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MTI Newsletter

Current projects of
Organisational and Personnel Development

Ines Hofmann

In Hong Kong she proved her- the first Certified Intercultural

self as a competent language Business Trainer and Modera-
teacher and German-Culture- tor. She is the only trainer in
Trainer in the Hong Kong Uni- Germany, running the training in
versity. The exposure to and Portuguese language for Brazil-
the interpersonal relationship ians.
with Chinese required the ulti-
mate understanding of the (Languages: German, English,
deeply rooted traditional values Portuguese)
and beliefs of the Chinese cul-
For the Brazilian Ministry of
Culture and Education, she
worked as a consultant to man-
age social projects for this vast,
complex and socially challenged
Ines Hofmann country. During that time she
Dipl.Betriebswirt (FH) learnt the meaning of intercul-
Certified Intercultural Business tural competence, teamwork
Trainer/Moderator (IBT/M) and communication skills.
Bachelor in Psychology
Back in Germany she is working
as an intercultural trainer, con-
“Real life experience is in- sultant and coach for interna-
valuable and cannot be re- tional companies, their execu-
placed." tives with their families. She
specialises dealing with inter-
With this statement, Ines Hof- cultural conflict management,
mann summarizes her philoso- international teams, international
phy and experience as an inter- leadership and culture shock for
cultural coach and trainer. expatriates.
She was born in 1965 in South Her psychological approach is
Germany and grew up in a tra- systemic family coaching for ex-
ditional entrepreneurs family. At patriates to provide a successful
her apprenticeship at home, adaptation to the new country.
she soon got to know the She trains the employee in the
meaning of key-values as re- business sphere as well as
sponsibility, professionalism working with the rest of the fam-
and reliability to customer. ily on daily life issues.
The holder of a dual-BA in eco-
nomics and psychology has The “Deutsche Gesellschaft für
spent three years in Hong Kong interkulturelle Trainingsqualität”
and six years in Brazil, as an proofed Ines Hofmann´s own
expatriate family, mother of two developed Doing Business with
children and professional trainer Germans as excellent and she
and consultant. gained the status as one of

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