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1) Your Vision – Your dream for starting this business of QUESTNET i.e. what is it

that you want from life? Kid’s education, your own house, a car??

2) Your Commitment – how much time can you give to QUESTNET You should have

a list of people you would want to contact – family friends and acquaintances –

barber, your car mechanic etc.

3) Your list should keep growing…

4) Start your work by contacting and writing. There are several ways to do this:

direct talk, phone talk. If you are talking to a good friend, don’t use business talk.

Invite him by saying “Come let’s sit together. I want you to come – we can chat…”

To an acquaintance you will say “Look, I have a proposal, I believe in. I don’t

promise you anything but may be we could work together, so come over.” When

talking to a person you respect (e.g. teacher, ______________you can… “Mr…. I

came across a proposal and knowing you are a man of wisdom I am wondering if

you can give me some advise.” If you are on phone, say ‘A new concept has come

up that deals with a prestigious product…..’

5) Showing the Plan: One to one is most powerful. If the presentation is at home

you can have a small group. If the presentation is official, conduct at business

venues and dress formally.

Group of 4 or 5 people at home is very comfortable. All you need is a white board.

If you are at business venues, be there before time and people coming should be

treated well like kings. Introduce your prospects to your seniors.

Never use a noisy place for presentation. A simple restaurant is ideal. Come

dressed professionally and bring your tools. Every action you take should be such

that it can be duplicated. Your plan should be short and sweet.

Plan would mean talking about your company. The 3 Pcs i.e. Product, Plan,


6) Follow Through: This is the mot crucial part – follow up within 24-48 hrs. Strike

while iron is hot. Best is to set a meeting at a meeting. You may leave your

material (a book?) with him and you will have a reason to follow thru. Learn to

handle his questions and concerns. Take your leader when you do your follow-up

till you are confident enough.

Learn to walk on thin line between arrogance and confidence. Objections can be
handled with 3 Fs. - Feel : I know how you feel.
Felt : I felt exactly the same in the beginning.
Found : But I found out how it works.

99% people give excuses because they do not know how to say ‘No’. Majority of

those who say No are saying ‘No’ to themselves because they are afraid of failing.

Be proud of what you stand for. By slapping with a kiss is how you will handle any

objection. Answer question with a question. (You need me more than I need you.)

But if you don’t have an answer to his question, don’t be lie for he can come back

to you. Tell him ‘I think it’s a good question. Can I get back with you your answer

after talking to my leader?’

7) Counsel your leader: When you start, you have to counsel with your leader e.g.

on placement. Be a sponge and absorb as much as you can from your leader – this

business is a Team Work.

8) Teach & Duplicate: Effective duplication is the success to this business. You will

teach these 8 blocks to your down line after you have mastered these. There

should be no selfishness in this business. You impart all your knowledge.

Teaching one on one is most effective. Training is the life line here.

Talk of your dream to win confidence. Be realistic, not conservative. List your




Questnet. started in 1998. There have been people in this business who have been very

successful and there are others who have failed and we must find out why they failed.

There are 8 general reasons why people fail.

1) People do not take this business seriously.

People think Questnet to be a small time business and feel that those who have

nothing more to do in life will get into this business. But we are all aware that all

business is good if it is properly managed – even if it is selling peanuts.

Why is it that most people do not treat Questnet as business??

- Because people feel one needs a large capital to start any business. So people do

not take this opportunity because this business is only buying a coin or set of

coins. Can we or do we invest a large capital in business and say if it (business)

does well, we will consider it seriously? – No business woks this way. So, Questnet,

like any other business, should e taken seriously. This is business where you have

to be fully involved, put in work, face disappointment, rejection and even


2) Doubt is a big killer in this business.

Faith in your business is very important. When a business starts, it does not work

straight away but if you have faith, it will work some day. So have faith in your

business, discuss this business with others and if you are new in this, keep away

from dream stealers. Keep away from those who are negative. AND, if you are new

into this NEVER get into argument unless you can influence. If there is one person

who embraces this vision of Gold Q. business there will be at least 20 who are out

to sap your energy. SOME WILL, SOME WONT, SO WHAT? Some one else is

waiting. So if some one does not see your vision see some one else. Be sure, when

you succeed, those who say ‘no’ to you are the ones who will realise this business

works and take notice of what you are dong.

No body has 100% success. Rejection is part of the process. Have influence over

your organization. If you doubt, your influence filters down – Have you been a

positive or a negative influence? What seeds have you sown? Anything positive –

pass it down. Anything negative, pass it up – i.e. go to your leaders.

3) People don’t invest in time: If you want to make it in this business, master it,

know or learn all aspects of this business, e.g. when did QUESTNET start? Who are

the distributors – learn everything you can – what are the strong and the weak

points of the business plan. Binary plan is powerful, duplicable – the more you

know, the more you can defend your business. Knowledge helps to build your


Train your leaders to sustain the business and how can you do this if you are not

trained yourself? This is a business of importation. It is fulfilling to see your impact

on someone.

4) People think it is a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME:

Some people think you join QUESTNET business and immediately strike rich. But,

you have to think like a farmer if you want success in this business s- you have to

work for it – you have to make sacrifices to reap the benefits. You have to give

time to train others too. This business is GET RICH SURE, NOT GET RICH QUICK.

5) People have no focus, so they fail: All those who have success in business, have

been focused. If a child loves music you cannot keep shifting him from learning

one musical instrument to another because this way he becomes jack of all but

master of none. People join every business, even propagate it but are never able
to build any business because they are not focussed. LEVI jeans started with jeans

and did only that for years and years. KODAK only did film products. So decide

what you want to do and do only that.

6) They do not know how to present the business – so they fail:

How can people take you seriously if you do not know how to present the

business? Only if you know how to present your business will you be able to

expand it.

You have to train people to present the business. E.g. if there are 5000 people and

only one person to present business, what would happen? So all into the business

must learn to present it. If you don’t know how to present the business, how will

you work? You must nurture and teach your people.

7) People do not look at the future, but only see today:

Focus on what your organization will look like six months from now. Your future

financial status will depend on what you have put in today.

8) People who fail have no vision:

All success starts with a vision. Without vision, people perish. Vision keeps people

alive. E.g. 3 Brick layers where 1 & 2 just lay bricks as part of their jobs and to

earn just enough to survive. They are not warned about. What the building will

look like – Want to leave jobs on time etc. But the No.3 brick layer has a vision –

a vision of building a cathedral where he imagines what the building will look like

when completed – where the dome will be and so on so he puts in extra work, is

interested and works with a zest – All this because he has a vision. Vision changes
what you do daily – you learn not to take things lightly. People do not hit target in

life only because they don’t know where the target is. Everything starts with a

vision. Your vision will be your leader that will motivate you and when you have a

vision, people will follow you.

* There are the 8 pit falls in QUESTNET business.



How to get started? Building the foundation will also determine how good a leader you

will be. How do you build a large global foundation??

Foundation Bldg.: The best foundation in this QUESTNET business is YOU.

1) What you will have to do first is to learn, to get educated.

2) You will have to know about the company.

3) Plan. You should know everything about the plan. i.e. what is binary, what

advantages docs this have. Binary did not always have a good history. Nobody

joins business straight away but it is the way or ability of the presenter that you

join this.

The Binary story. In the past, people had been cheated by company’s using binary

plans which is why the reputation was tarnished. But today, all new companies are

binary because of success of others like Questnet who have been using the binary

plan and perfecting it.

This is nothing more de-motivating than to have a leader who knows nothing

about business. It is inspiring to have leaders with heavy duty knowledge. With

knowledge will come wisdom.

Everything starts with imagination (Have you ever thought of a person who

imagined vegetables or gun powder or whatever?) From imagination will come

VISION which will give you a quest for knowledge and together it becomes


What are your sources of knowledge? You have access to your (1) leaders – not

only the person who referred you to the business but also (2) leaders down your

line. Spend time with them (3) Work as a team. (4) Company material (5) Tapes
(6) bks (7) Co. meetings – go for meetings, listen to presentations. Remember

you are in the business of participation. The more knowledge you have, the more

confidence your organization will have in you. You have to acquire knowledge

and wisdom for those under you, not only for yourself.

4) Set up a Home office: Your real capital in this business is your TIME & your

EFFORT. If you have invested your money in say, a computer business, can you

afford to lose it? – NO – because you have invested all you had. Here, in GQ, time

is your capital and here, you may make a mistake but you will realise that the

more you put in, the more you benefit. Here you don’t have a boss. This can be a

disadvantage too because there is no one to push you. So, get organised, have a

home office.

- Company materials, i.e. brochures, reading materials etc. is a must in your


- Profiles & downloads from the web site.

- Files of genealogy report (to show people your organization and how it has


- Your cheques.

This is a testimony business. So you have to have cheques to prove to people that

this works. But, if you have just started, you use your leaders cheques to show


- People take you more seriously if you have a business card. This shows you

are proud of what you are doing and because you have invested in card it

means you have taken your business seriously. Also put all your phones
down. You must give the impression that you are only a phone call away –

this will encourage your people.


- Determines your direction, setting you on the right path.

- You become internally motivated.

- Helps you overcome obstacles (only with continuous efforts can you win an

Olympic gold). It takes courage to overcome obstacles. What are my compelling

reasons to do this business. What is it that I have a burning desire to do this –

identify it. Write this down. Having vision is integral part of the business. Vision

not written is wishful thinking.

Many times your goals change. Once if our vision is properly set, it is time to

good set. Think leadership base, not volume when you set goals.

You must submit yourself to a leader and get yourself trained because this will

show you how to achieve your goals. Business can be fun if you know how to do

it right. Otherwise it is like banging your head against a wall. You can be

intelligent, hard-working but if you don’t know how to do business, you will fail.

Master 3 skills in training;

- Know how to present the business effectively.

- Know how to answer objection.

- Know how to build your organization to have supportive training.

Once you master the above 3 skills, nothing can stop you from growing globally. The

world is then ours to conquer.


Vision – goal

Submit yourself to your leaders.



How to build an organization?

To build an organization you should have a right frame of mind. Your outlook, your

attitude will determine your aptitude. Accepting & understanding traditional strategies

are not acceptable in this business. For e.g. if you are into basket ball you use only

basket ball strategy, you can’t use swimming strategy and vice versa.

The traditional mind set and one of the key thought is that the more connections you

have the more better of you will be in your business. But this does not apply to Questnet

business. In fact, many a times people fail because they bring this thought in QUESTNET

business. The reason QUESTNET is attractive is because everybody can do it.

What you need in QUESTNET business is:

1) Learn how to use your circle (sphere) of influence i.e. a group of people who trust

what you say. Your friends, family and relatives will join this business only

because they trust you. AND people will have at least 34 or 5 in their circle of

influence. This should not be too much of a task.

Now if you have say 4 people who trust you, these 4 will have their 4 who will join

this business because they trust them and they don’t have to know you. If this

goes on, you will soon have an organization.

There is no difference between direct and indirect referrals. Many a times, people

feel they can buy a coin and bring 10 people or so all by themselves. GQ does not

work this way. It is not possible for a person to try and bring people without the

support of their leaders. Patience is what is needed because bringing people on

your own merit may not be possible. Help your down lines and encourage them to

help others.

Do it yourself is the only way to start this culture.

E.g. you bring 4 people even if it takes time. Do this with the help of your leaders.

These 4 will find their 4 from their own circle of influence and they in turn will find

their 4. This way 4 becomes 16, then 64, 256, 1024 & so on and you will have an

organization and you will have the money too. Remember, GQ is a business


Big numbers will come and sales, volume, big checks will come.

2) Human nature is such that it can think only of 3 individuals: ME, MYSELF and I.

No one works on a project and give credit to someone else. Your work, your

volume and your efforts will determine your credit. WIFM (What is in it for me?)

If you want to make money in this business, forget about yourself. Think only of

your organization and of your leaders. If you take off time and help those under
you and help them make money, you will make them treat this business with

enthusiasm and they will take this business seriously too.

In the long run who does Quest benefit?


When you start this business, no one is with you. The hardest part of this business

is the beginning because nobody has the imagination to believe that somebody

can do better than them. So people are actually not rejecting you but the idea of

you being above them. They rather say this business does not work. BUT once

they see you making money, this business will start to work because people see

proof of how much you are taking home.

AND when they join this GQ and start making money, you automatically make

money. And the only way you earn big bucks is when you help others earn big


Thus :

- Circle of influence – learn how to work with them.

- Forget about yourself and help others.

You can help by training those under you by repeating your presentation again

and again till it becomes the second nature.

You can help by committing to assist your circle of influence so they bring their

circle of influence.

One on one is the best way to bring in people.


MODULE – 3 (Contd..)

If a person is new in GQ business and does not know anything about how to explain it

properly he will just end up turning his prospects off to this otherwise excellent business.

- Make it a point to tell your new referrals not to talk to anyone. This is very

important. Because he will not be able to present this business effectively and will

just end up messing the whole business. AND what happens when you turn some

one off? It will be just impossible to get them interested in your business again.

Therefore, tell your referrals not to talk to any body unless they have understood

this business and will be able to explain it to those they approach. So, if you do

not have the time to learn how to explain this business properly, you have no right

to be in this business. Take the business seriously if you want people to take this

seriously. You should have the feeling of responsibility to the people.

- Home Meetings are generally held at home. Let your home be your office and let

these meetings be fun. You can call a few people over small and inexpensive

meals. After meals during the chatting sessions, discuss the business with different

leaders, share their experiences and let everybody have a chance to learn. These

meetings not only will help them, but you too. Its going to be beneficial. These

meetings can be held anywhere where you have group. This goes on and soon you

have an organization.
- Encourage Caddying: This is the one indispensable method of learning the

basics of building an orgaisation. Caddying is to be done with your leaders.

There cannot be an accidental millionaire. Hard work is a must to reap benefits.

Caddy System: (1) Who do we caddy?

Time is very important and valuable. Identify leaders or potential leaders – Spend

time with them and help them. Thru’ your leaders you are duplicating yourself. It

is not going to be possible for you to be every where so you have these trained

leaders who can do the job too.

(2) What should we know to caddy effectively.

(3) Tools are a must to caddy. E.g. books, tapes, etc.

(4) What you must avoid.

(5) What you must do.

- Caddy Entails

1) Nurturing (2) Encouragement (3) Support

4) Teaching 5) Inspiration.

Encourage nurturing: Training is impartation. So don’t neglect the line you have

going up and down. Nurture your people by sitting down with them and offer any

assistance they need. You work with them, become an employee and support

them when required. Because, when they prosper, you also prosper.

48 Hour rule must be remembered: When you talk to a new customer, do not

let 48 hours pass without calling and meeting with him and offering your support.

Don’t dictate orders, because you are not the employer.

What kind of support?

1) Ask your people if they need help presenting this business to

anyone. In fact, insist on being there when they present this business

because many a times people are excited about business but do not know

what to say.

2) Ask them if they need any help to answer any objections raised. Offer help

after you have heard them.

Encouragement: Keep your faith level high. Give your time to them. This is your

moral responsibility. In the beginning you need to work hard because this later will

pay dividends.

Teaching: This is a business of impartation. In this business everything you know

you have to pass down to your leaders – their success is your success and the

more you know, the more you can teach. Before you start to teach and support,

you must make sure that your leaders have a VISION for this business. The

person getting into this business must be receptive. If they have no vision:

- They will have no direction and will not know what they are doing.

- They will not be motivated.

- They will not be willing to overcome obstacles.

- They will have no work ethic

AND – if they have none of the above, they are LAZY!! BUT there is no such thing

as a lazy person – only one that has no vision.

Therefore before start the teaching process, sit down with your potential

leaders and make sure they have gone thru’ the process you have gone

thru’ that give you your vision. They must identify their compelling reasons and

burning desires before entering this business.

If you take the time to do this then you don’t have to motivate them. Once they define

vision (decide what they want to do), they will want to learn on their own and it will be

very easy to teach them.

It is frustrating to teach someone who does not want to learn and very rewarding if you

want to teach someone who wants to learn. BE AN EXAMPLE & INSPIRE PEOPLE.

You must avoid: Making yourself available at all times – let them know time is very

valuable. Don’t become a slave, just an employee. Yes, be available and let your

referral-in-training be with you when you are required to do a presentation for his


- Caddying a direct / indirect referral who has not completed the BTC (Basic Training


Thus you have to chose the people you are going to work with and your time is


Essentials in Caddying: A 3 point guideline to create maximum effect on your


- Identify time and date you will allot for each of your potential leaders. The reason

why a specific time is set is to be sure the person is totally free for you and has

nothing else in mind. E.g. it would be a wrong idea to approach someone who is all
set to go for a vacation – Don’t approach such a person at this time because his

mind will be pre-occupied.

- Identify the potential leaders whom you will caddy. A group of 2-5 people is ideal.

It is more effective training a Small Set of 2-5 people than a big crowd because

you will do it 100% this way.

- Set a planning session with the people you are going to train.

a) Explain and reinforce purpose of caddying. They have to know why they are

going thru’ this process because then it is easier to accept. When you

discipline your child, you have to explain why you follow the disciplining

process and you also be consistent while disciplining.

b) Agree on a fixed weekly schedule. Allocate the time and make sure you are


c) Agree on a short term goal. E.g. in this business you will have a coin + US $

400/- cheque. This is because

- When people earn their first coin and receive their first cheque, they

are excited and will understand that this business works. It helps to


- This is a testimony business. When you have something to show (your


You are able to convince all those who doubt the company.

Get them to commit to the plan and goal.

To commit simply means

- to set upon the goal.

- to have appropriate time.

- to entrust to the System Questnet has put up.

- to put in efforts. Don’t take it lightly.

Imagine yourself having an organization composed of these individuals.


[ 1] Dave Trindad [2] Ranjit Singh

[3] Patrick [4] Pasthran [5] Ronnie Wong [6] Mohd. Isa

With chart like this your yearly check is unimaginable. To have an organization with

people like these who have talent, skill and commitment, you would go all your way. It

take time to build an organization like this. So, be patient & learn to build your leaders

properly, train them properly and you will be paid rich dividends.



PART – 1




This is not a difficult skill because when you start doing this everyday, it becomes a part

of you and so simple too.

Your ability to present the business properly and effectively and to teach others the

same skill will ultimately determine the growth of your organization, the size of your

organization and the size of your cheques.

First lets internalize the reasons you need to learn how to present……

A) So that you can grow independently. You can present well. You don’t need to rely

on others in order to bring in your referrals. You can present this business

anywhere you want.

B) So that you can help others grow. As you bring people in your organization and

present your business effectively, you will be surprised how many people are

looking improving their financial status – what with the high inflation everybody

faces today.

When you bring in T & B, they are excited but they know nothing about the
Tom Bob

If you spend the first helping them, bring their first 2 or 3 directs, what happens?

They are very excited because their business is starting.


Then you spend the next ____________helping __________bring their 2 or 3

directs. What happens? They get very excited.


Then you spend the next 2 weeks helping their directs to bring in their circle of
influence….. and then if you spend
2 the next 2 weeks T & B will each have 3 on

heir left & 3 on their right – not to neglect the fact that you have now qualified for

your first step. T & B are now more ready to accept input (training) so they can

make this business grow…….and all this happens when you help them grow. If

after 1 or 2 months you have helped them but still have a no directs, they will

probably get discouraged and drop out i.e. and your organization has
___________________ even before it was born.

C) So that you can teach others how to present this business. We all want an

organization that looks like this:


If you are the only one who knows how to present this business, what

happens ? You will be tired, many lose your voice. So you have to train your down lines.

If you teach & how to present, there will be 3 of you who know how to do and then the 3

of you will have the next 4 to present and you will be 7 now to be able to present. The 7

of you will teach the next 8 to present, so you are 15 who can present. And so on… till

everybody knows how to present. Can you imagine having 500 on the left and 500 on

the right who know how to present and everyone commits to present atleast one a day?

That’s 1000 BOMS happening under your organization a day. Even at only 2% success

rate that is still 10 left and 10 right. 2 steps a day!! That’s US $ 800/- a day or $ 4000/-

a week or $ 16,000/- a month!! If you work to go out and earn this kind of money, it

would be impossible.

Remember, this is a NURTURING business and this nurturing will cost you TIME, MONEY


Are you willing to pay the price for success?

The first price you must be willing to do is learning how to present properly. Your

ability to present will enable you to go to down 10 – 12 generations deep into your

organization. Can you do this all by yourself? You will have to teach your referrals how

to present Teaching others how to present will enable you to grow into a global concern

with 1000s of generations! Therefore Master your presentation skills. Don’t just know it.

Before you actually make a presentation:

You must set up the presentation properly and for this it has to be the right time and he

right place. Imagine if you are at a party with friends and this hyper excited, drooling

gentleman grabs you by the arm, sits you down and attempts to explain his business to

you……….. Then he tries to get to get you to join him! Will he succeed? NO. You are in

party mood no: business mood. So atmosphere makes a lot of difference when you

approach people. As a matter of fact you will not just ignore him, but be totally turned

off and close your mind to new opportunity. People don’t like to be forced.

Presenting business in these situation – Parties, lunch breaks:

Many times you will be invited to present to lot of people at their office during lunch

breaks….. Experience has proven that this does not work. Why? Because during lunch

break people meet to eat and rest and they are not in business mood.

You are greatly out numbered & have very little support. So imagine, you are there with

your little white board in front of 30 people, who do not really went to listen to you,

getting all excited about the business opportunity… all of them will probably just get

turned off! If at all some how you get the crowd to listen, all it will take is one heckler

and skeptic to voice his ignorant opinion (and there is always such a person), 99% of

the people listening will slide their colleague, not with you. Even the person who

invited you will most likely slide with his colleague because he does not want to be

embarrassed and if by some miracle, someone in the crowd did see the opportunity, he

probably will say to himself ‘I can’t do what he is doing! If that’s what it takes to make

it in GQ, then I don’t want it!

Tell your friend you will talk to only 1 or 2 of his colleagues (who trust you). When those

two are already TCOs, then you will talk to the others. Soon the group will grow. You will
be able to have big meetings and since there is already a group of TCOs in the office,

you will have a lot of support.

Another situation to _______________is presenting at a Rotary meeting, Lions, club

meeting or any meeting of such sort. Because here to people are not in business mood.

Always remember:

- It does not mean that because you can speak to a large group that it can speak

to a large group that it means they all respond positively.

Another place to _____________is someone’s office. When you are in some

one’s office, he is concerned about his business, not yours. If your prospect

suggests that you meet at his office, invite him to a nearby Coffee shop or

restaurant and make your presentation there. Setting up your meeting at the

right time and place simply means any time and place where you can have the

prospect’s undivided attention for 45 mins. One way to make sure that you can

set up your presentation properly is to make an appointment. 99% of the time,

appointments will be set by phone.

- Never present over the phone.

- Use phone only to make an appointment.

- Don’t give half presentation over the phone. You don’t want to satisfy

curiosity over the phone. You only want to arouse it.

Suggested Invitation:
You : ‘Hi Bob. I am calling because I would like to make an appointment with


Bob : Sure, what’s is about?

You : I am involved in a new business and I would like to show it to you. You

might be interested in it.

Bob : Yeah, but what’s it about ?

You : I can’t explain over the phone because it involves a lot of computations

and visuals. So I cannot do justice to it over the phone.

Bob : OK. But what is it about?

(Resist temptation to answer any question because when you answer

one, it just opens the door to more questions.)

You : Please, I have pointed out I cannot explain well over the phone. You

might not see the full impact of this business profitability. Look Bob, all I

need is about 30-45 mins. And there isn’t any obligation on your part. Lets

meet for coffee (my treat). If you are not interested after seeing the whole

picture, then you do not have to get involved.

Bob : Well I don’t know….

You : You really won’t know until you see it for yourself. I am telling you

Bob, you don’t want to pass this up. What’s better for you? Tuesday or


Fix time to 90 and see Bob.

- x–

PART - 2

When you present business to someone, present with your heart. You will make money

too. So, when you present the business to someone, you should present keeping in mind

your prosper heart, family, finances and this quality cannot be taught. Be aware of his

AIDS (Acquired Income deficiency Syndrome).

Before making presentation you…

- Dress comfortably – in a style of attire where both you and your prospect are

comfortable. You don’t have to go in a 3 pc. Suit or in you national dress. Dressing

comfortably gives an impression that you are independent. But of course if you are

meeting your prospect as a hi-fi place, dress accordingly.

- Speak clearly – you must speak clearly to get your message. Come clearly.

Speak at the right pace – not too loud, not too soft, not too slow. Breathing

properly can help. Therefore do breathing exercise before your presentation.

- Use correct volume and pace – Relax. To relax you have to practice (what you

will present) on your own, in your room a few times. Don’t attempt to make a

presentation the day attending one yourself. This will never work. For e.g. imagine

you hear a song today that you like. It has a beautiful melody and great lyrics etc.

This song hits the light spot in your heart. But would you be able to sing this same

song tomorrow? No. But that’s what many people try to do. They think they are

experts and in a few days they will come back. Saying this business does not


In fact, the more you practice, the more confident and relaxed you will be and if

you are confident and relaxed, the more effective your presentation will be.

Another thing to practice is objections. Come out with objections yourself and find

the answer. If you don’t know, go to your leaders.

One thing to seriously consider is – Don’t wait until you reach a point where you

won’t make any mistakes. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The person you are

presenting to doesn’t have any idea what you are going to say next, so he does

not know you will make one. If you do make a mistake, simply say “I forgot to

say…. Then go back to where you left off and continue. Be confident that the fact
is that what you are presenting is something the other person needs – financial


Speak with enthusiasm and conviction. Many times your conviction will help

because it gives other people courage. You have to inspire your people – be a true

leader. In fact, if you are convinced in your heart that this is an opportunity that

can benefit everyone concerned….. Then show it when representing the


Many people fail in their presentation because they are not convinced of the

feasibility of the business. They have had the thought ‘if I can get people to join

me then I will believe that it can work’. But you _______________ first before you

make _______________________. That’s why, the smart ones who say ‘Aha… I

will wait first before. I have my 3 on the right and 3 on the left, then I will

purchase my coin’ never get anywhere.

Eg: Imagine a restaurant owner going around the city, asking residents to sign a

petition that says “If you eat in my restaurant, then I will open one. No. You put

up a restaurant first and when you are confident of your menu, service, value for

money, then people will come.

Be prepared for objections. Practice answering your objections. It is your ability to

answer objections that will ultimately being down the walls of negativity and

steptiasm and open people’s minds to participate in this business.

When answering objections _______________be apologetic. This is a mistake

people generally make. Be confident and firm but not arrogant. Yes, be sure of
yourself but do not get angry because it is the customer’s right to ask questions.

If you are ashamed of being a quester and of participating in the GQ opportunity…

Then you don’t belong here. You have no right to talk some one about a business

you do not be. Give in, you are a common. But, if you are proud and convinced

that you are doing a good thing, then show it – with your eyes and your heart.

When you are presenting the business, have a time frame and an outline.

For e.g. : 5 mins. For the company

5 to 11 mins. for the products.

10 minutes on compensation plan.

20 minutes on business feasibility plan.

10 minutes closing.

- Spend 5 mins. discussing the salient points about the company, board of directors,

location of different offices world wide, GQ performance over the last 1/2 years

association with difference organizations i.e. R.A.M., Perthmints, Mayor Mint Joint


- Spend 5 mins. showing brochures about the products i.e. basics about the coin .

Explain the numismatic value of the product, special details about the new

products. Have brochures and samples ready – but not long brochures.

- 10 mins. on basic compensation plan. However, while explaining, keep the

brochures away because otherwise the listener will not concentrate (he may brose

thru the brochure when you are speaking). Don’t discuss income projections, just
the basics, explain what the Tracking Centre (TC) is, difference between direct and

indirect reference, steps and cycles. Very important to point out there is no time

frame for the completion of steps and cycles, the max out (flushing).

- 20 mins. on business feasibility plan after all the basics are clear. The business

feasibility plan is very important because this is when people decide whether they

want to participate in the program or are only interested in buying a coin.

One feasibility plan that works well is a 10 stage business plan.

- Purchase a coin.

- Referred people (2 people work well because everyone needs 2

people who like gold and want to develop more income).

- Train and Caddy the 2 people.

- Duplicate – Encourage them to do the same.

In any business venture a prospective entrepreneur will look at the feasibility

of the venture before he decides to involve himself in it.

Your feasibility plan should not be based on HYPE but on simplicity, the

duplication process and excellence.

- Spend 10 mins. on strong, effective closing. Give your own testimony on

how you came to be involved with GQ and how you are currently doing.

If you have just started out make use of the testimonies of other friends in

your organization, whether above or below you. Talk about how GQ has

helped you. As you talk about your dreams and how GQ has helped you

meet your dreams, people will understand.

- Get copies of cheques and genealogies.

- End with financial freedom you hope to achieve.

- Then answer the objections.

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