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Jewish Chronicle, April 27, 2007 COMMENT&ANALYSIS review ● 39

Comment analysis
I blame Geoffrey
Alderman — David
Aaronovitch, Page 41

Moins français... plus juif

The French community voted this week on religious and ethnic grounds, perhaps for the first time, says Daniella Peled
More than and law and order, has proved
two centuries attractive. And in a departure
ago, Napoleon from the traditional French-Arab
Bonaparte alliance, Mr Sarkozy publicly
summoned supported Israel’s right to defend
the leaders of itself and condemned Hizbollah
France’s small during last summer’s war. Per-
Jewish com- haps for the first time, French
munity to enquire whether Jews are voting as Jews rather
there was anything in their than as French citizens.
religion that precluded their The political drift is caus-
inclusion in the new Republic. ing alarm among some Jewish
No, the rabbis assured him, Ju- intellectuals, including essayist
daism was perfectly compatible Alain Finkielkraut. This month
with French citizenship. And so he told Ha’aretz: “There is a
French Jewry found itself com- future for Jews in France only if
fortably positioned within the France is a nation, but there is
foundations of French identity, no future for Jews in a multicul-
which were strictly secular. tural society, because then the
But things are changing in power of anti-Jewish groups is
the Republic. The social and liable to be greater.”
ethnic maps are being redrawn Others see this as unneces-
and politics is catching up. With sarily alarmist. “It’s not like
glaring irony, in the land where most American friends of mine
the theoretical basis of citizen- believe, that France is going
ship is complete integration, through some kind of civil war
politicians and minorities alike with the Jews on one side and
are utterly convinced that an the Muslims on the other,”
ethnic vote is emerging. says Jean-Yves Camus of the
The 600,000-strong Jewish Institute of International and
community is no exception. Strategic Relations.
Although there is no precise Yet the key issue of these elec-
breakdown of how the Jew- tions — more than the creaking
ish vote was split last week, economy and high unemploy-
the received wisdom is that, ment — has been one of national
spurred by rising antisemitism, identity. Mr Sarkozy has even
French Jewry has transferred its proposed setting up a ministry
traditional allegiance with the dedicated to dealing with that
liberal left to Nicolas Sarkozy, question. And Ms Royal surprised
the fiery head of France’s ruling supporters with flag-waving state-
centre-right UMP party. Earlier ments celebrating patriotism.
this week he week emerged with Both candidates, who will go
some 31 per cent of the first- head-to-head in the next round
round vote, ahead of socialist candidate Ségolène France has Europe’s largest Muslim minority, the Vichy era. Even the concept of a “Jewish bloc” on May 6, are of the post-war generation which
Royal, with 26 per cent. estimated at between four and five million. And is distasteful to members of the old guard, who grew up amid immigration from the former
“We are seeing something new — an ethnic France has signally failed them, with a legacy of consider themselves French first and foremost. French colonies in Africa and the Maghreb. Now
vote,” said one communal security source, rather unemployment, educational disadvantage and But Sephardi Jews from former North African they are dealing with what multiculturalism
apocalyptically predicting a grim future with Jews a distinct lack of political representation. They colonies now make up some 80 per cent of the com- means to France. The country, itself undergoing
and Muslims divided along religious lines. “I tend to be regarded as foreigners and identify as munity. They have a stronger religious identity, are an identity crisis, is turning right, and the Jewish
think it’s going to happen everywhere in the EU. such; the opposite has long been true of Jews. The happier to identify with Israel and vote more con- community is turning right with it.
We are an ageing and declining community, and French Ashkenazi community remained highly servatively. Mr Sarkozy’s brand of economic liberal-
the Muslim community is growing.” assimilated and patriotic even after the traumas of ism, coupled with a robust stance on immigration Daniella Peled is the JC’s foreign editor

Let’s stop playing the underdog. It’s dangerous

The way we teach our history — as if Jews were just powerless victims — threatens our future. By Ariel Beery
R e m e mb e r i n g t h e Leading members of today’s young generation Committee, scholars such as Jacqueline Rose have ing, boycott” had been disastrous, Minsky further
Holocaust is one of the few also find power and solace in the identity of the compared Herzl’s Der Judenstaat to Hitler’s Mein claimed that “the aggressivist strategy, far from
imperatives of contemporary Jew as the Other. Jennifer Bleyer, the founder Kampf; Michael Neumann states that Israel has succeeding, has, on the contrary, aggravated the
Jewry, one of the few things the of the iconic Heeb magazine, directed at young embarked on “a kinder, gentler genocide”; and situation both in Germany and in this country”.
disparate streams of the Jewish intellectual Jews, wrote that she “preferred the collections of “progressive” Jewish writing, such This line of argument is echoed by many in the
people can agree upon. definition of Jews as ultimate outsiders”. Popular as Wrestling with Zion edited by Tony Kushner Jewish community today when other Jews attempt
But what exactly are we youth magazines and websites heavily reflect this and Alisia Solomon, sprinkle each essay with just to take on threats clearly articulated by various
remembering? The Shoah nar- opinion. That a young hip British group chose to enough references to the Holocaust as to take the groups in the Middle East. Instead of uniting
rative is normally retold in a way that positions call itself “Jewdas” shows this yearning for pariah comparison of Zionism and Nazism as a given. against Iran or providing a solid front against the
the Jews as an object in someone else’s drama: the status is not limited to one corner of the diaspora. To confront this strain of thought — that turns same Hamas that keeps kidnapped soldiers and
subject is Hitler, his rise to power, and what he did There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong Jews against the Jewish State — and to provide a reporters from even the Red Cross, prominent
to the Jews. In this narrative, the Jews only react with identifying with the underdog. Unfor- more realistic understanding of Jewish power and intellectuals rail against the “Israel Lobby”. They
after the fact, bewildered. tunately, however, in our options in the Mid- call on Jews to think twice about supporting the
Jews here play the part of the powerless victim, today’s post-1967 world, dle East, we would do policies of the elected government of Israel — and
a person with little to no agency. In Steven Spiel- Jews are rarely seen as We must remember what well to remember what blast the community for being too aggressive, for
berg’s Schindler’s List, the Jews are nothing but the underdog, and Israel we as a community did using the little power they have.
supporting actors in Oskar Schindler’s story; in is increasingly seen as responsibility we bear for with that little power If we want the Jewish People to grow stronger as
Roman Polanski’s Pianist, it took the goodhearted
Gentiles to save the talented Jews; in the much-
unworthy of solidarity.
Instead, the ultimate the smokestacks that we had just before
the Holocaust — and
a supportive community, it is time we rethink the
Holocaust narrative we teach our children. As his-
recounted story of Anne Frank, the most Jews underdogs in many what responsibility we tory has proved time and again, the international
could do was hide away and hope. people’s minds are the Palestinians. bear for the smokestacks. community will not step in to stop a genocide in
The hammering home of the status of the Jew as There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong Few of us remember the vociferous debates progress, no matter how many times we call upon
a powerless victim has instilled a nearly reflexive with supporting the Palestinians either, provid- within world Jewry before the demise of European them to remember times past. “Never again” is a
contemporary Jewish identification with any party ing one does so in the context of supporting a Jewry began. For example: in 1935, the Menorah fine slogan; but if we truly want to see these words
that is perceived as powerless. The passion of the two-state solution that confers self-determination Journal — a leading intellectual journal of Ameri- borne out, we need to recognise which “again” we
post-genocidal generation of 1968 was rooted in on the Jews as well. But in recent years, leading can Jewry — published an article by journalist should never repeat: never again should we be
this self-identification. As the French philosopher members of the Jewish intelligentsia have pushed Louis Minsky arguing that American Jews had powerless to act, and never again should we choose
Alain Finkielkraut records in his masterful politi- that option off the table — justifying their opposi- been too aggressive thus far in their dealings inaction when genocide crouches at the door.
cal memoir, The Imaginary Jew, “from Spartacus to tion to Zionism with allusions to Nazi Germany with Hitler. Arguing that “the policy of fighting
Black Power, an instinctive and unconditional soli- and the Holocaust. As Alvin Rosenfeld describes antisemitism by public agitation, parades, mass Ariel Beery is the editor and publisher of PresenTense
darity united me with all of the earth’s damned”. in a pamphlet published by the American Jewish meetings, oratorical invective, persistent moralis- Magazine, and the co-editor of

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