of Sudanese property in Gambala, an
the U. S. and shipped on Feb. i8 to Saudi Arabia important coffee trading center under Ethiopian
arrived in Dammam. control.
A squadron of Egyptian jet aircraft arrived in Apr. 25: The Umma party issued a statement on its
Jidda and were delivered to Saudi Arabia under new policy. It would endeavor to form an Islamic
the terms of the bilateral alliance with Egypt. democratic republic, follow the democratic sys-
Apr. 5: King Sa'ud officially inaugurated the exten- tem of government, and advocate a legislative
sion of the Holy Mosque in Mecca, a project policy based on religious laws and an economic
estimated to cost SR 500,ooo,00o ($125,000,000). policy based on socialist principles.
Apr. 8: King Sa'ud expressed his support of Egypt Apr. 26: Workers in the Goudahr agricultural
in its conflict with Israel over the Gaza Sector. scheme, scene of demonstrations in February
Apr. 2I: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen signed which led to the arrest and death of 200 farmers
a trilateral military alliance at Jidda to run for at Kosti, went on strike in protest against the
5 years. dismissal of their trade union president.
Apr. 26: A British delegation arrived in Jidda for Apr. 29: Three Sudanese workers left for Peking
talks on Saudi-British differences. It was led by to represent the federation of Sudanese trade
Foreign Office Undersecretary Dodds-Parker. unions in May Day celebrations.
May i6: The U. S. Defense Department confirmed May 2: Full agreement was announced by the
that a consignment of ammunition and other Sudan and Ethiopia on the settlement of Su-
military equipment had left Sunny Point, N. C., danese property in Gambala.
for shipment to Saudi Arabia. The shipment, Foreign Minister Zarruq said that until the
valued at less than $1,o00,ooo, was part of a sale currency question was settled between Egypt and
authorized in August, 1955. the Sudan he would not agree to talks on the

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division of the Nile waters between the two Apr. 3: The Chamber of Deputies passed a resolu-
countries. tion recommending that the Arab League ap-
May 30: The Chamber of Deputies approved the prove an economic, political, and cultural boy-
second reading of the currency bill (the first cott of France if she continued her aggressive
reading was approved on May 28). policies in Algeria.
Foreign Minister Zarruq said that the Sudan Syria and the USSR ratified trade and payments
would take no decision on recognition of Com- agreements.
munist China until after the Sudan's application Apr. 6: The conference of the Syrian, Lebanese,
for UN membership was approved. Jordanian and Kuwait committees of "Every
May 3I: Sayyid Ahmad Muhammad Salah was re- Citizen is Sentry" was ended in Damascus. It
placed as president of the Sudanese Sovereignty adopted resolutions that the Arab boycott of
Council by Sayyid 'Abd al-Fattah al-Maghrabi. Israel should be tightened.
Five thousand employees of the Iraq Petroleum
Company in Syria ended their il-day strike for
Syria more wages.
Apr. I2: Minister of Defense Sayyid Rashad Bar-
(See also General, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Palestine Problem, Saudi Arabia, Yemen) mada received a delegation of Kuwaiti youth
who presented a check for $145,000 towards Ku-
1956 wait's contribution to the equipment of the Syrian
Mar. i: The budget committee of the Syrian Army.
Chamber of Deputies approved the Syrian civil Apr. I4: T'he Syrian Government refused to con-
defense budget of ?S 18,500,ooo. clude a loan with the IBRD because of a condi-
AMar.3: The Chamber of Deputies approved bills tion that IBRD loans be used through con-
setting up model villages and an Arab civil avia- tractors and technical advisors from countries
tion council, and ratified the air agreement with who are members of the IBRD.
Denmark. Apr. I6: An exchange of fire occurred between
Mar. 6: Syria complained to the Mixed Armistice Syrian army units and a Turkish patrol at Suk-
Commission of Israeli violation of Syrian air karia in the Euphrates governate.
space on Mar. 5: Apr. 17: Workers in the Homs Electric Company
The first issue of the Communist French-lan- went on strike.
guage newspaper Syria was published in Damas-
Apr. I9: Two Syrians were killed by a Turk in
Aleppo governate.
President Shukri al-Quwwatli joined the heads
of Egypt and Saudi Arabia in a conference at Apr. 2I: An Atoms-For-Peace exhibition opened in
Damascus by the American Embassy under super-
Cairo to plan a coordinated Arab defense against
Israel. vision of the Ministry of Education.
Mar. 7: The first American shipment of aid to A general strike took place throughout Syria
in protest against French policy in Algeria. In
Palestinian refugees was unloaded in Beirut.
Mar. I6: Syria lodged two complaints with the Damascus 30,ooo demonstrators urged a French
Turko-Syrian Joint Border Commission. One was boycott.
that a Turkish patrol had fired on 3 Syrians in Apr. 28: The Homs Electric Co. strike ended with
Harem District, killing one. The other was a the workers receiving higher wages and a bonus.
violation of Syrian territory by a Turkish armed Eight members of the Syrian Popular party
unit which attempted to seize cattle from the (hizb al-qawmi) were sentenced to death and ten
village of Zawiat Elzerbeh. The attempt was others received prison terms for complicity in the
unsuccessful. assassination of Col. Adnan al-Malki, assistant
Mar. I7: A Soviet cultural delegation arrived in chief of staff of the Army, on April 22, 1955.
Damascus to present a Stalin peace award to Apr. 29: West German banks offered to lend Syria
Shaykh Muhammad al-Ashmar, Syrian religious $72,ooo,ooo payable in 2 installments over a 2-
leader. year period. Syria would use the loan to buy
Mar. I9: Syrian students demonstrated against West German products at world prices.
French violence in Algeria. Apr. 30: Eleven were killed in a battle between
A Bulgarian trade delegation arrived in Da- supporters of the leftist Hinchak party and the
mascus. Tashnak National party during a service in the
Mar. 22: The first conference of Arab labor unions Armenian Orthodox Church in Aleppo.
opened in Damascus. May 2I: Sayyid Asad Harun, Minister of State for
Mar. 24: Police guarded the French, British, and Wakfs, resigned following the resignation of
U. S. embassies in Damascus as 15,ooo students Minister of Justice Munir al-Ajlani.
demonstrated against France's North African May 24: Clashes in the Hama area between the
policy. The demonstrators carried green and Socialist Ba'th party and landowners resulted in
white Algerian flags. 1 killed and 41 injured.

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Muhammad Sulayman al-Ahmad became the dependence. He urged France to recognize Al-
new Minister of Justice. geria's sovereignty.
May 28: The i8 sentences imposed on officials of Violent demonstrations broke out in Tunis, in-
the Syrian Popular Party for the assissination of spired by adherents of exiled political leader Salah
Col. Malki were reversed. ben Youssef, Bourguiba's opponent. Five demon-
May 29: Syria decided to forbid the export of strators were arrested.
wheat to France and Alegria. Mar. 23: Habib Bourguiba assailed the speech by
May 3I: Ahmad Shuqairi, Syria's UN delegate, American Ambassador Dillon in Paris supporting
told the Security Council that history, law, and France's position toward Algeria.
cultural heritage supported his claim that Pales- A minor official of the Neo-Destour party was
tine is a part of Syria. kidnapped and killed in Tamarza by a secret
terroristic organization called the Black Sword,
that supports exiled political leader Salah ben
Tunisia Mar. 25: National Front candidates for a constituent
1956 assembly apparently won all the seats in the as-
Mar. 8: Dr. Sadok Mokkadem, Minister of Public sembly in the national elections. Between 8o
Health, who assumed the duties of Premier Tahar and 85% of registered voters were reported vot-
ben Ammar during the latter's visit to Paris, told ing. Of 120,232 votes cast, National Front candi-
43 visiting U. S. reporters that an independent dates won i18,198 and Communists 1,693.
Tunisia would serve as a link between the Arab Mar. 26: An unknown terrorist killed Husayn
League and the West. Bouzaiane, Secretary General of the Neo-Destour
Mar. 9: A mob of French extremists in Tunis at- Federation of Gafsa and professor of Arabic
tacked the U. S. Consulate and the U. S. In- culture at the Grand Mosque in Tunis, in Gafsa.
formation Library, causing extensive damage. Bouzaiane had just been elected to the constituent
Two Europeans were murdered by supporters of assembly.
the outlawed nationalist leader Salah ben Yous- Apr. 7: The Tunisian Government gained control
sef, who had opposed all cooperation with over that portion of the local police which had
France. The riots began at a cemetery outside been under French authority, following 4 days
Tunis at the funeral of 2 French farmers mur- of negotiations.
dered by terrorists. Two local newspapers were Apr. 8: The inaugural session of the Tunisian Na-
also vandalized. Damage to U. S. property was tional Constituent Assembly got under way in
unofficially assessed at $2o,ooo. Tunis. Habib Bourgpiba, leader of the Neo-
Mar. 13: The largest clash reported in Tunisia in Destour party, was elected president of the As-
the past i8 months took place in the Matmata sembly by acclamation.
Mtns. near Mednine. Ten French soldiers were Apr. io: Habib Bourguiba agreed to head the
wounded in a fight with outlaws joined by 200 new government of independent Tunisia as
of the dissident Beni Khadeshe Berber tribe. Premier, after a request by the Bey of Tunis that
Mar. I5: Tunisia's first national election campaign he do so.
got under way when the Neo-Destour party Apr. I4: Premier Bourguiba formed a cabinet, as
issued its National Front platform calling for a follows:
liberal constitutional monarchy along Western Habib Bourguiba-Premier, Defense, Foreign
lines but avoiding the question of a state religion. Minister
The platform specified the following principles: Bahi Ladgham-Vice-Premier (Neo-Destour)
a constitutional monarchy under the Bey of Mongi Slim-Minister of State (Neo-Destour)
Tunis; democratic institutions, including a uni- Muhammad Masmoudi-Minister of State (Neo-
cameral parliament and an elected municipal Destour)
legislature; separation of legislative, judicial, and Fayed Mehiri-Minister of Interior (Neo-
executive powers; freedom of thought, press, and Destour)
assembly, and social justice, with guaranteed Ahmad Hestiri-Minister of Justice (Neo-
rights to work, security of employment, free Destour)
and obligatory public schools, a public medical Hadji Nouira-Minister of Finance (Neo-
program, and the emancipation of women. Destour)
Mar. I6: Fighting continued in the south of Ferdjani ben Ammar-Minister of Trade and
Tunisia between French and rebel forces on the Industry (Shopkeepers' Union)
eve of the national elections. Mustafa Filali-Minister of Agriculture (UGTT,
Mar. I7: France officially recognized the independ- trade union federation)
ence of Tunisia. Ezedine Abassi-Minister of Public Works
Mar. 22: Habib Bourguiba, leader of the Neo- (UGTT)
Destour party, returned to Tunisia after the Mahmud Khiari-Minister of Post Office
signing of the protocol recognizing Tunisian in- (UGTT)

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Lamine Chabbi-Minister of Education (UGTT) Mar. 3: An economic agreement was signed be-
Mahmud Makeri-Minister of Health (In- tween the Foreign Ministry and a Syrian delega-
dependent) tion led by Economy Minister Rizqallah Antaki.
Andre Barouch-Minister of Housing (Shop- Mar. io: Turkey received the news of the deporta-
keepers' Union) tion of Archbishop Makarios from Cyprus with
Muhammad Cakroun-Minister of Social Affairs elation. All Istanbul morning papers featured it.
(Neo-Destour) Mar. ii: British Foreign Secretary Lloyd arrived in
There were two secretaries of state, Beochir Ankara on an official visit. He held a press con-
Yahmed (Neo-Destour) for Information, and ference in which he expressed Turco-British
Azoun Rebai (Neo-Destour) for Youth and Sport. solidarity on the Cyprus issue.
Sadok Mokaddem, Minister of Health in the for- Mar. I3: Turkey and Japan signed a protocol ex-
mer government of Premier Tahar ben Ammar, tending the 1955 trade agreement between the
was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary with two countries.
the special mission of establishing relations with Mar. I7: Nevzat Karagil, president of the Cypriote
Arab states. Turkish Cultural Society, criticized U. S. policy
Apr. I5: The Bey of Tunis formally invested the of sympathy for Greece over the deportation of
new government. Archbishop Makarios from Cyprus. He called it
Apr. I7: Premier Bourguiba told the National evidence of a new anti-Turkish foreign policy.
Constituent Assembly that his government was Mar. 20: The USSR marked the 35th anniversary
pledged to oppose poverty and unemployment. of the Soviet-Turkish treaty of friendship with
He noted that Article I of the new constitution, articles in Pravda and Izvestia expressing hope
approved on Apr. 13, vested Tunisian sovereignty for improved relations between the two countries.
in the people. Apr. 4: Georgi Tcholakov, former Bulgarian vice-
Apr. I8: The Tunisian Government assumed full consul in Istanbul, and Ali Demerov, who en-
responsibility for internal security. An amnesty tered Turkey illegally in 1952 to work for
was announced for all persons convicted of crimes Tcholakov, were each sentenced to 24 years im-
committed before Mar. 20. prisonment by the Ankara Military Tribunal on
Apr. ig: The Tunisian Cabinet announced the spy charges.
formation of a high court of justice to try Apr. 8: The International Cooperation Administra-
political offenses and acts detrimental to national tion announced a $25,000,000 loan to Turkey. A
interests. large part of the loan was to help Turkey pur-
May I: Premier Bourguiba announced that Tunisia chase alloys, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and in-
would not open negotiat4ons with France on in- dustrial spare parts.
terdependence unless France recognized Tunisia's Apr. 9: The Seyhan Dam in southern Turkey was
full independence and negotiated as with an formally opened.
equal. Apr. Io: Turkish security officers reported they
May 20: Mekki Kamal ben Azouz, leader of the had broken a Bulgarian spy ring operating on
Tunisian Nationalist Party, was killed outside the Turkish frontier near Edirne. Four members
the house of Premier Bourguiba. of the ring were arrested and brought to Istanbul.
May 24-25: Tunisian rebels ambushed a French Apr. ii: A Nationalist Chinese trade delegation
Army truck and killed a French corporal, wound- arrived in Ankara.
ing 5 others. Apr. I2: Retiring U. S. Ambassador Avra Warren
May 30: Premier Bourguiba declared that diplo- returned to the U. S. and said that Turkey was
matic prerogatives had not been accorded to "temporarily critical" of the U. S. but remained
Tunisia by France and declared Tunisia solidly basically friendly. He linked the critical attitude
in support of Algerian independence. to Turkey's economic difficulties.
French troops in the Tatahouine desert area Apr. i8: The first automobile-grade gasoline pro-
in southeastern Tunisia killed 71 Tunisian duced in Turkey at the new Batman refinery,
guerillas and captured 17 in their first big at- i8o tons, was marketed in Iskenderun.
tempt to seal off a key route for smuggling arms Apr. 2r: A trade agreement was signed between
to Algerian rebels. French officials said the Turkey and West Germany. West Germany agreed
guerillas had revolted against the authority of to import $53,000,000 in Turkish products over
the Tunisian Government. French losses were 3 the next 5 years, consisting of grain, chrome ore,
killed, 14 wounded. cotton and iron ore. 40% of the proceeds from
grain sales and 25%o of the proceeds from other
items would be set aside to pay off Turkey's
Turkey balance of payments debt to Germany (about
(See also Iraq, Cyprus, Syria) $5o,ooo,ooo).
1r956 Apr. 25: Price ceilings on meat were imposed in
Mar. i: The budget bill was passed by Parliament Istanbul.
by a vote of 419 to 67, with one abstention. Apr. 28: Governor Gbkay of Istanbul was exoner-

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ated of any connexion with the riots of Sept. 6-7, cultural equipment, building supplies, oil prod-
1955, in Istanbul. ucts, wheat and rice.
May iI: Turkish security police announced Nikolai Apr. 3: Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Muham-
V. Iochenko, a Soviet military attache in An- mad al-'Imari claimed Britain's Aden Protectorate
kara, had been caught trying to buy military for Yemen, on grounds that the British were plan-
information and asked to leave Turkey. ning to federate the different sections of Aden.
May I 2: Orhan K8pruilu, son of Foreign Minister Apr. io: Imam Ahmad initialled a pact aligning
Fuad Koprulu, resigned as chairman of the Yemen with Egyptian Premier Nasir's "Arab Al-
Democratic Party for Istanbul vilayet. liance" of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. He
May 15: The Shah of Iran and Queen Soraya ar- stated that he considered it a necessary link in
rived for a state visit. Arab unity.
May -6: Willys Motors opened an assembly plant at Apr. 22: Following the signing of the pact between
T'uzla near Istanbul. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, Yemeni tribes-
May i9: Turkey sent an official note to Syria pro- men fired on a post in Beihan, Aden Protectorate.
testing that Syria's plans for irrigation and The Aden Government asked the tribesmen to
drainage in the Al Ghab area would harm T'ur- withdraw.
key's agricultural border lands. Apr. 23: Britain protested to Yemen over the raid
May 2i: A new oil well was sunk at Luleburgaz in by Yemeni tribesmen into Aden on Apr. 22, and
Turkish Thrace by the Istanbul Natural Gas Co., asked the Yemeni Government to withdraw the
a subsidiary of the American-owned Ralph M. raiders.
Parsons Co. May 5: Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Qadi
Muhammad al-'Imari announced in Cairo after a
meeting with Czech Ambassador Karpisek, that
Yemen would conclude a treaty of friendship
Yemen with Czechoslovakia.
(See also General, Saudi Arabia) May i8: Aden Government spokesmen said that two
of the most powerful men in the Yemen, the
1956 Amir of Beidha and the Nayib of Ibb, had re-
Mar. 8: Yemen signed a trade agreement with the ceived the equivalent of $1,4oo,ooo and 5000
Soviet Union. Yemen would export coffee, dried rifles and ammunition from King Sa'ud of Saudi
fruit, and hides to the USSR in return for agri- Arabia.

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