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Conference Paper · October 2017


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Juliana Veiga Mendes

Universidade Federal de São Carlos


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“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens
avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.



Klayton Eduardo da Rocha (UFSCar)
Juliana Veiga Mendes (UFSCar)
Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia (USherbrooke)
virginia aparecida da silva moris (UFSCar)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has the potential to

dramatically change the way businesses and Supply Chain work. In this
context, one of the main emerging technologies is known as the Internet of
Things (IoT), which allows objects to communicate to one another and to
various platforms in real-time. This paper presents a Systematic Literature
Review focused on IoT and Logistics & Supply Chain Management (LSCM).
Down from more than 72 thousand documents around IoT on the ISI Web of
Science database, we found 39 articles (with SJR quality ranking) explicitly
combining IoT and LSCM. It was possible to identify a high quantity of articles
employing the single case-study methodology (85%), suggesting that the
research on this field may still be at its early developments. Most of these
case studies were technical papers around IoT platforms (46%) and the use of
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) to improve systems operations. It was
also possible to notice that system’s complexity is a major concern in the
literature, including issues related to the lack of established standards for
data exchange and problems concerning data security and privacy. Besides
presenting different definitions and mapping how the top journals are
publishing these two topics together, this paper also recommends future
studies relating IoT and LSCM.

Palavras-chave: Systematic Literature Review, Internet of Things, Logistics &

Supply Chain Management, Industry 4.0
“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

1. Introduction

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is “fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and
relate to one another” (SCHWAB, p. 1, 2016). The Industry 4.0 concerns the development
and the connection of emerging technologies in areas such as 3D printing, augmented virtual
reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, autonomous vehicles, big data, cloud computing,
biotechnology in a way to promote disruptions in businesses, but important changes may also
occur in the economy and in the society. Among these technologies, the Internet of Thing
(IoT) is reaching substantial attention (CHUNG; KIM, 2016). According to Weinberger,
Bilgeri & Fleisch (p. 700, 2016), the term IoT “was initially coined at the Auto-ID labs at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and describes the vision that virtually all objects
become smart and connected”. Kafle, Fukushima & Harai (p.44, 2016) considers it as “an
object of the physical world (physical thing) or the information’ world (virtual thing), which
is capable of being identified and integrated into communication networks.”

IoT may contribute to addressing many of our global challenges, such as disease outbreaks,
climate change, pollution, resource scarcity (KAFLE; FUKUSHIMA; HARAI, 2016) and it
may impact our own life routine, such as home management and appliance maintenance
(WEINBERGER; BILGERI; FLEISCH, 2016, BABAMIR, 2012). In terms of the application
of IoT to the industrial world, the literature mention that it may help in “preventive
maintenance, remote control, manufacturing analytic tools and services, management of
process quality as well as smart retrofitting of machinery (…), and it will allow to integrate
whole supply chains, tracking and tracing inter and intra plant logistics” (WEINBERGER;
BILGERI; FLEISCH, p. 701, 2016). In addition, the advances in IoT may help to “monitor
and visualize various wireless sensor networks (WSN) applications in manufacturing
environments such as automated workcells, transportation systems, logistic, and storage
systems” (BI; WANG; DA XU, p. 377 2016). In this context, real-time data and delivery of
the product in the right place at the right time (SIVAMANI; KWAK; CHO, 2014) are
streamlined, even allowing the creation of new services and the improvement of business
processes (APPEL et al., 2014) and business models.

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

Despite the importance of IoT in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (LSCM), a
Systematic Literature Review in the area is still lacking. Thus, this paper aims to contribute to
reducing this research gap by presenting and discussing what the scientific literature has
published in the area.

This paper is organized as following. After presenting this general introduction in Section 1,
Section 2 shows the employed methodology, while Section 3 presents the main research
results. Finally, Section 4 outlines some conclusions and final remarks.

2. Methodology

Inspired by Seuring & Muller (2008), Govindan, Soleimani & Kannan (2014), Conforto,
Amaral & Silva (2011) and Hallinger (2013), we followed the steps summarized in Figure
1for the data collection, and described next.

Figure 1 - Summary of the steps for the methodology

Source: Adapted from Conforto, Amaral & Silva (2011)

a) Problem definition: is the formulation of a question to be tested, which should be

susceptible to a solution (GIL, 2002). For this paper, we have developed the following
question: What is the state of the art in field of the Internet of Things employed in the
context of Logistics & Supply Chain Management?

b) Goals: should be aligned with a research project objective. We aim to identify indexed
peer-reviewed scientific publications related to IoT and LSCM;

c) Primary sources: represents the databases in which articles are available to the public.
For this first literature review effort, we opted for the “Web of Science (WoS)”, since it
is a large multi-disciplinary and human-curated database.

d) Strings: are the words related to the construct of the research as input to the search.
Conforto, Amaral & Silva (2011) indicate that a preliminary search or consultation to

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

experts is necessary to define the correct strings. In order to better choose strings, we
performed a large search combined with a papers’ word count solution to identify the
most suitable terms in this context. This is explained in Section 3.1;

e) Acceptance: is the process in which we decide whether to keep or reject an article to

the review. In this article, we have considered only peer reviewed “articles” with
relationship with both topics of IoT and LSCM. We inspected first the titles, summaries
and key-words, before reading the entire manuscript;

f) Classification: is a way to rank the articles. We used the SJR classification - Scimago
Journal Ranking (SCIMAGO, 2007), since it´s a well-known international ranking;

g) Analysis and discussion: are the steps to explore the content of the papers addressing
the research goal. We have focused on identifying the main journals of publications
and their research methodology. After that, we have identified the need to explore the
categories under Case Study papers due to its larger amount of publications.

3. Results

3.1 Preliminary search

Following “item d” of the methodology, we have developed a preliminary search before
defining the complete list of strings. The starting point was a simple string: “Internet of
things”, resulting in 10.288 documents. In this scenario, it was possible to identify that IoT
publications have started in 1992, however the topic has risen its relevance only in the past
five years, as illustrated in Figure 2, growing exponentially.

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

Figure 2 – Number of publications from the preliminary search

Source: Authors

Using an option from the WoS platform to extract information from the articles (3,021) and
proceeding papers (2,885), it was possible to download the “title”, “key-words” and “abstract”
from all the 5,906 documents. This information was uploaded to an online word count
website (, which gives the relevant words (e.g. excluding article,
pronoun, etc.) that repeat the most in the article. It was possible to start drafting a new set of
strings to the complete search list, including the acronym “IoT” and the words “smart” and
“sensors”. However, for a more robust analysis, a confirmation of the strings in previous
published literature would be recommended. In this way, we also filtered from the 5,906
documents, the ones related to a literature review process, searching in the title of the articles
the following key-words: RESEARCH DIRECTIONS (STANKOVIC, 2014); STATE OF
THE ART (AHMED et al., 2016); DEFINITIONS (BAIOCCHI et al., 2016,
DORSEMAINE et al., 2015); REVIEW (RAUN, 2016, SAHA et al., 2016, MIRAZ et al.,
2015, LEE; LEE, 2015, SURESH et al., 2014). No article was found with the keywords
BIBLIOMETRIC, THEORY or LITERATURE. After the review of the word-count and a
detailed analysis of the nine documents, it was possible to develop a new set of strings,
presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Complete list of strings

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

Source: Authors

We have decided to use the full written form of the strings (e.g. “Internet of things”, as well as
its acronyms (e.g. “IoT”), given the amount of titles and key-words of articles using only the
short format. It is important to mention that the search with the strings related to “smart” were
not added to the complete search, because its meaning can be applied to several other study
fields, increasing the number of non-related results exponentially.

3.2 Complete search

After the preliminary search and the loop to define the complete list of strings, we went back
to “item c” of the methodology: the primary source database WoS. In this way, the strings
were input altogether. The extraction of data was made on February 6th 2017 and, as expected,
this expanded list of strings brought a lot more documents. Considering all types of
documents, the number reached 72,592 in total in many categories. However, considering the
criteria of “item e” in the methodology (peer reviewed articles only), our database went down
to 22,085 articles.

The same item also considers the focus on content: IoT and LSCM. Since our search was
already by topic of IoT related content, it was missing only the analysis of LSCM in the
content. The platform allows to extract the Title, Year, Abstract, Key words, Authors,
Publication and complete list of citation for each document, allowing us to filter the articles
with at least one of the following words in their titles or summaries: “Logistics” or “Supply
Chain”. In this case, the definition of the words related to LSCM was much simpler, since the
subject in the academia is better defined by the academia (CHRISTOPHER, 2016) The
number of articles dropped immensely, going to 185 articles. To procced with the
methodology approach, the qualification of articles (methodology “item f”) considering the

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

SJR metrics was performed. Articles without SJR rank were not considered, decreasing our
pool of articles to 111. After an initial read of the titles of the articles, we decided to take a
step back in the methodology (“item e”), to review if the results were adequate to the strings
around IoT and LSCM. Even with the combination of filters, a lot of articles related to health
and education were still on the list, because of that a new analysis of all the 111 titles and
summaries were performed to review the relationship of the paper to the business content.
After the new review, we were finally able to get to our final list of articles: 39 (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Qualification analysis of the articles

Source: Authors and SCIMAGO (2007)

The SCIMAGO (2007) quartiles ranks all the journals per their Impact Factor and categorized
by quartiles (Q1 to Q4): Q1 represents the top 25% of the journals with highest Impact Factor,
Q2 is the range of 25% to 50% and so on. With that information, it was also possible to
identify the top Journals publishing articles in the field (i.e. the ones with more than 1
publication) as described in the Table 1. Even considering all the evaluations of the SJR (Q1
to Q4), the Journals with marks Q1 and Q2 were the ones with more publications in this topic,
demonstrating the relevance of the topic in important journals.

Table 1 – Top Journal with publications on IoT and LSCM

Number of articles
Journal by SJR ranking
Q1 Q2
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (1084-8045) 3
Internet Research (1066-2243) 3
Sensors (1424-8220) 3
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (0956-5515) 2
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (1551-3203) 2
International Journal of Production Economics (0925-5273) 2

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (0268-3768) 2

Source: Authors

3.2.1 Papers by methodologies or topic

It was possible to find only 3 types of methodologies among all the selected papers: Literature
Review, Survey and Single Case Studies, however most articles (85%) were single case study,
which shows that IoT has many applications in real world solutions, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Publications by methodology or topics in the study case

Source: Authors

3.2.2 Topics from the case studies

After an in-depth analysis of the case studies we identified two main types of publications in
the field:

a) Technical papers around IoT platforms (46%): which describes the challenges of
IoT system integration due to its complexity and lack of international standards. There
is no single solution that fits all needs in cooperation between devices, infrastructure
and cloud (VAN DEN ABEELE, F. et al. 2015). From the companies’ perspective, it is
still a challenge to gain scalability, since there are not global standards to make the
several data compatible (LI; ZHU; CHEN, 2013 ZHONG et al., 2016). In addition,
there is a trade-off in the research to miniaturize IoT sensors while increasing storage
capacity (MITTON; SIMPLOT-RYL, 2011) and wireless communications
(TONNEAU; MITTON; VANDAELE, 2015). The benefits of these platforms were
always highlighted by the authors, specially the Radio-frequency identification – RFID,
which has been applied to many business areas in LSCM (NAM; YEOM, 2011),

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

substantially improving, for example performance of port operations (SHI; TAO; VOS,
2011) and many other examples (CASTRO; JARA; SKARMETA, 2012).
b) IoT applications (39%): Food supply chain was one of the most studied application
for IoT in LSCM (10%), representing the challenges that global operations have to
transport perishable goods. The following three subcategories had 8% of articles each:
Consumer delivery, which was driven by the demand of a more efficient tracking, with
concerns on trust and reliability (KAFLE; FUKUSHIMA; HARAI, 2016). These issues
are taken very seriously by companies to provide security, privacy and quality of
services (HE; YAN; XU, 2014) due to the risk of systems to be hacked; Real-time data,
which also relates to a good traceability and shorten processing time in logistic centers
due to the large trading volumes and multiple vendors involved in the operations; and
the logistics operations itself, which still contains duplicated processes and information
flow. The next subcategory considers articles around data visualization (3%), and how
the decision-making needs sufficient knowledge and information about the subject and
its environment. The final subcategory was the implementation of smart parking
system (2%), due to a complex vehicular systems demand integrating IoT with the
vehicular data clouds. Table 2 represents the Main topics and subcategories with their
respective sources.

Table 2 – Single case studies subcategories

Subcategory Authors
Technical papers

Other platforms (VAN DEN ABEELE et al., 2015)

(QIN; WANG; LI, 2016)
(LIN et al., 2015)
(SARRAJ et al., 2014)
(APPEL et al., 2014)
(CHEN; CHEN; HSU, 2014)
(GONG; LIU, 2013)
(LI et al., 2013)

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

(LI; ZHU; CHEN, 2013)

(HUANG; LIANG, 2004)
RFID study (KATAYAMA et al., 2012)
(GAO et al., 2016)
(ZHONG et al., 2016)
(NAM; YEOM, 2011)
(SHI; TAO; VOS, 2011)
Real-time data (KONG et al., 2015)
(QIU et al., 2015)
(KANG; PARK; YOUM, 2016)
Food supply chain (KIDO; NAKAMURA, 2016)
(SHIH; WANG, 2016)
IoT applications

(LUO et al., 2016)

(HAASS et al., 2015)
Consumer delivery (HUI; MIN, 2016)
(HU et al., 2016)
(LIU et al., 2016)
Logistics (QU et al., 2016)
AHMADI, 2016)
(QU; LIU; TAO, 2015)
Data visualization (BI; WANG; DA XU, 2016)
Smart parking (HE; YAN; XU, 2014)
Source: Authors

4. Conclusion

IoT is bringing a revolutionary change in the world, but its benefits seem so far understudied
in the context of Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Our Systematic Literature Review
found very little evidences of studies with that focus (considering the more than 72 thousand
articles around IoT, only 0,5% of the them were in the field of LSCM). The amount of single
case studies and the absence of multiple case studies suggest that this field of research is still
in its early stage development. In particular, we have not identified studies with application of
IoT in Green Supply Chain Management (e.g. Reverse Logistics). In this way, we recommend
future studies exploring other databases beyond the WoS, to confirm the possible gaps on IoT
and LSCM with multiple case-studies, as well as the application on other Supply Chain
operations such as Reverse Logistics.

“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

avançadas de produção”

Joinville, SC, Brasil, 10 a 13 de outubro de 2017.

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“A Engenharia de Produção e as novas tecnologias produtivas: indústria 4.0, manufatura aditiva e outras abordagens

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