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. . . + 21 Zeffiretti lusinghieri (Idomeneo) lia, daughter of Priam, the King of Troy, is in love with Idamante, son of Idomeneo, the King of Crete, Upon’ learning that Idamante is about to be sacrificed to Neptune, lia sends him this message of love. Zeffiretti lusinghieri, Gently blowing breezes, Deh volate al mio tezoro, Ob; thy 10 my beloved, E gli dite, cio adoro, And tell him that | adore bim, ‘Gh mi serbi il cor fede Ther be should preserve for me bis faithful hear. E voi piante, efor sincer And you, plans, and sincere flowers, ‘Che ofa inal il pianto amaro, Which my biter tears now drench, Dite a lui, che amor pit raro Tell im that ae Mai vedeste sotto al ciel You have never seen under the sit Libresio by Giambatista Varesco Grazioso af sin - ghieri, 1680 ©copyright 1958 by International Music Company, New Vork Copyright renewed 1986, 22 do-ro, che mi ser - biil cor fe-del. Zef-fi-ret - ti lu sine ghle- 1, deh vola - tealmiote- 50-10, t che mi serbi il cor fe-del, nr] € gli dite,ch'iol'a - doro, miter bi fl cor— fe- 23 te, plan 1 vo!

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