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Simple Formula for Expression of Dose Rate

Distributions around Spent Fuel Shipping Cask


To cite this article: Hisao YAMAKOSHI (1985) Simple Formula for Expression of Dose Rate
Distributions around Spent Fuel Shipping Cask, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 22:9,
697-707, DOI: 10.1080/18811248.1985.9735717

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22193, pp. 697-707 (September 1985). 697

Simple Formula for Expression of Dose Rate

Distributions around Spent Fuel Shipping Cask
Ship Reasearch Institute"

Received June 8 , 1 9 8 4
Revised March 2, 1 9 8 5

T h e analytical expression derived in a previous study for deriving the dose rate distribu-
tion in the space between cylindrical sources of finite length on the midplane of the cylinder,
is extended to cover outside the midplane, through application of the additivity rule. T h e
extended expression takes the form of a product of the radiation dose rate at source surface
and a function depending on the source geometry and detector position.
The expression is of such simplicity a s to permit rapid calculation of the dose rate dis-
tribution around cylindrical sources by microcomputer or even by pocket calculator, with the
function for source geometry given, for instance, in the form of a contour map.
T h e generalized expression should surve t o obtain reliable estimation of the dose rate
distribution in the space left between several cylindrical sources, based on dose rates meas-
ured on source surface.
KEYWQRDS: analytical expression, dose rate distribution, spent fuel shipping
casks, measuring methods, reliability, computer calculations

In a study aimed at developing a handy method for estimating the distribution of
radiation dose rate around a spent fuel shipping cask, the author has proposed"' an ana-
lytical expression for the dose rate on the cask midplane as function of parameters de-
scribing the cask geometry and of the distance from cask axis.
T o extend the applicability of this expression to points outside the cask midplane, a
generalized version of the expression has been derived applying the additivity rule(2),and
using the same analytical functions as adopted for the original version.
Th e validity of the generalized expression thus derived is established by the good
agreement seen between the dose rate distributions calculated therewith and the corre-
sponding values measured in the space left between casks containing actual spent fuel.
Th e generalized expression will be presented in Chap. n. T he comparison of cal-
culated dose rate distribution with measurement will follow in Chap. m, where the pro-
cedure of calculation will also be described. Chapter IV will cover the applicability and
validity of the generalized expression. Conclusions obtained from the present study will
be summarized in Chap. V.

In Fig. 1, assuming (1) that all plane elements dr situated on the surface of a cask of
height 2H and radius Y , present the same source strength, and (2) that each element emits
radiation at an intensity varying with direction in cosine distribution, the radiation dose
~ ~~ ~

* Shinkawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 1 8 1 .

15 -
698 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

rate at a point P on the cask midplane is given by

where the domain B of the integration is that

comprising all surface elements that can be directly
seen from the point P, Do is the radiation dose
rate on the cask surface, n the normal vector
pointing outward at the surface element dr, r the
vector from the surface element to the detector at
P, and (nar) the inner product of vectors n and r.
Owing to the assumption (1) adopted earlier, Do --_ _ _ _ _ -*
is a constant factor which has consequently been
taken out of the integration in Eq. ( l ) ,and by the dr(n*r)/IrI
assumption (2), the plane element dr is multiplied
by the factor (tzar)/I rl to constitute the integrand Fig. 1 Coordinate system, cask midplane
and detector positions P, P'
of the integration term.
As a good approximation of Eq. ( 1)(l),

where the quantity H.J is a function of the ratios r,/H and r d / H , as shown in Appendix 1,
these two variables being hereafter denoted by the symbols
X=r,IH and Y - r d / H .
Using these symbols, H.J will be represented by G ( X , Y ) , of the form given by Eq. (All)
To extend the foregoing expression of radiation dose rate to points outside the cask
midplane, the value D ( r d , d ) for the point P' in Fig. 1, offset by a distance d from the
point P, can be derived as shown in APPENDIX2 by means of the additivity rule(2):
D(Td, d)= $ [G(E, 17)+G(f', v')] sin -l(>)
for d j H , (3a)

D(rd, d ) = 2 [ G ( f ,
q)--G(C', v')] sin-'(?)r d for d > H , (3b)

where E r r , / ( H + d ) , v - Y d / ( H + d ) , E'=r8/l H-dl, ~'=rd/[H--d1. (4)

The function G ( f , 7) is a monotonic and slowly-varying function of and 7 as indi-
cated by the contour map of Fig. 2(a), (b), giving the traces of the points where G(E, 9 )
assumes the values beside the contours.
Consequently, the value of G(E, v ) for any given set of independent variables 6 and p
can be estimated in good approximation by linear interpolation between values such a s
given in Table 1.


For verifying the applicability of Eq. ( 4 ), the value calculated using this equation
were compared with 7-ray dose rates rnea~ured'~) at various positions between two HZ-75
- 16 -
V01.:22, No. 9 (Sep. 1985) 699

10 1 , / , l I I l I

a8 -

06 -
w l r -

04 -

02 -

0 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Fig. 2 Contour map of function G(E, 7)
Table 1 Function G(E, 7 )

- _ _ _ ~ - ~
7-6 0.0001 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0
0.0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
0.2 0.9795 0.9669 0.9447 0.9250 0.8990 0.8694 0.8441 0.8219
0.4 0.9275 0.9063 0.8716 0.8430 0.8078 0.7701 0.7396 0.7140
0.6 0.8566 0.8318 0.7926 0.7617 0.7247 0.6865 0.6562 0.6312
0.8 0.7800 0.7551 0.7164 0.6865 0.6512 0.6152 0.5869 0.5637
1.0 0.7063 0.6832 0.6474 0.6197 0.5874 0.5545 0.5288 0.5078
1.4 0.5806 0.5625 0.5340 0.5119 0.4858 0.4593 0.4384 0.4213
1.8 0.4851 0.4714 0.4493 0.4319 0.4111 0.3897 0.3728 0.3588
2.2 0.4134 0.4029 0.3856 0.3718 0.3551 0.3376 0.3237 0.3121
2.6 0.3586 0.3504 0.3368 0.3256 0,3119 0.2975 0.2858 0.2760
3.0 0.3159 0.3094 0.2984 0.2892 0.2779 0.2657 0.2558 0.2474
3.6 0.2674 0.2626 0.2543 0.2473 0.2385 0.2289 0.2210 0.2142
4.2 0.2314 0.2277 0.2214 0.2159 0.2088 0.2010 0.1945 0.1890
4.8 0.2037 0.2009 0.1958 0.1914 0.1856 0.1792 0.1738 0.1691
5.4 0.1819 0.1796 0.1755 0.1718 0.1671 0.1617 0.1571 0.1530
6.2 0.1591 0.1573 0.1541 0.1512 0.1474 0.1430 0.1392 0.1359
7.0 0.1413 0.1399 0.1373 0.1350 0.1318 0.1282 0.1251 0.1223
7.8 0.1270 0.1259 0.1238 0.1219 0.1193 0.1162 0.1135 0.1112
8.6 0.1154 0.1144 0.1127 0.1111 0.1098 0.1063 0.1040 0.1019
9.8 0.1014 0.1007 0.0993 0.0980 0.0963 0.0942 0.0923 0.0906

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700 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.

type casks actually charged with spent

nuclear fuels and loaded in wet storage
aboard a ship “Hinoura-Maru”.
In Fig. 3, these casks are denoted by
0 and 0,while the mark “-” indicates
the space between these casks where the
measurement were made.
The dose rate was calculated by the Casks denoted by @ and @ are HZ-75T casks.
following procedure : Fig. 3 Cask arrangement on “Hinoura-Maru”,
showing space where dose rate meas-
(1) The dose rate distribution around each
urements were performed
cask is derived using Eq. (3a). For Do,
the values of dose rate measured at cask mid height are adopted: They are 0.711i
0.079 and 1.01fO.l1mrem/h respectively for the casks 0 and @.
(2) The final dose rate distribution in the space between the casks 0 and 0 is obtained
by superposing the calculated dose rate distributions around the two casks.
The value 0.711 mrem/h for the cask 0 is considered to be free from the influence of
the other cask 0, since it was measured at a point not directly observable from the cask
0. Similarly, the 1.01 mrem/h for the cask 0 is considered free from the influence of
the other casks 0 and 0, the value being obtained for a point not observable from the
cask 0, and with the influence of the cask 0 amply attenuated by the steel wall and by
the distance separating the casks 0 and 0.
The intermediate data derived in the course of calculation on three representative
distances d are listed in Table 2, where, for comparison, the corresponding measured
results are also given for the final dose rate values. The comparison between calcula-
tion and measurement is presented graphically in Fig. 4(a)-(c), where the dose rates
are plotted as a function of the detector distance measured from the surface of the
cask 0.
The values adopted for Do contain experimental error: The calculated final dose
rate distributions would therefore include errors deriving from Do as well as from the
calculation :
(dD)’=(,4DNo.‘)‘+(ADNo. ’)’, (5)
where 3 0 : Error contained in calculated value
ADNo. : Error deriving from calculation of D ,
L I D ~ O: . ~Error deriving from calculation of D,.

Considering the uncertainties thus present in both calculated and measured dose rates,
the calculated results can be considered to be in good agreement with the measured data.

The good agreement of dose rate distributions seen in the preceding chapter between
calculated and measured data attests the validity of the two approximations adopted, that :
(1) All plane elements on the cask surface present the same source strength.
(2) Each element emits radiation a t an intensity varying in direction in cosine distribution.
The validity of the first assumption can be ascribed to 7-rays in the space between
casks attaining a uniform distribution in the axial direction of cask on account of the thick
mass of water filling the wide space left in the cask cavity in wet strage, in addition
- 18 -
Vol. 22, No. 9 (Sep. 1985) 701

Table 2 Intermediate data derived in calculation of dose r a t e ;

Comparison of resulting values with measured data
d=0.5 (m)
r,=1.05 cm). H = 2 . 2 ( m ) . H + d = 2 . 7 ( m ) , H - d = 1 . 7 (m).f=0.398. :':0.618, 1=2.7 (m)
rd-rS 7, G(:,7,) 7,' G(:',7,') D, Di D2 D Esp.
0.5 0.5741 0.9382 0.9118 0.9101 0.443 D (Lower) (0.280) (0.122) (0.413) (0.409)
(Middle) 0.315 0.136 0.451 0.463
(Upper) (0.350) (0.149, (0.489) (0.517)
1.0 0.7593 0.9080 1.206 0.8013 0.291 D (Lower) (0.184) (0.153) (0.338) (0.371)
(Middle) 0.207 0.170 0.377 0.421
(Upper) (0.230) (0.1871 10.406) (0.471)
1.35 0.8889 0.8522 1.412 0.7189 0.226 D (LoLver) (0.143) (0.204) (0.359) (0.350)
(\fiddle) 0.161 0.227 0.388 0.397
(Upper) (0.179) (0.249 ) 10.417) (0. 144)
1.7 1.C55 0.7885 1.676 0.6285 0.172 D (Lower) (0.108) (0.262) 10.380) (0.115)
clliddle) 0.121 0.291 0.412 0.469
(Upper) (0.134) (0.3201 (0.443) 10.523)
2.2 1.2C-I 0.7269 1.912 0.5626 0.135 D (Lower) (0.085) (0.398) (0.494) (0.536)
Ihliddle) 0.096 0.-142 c. 539 0.6(!4
I Upper) (0.1071 (0.487) i0.5841 10.672)
d - = .l . 0- (, .n.i.l,
r,s-1.C5 ( m ) , H - 2 . 2 ( m ) . / f - r d - - 3 . 2 ( m ) . H--r!=1.2 ( m ) . F - 0.328. f'=C.87.?. 1 = 2 . 7 i m )
r,l-rs 7, G(:,7,) 7,' G(:',;',I D, Dl D, D Esp.
~~~~ ~

0.3 C.484-1 O.9664 1.292 0.8151 C.429 D tLo\\-erl (0.2721 (C.115) 1C.398) (0.367)
(lliddle) 0.306 C.129 C..I35 0.417
(Upper) (0.339) (C.1401 rL'..171) (L1.467)
1.0 C.61C6 C.9250 1.7C8 0.6846 C.276 D (Lower) ! i C . 1 1-11 fC.33C) (0.338)
Ihliddle) 0.197 0.162 C.359 0.384
(Cpper) (0.218) CC.1761 (0.38s) (0:130)
1.35 C.75CO 0.2885 2.CG3 0.5190 C.213 D (Lower) (0.135) 1C.192) 10.339) 10.329)
illiddle) 0.152 0.216 C.368 C.37-I
(Upper) (0.169) (0.235, iC.397) (C.419)
1.7 C.89C6 C.8313 2.373 0.4970 C.169 D (Lower) (0.101) (0.2481 i(l.339) (0.36C)
(Middle) 0.114 0.278 0.392 0.408
(Upper) (0.126) !C.393) 1C.125) (0.456)
2.2 1.016 C.7848 2 . i 0 8 C.4333 0.128 DtLower) (0.081, (0.386) 10.476) (0.427)
(\liddle) 0,091 0.433 0.534 0.183
(Upper) (0.101) 10.472) 16.572) (0.539)
d = 1 . 5 (m)
rS=1.C5 ( m ) , M = 2 . 2 ( m ) . H + d = 3 . 7 ( m ) , H - d - 0 . 7 ( m ) . :=0.281. $'=1.30. !-:2.7 im)
~ ~ i - r ,, G(5.7,) 7,' G(:',/,') D* D, D, D Eup
0.5 0.1111 0.9737 2.214 0.7699 3 i13 D(Lower) (0.262) (0.0991 10.371) (0 367)
(Middle) 0.295 C.lll C.106 0.417
(Upper) (0.326) (0.121) (C.-Ml) (0.467)
1.0 C.5438 0,9439 2.929 0.5711 0.259 D(Lower) (0.164) (0.129) 10.3041 (0.317)
(Middle) 0.185 0.145 C.330 0.361
(Upper) (0.205) (0.158) (C.356) t0.4C5)
1 . 3 5 0,6366 C.914C 3.429 0.4621 0.198 D(Lower) (0.126) (C.179) iC.315) (0.329)
(hliddle) 0.141 C.200 0.341 0.375
(Upper) (0.157) (0.218) (0.367) (0.421)
1.7 C.7560 0.8731 4.071 0.3199 0.143 D(Lower) (0.091) (0.233) (0.323) (0.332)
rhliddle) 0.102 0.262 0.354 0.378
(Upper) (0.113) (0.285) 10.385) (0.424)
2.2 0.8621 0.8318 4.643 0.2202 0.110 D(Lower) (0.070) (0.372) (0.449) (0.414)
(Middle) 0.078 0.417 0.495 0.468
(Upper) (0.087) (0.454) (0.541) (0.522)
l)*=-G<t,?!+C(F".q ' ) ( ( l / n ) siiir'(r,,/r,t): 1)os: rate distribution around the ciisk 112-75'1'
for a iictitious case where the dose rate on the c a s k is unity.
11, represents the dose rate distril,ution around the cask 11). for which / X r , ~ - r . d
~>, = (0.711 fo.Il7Y)l)*
represents the dose rate distribution arourxl the cask (2). for which M r , i - r s , d)= (1.01 *O.Il)D*.

- 19 -

Distance in meters

_Q_: 2,7
Distance in meters
0,7 I
~Theory J Experiment
!Experiment T l ~·r <2: Theory
0,6 f- -j o.6 r 0,5
T i Theory

"' I j_ I f Experiment
.... 0.4

~ ~
~ ~ ~
~0,4 Eo,4 ~ 0,3
tl t ~r} Tttl
0,3 0,3 ':---
0,2 0,0 1.0 2JJ
0,0 1,0 2.0 o.o 1,0 2,0
'd_-rs (m) ~
rd- r5 (m) 'd.-'S (m) ~
(b) d~ !.0 m (C) d=l.5m VJ
(a) d=0.5m

Fig, 4(a)-(c) Comparison of calculated and measured dose rates at various positions between two casks ...,
Vol. 22, No. 9 (Sep. 1985) 703

to the multiple backscattering caused by the cask

To examine the validity of the second assump-
tion, the angular distribution of radiation flux,
calculated for a cask in wet strage by the shield-
ing calculation code ANISN, is compared in Fig. 5
with functions cos 0, cos 0 • 8 0 and cos 1 • 2 0. The
ANISN results (indicated by "X" mark in Fig. 5)
are quite close to the solid line representing cos 0,
which thus evidences the validity of the second
For a cylindrical surface source presenting
angular isotropy of emission, an expression that ..:z
has been reported<•) for the radiation flux is toL------L------L-----~
0 30 60 90
( 6) Ernission Angle e (degrees)
Fig. 5 Angular distribution of
where R, a and d S correspond to r., r d and d 1: calculated r-ray flux on
respectively in Eq. ( 1 ) and ( 2 ). The denominator surface of Cask HZ-75T

R + a +z -2aR cos cp in Eq. ( 6) corresponds to the denominator r of Eq. ( 1 ).

2 2 2 2

The two essential differences between the above Eq. ( 6) and the present Eq. ( 1 ) are
firstly the domain of the integration, which covers the whole surface of the cylinder, in
the case of Eq. ( 6 ), whereas in Eq. ( 1 ) it was limited to the region directly observable
from the point P, and secondary the factor (n·r)/lrl that characterized Eq. ( 1 ), expressing
the cosine angular distribution of the radiation emitted outward from the plane source
elements constituting the cylinder. The source envisaged for deriving Eq. ( 6 ), on the
other hand, was constituted of an isotropic point source rotating around an axis and
simultaneously displacing in axial direction in such manner as to cover the cylindrical sur-
face uniformly in the course of one cycle. Consequently, resulting surface was thus, so
to speak, "transparent" in contrast to the "opaque" nature of the present model.
Upon modification of Eq. ( 6) in respect of the domain of integration, to confine it to
the region directly observable from the point P in Fig. 1, the disparity between this equa-
tion and Eq. ( 1 )-or Eq. ( 2) -reduces to the difference between the scalar and vectorial
concepts from which the equations derive.
The results calculated with Eq. ( 6) thus modified and with Eq. ( 2) are mutually com-
pared in Fig. 6, where the curves representing the two equations are both normalized
to unity on the cask surface. The solid line representing Eq. ( 2 ) lies consistently above
the chain line Of Eq. ( 6 ). The broken line indicating the ratio between the dose rates by
Eqs. ( 6) and ( 2) diminishes monotonically with increasing distance of the point P from
the surface of cask.
It has been shown in the preceding chapter that Eq. ( 2 ) expresses well the measured
dose rate distribution, and this conversely implies inadequacy of Eq. ( 6) to substitute Eq.
( 2) for extending to points outside midplane, as in Eqs. (3a) and (3b).
The present Eqs. (3a) and (3b) should serve effectively for deriving the dose rate
distribution in the space left between spent fuel shipping casks by simple calculation using
micro-computer or even a simple pocket calculator, aided by a contour map such as in
Fig. 2. The advantage of these equations, which is attributable to (1) their being ex-
- 21-
704 J . Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

plicitly expressed in terms

of the geometrical param-
eters rs, H, r d and d , whose --- --__.___
roles can be directly en-
H =2m
visaged from the functional
2 -
forms of these equations,
and (2) the influence on dose ;1 - ---
rate distribution exerted by 8-
the condition of the cask as
radiation source being repre- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
sented by the single coeffici-
ent Do,the dose rate on cask
The factor (2) cited
above is particularly useful 5 - r5 (cm)
for its dispensing with the Fig. 6 Comparison of radial dose rate distributions
need to repeat calculations between isotropic and cosine angular distri-
for a given cask for every bution approximations for angular distribution
of radiations emitted from cask surface
change of the conditions pre-
sented by the spent fuel contained in the cask. The value of D ocan be derived by simple
In practice, some types of casks leak neutrons and r-rays through weak part of the
radiation shielding structure around the cask top and bottom. The amount of leakage
depends on cask type, and is betokened by anomalous ridges appearing on the dose rate
map around the cask. These local ridges could very probably be treated by superposition
on the dose rate distributions expressed by Eqs. (3a) and (3b), where present form would
then be considered to represent the fundamental distributions. The influence of radiation
leakage, however, is a matter remaining to be further studied in the future.
The analytical expression previously derived for describing the dose rate distribution
on the cask midplane has been extended to points off the midplane through application of
the additivity rule.
The generalized expression has been applied to the calculation of y-ray dose rate dis-
tribution in the space left between fuel casks in wet strage, and the results have proved
to agree well with actually measured dose rates.
The present expression should serve usefully as an effective tool for predicting dose
rate distribution around casks on which the surface radiation dose rate is known.
(Text edited grammatically by Mr. M. Yoshida.)
H. : Nucl. Sci. Eng.,
(I) YAMAKOSHI, 88, 110 (1984).
A. : “Engineering Compendium on Radiation Shielding”, Vol. 1, 396
(1968), Springer-Verlag, New York.
(3) YAMAJI,A., UEKI, K. : Measurements of radiation dose rates on board of the spent fuel shipping
vessel loaded with three shipping casks, Rep. Ship R Q S .Inst., (in Japanese), 19(5], (1982).
(4) idem : Ref. (2), Vol. 1, 369.
(5) YAMAKOSHI, H. : Nucl. Sci. Eng., 87, 152 (1984).

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Vol. 22, No. 9 (Sep. 1985) 705

1. Function Form of HJ
Writing out Eq. ( 1 ) in the text,

D(Td)= ~

"FSCC rdcos 8 - r , 1
r:+ri-2rSrd cos e . (ri+r:-2r,rd cos8+H2)1/2d o , (-41)
where 8 , is the critical angle defined by the relation
8c=cos-1(r,Ird) . (-42)
The angular integration in Eq. (Al) can not be performed by analytical method, and
numerical integration is usually adopted. From physical consideration, it can be assumed
that the angular dependence of the second factor in the integrand of Eq. (Al) is very weak
in the range 0 5 8 5 8 , and that this factor can be replaced by

After multiplying both sides of Eq. (A3) by 8,, letting cos (8/2)=sinY leads to the


Upon introducing a parameter R defined by

The first and the second integration terms in Eq. (A7) are both elliptic integrals of the
first kind, and will hereafter be represented by F(r/2, 2 ) and F(Y,, A), respectively.
Thus rewriting Eq. (A7),


By considering the relation

8c=cos-1 (r8/rd),
Eq. (A9) becomes

with X=r,/H, YErd/H. (-412)

It is thus proved by Eq. ( A l l ) that the quantity HJ is expressible explicitly in terms
of quantities X and Y defined in Eq. (A12).
2. Function Form of D(rd,d )
In the case where the detector P' is located at a distance d=H in Fig. 1, the additivity

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706 J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

rule stipulates that the dose rate a t the detector P' is precisely half that generated by an
imaginary cylindrical source of the same radius rs but of height 4H so located that the
detector P' is found on the midplane of this imaginary source. Consequently, a t the
detector P',

Similarly from additivity rule, if as shown in Fig. Al(a) the detector P' is located a t
a distance d<H, the dose rate a t the detector P' corresponds to the contribution from an
imaginary source AD diminished by the contribution from another imaginary source BD,
which latter contribution equals half the difference in contribution between the sources
and E.Half the length AD is HSd and half BC H-d.
Consequently, the dose rate at the detector P' is given by

Lastly, if d > H , as shown in Fig. Al(b), the dose rate equals the contribution from
the imaginary source AD diminished by the contribution from the imaginary soruce m,
which in turn equals half of the difference in contribution from the sources A D and E.
This time, half BC is d-H, SO that the dose rate a t detector P' is


(a) Case d<H (b) Case d>H

Fig. -A1 Configuration of imaginary sources and detector P' Cases d<H and d>H

- 24 -
Vol. 22, No. 9 (Sep. 1985) 707

When d=H, the quantities r s / l d - H l and rd/Id-HI becomes infinitive, and from
Eq. (All), G(X+m, Y+m)+O, and hence in this case, G ( r s / l d - H l , Yd/Id-HI)+O, so
that Eq. (A13) can be included equally well either in Eq. (A14) or Eq. (A15), since they
become equivalent. In the text,this special case has been included in Eq. (A14).
Rewriting Eqs, (A14) and (A15) with use made of the quantities 6, T, 6’ and 7’ defined
by Eq. ( 4 ) yields Eqs. (3a) and (3b) given in the text.

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