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Wethersfield High School 2018-19 English 11—Mr.


English 11 Schedule—Unit 1: Early American Documents

Important Assessment Dates:
Letter to Teacher (20 pt. Quiz): Due Day 2
What Makes American Literature? Paper (50 pt. Quiz): Rough Draft due Day 3, Final Draft due Day 4.
Modern American Documents Presentation (50 pt. Test/Project): Day 5 (Reflection due Day 6)
Walden Group Digital One-Pager (20 pt. Quiz): Day 7
Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz (Points TBA): Day 8
Nature Piece Due for Reading Day (50 pt. Test/Project): Day 10 (Poem and Reflection Paper)
Vocabulary Unit 2 Quiz (Points TBA): Day 11
Creative piece in style of Whitman/Dickinson and Analytical Response on Why is the work of Dick-
inson/Whitman important to American culture (past or present)? (100 pt. Test/Project): TBA

Class # Objective, Class Outline, Homework, Assignments, etc.

Class 1 “Get to know you”—Activities

Review of Rules, Expectations, Course Outline
Open Discussion: What does American Literature mean? Why is it an entire course?
Letter to the Teacher: Who are you as a reader? Who are you as a writer? Who are you as
a person/student? (Typed, Letter Form, 500+ words).
HW: Signed Course Outline, complete “Letter to the Teacher.”
Bring in Chromebook, Notebook for class.

Class 2 Obj: Regulate classroom norms and writing expectations.

Starter: List in your notebooks: What have other classrooms done in the past that have
worked well for you? What expectations do you have for this year in reading, writing, workload?
What do you want to get out of this course?
-Submit your letter to with demo.
—Show examples, Think-Pair-Group Share, Open Discussion to create social contract.
Mini-Lesson: Creating Thesis Statements and Introductory Paragraphs
Time to work to implement Mini-Lesson
Mini-Lesson: The paper form and body paragraphs
Time to work—“What makes American Literature ‘American?’”
HW: Rough Draft of “What makes American Lit?” Paper. You will have 45 min. next class.

Class 3 Obj: Use evidence and body paragraph form in composition.

Starter: 1. Open your essay in Google Docs.
2. Open the sample MLA essay on Google Classroom.
3. Work to ensure your paper looks like the one listed.
MLA Workshop: Making sure your paper is presentable.
Time to Complete Rough Draft-“What makes American Literature?” —Ask one question about
paper or paper form for me. Have it prepared for when I come around.
After 45 minutes: demo
Read and complete three reviews of Rough Drafts
Debrief: What did you see in papers read? What is left to do?
HW: Continue to develop your paper. Read and revise your papers for clarity and mechanics.
You will submit in the next class.

NOTE: Due to school events or other unforeseen circumstances, this schedule is sub-
ject to change. Please stay up to date and mark this schedule as you wish.
Wethersfield High School 2018-19 English 11—Mr. Martin

Class # Objective, Class Outline, Homework, Assignments, etc.

Class 4 Obj: Discuss and analyze the beginning of America’s search for independence.
Starter: Review Social Contract for our class. What one thing would you add and what should we
Debrief and Review Social Contracts
Technology Demo and Submit Paper: Turn-it-in
Brainstorm: List the reasons why you would break up with a significant other or friend.
Think-Pair-List on Board with activity
Why do we read these texts? Background of “The Breakup Texts” and reading texts for writer’s
Project (Quiz) Walkthrough: Creating your own early American Document.
Read “Declaration” or Excerpts from “Common Sense” with your partner and create a new
piece in this style with a new style and voice.
Project Workshop Time: Let Mr. Martin know who you are working with and determine
presentation order.
HW: Work on project with partner (due next class).

Class 5 Obj: Analyze the effectiveness and themes of early American documents.
Present created work in an organized manner.
Starter: You have 10 minutes to work on your projects before presentations begin.
Mini-Lesson: Engaging Presentation skills
Presentations: Modern American Documents
Once Complete: Write reflection papers. What did you learn about not only your own issues you
have written about but the spirit of the original documents?
Before end of period: Distribute Vocabulary Books
HW: Complete Vocabulary Unit 1 Activities 1-2 in notebook.
Research (cite sources) the 5 W’s and the H of Transcendentalism and write a paragraph
response: What do you think of these ideas? Are they applicable today? What do these ideas
remind you of?

Class 6 Obj: Identify “transcendentalism” and apply the concept and biographical elements to poetry.
Starter: Submit reflection papers on Modern American Document (submit to box).
-In teams, share ideas on transcendentalism. Come to one working definition of what
transcendentalism means and your own thoughts on the ideas within it.
Check HW (Vocabulary Unit 1 Activities 1-2)
Roundtable Informal Presentations on Findings
As a class: What is our working definition of transcendentalism? (and what do the experts say?)
Review Vocabulary Activities 1-2
Finish Presentations (if needed)
Thoreau Background and Biography on Walden
In groups of 4: Read two chapters of Walden (assigned to you). Each group will make a
digital one-page sheet of notes covering major themes and points of emphasis.
HW: Finish reading your chapter of Walden and create your digital one-pager.
Complete Vocabulary Unit 1 Activities 3-5.

Class 7 Obj: Discuss and analyze the use of transcendental ideas by Thoreau.
Starter: Meet with teams, finish creating digital one-pager on your chapters of Walden.
While you are working, I am coming around to check Activities 3-5 for vocabulary.
Roundtable Presentations: Walden One-Pagers.
Discussion: What is the point of all of this? What does this tells us about life?
Transcendental Nature Walk: Taking notes on what you see, hear, feel, experience to create a
creative piece on nature (essay, nature, etc.)
Come back in time to review Vocabulary Activities 3-5
HW: Come in with a rough draft of your Nature Creative Piece.
Study for Vocabulary Quiz Unit 1

NOTE: Due to school events or other unforeseen circumstances, this schedule is sub-
ject to change. Please stay up to date and mark this schedule as you wish.
Wethersfield High School 2018-19 English 11—Mr. Martin

Class # Objective, Class Outline, Homework, Assignments, etc.

Class 8 Obj: Assess vocabulary work for Unit 1.

Starter: Complete Unit 1 Activities 5-6 to study
Review Activities 5-6 together and answer any questions.
Review Quiz/Test Rules—Don’t cheat and don't get a zero.
Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz—Submit to turn-in box.
Once Complete: Work on your creative nature piece.
Once all Complete: Read “Sh*tty First Drafts” (Lamott)
Reactions: How do we approach creative writing?
The Writing Conference: How it works, the role of the writer, the role of the reader.
Time to work on Nature Pieces—Conferences with Mr. Martin!
HW: Using data from today, continue to work on Nature Piece. You will meet in response groups
to read your pieces to a small group next class.

Class 9 Obj: Use response groups to actively look at pieces of creative writing.
Starter: Your response groups are listed on the board. Find a space to meet with your group,
come up with a group name and a set of group rules. Write it on a piece of unlined paper,
decorate it, and sign it.
Mini-Lesson: How responses group will work. What they are designed to do.
Response Group Time and Debrief—What worked? What will have to change in your
group for next time?
You all have some changes to make to your nature piece, use class time to make those
I will be giving 3 minute conferences—write your name on the board.
HW: Tomorrow, we will “read into the silence,” bring treats if you want to share! Bring a finished
copy of your creative piece.

Class 10 Obj: Use creative writing, reading, sharing, and active feedback to create a community of writers
in the style of transcendentalism.
Starter: Put snacks on counter, pick up tables and put them near the metal cabinets, and put
chairs in a big circle. You will need your Chromebook, a pen/pencil, and some sticky notes.
How “Reading into the Silence” Works and Completion
Once Complete: Under your creative piece, write a reflection piece of 3-600 words, including
your thoughts on: the creative writing process, the quality of your piece, the feedback you got,
what you want to keep/change in your piece.
Submit to (50 pt. Test/Project Grade)
HW: Complete reflection by 11:59 PM and submit.
Read Emerson and write a brief summary and ask two questions in your notebook.
Complete Unit 2 Activities 1-2 in your notebook.

Class 11 Obj: Analyze the work of Emerson through active discussion. Read the work of Emily Dickinson
and use new and biographical analysis to make meaning of poetic works.
Starter: Write one of your questions from last night's reading on the board.
I will check Vocabulary Activities 1-2 Unit 2 while you are doing this.
Choose one question, five minute free-write in your notebooks.
Circle Time: Class Discussion on Emerson or inside-outside circle protocol.
Watch: Emily Dickinson Biography Video.
On your own: Read “Hope is the thing with feathers” and annotate.
Meet in response groups and share what you came up with.
All together now!: Analysis of “Hope”
Review Vocabulary Unit 2 Activities 1-2
HW: Do this on your own with two additional Dickinson Poems. Print them out and annotate
Complete Vocabulary Unit 2 Activities 3-5

NOTE: Due to school events or other unforeseen circumstances, this schedule is sub-
ject to change. Please stay up to date and mark this schedule as you wish.
Wethersfield High School 2018-19 English 11—Mr. Martin

Class # Objective, Class Outline, Homework, Assignments, etc.

Class 12 Obj: Analyze and assess the analysis of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.
Starter: Get yourself set up for today's activity! On your desk, you will need: Your poems, two
pieces of white-lined paper (labeled with the title of each poem).
Round-robin analysis.
Two poems to analyze as a whole group.
Discussion:What stylistic choices does Dickinson use in her poetry? What effects do these
choice have? What major motifs does she utilize? Symbols? Metaphors?
Writing Workshop—Time to write a poem in the style of Dickinson.
Meet with Response Groups to read poem and gain feedback.
Debrief and Whitman Biography
HW: Read and analyze two poems from Walt Whitman in the same way you looked at Dickinson’s
Study for Vocabulary Unit 2 Quiz

Class 13 Obj: Assess Unit 2 Vocabulary. Analyze the poetry of Walt Whitman and its effect on history and
writing craft.
Starter: Complete Activity 6 (Unit 2 Vocabulary)
Review and answer questions on Unit 2 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Vocabulary Quiz
Once Finished: Read your two poems one more time, looking this time for the MOVES that he
makes in his poetry. Make 1-2 notes on the side of your poem and highlight those sections.
Once all finished: Round-robin analysis.
Discussion: What moves does Whitman make in his poetry? What effects does it have?
Writing Workshop: You may either write a piece in the style of Whitman or continue to work on
your Dickinson piece.
Today is our last “official” lesson in this unit. Your final project is:
-Completion of a poem in the style of either Dickinson or Whitman.
-Analytical response answering: Why is the work of Dickinson/Whitman important to American
culture (past or present)? Must have two or more pages and evidence/analysis of the poetry.
The next class (Class 14) will comprise of mini-lessons, a meeting of response groups, and
workshop time. All other activities will be included in the next unit.

NOTE: Due to school events or other unforeseen circumstances, this schedule is sub-
ject to change. Please stay up to date and mark this schedule as you wish.

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