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貝鐳華顧問有限公司 Beria Consultants Limited

工料測量師:工程采購, Quantity Surveyors: Construction Procurement,

合同及造價顧問 Contract & Cost Consultants
工程項目經理 Project Managers

We manage and add value to your construction and engineering

projects from inception to completion

Who we are
Beria Consultants Limited (Beria) is an independent consultancy
firm which provides services with added value to projects in the
construction and related industries in Greater China and Asia
Pacific Region, through our professional services which are
broadly classified under:
n Quantity Surveying, Cost Engineering, Contract Management

and Procurement
n Project Management

n Support Services for auditing, insurance, taxation, asset

appraisal, asset management, property and facility

management, mediation, arbitration and litigation.

What we do
In today’s complex construction industry, a client needs to
procure a professional service provider in order to effectively and
efficiently realize his plan for his business needs and objectives.
Our Project Management services manage the whole process
of the project cycle for you, from the earliest stage of inception
and establishing your business needs, through the design and
construction stages to completion and the final close-out.
This includes engaging and managing the various disciplines
and specialists in planning, costing, designing, procuring,
constructing, supervising and commissioning the project.
Our Quantity Surveying, Cost Engineering & Contract
Our Vision Management services focus on the cost and contractual aspects
of the whole process whilst our Procurement services focus on
To be a high quality service provider in construction, strategic purchasing, vulnerability management, negotiations
engineering and property related consultancy in and commercial relationships.
Greater China and Asia Pacific Region.
Our Staff
Our Mission Our staff members have substantial and diverse hands-on
experience in the construction and engineering fields, having
n To deliver world-class services of best value to
previously worked for consultants, developers, government,
our clients utilities and contractors, not only in Hong Kong but also in Mainland
n To provide a safe, healthy and fulfilling work China, England and Australia. Besides academic achievements, we
environment for our employees have qualified members of relevant professional bodies, such as:
n Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
n To contribute and add value to the economic n Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
development of the organizations which we serve n Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors

n China Engineering Cost Association

n Chartered Institute of Building

n Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

n Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers

n Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

“Beria’s management is committed to providing the highest

quality of services to clients” – Auditor of a quality assurance agency
中國海南省三亞市 香港中華電力公司電力分支站及 香港大嶼山東涌
高級渡假酒店 架空電纜維修及改善工程 第二區游泳館

我們的目標 我們的使命
為大中華及亞太地區 n 致力為客戶提供最優質的國際性
的建設工程及房地產 服務
發展相關項目提供優 n 為員工提供安全、健康及理想的
質的顧問服務 工作環境
n 為所服務的機構提升經濟效益

貝鐳華顧問有限公司(貝鐳華)是獨立的顧問公 我們的工料測量、招標、造價及合同管理等
司,為大中華及亞太地區的建築及各類相關工程 服務專注于整個工程項目的造價與合同事宜;而
項目提供完備而又能提升價值的服務。我們的專 采購服務則專注策略采購、漏洞管理、協商及商
業服務包括: 務聯繫。
n 工料測量、造價管理、合同管理及采購

n 項目管理

n 審計、保險、稅務、資產評估、資產管理、調 專業團隊
解、仲裁及訴訟等工程支援服務 貝鐳華的專業團隊成員擁有豐富又多樣化的經
服務內容 作。他們均擁有大學或以上學歷,並具備各種與
在現今錯綜複雜的建築行業裡,客戶需要達到完 建築相關的專業學會會員資格,包括:
善而有效率的工作流程;聘用專業的顧問及管理 n 香港測量師學會

服務,可以使客戶按計劃達標並提升競爭能力。 n 英國皇家特許測量師學會

貝鐳華的工程項目管理服務包括:從項目的 n 澳洲工料測量師學會

啟動,到設計和建造期,至竣工及決算。過程 n 中國建設工程造價管理協會

中,我們為您聘請和管理不同範疇的專業人員參 n 英國特許建造學會

與籌劃、造價、設計、采購、建造、管理及啟用 n 英國特許仲裁師學會

等各項目階段。 n 香港營造師學會

n 英國特許采購及供應學會

— 品質保證局審核員
Our Range of Services 服務範圍
Beria has delivered and is currently engaged in a wide variety of construction 貝鐳華參與的工程項目種類繁多,計有土木工程、樓
projects ranging from civil engineering, building, fitting-out, renovation to 房建造、裝修改建及保養維修等。客戶包括工商及住
repair works. Our clients range from commercial, educational, industrial 宅發展、教育、酒店、政府及公用設施等機構。
and hospitality to government and utility organisations. 就一般工程項目來說,我們建議客戶,由最初啟動
Our range of services and tasks are listed below. It is recommended 階段開始,便委任我們提供項目全期所需之各類型顧
that, for a normal capital project, we are appointed for the full spectrum of 問服務,以確保整個工程項目運作完美,並讓客戶分
pre- and post-contract services at the earliest stage of the project cycle to 享優質的服務及成果。本公司的服務及工作範圍詳列
ensure the greatest impact on delivering a successful project. 如下:

Quantity Surveying 工料測量

n Feasibility Studies n 可行性研究

n Estimating/budgeting n 估算/預算

n Cost Planning & Control n 造價規劃及控制

n Tender/Contract Documentation including Bills of Quantities n 制訂包括工程量清單的招標/合同文件

n Contract Management n 合同管理

n Valuation of work-in-progress n 中期付款證書估算

n Variations assessment n 工程變更造價評估

n Claims assessment n 索賠評估

n Final Accounts n 竣工結算

n Contractual Advice n 合同諮商

n Value Engineering n 價值工程研究

Project Management 工程項目管理

n Project Charter n 項目章程

n Project Team Formation n 建立項目團隊

n Stakeholders Management n 協調各關聯方

n Strategic Planning n 策略規劃

n Programme Management n 流程管理

n Risk Management n 風險管理

n Resources Management n 資源管理

n Safety, Hygiene, Environmental & Quality Management n 安全、衛生、環境及質量管理

n Change Management n 變更管理

Procurement 采購
n Procurement Planning n 采購計劃

n Identification of Business Needs, Objectives & Targets of Stakeholders n 釐定項目關聯方之需求及目標

n Sourcing, Pre-qualification & Selection of Vendors n 挑選、預審及遴選承包商/供應商

n Evaluation of Tender Offers n 評估投標報價

n Negotiation n 協商

n Procurement/Contract Strategy n 采購/合同策略

n Supply Chain Management n 供應鏈管理

n Supplier Relationship Management n 聯系承包商/供應商

Support Services 支援服務
n Reinstatement Assessment for Fire Insurance n 火險復原評估

n Tax Treatment of Construction Expenditure n 工程費用的稅務處理

n Depreciation & Capital Allowances in Commercial Property n 樓房物業資本及折舊免稅額估值

n Appraisal of Buildings n 樓宇估值

n Advice on Contractual Disputes n 合同糾紛諮詢

n Support Services for Auditing, Mediation, Arbitration & Litigation n 審計、調解、仲裁及訴訟的支援服務

n Property and Facility Management n 物業及設施管理

"Beria is very adaptive to our different business processes. Its cost-effective

services are very reliable especially in meeting fast-track schedules. I have
experienced no problems of getting in touch with its Directors who are very
accessible and responsive." – Senior Quantity Surveyor of a utility company
Construction Project Process 工程項目程序

Upstream 立約前期 Downstream 立約後期

Tendering &
Sourcing, Assessment
Planning Pre-qualification Tender of Tendors Design, Completion Defects
& Strategy & Selection Documentation & Award of Supply & Commissioning Liability Close-out
of Vendors Contract Construction & Handover Period
計劃及策略 挑選、預審及 招標文件 招標、評標 設計、供應 竣工、投產 保養期 決算
遴選投標商 、議標及確 及建造 及交付

Beria’s involvement in the upstream processes creates greater benefits and mitigates problems in the downstream stages

Beria’s Added Value Services 貝鐳華的增值服務

Project Management Services Procurement +
Quantity Surveying Services + Enablers
= Added Value
工料測量服務 +

Supply Positioning 供應定位 Total Cost of Ownership 業權人的總代價

High Typically Known
長處、弱點、 considered Price 價格
高 costs
Price 價格
Strategic Security Strategic Critical 機會及徵兆分析 慣性顧及 Delivery 遞送
Installation 裝置 Mobilisation 資源調動
(Bottleneck) (Critical) Installation 裝置
Inspection Testing 檢查測試
Supply Chain
Ensure Supplies Close Contract Management Design 設計
Staff availability 員工供應
Management 供應鏈管理 Down-time 停工期
Poor quality of service 劣質服務
RISK Re-design 重新設計
風險 Training Costs 培訓費用 Breaches/breakdowns 違約/損壞
Tactical Acquisition Tactical Profit Supplier Inventory Costs 存貨費用 Management and staff turnover
Environmental Problems 環保問題
(Routine) (Leverage) Relationship Safety 安全 Maintenance 保養
Retraining costs 再培訓費用
Management Documentation 制訂文件
Increasing insurance premiums
Minimum 聯繫供應商 Claims 索償 增加保險費
Obsolescence 報廢
Attention Drive Profit Safety and environment
Delays 延誤 安全及環保
Typically not Performance 功能
considered Hidden Costs Effect on own staff
Low Low VALUE High 隱藏代價 影響員工
低 低 高
©Copyright PMMS consulting
©Copyright PMMS consulting

一 公用事業公司資深建築工料測量師
How we do it - Our Competitive Edge
n We are an energetic firm providing our clients with
dedicated personalised services giving attention to
details. All staff members are individually accountable
for their assignments without the hierarchical line of
reporting found in other consultancy practices.
n We provide cost-effective services with commitment

to quality, accuracy and timeliness. A Quality

Management System which fulfills the requirements
of ISO 9001:2000 is in place for implemenation on all
n Our strategic purchasing and commercial skills enable

us to approach projects on a broader and holistic

basis, thus giving a higher level of performance and
exerting a much more effective impact on projects as
compared to the traditional quantity surveying role.
n Our strategic alliance with a number of property and

construction consultancy practices in the Asia Pacific

Region provides us with a comprehensive network for Homantin Swatow Baptist Church at NKIL 6463,
undertaking projects of any size in the Region. Po Kong Village Road

Why appoint us - Added Value 運作模式 – 我們的競爭優勢

n 貝鐳華是一間積極進取的顧問公司,為客戶提供
The benefits which you derive from our services are:
n True business needs, objectives and targets identified 專業而一絲不苟的個人化服務。團隊成員直接負
and met 責每項任務,免除其他公司的等級匯報規限。
n Maximisation of value derived from the supply market n 致 力 為 客 戶 提 供 有 效 益 的 服 務 , 實 踐 優 質 、
n Projects delivered on time, at the lowest sustainable 精確和準時的承諾。質量管理系統亦達到
cost and to the required quality ISO9001:2000的認證
n Effective and efficient utilization of assets, facilities
n 本公司的策略性采購和商業技巧更能使我們全面
and resources
n Protection of your interests from risks, claims and
budget over-runs
n 本公司在國內与海外設有辦事處并于東南亞地區
n Integrity, transparency and accountability in business

processes and transactions 包括新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞及越南設有聯營辦

Repeat business from a blue chip company listed on the 及海外項目都能駕輕就熟。
Hong Kong stock market testifies to the value we offer in
our services. 聘用貝鐳華 – 助您業務提升價值
n 確立並達致業務的真正需求及目標。

n 發揮承包商/供應商的最高價值。

n 工程項目在最具成本效益及按既定質量準時竣

n 有效利用資產、設備及資源。

n 保障您的利益免受風險、索償及超出預算的影

n 在業務過程中堅守誠信、保持高透明度及承擔責


Deluxe Villa at Tai Tam Road
香港大潭道高級別墅 是我們服務價值的憑證。

"Beria's energetic team takes ownership of our prestigious residential projects, providing a very
pro-active project management service particularly in coordination, programme management
and cost control." – Director of a real estate developer.

造價管理各方面的服務都盡心盡力。” 一 房地產發展公司董事
1. Residential and Commercial Development in Chengdu, Sichuan, China 9. Lions Rise at Wong Tai Sin 香港黃大仙現崇山豪華住宅
中國四川省成都市東方家園項目 10. Deluxe Villa at Tai Tam Road 香港大潭道高級別墅
2. CLP Centenary Building 香港中華電力百週年紀念大樓 11. Swimming Pool Complex in Area 2, Tung Chung 香港大嶼山東涌第二區游泳館
3. Renovation Works for Castle Peak Hospital 香港青山醫院改建工程 12. Wen Jun Distillery Cum Guest Houses at Oiong Lai, Sichuan, China
4. Revitalisation Scheme – Conversion of Mei Ho House as YHA Hostel 中國四川省文君酒廠暨賓館
活化美荷樓為青年旅舍 13. Deluxe Resort Hotel in Sanya, Hainan, China 中國海南省三亞市高級渡假酒店
5. Open Space at Ngau Chi Wan 香港牛池灣公園 14. West Rail Property Development at TW7, TWTL No. 403, Tsuen Wan West
6. Office Building in Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai, China 香港西鐵荃灣西站上蓋物業發展
中國上海浦東區陸家嘴金融貿易區辦公樓 15. Hong Kong Polytechnic University – GH Podium Annexe
7. Hong Kong Science & Technology Park Green 18 香港科技園綠景樓 香港理工大學 GH平台附樓
8. Student Hostel (Phase 3) at Chatham Road North, Fat Kwong Street for Hong Kong 16. Student Residences at Lung Wah Street for University of Hong Kong
Polytechnic University 香港理工大學何文田佛光街/漆咸道北學生宿舍第三期 香港大學堅尼地城龍華街學生宿舍


Head Office 總辦事處

T: +852 2806 0233 F: +852 2806 0922 E:

Other Offices 其他辦事處

上海 • 成都 • 深圳 • 廣州 • 澳門 • 悉尼
Associated Offices 聯營辦事處
新加坡 • 馬來西亞 • 泰國 • 越南

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