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12119099 BACOPA MONNIERI HERB  Vallarai keerai.

Neera brahmi

12119029 AERVA LANATA HERB  சிறுபூளை

12119049 PASSIFLORA HERB DRIED  Siruppunaikkali,

33059040 BLACK HENNA
Senna  aavarai
Aloe vera
Nithya kalyani

Gotu Kola

Herbs cultivation pathi course padikanum enga solli tharuvaanga. Thoothukudi thirunelveli region la enna enna
herb grow aagum. Ena herbs ku ellam india mattrum valitaatula market irukkum

மூலிளை வைர்ப்பு பற் றி படிை்ை எதுவும் course இருை்ைா. தூத்துை்குடி , திருநெல் வேலி
மாேட்டங் களில் என்ன என்ன மூலிகக ேளர்க்களாம் . எெ் த எெ் த மூலிககக்கு
உள் ளுர் நேளி ொடு களில் மார்நகட் இருக்கும் .

Senna (Cassia angustifolia), Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus), Kanvali Kizhangu (Gloriosa superba), Marunthu Koorkan (Coleus
forskohlii), Anatto (Bixa orellana), Kadukkai (Terminalia chebula), Aswagandha (Withania somnifera), Kizhanelli (Phyllanthus
amarus), Sothu Kathazhai (Aloe vera), Thulasi (Ocimum sanctum), Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana), Pudina (Mentha piperita), Thyme
(Thymus vulgaris), Geranium (Geranium aconitifolium) among which, 5321 Hectares is under cultivation of Gloriosa superba followed
by Coleus (Coleus forskohlii) for 3869 Hectares.

S.No Crop Area (in ha) Production (in Productivity

MT) (MT/ha)

1 Senna 1718 1959 1.14

2 Periwinkle 272 435 1.6

3 Lemon grass 1480 33323 22.52

4 Vanila 361 1874 5.19

5 Coleus 456 7911 17.37

6 Glory lily 3886 4036 1.04

7 Others 1865 1936 1.04

Coleus forskohlii, Gloriosa superba, Solanum nigrum, Gymnema sylvestre,
Andrographis paniculata, Plumbago zeylanica, Phyllanthus amarus, Cassia
angustifolia, Catharanthus roseus and aromatic crops like vetiver, palmarosa.
1. Coriander /Dhania

All you need is to sow a row of whole coriander seeds from your kitchen in a pot on a
sunny window sill in early spring. Don’t over-water the plant at any point. Soon you’ll
see little shoots of coriander that can be plucked and used as this everyday herb as a
garnish for your food. Refreshing and light, coriander, dhania or cilantro partners
brilliantly with all Indian food

2. Spear Mint/Pudina

If you happen to have bought mint stalks with roots, you can just plant them (after using
the leaves) in a pot. Very easy to grow, once mint takes root it is quite a prolific herb. It
is recommended that you grow it in a pot otherwise this invasive herb can take over
your green patch. The flavorful green leaves of mint that will let you make the freshest
of chutneys, and brighten up your raita.
3. Holy Basil/Tulsi


A sacred herb that grows in many Indian homes, tulsi requires plenty of sunlight and
water. It should be planted right before the monsoon, under intense heat and allowed to
grow through the rain and cooler climate. The leaves have warm, spicy flavor. Add a
few leaves of tulsi to flavour your tea and to heal throat infections, cold and cough. Also
try a crushed leaf of this home grown herb on a stinging insect bite for natural relief.
4. Lemongrass


You can grow lemongrass by rooting a market-bought stalk. First keep it in a jar of
water. Change the water every day till the lemongrass grows about 2 inch tall and then
transfer it to a sunny pot and keep it hydrated. Most people use lemongrass to infuse
flavour into their teas, but it can be also be used to make flavoured pasta sauce, Thai
curries and marinades.
5. Curry Leaves/ Kadi Patta

The fragrant curry leaf plant needs abundant sunlight. So keep it under direct sunlight
for most part of the year except in hot summers. While seeds work well, stem cuttings
(about 3 inch long) are the easiest way to plant it. Leftover curd or buttermilk serve as
excellent home produced fertilizers that promote the growth of this plant that is known
for its distinct flavour.

6. Carom/ Ajwain


Growing the ajwain plant is easy. It does not require too much sunlight or water. The
beautiful ridged leaves of the ajwain plant are edible and an easy home remedy for
tummy upsets. Add it to raita, sprinkle on to salads for a fresh taste or chew a few
leaves for an instant natural mouth freshener! Interestingly, according to Feng Shui, this
plant is a lucky for your house
7. Dill/ Sowa Bhaji


The Dill plant likes well-drained, sunny spots and shelter from wind. Use stalks to lend
support to the plant that dislikes being transplanted, and is best sown directly in spring.
Both, the seeds and the leaves of this herb have a sharp, slightly bitter taste.
Extensively in South Indian cooking, Dill can also be used to flavor fish, soups, salads,
meat, poultry, omelets and potatoes.
8. Chilli Pepper/ Mirchi

A signature herb of Indian cuisine, Indian chillies are an ideal candidate for herb
gardening at home. Just grab a dried red chilli from your spice jar, break the chilli and
gather the seeds for sowing. Allow them to germinate in a seed tray before
transplanting the delicate saplings into a bigger pot when they reach a 4 or 6 leaf stage.
Chilli plants love heat and water in equal measure, and they will do best in a spot that
gets loads of sunshine.

9. Thyme


Sow the Thyme seeds in early March, with the spacing of six inches between two
seeds. Thyme needs light sunshine, grows slowly from seed and should be allowed a
few months of growth to become well established, before cutting. You can use the
intensely aromatic thyme leaves in a marinade for meat and fish or add it to flavour rice
and stir-fried veggies. The blossoms are also edible flowers.
10. Parsley


Sow Parsley seeds in mid-spring for a summer harvest of parsley, and mid-summer for
a winter harvest. To enhance germination, soak seeds overnight and plant them fairly
close together as they thrive on competition. It has a long germination period, around
three to four weeks, so be patient. Picking parsley often helps it grow. Parsley is
popularly used as garnish in salads, pastas and sauces.
11. Rosemary

Rosemary is usually propagated by cuttings as seeds can be difficult to germinate.

Once it has taken root, this perennial, woody shrub will thrive for years. It grows well in
well-drained alkaline soil and hot sunny climates. Prune it regularly so that the plant
doesn’t get spindly. Rosemary has a strong aroma and flavor and is generally used in
Mediterranean cuisine.

12. Indian Sorrel/ Chaangeri


A well documented ayurvedic herb useful in vitamin C deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis,

indigestion and diarrhea, Chaangeri or Indian Sorrel has a delicious sweet-sour taste. It
grows best in sunlight but doesn’t mind a shady patch under the shrubs. The flowers,
fruit and leaves are completely edible and can be blended with coriander, mint and raw
mango to make a great green chutney.

Now that you know it’s this easy, just pull on your gardening gloves and get started on
you very own herb patch. You’ll never have to send out for a bunch of coriander or
curry leaves again! After all, there really is nothing like food with a sprinkle of herbs
freshly picked from your own kitchen garden!

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