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Kirsty Allen, MA PhD

UNIVERSITY OF Senior Assistant Registrary


Mr Ian Benson

by email

Reference : FOI-2010-87
25 May 2010

Dear Mr Benson ,

Your request was received on 26 April 2010 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) .

You asked :

"0 1 Does your institution provide any information or advice to students or staff on any potential
liability under Terrorism legislation which might result from accessing materials for teaching or
research ? If so please provide copies of any documents held which detail or refer to such
information or advice.

The information you requested is not held.

02 Does your institution have any kind of procedure to review or assess reading lists, module
descriptors or other teaching materials which explicitly or in practice considers questions of
safety and risk under terrorism legislation as part of its remit ? If so please supply full details of
this policy and procedure and advise when and how it was decided upon and implemented.

The information you requested is not held.

03 Does your institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for dealing with any
potential actions taken by the authorities against the institution, its students or staff under
Terrorism legislation? If so please supply a copy of the policy and advise the date it was
decided upon and implemented.

04 Does your institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for 'preventing violent
extremism'? Please indicate what procedures or policy exist and advise when it was decided

The Old Schools

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Cambridge , CB2 1TN

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Email: foi@admin

upon and implemented, and provide copies of any documents held which detail or refer to such
policy or procedures."

To the extent that your request for information would , or would be likely to, prejudice matters of law
enforcement or national or international security , the University neither confirms nor denies that it
holds the information requested in questions 3 and 4. The duty in section 1(1 )(a) of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 does not apply by virtue of sub-sections 23(5), 24(2), 27(4) andlor 31(1)a
of that Act. The University has considered whether the public interest in maintaining the exclusion
of the duty to confirm or deny outweighs the public interest in disclosing whether the University
holds the information and has determined that it does, having regard in particular to the risk of
individuals or groups becoming aware of the University 's arrangements in this regard and the risk
of the expectation of trust and confidentiality between relevant national and international agencies
being undermined .

Save as explained in the paragraph above, the information you have requested is not held.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a
complaint or request a review of this decision , you should write to the Administrative Secretary,
quoting the reference above, at the Secretariat , The Old Schools , Cambridge , CB2 1TN. If you are
not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. Generally , the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the University . The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commiss ioner's Office, Wycliffe House , Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely ,

Kirsty Allen

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