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W. Edward Red
Texas A & M University


A. Monterey, California

1 The Evolution of a Profession 1

The Definition of Engineering 1
~~~-­ Engineers of A ntiquity 2
Evolution of Modern Engineering 6
Exercises 17
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2 The Expansion of Engineering 18

- Engineering in the Twentieth
Century 19
Aerospace Engineering 20
Agricultural Engineering 23
Chemical Engineering 25
Civil Engineering 28
Computer Engineering 32
Electrical Engineering 36
Industrial Engineering 38

xii Contents Contents

Materials and Metallurgical

Engineering 40
Mechanical Engineering 43
5 The Profession 164
,., Professionalism-Characteristics and
Mining Engineering 46 Responsibilities 165
Nuclear Engineering 48 Cases in Ethical Studies 172
Petroleum Engineering 49 Exercises 187
Exercises 52

3 An Engineer's Work 54
Engineering Functions 55
Research 57
6 The Engineering Design Procesa 188

Development 60 Design and Problem Solving 189

Design 64 The Design Process 194
Production and Construction 71 Problem I dentijication 197
Operations and Maintenance 76 Preliminary Solution Ideas 204
Sales 79 Modeling, Analysis 218
Management 81 Testing 242
Looking Back 85 Decisions 248
Exercises 86 Specification 252
Implementation 256
The Phases of Design 258
Exercises 260

4 Pursuing an Engineering Career 88

7 A Case Study in Engineering Design:
Is Engineering forMe? 89 Part 1: Background 265
The Engineering Education 91 »6. a. Part 2: The Design of the Strike
Preparing for a Profession 113 Plate 285
Entering the Profession 115 Part 3: Modifying the New Strike
The Professional Years 125 ·M Plate 300
A utobiographies of Practicing Part 4: The Adjustable Circular
Engineers 129 Strike 310
Exercises 163 Exercises 318

8 Engineering Communication Skills 321

Why Communicate Ejfectively? 321
Reading 324
Technical Writing 325
Listening 341
Oral Reports 342
The Technical Library 347 ENGINEERING
Reference Worles 351
Standards and Specifications 358
Government Documents 360
Two Reference Searches 362
Patents 367
The Drama of Patents 371
Exercises 380
9 Energy and the Challenge 384
The Greatest Challenge 385
What Is Energy? 386
Energy Sources 391
Petroleum and Natural Gas 394
Goal, Oil Shale, Tar Sand,
Synfuels 395
Solar Energy, Wind Power, Biomass,
Ocean Energy 399
Electricity 404
Nuclear Energy 411
Geothermal Energy 415
Hydrogen 417
Conservation 419
Pollution 424
Our Energy Future 434
Exercises 435
Appendix A Library Reference Materials 439
Appendix B Selected Bibliography 449
lndex 453
What is a man, if his chief good and
An Engineer's market of his time be but to sleep
and feed? A beast, no more. Sure

Work he that made us with such large

discourse, looking befare and after,
gave us not that capability and
godlike reason to fust in us

Engineering Functions
Design There is a difference between "what" engineers do and the branch of
Production and Construction engineering and specialty area "where" they do it. The what can be_ one
Operations and Maintenance or more of several engineering functions or activities necessary to the
Sales successful completion of any engineering task.. Those listed below and
Management described in the following sections involve most of the engineers who are
engaged in project or product engineering.
Looking Back
Exercises • Research
• Development
• Design
• Production and Construction
• Operations and Maintenance
• Sales
The branch of engineering only identifies the kinds of • Management
methods, principies, devices, and systems that an Each of these functions represents an important step in the evolution of
engineer works with. It does not identify what engineers a new or improved product. They do not segregate engineers by branches
do with them. What engineers do on a day-to-day basis is but by interests, capabilities, and experience. In fact, young engineers
identified by the engineering functions. should expect to perform one or more of these functions during their
professional careers, although most will move toward one fixed-work
54 function as time progresses. ·

56 Research: Knowledge, Understanding, Application 57
Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work

Consulting, Teaching, and Testing Projects, Processes, Products

Three important engineering functions not included in this list are con- Before launching into the description of the various engineering func-
sulting, teaching, and testing. Consulting engineers perform engineering tions, it is necessary to briefly examine the similarities and differences
services for the government or industrial companies, but generally on a between engineering projects, processes, and products.
temporary basis. They offer knowledge, skills, and experience in special- Projects are generally activities of long duration and low volume. We
ized areas which may not ordinarily be found among the technical capa- speak of development projects, construction projects, or production pro-
bilities of companies. Since it is much cheaper to hire a temporary jects. Whenever an organization initiates engineering activities that
"expert" than to employ a full-time specialist, this can prove quite cost have certain specified goals-such as a new bridge, a new structural
effective to companies that sporadically need specialized technical analysis computer program, or a new chemical process-it usually
services. becomes "project-oriented," requiring schemes for project organization
Among engineers who consult on a full- or part-time basis, it is not and progress assessment. Invariably, the overall project will be broken
unusual to find engineering teachers consulting part-time while those into miniprojects, each crucial to the completion of the primary project
who consult full time are more apt to be self-employed or engaged with goals.
others in a small consulting firm. Those who offer consulting services, Processes are the means by which materials are made or transformed
particularly on a full-time basis, are running a business that may serve into sorne useful ítem called a product. Processes may lend themselves
local pr federal government or private industry. They will need to under- to mass production, in which high volume is the object, or they may be
stand business management principies, understand the legal responsi- employed within a project. In sorne cases a new process may be the object
bilities of their engineering decisions, and be registered professional of a company project. In the sense that a product is something made by
engineers. industry, even dams and ships are products, and thus represent the com-
Sorne engineers enjoy the learning environment and pursue their pleted project goal. Usually, products are thought of as smaller items
careers as engineering teachers. Because they are engaged in the trans- produced in volume.
fer of knowledge, most will obtain advance engineering degrees and con-
tinue to expand their capabilities through further study, research, con-
sulting, sabbaticals, or summer employment in industry. RESEARCH: KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, APPLICATION
Perhaps the most important contribution that an engineering educa-
tor makes comes in the one-to-one interaction between students and The aim of basic research is to establish new principies or to explain
teachers. Through their explanation of problem solutions, engineering scientific phenomena previously not understood; in other words, to
teachers encourage students to develop their problem-solving abilities expand knowledge. In contrast, applied research is concerned with the
and their understanding of the engineering design process. In addition, constructive application of this new knowledge. Thus engineers in
this interaction between teacher and student gives many students their research are usually engaged in applied research while scientists and
first exposure to the professional aspects existing behind engineering mathematicians are more apt to be involved in basic research, although
decisions. there can be considerable overlap.
In many cases engineering testing takes on the role of a separate Research engineers search for the "if we can," usually in response to
engineering function supporting almost all of the functions that will be an immediate need for a new technological breakthrough. For example,
discussed in the following sections. Larger organizations frequently ha ve the Apollo, Viking, and Space Shuttle programs required significant
separate departments of test engineers who have the major responsibil- research efforts to push the technological state of the art forward. New
ity for conducting and managing the test programs for other company metals, paints, and ceramics were developed in response to the need for
groups and departments. This may involve the selection of test materials materials more resistant to thermal extremes. But these resulted only
and equipment, scheduling of facilities, production of specialized parts, after extensive engineering and scientific research into the nature of
and the direction of technicians and technologists who may actually con- materials. In the late 1940s research breakthroughs into the properties
duct the test. Test engineers generally gravitate to this function because of semiconductors occurred that eventually allowed aerospace engineers
of their interest in working with physical objects in an environment of to develop the more sophisticated microcircuitry and minicomputer com-
evaluation and assessment. ponents needed.

Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work
Research: Knowledge, Understanding, Application 59

This experimental apparatus

splits a beam of blue light
from an argon laser and then
crosses the two beams to
develop interference fringes.
Fringe systems are the basis
of a new optical method for
measurement of fluid velocity
known as Laser Doppler
Velocimetry. Here the engi-
neer is using a traveling
microscope to measure the
fringe spacing. (Courtesy of
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft

This research engineer is working with an X-ray spectrometer that can identify
constituents of a gas by identifying characteristic wavelengths. (Courtesy of

Other research provided synthetic composites formed by integrating

the desirable properties of individual materials into a new material pos- Qualifications
sessing all the desired properties. One example of a widely used compos- What then are the qualifications that an engineer must meet if he or she
ite material is fiberglass. Combining the strength of pure glass fibers and
wants to do research? Sorne guidelines in elude these qualities: superior
the flexibility of plastics, research engineers carefully oriented the fibers
intellectual ability with an education beyond the undergraduate level;
in a plastic-based matrix in order to derive a composite material the desire to tackle poorly defined areas of research with patience and
stronger than steel on a strength per density basis. Fiberglass has open-mindedness; the ability to understand basic scientific and engineer-
replaced the steel in fishing rods, the wood and metal in many boat hulls, ing principies and to apply them in innovative and creative ways; and
and is used extensively where shell structures are required, such as the ability to work and communicate with others in cooperative research
swimming pools, water and fuel tanks, and automobile bodies.
ventures. Of all the engineers with doctorate degrees, approximately half
Research is needed not only to support large programs, such as the function as research engineers while only 15 percent with master's
Space Shuttle, but in all industries which are developing new products degrees perform research. The percentage drops even further-to 5 per-
and equipment. Automobile companies support research that may pro- cent-at the bachelor's degree level.
vide new engines having greater thermodynamic efficiencies or lighter
transmissions and body structures that willlead to increased automobile Opportunities Engineering opportunities to perform research have
mileage. Computer industries are supporting research into the further increased considerably in the last two decades. Large industry today can-
miniaturization of electronic components; while energy industries are not afford to neglect research if it is to remain competitive. This is read-
sponsoring research to find new methods of secondary recovery of oil and ily apparent when one compares the total million-dollar research expen-
to develop the means to economically utilize the energy contained in our diture in 1920 by the hundred or so research labs existing then with the
geothermal resources and oil shale. present "billions" in research expenditures by "thousands" of research
60 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Development: Methods, Devices, Performance

Research laboratories and organizations exist today either as appen- pumps on the market. Almost without exception, however, they proved
dages of large companies or supported by the government and universi- to be unreliable because their design depended on air-conditioning com-
ties (those supported by universities are often called research institutes). ponents, and these had not been developed for the more severe environ-
Research is not always confined to large laboratories or organizations ment in which heat pumps are used.
A heat pump is essentially an oversized refrigerator which operates
but is often integrated in with the other major work functions, usually
on a reduced scale. For example, university and college teachers may on basically the same principies. In the refrigerator the aim is to cool a
nursue funded research on a part-time basis. compartment by removing excess thermal energy from it which is then
rejected as waste heat. This is done by circulating a fluid refrigerant,
usually Freon, between the evaporator coils in the area to be cooled and
the condenser coils where waste heat is to be given off. See Figure 3-1.
Conducting research without planning for development is the same as Heat pump cooling
nurturing a fruit tree which holds no promise of bearing fruit. This is
because the natural purpose of development is only fulfilled when the
new ideas and concepts of research scientists and engineers are applied
1 and utilized in sorne useful way. It is this intimate relationship between

research and development that has led to the term, R&D.

It is not uncommon to find research and development engineers moving
back and forth between these two functions, or at least closely monitor-
ing the activities of both. In fact, most development activities are first
, preceded by an investigation or survey to determine what new knowledge
or new research discoveries are available. Thus it is not surprising to
find engineers with advanced degrees not only in research but also in
development. Approximately 24 percent of the engineers having doctor-
ate degrees and 28 percent of those with master's degrees are engaged in (b) Heat pump heating
development work. Yet the majority of development engineers have
bachelor's degrees, and fully 20 percent of them will work in engineering
development. These numbers lead us to the obvious conclusion that
development work is truly one of our major engineering activities requir-
ing a significant commitment of personnel and resources. It seemingly
has the capacity to absorb all kinds of engineers, and promises an inter-
esting and dynamic environment. Development will continue to be an
important work function for engineers as long as our society promotes
technical innovation.

The Heat Pump

One interesting example of development failure and success is the heat
pump. A product of the early 1950s, development engineers had
responded to the need for more efficient and versatile, electrically run
heating and cooling systems by developing the reversible heat pump.
Within a short time there were forty-three different brands of heat Figure 3-1 Heat Pump Cooling and Heating Cycles.
Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work - -ment:
Deveto.... Methods, Devices, Performance 63
The overall cycle begins as the refrigerant leaves the evaporator and
enters an electrically driven compressor as a low-temperature, low-pres- a heat pump must operate in an environment not easily duplicated in the
sure vapor. It is then compressed to a hot, dense vapor as it enters the laboratory.
condenser. By giving off heat to the kitchen at lower temperature, the Although the early heat pumps had serious design deficiencies, later
high-pressure vapor condenses to a high-pressure, cooled liquid which developments by engineers remedied the problems. These developments
then flows to a restriction device called an expansion valve. This allows led to lighter, but heavier duty, higher efficiency compressors, hermeti-
the high-pressure liquid to expand and vaporize causing the Freon to cally sealed against environmental infringement, having improved bear-
chill toa temperature below that of the refrigerated compartment as it ings, seals, and other materials which have reduced the overall compres-
enters the evaporator coils. It then can absorb any excess heat in the sor failures over the warranty period to less than 5 percent.
compartment and begin the thermal cycle again. Thermostatically controlled, quick "defrosting" cycles moderated many
When the heat pump is used asan air conditioner during the summer, of the icing problems, and the overall electrical complexity was reduced
the "compartment" to be refrigerated is simply the living area with the significantly by modern electronic and control components. In addition,
excess heat rejected outdoors. During the winter the heat pump is the heat exchange process was facilitated by increasing the heat
reversed to first draw heat from the cold outdoors and then "reject" it in exchange surface area by adding fins and other advanced, geometric
the condenser coils to the living area. Obviously, both the cooling and appendages to the outdoor coils.
heating modes require a fan-driven air distribution system. In spite of these improvements, overall heat pump performance i.s still
The heat pump's versatility now becomes apparent-it can function as a fraction of that theoretically possible. The two to three values pres-
an air conditioner in the summer anda heater in the winter. Thus a con- ently obtainable for the coefficient of performance (the "COP") are far
solidated heat pump system offers space advantages over separate heat- below the eight to ten theoretically possible. And although it is unreal-
ing and air-conditioning systems, and when the separate heating system istic to believe that future developments in heat pump technology will
is a less-efficient electric resistance device, it offers cost advantages as move COP values much above six, there is still significant room for
well. When one considers that about a sixth of our total energy, and a development progress here.
fourth of our oil and natural gas, is consumed in environmental temper-
ature control, its advantages become even more significant. Whereas Development Steps
electric resistance heating brings heat into the heated area, from far
away, by electrical transmission, the heat pump requires only one-half Most development projects go through several distinct development
or one-third of the electricity to accomplish the same thing by simply steps. Those described in the following paragraphs also include the
"shifting" sorne of the outdoor thermal energy indoors for heating. These appropriate qualifications engineers may have to bring to each step.
advantages prompted the proliferation of heat pumps.
Initiation or "Selling" of a Project The initial step in development
The Early Mistakes What the first heat pump engineers failed to rec- generally comes in response to research discoveries, or marketing results
ognize was that the earlier air-conditioning type compressors w~re not that indicate sorne need, or because an engineer, inventor, or group of ,
satisfactory for the lower temperature environments characterizing the engineers successfully "sells" an idea to management by promising a
heating cycle. The lower temperatures reduced the Freon vapor pres- return on investment. Development engineers here must be imaginative
sures, thereby placing greater stress on the compressor. In addition, the and able to sell ideas.
withdrawal of heat from an already-cold outdoor atmosphere caused ice Understanding the Problem Here the engineer carefully reviews the
to form on the outdoor coils rendering the heat transfer process ineffec- constraints imposed upon the project. These constraints may be mone-
tive, thereby placing additional strain on the compressor.
tary, such as a less expensive calculator, or they may be physical, requir-
The Importance of Testing Where did the development of these early ing, for example, horsepower for less weight or improved electrical con-
heat pumps fail? Without doubt, the failure occurred because of insuf- ductivity at higher temperature. Experienced development engineers
ficient testing, the most important and culminating activity in the devel- will quickly recognize those constraints most difficult to meet through
opment of products. It is in testing that material, structural, and oper- their familiarity with other similar systems or components. In addition,
ational performance is examined, and where serious flaws are uncovered. the development engineer will search the literature for the latest knowl-
Field testing is particularly important when a system or product such as edge, equipment, and developments which may prove helpful. Engineers
here must be well educated, experienced, be able to accept a certain
Design: Selection, Specification
64 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work

amount of uncertainty, and have the ability to separate important infor-

mation from the unimportant.
Alternative Solutions The sole purpose of this creative step is to gen-
era te a number of feasible solutions which appear to meet the specifi-
cations and constraints set for the project at hand. It is a mental process
requiring the engineer to conceptually create one or more new devices or
methods to produce the desired result. Often the engineer leans on the
process of synthesis in this step. As a solution mentally begins to take
shape, it is common for rough models to be constructed so that the step
between abstract concepts and tangible objects might be made.
Development Model(s) and Testing On the basis of the results from
the preceding step, one or more models will be constructe4, usually by
hand, which appear to meet the requirements initially imposed on the
development project. The model may include new, one-of-a-kind compo-
nents or off-the-shelf items placed in sorne new and unique arrangement.
Testing on the model or models will verify predicted performance data
or will expose design problem areas which will necessitate model revi-
sions. Technologists, technicians, and craftspeople will usually do the
construction or run the tests under the careful supervision of develop-
ment engineers or specialized "test" engineers. But it is the responsibil- Sorne engineering designs are quite complicated. This tunnel boring machine
ity of the engineer to accurately analyze and interpret the test results, (TBM) built by Jarva, Inc. can bore a 32-ft tunnel through solid rock at speeds
a crucial step to overall project success. From these observations will up to 80ft per day. Only one manis required to operate the TBM and to keep
come the engineer's recommendation to management either to move full it on line and grade. (Courtesy, Foster, McGuire and Co., Ltd.)
speed ahead, necessitating detailed design and production, or that fur- In contrast the engineering design function is concerned with the tran-
ther development work be conducted, or to abandon the project sition between the development concepts, or less-than-optimum devel-
altogether. opment models, and the mass production, or one-of-a-kind construction,
Development engineers may supervise the important test programs or of the product. The function of design, then, becomes a smaller set of
the programs may be under the supervision of engineering test special- activities, the purpose of which is to render a final design sufficiently
ists. Many companies maintain a laboratory section responsible solely detailed for mass production or construction. It is the step between
for monitoring and conducting test activities. development and final production or construction, one in which design
engineers will closely interact with engineers from the other work func-
tions, particularly development, production, and construction. As one
would expect, management is intensely interested in this activity
because a favorable design may require management to commit signifi-
í)EsiGN: SELECTION, SPECIFICATION cant company resources to the continuation of the project or product
When we speak of engineering design, we must distinguish between the
"process" of design and the "function" of design. Sometimes described as
a morphology, or structured set of problem-solving activities, the "pro- Design Descripton
cess" of design begins with the recognition of a need and ends with an The function of the designer is to provide report and drawing details
engineering solution that will result in sorne new or improved product, complete enough to enable production or construction engineers, despite
a new method, ora one-of-a-kind device or system. The process of design unfamiliarity with the design at hand, to economically produce or con-
may include the specific activities involved in research, development, struct the item or system specified. This degree of preciseness requires
design, and the other engineering functions yet to be discussed.
66 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work
Design: Selection, Specification 67
the design engineer to be knowledgeable about materials, production and
fabrication procedures, construction and assembly methods; to be famil-
1 iar with common engineering devices and components; and to under-
stand the practices governing the graphical communication invariably
1 required in the design detailing.
With this knowledge, the designer will then spend significant detailing
time in selecting appropriate materials, components, parts, processes,
and in specifying sizes, tolerances, components, parts, performance data,
and any required processing, assembly, operational, and maintenance
1procedures. See Figures 3-2 and 3-3.
In any given field of engineering the designer will have a wide range
of practica! experience and the ability to satisfy the many constraints
which are always imposed on the final design. For example, the mechan-
ical designer responsible for designing a new automobile body will select
the materials and specify the sizes, shapes, assembly, and production
methods, working within restrictions determined by the new styles,
Trai ling
weight limitations, strength requirements, corrosion resistance, durabil- Edge

Legend :
Graph i te Epoxy
~ Structu re

EZil Aluminum
IEl.ili.] Titanium

E:] Graphite / Epoxy.

CJ Aluminum.
c:=J Other.

Figure 3-3 The designer is faced with assembling the composite materials;
sorne of which are not always compatible with one another. Todo this requires
detailed knowledge of assembly techniques, material properties, and the effects
of hostile environments on the material behavior. (ReprÓduced with permis-
sion, Society of Automotive Engineers)

ity, ease of assembly, and the economics of production. Suppose this new
body is to be guaranteed against significant corrosion for three years.
The designer is then faced with severa! economic choices: the use of a
cheaper thin sheet steel subject to corrosion, which must be protected by
the added expense of chemical coating; the use of an expensive noncor-
rosive stainless steel; the use of nonmetals such as fiber glass, or high-
5,008 Pounds of Structure
1,312 Pounds of Graphite/ Epoxy
strength plastics, which are also noncorrosive; or, finally, sorne combi-
nation of the above. The designer faced with these choices must consider
production and labor costs associated with the choices ultimately made.
Labor costs associated with the production of a fiber glass body may con-
trast significantly with those for a steel body, which can be shaped into
Figure 3-2 The need for greater thrust to weight ratios is causing engineering sorne particular configuration by stamping or bending. Then again, the
designers to rely more upon composite materials. In this aircraft, composite curvature and overall shape specified for the body shell might exceed the
materials account for 26 percent of the structural weight. (Reproduced with
permission. © 1980, Society of Automotive Engineers) expectations of the stamping operation with fiber glass the only worka-
.. ble choice .
68 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Design: Selection, Specification 69

An architectural designer might be faced with determining the In reality, designers cannot accomplish this goal. Consider the Amer-
amount o f insulation required for a new building. More insulation will ican automobile, generally designed to provide good service for about
reduce the initial expenditures and operating costs for the environmen- 100 000 miles. It is unrealistic to design every part to last the intended
tal control system but increase the initial expenditures for additional life. Instead, it is possible to design the power train (engine, transmis-
insulation . And suppose the environmental control designer also working sion, drive shaft, rear end, bearings, the chassis, the interior suspension
on this building is asked to design a solar heating system. This will system, steering mechanism, and basic electrical system) to meet the life
necessitat e coordination with the architectural or civil engineers as the expectancy. But to design parts such as automobile tires, v-belts, brake
designer s truggles with the basic decision of using an air or water heat linings, spark plugs, batteries, headlights, to last 100 000 miles makes
transfer medium. Since water has a higher heat capacity than air, the automobiles too expensive to huy or sell. Instead, automobiles are
overall sol ar collector areas could be reduced from that required for air, designed so that periodic replacement of these parts is necessary, but at
but the overall complexity and cost of the system will increase in order reasonable costs to the consumer.
to protect against water leakage, mineral deposition in the piping sys- In sorne instances a designer will include a system component or part
tem and overnight freezing. Other considerations for the designer which will exceed the expected design life for the whole system.
incl~de the weight trade-offs between the different types of solar collec- Although this may appear to violate balanced design, sometimes it
tors required, depending on whether the medium is air or water. Ulti- proves less expensive to specify an overdesigned, already available, "off-
mately these trade-offs affect the structural and esthetic design required the-shelf" component or part rather than build a new one. The implica-
to accom:rnodate either type collector. tion is that designers must continue to stay abreast of new technological
developments in all engineering disciplines, particularly when it comes
Characteristics of Good Designers to parts, components, equipment, and the like.

A good designer must be able to make decisions when there is more than Qualifi.cations Engineering students interested in design should select
one way to accomplish the design purpose. A designer who is to achieve a broad undergraduate education rather than a narrow one, and consider
sorne type of motion or transmit sorne force may be able to accomplish a master's degree in engineering. Note that only 3 percent of engineers
it by severa! means-electrically, hydraulically, pneumatically, or with doctor's degrees work in design, insignificant compared with the 15
mechanically. Others may face different choices in making a part, percent of those with master's degrees and 20 percent of those with bach-
whether to machine it, cast it, stamp it, or grind it. Still others may be elor's degrees. Because the designer becomes a fócal point or measure of
faced with separating out a chemical or mineral element either by chem- design progress, it is essential that designers increase their communi-
ical reaction, flotation, electrolysis, or centrifuga! action. Decisions of cation skills and abilities to work cooperatively and objectively with
these types obviously involve complex evaluation and sound judgment other engineers, managers, part and equipment vendors, draftspeople,
requiring years of experience. Fortunately, modern computer technology technicians, and technologists.
has provided improved computational aids for designers. Improvements
in computational speed with corresponding reduction in system costs and
system size have resulted in the technological development called com- Production-Consumption
puter-aided design or, simply, CAD. In many cases, it has allowed Whereas research, development, and design are primarily engineering
designers or supervised technologists to integrate experience, computer responsibilities, the decision to produce or construct (often involving
design programs (the "software"), and terminal graphic displays in an enormous economic commitments) is basically management's responsi-
interactive decision-making process. As a result the designer can dynam- bility; thus management shares these last phases in the life cycle of a
ically and visually select the best designs. project with engineering. Now we enter a final stage called production- 1
Good designers place the design in proper perspective and strive for consumption, quite distinct from research, development, and design
simplicity. In view of the myriad of details accompanying any design, it which constitute the initial stage called primary design or engineering
is easy to lose direction and purpose. A designer who gets lost in the design.
utilitarian aspects of a design and forgets the esthetics of something Management must now expand its boundaries of administration to t
made for public consumption may make decisions which prove disas- include not only the engineers who work in production, construction,
trous. One of the keys to a proper perspective comes in applying balanced operations, maintenance, and sales but the many other personnel who
design. Theoretically, a system should last its intended life and provide support the planning for and carrying out of the distribution, consump-
satisfactorY service-and no more. tion, and retirement of the design end product.
Chapter 3 An Engineer's W ork Production and Construction: Processes, Assembly, Structures, Systems 71

Qualifications Engineering must play a decisive role in production-

consumption because production, construction, operations, maintenance,
and sales are primarily engineering functions. In fact, 22 percent of all
engineers work here, of which most have bachelor's degrees, sorne have
master's degrees, and only a few have doctorates.



Production and construction are similar engineering activities, the dif-

ference being in the type and quantity of end product. When we compare
the production of automobiles to the construction of a highway or bridge,
or the production of televisions to the construction of a television station,
or the production of electrical applicances to the construction of a coal-
fired power generating plant, we delineate these differences. We see that
production activities generally involve smaller items which are produced
in quantity in plants or other specified, fixed locations. In contrast, con-
struction involves the erection or assembly of structures, the integration
of various component systems, and the solution of a set of unique prob-
lems arising from the varying conditions at each construction site.
This combined welding and riveting machine assembles dipsticks and oil drain In spite of these differences there are, however, many similarities
components toa steel oil pan in about 10 seconds. (Courtesy of National Edi- between production and construction. Each is concerned with the con-
torial Services and NEWCOR)
version of raw materials toa product, device, or structure ata price com-
petitive with others on the open market, and at the same time meeting
Depending on the type of product, the number of support personnel imposed profit, quality, and reliability constraints. Each involves a vari-
may far exceed the number of engineers in volved in this last stage. Prod- ety of different specialists who contribute knowledge of materials,
ucts which are marketed in large quantities-such as televisions, auto- assembly methods, equipment, reliability and quality assurance, manu-
mobiles, and appliances-require large numbers of assembly line work- facturing methods, cost estimating and marketing, contracts, negotia-
ers, equipment operators, and other blue collar laborers. In addition, tions, and project scheduling. In addition, both can require enormous
business, legal, marketing, and sales experts are engaged in monitoring resource commitments and financia! risks; thus, they are directed by
and controlling the flow of company materials and financia! resources management, which in turn delegates authority to production or con-
while selling the product to the consumer. If these last activities are not struction engineers. Finally, both production and construction engineers
administered carefully, even a well-designed product can flop in a com- infiuence the final design specifications by coordinating, according to
petitive marketplace. time-tested guidelines, the production or construction planning with
In the production-consumption stage, engineers are less concerned engineering designers (see Box 3-1).
with the "process of design" than with the "design of process." Once the
design is more or less identified, questions such as the following are
asked: What is the most economical way to produce or construct the Production
1 design? What production or construction processes should be used, keep-
When a company decides to market a design, production engineering
ing in mind material and personnellimitations? What operational and moves into high gear. Using the detailed design specs, the production
maintenance procedures will produce the best production processes and engineer integrates materials, people, production processes, and facili-
prevent breakdowns?
ties into a system capable of delivering, on schedule, a finished product.
72 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work
Production and Construction: Processes, Assembly, Structures, Systems 73

Precisely milling nearly fifty

Box 3-1 Guidelines for Production, Construction Planning tiles of silica insulation
simultaneously, this machin-
• The details of how a part or structure is designed generates its ist demonstrates the advan-
tages of numerically con-
cost. trolled milling machines. The
• A design which misses its cost target is generally abad design. tiles will be fitted together
• Simplify the prototype, which will create a simple product or like a giant jigsaw puzzle to
structure. form a heat shield to protect
• True reliability comes from design simplicity. passengers aboard NASA's
space shuttle. To insure
• Quality means strict technical adequacy-not frills. aerodynamic smoothness in
• The design of key parts or systems includes the production tool- flight, the huge milling
ing and equipment selection. machines are programmed to
• Design for assembly efficiency. perfectly match the bottom
• An engineering design is not finished until it has been evaluated of each tile to the curvature
of the shuttle surface at the
in its finished form. exact point it is to be at-
tached. (Courtesy of Lock-
heed Missiles and Space
Company, Inc.)
After process definition, production engineers become concerned with
facilities. Does this product require an entirely new facility? Is a new
facility needed to replace an outdated one, or can the old one be reno- \
vated to provide for increased volume, redesigned goods and services, or ' \
new processes and equipment? If a new facility is required, then the pro-
duction engineers must locate the facility, considering such factors as 1
\ \ \
the regional demand for the product; transportation availability; utili-
ties; local taxes; labor availability and costs; site and construction costs;
tooling costs; local attitudes, schools, churches; and growth
opportuni ti es. Qualifications The qualifications required for production engineers
Next the production engineer will be concerned with the layout of the are far ranging, from essential knowledge of materials, processes, equip-
facility, keeping in mind the objectives of minimizing materials handling ment, and systems to a basic understanding of statistics, engineering
costs, reducing bottlenecks, reducing hazards, utilizing labor and space economy, and human factors. Production engineers must be able to com-
effectively, improving personnel morale, and providing for flexibility and municate with labor personnel, management, engineers, and other com-
ease of supervision. Depending on the volume, weight, size, and fragility pany specialists in an environment which can be highly pressured. They
of the product, and on the type of equipment, the production engineer must be able to expedite repairs or other problems such as labor disputes
will have to choose a layout type. For smaller, less complicated products which might hinder the flow of production items.
the production engineer may select a flow or assembly line layout to Engineering students interested in production work should pursue
assemble the product step by step as it flows from one operation to the studies in materials and manufacturing processes seeking to understand
next. When the items are big or heavy, such as airplanes or ships, layout properties such as tensile, shear, and impact strengths; hardness; elec-
by fixed position becomes necessary. In these cases, completion of each trical and thermal conductivity; dielectric properties (whether the mate-
production step necessitates the bringing of a new set of specialists and rial is an insulator or conductor); magnetic permeability; fatigue resis-
equipment to the item. Finally, facilities planning must incorporate tance; corrosion resistance; and how to enhance or change these
room for materials, inventories, tools and equipment, first-aid offices, properties. They should know how materials respond to varying environ-
shipping and receiving areas, washroom and locker facilities, refresh- ments imposed by chemical changes, thermal fluctuations, radiation flux,
ment and cafeteria areas, and offices for personnel involved in mainte- static and dynamic stresses, and electromagnetic fields.
nance, inspection, quality control, security, safety, and supervision. Basic production processes should be studied by comparing their pro-
duction rates, economics of operation, accuracy, suitability for mass pro-
74 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Production and Construction: Processes, Assembly, Structures, Systems 75

duction, and their effect on material properties. Certainly students will conditions permit the movement of heavy construction equipment, or
want to understand the differences between liquid forming by casting, or will special roads have to be built?
solid-state forming by forging, extrusion, rolling, and stamping. They Because of these uncertainties, the construction engineer expects every
should become familiar with the equipment and technology to remove construction job to provide new and unique experiences. Almost every
materials whether by machining, grinding, and drilling, and in sorne of job integrates a new team of architects, subcontractors, and engineers
the more precise methods using electric discharge, electrochemicals, as well as different financia!, legal, insurance, and government represen-
ultrasonics, or laser-machining equipment. tatives. The local topography, weather, transportation facilities, mate-
Courses in systems control, mathematics and computers are desirable rial accessibility, utilities, and labor conditions will vary tremendously
because of the highly automated and controlled production environment. from site to site. Obviously the construction conditions associated with
In order to prepare for reliability and quality control, courses in statis- the Alaskan pipeline were considerably different from those associated
tics and probability should be taken along with lab courses demonstrat- with drilling platforms in the North Sea.
ing modern inspection techniques. Courses in social sciences, English,
Field Work Once the project is under contract the construction engi-
communications, and psychology are also important.
neer will engage in either field work or office work and sometimes both,
depending on the size of the construction job. Field work usually begins
It is estimated that the construction industry alone accounts for approx-
imately 12 percent of the gross national product (GNP) and about 15 per-
cent of the total employment. Numerous opportunities are provided con-
struction engineers as they engage in the actual work of building
structures. Most will be employed in the "heavy" construction of large
buildings, power plants, refineries, highways, airports, bridges, and
walkways. Others will work in the construction of residential buildings,
small nonresidential buildings, and public utilities.
The construction process is initiated when sorne agency or sponsor
puts out a request for bid on a structure or system they desire built to
certain specifications. It is then up to a general contractor or a team of
contractors to bid in competition with other contractors for the job.
The work of construction engineers begins once the decision to esti-
mate and bid on a job has been made. Their knowledge of construction
procedures, machinery, and structural materials, and their ability to
assess site characteristics and its impact on costs are essential to real-
istic costs estimation.
It is the judgment and experience of the construction engineers that
answers many questions about structural components and where they
should be made, about supporting facilities and where they should be
located, about special problems caused by the site location such as
unusual topography, soil conditions, or too much or too little ground
water. For example, jobs with extensive concrete work need readily
available supplies of sand, gravel, and water if the work is to be done on
or near the site. The construction engineer determines whether a con-
crete batch plant will be erected nearby or if the concrete components
can be fabricated off-site and transported in for assembly. Other ques-
tions may arise regarding special transportation systems: Do they have ~

to be built to transport components and materials to and from the con-

struction site? Other questions may relate to power availability or These engineers are checking an assembly detail from the construction plans
whether generating equipment is to be transported in. Do the local soil for a new chemical refinery. (Courtesy of EXXON Corporation)
76 Cha:JJter 3 An Engineer's Work Operations and Maintenance: Performance, Service, Repair 77

with a site survey and layout of the project . Then it moves to the con- pret the operational data, and then determine the necessary adjust-
struction of access roads and auxiliary buil dings, if needed, plus other ments, always striving for increased efficiency. Operations engineers also
excavation work. Then the structure erection begins with the aid of mod- supervise maintenance specialists, schedule inspection and maintenance
ern construction methods and equipment. Tb ere can be tremendous vari- procedures, and supervise the installation of new equipment.
ation in the equipment and assembly metho d.s, depending on the type of In manufacturing plants the operations engineer's role may expand
construction. In the mechanical constructio n of systems such as refin- somewhat from that in a utility plant as the variables become less
eries, the construction places more emphasi ~ on the assembly of prefab- defined. Operations engineers are usually involved with production engi-
ricated units rather than building in place. P iping, ductwork, and control neers in production planning, particularly in the layout of facilities. Fol-
systems play even more important roles in JT].echanical construction than lowing initiation of production operations, the operations or "plant"
in heavy construction, where the object is to support loads, transport engineer responds to work orders based on demand forecasting. Then he
large objects, or house people. or she requests materials from inventory control, schedules personnel by
dispatching work orders, schedules production, and finally measures the
Office Work Drafting, accounting, calcula.ting, plan and specifications
effectiveness of the production operation by analyzing the final product,
interpretation, contract clarification, and pr ogress reporting absorb the the labor costs per item, and any schedule slippage, and by monitoring
time of the construction engineer engaged iJ1 office work. Note that both the raw material and product inventories along with any scrap material.
field engineers and office engineers will write program reports and act as
troubleshooters should labor disputes, stlbcontractor difficulties, or
right-of-way entanglements arise. Other Reponsibilities
Qualifications The qualifications of constr uction engineers are similar Operations engineers also assume responsibility for plant safety; plan-
to those of production engineers, especially in the areas of people inter- ning for expansion; organizing of resources, including the scheduling of
action and personal communication. Engineering students interested in people, equipment, and time; directing, training, and motivating people;
either engineering function need, as a mir1imum, a bachelor's degree. and laying out and assembling of new processes and production equip-
Students will be required to take courses in materials, economics, social ment. Operations engineers will assure product quality by directing
studies, communication, fabrication methods and mathematics. For quality control specialists as they assess the effectiveness of the produc-
those interested in construction, training ir1 construction theory, meth- tion processes and equipment by determining the quality of the end
ods, and equipment would be worthwhile, if available. product. This activity of quality assurance seeks improved production
reliability while minimizing the costs to produce the item. Quality assur-
ance also evaluates whether the product is convenient, safe to use, and
conforms to the manufacturing specifications. It will be up to the oper-
ations engineers to use the quality assurance data to improve production
OPERATIONS ANO MAINTENANCE: procedures, order new equipment, or realign the facilities and improve
PERFORMANCE, SERVICE, REPAIR efficiencies in production.

Operations and maintenance, its natural partner, are basically con-

cerned with the supervision, control, and tlpkeep of products and pro-
duction systems in both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing activi- Operations engineers also organize and supervise the maintenance of
ties. When products or systems become sufficiently complex, the buildings, equipment, grounds, and utilities. In technologically complex
technical knowledge and skills of operations engineers are needed. For systems, proper maintenance procedures are absolutely critica! if a com-
example, in nuclear plants producing electrical power, operations engi- pany is to reach its design and profit goals. A jet airliner grounded for
neers supervise the complex plant operat ions involving the delicate unexpected repairs costs the airline thousands of dollars in lost revenues.
energy interchange which converts radiation flux to steam energy, steam An offshore platform unable to drill because of diesel engine failure loses
energy to turbine mechanical energy, and mechanical energy to gener- the drilling company about $40 000 to $50 000 a day. Conveyor failure in
ated power. Technicians trained and supervised by operations engineers an assembly line production plant may slow down the entire production
will probably do the actual monitoring and ~djusting of the complex con- system causing labor to stand around, wasting energy and causing sched-
trol systems, but it will be operations engineers who analyze and inter- ule delays.
78 Chapter 3 An Engineer's W ork Sales: Marketing, Applications, Service 79

bachelor's degree and need a broad background obtained from studying

subjects in the other engineering branches such as chemical, civil, elec-
trical, industrial, materials, and mechanical engineering.


Have you every shopped for an item only to discover that the enthusias-
tic salesperson could not explain any of the technical details which you
need for your personal assessment of the product? This can be a most
frustrating situation, one which engineering has tried to eliminate
through the function called sales engineering. The increasing complexity
found in engineering products and equipment combined with the diver-
sity of industrial operations have caused industry to dedicate engineer-
ing resources to the marketing activity. Consequently, almost 5 percent
of all engineers work in sales engineering.
Beyond the obvious sales function, sales engineers generally fulfill
company objectives of enlightenment, applications, service, and com-
pany representation; these are described in the following sections.
Safety is an important component of operations engineering. To protect the
working personnel, engineers have established procedures and regulations Enlightenment
based on their knowledge of construction and production operations. Examples
are the development and posting of emergency procedures in case of accident One of the purposes of sales engineers is to introduce and demonstrate
and the requirement that certain personnel wear hard hats. (Courtesy of DOW company methods, products, equipment, and capabilities to the market-
Chemical Company) place, that is, the consumers of the industrial technology. For example,
a company develops and is ready to market a new microsonic sensing
system which is capable of detecting nearly any type of object passing
For these reasons, operations engineers set maintenance objectives through its beam path. The sales engineer will make appointments with
and organize to meet them in order to minimize the loss of production those industrial representatives or consumers who may be interested in
time because of malfunctioning equipment or poor maintenance. They this type of product-in this case, companies that utilize modern control
plan efficient use of maintenance personnel and equipment to prolong the systems in assembly line production. At the meeting, probably with pro-
company's investment in its buildings, plants, and equipment. They duction or operations engineers, the sales engineer points out the favor-
select and install equipment and schedule preventive maintenance based able characteristics of the sensing system, noting that the system pro bes
on sorne predetermined and acceptable reliability. They see that main- utilize a beam with invisible, inaudible, ultrahigh-frequency waves that
tenance personnel keep records of periodic inspection and testing, lubri- allow the detection of objects as small as one-half inch moving through
cation, painting, cleaning, adjusting, and other servicing requirements. the beam at a rate of up to 2 000 objects per minute. The sales engineer
Operations engineers will make decisions regarding contract versus in- also notes that the sensing beam does nqt involve physical contact and
house maintenance by considering department size requirements, over- that the beam narrowness makes the system immune from light, dust,
head, equipment costs, and plans for facility expansion. water vapor, and other particles which might pass through the beam.
Finally the sales engineer may note that the system detects either metal-
Qualifications Operations and maintenance engineers are less con- He or nonmetallic objects, and has a fifteen-volt circuitry and output sig-
cerned about abstract concepts in engineering than with the fundamen- nal that makes it directly compatible with many logic and control sys-
tals governing production and operational systems. Most will have a tems. This knowledge hopefully willlead to the sale of the product.
80 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Management: People, Projects, Products 81

Applications It is the basic function of

product support to give cus-
It is up to the sales engineer to become familiar with those engineering tomers the utmost assistance
representatives who make decisions about new products and equipment. in the operation and mainte-
nance of such equipment as
By continuing interaction with these representatives the sales engineer the aircraft engine you see
strives for familiarity with each company's production operations. here. These engineers main-
Opportunities may then arise when the company is considering new tain close contacts with air-
equipment for replacement or expansion or when the company has oper- line and military engineering
ational difficulties which necessitate operations' redesign. Sales engi- and maintenance personnel;
thus they play a key role in
neers may then actually engage in system design by proposing methods the continuing refinement of
and equipment to the company engineers to accommodate the necessary engine designs. Here engi-
operational changes. Sales engineers will need a knowledge of the capa- neers study the impact an
bilities and limitations of their own products and also an understanding engineering change will have
of the capabilities of many other products from other companies. The on product support. (Cour-
tesy of Pratt and Whitney
engineer will then propose a system, in competition with those proposed Aircraft Group)
by other sales engineering representatives, to accomplish the necessary
objectives, often including parts and equipment from other manufac-
It is not unusual for needs to arise for which no process or product
exists, or for which minor design changes have to be made in order to
make it suitable to an industrial firm's immediate requirements. Thus
the sales engineer is continually feeding back design information to his
or her company that may lead toa new development project orto tem-
porary design fixes.

Marketed equipment and systems are often so complex or sensitive that
the industrial consumer chooses not to maintain them; thus sales engi- Qualifications Because sales engineers work on all kinds of problems,
neering often signs a maintenance contract. With this added responsi- their education should be broad, similar to that required for production
bility of maintenance, the sales engineer schedules the service depart- and operations engineers, culminating in a bachelor's degree. As details
ment, usually composed of technicians and other specialists, for about company products will not be taught in college, sales engineers
preventative maintenance, and supervises any repair work that occurs, will need apprenticeship time either in manufacturing or service depart-
always looking for design defects. The service department will also ments to gain the knowledge and judgment skills necessary for sales
assume the field testing of newly installed equipment. engineering.

Company Representative
Sales engineers refl.ect a company's reputation including its technical
prowess, its reliability, and its overall dedication to excellence. The sales MANAGEMENT:PEOPLE,PROJECTS,PRODUCTS
engineers must not only be technically competent in design, production,
operatipns, and maintenance, but also be dependable, friendly, courteous, Because the engineering design process, by its very nature, requires
tactful, able to listen, and able to inspire confidence in their company's management, all engineers will play the role of manager in their career,
products. Therefore sales engineers need to be good communicators and even though it may not be permanent or refl.ect an engineer's major work
able not only to listen but to interpret and express ideas properly. As function. Management may be vested in the project engineer, who super-
company representatives, this "'sowing of seeds" sales engineers vises a small test program, in the construction engineer, who is respon-
to travel considerably. sible for the foundation work of a high-rise building, or in the engineer
82 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Management: People, Projects, Products 83

who directs a research project requiring the management of test equip- will be concerned with establishing programs and training for engineer-
ment, technical assistants, computer usage, budget dispersals, and over- ing personnel development in order to promote technical effectiveness
all research progress. and increase personnel morale. Since engineering managers will work
In sorne cases engineers will move into permanent supervisory posi- with many different people, they must learn how to communicate well
tions or even to higher level company management, thereby assuming and how to be sensitive to the needs of those they work with.
the overall responsibility for project or product success. Today the trend Another important characteristic that engineering managers must
is to move more engineers into the higher management of industrial possess is the ability to organize and plan. Without this crucial step,
firms. In fact, 30 to 50 percent of industrial managers will have an engi- engineering managers would often be placed in jeopardy. Managers,
neering background. This is in sharp contrast with the turn of the cen- therefore, are generally familiar with scheduling techniques such as
tury when less than 10 percent of the engineers were engaged in top PERT (program evaluation and review technique) and line of balances;
management. these enable managers to build contingency steps into the overall orga-
nizational structure for protection against unexpected delays. One can-
People Management not minimize the importance of experience in this area of project
Engineering managers must have the ability to supervise people (the Engineers who become full-time supervisors or managers are gener-
personnel) and work with higher management. This may require the ally:
manager to establish staffing plans, write job descriptions, and establish
promotion, and wage and salary guidelines. Managers may ha veto man- • Technically proficient and experienced.
age taxes and employee records, establish and regulate working hours • Capable of making sound engineering judgments and decisions.
and fringe benefits such as vacations, insurance, and retirement. Sorne • Able to motivate and work with people of varying backgrounds.
• Proficient in costs' management and budget control.
• Able to understand basic contract law and have the ability to negoti-
ate contracts and mediate disputes.
• Able to set goals and objectives and organize and planto meet them.
• Responsive to directions from supervisors and top management.
• Able to operate efficiently in an environment of risk and uncertainty.
As would be expected from this list of characteristics, engineering
managers, particularly those at the higher levels of management, are
generally paid more than engineers in volved in the other work functions
mentioned earlier. Note that engineers require job experience and estab-
lished technical competency before they are given opportunities toman-
age. Young engineers should not expect to move into top-level manage-
ment immediately.

Project and Product Management

Engineering almost always results in something tangible. It may be a
one-of-a-kind project item such as a communications satellite, a new
dam, ora new irrigation system. Then again, it may be a product which
is manufactured in mass for commercial distribution such as automo-
biles, televisions, washing machines, and others. But regardless of the
Engineering management is concerned with project planning and schedule end result, it cannot be successfully constructed or produced without the
deadlines. Here a group of project managers meet with top management to careful management of a series of intermediate steps which govern
report on project progress. (Courtesy of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Group) movement through the overall design process.
84 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work
Looking Back 85

Societal and Fiscal Accountability

Since success and profit are often considered one and the same, the
engineer must build a device or manufacture a product that meets the

"~· requirements established for it at the projected costs. The engineering
.... ... manager is often concerned with the flow of development and production
<iM a.-.~
l ;¡,y()o.fl
~ '-·
funds while insuring that the end product performs satisfactorily. In fact
c.:u.,,.~, r., engineering managers today assume a significant responsibility when it
comes to the consuming public. If company products perform unsatisfac-
~ ..• j torily, damage the ecology, or lead to injury, death, or sickness, then the
principal management becomes accountable for the company as its offi-

-_ t~

~..... \ .....
cial representatives.

.... ,.,..,.,......,.
~~t;:::-•At¡,._, /j
,..,*' .."'"
Qualifications The level of responsibility and enlightenment will
.,, -.
'""","'''""'""'· increase as the engineer moves into higher management. All engineering
eo.. . . ..
Ana~)', ••
managers who manage must understand the basic budgeting and
""'" t't~•rn,,..._.,v accounting procedures used in everyday financia! operations such as
~ ..... -..;.,,..,

......,, .

accounts receivable, accounts payable, billing, and payroll dispersal. But
ettWiil "''""'rntmt those who become engaged in the management of overall product devel-
~ opment will have to understand basic cost structuring principies which

integrate the various costs of planning, research, design, production,
c,.t_...- A..'"*&ly~e marketing, and operations to determine a unit cost for the product. Man-
agers here may have to understand tax administration and the stock and
dividend structure, know when to make capital investments, and be
Mtabtish a
familiar with the methods of financing. Engineering managers generally
in the U .S .
will have at least a bachelor's degree in engineering and many will have
advanced degrees in engineering or in business administration.
Decisions, decisions, decisions! Engineering managers live with them everyday.
(Courtesy of the Boeing Company)

Asan example, consider the major project of building a dam; here the LOOKING BACK
management of field operations and the supporting projects is crucial to
overall success. Among the many initial projects which may be necessary One thing should be evident from this chapter and the one preceding it:
are the site survey and the establishment of field si te support, including engineering is diverse. There are well over twenty major "branches" or
the establishment of facilities for housing, meals, school, equipment "fields" of engineering, twelve of which were discussed in sorne depth in
storage, and medica! operations. Managers would direct the efforts of the previous chapter (others such as biomedical, energy/power, environ-
others to establish communications, construct roads, and distribute mental, geological, and systems engineering are no less important but
power to the various facilities; or they may be involved in task planning just not employing large numbers, yet). In addition, every field of engi-
requiring statements of work, permit clearances, procedures for material neering has severa! specialty areas. For example, chemical engineering
and equipment accounting, handling, and inspection. As the field opera- has at least seven, and mechanical engineering has eleven or more.
tions progress, managers may then become more involved in contract This diversity is increased even further by the different functions '
control, scheduling of action meetings, quality control, auditing, and which engineers can perform including management, research, develop-
reporting. ment, design, testing, production, construction, operations, maintenance,
sales, consulting, and teaching. Most of these functions represent impor-
86 Chapter 3 An Engineer's Work Exercises 87

tant activities in the process of design which occurs in basically two 5. Interview one of your engineering pr0fessors and ask him or her to
1 stages, primary design and production-consumption. Most engineers will relate why he or she chose teaching as a career.
work in management, research, development, and design, although there
are many opportunities for those interested in the less abstract engi- 6. List the educational prerequisites required for each engineering
neering activities of production, construction, operations, and sales. work function.
Combining the number of engineering fields and the number of spe- 7. List the aptitudes that are desirable for engineers in each work
cialty areas with the number of engineering functions, we can count function.
thousands of different engineering "niches" providing unique opportu- 8. Discuss the differences and similarities between production and
nities and experiences for prospective engineers. Engineers are not construction.
forced to remain in these niches and will probably move from one to 9. What are the differences between development and design? Is test-
another during their careers.
ing a more important activity for one of these work functions?
Finally, engineers must work with many different things, requiring
that they have a broad education, along with sorne training and experi-
ence. Engineers will work with ideas, beginning as either abstract con- 10. Review the engineering autobiographies at the end of Chapter 4.
cepts or principies or as the result of synthesis or innovation. Engineers Which engineering function is mentioned most often in these auto-
work with objects such as machines, equipment, and structures, and with biographies?
methods and processes. Engineers work with people, including other
engineering associates, management, technicians, employees, customers,
and representatives from both the public and government sector. Com-
munication is absolutely necessary if the engineer is to take ideas and
make them into reality. Last, engineers work with money (project bud-
gets, finances, capital investments, utilities, material costs), · realizing
that it is the economics that often dictates the engineering decision.


l. Interview an engineer in industry whose primary responsibility is

management. Discuss the characteristics that engineers must have
before they can assume management roles.
2. lnterview a civil engineer in construction who has recently com-
pleted a significant construction project. Ask this engineer to relate
the more difficult aspects of the project, including not only the
engineering problems but also the people problems.
3. Investigate one of the more recent research breakthrqughs. Deter-
mine the more important intermediate steps that led to this impor-
tant breakthrough.
4. Engineering researchers are at the top of the "abstract" scale in
applying abstract principies to their work while management is
more likely to be at the bottom of this scale. With management at
the bottom and research at the top, place all of the engineering
functions in descending order in their application of abstract

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