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Deception is coming! Jesus spoke about it, as the apostle Paul did and the apostles
Peter, John and Jude. All warn us about a final deception the church faces before the
close of the age. A grand work of deceit climaxing the numerous deceptions the
church has been assailed with down the church age. If we think we have seen it all,
think again. This final work of the antichrist spirit will be the ultimate - ‘strong
delusion’ – so deceitful ‘even the elect’ can be duped.

Notice this final delusion is by a ‘man of sin who sits in the temple of God’ 2 Thes 2.4.
The only temple (naos Gk = inner sanctuary) of God at the end of the age that fulfils
this text is the ‘church of God’. Some would teach a natural, rebuilt physical temple in
Jerusalem will exist. There is no way this is likely, in my estimation. Ask one billion
muslims if they would allow one stone of their mosque of Omar to be pulled down to
make way for a Jewish temple.

For some time now the Lord has impressed upon me IT IS TIME TO PREPARE for
the coming days. We must especially prepare for deception; perhaps the most
dangerous threat to our spiritual health, if not our eternal destiny. Unless we take the
necessary steps to get ready for this peril of the coming days we will almost certainly
be deceived.


The final attempt by the enemy of our souls to lead God’s children astray ( from
planao Gk = to lead astray, the normal word translated ‘deceive’ in the New
Testament ) from the pathway laid out in Scripture will have certain characteristic
features. We should be alert to these indicators of deception.

It’s nature will be EVIL, perpetrated by ministries who are evil.

word evil, from the greek poneros = to injure, hurt or destroy, shows the nature of this
deception will be destructive and malicious in its intent. The dEVIL will use this final
lie to bring destruction on unprepared Christians, causing many of them to ‘fall
away’(2 Thes 2.3) and indeed ultimately lose their salvation. The adjective Peter uses
to describe the ‘damnable heresies’ and ‘pernicious ways false prophets and teachers
will use in the last days is apoleia (Gk) = to bring to ruin or destroy (2 Pet 2.1,2).
There is nothing benign about this work of the enemy; it is purposely designed to
cause the downfall of many. When ‘revivals’ or ‘outpourings’ eventually lead to their
adherents backsliding or apostasying then something is wrong.

It will be so deceptive even Christians will be taken in. Because the final delusion
will be so strong (2 Thes 2.11) strong (energeia Gk) = to do an effective work); the
lying signs, wonders and miracles so great (Matt 24.24 mega = mighty) and executed
with ‘ ! "# $(2 Thes 2.9) Jesus said -
MANY (Matt 24.11) will be duped. And, according to the context of the passage in 2
Thessalonians that explicitly tells us of a ‘falling away’ before the Lord’s return, this
delusion will deceive many saints along with the ungodly. So effective will it be,
victims will not realize it is a deception and of course will deny they are deceived.
Deceived people do not know they have been duped – otherwise it is not deception!

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The delusion will be propagated mainly by prophets and miracle workers
claiming they are ‘christs’ (christos = anointed)’ (Matt 24.4,5, 24) or ANOINTED
ONES. They do not necessarily claim they are Christ Himself – only that they are
anointed like Him to bring ‘revelation’ or do ‘signs wonders and miracles’. Notice,
they are also described as ‘dreamers’ (Jude v8) = those especially given to dreams
and visions. We need to be wary of any ministry that emphasizes subjective ‘spiritual’
experiences and ‘supernatural communications’, especially from angelic beings, at the
expense of the objective truth of Scripture. Using supernatural visions and dreams to
authenticate a ministry or teaching will be common among false ‘miracle workers’,
but nonetheless, will not be valid.

Witchcraft will energize the deception. The final manifestation of ‘antichrist’ =

against Christ and in place of Christ, will be a person (or corporate body) operating by
the ‘power of satan’ (2 Thes 2.9). But this ‘man of sin’ along with all other coming
‘seducers’ (goes gk = to wail, from the howl wizards, sorcerers etc chanted their
spells’ (2 Tim 3.13) will utilize ‘sorcery’ (Rev 18.23) and other occult powers to
‘bewitch’ (Gal 3.1) many Christians. Hypnotism (actually a spirit of witchcraft) is a
powerful occult power that will operate in many of these seductive ministries, even
producing hypnotism of mass crowds.

The ‘grace of God will be turned into lasciviousness’ Jude v4. These ‘wolves in
sheep’s clothing’ (Matt 7.15) will ‘creep in unawares’ (Jude v4) and ‘take
advantage through admiration’ (Jude v16) eventually to promote a message of
‘greasy grace’ to those with ‘itching ears’(2 Tim 4.3). Sermons will minimize the
pursuit of righteousness in favour of seeking sensual, supernatural feelings and power.

These false teachings they ‘secretly bring in’ ( 2 Pet 2.1) will be alongside orthodox
doctrine. (The greek word used here is pareisago = to ‘introduce alongside’.) The
apostles warn these seductive teachings will promote ‘defilement of the flesh’,
‘despising authority’, ‘proud speech’ Jude v4,8,16 along with ‘covetousness and
greed’ , ‘presumption’, ‘rebellion’ and ‘speaking against dignities’ (2 Pet 2.3,10).

Stanley Frodsham, one of the prominent apostle/prophets of the Pentecostal

outpouring of the early 20th century prophesied before his death in 1970; ‘there will
come deceivers among my people in increasing numbers who will speak forth the
truth and shall gain the favour of the people. For the people shall examine the
scriptures and say ‘ what these men say is true’. Then when they have gained the
hearts of the people, then and only then, they shall bring out their wrong doctrines.
Therefore I say that you should not give your hearts to men, nor hold peoples persons
in admiration or adulation. Watch for seducers!’

The deceivers will seek to control and will be abusive. The ministries of false
apostles and prophets will eventually show evidence of abusive behaviour. According
to 2 Co 11.13, 20 not only will they ‘bring into bondage’ i.e. form cult followings and
make dependent followers, they will also ‘devour others’ i.e. swallow them up with
overpowering personality and by their ministry, as well as ‘take from others’ i.e.
greedily obtain money through offerings and other schemes, and ‘exalt themselves’
i.e. proudly boasting about their accomplishments and ministry (rather than glorying
in the Lord), and even ‘smite others’ i.e. abusively treat the sheep. This abuse can be
either verbal - by threatening or manipulative speech; emotional - where manipulation
or control of peoples emotions is prevalent or even physical mistreatment e.g. in how

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those who are wanting prayer are (man) handled. Is there any excuse for kicking
some one lying on the floor to impart an anointing? How God’s children are treated is
important; God is not into child abuse!


To escape the deception, many ‘watchman’ ministries emphasize the need to be
looking for the characteristics of false ministries (as listed above). A far more vital
key to escape their clutches, in my opinion, is to address those personal heart issues
within our lives that make us vulnerable to deceit. Deception is far more about the
deceived than it is about the deceivers. If we are to escape then we must attend to the
following issues of the heart;

Be alert. The first warning Jesus gave to his disciples about the end of the age and
the coming deception was to be watchful, or earnestly on the look out. This is no time
to go to sleep on ‘the watch’ or abdicate responsibility to detect a work of the enemy
with excuses such as ‘think no evil of anyone, or ‘do not judge others’, or ‘touch not
the Lord’s anointed’, or ‘we must love everybody’. No, all these arguments for a
passive stance to watching for deception are false; we are at war and it is naïve and
foolish to think we can presume to ‘trust God to protect us from such evil’. God has
clearly told us who is responsible to expose the deception and warn others.

This does not mean we have to be pharisaical ‘heresy hunters’ that ‘make a man an
offender for a word’ (Is 29.21) as we examine every work spoken or action of others
with a supercritical attitude. But it is does mean we are not foolish in our love and
mercy for others. There is a non-judgemental love that is not godly but sentimental
and unhelpful in the end. Tough love, rather than love that permits error and deceit is

Love the Lord with all your heart. Lukewarm christians who are half-hearted or
half-asleep will be sorely tested by this deception. In fact, it is my conviction that
such a delusion will be used by the Lord to separate out at the end of the age the
‘goats from the sheep’, the ‘tares from the wheat’ etc. % & '
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- .

Deception will be a powerful tool to sift the church in the days ahead and it is not
clear from Matt 13.41 if the angels God will use to remove the ‘sinners in Zion’ and
gather them together are good or evil, despite being described as ‘his angels’. God has
used ungodly instruments before to deal with His people.

Have a love for the truth. This does not mean a ‘love for knowledge’ or a ‘love for
teaching’ or even a ‘love of wisdom’. The greek word for ‘truth’ in the N.T. is
‘aletheia’ = that which is real or genuine and true. Any judgement that comes upon
those that ‘ $! /"is more to do with how
lacking in passion they were about being honest, sincere and a stickler for reality and
truthfulness than it is about believing certain ‘prepositional truths’. Sure we are to

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have a love for Scripture and its truths so we can properly judge if someone is
teaching ‘sound doctrine’ and of course know what God’s word reveals about false
prophets and their ‘modus operandi’. Our defense against being deceived by false
ministries is certainly based in some measure on testing by Scripture. ‘
' '
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Ultimately though, a commitment to speaking, living and tolerating only the truth in
these days will be more important than merely confessing the apostles creed etc.
Those that have not given up all forms of lying or living a lie are surely deceiving
others and will in return be deceived themselves.

Pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. (Heb 12.14) Above all
else; the getting of wisdom, seeking peace with others and seeking to edify the body
with spiritual gifts, we are to seek ‘first the kingdom of God and His righteousness’.
(Matt 6.33). So many seek other things that are not essential and vital for these days,
be it validation, position and prestige, or even ministry. In fact, it is seeking after ‘the
glory’, ‘the power’, ‘the fire’, ‘the anointing’ and other supernatural manifestations
that especially leaves us open to deception. A successful ministry will not stop us
from being deceived if we put ‘selfish ambition’ or a ‘hunger for signs, wonders and
miracles’ ahead of pursuing what is most needed - integrity and honesty. In his book
on deception, Art Katz a prominent prophetic ministry has warned “so often we
mistake our hunger for manifestations, healings, the glory, miracles, holy laughter etc
– for the hunger of God’. This is a deception in itself.

To experience and minister in the supernatural realm is so intoxicating we must be

very sure our desire for these things is not a lust after euphoric and ecstatic feelings
and experiences. The enemy will give us much of the same as any occult practitioner
will testify to. Supernatural laughter, ‘anointings’, spiritual giftings, healings, visions
etc. can all be obtained illegally from dark forces. The supernatural realm is indeed a
seductive mistress.

Get our eyes off ministries. Despite so many ministries (seemingly) trying to
cultivate a cult following, we are not to be party to the adulation of celebrities or
favourite speakers. Although Paul encouraged younger ministries to emulate him and
follow his example in character and behaviour, there is clear warning about becoming
a ‘follower’ of any ministry as the Corinthians we rebuked for. The Branhamites took
this adulation to extreme. No, our eyes are to stay firmly fixed on the Lord alone and
not any of His ‘servants’ no matter how astounding and spectacular the signs,
wonders and miracles that accompany them.

Stanley Frodsham also said in his prophecy for the last days ‘ …many whom I shall
anoint mightily with signs and miracles shall become lifted up and shall fall by the
wayside… they shall be like bright lights and people shall delight in them. But they
shall be taken over by deceiving spirits and shall lead many of my people
astray…..therefore I say that you should not give your hearts to men, nor hold
people’s persons in admiration or adulation.’

Prove all things. (1 Thes 5.21). Scripture is clear that we have the right and in fact
are expressly commanded to ‘believe not every spirit but test the spirits’ 1 John 4.1,
and ‘let the others judge’ (1 Cor 14.29) when prophecies are given. The Bereans

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were nobler than many as they did more than listen to what Paul preached, they
‘ ' $!1 2 " he church
at Ephesus was especially commended because they were not asleep but ‘
' ' $
!, "

Although Jesus said ‘judge not that ye be not judged’ Matt 7.1 this in no way absolves
us from the responsibility to detect deception in ministries and their ‘revelations’ as
we ‘judge (with) righteous judgement’ John 7.24. Jesus using hyperbole was warning
against judging only by outward appearance and harshly judging in a critical, overly
skeptical manner.

This proving of ministries and their message will require more than having a
suspicious mind (a gift of suspicion!); we will need to exercise a comprehensive Spirit
given discernment; a combination of biblical knowledge and understanding, patience
and humility to not rush to judgement and the God given gift of ‘discerning of spirits’.

No doubt such righteous judgement will only be found as the corporate body together
tests all things. Truly in ‘the multitude of counselors there is safety’ Prov 11.14 and
by ‘the mouth of two or three witnesses’ (2 Cor 13.1) everything is established.

Know those who minister among you. Paul exhorted the believers in Thessalonica
to ‘ ' ' )
' $ 3 It is wisdom to be cautious and on our guard when we do
not really know who a ministry is. If they are an ‘unknown quantity’ it behooves us to
verify if they are truly reputable and are proven persons of integrity etc. Far too many
saints drink from wells they have not established are free from poison or unsafe in
some other way. They blithely feed from ‘bad trees’ before they have inspected to see
if any rotten fruit are in evidence by the ministry. This is suicidal behaviour!

It is wisdom to have ministries properly endorsed by those who intimately know them
and can vouch they are safe and beneficial to our spiritual health. Many feed off a
ministry before it is verified they are ‘
' '$ 4 . Not so with me. As
far as I am concerned PURITY of life is especially mandatory. Impurity, uncleanness
or any hint of immorality in a ministry, even if it is in the past and ‘under the blood’
always makes me extra cautious.

Far too many ministries and saints who eat of their fruit have problems in the area of
purity because they are contaminated by touching the occult and have ‘unclean spirits’
pollute what they minister. These ministries need to be purified from such
unrighteousness through proper repentance and cleansing.Where they have fallen into
sexual sin they must only be restored to ministry after satisfying all the requirements
of a penitent. Such ministries must satisfy us they have brought ‘forth the fruits meet
for repentance’ (Matt 3.8). For too long we have allowed fallen ministries back
before they have proven they can be trusted with the sheep again.

A final quote from Stanley Frodsham’s prophecy; ‘the minister of righteousness will
be on this wise… his life shall agree with the word, and his lips shall give forth that
which is wholly true; there will be no mixture. .. the deceivers speak first the truth
then error to cover their own sins that they love.’

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FINALLY BRETHEREN (as Paul would write)

I believe we are now in the days before the return of the Lord when God’s people are
being tested in many things. Right now we are facing real challenges that the Lord is
using so ‘ &
$, The separation of the chaff from the wheat has begun and one of the
‘fan(s) in his hand’ (Lk 3.17) God will use in this winnowing process is deception by
miracle workers moving in a false anointing.

At this moment we are faced with the challenge of judging the ‘Lakeland Outpouring’
occurring in Florida under the ministry of Todd Bentley, a healing evangelist. This is
no small matter and I believe is not only a test of many hearts and where their real
desires lie but is a test of our commitment as true shepherds to ‘prove all things’ to
protect the flock of God. This is an opportunity, in ‘real time’, to ‘test the spirits’
manifesting in this supposed revival some are claiming to be the initial downpour of
the final outpouring of the ‘latter rain’ we have been praying to see for so many years.

Is it a genuine Holy Spirit ‘shower of blessing’ or is it something else? For some, as

has already been evident, it is a simple, self-evident matter and they have quickly
claimed it is a visitation of God’s spirit in ‘signs, wonders and miracles’. Others
equally adamant have condemned it as a false revival with much deception. So the
church is polarized into two distinct camps, sharply divided once again.

Rather than rush to judgement on such an important issue and side with either
entrenched position I have taken this opportunity to carefully and prayerfully judge
what is happening, as best I can from such a distance. I believe what I have shared in
this article is relevant and topical precisely because of what we are seeing in Florida. I
also believe the message was prompted by the Lord as it was laid on my heart not too
long before this outbreak occurred. This is not the time to abdicate our responsibility
to make a judgement on this or any other report we hear of ‘revival’.

From what I have seen and heard of the meetings and the fruit of it, after six weeks I
have come to the considered judgement that this ‘outpouring’ is definitely not the
revival I believe God is wanting. I am not saying there is not genuine God given
healings and other expressions of the Holy Spirit but for me, there is far too much
mixture. From my observation watching it live on the net and reading the commentary
of mature bretheren, my determination is that there is more than just a smattering of
demonstrations of flesh and demonic pollution in the manifestations. Far too much of
what I have seen happening has been the result of carnal manipulation of those
attending through either the music (sound level and style etc) and the use of
‘supernatural dreams, visions and prophetic insight’ or other ‘revelations’ by those
ministering. Too much of man and ‘making it happen’ is in evidence rather than the
sovereign, un-manufactured work of the Holy Spirit. In discussing it recently with a
prophetic ministry we came to the conclusion that ‘keys’ were being illegally used to
gain entry to the spiritual realm to obtain much of what was happening.

Actually, it is this mixture that we will face in evaluating most outbreaks of religious
fervour and supernatural manifestations in the days to come. It makes discernment
very difficult but it does not absolve us from our obligation to judge all things. May
we as ‘good shepherds’ not fail in our duty over the flock of God . Otherwise we are

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