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Suci Rahmawati Annabawi


Islam khas Indonesia 'terancam' pengaruh Timur Tengah

Rohmatin Bonasir – Wartawan BBC Indonesia - Selasa, January 10, 2017

Religion is such a sensitive thing to be discussed. My religion is mine and your

religion is yours like what was said in the last part of QS. Al-Kafiruun. But if we discuss
about how we should be as a followers of a religion—in this case as a Muslim?

We all know that Quran had been the guideline for our lives. It told us how to
live, what to do and what is right or even wrong. The case said that we were threatened
by the influence of the Middle East. Middle East people are also Muslim, they are our
family. But the title seems like they gave a bad influence to us. Honestly, I don’t really
know what and how Indonesia’s Islam is. In my opinion as a Muslim youth, we were
easily influenced by age. Not only Muslim people, but all of us in Indonesia. That’s not
the problem if we know what to follow and not. But the problem is, sometimes we
don’t. Age always changes, we can’t deny it. We should open to it, but we should
choose what to eat.

"…If you want to be a Hindu, don’t be an Indian.If you want to be a muslim,

don’t be an Arabian. If you want to be a Christian, don’t be a jew. Just be an Indonesian
with it’s numerous traditional culture’’ Megawati said. Honestly, I don’t really
understand what she meant, but I don’t really agree with that statement. I think... if we
evaluate from the sentences, it satirize about race. We don’t have to be racist. We all
knew that. But I agreed with the “Just be an Indonesian with it’s numerous traditional
culture’’. We have to become who we are. We should keep moving forward along with
time and make changes, especially in positive things because old folks once said that
‘Time and tides waits for no man’. But remember, we have to filter it. We already know
what is right and what is wrong, and then what’s the problem? We should always keep
this in mind

In the nutshell, it doesn’t matter for us,Indonesian to practice any religions but,
we have to grasp our philosophical foundation”. I think this is the most right sentence.
Whatever our religion are, we are Indonesian and we have our own character, culture,
Suci Rahmawati Annabawi

etc. Last but not least, we are muslims who worship Allah as the one and only God. So,
we have to live as an Indonesian based on the Holy Qur’an as we have to practice every
guidances and prevent every prohibitions in our daily life as a muslims.

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