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Section 1: Board Games Levels Language Focus
Page B1 B2 C1 Sub-skills & Functions Grammar G & Lexis L

10 What’s the Topic? 3 3 3 • improvising short topic-based turns G spoken discourse markers and
• speaking fluently without pausing conjunctions
• asking questions spontaneously L various topics

12 Opinion Olympics 3 3 • expressing opinions L expressions

for giving opinions,
• agreeing and disagreeing agreeing and disagreeing
• providing reasons
14 Supermarket 3 3 • giving personal information G present simple
Scramble • describing dishes, food and diets L food and shopping
• naming items in a list L health and diets

16 Haunted Hotel 3 3 3 • narrating a story G pastsimple and past continuous

• describing people, places and things L adjectivesto describe people, places
and things
18 Question Maze 3 3 3 • formulating questions G question forms
• recalling recent events G going to and present continuous for
• describing future arrangements future plans / arrangements
G past simple

20 Alphabet Race 3 3 3 • naming items within a category L free time activities / hobbies

• describing a hobby, place, the weather, or

etc. L countries of the world / travel
• expressing personal preferences
22 Comperlative 3 3 3 • comparing people, places and things G comparative structures
Maze • discussing the validity of a statement G superlativestructures
L science and technology
L geography

24 Animal 3 3 • comparing qualities G comparative adjectives and adverbs

Comparatives • describing abilities G as
+ adjective + as structures
L animals

26 Word Formation 3 3 • transforming words from one part of L parts of speech

Maze speech to another L suffixes
• producing example sentences
28 Sport Busters 3 3 3 • describing rules and conditions G modal verbs of obligation and
• expressing obligation and prohibition prohibition
L sports

30 Phrasal Verb 3 3 • responding quickly to questions L phrasal verbs

32 Personality 3 3 3 • describing characteristics and personality L adjectives to describe personality
35 Description Bingo 3 3 • describing appearance G have got / have
• asking yes / no questions G adjective order
L features of the face

© Delta Publishing 2014 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson 3


Section 2: Card Games Levels Language Focus

Page B1 B2 C1 Sub-skills & Functions Grammar G & Lexis L

38 Advice Rummy 3 3 • giving advice G modal verbs and other structures for
• thinking of creative solutions to problems giving advice
40 Grammar Gym 3 3 • conjugating verbs accurately at speed G all
tenses / aspects that your learners
already know
42 Say the Right 3 3 3 • responding appropriately to good and G so do I / me too
Thing bad news L spoken attention signals
• using intonation and body language to
convey meaning
45 ‘Both’ & ‘Neither’ 3 3 3 • thinking creatively under time pressure G both and neither
Snap • drawing comparisons G have to for obligation
• challenging the validity of a statement L occupations

46 Just a Minute! 3 3 3 • monitoring accuracy while speaking L spoken fillers

fluently L spoken hedging expressions
• peer-correcting errors
47 Dragons’ Lair 3 3 • pitching an original business idea G 1stconditional structures
• responding to probing questions G 2nd conditional structures
L business and finance

50 Original Opinions 3 3 3 • expressing opinions G zero conditional structures

• agreeing and disagreeing L expressions for giving opinions
• describing conditions
52 The Thing 3 3 • commenting on a topic / issue G cleftsentences
about Cleft • expressing opinions G itas a preparatory subject
Sentences… • providing supporting arguments G complex sentences
• adding emphasis
54 Pros and Cons 3 3 3 • generating ideas quickly G comparative structures
Dice • challenging an idea
55 Question Poker 3 3 3 • recalling specific information accurately G verb patterns
• expressing feelings and desires G future forms
56 Regrets 3 3 • expressing regret and/or criticism G 3rd conditional structures
• peer-correcting formal errors G mixed conditional structures
G should have + past participle
G I wish… / If only… structures

4 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson © Delta Publishing 2014

Section 3:
Secrets & Lies Levels Language Focus
Page B1 B2 C1 Sub-skills & Functions Grammar G & Lexis L

57 True Secrets 3 3 • asking and answering improvised G question forms

questions L personal information
• inventing information quickly
60 Truth or Lie 3 3 3 • making short, unprepared speaking turns G past simple
• inventing information quickly G reported speech
• analysing a spoken text critically
62 Tag on the Back 3 3 3 • making guesses G question tags
• using intonation to sound friendly G ‘same way’ question tags
• correcting misconceptions L use of actually to correct factual
64 Question Taboo 3 3 3 • paraphrasing G present simple tense
• reformulating an idea L personal information
66 Truth Mingle 3 3 3 • identifying things in common G future perfect
• speculating on possible future events G future continuous
• enquiring about future plans G present continuous / going to for
• describing future plans future arrangements / intentions
68 Gotcha! 3 3 • improvising questions G question
• leading a conversation L food
and drink (or any other lexical
70 Secret Sentences 3 3 3 • agreeing and disagreeing L spoken discourse markers
• challenging someone’s opinion
• eliciting agreement
72 This Weekend 3 3 3 • describing future plans and arrangements G going
to for future plans
• interviewing someone G present
continuous for future
74 Passive Porkies 3 3 3 • improvising responses to questions G passive forms (present simple, past
• describing recent events simple, present perfect)
• asking follow-up questions G question forms

76 Kangaroo Court 3 3 • justifying past actions G narrative tenses

• thinking creatively L crime and courtroom
• interrogating a suspect
• responding to accusations
78 Would I lie to 3 3 3 • asking questions / interrogating G narrative tenses
you? • describing past experiences G present perfect for life experience
• recalling an anecdote
80 Lie Auction 3 3 3 • describing abilities, past events and habits (any or all of the following)
• hypothesising about possible abilities, G present perfect for life experience
events and habits G can / could for ability
• asking questions G used to for past habits

© Delta Publishing 2014 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson 5


Section 4: Puzzles &

Challenges Levels Language Focus
Page B1 B2 C1 Sub-skills & Functions Grammar G & Lexis L

82 Word Countdown 3 3 3 • manipulating sentence syntax at speed G sentence formation

• connecting ideas creatively G relative clauses
G past tenses
G linking expressions

83 Riddle Race 3 3 3 • lateral / creative thinking G conjunctions for explaining and

• explaining an abstract idea justifying
86 Who wants to be 3 3 3 • predicting the meaning of unfamiliar lexis L idioms
an ‘Idiom’aire? • providing reasons for choices
• coming to an agreement
88 How to Rob a 3 3 3 • describing sequences of events G modal verbs of possibility
Bank • making suggestions G 1st and 2nd conditional structures
• justifying ideas and opinions L crime and courtroom

90 The Key to the 3 3 3 • describing procedures in detail L verbs of movement and action
Problem • describing diagrams or movements L tools

• making presentations
• justifying a suggestion
92 Third Person 3 3 • accurately manipulating form when G 3rd person of present simple tense
Challenge responding to questions
94 Be Reasonable 3 3 3 • providing reasons G would, could and should to describe
• disputing and justifying opinions hypothetical situations
• describing hypothetical situations L linkers of reason and purpose

95 Needs Analysis 3 3 3 • describing needs, preferences and L education

Challenge interests L language learning
• discussing and coming to a consensus
• expressing opinions
98 Dopey Dave 3 3 3 • telling a story G narrativetenses
• describing events in detail G time expressions
L shopping
L relationships

101 Short Answer 3 3 • asking yes / no questions G auxiliary verbs including modal
Challenge • eliciting a chosen answer to a question auxiliary verbs
• providing short answers to questions G yes / no questions
G short answers

102 Crime Scene 3 3 3 • describing an image in detail G present continuous

Investigation • making inferences G there is / are
• speculating about past events G modals of probability (present and
G past simple and continuous
L clothing

104 Guess the 3 3 • making predictions G question forms

Question • giving personal information L personal interests

106 What a 3 3 3 • speculating G narrativetenses

Coincidence! • linking ideas together G past modals of deduction
• formulating a hypothesis G time sequencers
• narrating a story
108 Guess the Story 3 3 3 • making guesses G present continuous
• asking questions G narrativetenses
G time sequencers

6 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson © Delta Publishing 2014

Resource bank

112 Comparative and Superlative prompt cards

113 Country question cards
114 Free Time Activity question cards
115 Job cards
116 Opinion cards
117 Personalisation question cards
118 Phrasal Verb question cards
119 Pros and Cons cards
120 Reason cards
121 Regret cards
122 Three Stories
123 Topic cards (easy)
124 Topic cards (challenging)
125 Word cards


126 Grammar / Structure

127 Topic / Vocabulary
128 Function / Speaking sub-skill

© Delta Publishing 2014 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson 7

Section 1: Board Games

Section 1: Board Games

Haunted Hotel Haunted Hotel Game board
coins) and one dice per group. Before the game begins, read
Time 30–45 minutes through ‘The Story So Far’ with the learners (see Rules of the
Interaction Groups of 3–5 learners game). Make sure they understand that they should recount
the story as a past event.
Level B1 (Intermediate) to C1 (Advanced) SECRET
Notes You a knock STAIRCASE! What while
This game provides semi-controlled speaking practice of past
on the door. you your
Language areas practised simple and past continuous tenses. The degree of control will GO BACK
What next? bags?
depend on the imagination and creativity of the learners. 2 SPACES
Sub-skills and Functions (hear, happen) (happen, unpack)
It could also provide inspiration for story writing, either for
●● narrating a story homework or in a future lesson.
●● describing people, places and things Variations You to the
Learners move round as a team, using one counter only restaurant for You your
You around. You in the
Grammar and Lexis and flipping a coin instead of a dice – heads: one space – dinner. What POWER CUT! room. Describe
What behind mirror. What
●● past simple and past continuous tenses tails: two spaces. in the
you? GO BACK you ? your room.
adjectives to describe people, places and things The learner on the right of the current player asks the restaurant? 3 SPACES (get to)
●● ●●
(turn, happen) (look, see)
question. If they get the question right, they get a (go, happen)
Preparation bonus point.
Photocopy the Rules of the game and the Game board TRAP What in the
(one of each per group). Players need one counter each (e.g. DOOR!
EXIT main hall when
you through
(happen, walk)
Now help your
Describe the What when Describe the
other guests. you back person who
✂ What they
to your room? the door.
? (eat) (happen, get) (open)
Haunted Hotel Rules of the game
SECRET You down
Preparation If… at your hands. DOOR!
Play in groups of 3-5. Each group needs a Game board, a What you
●● If you land on a square
dice and some counters (e.g. coins). Each player places their with a question, first use ?
counter on START, ready to begin. the verbs in brackets to (look, notice)
ask the question (using
The story so far… past simple and/or past
Last year you saw an advert for a discount holiday, staying continuous), and then
at a hotel in the country. So you made a booking that you answer the question. You out of the
What you You on the
regretted for the rest of your life! You are now going to tell You a cat. restaurant. What
●● If you land on an image, ? What door. What
the story while playing a game. Use your imagination to What it ?
describe it using past they ? next?
make it interesting and scary! Remember to tell the story in (see, do) next?
simple and/or past continuous. (order, bring) (run, happen)
the past. Good luck! (knock, happen)
●● If you land on a ‘secret staircase’ or a ‘trap door’, follow
How to play the arrow.
Take turns to roll the dice and move around the board. You ●● If you land on the same square as another player, move
play the game as a team and try to tell a story that links
forward one square. What the Describe the old hotel What as you

●● If you land on a square that somebody has already weather like when you when you it for through the
How to win landed on, move forward one square. the bus? the first time. garden?
The first player to reach the EXIT wins! (be, get off) (see) (happen, walk)

16 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson © Delta Publishing 2014 © Delta Publishing 2014 SPEAKING GAMES by Jason Anderson 17

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