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Section A: The Basics

Method 1 - Test Format, Organization and Timing

Method 2 - How the Test is Scored

i o n : cumulat
sect iv e scor
each 0 -800 600-2400
2 0
correct: + 1 raw point
incorrect: - 1/4 raw point
omit: +/- 0 raw points
Method 3: To Answer or Not to Answer
If you cannot eliminate any choices: _________________________

If you can only eliminate one choice: __________________________

If you can eliminate at least two choices: __________________________

Exception: For the SPR (student produced response) questions: _________________________

Section B: Being Prepared for What You’ll See

Method 4: How to Navigate Sections

NOTE: Math questions are arranged by difficulty. Be cautious about answering the
questions towards the end!

Method 5: Directions for the SPR Questions

SPR (Student Produced Response) Notes:

1 ) You cannot grid mixed fractions
2 ) Fill in a repeating decimal as far as it will go
3 ) If more than one answer is correct, grid in any acceptable answer
4 ) No negative answers
5 ) Make sure to bubble in
6 ) It doesnt matter if you line up your answer to the right or lef t
7 ) Answer every SPR question

Method 6: Formulas You Are and Are Not Given

Section C: Knowing a Rule vs. Applying a Rule

Method 7: Finding a Percent

Method 8: Using the Percent Proportion

Method 9: How Functions Work

Method 10: Functions and a New Variable

Recap: For a Function, just ask yourself

if you’re subbing in for the variable or if
you’re subbing in for your answer
Section D: Knowing Geometry vs. Applying Geometry

Method 11: Special Triangle Ratios

NOTE: For the special triangle ratios, you only need to know one side to solve
for the other two!
Method 12: Applying the Ratios, and How to Rationalize

NOTE: If the test gives you an integer as a leg, just use the ratio

NOTE: If the test gives you an integer as the hypotenuse of a 45-45-90,

set that number equal to x radical 2.

Method 13: Think About How Pieces Correspond

NOTE: Think about how one piece of one shape corresponds to a piece from
another shape
Method 14: Diagonal in a Rectangle vs. a Square

A diagonal in a rectangle will create _________________________________

A diagonal in a square will create ___________________________________

Method 15: Height in an Isosceles vs. an Equilateral

A height in an isosceles triangle will create _________________________________

A height in an equilateral triangle will create _______________________________

NOTE: Always look for how the special triangles are hidden in more
complex shapes!
Section E: Test Language and General Tips

Method 16: Not Drawn to Scale

NOTE: If you see “Not Drawn to Scale”, don’t assume anything about that picture
unless you’ve proven it with math or geometry reasoning.

Method 17: Could vs. Must

NOTE: To prove that something could be true, you only need to prove that
it is true one time.

NOTE: For must be true, see if you can prove it false! Try “rule-breaking” numbers,
like negatives, 0, or fractions.
Method 18: “What is one possible value...” and Corner Cases

Method 19: Solve for What is Asked!

NOTE: Be careful of stopping one step too soon! Answers that you solve for
along the way to the final answer will probably be listed in the choices.

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