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LIFE SKILLS: Performing Arts - Dance and Drama TERM 3

1 Topic 1 • Open space
Warm up and Body part isolations in warm ups as part of imaginative Explain to the learners the • Found or made
play experience (e.g. flexing/pointing feet and hands, raising/lowering musical
importance of warm up exercise
head) instruments,
Voice warm ups (e.g. humming, yawning and sighing) Activity 1: Warm up your
Call and response games (in speaking, singing and movement) voice(p.111)
• Audio
Movement responses to different types of music, exploring how equipment and
Topic 2
mood of music informs mood of movement, and vice versa Activity 5: Dance to different types of audiovisuals with
Improvise Movement sequences exploring verbal dynamics in words such as music (p.113) a range of suitable
and create action words, directional words (words conveying a straight, music
turning or broken movement), contrasting words (big/small, • Charts and
wide/narrow, expand/contract; stretch/shrink), and word
sequences posters (including
musical notation
on a stave of a
Action songs (doing actions related to the specific rhythms of the single line)
Topic 1
Activity 2: Sing an action song(p.111) • Props, including
Warm up and Concentration and focus games cans, stones,
materials, chairs,
balls, and a large
Characters, using props as stimulus. (Ask: “Who would use this Activity 6: Dance with props (p.114) variety of different
prop? How would they use it? Why would they use it?”) Consider Activity 7: Imagine you are a famous sized and shaped
Topic 2 body language, posture and gesture objects
person (p.114)
Improvise • Textbook
and create

5 Topic 1
Rolling up and down the spine and side bends
Warm up and
Floor work, including rounding and lengthening the spine
Activity 3:Do some stretches (p.112)
and stretching, sitting and lying down

Topic 3
Read, Building a drama from a stimulus: characters (connect to Topic 2). Activity 8: Perform a play with music
interpret and Develop storyline (beginning/ middle/ end), characters, space and
perform time through mimed action and dance (p.115)
Songs to improve ability to sing in tune. Relate character of the
chosen songs to suit characters in the drama
Topic 1
Sensory awareness games (including listening, seeing, touching,
Warm up and smelling, tasting in simple actions) Activity 4:Use all your senses(p.112)
9 play

The expressive qualities of musical instruments in music used in

Topic 2. Classify several instruments as part of a family or group in
terms of appearance, name, how the sound is produced and pitch
Activity 9: Match music and dance
(high-low) (p.117)
Topic 4
Activity 11: Use some key words
Appreciate Own and other’s performances and processes using simple (p.117)
and reflect
creative arts terminology.
Key terms: character, posture, gesture, facial expression,
prop, emotion, spine, isolation, timbre, doh-soh, pitch, sound
picture (soundscape)

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