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Costs Factors
Engineering  $75,000 15%

Procurement $  125,000 25%

Construction $  300,000 60%

Totals $500,000

Cost Loading UPDATING Principle

Weighted  updating weighted

Engineering  Percentage percentage earned earned
activity costs of the 15% complete dollars Percentage
E1000 $        25,000 33% 10% $        2,500 3%
E2000 $        20,000 27% 20% $        4,000 5%
E3000 $        10,000 13% 2% $            200 0%
E4000 $        17,000 23% 5% $            850 1%
E5000 $          3,000 4% 8% $            240 0%
Totals $        75,000 $        7,790 10.4% Total Earned for Engineering
You earned 10.4% of the overall 15% 

Weighted  updating weighted

Procurement Percentage percentage earned earned
activity costs of the 25% complete dollars Percentage
P1000 $        30,000 24% 0% $            ‐ 0%
P2000 $        11,000 9% 2% $            220 0%
P3000 $          5,000 4% 12% $            600 0%
P4000 $        13,000 10% 34% $        4,420 4%
P5000 $        10,000 8% 67% $        6,700 5%
P6000 $        56,000 45% 3% $        1,680 1%
Totals $     125,000 $      13,620 10.9% Total Earned for Procurement
You earned 10.9% of the overall 25% 

Weighted  updating weighted

Construction Percentage percentage earned earned
activity costs of the 60% complete dollars Percentage
P1000 $        33,000 11% 33% $      10,890 4%
C2000 $        60,000 20% 4% $        2,400 1%
C3000 $        50,000 17% 12% $        6,000 2%
C4000 $        20,000 7% 88% $      17,600 6%
C5000 $        25,000 8% 6% $        1,500 1%
C6000 $        56,000 19% 8% $        4,480 1%
C7000 $        56,000 19% 56% $      31,360 10%
Totals $     300,000 $      74,230 24.7% Total Earned for Construction
You earned 24.7% of the overall 60% 

Grand Total Costs $     500,000 46.0% Total % Complete Based on weighted factors

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