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Arte - root meaning: put everything in proper place.

art of seeing, observing, perceiving.

art of listening, hearing.

art of learning.

Essas perguntas, quest�o que nos defrontamos em todo lugar.


Do we ever listening to anybody?

Do we really listening what they are conveying, trying to say something?

or do we translate what is being said into our own terminology, comparing with
what we already know, judging, evaluating, agreeing, disagreeing - the whole

Are we paying attention to the words, the meaning of words, to the content of words
translating, comparing, judging, agreeing, disagreeing? - just listening.

how in what manner we listen to another?

O outro pode estar usando um perfume forte. Eu posso gostar ou n�o (like/dislike).

and in this like or dislike of a perfume or other factors, may prevent one from

listen what the other person has to say.


the art of seeing.

Seeing thigs as they are.

When you look at a tree do you translate it immediately in words? and say tree, or
do you look at it, perceive it, see the shape of it, see the beauty of the light on
a leave?
see the quality of the tree?

So do we see ourselves as we are, without condemnation, without judgment,

just to see what we are, our reactions and responses, our prejudices opinions.

just to see that we indulge ourselves in opinions, n�o fazer nada a respeito disso,
apenas observar.

seeing things as they are without naming, without being caught on the network of
words - the whole
operation of thinking, interfering with perception.

That is a great art.


art of learning.

geralmente � entendido que aprender significa memorizar.

generally is understood that learning means memorizing, accumulating, storing up,

to use what
you have stored up skillfully or not.

isso � geralmente chamado de aprendizado, memorizar.

learning a language.

computador, programado.

n�s tamb�m fomos programados para ser hindu, comunista, budista, crist�o.

Isso � aprendizado? apenas memorizar, repetir, isso � aprendizado?

Its necessary to learn how to drive a car, to learn a language.

Isso � tudo o que � o aprendizado?

Estamos perguntando se aprender � apenas memorizar, e se assim �,

o computador pode fazer melhor que a gente.


Learning means constantly learning, not accumulating, not gathering in what one has
what one has observed, learned and storing it up.

Learning means a constant observation, listening, moving, never taking a position,

never going back to memory and let memory act.


the art of discipline - that word means to learn.

root: disciple - one who learns from someone else.

but to discipline oneself according to a pattern, like a soldier, like a monk.

the whole process of control, direction, obedience, subservience and train


They are generally understood to be discipline. I think its awful.


because if you know how to hear, to see, to learn, all that constitues a form of
which in itself becomes the discipline.

N�o que exista uma pessoa disciplinando a si mesma

- but a constant movement - this is the art of living.

in which there is no conflict whatsoever.

Where there is conflict, that conflict numbs the brain, destroys the brain.

Nessa arte voc� � livre and in that freedom you don't need discipline, there is
constant movement.

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