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Apple is a fruit that rich of vitamin A which is very useful for the healthy of eyes.

So, it is
important for us to consume apple regularly. Besides can be eaten directly, apples can also be
consumed by making it into juice. Here are the steps on how to make apple juice.


an apple

½ glass of water

½ glass of ice pack

2 tablespoons of sugar


1. Peel the apple and clean it.

2. Cut the apple into pieces and put them into juicer.

3. Add water, ice and sugar.

4. Turn on the juicer. Roughly 30 seconds then turn off.

5. Pour the juice into glass and apple juice is ready to drink.

Itulah tadi procedure text tentang cara membuat jus apel. Langkah – langkahnya sangat mudah
bukan untuk di hapal dan di ikuti. Berikutnya akan menjelaskan tentang
bagaimana cara membuat puding susu.

How To Make Milk Puding (Cara Membuat Puding Susu)

How To Make Milk Pudding

Pudding is one type of dessert that is very tasty and healthy. Pudding can be made by boiling,
steaming or can be baked and finally pudding will be eaten after a cold and frozen.Pudding has
various kinds of flavors: chocolate, milk and fruit. For now, we will learn about how to make
milk pudding:


2 packs Swallow Jelly

1 litre plain milk

150 grams sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla

6 glass of water


1. Combine Swallow Jelly, sugar, vanilla and water. Stir continously until mixture thickens.

2. Turn on the stove. Set over medium-high heat, stir until it is boiled.

3. Turn off the stove then add milk.

4. Pour into a bowl or a mould. Refrigerate at leat 4 hours.

5. Take the puding out of refrigerator and serve it in individual serving dishes.

Itulah penjelasan lengkap tentang langkah-langkah membuat puding susu yang sering
dikonsumsi sebagai hidangan penutup. Procedure text selanjutnya yang akan di tampilkan adalah
tentang bagaimana membuat tempe goreng yang enak.

How To Make Fried Tempe (Cara Membuat Tempe Goreng)

How To Make Fried Tempe

Tempe is food made of soy beans. It is a traditional food of Indonesia. Tempe can be processed
in various ways, one of which is processed into fried tempe. How to make fried tempe is as


2 pieces of tempe, cut it into thin pieces

200 grams flour

2 eggs

4 garlic

1 teaspoon of salt

½ teaspoon of coriander
½ teaspoon of pepper

2 glass of cooking oil for frying


1. Blend the garlic, coriander and pepper. Put in a bowl.

2. Combine the spices with flour, egg, and salt. Stir them until completely mixed.

3. Dip tempe into the batter, then fry it.

4. Drain the oil.

5. Fried tempe is ready to eat.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam procedure text diatas, kita dapat membuat tempe
goreng yang renyah dan enak. Berikutnya akan dijelaskan bagaimana membuat sandwich atau
roti isi.

How To Make Sandwich (Cara Membuat Roti Isi/Sandwich)

How To Make Sandwich

Sandwich is a food made of bread stuffed with meat, vegetables, cheese and sauce. The
sandwiches are usually served during breakfast, snack in the afternoon or at the time of the
picnic with the family. Here is the recipe on making a sandwich:

8 pieces of white bread

1 onion, chop it

2 boiled eggs, cut it into pieces

4 cheddar

8 tablespoons of mayonnaise

4 pieces of lettuce


1. Remove the skin of white bread then toasted it without butter.

2. Remove the bread from toaster and bast it with mayonnaise.

3. Prepared the other ingredients: onion, eggs, cheddar and lettuce. Stack them on the bread.

4. Add mayonnaise on the top then cover it with another bread.

5. Cut the bread into two, sandwich is ready to served.

Setelah membaca dan mengikuti langkah-langkah tentang cara membuat sandwich atau roti isi
dengan benar, maka sobat pun bisa menyajikan sandwich yang lezat untuk keluarga tercinta.

Demikianlah 5 procedure text tentang cara membuat makanan dan minuman yang mudah untuk
dipahami dan dipraktekkan. Semoga bisa menambah pemahaman sobat tentang procedure text
dan menginspirasi sobat dalam membuat contoh-contoh procedure text

How to Make Fried Banana with Cheese

- 4 bananas
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp of sugar
- 6 tbsp of flour
- water
- a pinch of salt
- cooking oil
- condensed milk
- grated cheese
1. First, mix flour, egg, salt, and sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix it well.
2. Second, add water little by little. Whisk the batter vigorously until it is evenly smooth for coating. If
the batter is too thin, you can add flour.
3. Next, peel the banana and cut it into two pieces.
4. After that, pour the cooking oil into the pan and let it heat.
5. Then, dip the banana into the batter to coat.
6. And then, place coated banana in a deep fryer and wait until it becomes golden and crispy.
7. Next, remove fried bananas from oil and drain it on paper napkins.
8. Finally, add condensed milk and grated cheese on the fried bananas.
9. Serve it while still warm.


- 4 buah pisang
- 1 butir telur
- 1 sendok teh gula
- 6 sendok makan tepung
- air
- sejumput garam
- minyak goreng
- susu kental
- keju parut

1. Pertama, campurkan tepung, telur, garam, dan gula ke dalam mangkok. Campur sampai rata.
2. Kedua, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit. Kocok adonan dengan kuat sampai halus untuk coating.
Jika adonannya terlalu encer, kamu bisa menambahkan tepung.
3. Selanjutnya, kupas pisang dan potong menjadi dua bagian.
4. Setelah itu, tuang minyak goreng ke dalam panci dan biarkan minyaknya panas.
5. Lalu, masukkan pisang ke dalam adonan untuk dilapisi.
6. Dan kemudian, letakkan pisang yang sudah dilapisi ke dalam panci dan tunggu sampai berubah
keemasan dan renyah.
7. Selanjutnya, angkat pisang goreng dari minyak dan tiriskan di atas serbet kertas.
8. Terakhir, tambahkan susu kental dan keju parut di atas pisang goreng sebagai taburan.
9. Sajikan selagi hangat.

Home » procedure » Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Cara Membuatnya
Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Dengan Cara Membuatnya
Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Cara membuat masakan memang banyak diperlukan
oleh banyak orang. Selain untuk belajar, resep makanan juga termasuk ke dalam contoh
procedure text dalam bahasa inggris. Jadi wajar saja jika para siswa sekolah sangat
membutuhkan contoh resep makanan. Sebenarnya didalam procedure text yang terpenting adalah
penyampaian bagaimana proses dan cara membuat sesuatu. Jadi kamu ingin membuat teks
prosedur tentang resep masakan, kamu harus menyampaikan bagaimana proses cara membuat
makanan itu.
Kalau kamu lagi mencari contoh resep makanan dalam bahasa inggris. Lalu ingin belajar cara
membuat makanan. Kamu datang ke tempat yang tepat. Karena saya akan berbagi contoh resep
makanan menggunakan bahasa inggris. Ada berbagai resep yang sudah saya siapkan untuk
kamu. Mulai dari resep nasi goreng, kue, burger, donat, hingga resep bakso. Langsung saja yuk
daripada panjang lebar lagi menjelaskan. Berikut ini koleksi Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa
Inggris yang sudah saya siapkan.

Resep Nasi Goreng Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Nasi goreng merupakan salah satu hidangan makanan dari Indonesia yang sudang mendunia.
Hampir disetiap negara pasti mengetahui nasi goreng. Beriktu ini cara membuat nasi goreng
yang sudah saya siapkan untuk kamu.


Ingredients500 g cold cooked rice or leftover rice

3 table spoon vegetable oil
2 eggs
4 shallots, peeled and sliced
2 cloves of garlic, peeled & sliced
2 – 4 red chilies, minced
2 teaspoons dried shrimp paste, roasted
200 g chicken meat, diced
200 g thinly sliced cabbage
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Indonesian sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)

Sliced cucumber & sliced tomato to garnish

How To Make

Flake the rice with your fingers or fork to separate the grains.

Heat vegetable oil in cooking pan and fry the egg. Remove the egg from the heat and set aside.
Heat the remaining vegetable oil in cooking pan over medium heat and stir fry the garlic, minced
chilies, dried shrimp. Fry 1-2 minutes or until you can smell fragrant.

Put the diced chicken until almost cooked around 3 minutes, add the sliced cabbage and continue
to stir fry around 2 minutes until the cabbage is almost wilted.

Add the rice, Indonesian sweet soy sauce, and salt. Then, stir fry briskly around 2 minutes until
all the ingredients mixed and heated through.

Put the fried rice to serving dish and top with fried egg, cucumber, and tomato slices.

Resep Kue Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Chocolate Cheese Cake)

Membuat kue memang sering dilakukan oleh kita. Biasanya kita memakan kue saat sedang ada
acara-acara penting. Seperti saat penikahan, ulang tahun, atau perayaan lainnya. Berikut ini cara
membuat kue menggunakan bahasa inggris uang sudah kami siapkan untuk anda.

All Ingredients
35 grams of unsalted butter
20 grams of low-protein flour
15 grams of cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
50 grams of milk
50 grams of cream cheese
50 grams of egg yolk, beaten
120 garm egg whites
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
75 grams sugar

1/4 teaspoon of the chocolate paste

Ingredients for filling

150 grams of cream cheese
100 ml milk
15 grams of cocoa powder
50 grams sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon cornstarch or maizena, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water
200 grams of dark cooking chocolate, melted
2 sheets of gelatin, soaked and drained until mixed
150 grams heavy cream, whipped until half expand
3 tablespoons rum
1 can of dark cherry, drained
Ingredients for topping
300 ml of dark cherry water
25 grams of dark cherry jam
50 grams sugar
3 sheets of gelatin, soaked in cold water, drained

How To Make
1. Heat the unsalted butter until melted. Turn off the heat. Add the flour, and cocoa powder. Stir
until smooth. Lift. Add baking powder. Stir well.

2. Heat the milk. Add cream cheese. Stir until dissolved. Pour into egg yolks. Stir well.

3. Slowly pour into the flour mixture, stir it until smooth. Set aside.

4. Whipped egg whites, salt and cream of tartar at medium speed until half expand. Add slowly

5. Put the flour mixture slowly into beaten egg whites while stir it gently.

6. Pour the batter into pan 24x24x4 cm baking paper as the base without spreading margarine.

7. Place the pan in the larger pan with a little water.

8. Put in oven with a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius about 50 minutes until cooked.

9. Put the cake into the ring with plastic mica as the base. Set aside.

For Filling
1. Boil the milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt until boiled. Add maizena, stir it until you can see
bubbling. Turn of the heat. Add egg yolks. Stir well. Turn on the fire.

2. Put the dark cooking chocolate and gelatin. Stir until smooth.
3. Shake soft cream cheese. Add boiled milk slowly while whip it gently.

4. Put into whipped cream and rum gently. Add dark cherry. Stir well.

5. Pour the batter on the cake.

For toping
1. mix the dark cherry water, dark cherry jam, and sugar. Blend it smoothly. filter it. Cook until
boiled. Put gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Chill it

2. Pour to the top of cake. Put into the refrigator. Garnish with decoration materials.

Resep Cara Membuat Donat (Potato Donuts)

500 grams of wheat flour
200 grams of potatoes
100 grams of sugar powder
100 ml of cold water
75 grams of butter
50 grams of milk powder
11 grams of instant yeast (1 sachet)
4 egg of yolks
1/2 teaspoon of salt

How to make
1. Put flour, milk powder, and yeast. Stir it until blended.
2. Add potato, egg yolk, and cold water. Mix it until blended.
3. Divide the batter into 60 grams for each piece. Make into round shape. Wait it around 20
minutes until fluffy. Then, make holes in the middle as donuts shape.
4. Heat the oil while waiting for the donuts expands.
5. Put the donuts and fry it until the color change into golden brown.
6. Sprinkle sugar powder on the top of donuts.

Resep Cara Membuat Burger

1 small onion
500g good-quality beef, minced
1 egg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 burger buns
All or any of the following to serve:
sliced tomato, tomato and chili sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, lettuce, cucumber.

How to make
1. Peel the onion and slice it into small pieces.
2. Add minced beef and egg to sliced onion. Then mix.
3. Divide the mixture into 4 parts. Make it like a tennis ball size. Then gently squeeze down to
flatten into patties about 3 cm thick.
4. Put the mixture on the plate. cover it and leave it in the fridge to firm up for at least 30
5. Heat the frying pan. Put vegetable oil. Place the burgers. Cook for about 5 minutes until the
meat is lightly charred. Do not press down the meat. Turn over the meat using tongs. Then wait
for another 5 minutes.
6. Take the burgers off the frying pan. Put them on the plate. Take burger buns. Slice each bun in
half. Then put the burger inside the bun. You can add some more ingredients inside it, such as
sliced tomato, sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, cucumber, lettuce.
Demikian resep makanan dalam bahasa inggris kali ini. Semoga dengan kumpulan contoh resep
masakan menggunakan bahasa inggris ini kamu jadi lebih tahu cara membuat makanan. Dan juga
kamu jadi dapat mengetahui tentang procedure text. carabelajarbahasainggrisoke

Baca juga contoh procedure text cara membuat pisang keju coklat ya. Baru lho

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