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Ana Sofia Gonzalez

Term Research Paper: Assessing a Career in Business

BUS 1010/ Introduction to Business – Signature Assignment

Job Description

An obstetrician and gynecologist are better known by most women as OBGYN.

Obstetrician-gynecologists possess special knowledge and skills specific to the female

reproductive system. They are also equipped with general medical knowledge to assist

in surgery, care of pregnant women, oncology, and primary health care for women. This

includes consultation, diagnosis, referral, treatment, health maintenance, and preventive

practices. (IResearchNet, 2018). The duties may vary anywhere from assisting during

deliveries, help with infertility, assisted reproduction, pregnancies, hormonal disorders,

and menopause. Responsibilities include annual examinations, documenting patient

medical histories, providing counseling on diet, disease prevention, treatments, hygiene,

and sexual health. Following up with patients during the day seems to be a constant


General Education Experience

In order to prepare for school, coursework should be focused on a variety of

science courses and classes. Education required includes 4 years of accredited

medical education focused on reproductive health care and primary care for women.

In addition, another 4 years of residency must be completed, where practices and

training will be attained. A minimum of a bachelor’s is generally a requirement.

(Vogt, N.P). Courses related to the human body, pharmacology, and pathology will

be the focus of your first two year after being accepted into medical school. The next

two years consist of practicing and gaining experience under close supervision. The

experience is accomplished through rotations of different medical duties, both

general and specialized.

According to the American Board of Obstetric + Gynecology (ABOG, 2018), the list of
Certification Process goes as follows:

*Qualifying Examination. *Certifying Examination

*Subspecialty Certification *Regaining Eligibility for Initial Specialty

Even after competition of all the before mentioned, Maintenance of Certification is

required as well.

Average Salary

A quick search of the salary for an OBGYN determined that the amounts vary
through many different factors including location, certifications and any additional
licenses acquired. However, according to as of July 31, 2018, with a range
usually between $238,807–$331,278. (, 2018).

Career Outlook

Bio of someone in the profession:

Dr. Fernando Salas. (Dr. Fernando S., 2018).

I had scheduled an appointment of my own with Dr. Salas. Whenever in Mexico,

because of the prices and due to a few of my own health problems, I usually schedule

annual checkups. However, this would have been the first time with him specifically.
When I arrived, he began with an interview of his own regarding a few irregularities with

my (female) body. He was extremely professional and comforting during the whole

process, which was far more comfortable than I could ever imagine. He handed me a

robe and asked me to enter a restroom to get ready for the checkup. During my check

up, I took advantage and began bombarding him with questions of my own. He

proceeded to tell me he chose the career only because his own father had been an

OBGYN himself. “I won’t lie, I wasn’t interested at first. With time, I realized that the

more I learned, the more I had in common with my father and the more I understood my

mother. It’s the simple things.” When it came to the education, he dreaded the long days

of classes and strict requirements but mentioned that the day he graduated everything

came together and made perfect sense. “I would not change anything.” I must admit

that although awkward, the interview could not have gone any better. The conversation

distracted me from the discomforts and I was able to witness many procedures first

handedly. He assured me that, at least for him, most days ran smoothly, and he hardly

encountered difficult situations. I explained my worst fears about the career to him and

he nodded understandingly right away. “Darling, I get you and I don’t blame you one bit.

All I can tell you is it’s not going to happen every day, and when it does it is usually after

you’ve done everything you can. Difficulties don’t just pop out of nowhere, you will see

them coming most of the time. Don’t focus on the negative, just the positive.”

Among all the procedures that happened at that appointment, I was able to see a

variety of checks such as breast and cervical cancer tests and analysis. He used tools I

had never before seen, and I was able to see my uterus from the inside. I realized the

job was quite dirty, but strangely, felt completely unbothered. Additionally, I got to
ponder over our conversation on the issues that could come with the career. Although I

was more aware of them, I was more open to them. In a way, I felt I was more prepared

to confront them than I had been before then. I was instantly thankful for the research I

conducted and knew I should have attempted it before this time in my life.

Dr. Manuel F. Favela (Dr. Manuel. F. F., 2018)

Following Dr. Salas, I immediately met with Dr. Favela at his place of

employment, Hospital General de Gomez Palacio. I was extremely blessed to find the

locations were not far away from each other, so I had no problem getting there. After

settling at his office on the second floor, I assured him I would not steal much of his time

since he was already gifting me half of his lunch-time (15 mins). When I had set up the

appointment with him and mentioned what my career choice was, he chuckled and said

that had been his first choice too. I was immediately hooked. He said, “I just knew I

couldn’t handle it. When it comes to animals and children, my heart aches. I knew the

moment I witnessed someone lose their child I would be broken for years to come.” He

proceeded to tell me about his personal life. He was currently married with 2 children of

his own, a 6-year-old boy and a 2-year-old baby girl. Dr. Favela continued to tell me that

during his medical residency he had witnessed many horrible cases involving babies

and organ trafficking. To him, this was by far the lowest of crimes and he couldn’t help

but think of his own babies. “I know this doesn’t relate directly to the career itself, but the

trauma during the time was enough to make me realize I could not work with these

cases every single day of my life. I know death would mean worse-case scenario but

working in a “general” setting helps me deal with other medical emergencies that more
often than not involve adults and adults only. Any children, infants, and babies usually

go to a different department unless we are extremely short staffed. Things are different

here in Mexico.” In addition, he jokingly added his wife would not have been comfortable

with the Gynecology side of things. His wife, Erendira Favela, was a nurse herself

working at the exact same location. Finally, the Dr. added, “I can go on and, on all day,

about why I didn’t, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have or I couldn’t have. I think the

situational circumstances in my life at the time helped me reach the conclusion I did not

want to study a specialty. I could help people from right here. And no, the cases are not

any less scary or sad, but nothing I can’t handle.” At this moment we were about 11

minutes into the interview when a nurse peeked in and asked him for help. Our

interview was cut short, but he quickly told me he hoped he had not discouraged me.

“One of my closest friends works in the area, and he is good at what he does. Just

because it didn’t work for me doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a go. Volunteer!! Get

first-hand experience on the subject. You are the only one that can decide where you’re

headed.” He apologized for having to run, wished me good luck, and told me I was

more than welcome to call him if I felt I needed additional information.

Pros and Cons

The pros of my career choice are a list that can be wrapped around the world and

back. The first and most important to me begins with the fact I would be doing exactly

what I love most in this life, helping people. There is a certain sense of accomplishment

that goes with knowing you will be saving lives and helping people with their lives. It

would be very fulfilling to my heart to know that I do these things every day. Another pro
to me would be working in a hospital/clinic environment. I enjoy the smell of the cleaning

supplies, hand sanitizer, alcohol, and many other things in the air. I love seeing the

concern in strangers faces as they witness other’s challenges. I love the subtle scent of

coffee in the air, which unknowingly keeps much of the staff running, I bet. Working with

newborns and helping them take their first breath is such a comforting feeling to me. I

would be witnessing the entrance of many tiny humans into this world, confused, later to

be seen again as a fully conscious creature.

In addition, the financial benefits of the job are a definite plus. As many others, I

can’t imagine myself saying “I’m making too much money!” The salary is a handsome

sum, no doubt. The benefits involved in the area of expertise, I can imagine, are a

dream as well. Overall, the combination of these pros makes me feel no doubts about

being exactly where I want to be.

I was forced to see the cons of this career. Although few, difficulties always come

hand in hand with women and their well-being. I realized that sometimes, even if I did

my best, I would not be able to save everyone. I would not be able to heal everyone.

Most importantly, I would not have much control over a percentage of these negative

scenarios. That alone spread a fear in me big enough to make me reconsider. Medicine

is a beautiful career full of many amazing moments, but always counter-balanced by its

dull, hard ones. Also, these are very unpredictable schedules to handle for people who

have families of their own, as stated in “Follow a Day in the Life of a OB-GYN” (Prep V,

2012). Even after your shift is over, you should be available for your customers

whenever needed. Whether your help is needed during your shift or at 3 am, it is a busy
life. In general, this assignment gave me a lot to consider and evaluate. The pros of my

career choice outweigh the cons by far. However, the severity of the cons is not to be


Your “fit” with this career

My overall conclusion after analyzing various aspects of this career is that I feel I

have a decent fit. My personality and interests are connected and related to the area

of expertise. I once was told that if I did everything I loved as a job, I would never

work a day in my life. As always, I believe I will end up in the medical field whether it

be as a general med., such as Dr. Favela, or in the exact area that I dream of in

Obstetrics. Additionally, there is nothing I adore more than babies. Everything about

them starting from their smell and going all the way into their subtle and growing

personalities. What better way to create the perfect job than by mixing them both?

After weighing my options and considering the pros and cons of the career, I feel

very capable of becoming the OBGYN many women need.

Citations and Resources

Obstetrician / Gynecologist Career Information - IResearchNet. (IResearchNet, 2018). Retrieved

August 4, 2018, from
Career Research

Girls, C. (n.d.). How to Become an Obstetrician Gynecologist (ob/gyn). Retrieved August 5,

2018, from
Career Girls is founded on the dream that every girl around the world has access to diverse and
accomplished women role models. OBGYNs and What you need to know.

L. O. (n.d.). OBGYN: Job Duties, Employment Outlook, and Educational Requirements.

Retrieved August 5, 2018, from

Vogt, V. Y., MD. (Vogt, N.P). Obstetrics and Gynecology. Retrieved August 5, 2018, from

Prep, V. (Prep V, 2012). Follow a Day in the Life of an OB-GYN. Retrieved from
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ABOG, 2018). Retrieved from
Certification Process (, 2018). Salary for Physician - Obstetrics/Gynecology |

Retrieved July 5, 2018, from

I Love My Job [Personal interview on July 19th, 2018- 2pm]. (Dr. Fernando S., 2018).
Dr. Fernando Salas does not regret a single day in his life as an OBGYN

Why I Abandoned Obstetrics [Personal interview on July 19th, 2018- 6pm]. (Dr. Manuel. F. F.,
2018). Dr. Manuel F. Favela decided obstetrics were not for him.

(Photo of Dr. Manuel F. Favela (Middle))

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