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Organelle Structure Function

Plasma (cell) Phospholipid bilayer with

membrane embedded proteins
Nucleus Double membrane
(envelope) with pores
Nucleolus No real ‘structure’, but is
prominent in nucleus
Ribosomes rRNA and protein; NO
Smooth ER Network of flattened sacs of
membrane connected to the
nuclear envelope; NO
Rough ER Network of flattened sacs of
membrane connected to the
nuclear envelope; HAS
Vesicles Membranous sac

Golgi apparatus Flattened sacs of membrane

stacked on top of one another
but NOT connected
Lysosomes Contains digestive enzymes
in a membranous sac
Contractile Membranous sac; looks like
vacuole a wheel with spokes; protists
Central Vacuole Large membranous sac; in
Cell wall Cellulose in plants; chitin in
fungi; NOT in animals
Chloroplasts Double membrane; has DNA
and ribosomes
Mitochondria Double membrane; has DNA
and ribosomes
Cytoskeleton Proteins: microfilaments,
intermediate filaments, and
Centrioles Microtubules (3-1
arrangement); in animals
Cilia Microtubules (9+2
Flagella Microtubules (9+2

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