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University of Colorado

I. General Principles of Psychoneuroendocrinology pulsatile release The typical pattern of hormone release, generally
lasting only a few minutes, which occurs in large pulses or surges
II. The Hypothalamo–Pituitary–Adrenocortical Axis
several times a day.
III. The Hypothalamo–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis
steroids Family of hormone molecules derived from cholesterol,
IV. The Hypothalamo–Pituitary Growth Axis including gonadal steroids, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids,
V. The Hypothalamo–Pituitary–Gonadal Axis which easily cross lipid membranes.

VI. Final Comments thyroid gland Gland at the base of the neck that helps maintain the
level of metabolism at optimal conditions in all body tissues via the
synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones.
Psychoneuroendocrinology is a multidisciplinary field aimed
adrenal glands Situated just above the kidneys, each gland at elucidating endocrine functions ultimately con-
consists of an inner adrenal medulla, which secretes the catechola- trolled by the brain and, in turn, how the hormonal
mines epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, and an outer
products of the various organs influence the function-
adrenal cortex, which synthesizes and secretes steroid hormones.
ing of the brain, mood, and cognition. The main
circadian rhythm Diurnal (daily) cycles of body functions.
endocrine functions of the body include development
gonads Endocrine structures (testes in males, ovaries in females) and growth, reproduction, homeostasis, (temperature,
with dual functions: the production of germ cells (gametogenesis)
fluids, and minerals), and survival (stress). Although
and the synthesis and secretion of sex hormones.
endocrine dysfunctions can be linked to organic
homeostasis Complement of various physiological arrangements
disorders, many endocrine disorders have their roots
that serve to restore the normal state, once it has been disturbed.
in the brain. Together with accumulating evidence
hormones Chemicals (amino acid derivatives or peptides) released
indicating direct hormonal effects upon the brain and
by the endocrine glands into the general circulation.
the realization that psychological status (the mind or
hypothalamus Area composed of distinct collections of neurons
psyche) can dramatically impact endocrine functions,
involved in the regulation of basic (homeostatic) vital functions and
located in the basomedial region of the brain. the discipline of psychoneuroendocrinology emphasi-
zes the importance of exploring the interrelationships
negative feedback Deviations from a given normal set point that
triggers opposite compensatory changes, which continues until the between mind, brain, organs, and hormones. This
set point is again reached. article is aimed at describing the major constituents of
pituitary gland Located below the brain and suspended on a stalk the neuroendocrine systems and how the brain, moods,
connecting it to the hypothalamus, it is composed of two major and cognition regulate and are regulated by hormones.
regions: the posterior lobe, which resembles neural tissue, and the
anterior lobe, which consists of specialized endocrine secretory cells.
portal blood system Circulatory arrangement that begins in a
capillary bed and leads not to vessels that carry blood directly toward PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY
the heart, but rather to a second capillary bed.
preprohormones Initial gene products in polypeptide hormone Although the systems controlling different endocrine
synthesis. endpoints are distinct, several parallels can be drawn in

Encyclopedia of the Human Brain Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA).

Volume 4 83 All rights reserved.

their overall functioning. The action of hormones on regions in the brain, residing in the basomedial part of
the brain also shows similar mechanisms. The follow- the head and shielded by the rest of the brain (Fig. 1). It
ing discussion focuses on the similarities and parallels was more than 50 years ago that Geoffrey Harris of
between the various psychoneuroendocrine systems. Oxford University proposed that neurosecretory cells
of the hypothalamus release substances in the portal
blood system, suggesting for the first time a plausible
A. The Hypothalamus regulatory mechanism in the release of anterior
pituitary hormones.
The human hypothalamus is very small, accounting The hypothalamus is often divided into three major
for approximately 0.003% of the entire brain mass. areas: an anterior, a middle, and a posterior region.
However, it controls an array of vital functions The middle third of the hypothalamus contains the
without which complex organisms simply could not neuroendocrine components that control most of the
survive. It is perhaps no accident that the hypothala- posterior and anterior lobes of the pituitary gland. The
mus is one of the most deeply located cell-containing important cell groups of the middle hypothalamus in

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a midsagittal section of the human brain showing the location of the hypothalamus and its main subdivisions.
Adapted from Carpenter, M. B. (1991). Core Text of Neuroanatomy, 4th ed., with permission of Williams & Wilkins.

regard to neuroendocrine control include the para- along the infundibular stalk and terminate in vascular
ventricular and arcuate nuclei. The paraventricular sinuses in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
nucleus is further broken down into the parvocellular
cell group and the magnocellular cell group. In most
instances, activity of the parvocellular releasing-factor C. The Pituitary Gland
neurons (also called hypophysiotropic) can be linked to
the synthesis and secretion of specific pituitary pep- Referred to as the ‘‘master gland,’’ the pituitary gland,
tides into the general circulation. also known as the hypophysis, has been recognized for
centuries as a vital organ for survival. The pituitary
gland lies beneath the brain at the mesodiencephalic
B. The Portal Blood System junction and is about the size of a garden pea in
humans. Although the pituitary gland, and more
Unlike the direct projections that exist from the specifically the anterior lobe of the gland, is responsible
hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the pituitary for the release of most hormones and tropic peptides
via axons that join the internal layer of the median acting on tissues and end organs, the anterior lobe is
eminence and course through the infundibular stalk, the somewhat enslaved by the various tropic factors
anterior lobe of the pituitary does not receive direct produced and released by hypophysiotropic neurons
axonal projections from the hypothalamus, as shown and by feedback effects of the released hormones, as
in Fig. 2. Instead, the connections between the shown in Fig. 3.
hypothalamus and the anterior lobe are entirely
neurohumoral. In this process, peptides synthesized in D. Hormones
neurons of the middle hypothalamus are carried via
their axons to the external zone of the median Each neuroendocrine system described here releases
eminence, where they are released into fenestrated chemicals (amino acid derivatives, proteins, or peptides),
capillaries that coalesce to form portal vessels that run known as hormones, into the general circulation. Once
released from their respective glands, most hormones are
bound to specialized plasma proteins that help transport
them and increase their half-life by protecting them from
breakdown. However, most hormones have their high-
est biological activity in their free forms. Hormones
travel throughout the body to act on body tissues
wherever their receptors are located (targets). They have
access to most body regions, although steroid hormones
penetrate the central nervous system through the blood–
brain barrier most readily.

E. Tropic Factors

Most of the hypothalamic peptides released into the

external zone of the median eminence act upon the
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to stimulate the
release of other peptides, so that they are known as
tropic factors (also termed releasing factors). These
should not be confused with trophic factors, which are
generally involved with growth. Because many pitui-
tary peptides released into the general circulation
likewise stimulate the release of end-organ hormones,
they are also termed tropic factors. As an historical
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the arrangement of the portal
blood system connecting the median eminence to the anterior lobe of aside, the term factor used to be dedicated for
the pituitary. [From Zigmond et al. (eds). (1999). Fundamental suspected tropic chemicals or peptides that had not
Neuroscience. Academic Press, San Diego]. yet been isolated. Upon isolation, however, these

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of the main neuroendocrine systems. See text for abbreviations. [From Zigmond et al. (eds). (1999). Fundamental
Neuroscience. Academic Press, San Diego].

tropic factors were renamed hormones. For instance, several levels, including the pituitary, hypothalamus,
corticotropin-releasing factor has also been known as and even brain areas that project to the hypothalamus,
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) since its iso- to reduce its own further release by inhibiting the
lation by Wyllie Vale and collaborators in 1981. synthesis and release of the various hypothalamic and
pituitary factors. This is a mechanism observed in all
neuroendocrine systems. Negative feedback can take
F. Negative Feedback place in different time domains, as will be discussed for
the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical axis.
The circulating levels of several hormones in the body
are set to optimal points. Deviations from these points
are often detrimental to organisms. Thus, the regula- G. Pulsatile Release and Circadian Rhythm
tion of circulating hormone levels is tightly controlled
by several compensatory mechanisms. An important All of the neuroendocrine systems to be discussed show
compensatory mechanism works through negative a typical pattern of activity, with hypothalamic factors
feedback inhibition, whereby hormone release acts at and their associated pituitary factors released in only a

A. Basic Constituents of the Hypothalamo–

Pituitary–Adrenocortical Axis

In humans, cortisol is the major glucocorticoid

produced and released by the adrenal glands, with
corticosterone as a minor component. As will be
discussed following a description of the regulation of
the HPA axis, dysregulation of glucocorticoid levels is
involved in several physical and psychiatric patholo-
gies. Likewise, endogenous psychiatric disorders can
also produce abnormal glucocorticoid secretion.
Figure 4 Example of pulsatile release of hypophysiotropic
hormone in the hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal axis. [From Zig- 1. The Adrenal Glands and Cortisol
mond et al. (eds). (1999). Fundamental Neuroscience. Academic
Press, San Diego]. Glucocorticoids, which are part of a larger family of
steroid hormones, are synthesized in the zona fascicu-
few minutes, which occurs in large pulses or surges lata cells of the cortical (external) layer of the adrenal
several times a day, as is shown in Fig. 4 for the glands. Cortisol, like the gonadal steroids, is synthe-
stimulation of luteinizing hormone by gonadotropin- sized from a series of enzymatic reactions using
releasing hormone. In most systems, the exact me- cholesterol as the precursor. In contrast to several
chanisms resulting in such a pulsatile release are not other secretory cells, adrenocortical cells do not store
known, but several factors have been demonstrated to large amounts of readily releasable glucocorticoids.
influence it. Intrinsic characteristics of hypophysio- Secretion is, therefore, tightly linked to de novo
tropic neurons as well as the influence of afferent synthesis. The diffusible glucocorticoids, which easily
innervation to these neurons are important factors in cross lipid membranes, enter the highly vascularized
pulsatile release. The suprachiasmatic nucleus, for blood supply of the adrenal glands, where 90–95% of
example, is an important biological clock shown to glucocorticoids become bound to corticosteroid-bind-
drive pulsatile release in some neuroendocrine systems. ing globulin (CBG), also known as transcortin, a carrier
Feedback inhibition probably plays a role in the protein found in plasma. The half-life of cortisol in
pulsatile release of some systems. In addition, meal blood is approximately 60–90 min. Because glucocor-
time, exercise, and sleep time all appear to provide ticoids are biologically active only in their free form,
some influence on pulsatile release. Circadian rhyth- normally a small fraction of total glucocorticoids is
micity refers to some daily recurring fluctuations in available for bioactivity. However, CBG levels are
pulsatile release, which is weaker or stronger during significantly reduced under some conditions (stress),
some parts of the day. thus providing one mechanism regulating biologically
active glucocorticoids without altering absolute levels.
II. THE HYPOTHALAMO–PITUITARY– Secretion and synthesis of glucocorticoids from
adrenocortical cells are triggered by the activation of a
specific subtype of melanocortin receptor, the adreno-
corticotropin hormone (ACTH) receptor, in response
The functions of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adreno-
to the anterior pituitary hormone ACTH. These
cortical (HPA) axis principally include the restoration
receptors are part of the G-protein-coupled, seven-
of homeostasis following internal or external challenge
transmembrane-domain receptor superfamily, and,
(stress). It also contributes to the normal regulation of
once activated, they increase the production of the
energy metabolism throughout the body. The ultimate
second messenger cAMP via the enzyme adenylate
control of glucocorticoid levels in the bloodstream is
cyclase. The adrenal ACTH receptor is positively
intricately regulated positively and negatively by a
regulated, that is, it can increase its number of
series of steps initiated at the level of the hypothala-
receptors in response to sustained ACTH levels.
mus. Glucocorticoid levels vary significantly over the
course of 24 hr, with the highest levels observed upon
2. The Anterior Pituitary Gland and ACTH
waking up in the morning. The functioning of the HPA
axis thus needs to be understood in the context of both The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is responsible
its tonic activation and its responsive phasic tone. for the synthesis and release of ACTH. ACTH is a

account for the majority of CRH and AVP receptors

localized on anterior pituitary corticotropes. Pituitary
CRH and AVP receptor peptide levels are rapidly
Figure 5 Diagram of one preprohormone, prepro-opiomelano- controlled upon continued activation by CRH and
cortin, which is cleaved and processed to give several different AVP, with evidence of up- and down-regulation in
products. Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropin hormone;
response to different manipulations.
end, endorphin; LPH, lipotropin hormone; MSH, melanocyte-
stimulating hormone. [From Zigmond et al. (eds). (1999). Funda-
mental Neuroscience. Academic Press, San Diego].
B. Control of the HPA Axis
39-amino-acid peptide secreted by specialized cells 1. Control of Circulating Glucocorticoids
known as corticotropes, which account for approxi-
mately 10% of the total cell population of the anterior Neurons of the parvocellular hypothalamic area are
lobe. ACTH itself is derived from a longer peptide responsible for the production of corticotropic-releasing
precursor, pro-opiomelanocortin (preproPOMC), as factors. CRH and AVP mRNAs and peptides from
shown in Fig. 5. Regulation of the POMC gene has parvocellular neurons are significantly regulated in
been studied to a great extent, as it was the first response to a variety of experimental manipulations
mammalian endocrine precursor molecule to be cloned. comprising acute and repeated stress. An additional
molecule discovered is the corticotropin-releasing hor-
mone-binding protein (CRH-BP), which is found in
3. The Hypothalamus and Corticotropin-
blood, the pituitary gland, and various brain areas. This
Releasing Factors
protein is localized in neurons and astrocytes, and it
The secretion of ACTH from corticotropes is signaled binds and inactivates endogenous CRH and other
by corticotropin-releasing factors from the medial CRH-like peptides, such as the more recently discovered
parvocellular region of the paraventricular hypotha- urocortin, providing an additional mechanism to con-
lamic nucleus. So far, the most potent endogenous trol the levels of CRH reaching the anterior pituitary.
factor involved in ACTH secretion is the 41-amino- An important level of control over ACTH secretion
acid peptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), is exerted by the glucocorticoids themselves. Because
which was discovered and sequenced by Wyllie Vale the constant exposure of organisms to high levels can
and colleagues some 20 years ago. Parvocellular produce deleterious effects, including immune sup-
neurons send their axons to the external zone of the pression, cardiovascular dysfunction, and even death
median eminence where, upon activation, CRH is of certain neuronal populations, glucocorticoids ex-
liberated into the portal blood system. Upon destruc- hibit several mechanisms to restrain their own release.
tion of the PVN, several stressors loose the ability to It is generally recognized that glucocorticoids provide
produce ACTH secretion, suggesting that the CRH- feedback inhibition at several levels, including the
containing neurons of the PVN are obligatory for this pituitary, paraventricular hypothalamus, and other
function. The secretagogue action of CRH has been brain areas such as the hippocampus (discussed in the
shown to synergize with additional factors, such as the following section). These inhibitory influences act in
peptides arginine vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin, and several time domains, including fast, intermediate, and
others, some of which are also coexpressed and slow (genomic) feedback. The genomic and, to some
released from CRH-containing neurons of the medial extent, intermediate feedback inhibition is provided by
parvocellular hypothalamic nucleus. Although the the action of glucocorticoids upon two well-character-
cDNA and genes for CRH and AVP peptides have ized and specific receptors: the mineralocorticoid
been cloned for some time, it was only relatively (MR) or type I receptor and the glucocorticoid (GR)
recently that the cDNAs encoding the CRH and AVP or type II receptor. They are members of a superfamily
receptors were cloned. These receptors are also of cytoplasmic receptors that act as ligand-regulated
members of the G-protein-coupled, seven-transmem- transacting factors, as depicted in Fig. 6. Upon
brane-domain superfamily of receptors and are posi- activation, these receptors translocate to the nucleus
tively coupled either to the production of cyclic where they may interact with other transacting factors
adenosine monophosphate (CRH) or to the phospha- to bind to specific recognition elements on the DNA,
tidylinositol (AVP) second messenger intracellular effecting changes in the transcriptional rates of several
pathways. Multiple receptor subtypes have been genes, including CRH, AVP, and POMC. However,
cloned for each, cut the CRH1 and V1b subtypes glucocorticoids are also known to produce feedback

2. Brain Circuits Involved in the Regulation of

the HPA Axis
Several reviews have described the neuroanatomical
afferents to hypothalamic paraventricular neurons
that might be involved in the regulation of the HPA
axis, as shown in Fig. 7. The available evidence
indicates the existence of several distinct afferents that
are suggested to regulate the activity of hypothalamic
neurons. Some of these circuits likely interact with
other hypothalamic–pituitary endocrine systems.

a. Brain Stem and Medullary Afferents Well-

known projections to the hypophysiotropic CRH-
containing neurons originate from medullary catecho-
laminergic neurons of the nucleus of the solitary tract
(C2) and the ventrolateral (A1, C1) and dorsomedial
(C3) medulla. Most of these nuclei are involved in the
Figure 6 Schematic diagram of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) processing and transmission of visceral or interocep-
function. Once translated in the cytoplasm, GR is quickly stabilized tive information. These catecholamine-containing
by a complex including many heat-shock proteins (HSP). Circulating neurons appear to play a crucial role in activating
steroids, including cortisol, easily cross cell membranes to access the most types of hypophysiotropic neurons in response to
cytoplasm from the circulation and bind to GR. Activation of GR by
immune activation (e.g., infection, interleukin-1b, and
steroid binding induces its separation from the HSP complex and its
translocation to the nucleus, where it interacts with DNA (transact-
ing factor) to facilitate or inhibit gene transcription. [From Zigmond
et al. (eds). (1999). Fundamental Neuroscience. Academic Press, San

inhibition that is too rapid to rely on genomic

regulation. This glucocorticoid rate-sensitive regula-
tion has not been well-characterized, but it is likely
exerted via either nongenomic effects of MR or GR
receptor occupancy or via nonclassical glucocorticoid-
sensitive receptors.
Hence, the HPA axis provides a cascade of processes
exerting positive and negative control at several levels,
ultimately participating in the regulation of energy and
metabolic activity throughout the body. Even under
conditions of homeostasis, glucocorticoid levels dis-
play a diurnal rhythm, with higher levels in the
morning than in the evening for humans, anticipating
increased bodily demands during the day. This rhythm
appears to be driven by one of the brain’s main
biological clocks, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, as well
as by the pattern of food intake. Activation of the HPA Figure 7 Schematic view of afferent innervation to the paraven-
axis by events that are deemed stressful by organisms tricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. Abbreviations: A1/2,
occurs in the context of this diurnal regulation and is C1/2/3, LC, catecholamine-containing cell groups of the brain stem;
mediated by several putative brain pathways with B6/8, serotonin-containing cell groups of the midbrain; CV,
direct connections to hypophysiotropic neurons. The circumventricular organs; LPB, lateral parabrachial nucleus; LDTg,
PPn, tegmental nuclei; PIN, posterior intralaminar thalamic nucleus;
following section briefly describes these neuronal PP, peripeduncular thalamic nucleus; CG, central gray; Hyp,
circuits, together with their suggested involvement in hypothalamic nuclei. [From Zigmond et al. (eds). (1999). Funda-
the regulation of the HPA axis. mental Neuroscience. Academic Press, San Diego].

endotoxins) and several types of visceral and somato- throughout the neuroendocrine systems, including the
sensory challenges. HPA axis.
Additional but more limited mesopontine afferents
to the hypophysiotropic hypothalamus have been d. Forebrain Afferents Several forebrain areas
traced from serotonergic cell groups (B7, B8, and B9), appear to influence the activity of the HPA axis,
some tegmental nuclei (peripeduncular, laterodorsal), including the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amyg-
the parabrachial nucleus, and some subregions of the dala, and septum. Surprisingly, none of these areas
central gray. Additional thalamic nuclei, including the unambiguously project to hypothalamic paraventri-
peripeduncular nucleus, the posterior intralaminar cular neurons. Instead, several studies indicate that
nucleus, and the intergeniculate leaf, also provide these areas might regulate the activity of the HPA axis
afferents. The proposed function of several of these via medial hypothalamic relays or, alternatively, via
areas in sensory processing and transmission makes relays with neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria
them likely candidates to provide relatively specific terminalis, the only additional forebrain structure
sensory information (somatosensory, nociceptive, known to project directly to hypophysiotropic neu-
auditory, and visual) to hypophysiotropic neurons. rons. The preceding forebrain structures are of
particular interest because they are all associated with
b. Circumventricular Afferents Another set of emotionality. Some of these areas might, therefore, be
hypophysiotropic afferents, originating from circum- essential in the evaluative process involved in deter-
ventricular organs, includes the subfornical organ, the mining or perceiving the stressful character of a
vascular organ of the lamina terminalis, and the closely situation.
related median preoptic nucleus. These nuclei have Neuroanatomically, therefore, hypophysiotropic
been implicated in the activation of the HPA axis by CRH-containing neurons receive a rich set of neural
blood-borne signals. Such signals include circulating inputs encompassing several categories of stimulus
indices of blood volume and ionic concentrations, information. In addition, most of these regions,
which also impinge on the magnocellular neurons of together with the rest of the brain, express one or both
the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei to regulate glucocorticoid receptors, making the brain an impor-
the release of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) tant target for circulating cortisol. The influence of the
and oxytocin involved in water balance and blood brain on the activity of the HPA axis, as well as that of
pressure. cortisol upon brain functioning thus provides a rich set
of interactions, the dysregulation of which can have
c. Hypothalamic Afferents An additional impor- dramatic consequences upon the physical and psycho-
tant source of afferents to hypophysiotropic neurons logical well-being of individuals.
originates within the hypothalamus. Indeed, most
hypothalamic nuclei contribute afferents to hypophy-
siotropic neurons with the exception of a few nuclei, C. Dysregulation of Circulating
namely, the medial and lateral mammillary and Glucocorticoids (Cortisol)
supraoptic nuclei. The principal hypothalamic areas
providing relatively numerous afferents to the para- Cushing’s syndrome is perhaps the best-known class of
ventricular nucleus include several preoptic areas, the diseases involving hypersecretion of glucocorticoids.
anterior, lateral, and posterior hypothalamic areas, the In the early 1930s, Harvey Cushing described a list of
dorsomedial and ventromedial nuclei, and the supra- symptoms that was closely associated with pituitary
mammillary nucleus. The suprachiasmatic nucleus, abnormalities. Glucocorticoid hypersecretion can be
involved in circadian rhythm entrainment, appears to produced by adrenocortical or pituitary tumors, the
influence the HPA axis via projections to the dor- latter associated with ACTH hypersecretion. Cases are
somedial nucleus. These nuclei are uniquely situated to also known in which increased hypothalamic CRH
significantly influence the activity of the neuroendo- release produces ACTH hypersecretion. The symp-
crine systems. The association of several of these toms of Cushing’s disease, characterized by several
hypothalamic nuclei with basic physiologic functions physical and psychological changes, include thinning
suggests that they might integrate the sum of all stimuli of the skin and hair, increased subcutaneous adipose
perceived by an organism at any one moment and then (fat) deposits in the face (moon face), upper back and
convey this integrated information to hypophysiotro- shoulders (buffalo hump), and abdomen (pendulous
pic neurons to keep an optimum level of functioning abdomen), appearance of reddish purple skin color

from skin stretching, hypertension, and osteoporosis. blood), hypotension and reduced cardiac size. Even
The psychiatric profile of Cushing’s patients includes minor stresses can send Addison’s patients into fatal
increased appetite, insomnia, euphoria, anxiety, panic, shock. Adrenal insufficiency is also correlated with a
and unipolar or bipolar disorders. Psychosis (includ- slower electroencephalogram (EEG of the a rhythm),
ing schizophrenia) is rarely observed in Cushing’s irritability, apprehension and mild anxiety, inability to
patients. Normalization of glucocorticoid levels in concentrate, and increased gustatory and olfactory
these patients greatly improves the physical and sensitivity. It is interesting that low circulating cortisol
mental disorders. levels produce some of the same affective disorders
On the other hand, a significant number of indivi- observed with high circulating cortisol levels, but in
duals seeking help who are diagnosed with major milder forms. The mechanisms by which low cortisol
depression present signs of adrenal hypertrophy and levels affect mood and the chemical senses are ill-
increased basal levels (over 24 hr) of circulating understood. Learning is also affected by circulating
cortisol. These endocrine abnormalities can be nor- cortisol levels, and evidence of poor memory with either
malized in a high proportion of patients with a variety too much or too little cortisol has been documented.
of antidepressant treatments (behavioral, pharmaco-
logic, or electroconvulsive therapy), which concur- III. THE HYPOTHALAMO–PITUITARY–THYROID
rently improve their psychological status. The
dexamethasone suppression test (DST) has been a
useful tool to help determine HPA axis dysregulation.
The hypothalamo–pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis is the
Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid receptor agonist
main regulatory system responsible for metabolism in
that, when injected intravenously, binds GR receptors
all body tissues throughout life. Metabolism constitu-
at the level of the pituitary corticotropes and perhaps
tes all biochemical processes that take place at the
at the level of the hypothalamus and other brain
cellular level and includes functions such as synthesis
regions and initiates feedback inhibition so that the
of protein–lipid–carbohydrate–enzymes, incorpora-
circulating cortisol levels are suppressed hours after
tion of nutrients, and breakdown–synthesis of various
dexamethasone injection. Interestingly, a high propor-
molecules. Circulating thyroid hormones also stimu-
tion of individuals presenting symptoms of endogen-
late oxygen consumption in most cells of the body. As
ous major depression do not show the normal
with the HPA axis, the secretion of thyroid hormones
suppression of cortisol by dexamethasone; they are
in the bloodstream is intricately regulated at several
said to escape the DST effect. Thus, abnormal GR
levels, beginning at the hypothalamus. See Fig. 3 for a
receptor regulation, involved in feedback inhibition,
summary diagram of the HPT axis. The basic con-
appears to be linked with affective disorders. The most
stitutive elements of the HPT axis and thyroid
popular mechanisms hypothesized to mediate in-
secretion are elaborated first. Central regulation of
creased basal cortisol levels and reduced feedback
the HPT axis and dysregulation of thyroid hormones
inhibition have implicated an increased drive of central
levels are then discussed.
CRH-containing systems and dysregulation of brain
serotonergic-containing systems. High levels of circu-
lating cortisol levels have also been linked to neuronal A. Basic Constituents of the HPT Axis
cell death, especially in the hippocampus, a brain
region with some of the highest levels of MR and GR In humans, thyroid hormones, composed mainly of l-
receptors that is also thought to play a role in negative thyroxine (denoted as T4) and triiodothyronine (de-
feedback of the HPA axis. Cortisol dysregulation thus noted as T3), are released by the thyroid gland through
provides clear example of the interactions between a series of steps described next.
hormones and brain and vice versa.
1. The Thyroid Gland and the Secretion of
A reduction in circulating cortisol levels is observed
Thyroid Hormones
in patients with Addison’s disease. This category of
diseases includes several pathologies (adrenal autoim- The thyroid gland, located at the base of the neck close
mune disease, tuberculosis, and adrenal cancer) that to the trachea, synthesizes and stores T3 and T4 to large
lead to adrenal atrophy and insufficiency. Total adrenal glycoproteins called thyroglobulins until they are
insufficiency is rapidly fatal, but with degenerative secreted into the bloodstream. T3 and T4 are synthe-
diseases, patients develop marked skin pigmentation sized from the amino acid tyrosine and involve the
(melanocyte-stimulating hormone activity of ACTH in incorporation of three (T3) or four (T4) iodine atoms,

making it the only molecule in the animal kingdom to and human chorionic gonadotropin, discussed later
contain iodine. Although the only difference between in this article) that encode and produce TSH. As with
T3 and T4 is an additional iodine atom in T4, this the other glycoprotein hormones, TSH is a hetero-
difference provides T3 with much greater biological dimer polypeptide derived from two distinct genes and
activity in all body tissues (3–5 times greater than T4). is heavily glycosylated, which is thought to extend its
In peripheral tissue, T4 is converted to T3 by the half-life.
enzyme 50 -deiodinase type I, whereas T4 is directly
taken up by brain and pituitary cells and transformed
into T3 intracellularly by the type II 50 -deiodinase 3. The Hypothalamus and Thyrotropin-
enzyme. In the bloodstream, thyroid hormones are Releasing Hormone
bound to carrier proteins, including albumin, thyrox- The hypothalamic factor responsible for the release of
ine-binding prealbumin (TBPA), and thyroxine-bind- TSH is thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). This
ing globulin (TBG), leaving a very low percentage of hormone was the first hypothalamic-releasing hor-
free hormones (about 0.2% T3 and 0.02% T4). T4 is mone isolated and purified from tons of pig and sheep
carried to the brain across the blood–brain barrier via brains in the late 1960s, after many years of hard work,
a specific and saturable carrier molecule, transthyretin by the research teams of Andrew Schally and Roger
(TTR). The half-life of T4 is approximately 1 week and Guillemin, for which they would eventually share a
that of T3 is slightly shorter. Nobel prize. TRH is a small, 3-amino-acid peptide
(histidine, proline, and glutamic acid) derived from a
2. The Anterior Pituitary Gland and TSH larger 242-amino-acid prohormone that contains 6
copies of the TRH sequence. TRH is synthesized in
The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), also known hypothalamic neurons located in the periventricular
as thyrotropin, is responsible for the regulation of and parvocellular compartment of the paraventricular
thyroid hormone secretion. TSH controls the uptake nucleus. In the medial parvocellular region, the TRH-
of iodine by the thyroid gland, regulates the rate of containing neurons are observed medial to the CRH-
synthesis of thyroid hormones, and controls the containing neurons. These TRH-containing neurons
storage and release of T3–T4 into the bloodstream. send their axons to the external zone of the median
As with other neuroendocrine axes, the anterior eminence, where TRH is released into the portal blood
pituitary is responsible for the production and release circulation bathing the anterior pituitary. Other hy-
of TSH. Thyrotropes, the anterior pituitary cells pothalamic and extra-hypothalamic regions synthesize
producing TSH, constitute about 10% of the entire TRH, but these neurons do not directly, if at all,
population of the anterior lobe. Through a hypotha- control thyroid hormone release.
lamic factor, TSH is released into the bloodstream and
eventually reaches the thyroid gland to regulate the
synthesis and release of thyroid hormones. TSH
B. Control of the HPT Axis
release is pulsatile, and in humans the frequency of
the pulses varies from 10 to 15 every 24 hr. TSH release
1. Control of Circulating Thyroid Hormones
also shows a circadian variation, with levels beginning
to rise in late afternoon and peaks in the middle of the As with the HPA axis and glucocorticoids, the HPT
night (around 4:00 AM). The levels decline until noon axis exerts rigorous control over thyroid hormone
and are quiescent until the next rise. levels. Rising thyroid hormone levels, especially
The bloodborne signal from the hypothalamus is through T3, act at the level of the pituitary thyrotropes
mediated by specific membrane receptors on anterior and hypothalamic paraventricular neurons to inhibit
pituitary thyrotropes, the TRH receptors. This recep- further release of TSH and TRH, respectively, in a
tor is a member of the seven-transmembrane, G- classic inhibitory feedback mechanism. This action is
protein-coupled receptor superfamily. Binding of mediated by thyroid hormone receptors, which are
TRH to its receptors triggers the activation of the part of a superfamily of cytoplasmic steroid hormone
phosphatidylinositol and diacylglycerol second mes- receptors including estrogen, progesterone, androgen,
senger pathways, which eventually leads to increased and vitamin D receptors. Several isoforms of the
transcription of the TSHb gene together with the a thyroid hormone receptors have been characterized,
gene common to the glycoprotein hormones (TSH, including Tra1, TRa2, TRb1, and TRb2, which act in a
luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, manner analogous to the MR and GR receptors as

transacting factors upon genomic response elements. producing several physical and mental conditions.
TRa1 and TRb2 are the most abundant isoforms, Low thyroid secretion rates produced by reduced
found in more than 80% of TRH-producing neurons thyroid hormone synthesis at the level of the thyroid
of the paraventricular nucleus. gland or insufficient dietary iodine can lead to goiter, a
very apparent enlargement of the thyroid gland
produced by sustained TSH stimulation of thyroid
2. Brain Circuits Involved in the Regulation of growth combined with a lack of adequate thyroid
the HPT Axis hormone secretion (thus failing to inhibit pituitary
Many of the same circuits described in the neural TSH secretion). Other symptoms of clinical hypothyr-
control of the HPA axis also appear to be involved in oidism include depression, low energy, appetite and
the control of the HPT axis. The proximity of the sleep changes, poor concentration, memory impair-
medial parvocellular hypophysiotropic neurons con- ments, apathy, muscle cramps, brittle and thinning
taining CRH and TRH can make it difficult, if not hair, husky voice, and elevated levels of cholesterol and
impossible, to ascribe distinct sets of afferents to the triglycerides. The similarity of these symptoms with
two endocrine axes. The brain stem catecholaminergic those of endogenous major depression has prompted
cell groups are known to innervate and play a part in clinicians to test thyroid function in order to distin-
the regulation of the HPT axis. Some of the rostral guish between the two conditions. Subclinical hypo-
periventricular TRH-containing neurons also receive a thyroidism, by definition, does not present the clinical
relatively greater input of terminals from the noradre- type symptoms, although fatigue, hypothermia, dry
naline-containing locus ceruleus neurons and from the skin, memory impairments, and higher scores on
serotonin-containing neurons of the midbrain raphe ratings of anxiety and depression are reported. The
nuclei. The thyroid gland is also directly innervated by lifetime prevalence of depressive disorders in hypo-
autonomic fibers (both sympathetic and parasympa- thyroid patients is 56% compared with 20% in
thetic) that control blood flow and, reportedly, the euthyroid (high total, but normal free levels of T4–
synthesis of thyroid hormones. These mechanisms can T3) individuals. Also, response to tricyclic antidepres-
significantly regulate the levels of T3–T4 released in the sant treatment in patients is lower in hypothyroid
bloodstream. Finally, as is the case with MR and GR individuals, but can be improved by cotreatment with
receptors, the brain expresses some of the highest levels thyroid hormones. This may be particularly relevant in
of the different thyroid hormone receptors. Dysregu- women, in whom the incidence of clinical and sub-
lation of thyroid hormone secretion can, thus, have clinical hypothyroidism is more than twice that for
dire consequences on physical and psychological men, which is also mirrored in the incidence of
status. depressive disorders. A higher incidence of thyroid
antibodies is also observed in women, which may be
attributed to the higher stimulation of immunologic
functions by female gonadal hormones, leading to
C. Dysregulation of Circulating higher rates of autoimmune diseases. Exactly how
Thyroid Hormones hypothyroidism produces affective disorders, particu-
larly major depression and rapid-cycling bipolar
Consideration of the effects of hypothyroidism or disorder, has not been clearly ascertained. Lower
hyperthyroidism can emphasize the importance of thyroid hormone levels have been suggested to reduce
normal levels of circulating thyroid hormones. Hypo- b-adrenergic receptor activity and central serotonin
thyroidism is a condition resulting from inadequate activity, effects often associated with endogenous
thyroid hormone production. If this happens during major depression. The higher incidence of both
fetal life, a condition known as cretinism develops, in conditions in women might also be linked to the
which the afflicted individual remains of short stature, homology and interactions between the estrogen and
never reaches sexual maturity, and suffers severe thyroid receptors, which are known to bind each
mental deficiencies, hearing and speech defects, spastic others’ hormones.
gait, impaired voluntary motor control, and clonus. The reverse interaction between affective illnesses,
This condition can improve if thyroid hormones are particularly major depression, and thyroid hypofunc-
provided during the first few months of life. tion has also been documented. Patients presenting
In adulthood, hypothyroidism is divided into clin- with major depression often display increased cere-
ical and subclinical types, with clinical hypothyroidism brospinal fluid levels of TRH or a blunting of TSH

secretion in response to TRH challenge, suggesting A. Basic Constituents of the Hypothalamo–

down-regulation of pituitary TRH receptors in re- Pituitary Growth Axis
sponse to chronic high levels of hypothalamic TRH.
This also agrees with some reports that depressed The hypothalamo–pituitary growth axis also departs
patients show blunted circulating plasma levels of TSH from other neuroendocrine axes in that two hypotha-
at night. There is still scant literature concerning the lamic factors mainly regulate growth hormone synth-
putative effects of endogenous affective illnesses on the esis and secretion, with one factor demonstrating
HPT axis, but the preceding preliminary reports GH release activity whereas the other inhibits GH
clearly indicate the need to better understand this secretion.
brain–neuroendocrine interaction.
Hyperthyroidism involves conditions in which ex-
1. The Anterior Pituitary and Growth Hormone
cess thyroid hormones are secreted. The highest
percentage of hyperthyroidism in the United States is Growth hormone is released by specialized cells of the
caused by Grave’s disease, characterized by an auto- anterior pituitary gland called somatotropes. They are
immune reaction against the thyroid TSH receptors, located predominantly in the lateral ‘‘wings’’ of the
which in most cases stimulates the release of excess anterior lobe and constitute about 40% of the total
thyroid hormones. Some of the physical signs of anterior pituitary cells (there is a significant gender
hyperthyroidism include weight loss, palpitations, difference, with women averaging lower percentages
frequent bowel movements, muscle weakness, thyroid than men). In humans, the pituitary gland contains 5–
enlargement, and bulging out of the eyes (exophthal- 10 mg of somatotropin, a 191-amino-acid peptide
mia). Psychiatric symptoms often associated with derived from a gene located on chromosome 17.
hyperthyroidism include insomnia, irritability, agita- The half-life of GH is relatively short, with an
tion, general anxiety disorder, major depression, average of approximately 20 min. Upon secretion into
attention deficit disorder, or paranoia. General anxiety the bloodstream, about half of the GH released
is by far the most common psychiatric outcome and becomes bound to a protein termed growth-hor-
generally improves upon the normalization of thyroid mone-binding protein (GHBP). GH acts in several
hormones. Treatment with antidepressants has also different tissues throughout the, body, as discussed
been observed to lower the levels of circulating thyroid earlier, and this action is mediated by specific GH
hormones. receptors (GH-R) located on the membranes of
receptive tissues and organs. Both GH-R and GHBP
are derived from the same gene, although alternative
IV. THE HYPOTHALAMO–PITUITARY splicing of the transcribed mRNAs provides for the
GROWTH AXIS two distinct functions of these proteins. Interestingly,
to be biologically active, one GH molecule is required
No the hyphen is not missing between pituitary and to bind sequentially to two GH receptors. This
growth; this is because this endocrine system departs complex then initiates a cascade of events leading to
from other neuroendocrine systems by releasing the the activation of transcription factors affecting GH-
anterior pituitary growth hormone (GH, also known as regulated genes. A major effect of GH is to stimulate
somatotropin) directly into the bloodstream to influ- the production of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I),
ence body tissues without the intervention of an which mediates many of the effects of GH; IGF-I by
additional organ (as is also the case with prolactin itself can mimic many effects of GH, although the two
secretion, discussed later). Growth hormone, as the molecules are more effective in combination.
name implies, is vital for the normal growth and GH is secreted by the anterior pituitary upon release
development of humans and most other species, of the growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
particularly during the perinatal and adolescent peri- signal from the hypothalamus, via the portal blood
ods. However, together with other factors and hor- system, onto GHRH receptors (GHRH-R) of the
mones, including, but not limited to, thyroid hormones, somatotropes. These receptors are also part of the
insulin, and dietary nutrients, growth hormone is large family of seven-transmembrane, G-protein-cou-
crucial in the control of carbohydrate metabolism, pled receptors, and they are specifically linked to the
protein synthesis, body fat, glucose utilization, and stimulatory subtype (Gs) of G-proteins, which
other metabolic activity. Without it, abnormal organ, activates the cAMP second messenger pathway.
skeletal, and immune functions develop. Additional evidence also indicates that an as yet

unknown GH-releasing factor from the hypothalamus encodes a 116-amino-acid preproSS. Posttranslational
binds specifically to a different G-protein-coupled processing of preproSS in the hypothalamus produces
receptor, one that is specifically linked to the Gq two biologically active forms, SS-28 and SS-14,
subtype of G-proteins and appears to synergize, truncated at the N-terminus. Both forms are released
through the inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol in the external zone of the median eminence and
second messenger pathways, with the effects of display a short half-life of a few minutes to reach the
GHRH-R upon GH secretion. The synthesis of GH anterior pituitary somatotropes. A direct inhibitory
in somatotropes is independently controlled by action of SS upon GHRH-containing arcuate neurons
GHRH through a slightly different set of transcription also exists, although the source of this SS input likely is
factors associated with cAMP production (cAMP from nuclei other than from the hypophysiotropic SS-
response element binding protein), acting to enhance containing rostral periventricular region.
transcription of the somatotropin gene. Independent
regulation of synthesis and release has been shown by
the existence of different diseases that are mediated
B. Control of the Growth Axis
specifically at the level of the pituitary gland upon
1. Control of Circulating Growth Hormones
either GH synthesis or secretion within somatotropes.
The secretion of GH is also negatively regulated by a As with other neuroendocrine systems, GH and its
second hypothalamic factor, somatostatin (SS). Pitui- related product, IGF-I, provide feedback inhibition at
tary secretagogues, including somatotropes, contain a both pituitary and hypothalamic levels upon pituitary
variety of SS receptors (at least five different variants GH release and upon SS and GHRH synthesis and
with independent genomic origins) that are all linked secretion, respectively. At the level of the pituitary
to the inhibitory G-protein subunit Gi, which inhibits somatotropes, IGF-I is the major inhibitor of GH
the activation of adenylate cyclase and the production synthesis and secretion under basal and GHRH-
of cAMP. Thus, GH synthesis and secretion are tightly stimulated conditions, with GH displaying little, if
regulated positively and negatively by hypothalamic any, inhibitory effects. Somatotropes contain IGF-I
factors. receptors, which are in a position to respond to both
locally produced and circulating IGF-I. Although
2. The Hypothalamus, Growth-Hormone-
total IGF-I levels are relatively stable over time, they
Releasing Hormone, and Somatostatin
exist in both free form, which is biologically more
As discussed earlier, the major hypothalamic factor active, and in bound form to a plasma protein, IGFBP-
responsible for the synthesis and release of pituitary 3. A number of physiological conditions, such as
GH is GHRH. Hypophysiotropic GHRH neurons are hyperglycemia, down-regulate IGFBP-3, thus increas-
located at the base of the brain against the third ing free, biologically active levels of IGF-I, which can
ventricle in the arcuate nucleus. The human GHRH then mediate increased inhibition of GH. At the level
gene is located on chromosome 20 and gives rise to a of the hypothalamus, GHRH- and SS-containing
preproGHRH precursor of 108 amino acids. Post- neurons possess both IGF-I and GH receptors, which
translational processing of proGHRH produces two open these cellular populations to the feedback effects
forms of GHRH: a 44-amino-acid peptide, to which 4 of both molecules. There is limited evidence for IGF-I-
amino acids are found truncated at the C-terminus in and GH-mediated inhibition of GHRH secretion and
some forms. Because the bioactivity of GHRH is SS stimulation, which is perhaps linked to the limited
restricted to the first 29 amino acids at the N-terminus, crossing of these large peptides across the blood–brain
this truncation, albeit unique to humans, confers both barrier.
forms with similar biological activity. Additional neurotransmitter systems are also known
The other hypothalamic factor having a major to play a role in the secretion of GH, which include, but
influence on the control of GH secretion is somatos- are probably not limited to, vasoactive intestinal
tatin (SS), also known as growth-hormone-release- polypeptide (VIP), pituitary adenylate cyclase activat-
inhibiting hormone (GHRIH) or somatotrope-re- ing peptide (PACAP), TRH, glucocorticoids, andro-
lease-inhibiting hormone (SRIH). Although SS is gens, estrogens, galanin, neuropeptide Y (NPY),
found in many cell populations throughout the brain, interleukins-1 and -2, and the classical neurotransmit-
the important SS-containing neurons in regard to GH ters dopamine, noradrenaline, and acetylcholine.
release are those in the rostral periventricular region. The secretion of GH is also pulsatile, as with most
The human SS gene, located on chromosome 3, other hormones of the neuroendocrine system. In

humans, there are approximately 12 pulses per 24-hr ing growth hormones produces marked cognitive and
period, with most of the release (roughly 70%) mood alterations.
occurring at night during slow-wave (stages 2–4) sleep.
Existing evidence suggests that both GHRH and SS
are implicated in the pulsatile release of GH, with C. Dysregulation of Circulating Growth Hormones
GHRH being the dominant regulator in mediating the
release of pituitary GH. However, alterations in either Physically a very observable effect of growth hormone
GHRH or SS have been shown to block the insufficiency during development is dwarfism (short
pulsatile release of GH. In the hypothalamus, stature). However, some types of dwarfism result from
GHRH and SS mRNAs also display fluctuating the insensitivity of tissues to relatively normal circu-
levels, with GHRH and SS mRNA peaks anticipat- lating GH levels. The psychotropic effects of GH
ing the GH peaks and troughs by several insufficiency in children are not reported to alter
hours, respectively. There is also a strong intelligence measures, but a higher incidence of
sexual disparity in the amplitude of release, with attention deficit disorders, anxiety, depressive mood,
higher levels of estrogen in women contributing somatic complaints, impulsivity, distractibility, social
to significantly lower GH secretion. Testosterone, adjustment, and attention-seeking are common. The
which has higher circulating levels in men, has been similarity of these psychological effects in idiopathic
linked to the higher peak amplitude of GH release (not produced by GH dysregulation) short stature vs
in males. GH-deficient (GHD) children indicates that environ-
mental and social factors play a role in the develop-
ment of these traits. Nonetheless, the behavioral,
social, and psychological disturbances of GHD chil-
2. Brain Circuits Involved in the Regulation of
dren are ameliorated to a greater extent following GH
the HP Growth Axis
treatment, suggesting a role for circulating GH levels
Some of the same circuits described previously control in these disorders. The impact of GH deficiency in
the arcuate GHRH-containing neurons as well as the adults of normal stature also indicates a higher
rostral periventricular SS-containing neurons. The incidence of affective disorders, lack of energy, and
brain stem and medullary catecholaminergic cell impaired self-control, which are significantly alle-
groups innervate and control the activity of arcuate viated with GH replacement. Psychosocial dwarfism,
and periventricular neurons. Other major inputs to the a state of short stature sustained by parental abuse, is
arcuate nucleus originate within the hypothalamus, associated with significantly lower circulating GH
including the anterior periventricular nucleus, the levels. Removal of the afflicted children from the
retrochiasmatic nucleus, the medial parvocellular abusive environment will often reverse this condition
region, the medial preoptic area, and the ventral without any other intervention. These examples offer
premammillary nucleus. The bed nucleus of the stria clear instances of the interplay between hormones,
terminalis also innervates the arcuate nucleus, as is the psychological status, and the brain.
case for many other hypothalamic subregions. The Just as striking is the effect of excess circulating
rostral periventricular region demonstrates a pattern growth hormones during development, leading to
of innervation generally similar to that described for gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults. These
the paraventricular nucleus described earlier, includ- conditions are often associated with pituitary somato-
ing midbrain, thalamic, hypothalamic, and forebrain trope adenomas resulting in hypersecretion of growth
afferents. GH and IGF-I receptors are widely distrib- hormones. Children that grow to be giants have
uted throughout the human brain and could mediate relatively normal features except for their high stature.
some of the effects of circulating growth hormones and These children tend to have mood swings, irritability,
their products. However, peripheral GH and IGF-I and lack social skills. They tend to be intellectually
have limited penetration to the brain due to the blood– normal. The physical and psychological characteristics
brain barrier, and, furthermore, GH and IGF-I are can be ameliorated with long-acting somatostatin
produced in the brain. Thus, direct effects of circulat- agonists, which reduce circulating GH levels, or with
ing growth hormones on the brain have been difficult the surgical removal of the adenoma. This growth
to demonstrate. Similarly, the psychotropic effects of hormone condition is distinguished from another form
growth hormones have not been well-characterized of early childhood gigantism known as cerebral
nor explained. Nevertheless, dysregulation of circulat- gigantism or Sotos syndrome, which originates from

brain abnormalities and is associated with A. Basic Constituents of the Hypothalamo–

abnormal EEG, mental retardation, and other physi- Pituitary–Gonad Axis
cal characteristics, particularly of the facial and
cranial bones. The HPG consists of a relatively classic neuroendo-
In adults, abnormally high circulating GH levels, crine system, in that the various sex hormones are
also produced by pituitary somatotrope adenomas, regulated by hypothalamic, pituitary, and end organs
present a characteristic pattern of physical changes, (gonads). It is arguably the neuroendocrine system
including enlarged hands and feet, profuse sweating, with the most components, with different sex hor-
protrusion of the lower jaw, overgrowth of facial and mones to regulate and track. The different sex
cranial bones, hirsutism (increased body hair), os- hormones, the elements that regulate their secretion,
teoarthritic vertebral changes (humpback), headaches, and their effects on various body tissues and repro-
and visual field changes (due to pressure of the ductive functions are described next.
pituitary tumor against optic nerves). The psycholo-
gical symptoms of acromegalic adults include affective
disorders (anxiety and major depression), increase in
1. The Gonads and Sex Hormones
appetite, and loss of drive and libido. These individuals
also exhibit normal intelligence and memory func- The HPG axis is very different between males and
tions. Surgical intervention or somatostatin agonists females. The sex hormones, also known as the sex
that normalize GH levels ameliorate their physical and steroids or gonadal steroids, consist of estrogens,
psychological symptoms. progesterone, and the androgens, the most well-known
of which is testosterone. Although all of these hor-
mones are found in both men and women, estrogens
and progesterone are observed in much higher levels in
V. THE HYPOTHALAMO–PITUITARY– women and testosterone in much higher levels in men.
GONADAL AXIS The sex steroids are all derived from the same
precursor molecule, cholesterol, through a series of
The hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis is aromatic reactions taking place in the gonads (and
responsible for many reproductive functions in hu- some in the adrenal cortex and placenta of pregnant
mans and other mammals. It plays a pivotal role in the women). Most of the sex steroids become bound to
development of mature male and female reproductive plasma proteins [albumin, transcortin, gonadal-bind-
organs, secondary sexual traits (breasts, body hair, ing globulin (GBG), or other proteins] upon release in
vocal pitch), and the sexually dimorphic brains the bloodstream, leaving approximately 3% of the
allowing appropriate male and female behaviors released pool free. Steroids are relatively small mole-
leading to reproduction, such as courtship and inter- cules that easily cross lipid membranes. This feature
course and probably mate choices and sex preferences. allows sex steroids to act on their respective tissues by
However, many of the stereotypic behaviors attributed interacting with specific receptors (such as the estra-
to the HPG axis in lower mammals, particularly diol, progesterone, and androgen receptors) located
courtship, mating, and intercourse behaviors, have, intracellularly in the cytoplasm of cells, as opposed to
for most intents and purposes, been lost in humans. binding cell-surface (membrane) receptors. Binding of
However, sex hormones have been suggested to have steroids with their specific cytoplasmic receptors
some effect on sexual desire, which alternatively has induces a series of reactions that ultimately produces
not been investigated to any great extent in animals the translocation of the steroid–receptor complex
displaying readily observable stereotypic sexual beha- (known as a transacting factor) from the cytoplasm
viors. Sexual differentiation is determined very early to the nucleus, where it interacts with specific DNA
on during development. The presence of a Y chromo- elements in the promoter region that can increase or
some following fertilization directs the development decrease the transcription of associated genes.
and maturation of the testes, which begin to produce In females, estrogens and progesterone are synthe-
testosterone early in utero and lead to the male sized in the ovaries upon stimulation by the anterior
phenotype. Without the Y chromosome, the ‘‘default’’ pituitary hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and
female phenotype emerges. The following section follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), together known
describes the results of this early differentiation and as the gonadotropins. More specifically, FSH produces
how the various HPG functions are derived. the growth of follicles within the ovaries (the follicular

phase), which produces increasing amounts of estrogens ing-hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), cell-surface
(estradiol mostly). An LH surge produces ovulation, in GnRH receptors (mapped to chromosome 4 in hu-
which a follicle releases an ovum, the former being mans), which are parts of the G-protein-coupled
transformed in the process to the corpus luteum. The receptor family, activate the cAMP second messenger
luteal phase is responsible for continued synthesis and pathway to stimulate the synthesis and release of LH
release of estrogens as well as increasing amounts of and FSH. A relatively robust correlation has been
progesterone. The concerted effects of estrogens and observed between pulses of GnRH and LH release in
progesterone on the uterine endometrium prepare the the general circulation. However, the concordance
uterus for possible implantation by a fertilized egg. between GnRH pulses and FSH release is variable due
Estrogens and progesterone are also responsible for the to the action of additional factors, such as the peptide
development and maturation of the female secondary inhibin, which is produced in the gonads and appears
sex characteristics, including breast development and to repress the synthesis and release of FSH.
the female pattern of fat deposits. The regulation of
synthesis and release of estrogens and progesterone 3. The Hypothalamus and Gonadotropin-
needs to be understood more specifically in the cyclical Releasing Hormone
context (ovarian or ‘‘menstrual’’ cycle in women) in
The release of gonadotropins is regulated by hypotha-
which they occur. This will be discussed after all HPG
lamic GnRH-containing neurons. The GnRH-contain-
elements have been introduced.
ing neurons are scattered throughout the extent of the
In males, stimulation by pituitary LH chiefly signals
hypothalamus, unlike other releasing hormone cell
the production of testosterone by the interstitial
groups. In humans, they are mostly localized to the
(Leydig) cells of the testes. In conjunction with FSH,
medial preoptic area near the optic chiasm and to the
testosterone stimulates spermatogenesis in the semi-
arcuate nucleus (ventral) hypothalamus near the med-
niferous tubules of the testes. Testosterone also plays a
ian eminence, with some additional cells in the lateral
role in the control of penile erection and the synthesis
hypothalamus and medial septal complex. Approxi-
and secretion of prostate and seminal vesicle fluids.
mately 70% of hypothalamic GnRH-containing neu-
Testosterone is also responsible for the development of
rons send their axons to the external zone of the median
male secondary sex characteristics, which consist of the
eminence, where they release GnRH in the hypophyseal
general male body form and more massive muscle
portal blood system and target the gonadotropes.
development, male hair distribution, and enlargement
GnRH is a relatively small 10-amino-acid peptide that
of the larynx, leading to deepening of the voice. The
is also derived from a larger preproGnRH product of
relatively low female sex steroid levels in the male
92 amino acids. In humans, a single gene codes for
circulation also lead to a different pattern of fat
hypothalamic preproGnRH located on chromosome 8.
deposition in men. Interestingly, testosterone not only
Studies have indicated the existence of a second,
acts through androgen receptors but is also converted
distinct GnRH gene on chromosome 20 that is
to a significant degree to estradiol, particularly in the
expressed in extrahypothalamic areas and peripheral
brain and pituitary, where the converted products act
tissues. The function of this extra-hypothalamic-de-
on local estrogen receptors.
rived GnRH has not been determined.

2. The Anterior Pituitary Gland and 4. The Anterior Pituitary Gland and Prolactin
Although not part of the HPG axis, prolactin’s best-
As discussed earlier, LH and FSH are gonadotropins known function is in lactation and, thus, warrants its
that are synthesized and released by the gonadotropes, inclusion with other reproductive hormones. Prolac-
constituting less than 10% of the total cells of the tin, a 198-amino-acid peptide derived from prepro-
anterior lobe. The half-life of human FSH is about prolactin, is released by anterior pituitary lactotropes
3 hr, whereas that of LH is approximately 60 min. LH (also known as mammotropes). Unlike other anterior
and FSH are glycoprotein hormones derived from a pituitary tropic hormones, prolactin is under negative
common a gene (located on chromosome 6) but two control by an inhibitory factor from the hypothala-
distinct b genes: LHb, located on chromosome 19, and mus, known as prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF), likely
FSHb, located on chromosome 11, respectively. Upon to be dopamine. Thus, upon transection of the
signaling mediated by hypothalamic gonadotropin- pituitary stalk, removal of PIF actions leads to
releasing hormone (GnRH), also known as luteiniz- hyper-prolactinemia. Like other pituitary hormones,

pulsatile release is observed with prolactin, with a FSH release to 1 pulse per 90 min. At the same time, the
circadian rhythm displaying greater release during most developed follicle also synthesizes increasing
sleep. Both men and women show circulating prolactin amounts of LH and FSH receptors, thus providing
levels, with slightly higher levels observed in women. increased gonadotropin sensitivity in the face of
Prolactin acts through specific, multiple forms of its decreasing gonadotropin release from the pituitary.
receptors found throughout the reproductive axis of The follicle begins to synthesize and secrete large
women and men, in addition to the liver, kidneys, amounts of estradiol, which, through ill-understood
adrenals, pancreas, lymphoid tissues, intestines, hy- mechanisms, produce a positive feedback effect at the
pothalamus, and skin. level of both the pituitary gonadotropes and the
During pregnancy, circulating levels of prolactin GnRH-containing neurons of the hypothalamus,
rise significantly but decline rapidly approximately 1 triggering a gonadotropin surge (large amounts of
week following childbirth. Suckling then initiates LH and FSH released in the circulation) at approxi-
significant bursts of prolactin secretion, which stimu- mately midcycle (14 days). This surge is responsible for
late the synthesis of maternal milk proteins. Patholo- ovulation and the transformation of the follicle into
gically high circulating prolactin levels are associated the corpus luteum. In the luteal phase of the cycle,
with gonadal dysfunctions in both women and men, in increasing amounts of progesterone and moderate
addition to headaches and visual field disturbances. levels of estrogens are secreted, which feed back upon
Hyper-prolactinemia is reportedly the most common the pituitary and hypothalamus to reduce the frequen-
form of hypothalamopituitary disorder in humans, cy of LH pulses to 1 every 6–12 hr. The rising levels of
which can normally be treated in several ways to progesterone and inhibin lead to an inhibition of FSH
restore normal circulating prolactin levels. release as the ovarian cycle progresses. However, at the
end of the cycle, with lack of fertilization of the ovum,
the corpus luteum degenerates and significantly re-
B. Control of the HPG Axis duces its release of estrogens and progesterone. Lower
levels of sex steroids release FSH from feedback
1. Control of Circulating Gonadal Hormones
inhibition and allow the cycle to repeat itself.
Control of circulating sex hormones is determined to a In men, LH pulse frequency remains relatively
large extent by the sex of the individual, and in women constant throughout adulthood, with a frequency of
it is determined further by the period within the 1 pulse every 2–3 hr. High testosterone levels, however,
ovarian cycle. As observed with the other neuroendo- can significantly inhibit LH release, but FSH release is
crine systems, there is a strong component of feedback not altered by testosterone. This inhibition thus occurs
inhibition provided by the sex steroids at the pituitary at the level of the anterior pituitary gonadotropes.
and hypothalamic levels. The pulsatile nature of Inhibin, a 3l-amino-acid peptide produced in the testes
GnRH release could be mediated by the documented and ovaries, inhibits the release of FSH in men, which
extensive connections between the several GnRH is thought to act mainly at the pituitary level.
neuron populations or by afferent connections. It is Some of the feedback inhibition mediated by
clear, however, that the GnRH population of the estrogens occurs at the level of the anterior pituitary.
arcuate nucleus is necessary to derive the pulsatility of Estradiol, through interactions with their receptors,
GnRH secretion. reduces the effectiveness of hypothalamic GnRH upon
In women, it is customary to define the menstrual the gonadotropes, thus reducing the ‘‘amplitude’’ of
cycle as beginning on the first day of the menstrual LH pulses but not their frequency. The feedback
period, which is easily detected by women experiencing inhibition mediated by progesterone, on the other
vaginal bloody discharges consisting of the endome- hand, is mediated exclusively at the level of the
trial tissue breaking down and being released (slough- hypothalamus. Hypothalamic feedback inhibition
ing) because fertilization has not taken place. At this initiated by gonadal steroids is unlikely to be mediated
point (beginning of the follicular phase), the hypophy- at the level of the hypophysiotropic GnRH-containing
siotropic GnRH-containing neurons generate a pulsa- neurons because studies have failed to detect gonadal
tile LH release approximately every hour, which is a steroid receptors in these neurons. However, many
time at which estrogens are relatively low. As the neural systems contacting hypophysiotropic GnRH
ovarian follicles grow, they release increasing amounts neurons express these receptors. Thus, the brain
of estrogens, which feed back at the level of the circuits providing innervation to hypophysiotropic
hypothalamus and reduce the frequency of LH and GnRH-containing neurons appear to be an important

component regulating circulating gonadal steroids. circulating sex steroids lead to larger pulsatile releases
The large number of developmental (fetal life, child- of LH and FSH. The LH pulses are associated with
hood quiescence, puberty) and environmental factors ‘‘hot flashes,’’ a sensation of warmth spreading from
(daylight, nutrition, stress, exercise) regulating the the trunk to the face. However, LH is not directly
HPG axis also point to the importance of the circuitry involved in these hot flashes because hypophysectomy
controlling it. does not abolish them; thus, a hypothalamic signal
responsible for both the LH surge and the hot flashes
2. Brain Circuits Involved in the Regulation of appears to be responsible for this condition. Estrogen
the HPG Axis replacement usually ameliorates the hot flashes and the
psychological fluctuations (irritability, depressed
As discussed earlier, the presence of sex steroids, mood) associated with menopause.
particularly testosterone, around birth is crucial for It is also the case that women have a much higher
the development of the male phenotype and, particu- incidence of depressive disorders than men. Attempts
larly, the brain regions involved in reproduction. These to correlate reproductive hormone status with depres-
dimorphic sex differences include larger nuclei in the sion have generally suggested that women are most
brains of men, including a region of the medial susceptible to depression at the times in their ovarian
preoptic, suprachiasmatic, and anterior hypothalamic cycles when they experience the largest variations in
nuclei. Given the multiple origins of GnRH-contain- circulating hormones. Thus, women in the perimeno-
ing neurons in the medial septal complex and hypo- pausal period as well as after childbirth (post partum)
thalamus, the neural regulation of GnRH activity thus show increased risks of depressive illnesses, particu-
could be very complex. There are a few well-character- larly if they have a prior history of depressive mood. In
ized inputs that may play an important role in addition, the late luteal phase is associated with the
reproduction. For instance, the sexually dimorphic premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a period characterized
preoptic area receives afferents from the medial part of by increased cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, and
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the ventral part headaches physically and by significant moodiness,
of the lateral septal nucleus, the medial amygdaloid anger, anxiety, and even depression psychologically in
nucleus, and the amygdalohippocampal area. These some 30% of cycling women. In carefully controlled
areas are rich in sex steroid receptors and, in animals, studies, no differences between circulating estrogens,
are known to contribute significantly to copulatory progesterone, or LH could differentiate women with
behaviors as well as to sexual interest (perhaps desire). or without PMS.
The medial preoptic area also receives projections Nevertheless, effective treatment of PMS involves
from the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus, the elimination of ovarian cycling, suggesting, some-
as well as from some medullary catecholaminergic how, the involvement of circulating reproductive
neurons that contain estrogen receptors, which may steroids in this condition. Disturbances in memory
mediate, in part, the activational effects of catechola- retrieval have also been associated with women
mines on GnRH release. Several other neurotransmit- experiencing PMS. Estrogens have been shown to
ter systems appear to directly stimulate or inhibit interact significantly with subtype-specific serotonin
GnRH release, including serotonin, GABA, substance receptors (5-HT2A) in some limbic cortices and the
P, neuropeptide Y, CRH, and opiate peptides. nucleus accumbens, areas putatively involved in
mood. This may provide the basis for the observation
that serotonin-specific re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
C. Dysregulation of Circulating Gonadal one of the latest class of antidepressant drugs, may
Hormones have beneficial effects in menopausal depressed
women, particularly in combination with estrogen
Observed gonadal hormone dysregulation has several replacement.
etiological causes. In women, menopause provides a The testes usually continue to respond to gonado-
natural cause of long-term reduction in circulating tropins throughout life even if it somewhat declines
estrogens and progesterone, because the ovaries pro- with age; thus, men do not experience menopause.
gressively lose their sensitivity to gonadotropins. However, the loss of the testes either surgically
Surgical removal of the ovaries and various degenera- (orchidectomy) or by diseases almost invariably leads
tive ovarian diseases also account for reduced circu- to a decline in sexual desire and impotence. Physically,
lating sex steroid levels in women. Low levels of the lack of circulating testosterone also reduces some

of the secondary male sex characteristics, including suggest that the same brain systems responsible for
muscle loss, reduced body and facial hair, and affect will also be prominently responsible for the
deposition of fat around the hips. Hot flashes also control of psychoneuroendocrine functions.
are experienced by orchidectomized (castrated) men.
Testosterone replacement can reverse all of these
See Also the Following Articles
conditions, just as estrogen replacement reverses the
effects of low circulating estrogen levels in women. CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY d CIRCADIAN
Although aggressive behavior has been linked with RHYTHMS d COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, OVERVIEW d
slightly higher circulating testosterone levels in men, LOGICAL ASSESSMENT d NEUROTRANSMITTERS d
the general belief is that these might be reactive effects, PAIN AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY d PEPTIDES,
not the mediators of aggression as such. The possibility HORMONES, AND THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD d
still exists, however, that some violent–aggressive PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY d PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY
types of behaviors might be correlated with higher
circulating testosterone levels. As is the case with the
ovaries, there are virtually no known conditions
leading to consistently high circulating testosterone
Suggested Reading
Akil, H., Campeau, S., Cullinan, W. E., Lechan, R. M., Toni, R.,
VI. FINAL COMMENTS Watson, S. J., and Moore, R. Y. (1999). Neuroendocrine systems
I: OverviewFThyroid and adrenal axes. In Fundamental
Neuroscience (M. J. Zigmond, F. E. Bloom, S. C. Landis, J. L.
It is obvious from the preceding discussion that there
Roberts, and L. R. Squire, Eds.). Academic Press, San Diego,
are clear psychologic and psychiatric outcomes asso- CA.
ciated with endocrine imbalances. It is also remarkable Frohman, L., Cameron, J., and Wise, P. (1999). Neuroendocrine
that one of the major psychologic outcomes of system II: Growth, reproduction, and lactation. In Fundamental
hormonal dysregulation, be it due to hypo- or Neuroscience (M. J. Zigmond, F. E. Bloom, S. C. Landis, J. L.
hyperfunction, involves mood disorders. Restoration Roberts, and L. R. Squire, Eds.). Academic Press, San Diego,
of hormonal balance ameliorates the associated mood Ganong, W. F. (1999). Review of Medical Physiology, 19th ed.
disturbances in many instances. Likewise, endogenous McGraw-Hill, New York.
psychiatric conditions encompassing affective disor- McEwen, B. S. (1994). Endocrine effects on the brain and their
ders such as general anxiety and major depression have relationship to behavior. In Basic Neurochemistry (G. J. Siegel, B.
a significant impact on several hypothalamo–pituitary W. Agranoff, R. W. Albers, and P. B. Molinoff, Eds.). Raven
Press, New York.
endocrine systems. Effective treatment of these condi- Nelson, R. J. (1995). An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology.
tions also normalizes, in most cases, endocrinologic Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA.
functions. These observations strongly suggest a close Nemeroff, C. B. (1992). Neuroendocrinology. CRC Press, Inc., Boca
association between the brain substrates underlying Raton, FL.
Nemeroff, C. B. (1999). The Psychiatric Clinics of North Amer-
affect, on the one hand, and the control of endocrine
icaFPsychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 21, No. 2. W. B. Saunders
systems, on the other hand. Exactly how dysregulation Co., Philadelphia, PA.
in one results in disruption of the other remains to be Schulkin, J. (1999). The Neuroendocrine Regulation of Behavior.
determined. However, their close interactions further Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

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