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School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical College,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 8 0 7 3 1 , R . O . C .

Key Word Index-Isoquinoline alkaloids; alkaloid N-oxides; oxidation;

m-chloroperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA).

The physical properties of the A'-oxides prepared by the oxidation of tertiary

isoquinoline alkaloids with rn-chloroperbenzoic acid are presented and are compared
with those of their parent alkaloids.

About one hundred different alkaloid be used for the preparation of tertiary
N-oxides, of which thirty belong to the amine N-oxides, we chose m-chloroper-
isoquinoline type, have been isolated from benzoic acid (mz-CPBA) a s the oxidizing
natural sources'-"). Among them, there agent") because of the facility of use, the
are some alkaloid N-oxides which show stability of the reagents and the good
significant biological activity. For example yields of products. Thirty one isoquinoline
indicine N-oxide, a pyrrolizidine isolated alkaloids (Scheme I, 1-31) were treated
from Heliotuopium indicunz (Boraginaceae), with tlz-CPBA in chloroform by the method
has strong antitumor activityIs). Tubotai- described in the Experimental section.
wine N-oxide an indole isolated from T h e isoquinoline alkaloid hT-oxides (Scheme
Tabernamontuna holstii (Apocynaceae), I, la-318) were obtained and characterized
shows activity against the p-388 cell''). by their physical and spectral data (rnp.,
But until now, to our knowledge, there is tlc, UV. 'H NMR and MS)') a s shown in
no report on the biological activities of Tables 1-8. In general, the K f values in
isoquinoline alkaloid N-oxides. In order tlc, the chemical shifts of the N-Me
to carry out the screening of the biological groups in 'H NMR and the mass numbers
activities of the isoquinoline aIkaloid in the MS of AT-oxides are different from
N-ox i des, thirty one tertiary i soq u i n o 1i ne those of the parent alkaloids. All of them
alkaloids have been oxidized by m-CPBA are new compounds except reticuline
in chloroform. In this paper we report
the oxidation reactions and the properties
N-oxidezl (4a), isocorydine N-oxideLa)(17a1,
of the products. glaucine N-oxide'' (18a), protopine A'-
Though there are several kinds of oxide1') (19a) and atherosperrninine
oxidizing agents (such as hydrogen N-oxide") (28a) which can be obtained
peroxide and organic peracids) which may from natural sources.
Scheme I
( A 1 Benz y lisoqu i noli nes :

Papaverine (1)
Ivv N
Papaverine N-oxide (la)
I 1

J. Chin. Chem. S O C . ,34, 33-42 (1987)


( R ) Benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines

Substituted groups
Parent alkaloids {I) A'-Oxides (11)
1 6 7 ~
3' ~~
( f ) - A r m e p a v i n e (2) (fa) OMe OMe I-I OH
(+)-Armepavine (3) (3a) OMe Ohle H OH
i-)-Armepavine (4) (4a) OMe OMe 1.1 OH
(+)-Reticdine (5) 158) OMe OH OH 0 Me
(+)-Laudanidine (6) (6a) OMe OME OH OMe
(?)-N-Methylcoclaurine (7) (7s) OMe OH H OH
(+I-N-Methylcoclaurine (8) (84 OMe OH H OH

( C ) Aporphines:

Suhstututed groups
N-Oxides tion of 6a
Parent alkaloids (111)
(IV) 9 10 11 6a

(-)-N-Methylxylopine (9) OCH,O OMe H H R

(+)-Dicentrine (10) OCH,O OMe OMe H S
(-)-Nuciferine (11) OMe OMe H li H R
(i-)-N-Methylactinodaphnine (12) OCH,O OH OMe H S
(+)-N-Methylnandigerine (13) OCH,O H OH OMe s
(+)-0-Methylbulbocapnine (14) OCH,O 1-i OMe OMe S
(+)-N-Methyllaurotetanine (15) OMe OMe OH OMe €I s
. ( + ) - B o l d h e (16) OMe OH OH OMe H S
(+)-Isocorydine (17) OMe OMe H OMe OH S
(+)-Glaucine (18) OMe OMe OMe OMe H S

( D ) Protopines:

Protopine (19)
Protopinc N-oxide 119a) ,

( E ) I’avincs:

Substituted groups
Parent alkaloids 0’) N-Oxides (VI)

(- )-Caryac hine (20) (20n) 0 ki OMe

( k)-Caryachine (21) (2la) 0 I-I OMe
( b)-0-Methylcaryachine (22) (228) OltIe 0 Me
Cr ych i ne ( =eschschol t zine) (23) (23a) OCH,O

( F) Tetrahydroprotoberberines (=berbines):

Parent alkaloids (VII) N-Oxides (VIIr) 1 Substituted groups

1 2 3 9 10

( t )-Tetrahydroberberine (24) (244 OCH,O OMe OMe

{ k ) - T e t r a h y d r o j a t r o r r h i z i n e (25) (25a) OMe OH OMe OMe
(k)-Tetrahydropalmatine (=corypairnine) (26) (268) OMe OMe OMe OMe
-. ~

( c )Spirobenzylisoquinolines:


Substituted groups
Parent alkaloids (IX) N-Oxides (XI
3 4 6 7

Atherosperminine (28) OMe OMe H H

Dicentrine methine (29) OCHzO OMe OMe
Claucine methine (30) OMe OMe OM. OMe
N-Methylxylopine methine (31) OCH,O kI OMe

Table 1. The physical data of papaverine and its N-oxide

i mp. ("C) MS h/z)

Papaverine (1) 147-148 339(Mt)

Papaverine N-oxide (la) HCI: 185-190 355(M+)

Table 2. The physical data of the benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines and their N-oxides

Benz y ltetrahydroisoquinolines N-Oxides

'H NMR 'H NhiR

mp. ("C) N-Me (8) MS (rn/z) m p . ("C) N-Me (6) MS ( m l d
147-148 2.60 313(Mt) 215-217 3.72 329(Mt)
312(Mt- 17)
145-146 2.62 313(M +) 172-175 3.70 329(Mt)
148-149 2.58 313(Mt) 165-168 3.72 329(Mt)
ICIO,: 203-20 2.37 329(M+) 160-163 3.72 345(Mt)
,179-180 2.51 343(Mt) 157-159 3.68 359(Mt)
110-112 2.43 299(M+) 203-206 3.78 315(Mt)
114-116 2.43 299(Mt) 205-208 3.78 315(M+)

Table 3. The physical data of the aporphines and their N-oxides

Aporp hines N-Oxides
N-Me (6) MS (m/z) mp. ("C) -N-Me (6) MS ( m / z )
- -
1oa- 1I o 2.52 309(M') HC 1:195- 198 3.32 325(M*)
162-163 2.54 339(M') 95-97 3.02 355(Mt)
165 2.54 294(M*) HC1:202-205 3.38 310(Mt)
210-212 2.57 325(Mt) 170-172 4.02 341(M+)
324(M+- 17)
169- 170 2.53 325(M*) 233-235 3.88 341(Mt)
129-130 2.54 339(Mt) 105-108 3.54 355(Mt)
338(Mt- 17)
237-238 2.52 341(M+) 125-127 3.90 357iM')
161 2.58 327(M+) 155-157 3.78 343(M+)
327(Mt- 16)
180-1 81 2.51 341(M+) H C 1 :228-230 3.50 357(M+)
340( M+-17)
120-121 2.50 355(M+) 95-97 3.92 371(M+)

mp. ("C) IH NMR N-Me (S)! M S (m/z)

Protopine (19) 207 1.96 353(Mt)

Protopine ,%'-oxide (19a) 152-155 3.68 369(M*)


174- 175 2.49 275-277 3.86 341(Mt)

(21) 241-242 2.53 325(M*) (218) 250-252 3.88 341(M+)
324 (M+- 17)
(22) HCI:178-180 2.52 339( M t, (22a) 105-!08 3.48 355(M+)

(23) P'icrate:177 2.48 323(M+) (23a) oil I 3.50 1


322(Mt- 17)

Table 6. The physical data of the tetrahydroprotoberberines and their N-oxides

Tetrah ydroprotoberines
MS (m/z)

168-370 339(M+) 21 0-23 3 355(M+)

220-212 34 1(M+) 210-215
II 357(M+)
148 355(M+) 190-193 371 (M +)
355(M+- 16)

Dihydroochotensimine (29) I 93-94 2.52 367(M+)
Dihydroochotensimine N-oxide (278) 35-40 3.00 383(M+)
366(M+- 17)

Table 8. The physical data of t h e phenanthrenes and. their N-oxides*

I Phenanthrenes 1 I N-Oxides

(28) (COOH),:201-203 2.37 309(M +) (28a) 80-82 1 3.36

. 2.35
j 3.22

EXPERIMENTAL E.M. Merck 7734 silica gel 60 was u zed

for column chromatography and silica1 gel
Melting points were determined on a GF-254 was used for thin layer chromato-
Yanaco micromelting point apparatus and graphy. All alkaloids a r e available in our
a r e uncorrected. Optical rotations were laboratory except (-)-nuciferine and
measured on a Jasco model Dip-181 Digital (+)-boldine. nz-Chloroperbenzoic acid
Polarimeter. Ultraviolet absorption spectra (nz-CPBA) was purchased from Wako Pure
were obtained on a Beckman model 34 Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan. '
Spectrophotometer. T h e 'H-nuclear mag-
netic resonance spectra were taken on a General procedure for the rn-CPBA oxida-
Varian EM 360 L, 60 A3Hz Spectrometer tion of isoquinoline alkaloids (1-31)
with tetramethylsilane a s internal standard
and chemical shifts recorded in 6 (ppnz) The chloroform solution of wz-CPBA
units. Mass spectra were measured with (0.75 g , ca. 0.0045 snol ) was gradually added
a Jeol ;IMS-D-lOO mass Spectrometer. to the chIoroform solution of the

isoquinoline alkaloids (0.50 g) (1-31) with [a1~'+164" (MeOH, c==O.l). UV, 'H NMR
stirring a t room temperature. The and MS are same as dl-armepavine
stirring was continued f o r l h r , and then N-oxide (Za).
the mixture was heated to reflux on a D-( -)-Armepavine N-oxide (4a): Color-
water bath for 1-2hrs. The conversion of less prisms, mp. 165-168' (Mc,CO-CHCI,).
the starting materials into their N-oxides [a1?-24O0 (MeOH, c=O.l). UV, 'H NMR
was determined by tlc; the solvent system and MS are same as dl-armepavine
was CHCl,:MeOH=6:1. After cooling the N-oxide (Za).
reaction mixture was passed through a t-(+)-Reticdine N-oxide (513): Color-
silica gel column and eluted with
less prisms, mp. 160-163" (Me,CO-CHCI,).
chloroform in order to remove the
unchanged base, m-CPBA and m-chloro- C ~ r l ~ ' + l l 2(MeOH,
~ c=O.I). UV (MeOH)
nm (log E ) : 282 (3.80). 'H NMR (CF,COOH):
benzoic acid. Methanol was then used as
6 3.72 (3H, S, NMe), 4.10 (6H, s, OMex2),
eluent t o collect the N-oxide. The
6.28 (lH, S, H-5), 6.80-7.28 (4H, m, H-8, Z',
methanol eIuent was concentrated to
5' and 6'). MS 70ev, m / r : 345 (M'), 329
remove the solvent under reduced pressure.
(M+-16), 328 (M+-17), 312, 298, 286, 271, 253,
The residue was again purified by SiO,
239, 225, 211 and 192.
column chromatography (solvent: MeOH)
L-( +)-Laadanidine N-oxide (6a): Color-
or by recrystallization. For ( - ) - N -
less prisms, mp. 157-159" (Me,CO-MeOH).
methylxylopine (9), (+)-dicentrine (10) and
(-)-nuciferine (ll),the reflux process was [ ~ ] ~ ~ + 1 4(MeOH,
6' c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH)
nm (log F): 280 (3.78). 'H NMR (CF,COON):
omitted, and in the concentration process
the methanol eluent is not heated. The 6 3.68 (3H, s, NMe), 3.72 (3H,s, OMe), 4.06
yieIds of the isoquinoline alkaloid N-oxides (6H, s, OMex2), 6.10 (IH, s, H-6) and
were in the range of 20-85%. 6.90-7.22 (4H, m, H-8, 2', 5' and 6'). MS
7 0 e v , m/z: 359 (M*),343 (M*-16), 342
(M+-17), 312, 311, 300, 285, 268, 253, 206 and
The physical data of the N-oxides
Papaverine N-oxide (la): Oily base, dE-N-Methylcoclaurine N-oxide (7a):
'H NMR (CF,COOW): 8 3.98 (9H, s,OMex3), CoiorIess needles, mp. 203-206' (MeOH).
4.02 (3H, s, OMe), 6.26 (lH, s, R-5), 7,OS (1H. CaJ?kOo (MeOH, c=O.l). UV A,,, (MeOH)
s, H-8) and 7.22 (5H, nt, H-3, 4, 2', 5', and nm (log E ) : 282 (3.78). 'H NMR (CF,COOH):
6'). Hydrochloride: colorless prisms, mp. 6 3.78 (3B, s, NMe), 4.00 (3H, s, OMe-61, 6.32
185-190" (Me,CO-MeOH). [aIk4+OD (MeOH, (lH, s, H-6), 6.84 (lH, s, H-8) and 6.98 (4H,
c=O.l). U V A,, (MeOH) nnz (log E ) : 240 s, H-2', 3', 5' and 6'). MS 70eV, m / t : 315
(4.51), 280 (3.74), 316 (4.02) and 324 (3.63). (Mt), 299 {M+-16), 298 (M+-17), 268, 256, 241,
MS 70eV, d t : 355 (M'), 339 (Mt-16), 338 223, 208, 192, 177, 165 and 107.
(Mt-17), 324, 307, 293, 280 and 264. D-(+)-N-Methylcoclaurine N-oxide (8a):
dl-Armepavine N-oxide (Za): Colorless Colorless prisms, mp. 205-208° (MeOH),
prisms, mp. 215-217' (Me,CO-CHCl,). [a]Zd+42' (MeOH, c=O,l). UV, 'H NMR
[a]i4f00 (MeOH, c=O.l). UV A,,, (MeOH) and MS are same as dl-N-methylcoclaurine
nm (log E ) : 280 (3.75). 'H NMR (CF,COOH): N-oxide (7a).
6 3.73 (3H, s, NMe), 3.97 (3H, s, OMe), 4.07 (-)-N-Methylxylopine N-oxide (9a):
(3H, S, OMe), 6.27 (IH, S, H-5), 7.09 (lH, S, OiIy base, 'H NMR (CDCI,): 6 3.32 (3H, s,
H-8) and 7.23 (4H,s, H-Z', 3', 5' and 6'). NMe), 3.78 (33, s, OMe-9), 5.84 and 6.00
MS 70eV, m / t : 329 (M*), 313 (M+-16), 312 (each lH, d, J=2.OHz, OCH,O-I, Z), 6.48
(Mt-17), 311, 296, 282, 270, 255, 238, 222 and (lH, S , H-3), 6.74 (IH, S, H-8), 6.78 (IH,d ,
192. J=lO.O Hz, H-lo) and 7.80 (lH, d , J=IO.O Nz,
L-(+)-Armepavine N-oxide (3a): Color- €I-11). Hydrochloride: colorless needles,
less prisms, mp. 172-175" (Me,CO-CHCI,). mp. 195-198" (Me,CO). [&-59" (MeOH,

c=O.l). UV Amax (MeOH) nnt (loge): 220 [ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ + 1(MeOH,

86" c=O.l). UV Am.* (MeOH)
(4.411, 284 (4.38). MS 70eV, m / t : 325 (M+), r ~ m(log&): 236 (4.23), 274 (3.96) and 308
309 (M+-16), 308 (M'-17), 294, 266, 208 and (3.68). 'H NMR (CDC1,): 6 3.54 (3H, s,
164. NMe), 3.92 (3H, s, OMe), 4.00 (3H, s, OMe),
(-)-Dicentrine N-oxide (loa): Colorless 6.02 and 6.28 (each lH, d, J=2.0 Hz,
prisms, mp. 95-97" (MeOH). E a ] ~ - 2 O 0 OCH,O-1, 2). 6.88 (lH, S, H-3), 7.04 (lH, d ,
(MeOH, c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH) nllz (log E ) : J=S.OUz, H-8) and 7.28 (ZH, d , J=S.O Hz,
226 (4.31). 282 (4.02) and 306 (3.68). 'H NMR H-10). MS 70 elr, m / z : 355 (M+),339 (M+-16),
(CDC1,): 6 3.02 (3H, s, NMe), 3.92 (6H, s, 338 (M+-17), 324, 309, 296, 281, 265, 251, 237,
OMeX2), 5.94 and 6.12 (each lH, d, 222, 163 and 151.
J~Z.OHZ,OCH20-1, 2), 6.52 (lH, S, H-3), (+) -N-Methyllaurotetanine N-oxide
6.84 (lH, s, H-8) and 7.60 (lH, s, H-11). MS (15a): Colorless prisms, mp. 125-127"
70eV, m / t : 355 (Mt), 339 (M+-16), 338 (CHCI,). [cr]?+102O (MeOH, c=O.l). UV
(M+-17), 337, 296, 281, 279, 265, 251, 223, 195, A,,, (MeOH) nm (log E): 220 (4.32), 285 (4.14)
176, 165, 163 and 151. and 312 (3.46). 'H NMR (CF,COOQ): 6 3.90
(-)-Nuciferine N-oxide (Ila): Oily (3H, s, NMe), 3.92 (3H, s, OMe), 4.02 (6H, s,
base, 'H NMR (CDCI,): 6 3.38 (3H, s, NMe), OMex2), 6.86 (lH, s, H-3), 7.02 (lH, s, H-8)
3.54 (3H, s, OMe), 3.84 (3W, s, OMe), 6.62 and 8.06 (lH, s, H-11). MS 70eT/, W ' Z : 357
(IH, s, H-3), 7.22 (3H, m, H-8, 9 and 10) and (M'), 341 (Mt-16), 340 (M+-17), 326, 310, 298,
8.28 (lH, PIE, H-11). Hydrochloride: colorless 283, 267, 255, 251, 240, 211, 181, 168, 152 and
needles, mp. 202-205" (Me,CO). Cal~4-1820 139.
(MeOH, c=O.l). WV A,, (MeOH) nm (log E j : (+)-Boldhe N-oxide (16a): Colorless
230 (4.40), 278 (4.06) and 314 (3.82). MS needles, mp. 155-157" (Me,CO). ral~d+130"
70eV, . m / z : 310 (M+),294 (M+-16), 293 IMeOH, c=O.l). UV ,Ima, (MeOH) nm (log E ) :
(M4-17); 280, 264, 252, 237, 221, 207, 194, 189, 218 (4.43), 285 (4.12) and 308 (3.42). 'H NMR
168 and 165. - (CE,COOH): 6 3.78 (3H, s, NMe), 3.88 (3H,
(+)-N-Methylactinodaphnine N-oxide s, OMe), 4.02 (3H, s, OMe), 6.90 (lH, s, H-31,
(12a): Light grayish needles, mp. 170-172O 7.04 (IH, s, H-8) and 8.04 (IH, s, H-11).
(MeOH). [al?+74O (MeOH, c=O.l). UV MS 70eT/, m / z : 343 (M'), 327 (M+-16), 326
Jmaz (MeOH) n m (log E): 218 (4.28), 284 (3.98) (M'-17), 312, 296, 284, 269, 240, 225, 197, 181,
and 310 (3.56). 'H NMR (CF,COOH): 8 4.02 169, 152 and 139.
(3H, s, NMe), 4.20 (3H, s, OMe), 6.30 and (+)-Isocorydine N-oxide (X7a): Oily
6.40 (eadh lH, d, J=Z.OHz, OCH,O-I, Z), base, 'H NMR (CDCI,): 6 3.50 (3H, s, NMe),
6.90 (lH, s, H-3), 7.22 (IH, s, H-8)and 8.18 3.78 (3H, s, OMe), 4.02 (3H, s, OMe), 4.04
(lH, s, H-11). MS 70eV, m/z: 341 (M+), 325 (3H, s, OMe), 6.85 (IH, s, H-3) and 6.96 (2H,
(M'-16), 324 (M'-17), 310, 308, 294, 282, 267, s, H-8 and 9). Hydrochloride: colorless
251, 238, 224, 165 and 152. needles, mp. 228-230" (Me,CO). [a]?+247"
(+)-N-MethylnandigerineN-oxide (13a): (MeOH, c=0.1). UV Am.. (MeOH) nm (logE ) :
Light grayish prisms, mp. 233-235" 223 (4.38), 270 (4.06) and 304 (3.82). MS
(MeOH-Me,CO). ra1?+284* (MeOH, c=O.l). 7Oev, m j z : 357 (M?, 341 (M*-16), 340
UV Amas (MeOH) nm log^): 226 (4.30), 274 (M+-17), 326, 310, 298, 283, 267, 251, 239, 196,
(4.21) and 312 (3.48). 'H NMR (CF,COOH): 152 and 139.
6 3.88 (3H, s, NMe), 4.00 (3IJ, s, OMe), 6.12 (+)-Glaucine N-oxide (18a): Colorless
and 6.36 (each TH, s, OCH,O-1, Z), 7.20 (lH, prisms, mp. 95-97' (Me,CO). [a]gf123°
s, H-3) and 7.36 (2H, s, H-8 and 9). MS (MeOH, c=O.l). UV ,Imax(MeOH) nm (log E ) :
70eV, nt/z: 341 (M+),325 (M"-16), 324 220 (4.41), 282 (4.02) and 306 (3.84). '11 NMR
(M+-17), 323, 310, 294, 282, 266, 251, 237, 222, (CF,COOH): 6 3.92 (3H, s, NMe), 4.08 (12H,
209, 181, 165 and 152. s, OMeX4), 6.90 (IH, s, H-3), 7.04 (lH, s,
(+) - 0 - Methylbulbocapnine N-oxide H-8) and 8.10 (lH, s, H-11). MS 70 eV, m / z :
(14a): Amorphous, mp. 105-108" (Et,O). 371 (Mf), 355 (Mt-16), 354 (Mt-17), 340, 324,

312, 297, 281, 269, 265, 165, 152 and 139. (k)-Tetrahydrajatrorrhizine N-oxide
Protopine N-oxide (19a): Colorless (25a): Colorless prisms, mp. 210-215"
needles, mp. 152-155" (MeOH). CalL4+O" (MeOH-CHCI,). ra1?50" (MeOH, c=O.1).
(MeOH, c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH) nm (log E): UV ,Imax (MeOH) nnz (log E ) : 282 (3.96). MS
298 (3.98). 'H NMR (CF,COOH): 6 3.68 (3H, 70el/, m / z : 357 (M+), 341 (M+-16), 340
s, NMe), 6.08 (4H, s, OCH,Ox2), 6.82 (lH, s, (Mt-17), 339, 324, 309, 294, 280, 265, 164 and
H-4), 7.04 (lH, S, H-ll), 7.18 (lH, S, H-1) 149.
and 7.24 (lH, s, H-12). MS 70ev, w / z : 369 (&)-Tetrahydropalmatine N-oxide (26a):
(M'), 353 (M*-16), 352 (M+-17), 322, 310, 281, Colorless needles, mp. 190-193" (MeOH).
267, 252, 206, 175 and 148. [&&O* (MeOH, ~0.1).UV A,,, (MeOH)
(-)-Caryachine N-oxide (20a): Colorless nm (log E): 282 (4.02). MS 70 el/, m / z : 371
prisms, mp. 275-277" (EtOH). Iru1?-308" (M+), 355 (M+-16), 354 (M+-17), 338, 324, 308,
(MeOH, c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH) mn (log E ) : 294, 278, 190, 164 and 149.
225 s h (4.12) and 290 (4.04). 'H NMR Dihydroochotensimine N-oxide (27a):
(CF,COOH): 6 3.86 (3H, s, NMe), 4.10 (3H, Colorless prisms, mp. 35-40: (MeOH).
s, OMe), 6.08 (ZH, s, OCH,O), 6.70 OH, s,
[a$+OO (MeOH, ~ 0 . 1 ) . UV Amas (MeOH)
H-l), 632 (lH, s, H-4), 6.90 OH, s, H-7) and
nn2 (log E): 278 (3.96). 'H NMR (CDCl,): 6
6.98 (lH, s, H-10). MS 70eV, I H / Z : 341 (M+),
3.00 (3H, s, NMe), 4.10 (3H, s, OMe), 4.18
325 (MS-16), 324 [Mt-17), 310, 295, 281, 218,
(3H, s, OMe), 6.28 (ZH, s, OCH,O), 6.98 (lH,
190, 188 and 175.
s, H-I) and 7.12 (3H, s, H-4, 11 and 12).
dl-Caryaehine N-oxide (21a): CoIorless
MS 70el/, m / t : 383 (Mt), 367 (Mt-16), 366
prisms, mp. 250-252" (MeOH). Ea1%O0 (M*-17), 335, 324, 308, 293 and 206.
(MeOH, c=O.l). UV, 'H NMR and MS are
Atherosperminine N - oxide (28a):
same as (-)-caryachine N-oxide (20a).
Colorless needIes, mp. 80-82" (Me,CO).
(+)-Q-Methylcaryachine N-oxide (22a):
Amorphous, mp. 105-108' (Et,O), [a1:+159" l i J ~ _ + o(MeOH,
o c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH)
(MeOH;c=O.l). UV A,, (MeOH) n m (log E): nm (log E ) : 213 (4.32), 234 (4.46), 252 (4.64),
225 s h (4.22) and 289 (4.12). 'H NMR 258 (4.70), 279 sh (4.02), 304 (4.061, 313 (4.061,
346 (3.52) and 364 (3.54). '€3 NMR (CDC1,):
(CDCI,):6 3.48 (3H, s, NMe), 3.90 (3H, s,
OMe), 3.92 (3H, 5, OMe), 5.98 and 6.02 (each
6 3.36 (6H,s, N(Me),), 3.95 (3H, s, OMe), 4.04
IH, s, OCH,O), 6.60 (ZH, s, H-l and 10 or (3R, s, OMe), 7.31 (IH, s, H-Z), 7.46-7.98 (5H,
€3-4 and 9) and 6,72 (2H, s, H-4 and 9 o r m, H-6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) and 9.54 (IH, m,
H-1 and 10). MS 70eV, m / t : 355 (M+), 339 H-5). MS 70eT/, m / z : 325 (M', non
(M+-16), 338 (M+-17), 324, 322, 308, 292, 204 detectable), 264 (M+-61), 249, 233 and 217.
and 188. Dicentrine methine N-oxide (29a):
Crychine N-oxide (23a): Amorphous CoIorless microneedles, mp. 98-100"
(Et,O), [ c ~ 1 ~ - 2 0 1(MeOH,
~ c=O.l). UV Lz (Me,CO). C c t ~ l ? k O O (MeOH, c=O.l). UV
(MeOH) n m (Iog E): 226 sh (4.08) and 290 Amex (MeOH) n m (log €1: 214 (4.28). 236 (4.42),
(3.96). 'H NMR (CDC1,): 6 3.50 (3H, s, 254 (4.61). 258 (4.68), 279 sh (4.001, 304 (4.04).
NMe), 5.98 (4H, s, OCH,Ox2), 6.56 (ZH, s, 315 (4.05), 346 (3.51) and 364 (3.52). 'H NMR
H-4 and 7 or H-1 and 10) and 6.70 (2H, s, (CDCI,): 6 3.22 (6H, s, N(Me),), 4.00 (3H, s,
H-I and 10 or H-4 and 7). MS 70eV, m/z: OMe), 4.02 (3H, s, OMe), 6.28 (2H, s, OCH,O),
339"(M+), 323 (M+-16), 322 (M+-17), 308, 292, 7.26 (IH, S, H-2), 7.32 (IH, S, H-8), 7.70 (IH,
235 and 188. d, J=lO.OHz, H-9), 8.00 (IW, d. J=TO.OHz,
(k)-Tetrahydroberberine N-oxide (24a): H-10)and 8.88 (lH, s, H-5). MS 70eV, m/z:
Colorless needles, mp. 210-213" (Me,CO). 369 (M*, non detectable), 308 (Mt-61), 293,
[ar]~'+O" (MeOH, c=O.l). UV ,Imaz (MeOH) 277, 262, 247, 245 and 139.
nm (log E ) : 283 (4.02). MS 70 eV, m/z: 355 Glaueine methine N-oxide (30a):
(MS), 339 (M+-16), 338 (Mt-17), 322, 307, 292, Colorless prisms, mp. 118-120" (Me,CO).
278, 174, 164 and 149. Cal:4k00 (MeOH, c=O.1). UV R,, (MeOH)

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