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Haven’t been able to witness the joy of becoming a mother even after all the strenuous attempts? Lost
all hopes due to recurrent unsuccessful IVF and Implantation? Or have seen the face of failure or
cancellation every time you’re prepared for Transfers due to unready endometrium? Have all these
failed attempts made you wondered why? No it’s nothing close to a curse, just a medical uncertainty
that can be looked after.

A healthy endometrium lining has a significant role to offer- it determines IVF success rate as well as
implantation success after transfer. Therefore, in order to ensure a health endometrium it is important
we take a glance at some of the reasons unsupportive of the same.


The reasons behind an improper endometrium lining can be one to many, some of the common ones
are as follows :

 Low estrogen levels and poor blood flow to the uterus have been the two sweeping reasons in a
lot of cases.
 Conventional therapies resulting in Uterine Infections and inflammations have been a common
cause for an unresponsive endometrium as well. Such events are relatively frequent in Women
who have previously underwent trauma of the uterus like previous cesarean sections, repetitive
curettage or have been affected by Asher man’s syndrome or have suffered from chronic
infections, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease and malposition of uterus.
 Low estradiol values and excessive use of Clomiphene Citrate are amongst the few other causes.
 Fibrosis of Uterus, is yet another condition which occurs during acute or chronic infections. The
fibrosis initiates at the base of the tissue and leads into the destruction of the basal layer of the
endometrium, further resulting in narrowing of the uterine cavity. The deterioration of basal
layer, makes the regeneration of endometrium really hard further accelerating the problem to a
great extent.
 Various Uterine Surgeries, such as reiterated curettage, intracavitary myomectomy and
polypectomy might result in intrauterine adhesions later damaging the endometrium via the
same mechanism as fibrosis.
 Highly intensive cancer treatments, such as radical surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
(RT) can permanently alter present or future reproductive ability in both men and women.


It is said to believe that an endometrium thickness of less than 7 mm is considered as thin endometrium
and such a condition negatively impacts the IVF success rate. Quoting the pregnancy as unlikely in such a

However , if there’s an uncertainty that persists , there’s a solution to it too and here, the solution to
this problem is Intrauterine Infusion of Platelet Rich Plasma., we’ve seen the bar raise in terms of
effectivity of PRP therapy for thin endometrium lining during the studies and treatments conducted so

PRP therapy is a powerful weapon that helps in the rejuvenation of the uterine lining thus improving it’s
ability to perform all the roles that it is supposed to facilitate. One of the major roles being improving
the Implantation success rate and as per the diagnosis made so far, a good thick endometrium lining and
an adequate endometrial receptivity are the two main factors influencing implantation success and
leading into a successful pregnancy after the embryo transfer.

We have results that highlight how a thin endometrium lining during IVF affects implantation and is the
cause behind the failure of the embryo implantation after transfer. Hence, this is the reason why
transfers are cancelled so frequently if the endometrium lining doesn’t achieve the required thickness.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) contains a group of activating platelets that prompts the action of cytokines
and growth factors collectively- ensuing the regulation of cell migration, attachment, proliferation &
differentiation, also promoting the accumulation of extracellular matrix within the cell.

Thus, as per the theory, local infusion of PRP may enhance endometrial receptivity and implantation
through naturally recurring stages.


A recently conducted study clearly demonstrates that PRP increases the proliferation not only on
cultured fibroblasts, but has a profound effect on mesenchymal cells as well, which happen to be the
progenitors of different types of cells, including endometrial cells. Henceforth, this evidence stands
positively in our support , embracing the claim that PRP can stimulate some of the cellular processes
involved in endometrial regeneration thus making it an effective treatment therapy for the
administration of a thin endometrium lining.

Based on the recorded evidences as per the conducted studies five patients who volunteered to
undergo the therapy responded with successful thickening of endometrium following intra uterine
infusion of PRP and all of them happen to conceive.


Intrauterine infusion of PRP must be performed approximately 48 hours before ET.

Patients are first diagnosed to rule out any sort of blood disorders or platelet dysfunction. The potential
contraindications for PRP application are as follows:

 Platelet count less than 105/μL,

 Hemoglobin level less than 10 g/dL
 Once the analysis is done Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma is prepared from fresh blood which is
collected from the patients body via a peripheral vein and processed in a centrifuge to separate
platelets from the other blood components.
 PRP is infused into the uterus cavity via a catheter (0.5–1 ml)
 Endometrial thickness is re-assessed around 48–72 hours later.
 If the endometrial thickness is not satisfying, infusion of PRP can be done 1–2 times more as per
the advice of the consulted doctor .


StemGenn Therapeutics in one of the most recognised names offering PRP therapy for uterine lining
Improvement with substantial results.

We’ve carried out this treatment for women who were unable to conceive due to poor endometrial
receptivity or had undergone repetitive IVF failure due to thin endometrial lining and have by far
received positive results.

Being one of the first ones to introduce the concept of Stem cell Therapies & Regenerative Medicine
along with Platelet rich plasma therapy for endometrial rejuvenation in India, we strive to live by our
name and keep uplifting the healthcare sector in our country.


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