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No More Compromising

By Muhammad James Sutton

The biggest problem that I see with the Muslims communities in America and abroad is the
issue of compromise. Since the events that took place on September 11, 2001, American
Muslims have been on a sort of media rampage to prove their innocence. I guess, forgetting
also that in American culture we view the one who is so avid in professing his innocence to
be the guilty party. These intricacies of the American culture seem to escape our so-called
Muslims leaders in the west; however, I refuse to believe that they escape the minds of the
American public.

First of all, I would like to make it very clear that any form of compromise is a clear sign of
weakness with no form of ambiguity. A group of people with firm beliefs will start to
compromise when a stronger nation, also with firm beliefs, begins to impress their will upon
the other. At this point, the weaker nation will have no choice but to begin to relinquish some
of their rights or beliefs to appease the stronger mightier power. There are cases of mutual
compromise in which two equally strong powers will agree to relinquish certain powers that
will bring about a resolution of peace between the two. This type of compromise can be
praiseworthy under the right circumstances. However, the former (compromising out of
weakness) can under no circumstance be praiseworthy nor will it bring about any justice nor
benefit for the compromiser.

As Muslims, honestly speaking, we have no need to compromise. Sure they put a bit of
pressure on us due to the acts of some simple minded folks in our midst, but if you see the
overall picture, I am sure you will understand that we have no justification for any form of

The only time that this type of compromise would be justifiable would be if certain
conditions existed:

First, we would have to be really low in numbers and our so-called enemy much higher in
numbers. This is not the case in this scenario as the Muslim world completely out populates
all other form of religions on the globe. Of course I am basing this statistic on the grounds
that Christianity and Catholicism are two separate religions which in the view of the author,
they are.

Second, we would have to be really weak militarily and not possess the armaments needed to
adequately defend ourselves and our countries. This in a sense is true, but I would like to
profess that the truth of this statement is not based on inability. Nay, the reality of this point
lies in a complete inhibition on the part of Muslim nations to take on the responsibility of
building up militarily like their European and western counterparts. This lackadaisical
attitude stems from an unwarranted trust that exists in the hearts of our rulers for people that
have proven throughout the annals of history are not deserving of that trust.

Third, we would have to be economically weak in the sense that we would lack any ability of
supporting our nations solely on our own resources. Now anybody who is alive on this planet
on this day knows how erroneous this sounds. In fact, Muslims nations are the richest nations
on the face of the planet, however, a t the same time we do not possess the type of economies
that western nations, China, and Russia possess. This is in part due to wasteful extravagant
spending. Instead of making a concerted effort to build factories and basically industrialize
the country, we see that most of the Muslim world is concerned with superficial cosmopolitan
affairs like tall buildings and beautiful gardens in an effort to simply attract people. Most so-
called leaders seem to think by building tall buildings and luxurious gardens of pleasure the
economy will become strong and that is not the case. First, the economy has to be established
and fixed based on a budget of spending that focuses on the areas of life that will truly
improve the country e.g. education, medicine, industry, etc. Once these areas have been
established and the budget of the country begins to increase, the government can start to
focus their attention on more leisurely activities like parks, beaches, buildings, etc. Those
superficial items are only to be a sign of a strong economy and not meant to be the way to
strengthen the economy.

I could go on with the argument of what we have and what we do not have and focus your
attention, dear reader, on all the minute details; however, I feel these three to be sufficient for
your understanding. Now of course these issues impeding our progress in the Muslim world
do not exist externally as we are a highly populated religion with all the ability to make a
strong military that would be a force in the world and we have the economical means to
support that military with our own resources. Therefore, the issue that causes us to
compromise so much has to stem from internal factors and not external ones.

What internal factors would cause a people to compromise?

This question is an interesting question and I am sure that when I am finished going through
the main factors, everyone alive will see that all these conditions exist in Muslims today, as a
whole of course. However, they also exist in other people from other religions who have
compromised. In fact, I think we will all see that the Muslims have only recently started the
act of compromising while the others have finished that task years and years ago.

The first and most important factor is lack of knowledge. Knowledge of who you are and
what you should believe is the most important strength to possess for a nation of people to be
powerful. There is no way for a nation to rise to power and conquer if they have no
knowledge of who they are and what they should believe. As soon as doubt begins to wriggle
its obtrusive form into the minds of the masses, dissension and chaos are sure to follow. As
Muslims, our beliefs are set in stone as far as the foundations of the religion are concerned.
Every Muslim should have a strong grounding in the basic concepts of their religion and how
they should practice it. Since we pray five times a day, all Muslims should be knowledgeable
of what validates and invalidates this important worship. We have to pay Zakah, go on Hajj,
fast Ramadan, trade and barter, etc., so we need to be well aware of the laws that govern
these acts.

In all actuality the most important knowledge for a Muslim to have first is the knowledge of
who he worships. Since we do worship Allah as the Creator of all things, we need to have
knowledge of Him. We need to have knowledge of His Names and Attributes. We need to
have knowledge of why we are supposed to worship Allah. This knowledge has to be first
based on the Quran and the Sunnah and then based on pondering and thinking deeply about
the creation and coming to a logical conclusion that this vast creation could only come about
through a Creator. Once a Muslim knows who he worships and why, he should then proceed
to learning about the Prophet that Allah sent to teach the people this knowledge. We need to
have a vast understanding of who the Prophet is and what his life was like before and after
receiving the revelation. We need to study his character and how he dealt with people. And
most importantly, we need to know how he worshipped Allah, so we can worship Allah the
way He wants and deserves to be worshipped.

After the knowledge of the basic principles of the religion, a Muslim should also possess a
strong knowledge of history. Through this strong knowledge of history a Muslim will
understand the problems that our predecessors faced and how they dealt with those issues that
arose in their time. Sometimes they dealt with problems justly and correctly, and sometimes
they made a decision based on the knowledge they had, however, the decision was not the
appropriate one for the time. Once we see these excerpts from our history, we will understand
that our situation today does not differ much from the situation of our predecessors. In fact, in
most instances we will find that our situation is much less drastic. We live in a time of ease
whereas they lived in a time of extreme difficulty and a person could be killed for simply
disagreeing with certain people.

We also need to study the history of what these hypocrites have attempted to do throughout
history. Being that the biggest enemy of Islam throughout its history has been the hypocrite, I
think they need special attention. Hypocrites have come in different forms over the years,
such as the Rafidhah, Al-Baatiniyya, Al-Qaraamitah, Liberals, Communists, Secularists etc.,
so we are going to have to do a lot of reading. However, you will notice that even though
these groups came in different forms and names, their beliefs and the way they slithered their
serpentine forms through the Muslims has not changed much; their tactics remain pretty
much the same.

This knowledge of the religion and the history of the religion becomes an impenetrable
fortress for the Muslim. Impenetrable from doubt and impenetrable from fallacies that might
be slipped into the mainstream belief of Muslims. Once this has been established, we need to
proceed to the next step.

The final branch of education needs to focus on training people to function in jobs needed for
the benefit of the country. This is more of an education of skills more than an actual
education of retaining useless trivial information. This form of education comes about
through the realization that not all people are going to be academically inclined. We have
different personalities and desires and the educational system of a successful society has to be
a reflection of this realization. By training and preparing the vast numbers of citizenry to be
prepared to enter the workforce, we achieve a dual benefit: The society and its economy
prosper and the people are pleased that they have steady work and steady pay.

This system of knowledge building in a society creates a strong sense of confidence in the
people. They have a sincere sense of pride as they know who they are. For a man to know
where he is headed, he must first know where he was, where he is, and what got him to the
state that he is currently in. Once there is an understanding of these issues we can begin
planning how to get out of or improve our current state.

Why is building a strong Muslim economy so important?

I will keep this very simple and precise insha’Allah. A weak economy causes a nation to
become dependent on other nations for the basic everyday items that are needed by a people.
If all Muslim nations suffer from weak economies, we end up becoming dependent on our
enemies for our sustenance and that can create the disaster that we wish to avoid.
Our first goal for having a strong economy is to ease the burden of the people, so they can
worship Allah the way He should be worshipped. Our second goal is to create an atmosphere
of activity, invention, and innovation (not in the religion of course). The main circumstance
that will bring about a better economic situation for all Muslim countries is that the people
feel that they are being rewarded for their effort and work. Once the Muslims understand that
they will be rewarded for their work, they will work in a very diligent manner for the
betterment of themselves and the betterment of this Nation.

Through this growing economy and strong work ethic, we will establish a Nation of countries
that are completely independent of the west and her allies. Therefore, we will become
impervious to the empty threats of the west, because the main threat two threats that stem
from the west are always economic or military in nature.

Finally, we have to have an economy based on the laws that Allah has sent down. We cannot
have a flimsy economy based on usury and bribes. Any economic model based on usury and
bribery will not survive. Look at America for the best example of that and look at the national
debt and the taxation of the people. This form of taxation cannot exist in a country in which
usury is absent. This form of taxation cannot exist in a country in which the laws of Allah are
obeyed and followed.

If we have a strong knowledge base and strong economy, why would we need a strong

I think this is quite simple to comprehend for even the most unenlightened of us all. The first
attack on our religion is always through our belief system. If you want a good example of that
just look at the Khawaarij and how the west is using them to lure in ignorant Muslims to their
way of thinking. Emotional zeal only takes precedence in the hearts of the ignorant. This can
also be understood through a thorough study of our history. You can read about the trials of
Imam Ahmed and the life of Ibn Taymiyya. Most importantly, you can read about how the
Qureysh and the hypocrites tried to attack Muslims at the core of their belief system in the
time of the Prophet. Refer to the story of Al-Israa wa-Mi’raaj.

If these enemies and their hypocritical cronies are unsuccessful in their attempt at dissuading
a Muslim from his belief system, they move on to the next threat which is economic in
nature. Nowadays, you will notice how this is the biggest threat the west makes to a country
that refuses to go by the party line. We have witnessed this with Iraq, Sudan, Libya,
Afghanistan, etc. over the last three decades. This form of economic warfare is meant to
completely destroy the infrastructure of a country. They hope that by placing these sanctions
on these countries, this will weaken them militarily, so when they enter that stage, they will
do so with ease.

They have another tactic which they use on ignorant Muslims and that is through enticement.
They try to entice you with their corrupted lifestyle by showing the fun that people are having
while you are sitting there slaving in a collapsing economy. This type of enticement only
appeals to the simple-minded people with no drive in their lives, which unfortunately today
make up most of the population.

The third stage is entered at the lack of success from the previous two. This stage involves
direct and indirect military force. Indirect military force of course refers to the proxy wars
that America has been waging on the Muslim people for the last 30 years. They simply play
the role of instigator and sit back while we all kill ourselves. You will find in these wars that
both sides are being supported by the same countries or shall we say government entities.
These proxy wars are easy to create once the country falls into dire straits with their desperate
economic situation. The people, hungry and out of work, can easily be aroused and excited to
anger if they feel that some form of revolution will improve their condition. A few
provocateurs can easily incite such conditions amongst the people if these conditions abound.
If they fail with the proxy wars, which will happen if you have a country truly based on the
Quran and the Sunnah, they will enter the last and final stage: Direct military conflict. At this
stage America and its allies know that there is no solution to this problem except through
complete annihilation and extermination. Any other solution will only prolong the problem.
During the proxy stage they do get somewhat involved through an advisor role and this aids
them in understanding the make-up of the country and how the enemy fights. This knowledge
will come in handy when America and her allies become directly involved militarily in a
country. If the Muslim countries had the military might to fend off the most serious of attacks
from America, the west will have no choice but to fight to the death, which Muslims should
be prepared to do, or to begin to compromise. At this point we have brought the enemy to its
knees and turned the tables so to speak. This can be witnessed through the events that
happened in Dammaj if anybody wishes to read about an event like this in our time. I am
referring here to the 2nd War between the Students of Dammaj and the diabolical devil dogs.
There is also another benefit through having knowledge, a strong economy, and a powerful
military and that is that we will avoid conflict. The countries of the world and the people of
the world will know not to mess with those Muslims because they can defend themselves.
This reputation is a protection. All the leading countries of the world sleep at night because
they know they have these characteristics intact. We, however, stress all day about what the
people are going to do to us and where we can go if our country gets attacked.


This essay was mainly brought about through two factors: observation and boredom. Since I
have been out of America I have been able to empirically research the reactions of the
Muslims in the west objectively whenever a synthetic tribulation befalls them. I have noticed
over the years this need of acceptance that did not exist before. When I was in America,
Muslims were satisfied with being different. We strived to be different, but in a good way.
We wanted to improve the way we spoke and dealt with people. We improved our lifestyles
by living a very healthy lifestyle. We started reading more. The TV and the music were
thrown out of the residence.

Nowadays, however, you see the Muslims watching the same movies, listening to the same
music, reading the same books and magazines, and being educated in the same schools as the
people who have professed war on us. That is amazing to say the least. Islam no longer
governs our lives because we have become too complacent and too ignorant of our past. You
can witness Muslims taking people like Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, Che Guevara,
Nelson Mandela, etc. as heroes while they remain ignorant about their own Prophet and his
Companions. They remain ignorant of OUR great heroes in our great history. This has to
change. If we ever wish to be accepted, we need to show the world that we are something
special. Something different. The world needs us. America needs us, but we do not need her.
We wish her no harm. As long as she remains peaceful with us, we will be the most peaceful.
Our problem is with tyranny and oppression. This we are willing to join the fight against. We
are willing to die if it can bring about a just system for the world to follow. That justice can
only be through what Allah has revealed and nothing else. Every other system has failed us.

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