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Three Gems used by the Tijani Tariqah - Arabic— (English and Transliteration page 2)

Typesetting—By Abu Zara Muhammad Sajad Ali 2018

Salawat Faithi (6000 salawat salawats and Duas) Recite 11 to 100 times
َّ‫َاصرَِّالْ َح ِّقَّ َبا ْل َح َّق ََّوالْ َها َِّديَّاِلَى‬
ِ ‫اَّس َب َقَّن‬ َ ‫َّنَّالْفَاتِ ِحَّلِ َماَّاّْ ْغ ِل َقَّوالْ َخاتِ ِمَّلِ َم‬ ِ ‫ىَّس ِّي ِدنَاَّ ُم َح َّم ِد‬
َ ‫اَللَّ ُه ََّّمَّ َص ِّلَّ َع َل‬
،‫َّح َّقَّ َق ْد ِر ِه ََّوَّ ِم ْقدَا ِر ِهَّالْ َع ِظيم‬
َ ‫َّصلَّـىَّالل ُهَّ َع َل ْيـ ِه ََّو َعـ َلىَّالِـ ِه ََّو َص ْح ِب ِه‬،
َ ‫ِص َر ِاطكَ َّالْ ُم ْس َت ِقي ِم‬
From the many secrets; Reciting Salawat al-Fatihi 100 times a day is form of (Khalwa-Seclusion) that removes the Veils of the Nafs). As
100 Salawat al-Fatihi removes a Veil. So continuously for 40 days of Salawat al-Fatihi is a form of Khalwa-Seclusion! and they will re-
ceive and be dressed Lights-Nur and facilitation (make easy) of needs to such an extent that only Allah Knows.

Salawat Fatihi considered to have merits of eight categories…. He who reads it once is guaranteed the bless of the two abodes; reciting
it once atones for all sins and is equivalent to 6000 times All prayers of glorification to God, All Dhikr and All Dua, long and short which
have occurred in the Universe.

He who recites it 10 times acquires recompense greater than that due to a Wali-Saint who lived 10'000 years, but did not say it. Saying
it once is equivalent to the prayers of all angels, human beings, and Jinn from the beginning of their creation to the time when it was
uttered.... and saying is a second time is like [i.e. equivalent to the recompense of the first] plus the recompense of the first a and the
second, and so on.

(Jawharat al-Kamal -Jewel of Perfection—7 to 12 times daily)

َِّ ِ ‫اَللَّ ُه ََّّمَّ َصـ ِّل ََّو َسلِّـ ْمَّ َعـ َلىَّ َع ْيـنِ َّالـ َّر ْحـ َمـ ِةَّال َّر َّبــانِ َـيـ ِة ََّوالْ َيا ُقـ ْو َتـ ِةَّالْ ُم َت َـح ِّقـقَـ ِةَّالْ َحـائِ َط ِةَّبِ ََّمـَّْر ََكَِِّالْفُـ ُه ْو‬
َّ‫َّاَلْ َب ْر ِقَّا ْلأ ّّ ْس ََّط ِعَّبِ ُم ُِ ْو ِن‬،‫ـاح ِبَّالْ َحـ ِّقَّالـ َّر َّبانِي‬ ِ ‫ـيَّص‬َ ‫َّونُـ ْورَِّا ْلأَّّّ َْكـ َو ِانَّالْ ُم َتـ َك ِّونَـ ِةَّاْلأ َد ِم‬،‫ي‬ َ ِ‫َوالْ َم َعـان‬
َِّ ِ ِ‫َّونُـ ْو ِر َكَّالْلا َِّم ِعَّالْـ ِذ ْيَّ َمـلا ْ َتَّبِ ِهَّ ََكَّْونَكَ َّالْ َحـائ‬،‫ي‬ َ ِ‫ٍَّم َنَّالْ ُب ُح ْور ََِّوا ْلأ ّّ َوان‬ ِ ‫احَّالْ َمالِ َئ ِةَّلِ ُك ِّلَّ ُم َت َع ِّرض‬
ِ ‫ا ْلأ ّّ ْر َب‬
َّ‫شَّالْ َحقَـائِقِ َّ َع ْيــنِ َّالْ َمـ َعار ِِف‬ ُ ‫َّاَللَّ ُه ََّّمَّ َص ِّل ََّو َسلِّ ْمَّ َع َلىَّ َع ْينِ َّالْ َح ِّقَّالْتِيَّ َت َت َجلَّىَّ ِم ْن َهاَّ ُع ُر ْو‬،‫بِاّّ ْم ِك َن ِةَّالْ َمـ َكانِي‬
َّ‫َّاَللَّ ُه ََّّمَّ َصـ ِّل ََّو َسلِّـ ْمَّ َع َلىَّ َط ْل َع ِةَّالْ َحـ ِّقَّ َبالْ َحـ ِّقَّالْ َكـ ْنَِِّا ْلأ ّّ ْعـ َظ ِم‬،‫ا ْلأَّّّ ْقـ َو ِ َِّ ِص َـر ِاطـكَ َّال َّتـــا ِّ َِّا ْلأ ّّ ْسـقَــ ِم‬
،‫َّ َصـلَاةًَّتُ َع ِّرفُ َنـاَّبِ َـهاَّاِ َّيـــا ُه‬،‫َّصلَّـىَّالل ُهَّ َع َل ْيـ ِه ََّو َعـ َلىَّالِـ ِه‬ َ ‫ـاض ِتـكَ َِّم ْنـكَ َّاِلَ ْيــكَ َّاِ َحـا َطـ ِةَّال ُّنـورَِّالْ ُم َطــ ْل َسـ ِم‬ َ ‫اِ َف‬
Rewards; If you read this salawat seven times a day or more, yuhibbahu mahabbatan khaasah wa laa yamootu illa waliyyan, the
Prophet peace be upon you, will love you with a special love and you will not leave dunya without being a wali. Whoever recites this
salawaat is mentioning the highest names of Prophet peace be upon you, Allah will open for him as He opened for His awliyaullah!
Simple the Salawat Opens the Doors of Waliyah-Sainthood! And Also Tijani masters say it has the reward of 12,000 years of Ibadah of
the prophet's Nur peace be upon him, before creation and this salawat has 12 divine statements in it too.

،‫ ُد َعا ْءَّ َياَّ َم ْنَّاّّ ْظ َه َرَّالْ َج ِمي َل‬- Even greater then Dua Sayfi: Ya Man Azharal Jamil - Recite 10 times
َ ‫َّو َياَّ َع ِظَّْي ََّمَّالْ َع ْفو‬،
َّ‫َّو َيا‬،ِ َ ‫َّالس ْت َر‬ َ ‫َّولَ ْمَّ ُي َؤ ِاخ ْذَّ َبالْ َج ِر ْي َر ِة‬،
ِّ ‫َّولَ ْمَّ َي ْه ِت ِك‬، َ ‫َياَّ َم ْنَّاّّ ْظ َه َرَّالْ َج ِم ْي َل‬
َ ‫َّو َس َت َرَّالْ َقبِ ْي َح‬،
َ ‫اَّسا ِم َعََّكُ ِّلَّن َْج َو‬
َّ‫َّو َياَّ ُمَّْن َت َهى‬،‫ى‬ َ ‫َّو َياَّ َب ِاس َ َِّالْ َي َد ْينِ َّبِال َّر ْح َم ِة‬،
َ ‫َّو َي‬، َ ‫اَّو ِاسعَّالْ َم ْغ ِف َر ِة‬
َ ‫َّو َي‬،ِ
َ ‫َح َس َنَّال َّت َجا ُوز‬
َّ‫َّو َياَّ ُم ْب َت ِدئًاَّبِال ِّن َع ِمَّ َقَّْب َل‬،
َ ‫ات‬ ِ ‫َّو َياَّ ُم ِق ْي َلَّالْ َع َث َر‬،
َ ‫َّو َياَّ َع ِظ ْي َمَّالْ َم ِّن‬،َ ‫َّالص ْف ِح‬ َ ‫َكُ ِّلَّشَ ْك َو‬
َّ ‫َّو َياَّ ََك ِر ْي َم‬،‫ى‬
ِ ‫َّاّّ ْساّّلُكَ َّاّّ ْنَّ َلأَّتُشَ ِّو َه‬،‫يَّو َياَّ َم ْو َلأ َي ََّو َياَّ َغا َي َةَّ َر ْغ َب ِت ْي‬
َّ‫َّخ ْل َق ِت َّْيََّّبِ َبلَا ِءَّال ُّدنْ َيا‬ َ ‫اَّس ِّي ِد‬ َ ‫َّ َياَّ َر ِّب‬،‫ْاس ِت ْحقَا ِق َها‬
َ ‫يَّو َي‬
ِ ‫َو َلأَّبِ َع َذ‬
،ِ‫ابَّال َّنار‬
Ya Man Azharal Jamil is a Sunnah Dua, the Reward of this Dua; If all of the Angels of the seven heavens were to get together in order
to describe it, they would not succeed in fully describing it till the day of Judgment. Each of the them would describe something that
the others did not. So they would not be able to do it. among its rewards is, Allah says "I give him the reward equal to what I have cre-
ated in the seven Heavens, in Paradise, in the Fire, in the Throne and in the Footstool, as well as equal to the number of drops and the
amount of water in the sea, and the number of pebbles and grains of sand. Allah rewards the recitor with all of creation and reward of
70 Prophets all of whom had reached Nabi-Messengerhood and there is much more reward than this..
Three Gems used by the Tijani Tariqah

Salawat Faithi (6000 salawat salawats and Duas) Recite 11 to 100 times

Allahumma salli `alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadinil-faatihi limaa ughliq, wal-khaatimi limaa sabaq, naasiril-haqqi bil-haqq,
wa 'l-haadi ilaa siraatikal-mustaqeem, wa `alaa aalihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihil-`adheem.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord Muhammad who opened what was closed and who sealed what had gone before; he
makes the Truth Victorious by the Truth and he is the guide to Thy Straight Path; and bless his household as it befits
his immense stature and splendor.

It is mentioned by scholars that if you recite it one time, it is as if you recited the Dala`il al-Khayrat 600,000 times!
Another says that if you recite salawaat on the number of human beings from the time of Sayyidina Adam until
Judgment Day, that is the value of that salawaat!

(Jawharat al-Kamal—Jewel of Perfection—7 to 12 times daily)

Allahumma salli wa sallim `alaa `aynir-rahmatir-rabbaaniyati wal yaaqootatil-mutahaqqiqatil-haaitati bi-markazil-
fuhoomi wal-ma`anee. Wa nooril-akwaanil-mutakawwinatil-aadami sahibil haqqir-rabbani al barqil asta'i bi muzoonil
arbahil maliati li kulli muta'arridhin min al-buhoori wa 'l-awaani. Wa noorika 'l-laami`u 'Lladhee malaata bihi kawnaka
'l-haa'iti bi-amkinati 'l-makaani.

Allahumma salli wa sallim `alaa `ayni 'l-haqq allatee tajalla minhaa `urooshu 'l-haqaaiqi `ayni 'l-ma`aarifi 'l aqwami
siraatika 't-taami 'l- asqam.

Allahumma salli wa sallim `alaa tal`ati 'l-haqqi bil haqqi al-kanzil `azham. Ifaadatika minka ilayka ihaatati 'n-noori 'l-
mutalsam. Sallallahu `alayhi wa `alaa aalihi salaatan tu`arrifunaa bihaa iyyaah.

O Allah, send benediction upon and salute on the Essence of Divine Mercy, the Accomplished Ruby encompassing the
center of comprehensions and meanings, the Light of all created universes, the Adamic who possesses Lordly Truth;
the all-filling Lightning in the rain-clouds of gains that fill all the intervening seas and receptacles; Your Bright Light
with which You have filled Your creation and which surrounds all possible places.

O Allah, bless and salute the Essence of Truth from which are manifested the thrones of realities; the Essence of the
Most Righteous Knowledge, Your Complete and Most Straight Path.

O Allah, bless and salute the Advent of the Truth by the Truth; the Greatest Treasure, Your Outpouring from Yourself
to Yourself; the Encompassment of Talismanic Light. May Allah bless the Prophet and his household, a prayer which
brings us to knowledge of him.

Even greater then Dua Sayfi: Ya Man Azharal Jamil -Recite 10 times
Even greater then Dua Sayfi: Ya Man Azharal Jamil “O You who reveal beauty and conceal ugly things! O You who do
not take a wrongdoer to task and not tear the veil! O You who are Great Forever! O You who have the great forbear-
ance! O You who have pardon abounding! O You who have opened Your hands for mercy! O Hearer of all whisperings!
O You to whom all complaints are made! O Noble face! O Possessor of great favor! O You who give blessings to Your
servants when they do not deserve it! O our Master! O our Lord! O our Guardian! O the Goal of our desires! I beseech
You O God! not to make my being ugly with Fire.” its found in Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak.

ya man azharal jameel wa sataral qabeeh wa lam yu'aakhidh bil jareerati, wa lam yahtikis sitr ya adheemal 'afwi, ya
hasanat tajawuz ya waasi'al maghfirati, ya baasital yadayni bir-rahmah, wa yaa sami'a kulli najwaa, ya muntaha kulli
shakwaa, ya kareemas safhi, ya 'adheemal manni, wa ya muqeelal-'athrati, wa ya mubtadi'an bin-ni'ami qablas-tih-
qaaqihaa ya ya rabbi wa ya sayyidi, ya mawlaya wa ya ghaayata raghbati, as'aluka an laa tushawwiha khilqati bi-bala
ad-dunyaa wala bi-adhbin-naar.
Taken from The spirit of Good morals Shaykh Ibrahim - Islam Al Hajj Ibrahim Niass.

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