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Riana REMOED yd Des ‘Which ofthe following are advantages of §, Sewage sludge would be unft for use as technology use in agriulture? ferilizer ifs contaminated with | 1. Prodvetion of healthier erops (A) nitrates U, Production increase (B) calcium Il, tnerease in eutrophication (©) phosphates ’ (DY heavy metals (A Land I only ) Land Ill only (©) Mend tt only 6. Which ofthe following ie NOT asso (©) IyMand itl with organi feming? (A) Biological pest controt Which of the following pairs of factors (@) —Croprottion represents the MOST limiting factors for (C)_ High-yeld polyculture agriculture in Cribbean countries? (Dy Soilsal (A) Pure seeds end agrochemicals (S) tatgaceme tae tf wh floving wl whch aac anencae Ee a cetoeartntor (D) _ Tnvesting capital and management sectors to several Caribbean countries. | ‘ue | Goan [Retr sy Son a to ee ee Tusrmrmacmanres [aaa [ «Ve Ve oy exprton tenia [ea (© Sep come Gone [se Oi emeemet [i aoe rnc [ste Tied 1 fs [a ee Which of te felowing is NOT & characteristic of peasant farming? 7. In which three of the above countries ‘oaths nite fe GREATEST (A) Noagrochemicals are used. contibetion to GDP? eNom voy ae xe eee ae (a) i annen Gente Ce lecticetns (B) Barbados, Anguilla, Hatt O Siotsemnistyere (0) pis St ae eee ae atch, Dini Hah So me ©) Talal and Tag, Angie, GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | Apis farmer collets spoiled tomatoes and sesthem to feedhis pigs. Tissustaineble agricultural practice i known as w ® oO. oy ‘erop rotation ‘contour farming conservation tillage postharvest management Which ofthe following is MOST likely the iret result of lack of genetic diversity in food erop such as corn? w @) © } Decreased kernel size Decreased potential yield Increased dependence on chemical fertilizers Increased susceptibility to plant diseeses w ®) © © Integrated pest management {and only and Il only and il only Mand It Which of the following are features of imtensive aquaculture? m. a @) © o High fish densities Food supply comer from natural High water demand i tony [andl only Mand It only 1, Mand It 3. 1. Farmers are advised 10 construct contour Aras on hillsides before planting because the drains “ @ © ©) assist in oot peneteation help to conserve sil and water provide an easy route for walking fre used to supply water for ination ‘tem 43 refersto the following table which provides information on four farms: I, 1, Mand V. Farm Size (ia) Tnorganie [Annual Fertilizer | Viel (kg) Use (ks) i uM 3 5 3 30 5 6 90 | 200 13, Which farm has the HIGHEST yield per unit ates farmed? w @ © © 1 i MI Vv R Reed e& GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 14 15, (ems L415 refer to the results illustrated in the following figure, The results were obtained by students investigating the components ofa 500-gram sample of soil taken from four different locations |, 1 IT and1V. w. n Proportion of each component (%) wo sw aw ut Location ‘What i the percentage of sand in the soil sample at Location 11? @ 10 ®) 20 © 7 ) 90 ‘What isthe mass in grams, of clay in the soil sample at Location I? “90 (8) 10 © 10 (180 Remndeo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 16. 1. 18, Which of the following desribestheterm 20. “potential energy"? ‘The energy of @ (A) body in motion (B)—Auoresceat bulb (©) windmill in motion (D) body due tits postion ‘The MOST widely used energy source in the Caribbean is (A) fossil fuels 1. (B) —solarenergy (©) geothermal energy (D) hydroelectric energy {Ina nuclear plant, fission occurs in the (A) turbine (B) reactor core (©) condenser 2, (D) steam generator Which typeof electricity-generating power plant releases radictive materials aswell metals such as lead and arsenic under normal operating conditions? (A) Coal (B) Hydroelectric (©) Nuclear (©) Solar Which of the following global warming chemicals ae direct resultof combustion of fossil fuels? 1 Methane Nitrogen oxide II, Carbon dioxide (A) Land tlonly (Land Manly (©) Manditt only (©) Attend produced by an electricity lant is pumped into natural ‘waterways itis refered to as (A) vaporization (@) thermal pollution (©) waterentichment (D) water contamination Whichofthe following does NOT contbute ‘oan increase in energy efficiency? (A) Increasing the number of people using public trnsport systems in Caribbean countries (8) Theuseofheavier weight materials in the manufacturing of motor (©) Manufacturing refrigerators that ‘consume less energy than those ‘manufactured in the past, (D) Increasing the number of hhouscholds using only compact ‘uorescent bulbs RRemDeo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘Mem 23 refers to the following figure tem 24 refers tothe following. diagram of en 2 ey comumpian Pon pep ere neers ‘certain year. w son 3 q , : Hy aw a zee a | ius Bo Contry ' KOH 23. Whichofthe followingcountresare MOST TnuiyiobeP0, Rand Sept? V rpepets ; 4. Thepatiatalows cet conduti Go [Cmake Pence [inom] od sms ay [cot fa] eco | Oi m4 Suse o ] [tad | ees | Co a © > [Sets o W Fy Punt |Coale | enc [a {© [ses _ |1um25 refers tothe following graph which shows how oil production and demand are expected tochange in the future. ueton Production! Demand in, as 3 ‘Time (yeas) likely to be HIGHEST? 25, Atwhat points the price of “ ®@ © co) goa> QR: RerendDEO GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 26. a, Percentage 28 Fe FF Sar, er ee LE ‘What energy conversion occurs when the bakes are applied and then a car stops? (A) Potential > kinetic (B)Electical kinetic (©) Kinetic potential, (©) Kinetic chemical ‘Anincandesconttightbulbuced for lighting has an efficiency rating of 5%. For every [00 joule of electical energy consumed by this bulb, how much light enerey is produced? (A) 005 joule (@) 050 joule (©) 1.00 joule (©) 1.05 joules tem28refersto the following graph which shows the percentage of worldwide oil reserves (2001), What i the size ofthe ol reserves ofthe area with the thi largest oll deposit? 54% 64% © 6.6% (0) 10.0% ‘em29 refers tothe following table which shows petroleum production and demand in different parte ofthe developed world Couniey | Production | Demand (lion burrs per day) USA 16 ‘Canada 19 Europe 147 pen 33 ‘Asalia 10. Chine 45 29, Which country needs to import the MOST ain? w B) © ) USA, China Japan Canada ‘tem 30 refers tothe following table which shows the generation cost for electricity produced ftom natural gas ‘Country | Generation Cost of Beetricity (cents per kllowatt hour) Tindad 15 Barbados 25 Guyana 30 Jamnsicn 2» Antigua 4 30, Whichofthefollowing BESTexplains why ‘Trinidad has the lowest generation cost? “ @ © © ‘Technology is available. ‘The economy is booming. Readily available source ofenery. Electricity generation is subsidized R G0. ON TO THI Reed ed IENEXT PAGE En 2 Which ofthe followingisNOTaparameter 34, that is used to monitor water quality? “w ® © © “otal suspended solids Chemical oxygen demand Biochemical oxygen demand Mass per unit volume of liquid Which of the following metals is NOT considered a toxi pollutant? 35 (A) Lead @) Mercury (©) Potassium () Cadmium Which of the following compounds is a necessary ingredient in the production of photochemical smog? 36 (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Carbon monoxide (©) Nitrogen oxides (D) Sulphur dioxide Acecleratedeutrophicationinstreams, lakes ‘and bays will result from the intoduction of w ® © @) herbicides phosphates ‘etera and viruses ‘waste and salts ‘Whichintemationalnegotiationresutedinan agreementto phase outchloroflurocarbon production? (A) Basel Convention (B) Cartagena Convention (©) Kyoto Protocol (©) Montreal Protoeo! Which of the following is NOT an ‘environmental effet of ozone depletion? wa @) © Oy Lower food-erop production Increased incidence of skin cancer Decreased concentration of CO, in the atmosphere Reduction of primary productivity in he ovean RRA DES GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 3 38, 39, Items 37-38 refer tothe following experiment, ‘A proup of students carved out an experiment to determine which area oftheir school had the largest amount of suspended particulate mater. Theee peti dishes were costed with petroleum jelly and secured ata height of 3 m above the ground in tree different areas of the school grounds, described inthe table below. ‘A fourth dish was coated with petroleum jelly and used as conto “The state ofeach peti dish at the end ofthe experiment is shown below at 1, 1h HI and IV respectively. ‘Area Description Tadao tennis courts [ Paved court area and basketball Praying eld Patchy distribution of grass and buttercup, bare areas, ee along perimeter close to road ‘ Tease ‘Well manicured lawns, oe lange shade ee, amamenal plants T 1 tt W Which dish would MOST likely have been placed on the lav? wor ® ow © m o W Which dish would MOST likely have been placed on the tennis court? wit @ om © o Ww Which ofthe following are DISADVANTAGES of phytoremediation? |. Insects can eat the plants 1. Cheaper than conventional methods. Til, Plants cannot remove contaminants presen in the sil deeper than ther rots normally gro, (A) Land Henly (B) Land Ill only (©) Mandittoaly (0) i.Manaitr R:RembeD G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 40, -10- Which of the following substances is 41.4 sample af water from a stream showed Wesel oy eosieroners ad anf wt Fam sean hove ceeirecainectontaledom dain oad, Tis wold Sonia wera” (9) Chore ow ( Metme ®) be ©) Sip oxe © (D) salinity (©) Carbon monoxide 2 Items 42-43 refer to the following eraph which shows air pollution tends in developed and developing countries. Air Patiuton Trends F rrow000 i / freee 7, Pevsonog outs E s1o a0 ao i «40 000. [> — | 400000 i Deslped notre z ol, 1958 185 200 Ser Which statement BESTdescribesthetrend 43. Inwhichyearwereemissionsthe LOWEST shown forthe period 1995-20002 for developed counties? (A) Both developed and developing (A) 1990 ‘countries show decreasing (B) 1995 amounts of emissions © 1998 (®) Developed countries show decreasing amounts ofemssions, ae ‘while developing countries show increasing amounts omissions. (©) Developed countries show ineteesing amounts of emissions while developing countries show decreasing amount of emissions (©) Both counties show inereasing ‘mounts of eniasons R: Rem de> GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “i= Ltems 44-45 refer to the following graph which shows the changes inthe density ofa population of algae and pond fish F i i ee 9 ag eae SH | abi 5 33 ao? ge 0 | aus of bee “nr 0 40 Ca oO ra a9 Which of the following statements BEST describes the trend inthe algte population? (A) Ttinereases sharply after20 dey (B)__Itdeereass from 60 000 to 0 cell. (C) decreases significantly while the fish population inereses. (D) _Itincreases significantly asthe density of the fish increases above 100 ish per km? i} What i the most rapid rate of decrease ofthe ish population? (A) 2.80 fishvte?iday (B) 2.56 fislvkm’/day | (C) 250 fishvkmiday (D) 640 fistvkmday END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME 1S CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. RRermDed

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