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Thesis submitted to the

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of







DHARWAD – 580 005

JULY, 2007

Dharwad (U.V. MUMMIG ATTI)


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Cha p t er
T it l e P ag e No.
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T ab le Tit l e P ag e
No . No .

1 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct of bo t an ic a ls on p er c e n t g er m ina t io n
an d see dl in g len g th ( c m) o f on io n

2 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct of bot a nic al s o n fr es h w e i ght ( m g) an d

dr y w e ig ht ( m g) o f on i on

3 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of w he at ( T r iti c um a e s ti v um ) s tr aw
e xtr a ct on per c en t of g er mi n at ion an d s p eed o f
ger m ina t ion o f dif fe r e nt w e ed s pe c i es

4 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of w he at ( T r iti c um a e s ti v um ) s tr aw
e xtr a ct on r o ot le ng t h ( c m ) a nd s h oot le ng t h ( c m ) of
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

5 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of w he at ( T r iti c um a e s ti v um ) s tr aw
e xtr a ct o n s e ed lin g le ng t h ( c m ) an d s eed l in g vi g or i nd e x
of d if f er en t w e e d s p e c ie s

6 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of w he at ( T r iti c um a e s ti v um ) s tr aw
e xtr a ct o n f r e sh w ei ght ( m g) an d dr y w e i gh t ( mg ) o f
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

7 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of w he at ( T r iti c um a e s ti v um ) s tr aw
e xtr a ct on to ta l s ug a r c on te nt ( µ g /m g d r y w eig h t) and
to ta l p he n ol c ont en t ( µ g /m g dr y w e ig ht) o f dif fer e nt w ee d
s pe c ie s

8 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of pa dd y ( Or y za s at iv a) st r aw e x tr a c t
on per c en t o f ger m i nat io n an d s p ee d of er m in at ion o f
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

9 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of pa dd y ( Or y za s at iv a) st r aw e x tr a c t
on r o ot len gt h ( cm ) an d s ho ot l en gt h ( c m ) of d iff er en t
w ee d s pec i e s

10 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of pa dd y ( Or y za s at iv a) st r aw e x tr a c t
on s eed l in g le n gt h ( c m) a n d s ee dl ing v igor ind e x o f
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

11 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of pa dd y ( Or y za s at iv a) st r aw e x tr a c t
on s eed l in g le n gt h ( c m) a n d s ee dl ing v igor ind e x o f
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

12 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of pa dd y ( Or y za s at iv a) st r aw e x tr a c t
on t ot al s u gar co nt e nt ( µ g/ m g dr y w e i ght ) an d to t al
ph eno l c on t en t ( µ g/ mg dr y w e ig h t) of dif f er e nt w ee d
s pe c ie s

13 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct o f E u ca ly pt u s c it ro d or a e xt r a c t on per
c en t of g er m in at io n an d s p ee d o f ger m i na t io n of
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s
T ab le Tit l e P ag e
No . No .

14 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of E u ca ly pt u s c it r od or a e xt r ac t o n r o ot
len gt h ( c m ) a nd s ho o t len g th ( c m ) of diff er e nt
w ee d s pec i e s

15 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t o f E uc al y pt u s citr od or a e x t ra c t o n
s ee dl in g le n gt h ( c m ) an d se e d li ng v ig or in dex of
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

16 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t o f E uc al y pt u s citr od or a e x t ra c t o n
fr e s h w e i gh t ( mg ) an d dr y w e igh t ( mg) o f d iff er e n t w eed
s pe c ie s

17 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t o f E uc al y pt u s citr od or a e x t ra c t o n
to ta l su gar c ont en t ( µ g/ m g dr y w e ig ht) a n d t ot a l ph e no l
c on t ent ( µ g / m g d r y w e igh t) of diff er e nt w ee d s p e c ie s

18 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of La n ta na c a m er a e xt r a ct o n p er c en t
of g er m ina ti o n a nd s pe ed of ger m ina t io n o f d if f er e nt
w ee d s pec i e s

19 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t of La nt a na c a mer a e x t r a ct on r oo t
len gt h ( c m) an d s h o ot len g th ( c m) of d i ff er e nt w eed
s pe c ie s

20 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of L an t an a c am er a e xtr a ct on s e ed lin g
len gt h ( c m) a n d s eed l in g v ig or ind e x of di ff er e nt w eed
s pe c ie s

21 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e c t of L ant an a c am e r a e xt r a ct o n f r e s h
w eigh t ( m g) a n d dr y w e ig ht ( m g ) of d iff er e n t w ee d
s pe c ie s

22 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e c t of L ant an a c am e r a e xt r a ct on t ot a l
s ug ar co nt ent ( µ g/ m g dr y w e ig ht) a n d to ta l ph en o l
c on t ent ( µ g / m g d r y w e igh t) of diff er e nt w ee d s p e c ie s

23 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct of I pom o ea t r i c o lor e x tr a c t on per c e nt

of g er m in at io n a nd s pe e d of g er m in at i on of
d if f er e nt w e ed sp ec ie s

24 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct o f Ip o mo e a tr ico lor e x tr a c t on r oo t
len gt h ( c m) an d s h o ot len g th ( c m) of d i ff er e nt w eed
s pe c ie s

25 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct o f I po m oea tr i c olor ext r a c t on

s ee dl in g le ng th ( c m) a nd se ed lin g v igor in de x of d iff er en t
w ee d s pec i e s

26 A l le lo pa th ic e ff e ct o f Ip om o ea tr ic ol or o n fr esh w e ig ht
( m g) an d dr y w e igh t ( mg ) of d i ff er en t w ee d s pe c ie s

27 A l le lo pa th ic ef fe c t o f Ip o m oea tr ico lor e x t r ac t on to ta l

s ug ar co nt ent ( µ g/ m g dr y w e ig ht) a n d to ta l ph en o l
c on t ent ( µ g / m g d r y w e igh t) of diff er e nt w ee d s p ec ie s
T ab le Tit l e P ag e
No . No .

28 A l le lo pa th ic ef f ec t of A ger at um co n y zo id e s e xtr ac t o n per

c en t of g er m in a tio n an d s pe e d of g er m in at io n of d if f er e n t
w ee d s pec i e s

29 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of A g er a t u m c on y zo id e s e x tr a c t o n
r oo t l engt h ( c m) an d s ho o t le ngt h ( c m ) o f d if f er e nt w ee d
s pe c ie s

30 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of A g er a t u m c on y zo id e s e x tr a c t o n
s ee dl in g le ng th ( c m) a nd se ed lin g v igor in de x of d iff er en t
w ee d s pec i e s

31 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of A g er a t u m c on y zo id e s e x tr a c t o n
fr e s h w e i gh t ( mg ) an d dr y w e igh t ( mg) o f d iff er e n t w eed
s pe c ie s

32 A l le lo pa th ic ef f e ct of A g er a t u m c on y zo id e s e x tr a c t o n
to ta l su gar c ont en t ( µ g/ m g dr y w e ig ht) a n d t ot a l ph e no l
c on t ent ( µ g / m g d r y w e igh t) of diff er e nt w ee d s p ec ie s

33 S um m ar y o f e ff e ct iv e nes s of bo t an ic a ls f or w eed s ee d s
ger m ina t ion a n d s e ed ling gr ow t h

F ig . T it l e Betw een
No. p ag e s

1 A llel o pa th i c ef f e ct of bo t an ic a ls o n per c en t s eed

ger m i nat io n , s ee dl ing len gt h a n d dr y w ei g ht of o n ion

2 A llel o pa th i c ef f ect of w he at a nd pad d y bot a nic a l s on

ger m i nat io n an d se e d lin g gr ow t h of d if f ere n t w eed
s pe c i es

3 A llel o pa th i c e ff e c t of E uc al y p tu s a nd La nt a na
bo t an ic a ls on ger m i na t io n a nd s ee d li ng gr ow t h of
d if fer ent w eed sp e c ie s

4 A llel o pa th i c eff ec t of I po m oe a a nd Ag er at u m b ot a ni c a ls
on g er m in at i on a n d s ee dl in g gr owt h of di ff er e nt w e ed
s pe c i es

Pl at e Ti tl e Betw een
No . pag es

1 B ot an i c al s u s ed f or t h e s tu d y

2 W eed sp ec ie s u se d f or t he st u d y

3 A lle l opa th i c ef fe c t of bo t an ic a l s o n se ed g er mi n at ion o f

on io n ( A l iu m c e pa L. )

4 A lle l opa th i c e ff e ct o f w heat ( Tr i t ic u m a e st i v u m) str aw o n

ger m i nat io n o f d if fe r e n t w e e d s pec i e s

5 A lle l opa th i c e ff ec t of pa dd y ( O r y za s at iv a) s tr aw on
ger m i nat io n o f d if fe r e n t w e e d s pec i e s

6 A lle l opa th i c ef f e ct of E u ca ly pt u s c itr o do r a o n ger m in a tio n

of d i ff er ent w ee d s p e c ie s

7 A lle l opa th i c ef fe c t o f Lan ta n a c a me r a on g er mi nat i on of

d if fer ent w eed sp e c ie s

8 A lle l opa th i c ef f e ct of Ip o mo e a tr i c o lor o n g er mi nat i on o f

d if fer ent w eed sp e c ie s
The human population has increased rapidly during later half of the 20 centaury and
dependence on agrochemicals (fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides) has increased to
produce the required agricultural products. These agrochemicals besides polluting the
environment these are also hazardous to human and livestock. Hence, such practices are not
sustainable and cannot remain in use forever. Use of allelopathy is one of the safe
alternatives to over come these problems and to achieve sustainability in agriculture and
maintenance of clean environment for our future generations. Alleloapthic strategies aim at
reducing environmental pollution and maintaining ecological balance especially soil fauna and
flora through reduced use of chemical herbicides or substituting them with natural products
(plant and microbial products). Allelochemicals and phytochemicals are eco-friendly and free
from the problems associated with present herbicides .Hence, allelopathy is the priority area
of research in the world.
Phytotoxicity is very old component of agriculture but it is described as allelopathy by
Molisch (1937). Any direct or indirect and harmful or beneficial effect by one plant (including
micro-organisms) on another through production of chemical compounds that escape into the
environment is called allelopathy (Rice, 1984). Allelopathy is an important factor in
determining vegetation pattern, species diversity and vegetation dynamics. It plays a
significant role in “plant – plant” and “plant – microbe” interactions, which are important in the
management of one species by another mainly through biochemical interactions, affecting
seed germination and seedling growth of existing species by the intruder species.
Onion (Alium cepa L.) is one of the important commercial vegetable crops of India. It
is an ancient crop with medicinal value and is being consumed as food additive. Onion bulb is
rich in minerals, besides having good quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamin-c. The
pungency in onion is due to volatile compound known as allylopropyl and this pungency has
contributed for its popularity and diversified use.
Weed competition is one of the major constraints in onion production due to its
inherent characteristics such as short stature, non-branching habit, sparse foliage, shallow
root system and extremely slow growth in initial stages (Rajendra singh et al., 1986). It cannot
withstand competition with weeds, and consequently bulb size of onion reduces. The
reduction in bulb yield is to the extent of 48%-85% (Bhalla and Patel, 1983). Hence, there is a
need for weed free maintenance during early crop growth. Manual weeding is laborious, time
consuming and non-economical. The chemical method of weed control offers pollution and
health hazards. As such, onion being vegetable crop use of chemicals has to be discouraged.
Hence, there is need to find out organic based herbicides. Allelopathic interaction between
plant and other organisms offers alternative uses in agriculture including decreasing
dependence on synthetic pesticide for the control of pests, diseases and weeds (Saxena et
al., 1996).
Allelopathy offers potential for biorational weed control through production and
release of allelochemicals from leaves, flowers, seeds, stems and roots of living or
decomposing plant materials. Under appropriate conditions, allelochemicals may release in
quantity which suppress the developing weed seedlings and often exhibit selectivity similar to
synthetic herbicides (Weston, 1996). Grundy et al, (1999) reported that crop plant suppress
weed development physiologically through superior vigor by release of phytotoxins or
combinations of both allelopathy may have been a factor in few crops that did reduce weed
seedling emergence. The suppression of weeds by crops should be exploited to improve
weed control.
The research information is inadequate on allelopathic effect of potential botanicals in
controlling weeds of vegetables. Such information will help to develop organic herbicides
which are environmentally safe and less cost effective. Identification of suitable botanicals
with herbicidal properties, with their formulation gains special importance in organic farming.
Although many botanicals are reported to have allelopathic properties but the information on
their compatibility with field crops, effective active ingredient, extraction and utilization
technology is lacking. Keeping the above points in view, the present investigation entitled
“Allelopathic effects of botanicals on major weeds of onion” was carried out with following
1. To study the allelopathic effect of identified botanicals on onion
2. To study the potential of identified botanicals (plant extract) for their herbicidal properties
on major weeds of onion
3. To study the physico-chemical and morphological changes on seed germination and
seedling growth of major weeds of onion due to allelopathic effect of botanicals
4. To identify the suitable botanicals for control of weeds of onion growing regions
Allelopathy is derived from two Greek words ‘Allelon’ means each other and ‘Pathos’
means to suffer i.e. the injurious effects of one upon another. It represents the plant against-
plant aspect of the border field of chemical ecology. Some authors have used the term in a
more restricted sense to describe only the harmful effects of one higher plant upon another.
Allelopathy is a complex phenomenon between phenolic compounds and concentration of
allelochemicals. It has both inhibitory and stimulatory effects, which may be decided by
concentration of allelochemicals present in extraction. Allelochmicals which inhibited the
growth of some species at certain concentrations may stimulate the growth of same or
different species at lower concentrations. Therefore, in this review the term allelopathy has
been used according to Molisch’s (1937) i.e. all biochemical interactions (stimulatory or
inhibitory) among plants including microorganisms.
The literature pertaining to allelopathic effects of botanicals on major weeds of onion
is very scarce. Hence the literature on allelopathy on related weeds/crops and their related
aspects are reviewed in this chapter.


2.1.1 Effect of concentration
Dongre et al., 2004 studied two black gram varieties that were treated with different
concentration of aqueous leaf leachates of eight dominant weeds (Ageratum conyzoides,
Anagelis arvensis, Eclipta alba, Lippia nodiflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Phylanthus niruri,
Pluchea lanceolata and Polygonumm plebejum) to asses their allelopathic effects on seed
germination. Leachates of all weed species inhibited both seed germination and seedling
growth of both test varieties at 10 per cent concentration. Increase in concentration of
leachates was invariably associated with decrease in germination of test cultivars irrespective
of weed species.
In vivo studies were conducted to asses the allelopathic effects of eucalyptus leaf,
bark and root extracts at different concentrations (1.0 to 10.0 per cent) on germination and
seedling growth of cucumber. Germination and seedling growth were severely hampered by
leaf extract than bark and root. Whereas increase in concentration from 1 to 10 per cent there
was decrease in germination percentage and seedling growth (Alloli and Narayan reddy,
Green house experiments were conducted to study the effect of yellow nutsedge
(Cyperus rotundus) plant residues on the growth of corn and soybean. At equal concentration
tuber residues reduced the dry weight of corn and soybeans more than foliage residues. As
the concentration increased growth decreased, and the effect was more in corn (Drost et al.,
Experiments were conducted to investigate allelopathic effect of 1 to 10 per cent
aqueous leaf extract on germination and seedling growth in sunflower and sorghum. Results
indicated that the germination of both species decreased with increase in extract
concentration and with 10 per cent extract concentration the germination was 35 and 20 per
cent in sunflower and sorghum respectively. Shoot and root length and dry weight were also
decreased by increasing concentration (Murthy et al., 1995).
2.1.2 Effect of stage of botanicals
Guenzi et al. (1967) reported that wheat, oat, corn and sorghum residues collected at
the time of harvest were toxic to growth of wheat seedlings. The order of increasing toxicity
was wheat, oat, corn and sorghum residues. Bezidenhout et al. (1999) observed that the
aqueous extract form tubers or leaves of either immamature or mature Cyperus esculentus
plants inhibited germination of lettuce at 2 per cent concentration irrespective of growth stage.
At 5 per cent however, leaf extract from immamature weed plants was most inhibitory.
Yamamata et al. (1999) found that the root exudates of young barnyard grass
showed allelopathic effects activity and inhibited root elongation of rice and did not show the
inhibition of shoot growth. The allelopathic substance p- hydroxyl madelic acid was identified.
Gupta (2000) studied the root extract of Parthenium hysterophorus from four
phonological phases (juvenile, rosette, vegetative and maturity) on three test crops (Cluster
bean, Amaranthus and Lady finger) in a Petriplate bioassay. Results indicated that all
aqueous extracts inhibited the germination and dry matter accumulation in seedlings in the
order Cluster bean > Amaranthus >Lady finger. He opined that the variation in the effect at
different stages of donor plant affects recipient plant through allelopathy might be due to
changes in plant composition and allelochmicals at given stage.
2.1.3 Effect of plant parts
Variation in the allelopathic response of different plant parts depends upon
distribution and accumulation of allelochmicals in different plant parts.
Delmoral and Muller (1969) reported there was a reduction in germination of green
gram and garden grass by Eucalyptus globules leaf and stem leachates. Aqueous extracts of
bark and leaves of six years old Acacia nilotica has significantly inhibited seed germination,
radical and plumule growth of sorghum, cotton, eggplant, okra, chilli, tomato and sunflower.
Piskorz (1997) observed that the effects of aqueous extracts of Echinocloa crusgalli prepared
from above ground parts and roots immediately after harvest and from whole weed eight
months after harvest on seed germination of cucumber, tomato and radish. The aqueous
extracts did not significantly affect germination of cucumber but at higher concentration
inhibited germination in radish and tomato.
The bioassay studies indicated that extracts from different parts of Ipomoea cornea
(corolla, senescent leaves, roots) at 1-15 per cent concentration had significant inhibitory
effect on germination, root and shoot length of test crops (wheat, sorghum, rice and kidney
bean). The toxicity in terms of per cent inhibition in all test crops followed the order corolla >
senescent leaves > roots extracts (Jadhav et al., 1997).
Challa and Ravindra (1998) studied the allelopathic effects of monocot and dicot
weeds on seed germination and seedling growth of onion, knolkhol and radish. Leaf leachates
of weeds were found more toxic than root leachates to the test crops and there was no
significant effect of weed leaf extracts and root extracts on test crops.
Experiments were conducted to asses the allelopathic effects of leachates from leaf,
stem flower and roots of Parthenium hysterophorus containing phenolic compounds (caffeic,
p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxy benzoic acid and vanillic acid) that were tested on cowpea, black
gram, greengram, horse gram and pigeon pea. The mixture of these phenolic acids as well as
individual compounds inhibited the germination and vigor index of all test crops (Sasikumar et
al., 2002).
Channappagoudar et al. (2003) studied that the allelopathic effect of Cyperus
rotundus, Commelina bengahalensis, Parthenium hysterophorus, and Prosipus juliflora at two
concentrations (5 and 10 per cent) on sorghum, wheat, greengram, soybean, sunflower and
groundnut. The results revealed that Commelina and Cyprus extracts had greater inhibitory
effect on germination, seedling length and seedling vigor index. Among the crops tested
groundnut and wheat were more resistant to allelopathic effect to weeds.
2.1.4 Nature of allelopathy
Allelopathy generally refers to the inhibitory or stimulatory effects of one plant species
on other plant species in terms of germination, growth and development. The donar plant
release allelochemicals into surrounding environment through leachates, root exudates and
volatilization and hence accumulation of allelochemicals causes toxicity affecting crop growth
and finally yield.
Towata and Hongo (1987) tested mimosine for its allelopathic activity against rice,
radish, turnip, kidney bean, and carrot. Radical growth was inhibited at 10 ppm concentration
while growth of rice, radish, turnip and kidney bean was stimulated at 1ppm concentration.
Carrot and kidney bean were less sensitive to mimosine than other species. Bhaskar et al.
(1992) noticed adverse effect of Eucalyptus tereticornis leaf leachates on germination and
seedling growth of finger millet, greengram, horse gram and coriander. Among all these crops
tested coriander was found to be more sensitive. Phytotoxic effects of Parthenium
hysterophoorus and Xanthium stromanium adversely affected germination of Glycine max
and Vigna mungo (Bhatt et al., 1994).
Dhawan et al. (1998) reported leachates from seeds of Parthenium stimulated the
seed germination of solanum, capsicum, abelomosch and bronica, but tomato germination
was inhibited.
Sannigrahi and chakraborthy (2005) conducted a laboratory experiment to determine
allelopathic effect of some common weeds (Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus,
Chromolena odoratum, Imperata cyllindrica, Ipomoea sepiania, Mikania chordata and
Parthenium hysterophorus). All these weeds inhibited seed germination of tomato over
control. Aqueous leaf extracts of Ipomoea sepiania and Chromolena odoratum were most
inhibitory to seed germination of tomato seeds.
Allelopathic activities of weeds (Amaranthus gracilis, Convolvulus arvensis, Lactuca
serriola, Portulaca oleracea) were assessed on vegetable crops (cabbage, carrot, cucumber,
onion, pepper, squash and tomato). Soil incorporated dried shoot residues, reduced the
seedling growth of test crops.whereas, soil-surface placed weed residues delayed seedling
emergence. However, both positive and negative effects were observed (Obaid and Qasem,
2.1.5 Type of extraction
Generally allelochemicals are water-soluble compounds but extraction by different
ways may lead greater toxic effects.
Horowitz et al.(1971) observed that the dried subterranean organs of Cynodon
dactylon, Cyperus rotundus and Sorghum helepense incubated in light and heavy soils for 1,2
and 3 months. The residual bioactivity of the soil was assayed by barley sown directly into
soil. The inhibition of the growth was greater in light than in heavy soils and greater inhibition
was caused by Cyperus rotundus and Sorghum helepense than Cynodon dactylon.
The bioassay studies indicated that ethanolic root extract of Parthenium
hysterophoorus at 10 per cent concentration significantly affected radical length of sorghum.
Whereas, 1per cent extract increased radical length of sorghum seeds (Labrada and
Font.1990). Prasad and Srivastava (1991) reported that boiled and unboiled extracts of
Ageratum conyzoides and Lantana camera had severe effects on groundnut (Cv.AK 12-24
kernels) and caused significant reduction in per cent germination, root length and shoot length
than the Echinocloa crusgalli, Xanthium stromanium, Commelina bengahalensis and Cyperus
Oudhia and Tripathi (1999) reported that root, stem and leaf tissues of Lantana
camera decayed in water in the ratio of 1:10 (w/v) of plant material, water for 120,168,216 and
264 hours. The extracts were then applied to rice seeds had significant allelopathic effects. At
11 days after sowing the treatments with 216-hour stem extract had greatest germination. The
168 and 216-hour stem and leaf treatments resulted in greatest shoot and root elongation
2.1.6 Biochemical compounds involved
Allelopathy has both detrimental and beneficial biochemical interactions between
plants and microorganisms through release of allelochemicals like phenolic compounds and
displaces the local biodiversity.
The bioassay studies reported that citrodora oil from Eucalyptus citrodora leaves
decreased seed germination and seedling growth of all 28 test crops consisting of pulses,
forages oilseeds, cereal, vegetable and flowers (Kumari et al., 1984). The allelopathic
potential of shoots and root leachates of Parthenium hysterophoorus was assessed using
sorghum and black gram as test crops. Shoot leachates of weed showed more allelopathic
effect than root leachates and this may due to phenolic content of weed leachates (Seetha et
al., 1990).
Sivagurunathan et al. (1997) identified the allelopathic phenolic compounds in the
leachates of fresh leaves. litter, root, bark and seeds of eucalyptus species. The effect is
attributed by the presence of several phenolics like caffeic, coumaric, gallic, gentisic, hydroxyl
benzoic, syringic, vanilic acids and catechol). The concentration and combination of the
phenolics determine the level of inhibition.
Ambika and Jayachandra (1980) studied that aqueous leachates from leaves, roots
and cypsela of Eupatorium odoratum as well as alkaloids from leachates were tested on
wheat (Triticum aestivum) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgeaceum). Eupatorium inhibited
the growth in test seedlings significantly to varying degrees due to allelopathic agents like
phenolics and alkaloids.
Swaminathan et al. (1990) showed that the Parthenium hysterophoorus leachates
obtained from the leaves, stem and flowers significantly inhibited the plumule growth of
cowpea. While, in sorghum only radical growth was affected. The inhibition was attributed to
the unsaturated lactones found in plant parts of weed species.
The bioassay study showed that aqueous leachates of dry plant parts of nut sedge
(Cyperus rotundus) inhibited germination and seedling growth of okra, bitter gourd, tomato
and onion. Perhaps due to the presence of phenolics acids (Ameena and George, 2002).


2.2.1 Effect of concentration
Jayakumar (1995) studied allelopathic effects of Cassia serecia on Parthenium and
reported that aqueous extracts of different plant organs of Cassia sericea viz, root, stem, pod
wall and leaf inhibited seed germination and seedling vigour of Parthenium.Inhibition was
statistically significant over control at higher concentration of aqueous extract (undiluted 1:10)
than at lower concentration.
Adkins et al. (1996) observed that aqueous leachates of Parthenium weed leaves on
the germination and seedling growth of five test species. Germination of climbing buckwheat
(Polygonum convolvulus), liver seed grass (Urochloa pannicoides), buffel grass (Cenchurus
ciliaris) and Parthenium weed were significantly (P< 0.05) depressed (92,95,98 and 80 per
cent respectively) at highest leachates concentration used (250 mg fresh leaf material / ml).
While, lowest concentration (50 mg fresh leaf material / ml) significantly (P< 0.05) depressed
climbing buckwheat, liver seed grass and buffel grass (80, 80 and 87 per cent respectively)
but not Parthenium weed.
Tripathi et al. (1997) observed that the aqueous extracts (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 per
cent) of weeds (Pluchea lanceolata, Imperata cylindrica and Parthenium hysterophorus) on
test weed species (Phylaris minor and Echinocloa colonum) in Petriplate bioassays. The 40%
extracts of Pluchea lanceolata and Imperata cylindrica reduced germination of Phylaris minor
by 30 and 35 % respectively. While, 30 % extract Parthenium hysterophorus completely
inhibited (100.0%) germination of Phylaris minor. On the other hand 10 % extracts of
Pluchea lanceolata and Imperata cylindrica caused 40 % inhibition in Echinocloa colonum.
The extracts of Parthenium proved most inhibitory and caused complete inhibition at 40%
Phawa et al. (2000) reported that the allelopathic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus
on Cyperus rotundus and three species of Echinocloa i.e. Echinocloa colonum, E.crusgallli,
E.glaberscence. Parthenium hysterophorus extracts at 5, 10 and 15% (w/v) as pre-
emergence and post emergence at 30 days after sowing and even soil drenching with 15, 30
and 45 % solution of Parthenium extract did not cause any allelopathic effects on the growth
of any of weeds.
Sinha and Singh (2004) revealed that germination inhibition and growth of
Parthenium hysterophorus was found restricted by 25 % leaf extract of Xanthium stromanium.
A significant reduction was also recorded in root/shoot length, seedling vigour and vigour
index of Parthenium by leaf extract treatment of Xanthium stromanium.
The aqueous extracts from fresh and dry leaves of Lantana camera inhibited the
growth of water hyacinth and killed the plant within six days because of salicylic acid which is
major allelochmicals in lantana (Zhung et al., 2005).
2.2.2 Effect of extraction stage
Wardle et al.,(1993) reported that younger (rosette) plants are potentially more
effective than older plants in releasing soluble inhibitors upon decomposition.
Ahemad and Wardle (1994) observed that flowering plants have potential to weaken
pasture through allelopathy than those of rosette plants and decomposition of above ground
litter appears as the most likely mechanism facilitating allelopathic effects
Gupta (1998) reported that fresh root exudates of Parthenium were acidic and
inhibitory at all the stages of growth but the effect was more pronounced at rosette stage. The
response varies with test plants viz, Hibiscus esculentus, Cynapsis psorbibes, Amaranthus
gangeticus and allelopathic effect was attributed to phenolics in the root.
Khan et al.(2001) observed that residues from mature harvested crops of sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor),wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa) had phytotoxic effects on
germination and dry matter production of Physalis minima.
2.2.3 Effect of plant parts
Bioassay studies of aqueous extract of inflorescence, stems and leaves of
Parthenium hysterophorus on germination and seedling establishment of Cassia occidentalis
showed that all concentration from plant parts had inhibitory effect on seed germination and
seedling growth. Leaf extract appeared to be more potent compare to extracts from stems
and inflorescence (Rahaman and Acharia.1998).
Natural compounds released from leaves, roots and other parts of weeds and crops
inhibit the growth of near by weeds and plants. The perennial weeds like Bermuda grass
(Cynodon dactylon) can be controlled by Euphorbia prostrata. Similarly, Polygonum ariculare
is also known to have phytotoxic effect on cynodon and purple nutsedge .The most
troublesome weed worlds wide can be controlled by pigeonpea. Dodder (Cuscuta spp) a
parasitic weed that attacks many legumes including alfalfa can be controlled by cynodon
weed extract (Hiremath and Hunshal, 1998). Experiment was conducted to determine the
allelopathic potential of rice body parts on seed germination and growth of barnyard grass (E.
crusgalli). Results indicated that highest inhibition rate 76.9% in straw extract, 74.5% in
leaves and 31.7% in hull extract (Chung et al., 2003).
2.2.4 Nature of allelopathy
Narwal and Sharmha (1995) reported that the aqueous extract of wheat straw
stimulated the germination of carpet weed (Trianthema portulacastrum), barnyard grass
(Echinocloa crusgalli) and crow foot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) and slightly inhibited
that of pig weed (Amaranthus spp.) and sunberry (Physalis minima).
Peterson et al. (1999) evaluated the sweet potato germplasm for allelopathic effect
and reported that suppression of yellow nutsedge and prosomillet seed germination.
Vegetation distribution around eucalyptus tree is attributed to its allelopathic effect (Alves et
al., 1999).
Kim et al. (1999) observed that rice seedlings grown under conditions of intensive
competition with barnyard grass accumulated more allelochemicals than those grown in the
absence of competition. Growing rice seedlings at the ratios of 5 rice seedlings: 1 barnyard
grass plant and 5:5 provided 64.3 and 84.5% control, respectively.
The bioassay study was conducted to asses allelopathic potential of Korean rice
cultivars on barnyard grass. Rice straw of Cv.Seogandodobyeo showed greatest inhibition
(67.07%) of total emergence. The greatest inhibition of seedling length and dry weight of
barnyard grass occurred in Handobyeo (58.32%) and Hengbalbyeo (81.20%) respectively
(Chung et al., 2000).
The most potent specieses Ageratum conyzoides, B.pilosa, B.orientale, D.resoni,
E.cannabium, E.hirta, L.gluaca, M.alba, M.azedernch and T.candida reduced 70-80% paddy
weeds by allelopathically and increased rice yield by 20% (Xuan.2004).
Macharia and Peffeley (2005) studied that the effect of Alium fistulosum and Alium
cepa genotype on plant growth and seed germination of spring amaranth (A spinnosus) and
kochia (Kochia scoparia). The germination of kochia seeds was not affected by root exudates
from any Alium spp but the biomass of amaranth and kochia plants was significantly reduced
when the weeds were grown with Alium fistulosum var. Heshiko and inter specific F1 hybrid
2.2.5 Type of extraction
James et al. (1982) evaluated allelopathic potential of wheat straw residues on weed-
seed germination and seedling growth. The extract prepared by agitating and soaking caused
greater inhibition than those obtained by leaching. The descending order of species
susceptibility was ivy leaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea), velvet leaf (abutilon
theophrasti), pitted moorningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa), hemp sesbenia (Sesbenia exaltata),
sickle pod (Cassia obtusifolia) and Japanese barnyard millet (Echinocloa crusgalli).
Aqueous leaf leachates of Prosopis cineraria. P juliflora reduced germination of
Parthenium hysterophorus seeds from 68% to 22% whereas aqueous extracts of leaves of
both Prosopis species reduced the germination of Parthenium hysterophorus seeds to 7.35 -
8.82%. The vigour index of the seedling treated with Prosopis species was also reduced
(Dhawan, 1995).
2.2.6 Biochemical compounds involved
Falcinidiol isolated from Glehizia littoralis showed both antimicrobial as well as
inhibitory effects. The inhibitory effects were investigated in lettuce, green amaranth, timothy
and crab grass (Satoh et al., 1996).
Laboratory experiments were conducted during 2005-06 to investigate the
“Allelopathic effect of botanicals on major weeds of onion”. The details of materials used and
techniques adopted during the course of investigation are described in this chapter.


The experiment was conducted in Main Research Station , University of Agricultural
0 0
Sciences, Dharwad, which is situated at a latitude 15 7' and 76 07' longitude with an
altitude of 678.8m above the mean sea level in Northern transitional zone (zone -8).


3.2.1 Experiment I
Laboratory experiment was conducted to study the allelopathic effect of identified
botanicals (Plate 1) on onion seed germination parameters. The details of the experiments
are presented below. Experimental design
The experiment was carried out by following complete randomized block design
(CRBD). Treatment details
The experiment consists of one test crop and ten botanicals with three
concentrations. The details of test crop and botanicals used are presented as below.
Test crop: Onion
B1 Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum)
B2 Paddy straw (Oryza sativa)
B3 Chromolena odoratum
B4 Eucalyptus citrodora
B5 Lantana camera
B6 Ipomoea tricolor
B7 Ageratum conyzoides
B8 Clerodendrone thomsanae
B9 Parthenium hysterophorus
B10 Cassia sericea
T1 Control
T2 5% plant extract
T3 10% plant extract Collection of botanicals
Individual botanicals of whole plants of ten different species at two stages before
flowering and after flowering were collected. The botanicals were removed of contaminants
like soil by washing gently with tap water and kept for drying under shade till complete drying
was ensured.
Plate 1. Botanicals used for the study Grinding of botanicals
Dried botanical species were cut into small pieces and put in mixi-cum-grinder and
ground powder were kept in polythene bag with its mouth properly closed and used it for
preparation of extracts. Preparation of extracts
The ground powder of each botanical species was weighed at different
concentrations (5 and 10 per cent) using electronic digital balance and powder were soaked
overnight in 100 ml distilled water in a clean beaker. The leachate were filtered through a
muslin cloth and squeezed by pressing with hands, thereafter the filterate was again filtered
through Whatman No.1 filter paper to separate the suspended particles .The filterate obtained
after filtering was used for study. Pretreatment of seeds
The onion seeds used in the experiment were pre-cleaned and treated by using 0.1%
mercuric chloride solution for 2-3 minutes. Sowing
Surface sterilized onion seeds (50 numbers) from each treatment were subjected to
germination test in Petri dishes lined with doubled layered filter paper. Filter paper was
regularly moistened with botanical extracts collected at two stages (pre flowering and post
flowering). Observations Germination percentage
After eighth day of sowing germination percentage was calculated as prescribed by
ISTA (1993).The per cent germination was expressed on normal seedling bases. Seedling length
Seedling length was measured in centimeter from five randomly selected normal
seedlings on eighth day. Seedling weight
The randomly selected five normal seedlings were used for measuring root and shoot
length were used for recording fresh weight as well as dry weight of seedlings and expressed
in milligrams.
Dry weight of five seedlings was recorded after drying inn hot air oven maintained at
65 C temperature for 24 hours. The dried seedlings were weighed, averaged and expressed
in milligrams.
3.2.2 Experiment II
Laboratory experiment was conducted “to study the potential of identified botanicals
(Plant extract) for herbicidal properties on eight major weeds of onion” (Plate 2). The details of
the experiment are presented below. Experimental design
The experiment was carried out by following complete randomized block design
Plate 2. Weed species used for the study Treatment details
The experiment consists of ten test weeds and seven botanicals with three
concentrations. The details of weeds and botanicals used are presented in as below.
Weed species
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis
B1 Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum)
B2 Paddy straw (Oryza sativa)
B3 Eucalyptus citrodora
B4 Lantana camera
B5 Ipomoea tricolor
B6 Ageratum conyzoides
T1 Control
T2 5% plant extract
T3 10% plant extract Pretreatment of seeds
Ten different weed seeds used in the experiment were pre-cleaned and treated by
using 0.1% mercuric chloride solution for 2-3 minutes. Sowing
Surface sterilized weed seeds (50 numbers each) were subjected to germination test
in Petri dishes lined with doubled layered filter paper and 5 ml different concentrations of
extracts of botanicals collected at pre flowering and post flowering stages were placed in
Petri dishes. Observations Number of days taken for germination
Numbers of seeds germinated were counted daily from one day after sowing. Germination percentage
After eighth day of sowing germination percentage was calculated as prescribed by
ISTA (1993).The per cent germination was expressed on normal seedling bases. Root length
Root length was measured on eighth day from five randomly selected normal
seedlings. Average of five root length was calculated and expressed in centimeter. Shoot length
The seedlings which were used for measuring root length were also used for
measuring shoot length and mean was calculated and expressed in centimeter. Seedling length
Seedling length was measured in centimeter from five randomly selected normal
seedlings on eighth day. Seedling vigor index
The seedling vigor index was calculated by using Abdul –Baki and Anderson (1973)
SVI= (Shoot length + Root length) X Germination percentage. Speed of germination/Rate of germination
Speed or rate of germination was computed by using the following formula.

SG/RG = N1 + N2 + N3+……………………+.Nn
D1 D2 D3 Dn
SG = Speed of germination
RG = Rate of germination
N1, N2, N3 …Nn = Number of seedling emerged on D1, D2, D3,……… Dn days after
sowing. Seedling weight
The randomly selected five normal seedlings were used for measuring root and shoot
length were used for recording fresh weight as well as dry weight of seedlings and expressed
in milligrams.
Dry weight of five seedlings was recorded after drying inn hot air oven maintained at
65 C temperature for 24 hours. The dried seedlings were weighed, averaged and expressed
in milligrams. Biochemical parameters
A. Estimation of total sugar content
The sugars were estimated as per the procedure given by Mahadevan and Sridhar
Alcohol extract:
A known quantity of dry leaf sample (100 mg) was suspended in 10 ml of 80%
alcohol. The mixture was kept on hot water bath for few minutes. The supernatant was
decanted and collected. This was separated 2 – 3 times to ensure complete extraction. The
supernatant was filtered through Whatman No.1 filter paper and filterate was made up to 25
ml with alcohol. From this 5 ml of extract was taken and alcohol was evaporated on hot water
bath. The volume was made up to 10 ml with distilled water. The extract was stored in
refrigerator for estimation of sugars and phenols.
A known amount of alcohol extract (0.5 ml) was taken in a test tube and volume was
made up to 1 ml with distilled water. To this, 1ml of 1N HCl was added, and mixture was kept
on hot water bath for 10 minutes. Then test tubes were cooled and mixture was neutralized by
1N NaOH using phenolphthalein indicator the contents in the tubes were made up to a known
volume with distilled water. This formed an aliquot for estimation of total sugars.
A known amount of aliquot (0.5 ml) was drawn in a test tubes from each treatments
and the volume was made up to 1 ml with distilled water.1.0 ml of alkaline copper reagent
was added and tubes were kept in a boiling water bath for exactly 20 minutes. The test tubes
were cooled and 1 ml of arsenomolybdate reagent was added. The contents were mixed
thoroughly and the volume was made up to 10 ml with distilled water. The absorbance of blue
colour developed was read in spectrophotometer (Systronics model CL - 54) at 510 nm. The
quantity of sugars was calculated by using glucose standard curve and expressed as µg per
milligram dry weight.
B. Estimation of free phenols
Free phenols were estimated by employing the procedure of Folin-ciocalteau method.
A known quantity of aliquot (0.4 ml) was drawn in test tubes from each treatments
and volume made up to 1 ml. To which 1 ml of 1N Folin-ciocalteau reagent (FCR) and 2 ml of
2 percent sodium carbonate solution were added. The test tubes were kept on hot water bath
for exactly 1 minute, cooled under running tap, the blue colour developed was diluted to 25 ml
with distilled water and absorbance was measured at 650 nm in spectrophotometer
(Systronics model CL - 54). The total phenols in samples was determined by using catechol
standard curve and expressed as µg per milligram dry weight.


The data obtained from various periodical observations were subjected to statistical
analysis. The analysis of variance and interpretation of data were done as per procedure
given by Gomez and Gomez (1980). Level of significance used in the ‘F’ test and‘t’ tests was
p=0.01. Critical difference (C.D.) values were calculated only when the ‘F’ test was found
The results of the experiment conducted to study the allelopathic effect of botanicals
(plant extract) on major weeds of onion (Laboratory experiments) during 2005-06 at
Department of Crop Physiology, UAS, Dharwad are presented in this chapter.


4.1.1 Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination of onion seeds is presented in Table (1).Keeping
the type of botanical constant, the stage of the botanical did not show significant differences
for per cent germination of onion seeds. However, with increase in concentration of plant
extracts from 5 to 10 per cent there was a significant decrease in per cent germination. The
lowest per cent germination (94.34 and 94.24) was recorded with 10 per cent pre flowering
and post flowering stage extracts respectively and were on par with each other. Whereas,
control recorded (98.67%).
Among the botanicals, Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae,
Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia recorded significantly lower per cent
germination (91.83, 92.00, 91.17 and 94.50 respectively) and were on par among themselves
except Cassia serecia but differed significantly with control (96.67).
The interaction effects between treatments and botanicals were found significant.
Among the botanicals Chromolena odaratum (90.67 and 91.33), Clerodendron thomsanae
(90.67 and 91.33), Parthenium hysterophorus (90.00 and 90.00) and Cassia serecia (91.33
and 92.67) recorded significantly lower per cent germination at 10 per cent pre flowering and
post flowering stage extracts respectively and were on par with each other.
4.1.2 Seedling length (cm)
The data on seedling length (cm) is presented in Table (1).Form the data it is evident
that there was a decrease in seedling length (3.78) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
as compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (4.34).
Among the botanicals Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium
hysterophorus and Cassia serecia noticed significantly lower seedling length (4.17, 2.07, 1.25
and 4.06 respectively) as compared to remaining botanicals.
Even among the interactions, At 10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage
extracts the botanicals Chromolaena odaratum (2.58 and 2.93), Clerodendron thomsanae
(1.21 and 1.62), Parthenium hysterophorus (0.95 and 1.09) and Cassia serecia (2.46 and
4.23) recorded significantly lower seedling length.
4.1.3 Fresh weight (mg)
Table (2) depicts the fresh weight (mg) of onion seedlings as influenced by different
concentration and botanicals at two stages. In general, there was decrease in fresh weight at
10 per cent pre flowering stage (109.03) as compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage
Among the botanicals Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium
hysterophorus and Cassia serecia recorded significantly lower fresh weight (127.17, 119.58,
72.83 and 127.42 respectively) as compared to others. Among the interaction effects between
treatments and botanicals, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the botanicals
Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia
serecia recorded significantly lower fresh weight (105.00, 99.33, 61.33 and 101.00
4.1.4 Dry weight (mg)
The data on dry weight (mg) is presented in Table (2).It indicated that in general there
was decrease in the dry weight at 10 per cent pre flowering stage (12.57).While, dry weight
was maximum at 5 per cent post flowering stage (18.57).
Table 1: Allelopathic effect botanicals on per cent germination and seedling length of onion

Per cent germination Seedling length (cm)

Botanicals Treatments Treatments
Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
B1 96.67 96.00 96.33 96.00 96.25 5.66 5.09 6.99 5.59
B2 98.67 98.67 98.67 95.33 97.84 7.66 5.73 7.01 6.01
B3 92.00 90.67 93.33 91.33 91.83 5.17 2.58 6.01 2.93
B4 97.33 96.67 96.67 96.67 96.84 7.61 5.35 8.15 6.21
B5 98.00 96.00 97.33 96.67 97.00 6.99 5.90 6.97 6.15
B6 96.67 96.67 96.67 96.00 96.50 6.92 4.89 6.61 5.65
B7 97.33 96.67 96.67 96.00 96.67 6.23 3.67 5.06 3.95
B8 92.67 90.67 93.33 91.33 92.00 2.57 1.21 2.87 1.62
B9 92.00 90.00 92.67 90.00 91.17 1.25 0.95 1.69 1.09
B10 96.67 91.33 97.33 92.67 94.50 4.58 2.46 4.96 4.23
Means 95.80 94.34 95.90 94.20 95.06 5.46 3.78 5.63 4.34
Control 98.67 9.21
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.31 1.12 0.06 0.21
Weeds (W) 0.49 1.77 0.09 0.33
TXW 0.98 3.54 0.10 0.66
B1-Wheat straw, B2-Paddy straw, B3-Chromolena odoratum,B4-Eucalyptus citrodora, B5-Lantana camera, B6-Ipomoea tricolor, B7-Ageratum conyzoides,
B8-Clerodendron thomsanae, B9-Parthenium hysterophorus,B10-Cassia serecea.
Table 2: Allelopathic effect botanicals on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of onion

Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

Botanicals Treatments Treatments
Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
B1 140.33 124.33 169.67 130.00 141.08 16.67 15.00 22.67 16.33
B2 138.33 111.33 165.33 122.67 134.42 17.67 13.00 18.67 14.67
B3 126.33 105.00 137.33 140.00 127.17 15.00 11.00 19.00 12.67
B4 163.33 146.33 183.33 149.00 160.50 20.33 15.67 23.33 18.67
B5 129.67 113.33 161.67 137.67 135.59 18.33 14.00 21.00 13.00
B6 139.00 120.00 161.33 126.00 136.58 15.00 13.33 18.33 17.00
B7 140.33 108.33 140.00 129.33 129.50 16.67 12.67 20.00 14.33
B8 114.00 99.33 136.00 129.00 119.58 14.67 12.00 17.00 13.33
B9 74.33 61.33 81.33 74.33 72.83 7.33 6.67 9.33 8.67
12 1
B10 129.00 101.00 163.33 116.33 127.42 16.00 16.33 13.00
.33 4.42
Means 129.47 109.03 149.93 125.43 128.47 15.77 12.57 18.57 14.17
Control 175.33 24.33
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T)
1.72 6.19 0.19 0.69
2.72 9.79 0.30 1.09
5.44 19.57 0.61 2.19
B1-Wheat straw, B2-Paddy straw, B3-Chromolena odoratum,B4-Eucalyptus citrodora, B5-Lantana camera, B6-Ipomoea tricolor, B7-Ageratum conyzoides,
B8-Clerodendron thomsanae, B9-Parthenium hysterophorus,B10-Cassia serecea.
The botanicals showed significant decrease in dry weight. Among botanicals, Chromolaena
odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia noticed
significantly lower dry weight (14.42, 14.25, 8.00 and 14.42 respectively) compared to others.
However, the interaction effects between treatments and botanicals showed
significant differences. The botanicals, Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsanae,
Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia recorded significantly lower dry weight (11.00,
12.00, 6.67 and 12.33 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract over other


4.2.1 Wheat straw Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination is presented in Table (3). Aqueous extract of wheat
straw at 10 per cent post flowering stage recorded significantly lower per cent germination
(44.17) while per cent germination was higher with 10 per cent pre flowering stage (46.00).
Wheat straw extract significantly recorded the lower per cent germination with Cynotis
cuculata (6.27) followed by Dinebra retroflexa (50.40) and Portulaca oleracea (52.13)
compared to Echinocloa crusgalli (66.00).
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species showed significant
differences, At 10 per cent post flowering Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra
retroflexa recorded lower per cent germination (4.00, 43.33 and 43.33). Whereas,
Amaranthus viridis and Digera arvensis recorded higher pre cent germination (56.67) at 10
per cent post flowering stage extract and were on par each other. Speed of germination
The data on speed of germination is presented in Table (3).Aqueous extract of wheat
straw indicated significantly higher reduction in speed of germination with post flowering stage
(4.08 and 3.31) at 5 and 10 per cent concentration respectively. On the contrary, higher
speed of germination was noticed in pre flowering stage (4.26 and 3.46) at both
All the weed species recorded significantly lower speed of germination when
compared to Amaranthus viridis and Digera arvensis which produced higher speed of
germination (5.68 and 5.67) and were on par with each other.
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant.
Among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea recorded lower speed of
germination (0.38 & 0.23 and 3.72 & 3.38) at 5 and 10 per cent post flowering stage extracts
respectively when compared to other interactions. Root length
Observation recorded on root length (cm) is presented in Table (4).The data revealed
that significant differences among treatments were observed. Higher inhibition in root length
was noticed with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (1.29).While, 10 per cent pre
flowering stage extracts recorded least inhibition (1.40).
Among the weed species, Echinocloa crusgalli recorded significantly lower root length
(1.06).While, Cynotis cuculata recorded higher value (2.74).
Similarly, interaction effects between treatments and weed species again Echinocloa
crusgalli recorded lower root length (1.09 & 0.88 and 1.06 & 0.86) at 5 and 10 per cent pre
flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively and they were on par with each other
at same concentrations.
Table 3: Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post
10% Mean
W1 10.67 6.00 5.33 5.33 4.00 6.27 1.05 0.45 0.23 0.38 0.23 0.47
W2 73.33 59.33 57.33 57.33 56.67 60.80 9.44 5.32 4.36 5.12 4.18 5.68
W3 74.00 55.33 47.33 54.67 43.33 54.93 8.27 4.47 4.18 4.39 4.00 5.06
W4 83.33 65.33 60.67 65.33 55.33 66.00 5.72 4.28 3.21 4.01 3.06 4.06
W5 62.00 51.33 45.33 50.00 43.33 50.40 6.07 4.87 3.63 4.65 3.42 4.53
W6 77.33 59.33 47.33 57.33 46.67 57.60 7.62 5.49 3.71 5.35 3.49 5.13
W7 57.33 53.33 49.33 53.33 47.33 52.13 8.06 3.98 3.52 3.72 3.38 4.53
W8 82.67 65.33 55.33 64.67 56.67 64.93 8.64 5.19 4.80 5.03 4.68 5.67
Means 65.08 51.91 46.00 51.00 44.17 51.63 6.86 4.26 3.46 4.08 3.31 4.39
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.37 1.33 0.01 0.04
Weeds(W) 0.47 1.68 0.01 0.05
1.04 3.76 0.03 0.12

W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 4: Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% P Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post Mean
re 10% 10%
W1 4.23 2.84 2.09 2.68 1.86 2.74 3.54 2.29 1.95 2.24 1.85 2.37
W2 2.49 1.99 1.71 2.09 1.55 1.97 3.69 2.26 1.72 2.10 1.65 2.28
W3 1.73 1.39 1.15 1.41 1.04 1.34 2.30 2.04 1.50 2.01 1.36 1.84
W4 1.41 1.09 0.88 1.06 0.86 1.06 4.19 2.42 2.08 2.30 2.01 2.60
W5 1.79 1.56 1.32 1.45 1.25 1.47 2.87 2.23 1.45 2.27 1.35 2.03
W6 4.00 3.41 1.61 3.25 1.37 2.73 7.41 6.34 5.20 6.23 5.02 6.04
W7 1.95 1.72 0.99 1.63 0.99 1.46 3.59 2.39 1.67 2.23 1.61 2.30
W8 2.64 2.05 1.43 1.95 1.37 1.89 3.42 2.52 1.58 2.47 1.47 2.29
Means 2.53 2.01 1.40 1.94 1.29 1.83 3.88 2.81 2.14 2.73 2.04 2.72
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.05
0.03 0.11 0.03 0.12
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis. Shoot length
Observations on shoot length (cm) is presented in Table (4). All the treatments
recorded lower shoot length compared to control (3.88). At 10 per cent post flowering stage
extract produced significantly lower shoot length (2.04). Whereas, maximum shoot length
(2.81) was noticed at 5 per cent pre flowering stage extract.
All the weed species recorded significant inhibition in shoot length. In general,
Phylanthus niruri observed lower shoot length (1.84).While, Chenopodium album recorded
higher values (6.04).
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species also recorded significant. At
10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extract the weed species, Phylanthus niruri
and Dinebra retroflexa recorded lower shoot length (1.50 & 1.36 and 1.45 & 1.35
respectively) compared to other interactions and Dinebra retroflexa recorded on par results. Seedling length
Observations on seedling length (cm) recorded is presented in Table (5). At 10 per
cent post flowering stage wheat aqueous extract produced significantly lower seedling length
(3.33).Whereas, maximum seedling length (6.41) was noticed in control. In general
Phylanthus niruri recorded maximum inhibition in seedling length (3.18). While, Chenopodium
album recorded least inhibition (8.77).
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species, again Phylanthus niruri
recorded lower seedling length (2.65 and 2.40) at 10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering
stage extract respectively. However, higher seedling length was produced in Chenopodium
album (6.81 and 6.39) again at same concentration levels. Seedling vigor index
The data on seedling vigor index is presented in Table (5).Among treatments, at 10
per cent post flowering stage extract showed significantly lower seedling vigor index
(147.09).Whereas, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract recorded higher seedling vigor
index (162.84).
All the weed species recorded significantly lower seedling vigor index value
compared to Chenopodium album which produced higher seedling vigor index (505.15).
Similarly, the interaction effects between treatments and weed species found
significant. At 10 per cent post flowering stage extract the weed species Cynotis cuculata,
Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa recorded lower seedling vigor index (14.84, 103.99
and 112.66 respectively) and Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa were on par among
themselves. Fresh weight
The data on fresh weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (6).Aqueous
extract of wheat straw at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract recorded significantly lower
fresh weight (41.08).While higher fresh weight was found with 10 per cent pre flowering stage
extract (43.54).
The weed species Dinebra retroflexa recorded significantly lower fresh weight
(24.33).Whereas, Chenopodium album noticed higher fresh weight (113.07).Among
interaction effects between treatments weed species showed significant differences. At 10 per
cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts the weed species Dinebra retroflexa
recorded significantly lower fresh weight (21.33 and 20.67 respectively).However, the higher
fresh weight (105.00 and 98.33) was noticed with Chenopodium album at 10 per cent pre
flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively. Dry weight
Observation on dry weight (mg) recorded is presented in Table (6).The treatments
showed significant differences for dry weight of weed species. At 10 per cent post flowering
stage extract showed lower dry weight (5.21) and it was on par with 10 per cent pre flowering
stage extract (5.63).
Table 5: Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 5.13 4.04 4.92 3.71 5.11 82.91 30.78 21.53 26.22 14.84 32.04

W2 6.18 4.25 3.43 4.19 3.20 4.25 453.18 252.15 196.64 240.21 181.34 258.40
W3 4.03 3.43 2.65 3.42 2.40 3.18 298.22 189.78 125.42 186.97 103.99 174.68
W4 5.60 3.51 2.96 3.36 2.87 3.66 466.65 229.31 179.58 219.51 158.80 241.56

W5 4.66 3.79 2.77 3.72 2.60 3.50 288.92 194.54 125.56 186.00 112.66 176.40
W6 11.41 9.75 6.81 9.48 6.39 8.77 882.34 578.47 322.32 543.49 298.22 505.15
W7 5.54 4.11 2.66 3.86 2.60 3.76 317.61 219.19 131.22 205.85 123.06 196.01

W8 6.06 4.57 3.01 4.42 2.84 4.18 500.98 298.56 166.54 285.84 160.94 271.41
Means 6.41 4.82 3.54 4.67 3.33 4.55 417.16 250.21 162.84 238.17 147.09 234.92

For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)

Treat (T) 0.02 0.05 3.19 11.48
Weeds (W) 0.02 0.06 4.03 14.52
TXW 0.04 0.15 9.02 32.48
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis
Table 6: Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extract on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean

W1 48.00 45.00 38.67 43.33 36.33 42.27 11.00 7.67 5.33 7.00 5.00 7.20
W2 41.00 35.67 33.00 35.67 30.67 35.20 9.33 7.67 4.00 7.67 3.67 6.47
W3 32.33 30.33 24.67 28.67 21.00 27.40 9.00 6.67 4.00 6.00 3.33 5.80

W4 88.67 82.00 71.00 80.67 68.67 78.20 12.33 10.67 8.33 10.67 8.00 10.00
W5 30.00 25.67 21.00 24.00 20.67 24.27 9.00 7.00 3.67 6.33 3.33 5.87
W6 139.00 115.33 105.00 107.67 98.33 113.07 15.67 11.67 8.00 11.33 7.67 10.87

W7 36.33 27.67 24.33 26.33 23.33 27.60 9.33 8.33 5.67 7.67 5.00 7.20
W8 60.67 40.00 30.33 37.67 29.67 39.67 11.33 8.00 6.00 7.67 5.67 7.73
eans 59.50 50.21 43.50 48.00 41.08 48.46 10.87 8.46 5.62 8.04 5.21 7.64
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)

Treat (T) 0.54 1.94 0.12 0.43

0.68 2.45 0.15 0.54
1.52 5.48 0.34 NS
W 1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W 7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
However, all the weed species recorded significant inhibition in dry weight. Maximum
reduction in dry weight was found with Phylanthus niruri (5.80) and Dinebra retroflexa (5.87).
Whereas, Echinocloa crusgalli and Chenopodium album noticed least reduction in dry weight
(10.00 and 10.87 respectively).Interaction effects between treatments and weed species
found non significant. Total sugar content
Observations on total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is
presented in Table (7).
Among the treatments, there was significantly lower sugar content was observed at
10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.412). Whereas, higher value was found with 10 per
cent pre flowering stage extract (0.423).
Among the weed species, Portulaca oleracea recorded lower sugar content (0.315)
compared to Digera arvensis (0.479). In the interaction effects between treatments and weed
species again Portulaca oleracea noticed lower sugar content (0.344 and 0.320) at 5 and 10
per cent post flowering stage extract respectively compared to 5 and 10 per cent pre flowering
stage extract (0.357 and 0.331 respectively). Total phenol content
Observation on total phenol content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is
presented in Table (7).
Among the stage of treatments, there was significantly higher phenol content was
observed with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.037). Whereas, lower value was
found with 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (0.036).
Among the weed species, Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea recorded
higher phenol content (0.041 and 0.045 respectively) and were on par among themselves. In
the interaction effects between treatments and weed species again, Portulaca oleracea
noticed higher phenol content (0.047) at 10 per cent post flowering extract. While, Digera
arvensis recorded lower phenol content (0.026 and 0.024) at 10 per cent post flowering stage
4.2.2 Paddy straw Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination of weed species is presented in Table
(8).Significant differences were observed among treatments. Lower per cent germination
(42.17) was noticed with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract compared to 10 per cent pre
flowering stage (45.67).
Paddy straw extract had negative effects on per cent germination of all weed species.
The lower per cent germination was noticed with Cynotis cuculata (7.20) followed by
Echinocloa crusagalli (55.46), Dinebra retroflexa (50.13) and Portulaca oleracea (50.67)
compared to Amaranthus viridis (63.73).
In the interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant,
among the weed species Cynotis cuculata, Echinocloa crusgalli and Dinebra retroflexa
recorded significantly lower per cent germination (4.67, 43.33 and 43.33 respectively) at 10
per cent post flowering stage extracts as compared to other interactions. Speed of germination
The observations recorded on speed of germination is presented in Table (8).There
was significant decrease in speed of germination was recorded with post flowering stage
extract at 5 and 10 per cent concentrations (4.26 and 3.33 respectively).Whereas, higher
speed of germination (4.38 and 3.57) was noticed in pre flowering stage extract at both
Table 7: Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of
different weed species

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.392 0.371 0.380 0.363 0.350 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.037 0.039 0.037
W2 0.335 0.512 0.492 0.500 0.480 0.464 0.028 0.031 0.031 0.032 0.033 0.031
W3 0.307 0.474 0.452 0.461 0.440 0.427 0.035 0.036 0.040 0.037 0.041 0.038
W4 0.366 0.571 0.510 0.559 0.498 0.501 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.024 0.026 0.024
W5 0.219 0.412 0.368 0.397 0.357 0.351 0.037 0.038 0.040 0.039 0.041 0.039
W6 0.238 0.497 0.355 0.486 0.345 0.384 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.041 0.043 0.041
W7 0.225 0.357 0.331 0.344 0.320 0.315 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.045 0.047 0.045
W8 0.355 0.528 0.502 0.517 0.492 0.479 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.026 0.028 0.026
ns 0.286 0.468 0.423 0.456 0.412 0.409 0.032 0.034 0.036 0.035 0.037 0.035
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds (W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
0.002 0.007 0.002 0.006
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis
Table 8: Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 10.67 8.67 6.00 6.00 4.67 7.20 1.05 0.47 0.39 0.47 0.36 0.55
W2 73.33 72.00 54.67 68.00 50.67 63.73 8.27 4.33 4.56 4.28 4.30 5.15
W3 74.00 68.67 56.67 64.67 52.00 63.20 8.06 4.50 3.67 4.38 3.50 4.82
W4 83.33 53.33 48.00 49.33 43.33 55.46 9.44 5.54 4.43 5.36 4.21 5.80
W5 62.00 50.00 45.33 50.00 43.33 50.13 6.07 4.90 3.62 4.75 3.47 4.56
W6 77.33 62.00 51.33 58.00 47.33 59.20 7.62 5.62 3.73 5.42 3.44 5.17
W7 57.33 52.00 48.67 50.00 45.33 50.67 5.72 4.29 3.28 4.17 3.11 4.11
W8 82.67 60.67 54.67 58.00 50.67 61.34 8.64 5.39 4.90 5.23 4.23 5.68
ans 65.08 53.42 45.67 50.50 42.17 51.37 6.86 4.38 3.57 4.26 3.33 4.48
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.41 1.45 0.01 0.04
Weeds (W) 0.51 1.84 0.02 0.06
TXW 1.15 4.12 0.03 0.13
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
The paddy straw extract had negative effects on speed of germination of all weed
species. The maximum reduction was with Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea (0.55 and
4.11 respectively).
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species recorded significant
differences. Weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea recorded lower speed of
germination (0.47 & 4.17) at 5 per cent and (0.36 and 3.11) at 10 per cent post flowering
stage extracts compared to other interactions. Root length
The data on root length (cm) is presented in Table (9).Table indicates that there was
significantly lower root length at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (1.33) compared to
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (1.43).
Among the weed species Echinocloa crusgalli recorded significantly lower root length
(1.06) as compared to Cynotis cuculata (2.94).
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species, Phylanthus niruri and
Echinocloa crusgalli recorded significantly lower root length (0.90 and 0.91) at 10 per cent pre
flowering stage extract and were on par among themselves Shoot length
The data on shoot length (cm) as influenced by paddy straw extract is presented in
Table (9). Aqueous extract of paddy straw at 5 and 10 per cent post flowering stage extract
recorded significantly lower shoot length (2.85 and 2.23 respectively) compared to pre
flowering stage extracts (2.91 and 2.28) and 10 per cent concentration extracts were on par
with each other.
Among the weed species, Echinocloa crusgalli recorded lower shoot length
(1.89).While, Chenopodium album observed higher (6.23) shoot length.
In the interaction effects between treatments and weed species observed significant.
Among weed species, Phylanthus niruri and Chenopodium album noticed higher shoot length
(6.32 & 5.67 and 6.16 & 5.57) at both concentrations of pre flowering and post flowering stage
extracts. While, Echinocloa crusgalli recorded lower shoot length (2.14 & 1.56 and 2.06 &
1.90) again at both concentration of extracts respectively. Seedling length
The data on seedling length (cm) as influenced by paddy straw extract presented in
Table (10). Among the treatments, At 10 per cent post flowering stage extract noticed
significantly lower seedling length (3.55) as compared to 10 per cent pre flowering stage
extract (3.71).
Among the weed species, Amaranthus viridis, Echinocloa crusgalli and Dinebra
retroflexa recorded lower seedling length (3.34, 3.55 and 3.49 respectively) compared to
Chenopodium album (8.77).
In the interaction effects between treatments and weed species, at 10 per cent pre
flowering and post flowering stage extracts recorded significantly lower seedling length (2.50
and 2.31 respectively) with Echinocloa crusgalli. While, Chenopodium album produced higher
seedling length (7.77 and 7.50) again at same concentration levels. Seedling vigor index
The observations recorded on seedling vigor index are presented in Table (10). There
was significant decrease in seedling vigor index (150.13) with 10 per cent post flowering
stage paddy straw extract as compared to 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (169.44).
The paddy straw extract had negative effects on seedling vigor index of all weed
species. The maximum reduction was with Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca
oleracea (39.02, 174.95 and 190.01 respectively) as compared to Chenopodium album
Table 9: Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 4.23 3.03 2.28 2.99 2.17 2.94 3.54 2.47 2.00 2.45 1.93 2.48
W2 2.49 1.32 1.03 1.23 0.90 1.39 3.69 2.67 2.14 2.57 2.05 2.62
W3 1.73 1.02 0.94 1.04 0.91 1.13 2.30 2.54 1.69 2.47 1.81 2.16
W4 1.41 2.08 1.45 2.03 1.32 1.66 4.19 2.14 1.56 2.06 1.40 2.27
W5 1.79 1.44 0.98 1.43 0.92 1.31 2.87 2.45 1.56 2.44 1.57 2.18
W6 4.00 2.45 2.10 2.23 1.93 2.54 7.41 6.32 5.67 6.16 5.57 6.23
W7 1.95 1.49 1.02 1.37 0.96 1.36 3.59 2.39 1.83 2.44 1.70 2.39
W8 2.64 2.26 1.62 2.17 1.51 2.04 3.42 2.33 1.79 2.20 1.78 2.30
2.53 1.89 1.43 1.81 1.33 1.80
ans 3.88 2.91 2.28 2.85 2.23 2.83
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.06
TXW 0.03 0.11 0.04 0.13
W 1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W 7-Portulaca oleracea, W8-Digera arvensis.
Table 10: Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Weed Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 5.51 4.28 5.44 4.09 5.42 82.91 47.69 25.68 32.64 19.15 39.02
W2 5.42 4.75 3.59 4.59 3.37 4.34 453.18 287.28 173.30 258.40 149.48 255.56
W3 3.71 3.86 2.72 3.69 2.71 3.34 298.22 244.47 149.04 226.99 141.44 207.93
W4 6.68 3.16 2.50 3.10 2.31 3.55 466.65 225.05 144.48 201.76 117.86 217.96
W5 4.65 3.89 2.55 3.87 2.48 3.49 288.92 194.50 115.14 193.50 107.89 174.95
W6 11.41 8.77 7.77 8.39 7.50 8.77 882.34 543.74 398.83 486.62 354.98 519.18
W7 5.54 3.89 2.85 3.79 2.66 3.75 317.61 201.76 138.71 190.50 120.58 190.01
W8 6.06 4.59 3.42 4.37 3.29 4.35 500.98 278.48 186.42 253.46 166.70 266.22
6.41 4.80 3.71 4.66 3.55 4.62 417.16 256.42 169.44 235.33 150.13 237.84
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.02 0.06 3.16 11.38
Weeds (W) 0.02 0.07 3.99 14.39
TXW 0.05 0.17 8.94 32.18
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 11: Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw extract on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 48.00 41.33 38.33 39.67 36.33 40.73 11.00 9.00 5.67 8.67 5.00 7.87
W2 41.00 34.67 31.00 31.33 30.33 33.67 9.33 7.00 5.33 6.00 3.33 6.20
W3 32.33 29.33 25.67 26.67 21.33 27.07 9.00 6.00 3.67 5.67 4.00 5.67
W4 88.67 82.33 67.00 77.33 63.67 75.80 12.33 9.33 8.00 9.33 7.67 9.33
W5 30.00 25.67 22.00 24.33 20.67 24.53 9.00 6.67 4.67 6.33 4.33 6.20
W6 139.00 117.67 99.00 104.00 93.67 110.67 15.67 13.67 10.00 13.67 9.00 12.40
W7 36.33 31.67 25.67 34.33 23.67 30.33 9.33 6.00 5.33 5.33 5.00 6.20
W8 60.67 44.67 32.33 42.00 30.33 42.00 11.33 9.00 6.00 8.67 5.33 8.07
Means 59.50 50.92 42.63 47.46 40.00 48.10 10.87 8.33 6.08 7.96 5.46 7.74
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.54 1.94 0.12 0.43
Weeds(W) 0.68 2.45 0.15 0.54
1.52 5.48 0.34 NS
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species recorded significant
differences. Among weed species, Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and
Portulaca oleracea again recorded lower seedling vigor index (19.15, 117.86, 107.89 and
120.58 respectively) at 10 per cent post flowering stage extracts compared to other
interactions. Fresh weight
The data on fresh weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (11).Significant
differences were observed among treatments. Higher inhibition in fresh weight (40.00) was
noticed at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract compared to 10 per cent pre flowering
stage extract (42.63).
Paddy straw extract had negative effects on fresh weight of all weed species. The
maximum inhibition was noticed with weed species Dinebra retroflexa (24.53) followed by
Phylanthus niruri (27.07) compared to Chenopodium album (110.67).Similarly, interaction
effects between treatments and weed species showed significant differences. Phylanthus
niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower fresh weight
(21.33, 20.67 and 23.67 respectively) at 10 per cent post flowering stage extracts and were
on par among themselves. Dry weight
The data on dry weight (mg) of weed species as influenced by paddy straw extract is
presented in Table (11).Significant differences were observed among treatments. Maximum
reduction in dry weight (5.46) was noticed at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract as
compared to 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (6.08). Among the weed species,
Phylanthus niruri recorded lower dry weight (5.67) compared to Chenopodium album
(12.40).Interaction effects between treatments and weed species found non significant. Total sugar content
The data on total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species as
influenced by paddy straw extract is presented in Table (12).
Paddy straw extract at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract recorded significantly
lower total sugar content (0.389) as compared to 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
Among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea recorded lower
sugar content (0.368 and 0.324 respectively) compared to other weed species.
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species, at 10 per cent
post flowering stage extract concentration recorded significantly lower sugar content (0.314
and 0.307) with Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea respectively over other
interactions. Total phenol content
The data on total phenol content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species as
influenced by paddy straw extract is presented in Table (12).
Paddy straw extract at 10 per cent post flowering stage recorded significantly higher
phenol content (0.036) as compared to 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (0.034).
Among the weed species, Portulaca oleracea recorded higher phenol content
(0.044). Whereas, Digera arvensis recorded lower phenol content (0.026) compared to other
weed species.
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species, at both
concentration levels of post flowering stage extract recorded significantly higher phenol
content (0.044 and 0.047) was observed with Portulaca oleracea over other interactions.
Table 12: Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of different
weed species

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.392 0.371 0.380 0.363 0.350 0.034 0.035 0.037 0.036 0.038 0.036
W2 0.335 0.512 0.492 0.500 0.480 0.464 0.028 0.030 0.031 0.031 0.032 0.030
W3 0.307 0.474 0.452 0.461 0.440 0.427 0.035 0.032 0.035 0.033 0.036 0.034
W4 0.366 0.571 0.510 0.559 0.498 0.501 0.021 0.022 0.024 0.023 0.025 0.023
W5 0.219 0.412 0.368 0.397 0.357 0.351 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.038
W6 0.238 0.497 0.355 0.486 0.345 0.384 0.038 0.039 0.038 0.040 0.041 0.038
W7 0.225 0.357 0.331 0.344 0.320 0.315 0.042 0.043 0.046 0.044 0.047 0.044
W8 0.355 0.528 0.502 0.517 0.492 0.479 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.026 0.028 0.026
Means 0.286 0.468 0.423 0.456 0.412 0.409 0.032 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.036 0.034
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds(W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
TXW 0.002 0.007 0.002 0.006
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 13: Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 10.67 6.66 3.33 7.33 5.33 6.66 1.05 0.54 0.49 0.65 0.55 0.66
W2 73.33 68.66 54.00 7.67 58.00 52.33 8.27 4.68 4.36 4.69 4.58 5.32
W3 74.00 56.00 52.00 60.00 56.61 59.72 8.06 4.65 4.07 4.69 4.32 5.16
W4 83.33 62.00 54.00 72.00 58.00 65.87 9.44 5.62 5.13 5.72 5.31 6.24
W5 62.00 64.00 45.33 63.30 48.00 56.53 6.07 4.79 4.04 4.88 4.11 4.78
W6 77.33 63.33 50.00 66.00 54.77 62.29 7.62 5.75 4.54 5.93 4.73 5.71
W7 57.33 51.33 44.00 52.67 48.00 50.67 5.72 4.59 3.65 4.8 3.77 4.51
W8 82.70 72.67 60.00 77.33 65.33 71.61 8.64 5.92 4.86 5.4 4.97 5.96
eans 65.09 55.58 45.33 50.79 49.26 53.21 6.86 4.57 3.89 4.60 4.04 4.79
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.47 1.68 0.01 0.05
Weeds(W) 0.59 2.13 0.08 0.06
1.32 4.76 0.04 0.14
W 1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W 7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
4.2.3 Eucalyptus citrodora Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination is presented in table (13). The table
indicated that there was significantly lower per cent germination (45.33) was noticed with 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract. While, maximum per cent germination was found with 10
per cent post flowering stage extract (49.26).
Eucalyptus extract significantly inhibited the per cent germination of all weed species.
The lower per cent was noticed with Cynotis cuculata, Amaranthus viridis and Portulaca
oleracea (6.67, 52.33 and 50.67 respectively) compared to Digera arvensis (71.61).
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species differed significantly. At 10 per cent
pre flowering stage extract recorded lower per cent germination with Cynotis cuculata,
Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea (3.33, 45.33 and 44.00 respectively) compared to
Digera arvensis (60.00). Speed of germination
Table (13) depicts the speed of germination of different weed species as influenced
by eucalyptus extract. Among the treatments 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract recorded
significantly higher reduction (3.89) in speed of germination. While, 5 per cent concentration
was on par with post flowering stage extract (4.60).
Significantly, lower speed of germination was observed with all weed species. The
maximum reduction in speed of germination was noticed with Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra
retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea (0.66, 4.78 and 4.51
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species also found significant.
The Weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea being recorded lower speed of
germination (0.49 and 3.65 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract compared
to other interactions and they were on par with 10 per cent post flowering stage extracts (0.55
and 3.77). Root length
The data on root length (cm) is presented in Table (14). The table revealed that
significantly lower root length was noticed with 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (1.68)
compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (1.74).
Eucalyptus extract showed significant decrease in root length of all weed species.
Moreover, Phylanthus niruri and Portulaca oleracea recorded lower root length (1.18 and 1.49
respectively).While, Cynotis cuculata recorded higher root length (3.19).
However, in the interaction effects between treatments and weed species also found
significant. At 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species, Phylanthus niruri and
Portulaca oleracea recorded lower root length (0.98 and 1.07 respectively) compared to other
interactions. Shoot length
Table (14) depicts shoot length (cm) as influenced by eucalyptus extract. The treatments
were significant with respect to shoot length. Lower shoot length (2.42) was recorded at 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract
All the weed species were negatively affected by eucalyptus extract. The maximum
shoot length (6.57) was recorded with Chenopodium album and lower value was found with
Phylanthus niruri (1.82).
However, interaction effects between treatments and weed species produced
significantly lower shoot length with Phylanthus niruri (1.75 & 1.53 and 1.87 & 1.63) at 5 and
10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively. Whereas,
Chenopodium album recorded higher shoot length (7.05 & 5.65 and 6.99 & 5.73) at 5 and 10
per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively.
Table 14: Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 4.23 3.35 2.44 3.43 2.51 3.19 3.54 2.83 2.07 2.88 2.18 2.70
W2 1.73 1.93 1.26 2.03 1.14 1.62 3.69 2.91 2.40 2.98 2.52 2.90
W3 1.41 1.23 0.98 1.25 1.01 1.18 2.30 1.75 1.53 1.87 1.63 1.82
W4 2.49 2.01 1.87 2.17 1.91 2.09 4.19 3.30 2.56 3.36 2.71 3.22
W5 1.79 1.94 1.53 1.92 1.58 1.75 2.87 2.68 1.57 2.67 1.67 2.29
W6 4.00 3.3 2.57 3.43 2.6 3.18 7.41 7.05 5.65 6.99 5.73 6.57
W7 1.95 1.54 1.07 1.68 1.19 1.49 3.59 2.89 1.85 3.05 1.92 2.66
W8 2.64 2.26 1.71 2.28 1.94 2.17 3.42 2.92 1.73 3.08 1.82 2.59
ans 2.53 2.20 1.68 2.27 1.74 2.08 3.88 3.29 2.42 3.36 2.52 3.09
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.05
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.06
TXW 0.03 0.11 0.04 0.14
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis. Seedling length
Table (15) depicts seedling length (cm) as influenced by eucalyptus extract. The
treatments were significant with respect to seedling length. Lower seedling length (4.10) was
recorded under 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract compared to 10 per cent post
flowering stage extract (4.26).All the weed species were negatively affected by eucalyptus
extract. The maximum seedling length was recorded with Chenopodium album (9.75) and
lower value was found with Phylanthus niruri (3.00).
Among interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant. At
both concentration levels of pre flowering stage extract recorded very lower seedling length
(2.98 and 2.51 respectively) with Phylanthus niruri. While, higher seedling length was found
with Chenopodium album (10.42) at 5 per cent pre flowering stage extract. Seedling vigor index
Table (15) depicts the seedling vigor index of different weed species as influenced by
eucalyptus extract. Among the treatments, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
significantly recorded lower seedling vigor index (185.85) compared to 10 per cent post
flowering stage extract (209.85).
Significantly lower seedling vigor index was observed with all weed species. The
maximum reduction in seedling vigor index was noticed with Cynotis cuculata and Phylanthus
niruri (39.23 and 179.16) compared to other weed species.
The data revealed that, the interaction effects between treatments and weed species
found significant. The weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea being recorded
lower seedling vigor index (15.02 & 25.00 and 130.52 & 149.45) at 10 per cent pre flowering
and post flowering stage extracts and were on par among themselves. Fresh weight
The data on fresh weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (16).The table
indicates that the treatments showed significant differences for fresh weight of weed species.
The lower fresh weight (42.25) was recorded with 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract as
compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (45.50).
Among weed species, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea
recorded significantly lower fresh weight (27.00, 25.60 and 29.67 respectively) and were on
par among themselves.
On the contrary, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species
Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea had significantly lower fresh
weight (22.33, 21.00 and 24.00 respectively) over other interactions and were on par with
each other. Dry weight
Table (16) depicts dry weight (mg) as influenced by eucalyptus extract. The
treatments showed significant differences with respect to dry weight. At 10 per cent pre
flowering and post flowering stage extract recorded lower dry weight (6.17 and 6.46
respectively) and were on par with each other.
Dry weight of all weed species were negatively affected by eucalyptus extract. The
maximum inhibition was noticed with Dinebra retroflexa (6.00) and least reduction was found
with Chenopodium album (12.67).Interaction effects between treatments and weed species
found non significant. Total sugar content
Table (17) depicts total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) as influenced by eucalyptus
extract. The treatments were significant with respect to total sugar content. Lower sugar
content (0.372) was noticed under 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract. While, higher value
was observed with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.384).
Table 15: Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Weed Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 6.18 4.51 6.31 4.69 5.89 82.91 41.16 15.02 46.25 25.00 39.23
W2 5.42 4.84 3.66 5.01 3.66 4.52 397.45 332.31 197.64 38.43 212.28 236.53
W3 3.71 2.98 2.51 3.12 2.64 3.00 274.54 166.88 130.52 187.20 149.45 179.16
W4 6.68 5.31 4.43 5.53 4.62 5.31 556.64 329.22 239.22 398.16 267.96 349.77
W5 4.66 4.62 3.10 4.59 3.25 4.04 288.92 295.68 140.52 290.55 156.00 228.38
W6 11.41 10.35 8.22 10.42 8.33 9.75 882.34 655.47 411.00 687.72 456.23 607.33
W7 5.54 4.43 2.92 4.73 3.11 4.15 317.61 227.39 128.48 249.13 149.28 210.28
W8 6.06 5.18 3.44 5.36 3.76 4.76 501.16 376.43 206.40 414.49 245.64 340.86
Means 6.41 5.49 4.1 5.63 4.26 5.17 417.23 305.13 185.85 285.95 209.85 275.10
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.02 0.06 3.39 12.23
Weeds(W) 0.02 0.07 4.29 15.47
0.05 0.17 9.61 34.59
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 16: Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora extract on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 48.00 40.33 36.67 41.67 39.33 41.20 11.00 7.67 6.00 7.33 6.00 7.60
W2 41.00 34.67 31.00 37.00 32.33 35.20 9.33 7.33 4.33 8.00 4.67 6.73
W3 32.33 26.33 22.33 28.33 25.67 27.00 9.00 7.00 5.00 7.33 5.33 6.73
W4 88.67 76.67 71.67 76.67 76.00 77.94 12.33 9.67 8.33 10.33 9.00 9.93
W5 30.00 25.67 21.00 26.33 25.00 25.60 9.00 6.00 4.33 6.00 4.67 6.00
W6 139.00 113.67 99.67 114.67 102.33 113.87 15.67 13.33 10.00 14.00 10.33 12.67
W7 36.33 28.33 24.00 31.67 28.00 29.67 9.33 6.33 5.67 6.67 5.67 6.73
W8 60.67 37.67 31.67 43.67 35.33 41.80 11.33 6.33 5.67 7.00 6.00 7.27
Means 59.50 47.92 42.25 50.00 45.50 49.03 10.87 7.96 6.17 8.33 6.46 7.96
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.51 1.82 0.11 0.39
Weeds(W) 0.64 2.30 0.14 0.49
1.43 5.15 0.31 NS
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
All the weed species were affected by eucalyptus extract. The lower sugar content
(0.343, 0.335 and 0.312) was recorded with Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and
Portulaca oleracea respectively compared to other weed species.
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species found
significant. At 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species Dinebra retroflexa,
Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower sugar content
(0.304, 0.306 and 0.296 respectively) over other interactions. Total phenol content
Table (17) depicts total phenol content (µg/mg dry wt.) as influenced by eucalyptus
extract. The treatments were significant with respect to total phenol content. Higher phenol
content (0.034) was found under 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract. While, lower value
was observed with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.032).
All the weed species were affected by eucalyptus extract. The higher phenol content
(0.042) was recorded with Portulaca oleracea compared to other weed species.
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species found
significant. At both concentration levels of pre flowering stage extract the weed species
Portulaca oleracea recorded higher phenol content (0.043 and 0.044) over other interactions.
4.2.4 Lantana camera Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination is presented in Table (18).Significant differences
were observed for treatments. However, lower per cent germination (45.75) was observed at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract than 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (48.75).
Similarly, significant differences were noticed in all weed species. There was lower
per cent germination was recorded with Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea (8.27and
52.00 respectively) compared to Digera arvensis (68.53).
On the contrary, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species Cynotis
cuculata and Portulaca oleracea had significantly lower per cent germination (6.67 and 45.33
respectively) over others. While, Digera arvensis recorded higher per cent germination
(55.33). Speed of germination
The data on speed of germination is presented in Table (18).Maximum reduction in
speed of germination was recorded with pre flowering stage extract (4.74 and 3.86) at 5 and
10 per cent concentration respectively compared to post flowering stage extract (4.89 and
4.13) at both concentrations.
All weed species noticed significantly lower speed of germination when compared to
Echinocloa crusgalli (6.41) and Digera arvensis (6.52).
Among the interactions effects between treatments and weed species found
significant. At 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species Cynotis cuculata and
Portulaca oleracea recorded lower speed of germination (0.51 and 2.75 respectively). Root length
The data on root length (cm) is presented in Table (19).From the data it is evident
that among the treatments there was decrease in root length (1.62) at 10 per cent pre
flowering stage extract over 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (1.69).
Among the weed species, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri and Portulaca
oleracea recorded lower root length (1.38, 1.23 and 1.58 respectively) compared to other
weed species.
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant. Among
the weed species, Phylanthus niruri recorded lower root length (1.06 and 1.08) at 10 per cent
pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively and were on par with each other.
Table 17: Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of different weed

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.337 0.324 0.349 0.336 0.343 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.032 0.034 0.033
W2 0.335 0.441 0.430 0.453 0.442 0.448 0.028 0.030 0.030 0.029 0.029 0.029
W3 0.307 0.425 0.419 0.436 0.430 0.433 0.035 0.032 0.033 0.030 0.032 0.031
W4 0.366 0.469 0.455 0.481 0.466 0.474 0.021 0.021 0.023 0.020 0.021 0.021
W5 0.219 0.342 0.304 0.353 0.316 0.335 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.036 0.038 0.037
W6 0.238 0.395 0.306 0.407 0.316 0.362 0.038 0.038 0.039 0.037 0.038 0.038
W7 0.225 0.304 0.296 0.316 0.307 0.312 0.042 0.043 0.044 0.041 0.043 0.042
W8 0.355 0.460 0.445 0.472 0.458 0.465 0.023 0.023 0.026 0.022 0.025 0.023
Means 0.286 0.397 0.372 0.408 0.384 0.396 0.032 0.032 0.034 0.031 0.032 0.032
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds (W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
TXW 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.007
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 18: Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 10.67 8.00 7.33 8.67 6.67 8.27 1.05 0.59 0.51 0.61 0.59 0.67
W2 73.33 54.67 52.67 57.33 54.67 58.53 8.27 4.84 4.61 4.90 4.77 5.48
W3 74.00 63.33 49.33 64.67 51.33 60.53 8.06 5.12 4.17 5.16 4.38 5.38
W4 83.33 67.33 50.00 70.00 57.33 65.60 9.44 5.93 5.2 6.14 5.33 6.41
W5 62.00 62.67 52.67 65.33 56.67 59.87 6.07 4.95 4.09 5.12 4.22 4.89
W6 77.33 67.33 53.30 68.67 56.67 64.66 7.62 5.84 4.59 6.09 4.72 5.77
W7 57.33 54.67 45.33 53.33 49.33 52.00 5.72 4.71 2.75 4.98 3.93 4.42
W8 82.70 72.00 55.33 75.33 57.30 68.53 8.64 5.97 4.99 6.12 5.07 6.16
Means 65.09 56.25 45.75 57.92 48.75 54.75 6.86 4.74 3.86 4.89 4.13 4.90
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.38 1.36 0.01 0.04
Weeds(W) 0.48 1.71 0.02 0.06
1.07 3.83 0.04 0.14
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 19: Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 4.23 3.05 2.78 3.09 2.84 3.20 3.54 2.48 2.31 2.43 2.41 2.63
W2 1.73 1.28 1.21 1.46 1.2 1.38 3.69 3.06 2.75 3.03 2.87 3.08
W3 1.41 1.27 1.06 1.32 1.08 1.23 2.30 2.02 1.55 2.06 1.63 1.91
W4 2.49 1.93 1.57 2.12 1.69 1.96 4.19 3.09 2.61 4.01 2.67 3.31
W5 1.79 1.64 1.16 1.61 1.19 1.48 2.87 2.66 1.62 2.76 1.62 2.31
W6 4.00 3.04 2.21 3.12 2.37 2.95 7.41 7.03 5.78 7.00 5.98 6.64
W7 1.95 1.62 1.21 1.85 1.25 1.58 3.59 2.84 2.01 2.9 2.01 2.67
W8 2.64 2.48 1.78 2.41 1.86 2.23 3.42 2.98 2.27 2.91 1.99 2.71
Means 2.53 2.04 1.62 2.12 1.69 2.00 3.88 3.27 2.61 3.39 2.65 3.16
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.06
0.03 0.10 0.04 0.14
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis. Shoot length
The data on shoot length (cm) is presented in Table (19).The table revealed that 10
per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts produced significantly lower shoot
length (2.61 and 2.65 respectively) and were on par with each other.
Among the weed species, higher reduction in shoot length was noticed with
Phylanthus niruri (1.91) over other weed species. While, Chenopodium album recorded
higher values (6.64).
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species, at both
concentrations (5 and 10 per cent) of pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts the
weed species, Phylanthus niruri recorded lower shoot length (2.02 & 1.55 and 2.06 & 1.63
respectively) compared to other interactions and were on par with each other. Seedling length
The data on seedling length (cm) is presented in Table (20).The table revealed that at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract produced significantly lower seedling length (4.23)
when compared with 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (4.34).
Higher reduction in seedling length was noticed with weed species Phylanthus niruri
(3.14) over other weeds. While, Chenopodium album recorded higher value (9.59).
Among interactions, weed species Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa recorded
significantly lower seedling length (2.61 & 2.71 and 2.78 & 2.81) at 10 per cent concentrations
of pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively and were on par among
themselves. Seedling vigor index
The data on seedling vigor index is presented in Table (20). Aqueous extract of
lantana at 10 per cent pre flowering stage noticed significantly lower seedling vigor index
(193.52). Whereas, 10 per cent post flowering stage extract recorded higher values (211.58).
All the weed species noticed significantly lower seedling vigor index when compared to
Chenopodium album (620.09).
Among the interactions, maximum reduction in seedling vigor index was recorded
with weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Phylanthus niruri (48.21 and 190.06 respectively) at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extracts compared to other interactions. Fresh weight
The data on fresh weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (21).The table
revealed that significant decrease in fresh weight (42.67) was noticed with 10 per cent pre
flowering stage extract. While, maximum fresh weight (45.25) was found with 10 per cent post
flowering stage extract.
Lantana extract significantly inhibited fresh weight of all weed species. The maximum
inhibition was noticed with weed species, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca
oleracea (28.00, 24.40 and 29.47 respectively) as compared to Chenopodium album
Interaction effects between treatments and weed species differed significantly. At 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract lower fresh weight was recorded with Phylanthus niruri,
Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea (23.00, 21.00 and 24.33 respectively) at 10 per
cent pre flowering stage extract compared to Chenopodium album which recorded higher
fresh weight (101.67). Dry weight
The data on dry weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (21).Table
revealed that significant differences were observed among treatments. Lower dry weights
were found with 10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stages extracts (6.63 and 6.92
respectively) and were on par with each other. However, higher reduction in dry weight was
recorded with weed species Phylanthus niruri (6.47) and Dinebra retroflexa (6.40) over other
Table 20: Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Weed Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 5.53 5.09 5.52 5.25 5.83 82.91 44.24 37.31 47.86 35.02 48.21
W2 5.42 4.34 3.96 4.49 4.07 4.46 397.45 237.27 208.57 257.41 222.51 261.04
W3 3.71 3.29 2.61 3.38 2.71 3.14 274.54 208.36 128.75 218.58 139.10 190.06
W4 6.68 5.02 4.18 6.13 4.36 5.27 556.64 338.00 209.00 429.10 249.96 345.71
W5 4.66 4.3 2.78 4.37 2.81 3.79 288.92 269.48 146.42 285.49 159.24 226.91
W6 11.41 10.07 7.99 10.12 8.35 9.59 882.34 678.01 425.87 694.94 473.19 620.09
W7 5.54 4.46 3.22 4.75 3.26 4.25 317.61 243.83 145.96 253.32 160.82 221.00
W8 6.06 5.46 4.05 5.32 3.85 4.94 501.16 393.12 224.09 400.76 220.61 338.54
Means 6.41 5.31 4.23 5.51 4.34 5.16 417.23 298.69 193.52 319.14 211.58 282.51
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Tre 0.02 0.08 3.36 12.09
at (T) 0.03 0.12 4.28 15.39
We 0.07 0.24 9.48 34.11
eds (W)
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 21: Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera extract on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 48.00 41.67 37.33 43.00 38.00 41.60 11.00 9.00 6.33 9.33 6.67 8.47
W2 41.00 33.67 31.33 35.67 32.00 34.73 9.33 7.33 5.67 7.67 6.00 7.20
W3 32.33 27.33 23.00 29.67 27.67 28.00 9.00 6.33 5.00 6.67 5.33 6.47
W4 88.67 78.33 71.00 80.33 75.67 78.80 12.33 10.00 9.33 10.33 9.67 10.33
W5 30.00 24.00 21.00 24.33 22.67 24.40 9.00 6.33 5.00 6.67 5.00 6.40
W6 139.00 112.33 101.67 118.33 106.33 115.53 15.67 11.67 10.00 12.00 10.33 11.93
W7 36.33 29.33 24.33 31.67 25.67 29.47 9.33 7.33 6.00 7.67 6.33 7.33
W8 60.67 37.67 31.67 44.33 34.00 41.67 11.33 8.00 5.67 8.33 6.00 7.87
Means 59.50 48.04 42.67 50.92 45.25 49.28 10.87 8.25 6.63 8.58 6.92 8.25
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.53 1.92 0.11 0.40
Weeds (W) 0.68 2.43 0.14 0.50
1.51 5.43 0.31 NS
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
weeds. While, Chenopodium album recorded lower reduction value (11.93).Interaction effects
between treatments and weed species found non significant. Total sugar content
The data on total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is presented
in Table (22). The table revealed that, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract produced
significantly lower sugar content (0.357) compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract
Among the weed species, higher reduction in sugar content was noticed with
Portulaca oleracea (0.291).
In the interaction effects between treatments and weed species significantly lower
sugar content (0.297, 0.294 and 0.266 respectively) was recorded with weed species Dinebra
retroflexa, Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea at 10 per cent pre flowering stage
extract respectively compared to other interactions and Dinebra retroflexa and Chenopodium
album were on par with each other. Total phenol content
The data on total phenol content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is
presented in Table (22). The table revealed that 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
produced significantly higher phenol content (0.032).
Among the weed species, higher phenol content was noticed with Chenopodium
album and Portulaca oleracea (0.036 and 0.041 respectively).
Similarly, in the interaction effects between treatments and weed species significantly
higher phenol content (0.039 and 0.043) was recorded again with weed species
Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract over
other interactions.
4.2.5 Ipomoea tricolor Per cent germination
The data on per cent germination as influenced by Ipomoea tricolor extract on weed
seed germination is shown in Table (23). In general, the treatments of Ipomoea tricolor extract
showed significant differences on per cent germination of weed species
All the weed species recorded significant differences. Lower per cent germination
was found with Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea (7.73, 57.73 and
56.39 respectively) compared to Digera arvensis (72.39).
Among the interactions, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract the weed species
Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower per
cent germination (6.00, 50.67 and 50.00 respectively) compared to other weed species. Speed of germination
The observations on speed of germination is presented in Table (23).Among
treatments, pre flowering stage extract recorded lower speed of germination (5.22 and 4.32)
at 5 and 10 per cent concentration levels as compared to post flowering stage extract.
Among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea recorded
maximum inhibition in speed of germination (0.78 and 4.86 respectively) when compared to
Echinocloa crusgalli (7.08).
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species produced significant
differences. The lower speed of germination was noticed with the weed species, Cynotis
cuculata followed by Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea (0.60, 4.19 and 4.23) at 10
per cent pre flowering stage extracts respectively compared to other interactions.
Table 22: Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of different weed

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.331 0.316 0.343 0.327 0.335 0.034 0.031 0.033 0.030 0.032 0.031
W2 0.335 0.434 0.419 0.445 0.430 0.438 0.028 0.028 0.030 0.026 0.028 0.027
W3 0.307 0.412 0.395 0.423 0.406 0.415 0.035 0.028 0.029 0.027 0.027 0.027
W4 0.366 0.462 0.438 0.474 0.450 0.462 0.021 0.019 0.021 0.018 0.020 0.019
W5 0.219 0.334 0.297 0.346 0.309 0.328 0.037 0.036 0.037 0.034 0.036 0.035
W6 0.238 0.386 0.294 0.398 0.304 0.351 0.038 0.035 0.039 0.034 0.038 0.036
W7 0.225 0.290 0.266 0.302 0.279 0.291 0.042 0.041 0.043 0.040 0.042 0.041
W8 0.355 0.455 0.430 0.467 0.443 0.455 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.020 0.024 0.022
Means 0.286 0.388 0.357 0.400 0.369 0.384 0.032 0.030 0.032 0.029 0.031 0.030
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds (W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
0.002 0.007 0.002 0.007
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 23: Allelopathic effect of Ipomoea tricolor extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 10.67 7.33 6.00 8.67 6.00 7.73 1.05 0.78 0.60 0.84 0.63 0.78
W2 73.33 60.67 59.33 63.33 61.33 63.60 8.27 5.49 5.28 5.54 5.38 5.99
W3 74.00 59.33 57.33 60.00 58.00 61.73 8.06 5.28 4.56 5.47 4.81 5.64
W4 83.33 76.00 62.67 76.67 63.30 72.39 9.44 7.31 5.49 7.47 5.69 7.08
W5 62.00 59.33 50.67 62.00 54.67 57.73 6.07 5.74 4.19 5.95 4.40 5.27
W6 77.33 68.00 52.00 65.33 54.00 63.33 7.62 6.21 4.99 6.28 5.20 6.06
W7 57.33 62.00 50.00 59.33 53.30 56.39 5.72 4.91 4.23 5.12 4.31 4.86
W8 82.70 68.00 56.00 71.33 56.67 66.94 8.64 6.06 5.22 6.14 5.33 6.28
Means 65.09 57.58 49.25 58.33 50.91 56.23 6.86 5.22 4.32 5.35 4.47 5.24
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.41 1.47 0.01 0.05
Weeds (W) 0.52 1.86 0.02 0.06
1.16 4.16 0.04 0.14
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 24: Allelopathic effect of Ipomoea tricolor extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 4.23 3.64 2.89 3.71 3.00 3.49 3.54 3.18 2.53 3.12 2.64 3.00
W2 1.73 1.72 1.33 1.83 1.43 1.61 3.69 2.92 2.80 3.02 2.87 3.06
W3 1.41 1.31 1.06 1.47 1.12 1.27 2.30 2.16 1.66 2.21 1.73 2.01
W4 2.49 2.15 1.85 2.10 1.77 2.07 4.19 3.95 2.71 3.79 2.79 3.49
W5 1.79 1.82 1.48 1.92 1.53 1.71 2.87 2.84 1.75 2.84 1.81 2.42
W6 4.00 3.82 2.93 3.86 3.00 3.52 7.41 6.86 5.91 6.96 6.03 6.63
W7 1.95 1.74 1.46 1.71 1.42 1.66 3.59 3.28 2.64 3.15 2.61 3.05
W8 2.64 2.45 2.18 2.65 2.18 2.42 3.42 2.83 2.37 2.89 2.41 2.78
Means 2.53 2.33 1.90 2.41 1.93 2.22 3.88 3.50 2.80 3.50 2.86 3.31
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.05
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.06
0.03 0.12 0.04 0.13
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis. Root length
The data on root length (cm) is presented in Table (24).It indicated that there was
decrease in the root length at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract (1.90).While, root length
was maximum at 5 per cent post flowering stage extract (2.41).
Among the weed species, significant decrease in root length was noticed with
Phylanthus niruri (1.27) when compared with Cynotis cuculata (3.49).
Similarly, in the interaction effects between treatments and weed species also
recorded significant differences. Among weed species, Phylanthus niruri produced lower root
length (1.06 and 1.12) at 10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extract
respectively and were on par with each other. Shoot length
Observations on shoot length (cm) is presented in Table (24).The treatments did not
show significant differences for shoot length at 5 per cent pre flowering and post flowering
stage extracts but 10 per cent pre flowering stage extracts recorded significantly lower shoot
length (2.80) compared 10 per cent post flowering stage extracts (2.86).
The data on different weed species indicated that significantly lower shoot length
(2.01) was recorded with Phylanthus niruri. While, Chenopodium album noticed higher values
The interaction effects between treatments and weeds showed significant reduction in
shoot length (2.16 & 1.66 and 2.21 & 1.73) at both concentrations of pre flowering and post
flowering stage extracts with weed species Phylanthus niruri respectively and were on par
with each other. While, Chenopodium album observed the higher values. Seedling length
Observations on seedling length (cm) is presented in Table (25).Among treatments
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract produced significantly lower seedling length
(4.70).Whereas, post flowering stage extract recorded higher value (4.79).
The data on different weed species indicated significantly lower seedling length (3.28)
with Phylanthus niruri weed species when compared to Chenopodium album (10.15).
Similarly, interaction effects between treatments and weed species was also found
significant. Among weed species, Phylanthus niruri recorded significantly higher reduction in
seedling length (2.72 and 2.85) at 10 per cent pre flowering and post flowering stage extracts
and were on par with each other. While, Chenopodium album recorded lower reduction value
(8.84 and 9.03) at same concentration levels. Seedling vigor index
The observation on seedling vigor index is presented in Table (25). The botanical
Ipomoea tricolor at 10 per cent pre flowering stage observed significantly lower seedling vigor
index (231.48) compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (243.86).
Among weed species, Cynotis cuculata and Phylanthus niruri recorded maximum
inhibition in seedling vigor index (50.17 and 202.47 respectively) compared to Chenopodium
album (642.80).
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species produced significant
differences. The lower seedling vigor index was noticed with the weed species, Cynotis
cuculata, Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa (32.52, 155.94 and 163.66 respectively) at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extracts over other interactions. Fresh weight
The fresh weight (mg) of weed species is shown in Table (26).The data clearly
indicated that the treatments showed significant differences for fresh weight of weed species.
At 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract recorded lower fresh weight (44.38) compared to 10
per cent post flowering stage extract (46.40). However, all weed species recorded significant
Table 25: Allelopathic effect of Ipomoea tricolor extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Weed Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 6.82 5.42 6.83 5.64 6.49 82.91 49.99 32.52 59.22 33.84 50.17
W2 5.42 4.64 4.13 4.85 4.30 4.67 397.45 281.51 245.03 307.15 263.72 297.01
W3 3.71 3.47 2.72 3.68 2.85 3.28 274.54 205.88 155.94 220.80 165.30 202.47
W4 6.68 6.10 4.56 5.89 4.56 5.56 556.64 463.60 285.78 451.59 288.65 402.49
W5 4.66 4.66 3.23 4.76 3.34 4.13 288.92 276.48 163.66 295.12 182.60 238.42
W6 11.41 10.68 8.84 10.82 9.03 10.15 882.34 726.24 459.68 706.87 487.62 642.80
W7 5.54 5.02 4.10 4.86 4.03 4.71 317.61 311.24 205.00 288.34 214.80 265.60
W8 6.06 5.28 4.55 5.54 4.59 5.2 501.16 359.04 254.80 395.17 260.12 348.09
Means 6.41 5.83 4.70 5.91 4.79 5.53 417.23 335.69 231.48 344.73 243.86 310.95
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.02 0.06 3.47 12.51
Weeds (W) 0.02 0.08 4.40 15.82
0.05 0.19 9.83 35.38
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 26: Allelopathic effect of Ipomoea tricolor on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 48.00 40.00 37.66 41.00 38.67 41.07 11.00 10.00 7.33 9.67 8.00 9.20
W2 41.00 34.67 32.33 35.67 30.33 34.80 9.33 7.67 6.67 8.00 7.33 7.80
W3 32.33 26.67 23.67 28.00 25.33 27.20 9.00 6.33 5.67 7.00 6.00 6.80
W4 88.67 79.00 73.00 81.33 74.67 79.33 12.33 11.00 10.33 11.33 9.67 10.93
W5 30.00 25.67 22.00 26.33 24.67 25.73 9.00 6.33 5.00 7.00 5.33 6.53
W6 139.00 111.33 106.00 116.67 109.67 116.53 15.67 13.33 10.67 13.67 11.00 12.87
W7 36.33 31.33 26.67 34.67 31.33 32.07 9.33 8.33 6.33 9.00 7.33 8.06
W8 60.67 41.67 33.67 43.33 36.33 43.13 11.33 9.00 7.00 9.33 7.00 8.73
Means 59.50 48.79 44.38 50.88 46.38 49.98 10.87 9.00 7.38 9.38 7.71 8.87
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.57 2.04 0.12 0.44
Weeds (W) 0.72 2.58 0.15 0.55
1.61 5.76 0.34 NS
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
differences for fresh weight. Higher inhibition in fresh weight was noticed with Phylanthus
niruri (27.20) and Dinebra retroflexa (25.73) as compared to Chenopodium album (116.53).
However, in the interaction effects between treatments and weed species again
Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower fresh
weight (23.67, 22.00 and 26.67) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract over other
interactions. Dry weight
Observation on dry weight (mg) is presented in Table (26).The treatments showed
significant differences for dry weight of weed species. Among treatments 10 per cent pre
flowering and post flowering stage extract showed lower dry weight (7.38 and 7.71
respectively) and were on par with each other.
The data on different weed species indicated that significantly lower dry weight (6.80
and 6.53) was recorded with Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa compared to other weed
species. Interaction effects between treatments and weed species found non significant. Total sugar content
Observations on total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is
presented in Table (27).Among the treatments, 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
produced lower sugar content (0.330) compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract
The data on different weed species indicated that significantly lower sugar content
(0.313, 0.303 and 0.267) was recorded with Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and
Portulaca oleracea respectively.
Similarly, the interaction effects between treatments and weed species again Dinebra
retroflexa, Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea weed species recorded lower sugar
content (0.281, 0.264 and 0.244) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract over other
interactions. Total phenol content
Observations on total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species is
presented in Table (27).Among the treatments, at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
produced higher phenol content (0.029) compared to post flowering stage extract (0.027).
The data on different weed species indicated that significantly higher phenol content
(0.038) with Portulaca oleracea compared to other weed species. Similarly, in the interaction
effects between treatments and weed species again Portulaca oleracea weed species
recorded higher phenol content (0.038 & and 0.040) at 5 and 10 per cent pre flowering stage
extract respectively over other interactions.
4.2.6 Ageratum conyzoides Per cent germination
The per cent germination is shown in Table (28). The data clearly indicated that 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract had significant reduction in per cent germination (47.25)
compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (49.17).
All the weed species recorded significant differences for per cent germination and
recorded lowest per cent germination compared to Digera arvensis (63.33) which recorded
higher per cent germination.
However, in the interaction effects between treatments and weed species. The weed
species Cynotis cuculata, Denibra retroflexa and Chenopodium album recorded significantly
lower per cent germination (6.67, 48.67 and 48.00 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering
stage extract. Whereas, Digera arvensis recorded higher per cent germination (63.33).
Table 27: Allelopathic effect of Ipomoea tricolor extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of different weed

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.304 0.299 0.315 0.310 0.313 0.034 0.025 0.028 0.024 0.027 0.025
W2 0.335 0.402 0.390 0.412 0.400 0.406 0.028 0.023 0.026 0.022 0.025 0.023
W3 0.307 0.390 0.366 0.401 0.378 0.390 0.035 0.025 0.025 0.024 0.024 0.024
W4 0.366 0.421 0.395 0.435 0.407 0.421 0.021 0.017 0.019 0.016 0.018 0.017
W5 0.219 0.300 0.281 0.312 0.293 0.303 0.037 0.033 0.034 0.032 0.033 0.032
W6 0.238 0.378 0.264 0.387 0.275 0.331 0.038 0.033 0.034 0.032 0.033 0.032
W7 0.225 0.267 0.244 0.278 0.256 0.267 0.042 0.038 0.040 0.037 0.040 0.038
W8 0.355 0.404 0.401 0.416 0.408 0.412 0.023 0.019 0.022 0.018 0.020 0.019
Means 0.286 0.358 0.330 0.370 0.341 0.355 0.032 0.027 0.029 0.025 0.028 0.026
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds (W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
0.002 0.007 0.002 0.005
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 28: Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides extract on per cent of germination and speed of germination of different weed species

Weed Per cent germination Speed of germination

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 10.67 8.67 6.67 9.33 8.00 8.67 1.05 0.69 0.54 0.76 0.62 0.73
W2 73.33 53.33 51.33 56.00 54.00 57.60 8.27 5.52 4.86 5.53 5.04 5.84
W3 74.00 67.33 53.33 68.67 55.33 63.73 8.06 5.22 4.50 5.43 4.67 5.58
W4 83.33 68.67 56.00 68.67 58.67 67.07 9.44 6.94 5.44 7.14 5.64 6.92
W5 62.00 56.00 48.67 60.00 49.33 55.20 6.07 5.78 4.14 5.91 4.33 5.25
W6 77.33 56.67 48.00 58.00 50.00 58.00 7.62 6.18 4.98 6.28 5.10 6.03
W7 57.33 54.00 50.67 57.33 51.33 54.13 5.72 4.66 4.18 4.79 4.27 4.72
W8 82.70 70.00 63.33 72.00 66.67 70.94 8.64 5.96 5.14 6.06 5.26 6.21
Means 65.09 54.33 47.25 56.25 49.17 54.42 6.86 5.12 4.22 5.24 4.37 5.16
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.40 1.45 0.01 0.05
Weeds (W) 0.51 1.84 0.02 0.06
1.15 4.12 0.04 0.14
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis. Speed of germination
The data on speed of germination is presented in Table (28) which depicts pre
flowering stage recorded lower speed of germination (5.12 and 4.22) at 5 and 10 per cent pre
flowering stage extract respectively. Whereas, post flowering stage extract recorded
maximum values (5.24 and 4.37) at both concentrations.
Among the weed species significantly lower speed of germination was recorded with
Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea (0.74 and 4.72 respectively) compared to Echinocloa
crusglli (6.92).
The interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant. At
both concentrations of pre flowering stage extracts the weed species Cynotis cuculata and
Portulaca oleracea produced lower speed of germination (0.69 & 0.54 and 4.66 & 4.18
respectively). While, Echinocloa crusgalli observed higher speed of germination (6.94 & 5.44)
at same concentration levels. Root length
The observations on root length (cm) calculated for different weed species is
presented in Table (29).There was significant difference among treatments. However, at 10
per cent concentration of pre flowering and post flowering stage extract recorded lower root
length (1.78 and 1.74 respectively) and were on par with each other.
Among the weed species, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa
and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower root length (1.45, 1.35, 1.85 and 1.57)
compared to remaining weed species.
However, interaction effects between treatments and weed species produced
significantly lower root length with Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri and Portulaca
oleracea (1.19 & 1.26, 1.18 & 1.28 and 1.27 & 1.25) at 10 per cent concentration of pre
flowering and post flowering stage extracts respectively and were on par among themselves. Shoot length
Table (29) depicts shoot length of different weed species as influenced by Ageratum
conyzoides extract. There was significantly lower shoot length (2.65) was noticed in 10 per
cent pre flowering stage extract. While, 10 per cent post flowering stage extract recorded
higher shoot length (2.72). Shoot length was significantly lower with Phylanthus niruri (1.97)
and higher value was found with Chenopodium album (6.34).
Among interaction effects between treatments and weed species found significant. At
both concentrations of pre flowering and post flowering stage extract recorded significantly
lower shoot length (2.19 & 1.53 and 2.16 & 1.65) with weed species Phylanthus niruri over
other interactions and 5 per cent concentrations were on par with each other. Seedling length
Table (30) depicts seedling length (cm) of different weed species as influenced by
Ageratum conyzoides extract. There was significantly lower seedling length was noticed at 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract (4.43).While, 10 per cent post flowering stage extract
recorded higher seedling length (4.46) and were on par with each other.
Seedling length was significantly lower with Phylanthus niruri (3.32) weed species as
compared to Chenopodium album (9.47).
Among interaction effects between treatments and weed species, the higher
reduction in seedling length was found with Phylanthus niruri (2.71 and 2.93) at 10 per cent
pre flowering and post flowering stage extract respectively compared to other interactions. Seedling vigor index
The data on seedling vigor index is presented in Table (30) which depicts 10 per cent
pre flowering stage extract recorded significantly lower (209.32) seedling vigor index over
post flowering stage extract (219.30). The lower seedling vigor index (53.84, 211.58, 234.60
and 238.70) was noticed with weed species Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri Dinebra
Table 29: Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides extract on root length (cm) and shoot length (cm) of different weed species

Weed Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 4.23 3.26 2.67 3.39 2.73 3.26 3.54 3.17 2.30 3.32 2.43 2.95
W2 1.73 1.48 1.19 1.59 1.26 1.45 3.69 3.07 2.80 3.05 2.86 3.09
W3 1.41 1.41 1.18 1.46 1.28 1.35 2.30 2.19 1.53 2.16 1.65 1.97
W4 2.49 2.13 1.8 2.24 1.91 2.11 4.19 3.92 2.81 3.92 2.88 3.54
W5 1.79 1.88 2.27 1.92 1.4 1.85 2.87 2.82 1.70 2.87 1.73 2.40
W6 4.00 3.44 2.32 3.52 2.38 3.13 7.41 6.40 5.75 6.37 5.79 6.34
W7 1.95 1.67 1.27 1.73 1.25 1.57 3.59 3.18 2.01 3.26 2.14 2.84
W8 2.64 2.27 1.57 2.38 1.72 2.12 3.42 2.97 2.27 3.04 2.31 2.80
Means 2.53 2.19 1.78 2.28 1.74 2.11 3.88 3.47 2.65 3.50 2.72 3.24
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.04
Weeds (W) 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.06
0.03 0.10 0.04 0.13
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 30: Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides extract on seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index of different weed species

Weed Seedling length (cm) Seedling vigor index

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 7.77 6.43 4.97 6.71 5.16 6.21 82.91 55.75 33.15 62.60 41.28 53.84
W2 5.42 4.55 3.99 4.64 4.12 4.54 397.45 242.65 204.81 259.84 222.48 261.50
W3 3.71 3.6 2.71 3.62 2.93 3.32 274.54 242.39 144.52 248.59 162.12 211.58
W4 6.68 6.05 4.61 6.16 4.79 5.65 556.64 415.45 258.16 423.01 281.03 378.95
W5 4.66 4.7 3.97 4.79 3.13 4.25 288.92 263.20 193.22 287.40 154.40 234.60
W6 11.41 9.84 8.07 9.89 8.17 9.47 882.34 557.63 387.36 573.62 408.50 549.26
W7 5.54 4.85 3.28 4.99 3.39 4.41 317.61 261.90 166.20 286.08 174.01 238.71
W8 6.06 5.24 3.84 5.42 4.03 4.92 501.16 366.80 243.19 390.24 268.68 349.02
Means 6.41 5.66 4.43 5.78 4.46 5.35 417.23 307.51 209.32 325.13 219.30 291.15
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.02 0.06 3.35 12.08
Weeds (W) 0.02 0.07 4.27 15.36
0.05 0.16 9.44 33.95
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Table 31: Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides extract on fresh weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) of different weed species

Weed Fresh weight (mg) Dry weight (mg)

species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 48.00 40.00 37.33 43.33 39.33 41.60 11.00 10.00 7.00 10.33 7.33 9.13
W2 41.00 35.00 32.00 35.33 36.33 35.93 9.33 7.00 6.33 8.00 7.00 7.53
W3 32.33 27.00 23.33 27.00 24.00 26.73 9.00 6.67 5.00 7.00 5.67 6.67
W4 88.67 75.33 73.67 76.33 74.00 77.60 12.33 10.67 9.67 11.33 10.00 10.80
W5 30.00 25.33 22.00 28.67 22.33 25.67 9.00 6.00 5.00 6.67 5.67 6.47
W6 139.00 115.00 104.67 120.33 110.67 117.93 15.67 12.00 10.67 13.00 11.33 12.53
W7 36.33 29.00 24.67 29.67 27.00 29.33 9.33 7.33 6.33 8.33 7.00 7.66
W8 60.67 42.00 31.67 45.00 32.33 42.33 11.33 8.33 6.00 9.00 7.00 8.33
Means 59.50 48.58 43.67 50.71 45.75 49.64 10.87 8.50 7.00 9.21 7.63 8.64
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.54 1.93 0.12 0.42
Weeds (W) 0.68 2.45 0.14 0.51
1.52 5.47 0.32 NS
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea. Whereas, higher seedling vigor index was recorded with
Chenopodium album (549.26).
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species again weed
species, Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri and Portulaca oleracea noticed minimum
seedling vigor index (33.15, 144.52 and 166.20 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering
stage extracts compared to other interactions. Fresh weight
The data on fresh weight (mg) of weed species is presented in Table (31). The
significant differences were observed among treatments. Lower fresh weight (43.67) recorded
at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage
extract (45.75).
However, a significant difference was noticed with all weed species. The higher
reduction in fresh weight was recorded with Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa (26.73
and 25.67 respectively) compared to Chenopodium album (117.93).
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species Phylanthus
niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea recorded significantly lower fresh weight
(23.33, 22.00 and 24.67 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract and were on
par among themselves. While, Chenopodium album produced higher fresh weight (104.67) at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract. Dry weight
Table (31) depicts dry weight (mg) of weed species as influenced by Ageratum
conyzoides extract. There was significant differences were noticed with treatments with
respect to dry weight. At 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract recorded lower dry weight
(7.00) compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (7.63).
Among the weed species higher reduction in dry weight was found with Phylanthus
niruri and Dinebra retroflexa (6.67 and 6.47 respectively) and were on par with each
other.While, Chenopodium album noticed lower reduction value (12.53).Interaction effects
between treatments and weed species found non significant. Total sugar content
Table (32) depicts total sugar content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species.
There was significantly lower sugar content (0.345) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract
compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.356).
Among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca
oleracea recorded significantly lower sugar content (0.317, 0.316 and 0.283
respectively).While, Echinocloa crusgalli recorded higher value (0.437) and were on par with
each other.
Among interaction effects between treatments and weed species the higher reduction
in sugar content was recorded with weed species Cynotis cuculata and Dinebra retroflexa,
Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea (0.300, 0.290, 0.287 and 0.268 respectively) at
10 per cent pre flowering stage extract and were on par with each other except Portulaca
oleracea. Total phenol content
Table (32) depicts total phenol content (µg/mg dry wt.) of different weed species.
There was significantly higher phenol content (0.031) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage
extract compared to 10 per cent post flowering stage extract (0.029).
Among the weed species, Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea recorded
significantly higher phenol content (0.034 and 0.040) compared to other weed species.
Among interaction effects between treatments and weed species, Dinebra retroflexa,
Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea observed higher phenol content (0.036, 0.037
and 0.042 respectively) at 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract.
Table 32: Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides extract on total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) and total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight) of different weed

Weed Total sugar content (µg/mg dry weight) Total phenol content (µg/mg dry weight)
species Treatments Treatments
Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean Control Pre 5% Pre 10% Post 5% Post 10% Mean
W1 0.246 0.310 0.300 0.322 0.311 0.317 0.034 0.029 0.031 0.028 0.030 0.029
W2 0.335 0.420 0.406 0.431 0.418 0.425 0.028 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.025 0.025
W3 0.307 0.392 0.375 0.403 0.386 0.395 0.035 0.026 0.028 0.025 0.027 0.026
W4 0.366 0.438 0.415 0.449 0.425 0.437 0.021 0.019 0.020 0.018 0.019 0.018
W5 0.219 0.354 0.290 0.329 0.302 0.316 0.037 0.034 0.036 0.033 0.035 0.034
W6 0.238 0.387 0.287 0.399 0.299 0.349 0.038 0.034 0.037 0.033 0.036 0.034
W7 0.225 0.274 0.268 0.285 0.280 0.283 0.042 0.040 0.042 0.039 0.041 0.040
W8 0.355 0.428 0.419 0.440 0.428 0.434 0.023 0.021 0.025 0.020 0.023 0.022
Means 0.286 0.375 0.345 0.382 0.356 0.369 0.032 0.029 0.031 0.028 0.029 0.028
For comparing means of S.Em± CD (0.01) S.Em± CD (0.01)
Treat (T) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Weeds (W) 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
TXW 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.006
W1-Cynotis cuculata, W 2-Amaranthus viridis, W 3-Phylanthus niruri, W 4-Echinocloa crusgalli, W 5-Dinebra retroflexa, W 6-Chenopodium album,
W7-Portulaca oleracea, W 8-Digera arvensis.
Weeds affect the crops by way of direct competition for resources and also through
their allelopathic effects. Allelopathic effects have been reported for many species including
crop plants, annual and perennial weeds. In many instances, the chemicals leached from the
plants have had an allelopathic influence on germination and growth of subsequent crops.
The build up of certain weed species in predominant numbers in field conditions can be
attributed to allelopathic activity. Allelopathy involves release of phytotoxic substances from
plant residues which often cause inhibition or delay in seed germination and poor crop stand.
Allelopathic activity is belived to be joint action of several secondary metabolites. These
metabolites exists in all plant tissues, including leaves, flowers, fruits, stem, roots, rhizomes
and seeds and allelochemicals are released from plants through volatilization, root exudation,
leaching and decomposition of plant residues.
Onion is one of the important commercial crops of this region and weed control is a
major production constraint. The crop being edible to human usage of chemical weedicides is
not desirable and manual weed control is the practice which is economically not viable.
Hence, alternative means of weed control in onion by use of botanicals need to be
With this background the investigations were carried out with an aim to study the
allelopathic potential of prominent botanicals on germination, seedling growth, development
and few biochemical attributes on major weeds of onion.
Investigations were carried out under two laboratory experiments. In the first
experiment, extracts of ten botanicals having potential allelopathic effects were tested on
germination and properties of onion test crop. Then those of the botanicals that did not
significantly affect the onion seed germination were carried to second experiment to study the
allelopathic effect of botanicals on selected eight major weed species of onion crop. The
results obtained were discussed here under.


5.1.1 Per cent germination (Fig.1 (A) and Plate 3)
The data on per cent seed germination in onion indicated significant differences due
to different botanicals and their concentration (Table1). Among the botanicals Chromolena
odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia resulted
in significantly lower seed germination and thus showed greater inhibition on germination in
onion as compared to other botanicals and control (98.67). This could be attributed to the
presence of different allelochemicals within different botanicals which are not compatible with
onion. Further, with an increasing concentration of aqueous extract from 5 to 10 per cent,
caused significantly greater decrease in per cent germination due to higher amount of
allelochemicals. These results are in conformity with the findings reported by Sannigrahi and
Chakraborthy (2005), who attributed that the differential response is due to presence of
various allelochemicals in botanicals. Similar findings have been reported by Challa and
Ravindra (1998) and showed that leaf leachates of Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon,
Echinocloa colonum, Portulaca oleracea and Lagasca mollis reduced the germination of
onion and knolkhol. The present investigation also indicated that per cent germination in
onion was lowest with Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium
hysterophorus and Cassia serecia at 10 per cent extract. Similarly, Dongre et al, (2004)
reported that the leachates of Ageratum conyzoides, Parthenium hysterophorus and
Phylanthus niruri inhibited seed germination of blackgram at 10 per cent concentration. This
deleterious effect of some botanicals on onion may be due to higher concentration of
allelochemicals present in the leachates. The remaining botanicals did not affect onion seed
germination significantly and may be due to species compatibility.
5.1.2 Seedling length (Fig.1 (B))
The allelopathic effect of botanicals extract on seedling length in onion showed
significant differences (Table 1). Among the different botanicals extract Chromolena
odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia extracts
caused significant decrease in seedling length than other botanicals and control (9.21). This
implies that these aqueous plant extracts have greater potential to inhibit seedling length
possibly affecting cell division and elongation. The active compounds of these botanicals may
interfere with production and or transport of plant harmones viz, cytokinins and auxins that
cause cell division and cell elongation, respectively. Similarly, Bhatt et al, (1994) reported that
aqueous extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus and Xanthium stromonium adversely affected
the radical extension of Glycine max and Vigna mungo. Prasad and Srivastav (1991)
indicated that reduction in shoot and root length in ground nut with extracts indicated that
chemical constituents of extracts might have inactivated auxins and indole acetic acid of the
germinating kernel.
Among the treatments, the seedling length of onion was significantly inhibited at 10
per cent pre flowering stage extract due to phenolics content in extract as compared to post
flowering stage which may be attributed to presence of higher levels of allelochemicals at pre
flowering stage. Increase in the concentration of botanical extracts from 5 to 10 per cent
significantly decreased the seedling length of onion at both stages of extract. Similar findings
were also reported by Mishra et al,(2004) who stated that aqueous leachates up to 5 per cent
concentration was found to be non toxic, further increase in concentration (10 per cent)
significantly inhibited the germination and seedling length. The present study indicated that in
onion seedling length was inhibited to a greater extent with Chromolena odoratum,
Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia extracts at 10 per
cent concentration. Among the interaction effects between treatments and botanicals,
Chromolaena odaratum, Clerodendron thomsonae and Parthenium hysterophorus extracts
caused greater inhibitory effect on seedling length of onion at 10 per cent (pre flowering stage
extracts) as compared to other botanicals. This differential response of botanicals indicated
that plant extracts contains differential levels of allelochemicals.
5.1.3 Dry matter production (Fig. 1 (C))
The dry matter production is one of the deciding factors in crop vigour determination
and it is a function of root and shoot dry matter. Among the different botanicals studied,
Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia
serecia extracts were found to have significantly lesser seedling dry matter production than
control and other botanicals implying greater inhibition (Table 2)
Among the treatments, pre flowering stage botanical extracts caused more
deleterious effect on dry matter content in onion than post flowering stage extracts. The
present study revealed that extracts of botanicals at different stage contains different
allelochemicals. Similarly, Guenzi et al, (1967) indicated that wheat, oat, corn and sorghum
residues collected at the time of harvest for each crop contained water soluble materials that
were toxic to growth of wheat seedlings.
The extracts of Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium
hysterophorus and Cassia serecia at 10 per cent showed greater inhibitory effects on dry
matter content in onion as compared to other botanicals. The decrease in the dry matter
content may be attributed to decrease in seedling length and seedling vigour index. Similar
results were obtained by Obaid and Qasem (2005) who reported the inhibitory effect of
Amaranthus gracilis, Convolvulus arvensis, Lactuca serriola and Portulaca oleracea on
germination, seedling growth and dry matter of vegetable crops. Drost and Doll (1980) also
reported that plant residues and extracts of yellow nut sedge caused significant decrease in
growth and dry weight of corn and soybean. The present study revealed that increase in the
concentration of plant extracts resulted in significant decrease in the dry matter accumulation
at 10 per cent concentration as compared to 5 per cent and control. Among the treatment
combinations significantly lower dry matter accumulation in onion was at 10 per cent of
Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia
serecia extracts.
Based on the present experiment it could be inferred that among the ten botanicals
screened for allelopathic effect on onion seed germination, four botanicals viz, Chromolena
odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia caused
significant deleterious effect on onion seed germination, seedling length and dry matter
production. Further it was noticed that higher concentration (10 %) of extract had more
deleterious effects on seed germination and seedling growth compared to lower (5%)
concentration. In general botanical extracted at pre flowering stage had more deleterious
effect on onion when compared to post flowering stage. Hence these species are not the
candidate species to test as effective botanicals for control of weeds in onion growing
situations. On the contrary, remaining six species viz, wheat (Triticum aestivum), paddy
(Oryza sativa), Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera, Ipomoea tricolor and Ageratum
conyzoides did not significantly affect onion seed germination and hence could be evaluated
for allelopathic effect on weeds of onion crop.


Weed competition in onion crop is a major production constraint. Many weed species
affect onion crop in field conditions, however eight selected weed species viz, Cynotis
cuculata, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri, Echinocloa crusgalli, Dinebra retroflexa,
Chenopodium album, Portulaca oleracea, and Digera arvensis were subjected to germination
studies under the influence of identified six botanicals. From the second experiments the
results obtained are discussed botanical wise hereunder.
5.2.1 Wheat straw (Fig.2 and Plate 4)
The data on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters on different
weed species under the influence of wheat straw indicated significant difference. Among
treatments, at 5 and 10 per cent post flowering stage extract of wheat straw was more
effective and showed greater inhibition of germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters. Similar results have also been obtained in the experiment conducted by Ahmed
and Wardle (1994) who reported that flowering plants have the potential to weaken pasture
growth through allelopathy and further revealed that flowering plants are more inhibitory than
that of rosette plants. The higher concentrations of wheat straw extract i.e. 10 per cent
concentration caused significant reduction in all parameters [germination, morpho-physical
and biochemical parameters]. This may be attributed to higher amount of allelochemicals
present in wheat straw extract. These results are partially in agreement with previous findings
of Narwal and Sharma (1995) who reported that aqueous extract of wheat straw stimulated
the germination and seedling growth of carpet weed (Trianthema portulacstrum), barnyard
grass (Echinocloa crusgalli) and crowfoot grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) and inhibited that
of pig weed (Amaranthus spp) and sunberry (Physalis minima) at higher concentration. Li et
al,(2005) reported wheat aqueous extract of 10 per cent concentration completely prevented
germination of crab grass (Digitaria ciliaris) and further revealed that wheat cultivars possess
allelochemicals that inhibit the germination of crab grass and there is variation in types and
amounts of allelochemicals among wheat organs, growth stages and cultivars.
Among the weed species, germination and morphological parameters of Cynotis
cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa, Portulaca oleracea and Phylanthus niruri were inhibited
significantly compared to their control under the influence of wheat straw extracts. Similarly,
Steinciek et al,(1982) in his study indicated that wheat extract prepared by agitating and
soaking caused greater inhibition in germination and seedling growth of ivy leaf morningglory
(Ipomoea hederacea),velvet leaf (Abutilon theophrasti),pitted morningglory (Ipomoea
lacunosa),hemp sesbenia (Sesbenia enalata), sickle pod (Cassia abtusifolia) and Japanese
barnyard millet (Echinocloa crusgalli). However in dry matter production, fresh weight of
Dinebra retroflexa and dry weight of Phylanthus niruri recorded significantly lower values.
Weston (1996) showed that buckwheat suppressed the total biomass accumulation and leaf
area of lambsquaters (Chenopodium album). Khanh et al, (2004) reported allelopathic
potential of wheat for ecofriendly weed management.
Significant difference in biochemical parameters viz. total sugar and phenol content of
seedlings subjected to this botanical extract was observed. In case of total sugar content the
weed species Portulaca oleracea recorded lower values. Similar results were obtained by
Ambika and Jayachandra (1980) and Doddamani (1992) who reported a reduction in sugar
content due to allelochemicals and suggested that the allelochemicals affect various
biochemical pathways leading to distorted metabolic activities. While, In case of total free
phenol content the weed species Digera arvensis recorded lower and Portulaca oleracea,
higher phenol content.
Fig. 1. Allelopathic effect of botanicals on per cent seed germination (A), seedling length (B)
and dry weight (C) onion
B1 Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum)
B2 paddy straw (Oryza sativa)
B3 Chromolena odoratum
B4 Eucalyptus citrodora
B5 Lantana carmera
B6 Ipomoea tricolor
B7 Ageratum conyzoides
B8 Clerodendrone thomsanae
B9 Parthenium hysterophorus
B10 Cassia sericea
Fig. 2. Allelopathic effect wheat and paddy botanicals on germination and seedling growth of
different weed species
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis
Plate 4. Allelopathic effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw on germination of different
weed species
Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species significant difference
were observed with respect to germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters.
The present study revealed that the wheat straw extract at post flowering stage was more
effective in inhibiting the seed germination and seedling development of Cynotis cuculata,
Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea weed species.
5.2.2 Paddy straw (Fig. 2 and plate 5)
The data on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters on different
weed species indicated significant differences as influenced by paddy straw extract. Among
treatments, both (5 and 10 per cent) post flowering stage extract of paddy straw was more
potential and showed negative effects on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters. This may be due to presence of higher amount of allelochmicals at mature stage
than younger stage. These results are in conformity with Khan et al, (2001) and showed that
residues from mature harvested crops of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), wheat (Triticum
aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa) had phytotoxic effects on germination and dry matter
production of Phalaris minor. The higher concentration of paddy straw extract (10 per cent)
concentration caused significant reduction in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters. This may be attributed to higher amount of allelochmicals present in paddy straw
extract. Similarly Khan et al, (2001) in his study indicated that sorghum, wheat and paddy
residues at higher concentration (6 t/ha) showed a high degree of phytotoxicity to germinating
seedlings of Phalaris minor and consequently reduced biomass production. Lovett (1983)
noted a high degree of phytotoxic effects of Sorghum bicolor residues on grassy weeds such
as Echinocloa crusgalli and Echinocloa colonum.
Among the various weed species studied, germination and morphological characters
of Cynotis cuculata, Echinocloa crusgalli and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most. These
results are partially in agreement with Kim et al, (1999), Chung et al, (2000) and Chung et al,
(2003) who reported the presence of different allelochemicals in different accessions and rice
body parts which may be source of natural herbicides. However dry matter production in
Chenopodium album was maximum while Dinebra retroflexa recorded very lower dry matter
production. Similarly Guo et al (2005) in his study obtained that wild rice accessions of S46
(Oryza barthii) and S72 (Oryza rupifogan) significantly reduced the plant height and dry
weight of barnyard grass and also suggested that the species of wild rice might be
Further, significant differences in biochemical parameter were obtained. In case of
total sugar content the weed species Portulaca oleracea observed lower value. While, in case
of total phenol content Digera arvensis recorded lower and Portulaca oleracea observed
higher phenol content. Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species
significant difference were observed with respect to germination, morpho-physical and
biochemical parameters. The study indicated that the weed species Cynotis cuculata,
Echinocloa crusgalli, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea were more susceptible to post
flowering paddy straw extract.
5.2.3 Eucalyptus citrodora (Fig. 3 and Plate 6)
The data on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters on different
weed species indicated significant difference due to different treatments of eucalyptus.
Among treatments, pre flowering stage extracts of Eucalyptus citrodora was more effective
and caused greater inhibition of germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters.
Wardle et al,(1993) reported younger (rosette) plants are potentially more effective than older
plants in releasing soluble inhibitors.
Further it is also interesting to note that increasing the concentration of aqueous
extracts of eucalyptus caused greater decrease in germination, morpho-physical and
biochemical parameters. This may be attributed to higher amount of allelochmicals. Similar
results were obtained by Delmoral and Muller (1969) who stated reduction in germination of
green gram and garden grass by Eucalyptus globules leaf and stem leachates at higher
concentration levels. Sivagurunathan et al, (1997) identified the allelopathic phenolic
compounds in the leachates of Eucalyptus spp and suggested that concentration and
combination of phenolics determine the level of inhibition.
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis
Plate 5. Allelopathic effect of paddy (Oryza sativa) straw on germination of different weed
Fig. 3. Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus and Lantana botanicals on germination and seedling
growth of different weed species
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis

Plate 6. Allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citrodora on germination of different weed species

Among the various weed species studied, germination characters of Cynotis cuculata and
Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most. While, morpho-physical characters of Phylanthus
niruri and Dinebra retroflexa were inhibited more respectively. However, biochemical
characters found significant, in case of sugar content, the weed species Cynotis cuculata,
Portulaca oleracea and Digera arvensis obtained lower values. While, in case of phenol
content Portulaca olereacea recorded higher values. This may be due to release of many
phenolic compounds (catechol, coumaric, gallic, hydroxybenzoic and syringic acid) by
eucalyptus litter which adversely affects the germination and growth of plants through their
interference in energy metabolism, cell division, mineral uptake and biosynthetic process.
Bolte et al, (1984) reported that the top soil from eucalyptus had toxic effect on germination
and hypocotyl growth of lettuce, garden cress, foxtail millet and barnyard grass. Among the
interaction effects between treatments and weed species significant difference were observed
with respect to germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters. The study
indicated that Eucalyptus citrodora at pre flowering stage was more potential in inhibiting seed
germination and seedling growth of weed species viz. Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri,
Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea.
5.2.4 Lantana camera (Fig. 3 and Plate 7)
The data on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical characters in different
weed species showed significant differences as influenced by Lantana camera. Among
treatments, pre flowering stage extract of Lantana camera was more effective and caused
greater inhibition of all characters (germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters). This may be due to complex activity of different allelochemicals present in
Lantana camera. Increase in the concentration of Lantana camera extract from 5 to 10 per
cent caused significant reduction in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical characters
of different weed species. Similar findings was also reported by Zhung et al, (2005) showed
that aqueous extracts from fresh and dry leaves of Lantana camera inhibited the growth of
water hyacinth at higher concentration and further suggested that inhibition of growth of water
hyacinth is because of salicylic acid which is major allelochemical in Lantana camera.
Similarly, among the various weed species, germination characters of Cynotis
cuculata and Portulaca oleracea was inhibited most. While, morpho-physical characters of
Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa were inhibited most. Inhibition in germination and
morpho-physical characters attributed to presence of different allelochemicals in Lantana
camera. Similar results were obtained by Choudhary and Bhansali (2006) and they opined
that leaf extract of lantana contains phenolic compounds (protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid,
p-hydroxy benzoic acid, ferulic acid, salicylic acid, o-coumaric acid, t-cinnamic acid and
vanillin methyl coumarin etc.) which are phytotoxic caused delay in seed germination and
inhibition of root, shoot and leaf development in Physcomitrium japonicum. Further, it is also
interesting to note that the Lantana camera extract cause greater decrease in sugar and
phenol content of Portulaca oleracea, while Chenopodium album and Portulacca oleracea
recorded higher phenol content. Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed
species significant difference were observed with respect to germination, morpho-physical
and biochemical parameters. The study revealed that the weed species Cynotis cuculata,
Phylanthus niruri, and Portulaca oleracea were more susceptible to pre flowering stage
Lantana extract.
5.2.5 Ipomoea tricolor (Fig. 4 and Plate 8)
The data on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical characters on different
weed species indicated significant differences as influenced by Ipomoea tricolor.
Among treatments, pre flowering stage extract of Ipomoea tricolor was more effective
and caused greater inhibition of all characters (germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters). This may be attributed to presence of higher concentration of allelochemical at
younger stage than maturity stage. Further it is interesting to note that increase in
concentration of aqueous extract of Ipomoea tricolor caused greater decrease in germination,
morpho-physical and biochemical characters, These results are in agreement with Dogan and
Uygur (2006) who reported that the aqueous of radish (100 per cent) reduced germination
and rhizome development of Sorghum helepence, Cynodon dactylon, Amaranthus
retroflexus, Portulaca oleracea and Xanthium strumarium and suggested that radish has
bioherbicidal properties and helps in weed management.
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis
Plate 7. Allelopathic effect of Lantana camera on germination of different weed species
Fig. 4. Allelopathic effect of lpomoea and Ageratum botanicals on germination and seedling
growth of different weed species
W1 Cynotis cuculata
W2 Amaranthus viridis
W3 Phylanthus niruri
W4 Echinocloa crusgalli
W5 Dinebra retroflexa
W6 Chenopodium album
W7 Portulaca oleracea
W8 Digera arvensis
Plate 8. Allelopathic effect of lpomoea tricolor on germination of different weed species
Among the weed species, germination characters of Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra
retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most. Whereas, morpho-physical characters
of Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa were affected greatly by Ipomoea tricolor extract.
Similarly, Peterson et al (1999) in his study reported that sweet potato cultivar ‘Regal’ greatly
reduced growth of yellow nut sedge and opined that resin glycoside, an inhibitory substance
present in this cultivar might have caused inhibitory effects. Narwal (1994) and Narwal and
Tauro (1994) also reported sweet potato is very competitive against many weeds. However,
biochemical characters also showed significant differences. The weed species Portulaca
oleracea recorded lower sugar and higher phenol content. Among the interaction effects
between treatments and weed species significant difference were observed with respect to
germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters. The investigation on allelopathic
effect of botanical extract on weeds revealed that pre flowering stage Ipomoea tricolor extract
had inhibitory effect on Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca
oleracea weed species.
5.2.6 Ageratum conyzoides (Fig.4)
The allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of Ageratum conyzoides on germination,
morpho-physical and biochemical characters of different weed species showed significant
differences. Among the treatments, pre flowering stage extract of Ageratum conyzoides
caused greater decrease in all characters (germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters). This implies that the aqueous extract of Ageratum conyzoides at pre flowering
stage has greater potential to inhibit all characters than post flowering stage extract. The
higher concentration of Ageratum conyzoides aqueous extracts i.e. at 10 per cent caused
significant reduction in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical characters. The effect
on these characters may be due to presence of allelochmicals. Similarly, Qasem (2002) in his
study obtained that some medicinal plant species posses herbicidal properties against
Amaranthus retroflex and Chenopodium murale and further he suggested that the inhibitory
effect increased with increased extract volume. This may be due to the effect of certain
allelochmicals in cell division and/or elongation, resulting reduced growth and development.
Sinha and Singh (2004) reported that increase in concentration of Xanthium stromorium
reduced the germination per cent, root length, shoot length, seedling vigour index and dry
weight of Parthenium.
Among the various weed species studied, germination characters of Cynotis cuculata,
Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most. Whereas, morpho-physical
characters of Phylanthus niruri, Amaranthus viridis and Dinebra retroflexa were reduced
maximum. Similar results were obtained by Prasad and Srivastav (1991) who reported that
boiled and unboiled extracts of Ageratum conyzoides and Lantana camera had severe effects
on groundnut and caused significant reduction in per cent germination, root length and shoot
length than Echinocloa crusgalli, Xanthium stromorium, Commelina benghlensis and Cyprus
rotundus. Bhakat et al, (2006) reported that some exotic weed species especially Eupotorium
odoratum displace the local biodiversity through their harmful effects including
allelopathy.Infact, allelopathic action affects germination, seed metabolism and growth of
target species. Further it was interesting that there was significant difference in biochemical
parameters. In case of sugar content Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca olerecea weed species
recorded lower sugar content. While Digera arvensis recorded higher sugar content but it was
reverse in phenol content. Bhakat et al, (2006) suggested that various inhibitors present in
allelopathic plants reduces the metabolism of plants or plant parts and strongly impairs the
anabolic activities. Among the interaction effects between treatments and weed species
significant difference were observed with respect to germination, morpho-physical and
biochemical parameters. The present investigation indicated pre flowering Ageratum
conyzoides extract was potential in inhibiting seed germination and seedling growth of
Cynotis cuculata, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca
oleracea weed species.
From the second experiment it could be inferred that botanical extracts of (Wheat
straw (Triticum aestivum), Paddy straw (Oryza sativa), Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera,
Ipomoea tricolor and Ageratum conyzoides] on different weed species showed significant
inhibitory effects on the germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters. The
present investigation also indicated that the concentration of extract also have significant
effect in expressing the herbicidal properties on weed species.
Table 33. Summary of effectiveness of botanicals for weed seeds germination and seedling growth

Weeds Cynotis Amaranthus Phylanthus Echinocloa Dinebra Chenopodium Portulaca Digera

Botanicals cuculata viridis niruri crusgalli retroflexa album oleracea arvensis
Wheat straw
Paddy straw
Eucalyptus citrodora
Lantana camera
Ipomoea triocolor
Ageratum conyzoides
With respect to changes in biochemical constituents viz, total sugars and phenols
under the influence of different botanical extracts, it is interesting to note that, in general total
sugar content was increased significantly with extract treatments compared to the
corresponding control treatments of all the weed species. On the contrary the phenol content
did not show significant changes among control and extract treatments. This may be possibly
because of accumulation of hydrolytic products (sugars) which otherwise would have been
utilized for growth and development of seedlings which was inhibited by allelopathic effect of
botanical extracts. Generally plant tends to produce and accumulate phenolics under external
biotic/abiotic stress. However, the active compounds of botanicals might have affected the
phenolic pathway and resulted in no much change in phenolic content of treated and
untreated seedlings of weeds.


1. Mode of action of different allelochmicals is not clear and hence a detailed study can
be made on such aspects
2. The present laboratory studies revealed that the botanicals viz. Wheat straw (Triticum
aestivum), Paddy straw (Oryza sativa), Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera,
Ipomoea tricolor and Ageratum conyzoides were found to affect seed germination
and growth of major weeds on onion crop. However, this should be verified by
residue incorporation/extract spray studies under natural field conditions
3. The present study is limited to seed germination and seedling growth of weeds under
the influence of botanical extracts. However, standardization of the concentrations of
extract that cause mortality of weeds under field conditions need to be done
4. Some weeds are more susceptible to certain botanicals than the others. Hence, the
combination of selected botanicals may be evaluated to cover weed spectrum of
onion growing regions
5. Different methods of extractions using hot water, organic solvents need to be studied
for better extraction of active compounds from botanicals
6. Isolation and characterization of allelochemicals from identified botanicals need to be
done for preparations of commercial formulation as bioherbicides
The present investigation was carried out to find out the allelopathic potential of
different botanicals and their concentration on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
characters of different weeds of onion growing regions. It was also intended to find out the
effect of botanicals on onion crop as well, Two separate laboratory experiments were carried
out at Department of Crop Physiology, UAS, Dharwad during 2005-06 to study the
allelopathic effect of ten botanicals viz, Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum), Paddy straw (Oryza
sativa), Chromolena odoratum, Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera, Ipomoea tricolor,
Ageratum conyzoides, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia
sericea on per cent germination, seedling length, fresh weight and dry weight in onion crop.
The second experiment was conducted to study the allelopathic effect of selected botanicals
from experiment first on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters of eight
major weed species infesting onion growing fields of this region. These eight weed species
are Cynotis cuculata, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri, Echinocloa crusgalli, Dinebra
retroflexa, Chenopodium album, Portulaca oleracea and Digera arvensis. The findings of the
two experiments are summarized as under.
1. The per cent germination of onion seeds was reduced significantly due to botanical
extract of Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsane Parthenium hysterophorus
and Cassia serecia at both 5 and 10 per cent extracts. Further, pre flowering stage
extract had more potential inhibitory effects. Higher concentration (10 %) had more
detrimental effects on per cent germination of onion crop.
2. Higher reduction in seedling length was noticed in onion crop with pre flowering stage
extracts of Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsane Parthenium hysterophorus
and Cassia serecia at 10 per cent concentration.
3. The dry matter content of onion crop was also reduced due to pre flowering stage
extracts of Chromolena odoratum, Clerodendrone thomsane Parthenium hysterophorus
and Cassia serecia at 10 per cent concentration than other botanicals. Hence, it is
inferred that these four botanicals are not the candidate species for control of weeds of
4. The test weed species also exhibited varied levels of susceptibility to the extracts of
botanicals for seed germination and seedling growth. There was a significant decrease
in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters of all weed species due to
higher concentration of wheat straw extract collected at post flowering stage. However,
among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea
were inhibited most. The weed species, Portulaca oleracea and Chinopodium albumi
recorded lower sugar content while Portulaca oleracea recorded higher phenol content.
5. The paddy straw extract at 10 per cent post flowering stage extract showed negative
effects on all the parameters (germination, morpho-physical and biochemical) of
different weed species. Among the weed species, Cynotis cuculata, Echinocloa crusglli
and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most. While, total sugar content of Portulaca
oleracea and phenol content of Digera arvensis observed lower values.
6. Pre flowering stage Eucalyptus extract at 10 per cent concentration caused greater
inhibition in all parameters (germination, morpho-physical and biochemical) of different
weed species. Among the weed species, germination parameters of Cynotis cuculata
and Portulaca oleracea and morpho-physical parameters of Phylanthus niruri and
Dinebra retroflexa were inhibited most. However, in case of sugar content the weed
species, Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea obtained lower
values while Portulaca oleracea recorded higher phenol content.
7. The Lantana camera extract prepared from 10 per cent pre flowering stage extract was
observed more effective and caused greater inhibition of all parameters (germination,
morpho-physical and biochemical) of different weed species. Among the weed species,
germination characters of Cynotis cuculata and Portulaca oleracea and morpho-
physical characters of Phylanthus niruri were inhibited most. Further, lantana extract
recorded lower sugar and higher phenol content with weed species Portulaca oleracea.
8. There was a significant decrease in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical
parameters of all weed species at higher (10 per cent) concentration with Ipomoea
tricolor extract collected at pre flowering stage. Among the weed species, germination
characters of Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea and morpho-
physical characters of Phylanthus niruri and Dinebra retroflexa were affected greatly.
However, the weed species, Cyanotic cuculata, Portulaca oleracea and Dinebra
retroflexa recorded lower sugar content and higher phenol content.
9. The reduction in germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters of different
weed species was noticed with pre flowering Ageratum conyzoides extract at higher (10
per cent) concentration. Among the weed species, germination characters of Cynotis
cuculata and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited most while morpho-physical characters
of Phylanthus niruri followed by Amaranthus viridis and Dinebra retroflexa were
reduced maximum. Moreover, lower sugar content was found with Dinebra retroflexa
and Portulaca oleracea and higher phenol content with Portulaca oleracea.
10. In general total sugar content of the weed seedlings was significantly increased under
the influence of botanical extracts compared to their control treatments. However, the
phenol content did not show any significant changes.
11. In general wheat and paddy straw extract at post flowering stage were effective
whereas other botanicals viz. Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera, Ipomoea tricolor
and Ageratum conyzoides extracts at pre flowering were effective against weeds
12. Among weeds tested Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and
Portulaca oleracea were more susceptible to all the botanicals whereas Ageratum
conyzoides, Echinocloa crusgalli and Chenopodium album were least susceptible to
the botanicals tested.
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WEEDS OF ONION (Alium cepa L.)




Two laboratory experiments were carried out at Department of Crop Physiology,

UAS, Dharwad during 2005-06 to findout the allelopathic effect of ten botanicals on
germination, morpho-physical and biochemical characters of eight major weeds of onion
including onion. First experiment aimed to findout the effect of botanicals viz., wheat (Triticum
aestivum) and paddy (Oryza sativa), Chromolena odoratum, Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana
camera, Ipomoea tricolor, Ageratum conyzoides, Clerodendron thomsanae, Parthenium
hysterophorus and Cassia sericea on germination of onion. The second experiment was to
find out the allelopathic effect of selected botanicals collected at pre and post flowering stages
on germination, morpho-physical and biochemical parameters of eight major weed species of
onion crop viz. Cynotis cuculata, Amaranthus viridis, Phylanthus niruri, Echinocloa crusgalli,
Dinebra retroflexa, Chenopodium album, Portulaca oleracea and Digera arvensis.

The results indicated that the per cent germination seedling length and dry matter
production of onion was reduced significantly due to extract of Chromolena odoratum,
Clerodendrone thomsane Parthenium hysterophorus and Cassia serecia at both 5 and 10 per
cent extracts. Further, pre flowering stage extract had more potential inhibitory effects. Higher
concentration (10%) had more detrimental effects. Second experiment indicated that the test
weed species exhibited varied levels of susceptibility to the extracts of botanicals. Among the
weed species, Cynotis cuculata, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea were inhibited
most by wheat straw extract while, Cynotis cuculata, Echinocloa crusgalli and Portulaca
oleracea were inhibited most by paddy straw extract. The four botanicals viz., Eucalyptus
citrodora, Lantana camera, Ipomoea tricolor and Ageratum conyzoides recorded inhibitory
effects at pre flowering stage (10%). The total sugar content of the weed seedlings was
significantly increased under the influence of botanical extracts compared to their control
treatments. However, the phenol content did not show any significant changes. In general
wheat and paddy straw extract at post flowering stage were effective whereas other
botanicals viz., Eucalyptus citrodora, Lantana camera, Ipomoea tricolor and Ageratum
conyzoides extracts at pre flowering were most effective against weeds tested. Among weeds
Cynotis cuculata, Phylanthus niruri, Dinebra retroflexa and Portulaca oleracea were more
susceptible to all the botanicals.

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