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Lección 8: Stem-changing –ir verbs in the preterite (p.

1. As we learnt in lesson 7, -ar and –er verbs with stem changes in the present tense have no change in
the preterite:
a) (present) encontrar (o>u): encuentro-encuentras-encuentra-encontramos-encontráis-encuentran
—(preterit): encontré-encontraste-encontró-encontramos-encontrasteis-encontraron
b) entender (e>ie): entiendo-entiendes-entiende-entendemos-entendéis-entienden
—(preterit): entendí-entendiste-entendió-entendimos-entendisteis-entendieron

2. However, -ir verbs with stem changes in the present tense have stem changes in the 3rd person
singular and plural forms of the preterite” (e > i, o > u)

[e > i]
Pedir (to ask for, to request, to order)

yo pedí nosotros pedimos

tú pediste vosotros pedisteis
Ud., él, ella pidió* Uds. ellos, ellas pidieron*

*Note that the only irregularity of this verb is the change e to i in the 3rd pers. sing. and plural. The
endings for these–ir verbs are regular: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -isteis, -ieron.

Other –ir verbs that follow this pattern (e > i):

conseguir [to obtain, to get] seguir [to continue, to follow]
divertir(se) [to have fun, to amuse (oneself)] sentir(se) [to feel (oneself)]
mentir [to lie] servir [to serve]
preferir [to prefer] sugerir [to suggest]

[o > u]
Morir (to die) Dormir (to sleep)

morí dormí
moriste dormiste

murió * durmió*

morimos dormimos
moristeis dormisteis
murieron* durmieron*

As in the group above, the only changes are in the 3rd pers. sing. & plural; the endings are regular.

The following two verbs are introduced in lesson 8

1. Jugar (to play a game, to play with)

Present (u <ue) Preterit (1st person irregular only)

yo juego jugué
tú juegas jugaste
él juega jugó
nosotros/as jugamos jugamos
vosotros/as jugáis jugasteis
ellos juegan jugaron

E.g.: Ellos juegan al hockey sobre hielo los sábados. They play ice hockey on Saturdays.
Yo jugué al golf ayer por la tarde. I played golf yesterday afternoon.

*NOTE: Do not use the verb jugar for “to play music”. The verb that is used for “to play an instrument”
is tocar (e.g.: Yo toco el piano. “I play the piano”/ or, Yo toqué el piano. “I played the piano”---1 st person
irregular in the preterite).
The verb tocar also means “to touch”, “to ring” a bell, and “to knock” on a door.
2. Encantar (to love, to like very much)
a) As with the verb gustar, encantar is used with an indirect object pronoun *(me, te, le, nos, os, les)
b) As with gustar, the most commonly used forms of encantar are the 3rd person singular and 3rd person
plural. The verb agrees in number with the thing(s) being liked, not with the person.

(prepositional phrase ind. obj. pron. + verb + the thing(s) being loved
provides clarification
or emphasis—optional)

(A mí) me el mar (singular)

(A ti) te encanta bucear y hacer surfing
(A él, ella, Ud.) [no] le + (any action, verbs)

(A nosotros/as) nos
(A vosotros/as) os encantan las papas fritas
(A ellos, ellas, Uds) les las películas de amor (plural)


Textbook: C, p. 214 (answers in p.361)
Workbook: F & G, p. 78

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