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MISSION STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................................................3
MAP ...............................................................................................................................................................................4
Areas within Bridgeport .............................................................................................................................................5
CODE OF CONDUCT .......................................................................................................................................................6
General Rules .............................................................................................................................................................6
Consequences of Rule Violations ...............................................................................................................................7
ENTRY INTO BRIDGEPORT..............................................................................................................................................8
New Citizen Requirements ........................................................................................................................................8
Entry Process .............................................................................................................................................................8
Job Assignment Process .............................................................................................................................................9
ROOMING AND SLEEPING............................................................................................................................................11
Room & Bed Assignment Process ............................................................................................................................11
General Rules – Room Halls .....................................................................................................................................12
General Rules – Bathrooms .....................................................................................................................................13
WATER CENTER............................................................................................................................................................14
Washing Clothes (BridgeWash) ...............................................................................................................................14
Other Water Usage ..................................................................................................................................................15
Shifts & Schedules – Water Center ..........................................................................................................................16
POWER CENTER & BRIDGEPORT DAM .........................................................................................................................17
Bridgeport Dam .......................................................................................................................................................17
CAFETERIA ...................................................................................................................................................................18
Daily Meal Schedule ................................................................................................................................................18
Citizens with Special Meal Requirements ................................................................................................................18
Shifts & Schedules – Cafeteria .................................................................................................................................19
General Rules – Cafeteria ........................................................................................................................................20
SECURITY CENTER ........................................................................................................................................................21
Shifts & Schedules – Security Officers .....................................................................................................................21
Community Jail ........................................................................................................................................................22
MAINTENANCE OFFICE ................................................................................................................................................23
Maintenance Requests ............................................................................................................................................23
Shift & Schedules – Maintenance Workers .............................................................................................................24

HUNTERS & GATHERERS ..............................................................................................................................................25
Shifts & Schedules – Hunters & Gatherers ..............................................................................................................25
General Rules – Hunters & Gatherers .....................................................................................................................26
MEDICAL CLINIC ...........................................................................................................................................................27
Appointments & Hours ............................................................................................................................................27
Shifts & Schedules – Medical Clinic .........................................................................................................................27
BRIDGEPORT COUNCIL ................................................................................................................................................29
Council Organization................................................................................................................................................29
Council Meetings .....................................................................................................................................................30
Presidential Line of Succession ................................................................................................................................31
Council Checks & Balances ......................................................................................................................................31
Community Requests ...............................................................................................................................................32
COMMUNITY MEETINGS .............................................................................................................................................33
Meeting Commencement Process...........................................................................................................................33
Trials ........................................................................................................................................................................34
Emergency Meetings ...............................................................................................................................................34
EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ............................................................................................................................................35
Zombie Horde ..........................................................................................................................................................35
Hostile Humans........................................................................................................................................................36
Internal Attack .........................................................................................................................................................36
Hostage Situation ....................................................................................................................................................37
Disease .....................................................................................................................................................................38
Fire ...........................................................................................................................................................................38
Animal Attack ..........................................................................................................................................................39
Severe Thunderstorm ..............................................................................................................................................39
Tornado ...................................................................................................................................................................39
Hurricane .................................................................................................................................................................40
Winter Storm ...........................................................................................................................................................41
AMENDMENTS .............................................................................................................................................................42


On a cold, snowy night five years ago, Samuel Carter and his group
of survivors laid the foundation for a dream: that a new community
could be born to start life anew, that it could be a safe haven for all
survivors young and old, that it could become a new beginning for
those lost and empty of hope, and that it could commence the start
of the rebuilding of the society humanity once knew.

The mission of the community of Bridgeport is to uphold the dream

of our founder, Samuel Carter, and see that his dream becomes


Areas within Bridgeport

Front Gate
 The main entrance to the Bridgeport Community. Citizen and/or guest
arrivals are handled using the door to the right. The gate itself is opened
for arrivals involving vehicles or animals.
Processing Center
 Survivors wanting to enter Bridgeport, as well as any supplies gathered
on hunts, are brought through here to be checked and examined before
entering the community.
Central Plaza
 A general common area for leisure and/or relaxation.
General Community Center
 Houses the Bridgeport Council, as well as areas for Job Assignment and
Room & Bed Assignment.
Room Halls
 Split into three areas: Riverbank Hall, Northfield Hall, and Southpointe
Hall. Each hall contains two floors, with each floor having citizen
bedrooms and communal bathrooms.
 Meal rations are distributed here.
Security Center
 Houses the Bridgeport Security Force, as well as the Community Jail.
Medical Clinic
 Center for treating injuries, illnesses, and any other medical conditions.
Maintenance Office
 Maintenance requests are processed here.
Hydroelectric Plant
 Split into three areas: Bridgeport Dam, Water Center, and Power Center.

General Rules

The following rules are to be followed and enforced on a daily basis in all areas of
Bridgeport. Violation of any rule will result in subsequent punishment, as outlined
in sub-section b: Consequences of Rule Violations. Any temporary rule changes
will be announced by the Bridgeport Council.
Note A: The Bridgeport Community cannot foresee each and every circumstance
that may arise; therefore, not all situations may be represented in this section. Any
behavior deemed detrimental to the mission and/or values of Bridgeport will be
subject to some sort of disciplinary action.
Note B: In this handbook, a minor refers to any person under the age of 18.

1. No citizen shall take any action that may cause physical harm to another
citizen UNLESS the action is being taken in self-defense or to the defense of
2. No citizen may engage in sexual harassment or misconduct.
3. No citizen shall steal private property from another citizen.
4. No citizen shall take any action that may cause damage or have potential to
cause damage to properties within the community.
5. No citizen shall start a fire or create a fire hazard within the community.
6. No citizen shall fail to comply with any reasonable request from community
officials and/or security.
7. No citizen shall make, or cause to make, a false community alarm or
emergency report of any kind.
8. No citizen shall take any action, or assist the action, of hiding and/or
harboring the undead within the walls of the community.
9. Each citizen is expected to report any suspicious activities and/or persons to
Bridgeport Security as soon as possible.

Consequences of Rule Violations

The punishment given for a crime / rule violation committed within the Bridgeport
Community depends on several factors. These include, but are not limited to:
 The crime / rule violation committed
 The severity of the violation
 The amount of physical and emotional harm done to citizens (if any)
 The amount of physical damage caused to the community (if any)
 The amount of undead attracted to the community walls (if any)
In most cases, a citizen will be put on trial for any crimes committed. The verdict of
a trial will determine the punishment given (see page 34 for more information).

Punishments include, but are not limited to:

Loss of Meal Privileges
 The most basic punishment. Can be applied to a certain number of meals in
one day, or can be applied to all meals for a certain number of days.
Living Relocation
 Consists of moving the citizen to a new bedroom. Can be temporary or
Job Relocation
 Consists of moving the citizen to a new job assignment. Can be temporary or
Area Banning
 The citizen will be banned from entering a certain area within the community.
Can be temporary or permanent.
Jail Sentence
 The citizen will be imprisoned in a cell in the Community Jail for a certain
amount of time (see page 22 for more information).
 The most extreme punishment. Reserved for the most terrible and unethical
of crimes.

New Citizen Requirements

Any outside survivor seeking entry into Bridgeport must be considered suitable for
entry by either a Bridgeport citizen partaking in outside work (hunters, gatherers,
etc.) or a member of Bridgeport security at the community front gate. In the event
that an outside survivor wishes to enter the community, they must first be asked three
 “How many of the undead have you killed?”
 “How many people have you killed?”
 “Why?” (In response to the survivor’s answer to the second question)
If the citizen or security officer finds the survivor’s answers reasonable, then he/she
may be taken to the front gate to commence the entry process.

Entry Process

If an outside survivor has been deemed acceptable to join Bridgeport by a current

citizen and/or security officer, then he/she will be taken to the community front gate.
The following process will then be used for every potential new citizen:
 The survivor will be escorted by a security officer through the entry door to
the right of the front gate.
 The survivor will be sent through a series of scanners to search for weapons,
explosives, or other potentially dangerous materials. If any of these materials
are found, they will be confiscated and checked. They may be returned if
given approval by the Security Director.
 The survivor will be escorted into the Processing Center & will receive further
examination to check for disease and/or any other conditions. They will then
be asked the three entry questions again as outlined in the previous section.
 If the survivor is considered healthy, he/she will commence the Job
Assignment Process (see page 9 for more information)
o If the survivor is not considered healthy, he/she will be sent to the
Medical Clinic to receive quarantined treatment until healthy, if
possible. Any action taken afterwards will be done on a case-by-case

Job Assignment Process
Citizens of Bridgeport must carry out daily tasks related to the perseverance and
upkeep of the community to ensure that it remains safe and secure. Therefore, every
citizen will be assigned a job in one of the Community Departments. A new citizen
will begin this process once he/she has been approved by the Processing Center and
once they have been considered healthy.

Age Requirements
 Job Assignments will only be given to citizens aged 12 years and older.
 Any working citizen under the age of 18 is considered a working minor.
 Working minors may only work while under the supervision and/or assistance
of citizens aged 18 years and older. If the working minor has family within
Bridgeport, then priority will be given for the minor to work with them.
 Working minors may not work during any shift other than Shift E or Shift F
(see below)
Shift Requirements
 All jobs in the Bridgeport Community work under a universal shift schedule.
 Shift schedules for regular citizens:
Shift A – 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Shift B – 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Shift C – 7:00 PM to 1:00 AM
Shift D – 1:00 AM to 7:00 AM
 Shift schedules for working minors:
Shift E – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Shift F – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
 Note: It is expected that the majority of regular citizens will work during Shift
A or Shift B. All departments within Bridgeport use Shift A and Shift B, but
only select departments will use Shift C and Shift D. See the chapter for each
specific department for more details.

Assignment Process
1. The citizen will report to the General Community Center.
2. The citizen will answer a questionnaire, detailing their skills, preferences, and
3. A job and a shift will be assigned based on the citizen’s age and his/her
answers in the questionnaire.
Changing Jobs or Shifts
1. If a citizen wishes to change to a different job or a different shift, they should
report to the General Community Center.
2. He/she should then fill out an “Assignment Change Request” form, making
sure to indicate which job and/or shift that the citizen would like to switch to
and reasons why.
3. A response form will be delivered to the citizen within the next 1-3 days
afterwards, in person or in the citizen’s room.
o If the citizen’s request is approved, then he/she should follow the
instructions enclosed within and report to their new department at the
designated shift time.
o If a response is not received within 3 days, then the citizen should go to
the Bridgeport Council to give a Community Request (see page 32 for
more information).

Note: Any citizen that fails to fulfill their responsibilities (as deemed by the
department director) within their job position is subject to relocation to another
position or department.

Room & Bed Assignment Process

All citizens of Bridgeport will be assigned a room for sleep and privacy.
Room assignments will be given to new citizens on a case-by-case basis.

Assignment Process
1. The citizen will report to the Housing Office, located in the General
Community Center.
2. The citizen will answer a questionnaire, detailing their sleeping and living
habits and preferences.
3. The citizen will receive an assigned room and roommate(s), as well as a
room key. The room assignment will be given based on the citizen’s answers
to the questionnaire, as well as whatever rooms are currently available.
Changing Rooms or Roommates
1. If a citizen wishes to change to a different room or have different roommates,
they should report to the Housing Office, located in the General Community
2. He/she should then fill out an “Assignment Change Request” form, making
sure to indicate why he/she would like to switch to a different room and/or
why they would like to have different roommates.
3. A response form will be delivered to the citizen within the next 1-3 days
afterwards, in person or to the citizen’s room.
o If the citizen’s request is approved, then he/she should follow the
instructions enclosed within.
o If a response is not received within 3 days, then the citizen should go to
the Bridgeport Council to give a Community Request (see page 32 for
more information).

General Rules – Room Halls

 Keep careful track of your room key at all times. Do not let any other
citizens borrow your room key.
o If your room key is lost, report to the Housing Office in the General
Community Center to receive a new one.
o If you lose a room key and have to replace it, you will lose one meal
ration for that day (so don’t lose it).
 Keep quiet in the Room Halls at all times. It is to be assumed that quiet
hours are in effect in the Room Halls 24 hours a day.
 Do not take any action that could cause damage to the rooms or the
 Do not steal from the rooms of other citizens.
 All citizens are urged to lock their room windows and doors when sleeping
or during periods of absence. Any breaches of security should be reported to
the Security Center immediately (see page 21 for more information).
 Any damages and/or defects in the rooms should be reported to the
Maintenance Office (see page 23 for more information).
 Citizens are expected to report any disturbances and/or incidents to the
Housing Office, located in the General Community Center.
 The Bridgeport Community reserves the right to prohibit any item or activity
deemed to be harmful to, or not in the best interests of, the community or its

Violations of any of the above rules may result in punishment, such as loss of meal
privileges, temporary living relocation, or community jail time. The punishment
given will depend on the rule violation, as well as its degree of severity.

General Rules – Bathrooms

Every floor of the Room Halls contains communal bathrooms to use for bathing and
general cleanliness. Each bathroom contains shower stalls, toilets, sinks, and
When using the communal bathrooms, the following rules apply:
 Be courteous and aware of other persons’ needs and privacy while in the
 Do not bang on stall doors or walls. Quiet hours are in effect 24 hours in the
Room Halls.
 Do not steal other persons’ toiletries or towels.
 Do not take any action that could cause damage to the showers, toilets,
sinks, or mirrors.
 Do not run in the bathrooms.
 Any damages and/or defects in the bathrooms should be reported to the
Maintenance Office (see page 23 for more information).
 Citizens are expected to report any disturbances and/or incidents to the
Housing Office, located in the General Community Center.

Violations of any of the above rules may result in punishment, such as loss of meal
privileges, temporary living relocation, or community jail time. The punishment
given will depend on the rule violation, as well as its degree of severity.

The Water Center is one of three areas in the community Hydroelectric Plant. It is
in this area that water collected and purified via the Bridgeport Dam is used to
clean clothes and other items.

Washing Clothes (BridgeWash)

The Bridgeport Community uses a community-wide clothes-washing system titled

BridgeWash. All bedrooms in the community room halls contain specially-marked
laundry bins to store dirty and/or unwashed items of clothing. Every week, these
bins can be collected and taken to the Water Center.

BridgeWash Process
1. A laundry worker will stop by every citizen bedroom during the following
laundry cycle hours:

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

2. If a citizen wishes to have his/her clothes washed, then the laundry worker
will collect the BridgeWash laundry bin and take it to the Water Center.
3. The clothes will be washed and dried in the Water Center.
4. The clothes will be returned during the next laundry cycle hour after they have
been dried. If the citizen is not in the bedroom during this time, then the
laundry worker will return to bring the bin back during the next laundry cycle
hour afterwards.
 Example: Citizen A’s clothes are finished at 3:30 PM. His laundry bin
is brought to his room during the next closest laundry cycle hour, which
in this case would be 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Citizen A is not in his room
during this time period, so his laundry bin will be brought again during
the next laundry cycle hour: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM.
Note: If a citizen regularly sleeps during any of the three laundry cycle periods,
he/she should report to the front desk at the Water Center to have their room marked
off for the appropriate time periods.

 Example: If Citizen A regularly sleeps during the 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM laundry
cycle hour and he has his room marked off for that time period, then the
laundry worker will not visit his room during the 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM laundry
cycle hour.

Note: If a citizen’s laundry is not received within two laundry cycle hours where the
citizen is present, then the citizen should go to the Bridgeport Council to give a
Community Request (see page 32 for more information).

Other Water Usage

Certain situations may occur within the community where citizens may desire to use
certain amounts of water for purposes other than cleaning, bathing, or drinking. If
this is the case, then citizens should report to the front desk at the Water Center. The
citizens should then be brought to consult with the Water Center Director. Other
usages of water may / may not be granted depending on the situation.

Note: If a citizen feels that their request for extra usage of water has been unfairly
and/or unreasonably rejected, then the citizen should go to the Bridgeport Council
to give a Community Request (see page 32 for more information).

Shifts & Schedules – Water Center

Citizens who work in the Water Center will be asked to perform any of the following
 Collecting laundry bins from citizen bedrooms
 Delivering laundry bins to citizen bedrooms
 Washing items of clothing using washing machines
 Drying items of clothing using dryers

Regular citizens who work in the Water Center may work during any of the
following shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B

Working minors who work in the Water Center may work during any of the
following shifts:

Shift E
Shift F

Note: No regular citizen may allow a working minor to work longer than the total
amount of time allotted in Shift E and Shift F.

Note: Citizens working in the Water Center are prohibited from entering the Power
Center and Bridgeport Dam sections of the Hydroelectric Plant.

The Power Center and the Bridgeport Dam are the second and third areas of the
community Hydroelectric Plant. It is in these two areas that water from the nearby
river is processed, purified, and converted into electricity.

Bridgeport Dam

When river water enters the dam, it is split into two processes:
Electricity Process
1. Once inside the dam, the water enters Tube A.
2. Once inside Tube A, the water enters the penstock: a channel that transfers
the water to a large turbine.
3. The flowing water causes the turbine to spin; this action turns a metal shaft
within the electrical generator system.
4. Electricity generated from the generator system is distributed to all other
areas of the community.
Water Purification Process
1. Once inside the dam, the water enters Tube B.
2. Once inside Tube B, the water goes through the following sub-processes:
a. Coagulation & Flocculation – Chemicals are added to the water to
combat the unsanitary particles. Large particles, called “floc,” are
b. Sedimentation – The floc settles to the bottom of the water supply.
c. Filtration – With the unsanitary particles now trapped at the bottom
(as part of the floc), the clear water passes through various filters to
remove dissolved particles, such as dust, bacteria, viruses, and
d. Disinfection – A disinfectant is added to the water to kill any
remaining unwanted particles that may still be lurking.
3. The water is then transferred to the Water Center area within the
Hydroelectric Plant (see page 14 for more information).

Daily Meal Schedule

Food and drink served to citizens will be done so in the form of rations. These rations
will typically consist of a can with specified food(s) and a tin of cold water. Rations
will be distributed in the Cafeteria 24 hours a day.

Ration Distribution Process

1. When arriving at the Cafeteria, enter the Meal Line.
2. When you arrive at the front, your name will be checked off the list and you
will receive your meal ration.
 Note: Each citizen may only have three meals during a 24-hour period (12:00
AM – 11:59 PM). You will not receive a meal if your name has been checked
off three times. The Cafeteria lists will be reset at 12:00 AM every day.

Citizens with Special Meal Requirements

Any citizens that have special meal requirements must receive prior approval from
the Medical Clinic. Once this approval has been met, the citizen’s name on the
Cafeteria list will be specially marked, indicating the requirements needed.

Note: Any citizen caught forging approval from the Medical Clinic or creating false
marks on the Cafeteria list will lose meal privileges for up to three days.

Shifts & Schedules – Cafeteria

Citizens who work in the Cafeteria will be asked to perform any of the following
 Picking up and storing food rations
 Preparing food rations
 Distributing food rations to citizens
 Cleaning up tables and trash
 Taking inventory of rations and supplies

Regular citizens who work in the Cafeteria may work during any of the following
shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B
Shift C
Shift D

Working minors who work in the Cafeteria may work during any of the following

Shift E
Shift F

Note: No regular citizen may allow a working minor to work longer than the total
amount of time allotted in Shift E and Shift F.

General Rules – Cafeteria

When in the cafeteria, the following rules apply:

 Throw away meal rations in the Cafeteria garbage bins after you are done
with them.
 Do not steal meal rations from other citizens.
 Do not steal meal rations from the meal storage room.
 Do not cut in line when receiving meal rations.
 Do not tamper with another citizen’s meal ration in a way that could cause
physical harm to him/her.
 Do not use or cause rowdy or disruptive behavior in the Cafeteria.

Violating any of the above rules may result in loss of meal privileges for a certain
number of days and/or potentially time in the Community Jail. The punishment
given will depend on the rule violation and its degree of severity.

Shifts & Schedules – Security Officers

Citizens who work in the Security Center will be asked to perform any of the
following tasks:
 Resolving fights and incidents within the community
 Keeping watch from outside the community walls
 Preventing any of the undead from entering the community
 Preventing any dangerous humans from entering and/or attacking the
 Arresting and/or detaining any citizens who commit crimes
 Helping injured or disease-stricken citizens to the Medical Clinic
 Guiding citizens to safety in the event of an emergency
 Escorting new citizens and guests into the community

To qualify to become a security officer, a citizen must:

 Be at least aged 18 years or older
 Have the ability to use and fire a handgun
 Have the ability to use and fire an assault rifle
 Have reasonable upper body strength
 Have no diseases / illnesses, mental or physical

Due to these restrictions, working minors and any handicapped citizens are
prohibited from becoming security officers.

Regular citizens who work in the Security Center may work during any of the
following shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B
Shift C
Shift D

Community Jail

As punishment for violating a community rule or committing a crime, citizens may

be sent into the Community Jail to serve time in a jail cell. The amount of time spent
in the cell will depend on the rule violated or the crime committed.

Jailing Process
1. The citizen will be forcefully taken by a security officer(s) to the Security
2. The citizen will be questioned about the situation, his/her involvement, and
why the crime / rule violation was committed.
3. If the Security Director and other officers decide that the citizen’s crime / rule
violation warrants jail time, then the citizen will be placed in a jail cell for a
specified amount of time.
4. The crime / rule violation will be added to the citizen’s file in the Security

Jail Regulations
 If the citizen’s sentence does not include loss of meal privileges, then the
citizen will be delivered three meal rations per 24-hour period. These rations
shall be consumed in the cell.
 Jailed citizens shall not be released from their cell until their sentence time
has been served. The only exception is made in the event of a community-
wide emergency.
 Jailed citizens should listen to and comply with any and all security officers.
Failure to do so may result in loss of meal privileges or an extended sentence.


Maintenance Requests

While living in the Bridgeport Community, situations may occur in which a

machine, system, or other object might need to be repaired or inspected. This may
be due to damage, a defect(s), or some other kind of problem. If such a situation
occurs, citizens should submit a maintenance request to the Maintenance Office.

Submitting Maintenance Requests

1. The citizen should report to the front desk at the Maintenance Office
2. The citizen will be given a Maintenance Request Form. The citizen should fill
out the form, making sure to specify the problem and where it is located.
3. The citizen will turn in the form to the front desk, and it will be added to the
queue. Because there is usually more than one maintenance worker working
during each shift, each request should be responded to within the same day.
 If a maintenance request is not responded to within 3 days, the citizen
should go to the Bridgeport Council to give a Community Request (see
page 32 for more information).

Shift & Schedules – Maintenance Workers

Citizens who work in the Maintenance Office will be asked to perform any of the
following tasks:
 Repairing and inspecting machines, systems, and objects in the community
 Handling and organizing maintenance requests

Regular citizens who work in the Maintenance Office may work during any of the
following shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B

Working minors who work in the Cafeteria may work during any of the following

Shift E
Shift F

Note: No regular citizen may allow a working minor to work longer than the total
amount of time allotted in Shift E and Shift F.

In order to keep a plentiful supply of food rations, medicine, and other important
items, some citizens will be tasked with venturing out into nearby areas outside of
the Bridgeport community to gather these items and materials.

There are two types of job assignments in the Hunting & Gathering Department:
 Hunters – These citizens primarily hunt for animals, plants, and other wildlife
to be used as food sources. In times of conflict, they may be asked to hunt
and/or kill those of the undead and potentially dangerous outside humans.
Hunters serve as an extra layer of security in addition to security officers.
 Gatherers – These citizens travel to nearby towns, buildings, and outposts to
search for and gather supplies that would be beneficial to the community.

Shifts & Schedules – Hunters & Gatherers

Citizens who work as a hunter will be asked to perform any of the following tasks:
 Hunting wildlife (animals or plants) to be used for community needs
 Accompanying Supply-Gatherers to provide protection and/or assistance
 Driving community vehicles to transport citizens to/from different areas

Citizens who work as a gatherer will be asked to perform any of the following tasks:
 Searching for and collecting supplies to be used for community needs
 Driving community vehicles to transport citizens to/from different areas

To qualify to become a hunter / gatherer, a citizen must:

 Be at least aged 18 years or older
 Have the ability to use and fire a handgun
 Have the ability to use and fire an assault rifle
 Have no diseases / illnesses, mental or physical
Additionally, hunters must be able to efficiently use a bow and arrow, for both
hunting and combat purposes.

Due to these restrictions, working minors and any handicapped citizens are
prohibited from becoming hunters and gatherers.

Regular citizens who work as hunters or gatherers may work during any of the
following shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B

General Rules – Hunters & Gatherers

When out in the field as a hunter or gatherer, the following rules apply:
 Stay with your group at all times. Do not wander off on your own.
 Do not use your guns unless absolutely necessary. Gunfire will attract the
 In the event that someone is bitten by one of the undead either below the
knee or below the elbow, cleanly amputate the arm/leg above the bite.
Abandon the area as quickly as possible and travel back to Bridgeport so that
the citizen can be properly treated in the Medical Clinic.
o Note: Ensure that the wound is covered tightly with a cloth / linen to
prevent blood loss.

Violating any of the above rules may result in banning from outside work for a
certain amount of time, loss of meal privileges for a certain number of days, or
potentially time in the Community Jail. The punishment given will depend on the
rule violation and its degree of severity.

Appointments & Hours

Citizens who require treatment for injuries, illnesses, and any other medical
conditions should visit the Medical Clinic. All appointments are walk-in.

Medical Appointments
1. At the front desk, you will be given a sign-in sheet. Sign your name, the
date, and the current time.
2. Stay in the waiting area until your name is called.
3. Once your name is called, you will be brought to one of the clinic rooms.

Emergencies & Urgent Injuries

 In some cases, citizens may require immediate medical attention to treat a
serious and potentially life-threating injury. If this occurs, these citizens will
take first priority over any citizens in the waiting area at that time.
 Once the situation has been resolved, the original appointment queue will

Shifts & Schedules – Medical Clinic

There are two sub-departments in the Medical Clinic: Medics and Medical Records.
 Regular citizens may work as either Medics or in Medical Records.
 Working minors may only work in Medical Records.

Citizens who work as Medics in the Medical Clinic will be asked to perform any of
the following tasks:
 Diagnosing and treating injuries, diseases, and other medical conditions
 Prescribing medicines and other treatments to citizens
 Performing surgeries and other medical procedures

Citizens who work in Medical Records in the Medical Clinic will be asked to
perform any of the following tasks:
 Keeping and updating patient medical records
 Scheduling and organizing appointments

Regular citizens who work in the Medical Clinic may work during any of the
following shifts (as outlined on page 9):

Shift A
Shift B
Shift C
Shift D

Working minors who work in the Medical Clinic may work during any of the
following shifts:
Shift E
Shift F

Note: No regular citizen may allow a working minor to work longer than the total
amount of time allotted in Shift E and Shift F.

The governing body of the Bridgeport Community is the Bridgeport Council,
whose meeting area is located within the General Community Center.

Council Organization

The Bridgeport Council consists of:

 President
o The leader of the Bridgeport Council and the Bridgeport Community
as a whole. Responsible for appointing council members, approving
rule-creations and amendments, and leading community affairs.
o Office Location: General Community Center
o Note: The President shall be determined through a community-wide
election which will be held on January 1st of every year.
 Vice-President
o Second-in-command of the Bridgeport Council and the Bridgeport
Community as a whole. Serves as the judge for community trials.
o Office Location: General Community Center
 General Community Director
o Director of operations and processes within the General Community
Center and the Room Halls.
o Office Location: General Community Center
 Water Center Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Water Center area of
the Hydroelectric Plant.
o Office Location: Hydroelectric Plant (Water Center)
 Power Center Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Power Center area of
the Hydroelectric Plant.
o Office Location: Hydroelectric Plant (Power Center)
 Cafeteria Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Cafeteria.
o Office Location: General Community Center

 Security Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Security Center.
o Office Location: Security Center
 Maintenance Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Maintenance Office.
o Office Location: Maintenance Office
 Hunting & Gathering Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Processing Center, as
well as those regarding hunters and gatherers.
o Office Location: Processing Center
 Medical Director
o Director of operations and processes within the Medical Clinic.
o Office Location: Medical Clinic

Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held every Monday and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
The schedule for a Council Meeting will typically be structured as follows:
 11:00 AM – 11:10 AM: Overall Community Status
o The President will give an overview of the current status of Bridgeport
and any notable events that have occurred within the community since
the last Council Meeting.
 11:10 AM – 11:40 AM: Status Reports of Individual Departments
o The directors of each Community Department will give an overview
of the current status of their individual departments, as well as any
notable events that have occurred within their departments since the
last Council Meeting.
 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM: Community Requests
o The council will go over all Community Requests submitted since the
last Council Meeting and address how they will be resolved (see page
32 for more information about Community Requests).
 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Amendment Requests
o The council will go over any suggestions for amendments to this
handbook and address how they will be implemented.
Note: These times are rough estimates and may be subject to change.

Presidential Line of Succession

In the event that the President is dead, missing, or unavailable / unfit to lead, the line
of succession is as follows:
1. Vice-President
2. General Community Director
3. Security Director
If all three of these council members are dead, missing, or unavailable / unfit to lead,
then the remaining Bridgeport Council members shall hold an Emergency
Community Meeting to elect a new president (see page 34 for more information).

Council Checks & Balances

In order to ensure a more efficient and balanced community government, each

person with the Bridgeport Council has certain powers and restrictions:
 The President can appoint council members, but these must be approved by
the majority of the remaining already existing council members.
 The council can create new rules and amendments, but these changes must be
approved by the President.
 Other than the President and Vice-President, the director for each Community
Department has the highest authority for their respective departments. Other
Community Directors can demand for a replacement for a certain director if
desired, however.

Community Requests

While living in Bridgeport, citizens may have issues and complaints with the
community and/or any of the Community Departments, and will want to voice their
concerns with the Bridgeport Council to have these issues resolved. To do this, a
citizen must submit a Community Request.

Submitting a Community Request

1. Go to the front desk at the General Community Center.
2. Fill out a “Community Request” form, making sure to indicate the problem,
how you would like for it to be resolved / changed, and any possible
suggestions in solving the problem.
3. Turn the form in to the front desk. The Bridgeport Council will go over the
Community Request at the next Council Meeting.

Note: Some Community Requests will take longer to address and evaluate than
others. Depending on the issue, addressing certain requests can take as short as 1-2
days to as long as several weeks.

Every so often, the Bridgeport Council will gather all citizens in the community to
the Central Plaza for an important announcement or event. These are known as
Community Meetings. They are typically mandatory, with the exception of trials
(see page 34 for more information).

Meeting Commencement Process

The date and time of a Community Meeting will usually be announced ahead of
time, and both will be posted on the large notice board in front of the General
Community Center. If a Community Meeting is scheduled on the current day:
1. All citizens in the Bridgeport Community will report to the Central Plaza.
2. Each citizen will enter the Central Plaza through designated entry points,
having their named checked off to ensure that everyone is present.
3. Upon entry, each citizen will move towards the center to create enough space
for everyone.
4. Once everyone has been accounted for, the meeting will begin.


One type of Community Meeting that will occur is an election where the citizens of
Bridgeport will vote to elect the President of the Bridgeport Council. Presidential
elections are held on January 1st of every year.

Unlike most Community Meetings, citizens will form a line to cast their vote before
moving into the Central Plaza. Once all votes have been accounted for, the citizen
with the most votes is announced.


Another type of Community Meeting that is held are trials. During these meetings,
a citizen that is accused of committing a crime is brought before a judge (the Vice-
President), as well as a jury comprised of other random citizens. The parties
revolving around the accused citizen and the person(s) accusing give their statements
about the situation, and the jury decides whether the accused citizen should be
punished or not.

Unlike most Community Meetings, trials are not mandatory to attend for citizens
(that are not part of the jury). Despite this, trials will still be held in Central Plaza
like every other Community Meeting.

Emergency Meetings

Every so often, a situation will arise in which a Community Meeting is needed

immediately. If this is the case, all current activities will be stopped and all citizens
will be brought to Central Plaza. The usual procedures for entering the Plaza apply
to these emergency meetings as well.

Every so often, an emergency situation may occur in the Bridgeport Community.
Below, several potential emergency situations are listed, along with instructions
about what to do in the event that they occur.

Zombie Horde

In the event that a massive herd of the undead attempts to break in, the following
actions should be taken:
 All security officers and hunters should use melee weapons to kill as many
undead as possible. If needed, any citizen that can use a melee weapon should
assist with the elimination of undead.
 The Front Gate should be completely closed and barricaded.
 All citizens who are unable to fight the undead should move to the second
floor of the room halls, making sure to barricade any entry points such as
windows or stairwells. The General Community Director is tasked with
guiding these citizens.
 In the event that the herd of undead cannot be contained, all citizens should
exit the community using emergency exits in the Power Center and in the first
floor of Northfield Hall.
o If citizens in the room halls cannot travel to these exits, then they should
break the windows in the bedrooms and escape using the guard decks
just outside.

Hostile Humans

In the event that a group of outside humans threatens to attack the community, the
following actions should be taken:
 All security officers and hunters should have guns and other weapons ready
to use at a moment’s notice. All other citizens who can assist in fighting
should do this as well.
 All citizens who are unable to fight should move to Northfield Hall and
Riverbank Hall, making sure to barricade any entry points to prevent any
hostile humans from entering. The General Community Director is tasked
with guiding these citizens.
o These citizens should also be ready to escape through either the
Northfield Hall emergency exit or through the bedroom windows in
case any attackers break through.
 The President (and potentially other members of the Bridgeport Council)
should attempt to reason with and find a satisfactory compromise with the
hostile humans, if possible.
 If the group of hostile humans attacks or is about to attack, all citizens should
follow the instructions of the President, the Vice-President, and the Security

Internal Attack

In the event that an attack on other citizens is started within the community, the
following actions should be taken:
 All security officers should move towards the area and eliminate the attackers.
In these cases, security officers will usually be given the order to “shoot to
 All other citizens should move away from the area where the attack is taking
place. Citizens should exit the community if needed.
 If citizens are trapped in the area close to where the attack is taking place, they
should find a place to hide until the all-clear is given.
 Citizens trapped out in the open near the attack should stay low on the ground
and move behind objects that could provide protection from gunfire.
 Citizens that have escaped the area should stay away until the all-clear is

Hostage Situation

In the event that a citizen(s) has been taken hostage within the community, the
following actions should be taken:
 Citizens that witness or hear the hostage situation should leave the immediate
area as soon as possible. These citizens should be prepared to give any
information to security officers, including, but not limited to:
o The location of the incident
o The number of hostages
o The names of the hostages
o The number of hostage takers
o The physical description and potentially names of the hostage takers
o Any weapons the hostage takers may have
 Citizens that are taken hostage should do the following:
o Remain calm, be polite, and cooperate with your captors.
o Speak normally and comply with the instructions of your captors.
o Do not speak aggressively towards your captors.
o Do not draw attention to yourself.
o Try to stay low to the ground or behind cover from windows or doors,
if possible
 Hostages that are being rescued should do the following:
o Do not run. Remain still, cross your arms, keep your head down, and
stay as low to the ground as possible.
o Wait for instructions and obey all instructions you are given.
o Do not resist if you are arrested and detained. You will be released once
the situation has been resolved.
 All other citizens should move away from the affected area as quickly as
possible. These citizens should stay away until the all-clear is given.


In the event that a contagious and deadly disease begins to spread around the
community, the following actions should be taken:
 All disease-stricken citizens should move to the Medical Clinic and be placed
in the Quarantine area. These citizens shall remain in the Quarantine area until
they have been cured.
o Meal rations will be delivered to disease-stricken citizens.
 Citizens who are not affected should wear masks to cover their nose & mouth.
 All citizens who are not affected should avoid the Medical Clinic. If a citizen
that is not affected must enter the Medical Clinic, they should wear a
protective health-hazard suit.
o Citizens who need treatment for medical conditions not related to the
disease will be treated in the General Community Center.
 Since a disease can spread rapidly, citizens should take extra precautions to
not become infected:
o Do not share any personal items and supplies with other citizens until
the disease has been eliminated.
o Wash your hands often with soap and water.
o Do not share food and drink with others.
 All citizens should keep close attention to any announcements from the
Bridgeport Council.


In the event that a fire occurs in some area of the Bridgeport Community, the
following actions should be taken:
 If the fire occurs in your area, leave the area as quickly as possible.
 If you are inside a room, check all possible exit points, making sure to feel
whether the doorknobs are hot. Leave through any exit point that is safe to
exit through.
 If you cannot leave the room you are in, open any windows and avoid smoke.
 If possible, assist any injured citizens in leaving the area.
 Common areas in the Bridgeport community have fire extinguishers. Use
these to put out any fires that may occur.
 In the event of a larger fire, hoses will be brought from the Water Center to
put out the fire.

Animal Attack

In the event that a wild animal enters the community, the following actions should
be taken:
 Back away from the animal slowly while also keeping your eyes on it.
 Do not turn your back to the animal.
 Try to make yourself appear larger.
 Prepare to use any nearby items as weapons. If you have a gun, be ready to
shoot the animal with it.
 If forced to attack the animal, be as aggressive as possible. If you have a gun,
aim at the animal’s head.

Severe Thunderstorm

In the event that a thunderstorm capable of producing heavy rain, high winds, or hail
passes through, the following actions should be taken:
 All citizens should remain indoors until the storm passes.
 All citizens should move any fragile and important objects inside a building.
 Shutter windows and close outside doors securely. Keep away from windows.
 It is recommended to not take a shower or use plumbing until the storm passes.


In the event that a tornado is about to strike the Bridgeport Community, the following
actions should be taken:
 Go to the lowest floor of a building, making sure to keep away from windows.
 Go to an interior room or hallway with no windows.
 If possible, get under some kind of sturdy protection, such as a heavy table.
 Cover your head with your arms and stay as low to the ground as possible.
 After the tornado passes, assist anyone injured and stay away from damage
and debris.
 Wait for instructions from a member of the Bridgeport Council.
 Meal rations and first-aid will be available after the storm passes


In the event that a hurricane is about to strike the Bridgeport Community, the
following actions should be taken:
 Move to an area away from the river and the Bridgeport Dam. Northfield Hall
and Southpointe Hall are recommended locations to go to.
 Go to an interior room or hallway with no windows.
 If possible, get under some kind of sturdy protection, such as a heavy table.
 Stay away from floodwater. If trapped by flooding, go to the highest level of
the building.
 After the hurricane passes, assist anyone injured and stay away from damage
and debris.
 Wait for instructions from a member of the Bridgeport Council.
 Meal rations and first-aid will be available after the storm passes.


In the event that an earthquake strikes the Bridgeport Community, the following
actions should be taken:
 If inside the community, immediately get under a sturdy desk or table. If this
is not possible, stand under a doorway.
 If outside the community, get away from the community walls.
 Once the shaking has stopped, wear sturdy shoes and avoid damage / debris.
 Assist other citizens who may be injured.
 Wait for instructions from a member of the Bridgeport Council.
 Note: If an earthquake occurs, it is possible that aftershocks may follow. Be

Winter Storm

In the event that a winter storm strikes the Bridgeport Community, the following
actions should be taken:
 Keep handy a warm coat, gloves, hat, water-resistant shoes, and extra
 Stay indoors and wear warm clothes.
 If you must go outdoors, cover your mouth and avoid taking deep breaths.
Walk carefully and keep dry.
 Watch for signs of hypothermia or frostbite.
 Once the storm has passed, wait for instructions from a member of the
Bridgeport Council.

In the event that the Bridgeport Council makes an amendment (a rule change)
to the Bridgeport Community Handbook, then the amendment will be posted
on the General Board just outside the General Community Center. Citizens
may submit their handbooks to the General Community Center to be updated
in the event an amendment is put into effect:

Amendment Process
1. Go the front desk at the General Community Center.
2. Submit your Bridgeport Community Handbook to the front desk.
3. Wait for your name to be called and you will receive your updated
4. The original rule will be blacked out, and an amendment statement will
be added to the end of this handbook.

Paudel 1

Works Cited

“Active Shooter.” Ready, Department of Homeland Security,

“Clemson University Student Handbook.” Clemson, SC: Clemson University, 2018. Web.

“Code of Conduct Construction and Content.” Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI),

Ethics & Compliance Initiative,

“Earthquake FAQ.” U.S. Geological Survey,

Edwards, Roger. “Tornado Safety.” Storm Prediction Center, NOAA's National Weather Service,

Evan Rouse. “How to Make a Table of Contents in Microsoft Word.” Youtube, 7 Apr. 2017,

Gappa, Robert. “Creating an Effective Operations Manual: A ‘How-To’ Guide.” Franchise,

International Franchise Association, Mar. 2007,“how-to”-guide.

“Hostage Situation.” Emergency Management, Yale University,
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“Hurricane Safety Tips: Learn What to Do before, during and after a Hurricane.”

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 22 Aug. 2012,


Johnson, Rich. “How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks.” Outdoor Life, 16 Feb. 2010,

Kirkman, Robert. The Walking Dead. Art by Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard.

Portland: Image Comics, 2003. Print.

MacNicoll, Tracy. “How to Write an Operations Manual.” Edward Lowe Foundation, 3 Aug. 2016,

Markel, Mike. Technical Communication with 2016 MLA Update. Macmillan Learning, 2016.

McMurrey, David. “Instructions: Tell Them How to Do It!” Prismnet,

Naughty Dog, LLC. The Last of Us. Sony Computer Entertainment, 2013. PlayStation 3.

Perlman, Howard. “Hydroelectric Power: How It Works.” United States Geological Survey,
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“Sample Employee Handbook.”,


“Student Handbook 2018-2019: First Edition.” Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University,

“The University Student Handbook: 2017/2018.” University of Oxford, University of Oxford, Handbook 17-18.pdf.

The Walking Dead. AMC Studios / Valhalla Entertainment / Skybound Entertainment /

Circle of Confusion / Idiot Box Productions, 2010-.

“Things To Know When Creating & Developing Fictional Governments.”,

“Thunderstorm Safety.” American Red Cross, American Red Cross,


“Understand How Infectious Diseases Spread.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 31 July 2008,
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“Water Treatment.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and


“Winter Storm Safety.” American Red Cross, The American National Red Cross,


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