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Home / Facebook Multi-Page/Group Poster Documentation


Thank you for purchasing Facebook Multi-Page/Group Poster . If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please
feel free to contact via PM at CodeCanyon.

Facebook Multi Page/Group Poster (FBMPGP) is available for purchase from here: Envato Market.

Table of Contents
1. Your files
2. Insallation Requirements
3. Installing the script

1. Creating Facebook Application

2. Finalizing the Installation
3. Post-Installation Step. Setting up CRON

4. Signing up as a User
5. QuickStart – Creating Your First Post
6. Type of Posts
7. Additional Notes

A) Your files–
All files you need are inside the ZIP archive’s folder named script.

B) Insallation Requirements–
1. A PHP capable server with PHP version 5.3 or greater. PDO SQLite and mCrypt extensions for PHP (included by default in PHP installs)
2. A valid Facebook App. Keep reading below for instructions on how to make one.

C) Installing the script–

The installation of the script is simple. But first you need to have your own Facebook Application. You can create your Facebook Application
easily and for free, by following these steps.

C-1) Creating Facebook Application–

1. Visit the Facebook developers platform by visiting
2. If you have not already signed up for Facebook developers platform, you will see a sign-up message as shown below. Simply click on
Register Now button and complete the sign-up process.

3. Once you have successfully signed-up, return to Facebook developers site and click on Apps drop-down menu and select Add a New App
as shown below;

4. Select Website:

5. Choose a name for your app and click Create new Facebook App ID :

6. You will be asked to choose a category for your app. Choose Utilities and click “Create App ID”.
7. On the next screen, you may click on Skip Quickstart button near the top-right, to go directly to your App’s dashboard:
8. Your App’s dashboard will look like below. Click on the Show button as marked to reveal your App’s secret. Note down your App’s ID and
App Secret. You will need them later.

9. Click on Settings in the left side-bar to bring up the App’s settings screen. You will need to fill-in two fields here (highlighted in the image
below). Input a contact email and choose a domain for your app. For example, if you want to host your script somewhere on, your App domain will need to be . Do not Save Changes yet.

10. Click the +Add Platform button and then choose Website . Enter the main url of your website, for example, Save Changes
when done.
11. Finally, click on “App Review” in the left side-bar and you will be asked if you want to make your app public? Click the button and you will
see a confirmation dialogue. Click Confirm and your App will then be live, ready for use.

Now that the Facebook Application creation is done, it is time to install & configure the script.

C-2) Finalizing the Installation–

Extract all files to a directory on your hard-disk, preserving the folder structure. Upon extraction, you will see a folder named script . This
folder contains the files that must be uploaded to your server. Upload all the files and folders inside “script” folder to your server. Note
that you can upload files to your server main folder or any sub-folder. You can use any FTP client, like for example, FileZilla, for uploading
files to your server. FTP Access credentials can be obtained from your hosting cPanel or hosting support. Or, you may upload using your
hosting/cPanel native file manager as well. If you are not sure how to use an FTP client, contact your hosting provider to help you.
Make sure your uploaded folder has 775 permissions.
Let us say your domain is and you upload script to a folder named ‘script’. Your script URL will then be Open the script URL in your browser. You will see the installation panel as shown below;
The Database Prefix is the prefix used for all SQLite databases created by this script. You may set it to a unique value to increase security
of databases. The .htaccess file present with the script prevents any download of database files, so make sure your server honors the
.htaccess files.
The Encryption Key is used to encrypt sensitive data like passwords. You may leave it at its default value or change it to your own liking.
Note that the length of Encryption Key must be exactly 8 characters.
Enter your Facebook Application ID and Facebook Application Secret as noted in step C-1-8.
Choose a username and password for the administrator account that will be used to access the Admin Panel, and click Submit .
Remember, the admin user will only be used for script administration, not for posting. You will need to sign-up later as a user to start
Upon submitting, the Admin Panel should appear. The Admin Panel is used to configure various settings as well as viewing list of users
and active CRON posts, and enabling/disabling/deleting them.

First things first. You need to make sure that you are using the latest version. On the top right, you are shown your version number as
well as a link to quick check for update. Click on “Click to Check for Updates” to check for latest version. Script will ask you for your
purchase code, which you can easily find using your CodeCanyon/Envato/Themeforest account. (Animated Instruction for finding
purchase code:

If a new update has been released, you will be notified in this area and with a single click, you can update to latest version. No hassle
and no re-uploading required for updates. Cool isn’t it?
Okay once you have ascertained that you arae using the latest version, then let’s move on to the rest of the Admin Panel.
The first three status lines in the Admin Panel show you the status of your Application (whether it is valid or not), and the status of
Application Administrator Token. The Application Administrator Token, or AAT is used for users who wish to post using your FB
application. To install the AAT, simply click the adjacent button and you will be asked for permissions by Facebook. Once you accept the
permissions, you will be redirected back to the Admin Panel and AAT will be shown as installed.

The rest of the settings in the Admin Panel are pretty self-explanatory. However, some are explained below; Enabling Demo Mode will
limit users to maximum 5 groups each and disable video postings. This is intended mainly for our Online Demo, and so you should
always keep it disabled (unchecked). Automatic Role Assignments setting automatically assigns each new user the tester role, so that he
may start posting without any manual requirement to assign him the ‘Tester’ role in FB APP dashboard>>Roles. If you would like to
manually approve and assign each new user, you may disable this setting. Minimum Delay is the absolute minimum delay value that
users will have to choose while posting. They cannot lower the delay anymore than its value. Default Delay is the delay value selected by
default in the delay list box. It should be equal to, or higher than minimum delay.
C-3) Post-Installation Step. Setting up CRON–
CRON Job is necessary for scheduling posts to groups and other routine auto maintenance of the script. CRON is necessary for script to
function properly, and while you can use the script without CRON, but without a CRON running, or without CRON Scheduling enabled in
Admin Panel, the script will only allow scheduling posts to PAGES, not to GROUPS. And some other functionality will be limited as well. So
let’s configure CRON job for the script.
If you do not know what a CRON job is, then let it be known that a CRON Job simply means a task on your server that executes with
regular intervals and upon each run, runs a PHP script file present on the server. You can setup a CRON job in two ways.

1. By Using your WebHosting. The procedure of setting up a CRON Job using Webhosting depends on the type of hosting. If you have
cPanel on your hosting, you may use the below method, otherwise kindly consult your Hosting’s support for setting up a CRON Job.
In cPanel, search for the item named “CRON Jobs”. Click on it to go to the CRON Job’s page. Ideally, CRON job should run every minute.
So select every minute from common settings list box, and then you need to provide the CRON command. Here is what a typical
CRON Command looks like;

wget -O /dev/null -o /dev/null SCRIPT_URL/cron.php

Be sure to replace SCRIPT_URL with your actual script URL (Include http:// )
2. By using an external CRON service You may use an external CRON service like EasyCRON that simply accesses the desired file on
your server at regular times, thus executing the cron.php. Point the external service to the URL of cron.php file to begin executing

After setting up the CRON Job, be sure to enable CRON Scheduling in your script’s Admin Panel. Installation is now complete. Have a
drink, relax and let the script work completely automatically from now on.

D) Signing up as a User–
Its time to actually sign-up to the script as a user, so if you are logged in as the administrator, click Logout in the menu. You will now see
the login/sign-up screen. Lets create a new user.
Click Register in the login/sign-up screen.

Enter your details and signup.

You will probably be wondering what is your Facebook User ID . To find out, simply click the underlined Facebook User ID text, and a
new window (or tab) will open and take you to an external website, which will ask you for your FB Profile URL. Open Facebook, goto your
Profile page

and copy the link from address bar or via right-click

and paste into the external website page, and press Lookup Numeric ID .

You will be given your Facebook User ID. This user id is all numbers, no alphabets.

Copy this user ID, and return to the sign-up window (tab), and enter all details.
You will see a screen with message saying that you have not yet authorized the application on Facebook.
Click the Authorize button on that screen to complete the sign-up. You will be asked permissions, sent a notification on Facebook if
Automatic Role Assignment is enabled (or required by Admin to manually approve you if Automatic Role Assignment is disabled), inviting
you to become a Tester. If you do not wish to use FB APP configured in admin panel, for posting, you can skip clicking the “Authorize”
button and instead click the “Enter Access Token” button instead, after which you can get and input any third party app token for
After completing these steps, when you return to the script, you will be shown the posting screen with your pages and groups below.

Thats it, you now can make your very first post.
E) QuickStart – Creating Your First Post–
Login to the application if not logged in already. After successfully logging in, you will be taken to post creation page as shown above. 1.
Now, first of all, select the type of post you wish to make. For our quick start example, we shall make a text post, which is selected by
default. 2. Next, input the required content of the post. For text post, simply enter the text message in the text message box. 3. If you wish
to publish the post as soon as you press post, leave the “When to Post” areas blank. If you want to schedule this post to a later time, enter
date and time. Simply click on the boxes, selection boxes will pop out and you can select the date and time from it. Make sure the
Timezone selection box is displaying your correct timezone. 4. The list of pages and groups to which you are an admin or member are
displayed at bottom. You can also select your Profile to post to your own timeline. Select the pages and groups to which you wish to make
this post. Shortcuts are available to select all groups, all pages or to deselect all. 5. Finally, press the “Post” button to begin
publishing/scheduling the post. Each page/group will be sent the post with the delay specified in the config.php file, which, by default is
5 seconds. The “Post” button will be disabled while posting is in progress, and will enable itself once the process is completed. 6. You will
see the status of each page/group publication within its box. If successful, success message will be shown alongwith the post link. If any
error occurs, it will be shown as well. See the image below.

7. That concludes the quick start of posting process. From now on, you may try other post types as well. The fields for each post type are
different, but self-explanatory.

F) Types of Posts–
Five types of posts are possible for pages, for group, two are available. If you select an unsupported post type for group posting, it will be
automatically adjusted and posted as link. 1. Text Post Text post is the default post type. You may think of it as a simple status update.

1. Message (Required): Simply enter the text for the post.

2. Link Post A link post appears as link in Facebook. Parameters:

1. Link URL (Required): URL of the Link.

2. Message (Optional): A Message accompanying the Link.
3. Link Title (Optional): Title for the link. If left blank, it will be fetched automatically from the URL.
4. Link Description (Optional): A short description of the link. If left blank, it will be fetched automatically from the URL.
5. Link Caption (Optional): Link caption. If left blank, it will be fetched automatically from the URL.
6. Picture URL (Optional): An image for the link. If left blank, it will be fetched automatically from the URL.

You can specify many fields for the link, and all of them are optional except the link url. A link and its parameters appear as below in the
Facebook feed.

3. Image Post You can use online images for publishing to Facebook via this script. Parameters:
1. Image Description (Optional): A message/caption accompanying the image.
2. Image URL (Required): Online URL from where to fetch the image.

You can check “Use Image Proxy” checkbox to use images that watermark or otherwise deny Facebook image fetch. 4. Album Post Album
post is almost the same as image post, except that when you click on “POST”, you will need to specify the album to which you want to post
for each selected page. Groups do not have albums, nor photos, so for them the post will be published as link.

5. Video Post For video post, you may specify a youtube video url like for example; or a url of
a video file, or simply a relative path of a video uploaded to the server the script is running in. Remember, the video will be uploaded to
page’s videos, and posted as a link for groups. This post type will actually upload the online video to Facebook. Parameters:

1. Video Title (Optional): Title/Caption of the Video.

2. Video Description (Optional): A message/caption/description accompanying the video.
3. Video URL (Required): Online URL from where to fetch the video.

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